DRAFT LETTER OF OFFER (Private & Confidential) For Equity Shareholders of the Company Only [The Company was originally incorporated as Cosmopolitan Builders and Hoteliers Private Limited vide certificate of incorporation dated 16/03/1979. Subsequently, the company was converted into a public limited company and the name was changed to Cosmopolitan Builders and Hoteliers Ltd. Further, the name of the company was changed to “Cosmopolitan Hotels Ltd.” vide fresh certificate of incorporation dated 29/04/1982. The company is renamed as “CHL Ltd” vide fresh certificate of incorporation dated 11/12/1997] Registered Office: Hotel Crowne Plaza, New Friends Colony, New Delhi 110 025 Tel: +91-011-2683 5070, 4167 2222; Fax: +91-011- 2683 7758, 2683 6288 Contact person: Mr. G.J. Varadarajan, Company Secretary & Compliance Officer Email: cs@chl.co.in; Website: www.crowneplazadelhi.com ISSUE OF 54,81,829 EQUITY SHARES OF RS. 10/- EACH AT A PREMIUM OF RS. 40/- PER SHARE AGGREGATING TO RS.2740.91 LACS ON RIGHTS BASIS TO THE EXISTING EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS OF THE COMPANY IN THE RATIO OF 1 (ONE) EQUITY SHARE FOR EVERY 2 (TWO) EQUITY SHARES (I.E. 1:2) HELD ON [••] (RECORD DATE). THE FACE VALUE OF THE EQUITY SHARE IS RS. 10/- PER SHARE AND THE ISSUE PRICE IS 5 TIMES OF THE FACE VALUE. GENERAL RISKS Investment in equity and equity related securities involves a degree of risk and investors should not invest any funds in this issue unless they can afford to take the risk of losing their investment. Investors are advised to read the risk factors carefully before taking an investment decision in this Issue. For taking an investment decision, investors must rely on their own examination of the Issuer and the Issue including the risks involved. The securities have not been recommended or approved by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) nor does SEBI guarantee the accuracy or the adequacy of this document. The attention of investors is drawn to the statement of Risk Factors beginning on page no. vi of this Letter of Offer. ISSUER’S ABSOLUTE RESPONSIBILITY The Issuer, having made all reasonable inquiries, accepts responsibility for, and confirms that this Letter of Offer contains all information with regard to the Issuer and the Issue, which is material in context of the Issue, that the information contained in this Letter of Offer is true and correct in all material respects and is not misleading in any material respect, that the opinions and intentions, expressed herein are honestly held and that there are no other facts, the omission of which makes this document as a whole or any of such information or the expression of any such opinions or intentions misleading in any material respect. LISTING The existing Equity shares of the company are listed on Bombay Stock Exchange Limited (BSE), (Designated Stock Exchange) and Delhi Stock Exchange (DSE). The Company has received in-principle approvals from BSE vide its letter no. [••] dated [••] and DSE vide its letter no [••] dated [••] for listing of the equity shares being issued in terms of this Letter of Offer. LEAD MANAGER TO THE ISSUE KEYNOTE CORPORATE SERVICES LIMITED 4th Floor, Balmer Lawrie Building, 5, J. N. Heredia Marg, Ballard Estate, Mumbai - 400001 Tel : +91 -022 -30266000-3 Fax: + 91 -022 -22694323 E-mail: mbd@keynoteindia.net Website: www.keynoteindia.net SEBI Regn. No.: INM 000003606 ISSUE OPENS ON [••] REGISTRAR TO THE ISSUE BEETAL FINANCIAL & COMPUTER SERVICES (P) LTD BEETAL HOUSE, 3rd Floor, 99 Madangir, Behind Local Shopping Centre, New Delhi- 110062. Tel.: +91-011-29961281; Fax: +91-011-29961284 Website: www.beetalfinancial.com E-mail: chl@beetalfinancial.com SEBI Registration No.: INR 000000262 LAST DATE FOR RECEIVING REQUESTS FOR SPLIT FORMS [••] ISSUE CLOSES ON [••] I. TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX CONTENTS Definitions and Abbreviations Certain Conventions; Use of Market Data Forward Looking Statements RISK FACTORS PART I INTRODUCTION Summary General Information Capital Structure Objects of the Issue Basis for Issue Price Statement of Tax Benefits ABOUT THE COMPANY Industry Overview Business Overview Regulations and Policies History Management Promoters Promoter Group Companies PART II FINANCIAL INFORMATION Auditors’ Report Management’s Discussion and Analysis LEGAL AND OTHER INFORMATION Outstanding Litigations and Defaults Material Developments Government Approvals REGULATORY AND STATUTORY DISCLOSURES Authority for the Issue Prohibition by SEBI Disclaimer Clause Filing Stock Market Data OFFERING INFORMATION MAIN PROVISIONS OF ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION OTHER INFORMATION Material Contracts and Documents for Inspections PART III Declarations Page Nos. i iv v vi 1 7 11 17 21 23 31 35 40 42 46 58 60 68 84 90 97 98 99 99 99 103 104 106 123 132 134 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DEFINITIONS/ABBREVIATIONS