THEA 1023: Introduction to Film – HONORS! TR 10:00-11:15 a.m. Course Description A look at the Art of Film – how it influences lives, and how lives influence the art. Students will view films from many different genres, offer analysis, and gain an appreciation for the many collaborative crafts involved in the filmmaking process. (Fall, Spring, Summer) Course Meeting Times and Location Some M/R Most T/R 5:00–7:00 p.m. 10:00–11:15 a.m. Screenings Class Seminar LIB 201A LIB 201A Course Instructors Kyle Bishop Office: Office Hours: Telephone: Email: BC 300G MW 8:30–10:00 a.m. & R 3:00–4:00 p.m. 435-586-7804 Peter Sham Office: Office Hours: Telephone: Email: SH 203 MWF 11:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. & 3:00–4:00 p.m. 435-865-8676 Course Learning Outcomes Successful students will complete this course demonstrating competency in the following Film and Screen Studies program learning outcomes. These outcomes will be reinforced through instruction, practice, and formative assessment. Students’ efforts will be summatively assessed via a number of interrelated assignments, quizzes, and projects, as indicated below. Outcomes Activities Assessment Identify, describe, and compare the structural features of film using mediumspecific critical language Readings and seminars Biji journals, quizzes and in-class writing assignments, and a written film review Analyze cinematic texts and narratives from various cultures and historical periods to recognize and value different human perspectives and experiences Readings, screenings, and seminars Biji journals, in-class writing assignments, and a written film review Produce a short film Readings, screenings, seminars, and film production process Short film Required Text Barsam, Richard and Dave Monahan, eds. Looking at Movies: An Introduction to Film. 4th ed. New York: Norton, 2012. ISBN: 978-0393913026 Recommended Supplies • • A binder or notebook with ruled paper for in-class writing and note taking A jump drive for backing up all course work and materials Course Expectations, Standards, and Policies Attendance: Attendance is not required for this course; however, those wishing to get the most out of the learning environment will come as often as possible. Material presented and experiences shared in class will not be reproduced or repeated. Class Decorum and Behavior: During class, students should listen attentively, engage respectfully in discussions, and take notes. They are also expected to come to class prepared and to participate in all in-class assignments and activities. Cell phones must be set to silent for the duration of class, and students should not distract others with inappropriate behavior or electronic devices. Late/Make-up Work: Late work will not be accepted, and make-up options will not be available. In extenuating circumstances, exceptions may be made in advance and at the instructor’s discretion. Content Disclaimer Representative films have been carefully chosen based on their quality, not their MPAA rating. Students may opt out of any assigned film screening, but no alternative will be provided. Course Assignments Seminar: [10% of course grade] All students will participate in weekly seminars, preparing for the class discussion in advance and sharing comments respectfully in class. Additionally, each student will take a turn leading a class seminar of about 30 minutes. Biji Journals: [10% of course grade] Students will write weekly entries in a notebook or biji reflecting on the material studied in the textbook and how it applies to the example films studied for class. Students will assess their own journals at midterm and at the end of the semester, assigning themselves a letter grade accompanied by a statement justifying that grade. Quizzes and In-Class Writing Assignments: [30% of course grade] Every Tuesday, students will take a 10-question quiz on the reading assignment for that week. Occasionally, students will write in-class assignments, responses, and scene analyses as the instructors deem necessary. Film Review: [20% of course grade] Students will compose a 1000-word critical film review of a current movie not already being studied by the class. These reviews should employ close reading, analysis, and the application of the cinematic principles studied in the course. Students should consult example reviews from Entertainment Weekly, The New York Times, Variety, or from reputable reviewers such as Leonard Maltin and Roger Ebert. Students may hand multiple drafts of the review in for instructor feedback prior to the final deadline. Course Assignments (continued) Short Film: [30% of course grade] To demonstrate their understanding of basic film principles, student teams will create their own 3-5 minute short films. Teams will write their own screenplays (adaptations are encouraged), storyboard a shot list, organize their own production team (actors, designers, etc.), shoot the film, and edit