Grade 11 and 12 IB Biology Course Syllabus 2014

 Grade 11 and 12 IB Biology Course Syllabus 2014-­‐2015 Teacher: Room Number: Office Hours: E-­‐Mail Address: Course Website: J. Gore A303 7:30am – 3:30pm, please contact me by email to schedule some time to visit if you need additional help in class https://teachersh.scis-­‐ Course Description IB Biology is a two year program that has two levels Standard Level (SL) and High Level (HL). Total teaching hours of SL is 150 and HL 240 that includes 40 hour labs for SL students and 60 hours for HL students. Both HL and SL students are supposed to learn core topics and complete required practical work hours. In addition to core topics, HL students are supposed to learn AHL topics. Both SL and HL students chose two Options. IB Biology course covers many biology topics and train students to develop research skills as well as critical thinking skills. Moreover, IB Biology course helps students to understand interdisciplinary connections. IB BIOLOGY TOPICS TOPIC 1: Cell Biology TOPIC 2: Molecular Biology TOPIC 3: Genetics TOPIC 4: Ecology TOPIC 5: Evolution and biodiversity TOPIC 6: Human physiology TOPIC 7: Nucleic acids (AHL) TOPIC 8: Metabolism, cell respiration and photosynthesis (AHL) TOPIC 9: Plant biology (AHL) TOPIC 10: Genetics and evolution (AHL) TOPIC 11: Animal Physiology (AHL) OPTION A: Neurobiology and Behavior OPTION B: Biotechnology and bioinformatics OPTION C: Ecology and conservation OPTION D: Human physiology © Hangzhou International School / Shanghai Community International School Central Office: 1161 Hongqiao Road, Shanghai 200051 CHINA Phone: 86-­‐21-­‐6261-­‐4338 Curriculum Website: 1
Assessment tools: Quizzes, project work, home works, class works, lab reports according to IB assessment criteria, topic tests are the assessment tools. Your overall IB score is dependent upon how you do on the internal assessments 20%, and final exam papers 80%. Your course grade listed on the SCIS transcript will closely mirror your predicted IB grade and is determined from the following: 20% Lab Reports 30% Unit Tests 10% Quiz 40% Semester Exam Classroom Expectations All students should strive to represent the IB learner profile: Inquirers Open-­‐minded Knowledgeable Caring Thinkers Risk-­‐takers Communicators Balanced Principled Reflective © Hangzhou International School / Shanghai Community International School Central Office: 1161 Hongqiao Road, Shanghai 200051 CHINA Phone: 86-­‐21-­‐6261-­‐4338 Curriculum Website: 