CONVENTIONAL / GENERAL TERMS Term Act Depositories Act Depository FY/ Financial year or Fiscal Year Security Certificate Security(ies) SE/ Stock Exchange(s) Description The Companies Act, 1956 and subsequent amendments thereto The Depositories Act, 1996 as amended from time to time A Depository registered with SEBI under the SEBI (Depositories & Participant) Regulations, 1996 as amended from time to time The twelve months ended March 31st of a particular year Equity Share Certificate Equity Share(s) BSE ISSUE RELATED TERMS Term Articles Board BSE/Designated Stock Exchange CAF Directors Equity Shareholders Equity Shares Lead Manager/ LM Issue/ Rights Issue Issue Price Issuer/ Company/ CHL Letter of Offer/ LOO/ Offer Document Description Articles of Association of CHL Limited Board of Directors of CHL Limited Bombay Stock Exchange Limited Composite Application Form Directors on the Board of CHL Limited Equity Shareholders of the Company whose name appear as: Beneficial Owners as per the list furnished by the depositories in respect of Equity Shares held in electronic form and On the Register of Members of the Company in respect of the Equity Shares held in Physical form Equity Shares of the Company of Rs.10/- each Lead Manager to the Issue i.e. Keynote Corporate Services Limited Issue of 54,81,829 equity shares of Rs. 10/- each at a premium of Rs. 40/- per share aggregating Rs.2740.91 lacs on rights basis to the existing equity shareholders of the company in the ratio of 1 (one) equity share for every 2 (two) equity shares (i.e. 1:2) held on [•] (record date) as per this Letter of Offer. Rs.50/- per share (Face value of Rs.10/- per share) CHL Limited This Letter of Offer dated [•] circulated to the Equity Shareholders and filed with the Stock Exchanges. ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviations AGM CDSL CLB DCA DIN DP Full Form Annual General Meeting Central Depository Services (India) Limited Company Law Board Department of Company Affairs Director Identification Number Depository Participant i CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Abbreviations EGM EPS FCNR Account FDI FEMA FI FII (s) GOI NA NAV NR NRE Account NRI(s) NRO Account NSDL NOF MOU PAN PAT PBDT PBIDT PBT PAT P/E Ratio ROC ROI RBI SCRR SEBI Full Form Extraordinary General Meeting Earnings Per Share Foreign Currency Non Resident Account Foreign Direct Investment Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 read with rules and regulations there under and amendments thereto Financial Institution Foreign Institutional Investors registered with SEBI under applicable laws Government of India Not Applicable Net Asset Value Non Resident Non Resident External Account Non Resident Indians Non Resident Ordinary Account National Securities Depository Limited Net Owned Funds Memorandum of Understanding Permanent Account Number Profit After Tax Profit Before Depreciation and Tax Profit Before Interest Depreciation and Tax Profit Before Tax Profit After Tax Price/Earnings Registrar of Companies, NCR of Delhi and Haryana, New Delhi Return on Investment Reserve Bank of India Securities Contracts (Regulations) Rules, 1957 as amended from time to time. Securities and Exchange Board of India COMPANY/INDUSTRY RELATED TERMS Term CAMP CAGR CEA CEB CST CIT FCNR Account FIPB GOI GDA Description Customer Asset Management Process Compounded Annual Growth Rate Central Electricity Authority Central Electricity Board Central Sales Tax Commissioner of Income Tax Foreign Currency Non Resident Account Foreign Investment Promotion Board Government of India Ghaziabad Development Authority ii CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Term ITAT NOIDA RTGS SICA USD Description Income Tax Appellate Tribunal New Okhla Industrial Development Authority Real Time Gross Settlement Sick Industrial Companies Act U S Dollar iii CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CERTAIN CONVENTIONS; USE OF MARKET DATA In this Letter of Offer, unless the context otherwise requires, all references to one gender also refers to another gender and the word "Lakh" or "Lac" means "one hundred thousand" and the word "million" means "ten lac" and the word "Crore" means "ten million" and the word “One hundred crore” means “One Billion”. In this Letter of Offer, any discrepancy in any table between total and the sum of the amounts listed are due to rounding-off. Throughout this Letter of Offer, all figures have been expressed in Lacs unless otherwise stated. All references to “India” contained in this Letter of Offer are to the Republic of India. For additional definitions used in this Letter of Offer, see the section “Definitions and Abbreviations” on page i of this Letter of Offer. Industry data used throughout this Letter of Offer has been obtained from industry publications and other authenticated published data. Industry publications generally state that the information contained in those