the final cut. Films must then be published to YouTube and the link distributed to the instructors and the rest of the class by 5 p.m. on the University Study Day. Films will be formally screened as part of the “final exam” period, followed by an awards ceremony. Students will use team rubrics to assess how they and their team members did during the production process (self-assessment: 20%; average team assessment: 20%), and the instructors will use a different rubric to assess the final product (60%; 30 from each instructor). Grading Policy Quizzes will be graded objectively; other assignments and course work will be self-assessed, graded via rubrics, and/or carefully assessed subjectively by the course instructors and assigned assessment points. At the end of the semester, grades will be averaged and weighted as indicated above, and students’ final grades will be determined based on the table below: PERCENTAGE RANGE 93 to 100% 90 to 92% GRADE GPA OBSERVATION A A- 4.0 3.67 Exceptional: Student has successfully demonstrated significantly advanced achievement in, and understanding and application of, all course material. They have performed well above expectations in attitude, effort, assignments, preparation, participation, focus and progress. 87 to 89% 83 to 86% 80 to 82% B+ B B- 3.33 3.0 2.67 Above-average performance: Student has gone beyond expectations, demonstrating extra competence in and application of course material. Student has made extra effort in all assignments, preparations and lessons, and shown above-average progress. 77 to 79% 73 to 76% 70 to 72% C+ C C- 2.33 2.0 1.67 Average performance: All work complete and on-time, adherence to policies, no extra or remarkable effort. 67 to 69% 63 to 66% 60 to 62% D+ D D- 1.33 1.0 0.67 Below-average: has not demonstrated significant performance, understanding or effort in course material. This is a failing grade for all majors. 59 and below F 0 Poor to unacceptable performance: student has not met the minimum requirements or effort for the course. Fine Print Academic Integrity Policy: Scholastic dishonesty is intolerable and will be prosecuted fully. Any student caught deliberately plagiarizing work will immediately fail that assignment and possibly the entire course. Students are expected to have read and understood the current issue of the student handbook (published by Student Services) regarding student responsibilities and rights, and the intellectual property policy, for information about procedures and about what constitutes acceptable on-campus behavior. Fine Print (continued) SANS: Professors and instructors at SUU care about student success; as a result, the faculty participate in the Student Assessment Notification System (SANS), an early alert program designed to provide peer mentor support and resources. Students struggling in this course will receive a notice of concern from their instructor through SANS and should use the support resources offered them through this system. Accommodation of Students with Disabilities: Students with medical, psychological, learning, or other disabilities desiring academic adjustments, accommodations, or auxiliary aids will need to contact the Southern Utah University Coordinator of Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) in Room 206F of the Sharwan Smith Center or by phone (435) 865-8022. SSD determines eligibility for and authorizes the provision of services. Sexual Harassment: This course will observe the university’s policy for avoiding sexual harassment. However, because film imitates human behavior and because sexuality is a significant part of human behavior, some materials in this course may deal with sexual behaviors, situations, stereotypes, and language. People easily offended by such subject matter may want to reconsider taking this course. Emergency Management: In case of emergency, the University's Emergency Notification System (ENS) will be activated. Students are encouraged to maintain updated contact information using the link on the homepage of the mySUU portal. In addition, students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the Emergency Response Protocols posted in each classroom. Detailed information about the University's emergency management plan can be found at <>. HEOA Compliance: The sharing of copyrighted material through peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing, except as provided under U.S. copyright law, is prohibited by law. Detailed information can be found at <>. Disclaimer: Information contained in this syllabus—other than the grading, late assignments, makeup work, and attendance policies—may be subject to change with advance notice. Tentative Schedule Week 1 Tuesday, January 7 Introduction to the course and discussion of syllabus Personal introductions Thursday, January 9 Discussion of learning outcomes and course assignments Organization of production teams and assigning of basic roles (for example): (1) Director, boom operator, sound designer, etc. (2) Director of photography, cinematographer, camera operator, editor (3) Screenwriter, story boarder, production designer, costumer (4) Casting director, lighter, grip, etc. Week 2 Monday, January 13 Screening of Juno in LIB 201A at 5 p.m. (also available on library reserve) Tuesday, January 14 Looking at Movies Chapter 1: “Introduction” Juno (2007) Thursday, January 16 Student-lead seminars on Juno Screening of The Godfather in LIB 201A at 5 p.m. (also available on library reserve) Week 3 Tuesday, January 21 LAM Chapter 2: “Principles of Film Form” The Godfather (1972) Thursday, January 23 Student-lead seminars on The Godfather Week 4 Monday, January 27 Screening of Raising Arizona in LIB 201A at 5 p.m. (also available on library reserve) Tuesday, January 28 LAM Chapter 3: “Types of Movies” Raising Arizona (1987) Thursday, January 30 Student-lead seminars on Raising Arizona Week 5 Monday, February 3 Screening of To Kill a Mockingbird in LIB 201A at 5 p.m. (also available on library reserve) Tuesday, February 4 LAM Chapter 4: “Elements of Narrative” To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) Thursday, February 6 Student-lead seminars on To Kill a Mockingbird Tentative Schedule (continued) Week 6 Monday, January 10 Screening of Citizen Kane in LIB 201A at 5 p.m. (also available on library reserve) Tuesday, February 11 LAM Chapter 5: “Mise-en-scene” Citizen Kane (1941) Thursday, February 13 Student-lead seminars on Citizen Kane Screening of Jaws in LIB 201A at 5 p.m. (also available on library reserve) Week 7 Tuesday, February 18 LAM Chapter 6: “Cinematography” Jaws (1975) Thursday, February 20 Student-lead seminars on Jaws Week 8 Monday, February 24 Screening of Kramer vs. Kramer in LIB 201A at 5 p.m. (also available on library reserve) Tuesday, February 25 LAM Chapter 7: “Acting” Kramer vs. Kramer (1979) Thursday, February 27 Student-lead seminars on Kramer vs. Kramer Week 9 Tuesday, March 4 Preproduction: Screenwriting/screenplay Thursday, March 6 No Class: Work on screenplays in production groups Spring Break Week 10 Tuesday, March 18 Preproduction: Storyboarding, shot list, casting, location work, production design, rehearsal, etc. Thursday, March 20 No Class: Work on preproduction efforts in production groups Week 11 Monday, March 24 Screening of Psycho in LIB 201A at 5 p.m. (also available on library reserve) Tuesday, March 25 LAM Chapter 8: “Editing” Psycho (1960) Tentative Schedule (continued) Week 11 (continued) Thursday, March 27 Student-lead seminars on Psycho Week 12 Monday, March 31 Screening of 2001: A Space Odyssey in LIB 201A at 5 p.m. (also available on library reserve) Tuesday, April 1 LAM Chapter 9: “Sound” 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) Thursday, April 3 Student-lead seminars on 2001: A Space Odyssey Week 13 Monday, April 7 Screening of Singing in the Rain in LIB 201A at 5 p.m. (also available on library reserve) Tuesday, April 8 No Class: The Festival of Excellence Thursday, April 10 LAM Chapter 10: “Film History” Singing in the Rain (1952) Week 14 Monday, April 14 Screening of TBD film at Movies 8 (time TBD) Tuesday, April 15 LAM Chapter 11: “Filmmaking Technologies and Production Systems” Film TBD Thursday, April 17 Film Reviews due on Canvas by 5 p.m. Student-lead seminars on TBD film Week 15 Tuesday, April 22 No Class: Work on production/postproduction in production groups Thursday, April 24 No Class: Work on postproduction in production groups Friday, April 25 Short Films posted to YouTube and links distributed by 5 pm. Final Period Thursday, May 1, 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Public Screenings Awards Ceremony! What’s Expected of You! TEAM RUBRIC 1-Unacceptable 2-Needs Improvement 3-Standard Collaboration Will not help, ignores partners Sometimes willing to help partners Shares work when asked and listens to partners Creativity Never thinks of other ideas to solve a problem Occasionally has a new idea, but little follow through Has new ideas but will not share with others Task/Focus Consistently talking to others in room, rarely works on task Sometimes talks about unrelated subjects Usually follows the task and talks only to partner Preparedness Never has supplies or willing to find proper place in task Looks through to task to find place and sometimes borrows supplies Uses daily wrap-up to find place in task Skillfulness Makes no effort to learn new skills Satisfies with answering questions, but no real understanding Has general idea of task. Able to answer specific questions. 4-Exemplary Willingly explains things to partner and will use partner’s ideas Develops new ideas or ways of doing things. Products exceed requirements Always follows the steps of the task and sometimes goes beyond the concepts Arrives early for class and necessities for the day's work are ready Has clear idea of task and its relationship to technology and education