publications has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable but that their accuracy and completeness are not guaranteed and their reliability cannot be assured. Although the Company believes that the industry data used in this Letter of Offer is reliable, it has not been independently verified. Similarly, internal Company reports, while believed by the Company to be reliable, have not been verified by any independent sources. CURRENCY OF PRESENTATION In this Letter of Offer, all references to “Rupees” and “Rs.” are to the legal currency of India. iv CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS This Letter of Offer contains certain “forward-looking statements”. These forward looking statements can generally be identified by words or phrases such as “aim”, “anticipate”, “believe”, “expect”, “estimate”, “intend”, “objective”, “plan”, “project”, “shall”, “will”, “will continue”, “will pursue” or other words or phrases of similar import. Similarly, statements that describe the objectives, plans or goals also are forwardlooking statements. All forward looking statements are subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions about the company that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contemplated by the relevant forward-looking statement. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the expectations include, among others: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ General economic and business conditions in India; The ability to successfully implement the strategy, growth and expansion plans and technological changes; Changes in the value of Rupee and other currency changes; Changes in the Indian and international interest rates; Changes in fiscal, economic or political conditions in India ; Changes in laws and regulations that apply to the customers of the Company; Increasing competition and the conditions of the customers of the Company and Changes in political conditions in India. For further discussion of factors that could cause actual results to differ, please see the section titled “Risk Factors” beginning on page no. vi of this Letter of Offer. By their nature, certain market risk disclosures are only estimates and could be materially different from what actually occurs in the future. As a result, actual future gains or losses could materially differ from those that have been estimated. Neither the Company, the Directors, any member of the Lead Manager team nor any of their respective affiliates have any obligation to update or otherwise revise any statements reflecting circumstances arising after the date hereof or to reflect the occurrence of underlying events, even if the underlying assumptions do not come to fruition. In accordance with SEBI requirements, the Company and the Lead Manager will ensure that investors in India are informed of material developments until such time as the grant of listing and trading permission by the Stock Exchanges. v CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SECTION I - RISK FACTORS An investment in equity shares involves a high degree of risk. The investors shall carefully consider all of the information in this Letter of Offer, in evaluating the Company and its business, including the risks and uncertainties described below, before making any investment decision. If any of the following risks actually occur, the business, financial condition and results of operations may suffer, the trading price of the Equity Shares could decline, and the investors may lose all or part of their investment. Unless specified or quantified in the relevant risk factors below, the financial or other implications of any of the risks described in this section cannot be quantified: INTERNAL RISK FACTORS AND RISKS RELATING TO COMPANY’S BUSINESS 1. Outstanding Litigations/disputes/cases pending against the Company/ Promoters / Directors and Group companies I. Litigations against the Company The Company is involved in certain legal proceedings, incidental to its business and operations, which if determined against the Company, could have an adverse impact on the results of its operations and financial condition. The Summary of the litigations is as follows: Litigations No. of Cases Cases Against the Company Income Tax Related - At CIT – Appeal/ITAT stage - At High Court stage Civil Labour related Cases filed by the Company Civil Cases Financial implications where quantifiable (Rs. in Lacs) 7 1 5 2 335.37 66.39 277.00 Not Quantifiable 1 0.50 For details of pending litigations please refer to “Legal and other Information” commencing on page no.90 II. Litigations pending against Group Companies There are 4 litigations involving an amount of Rs.443.83 lacs pending against one of the group company. For details of pending litigations please refer to “Legal and other Information” commencing on page no.90 III. Litigations against the Directors Some of our directors are involved in certain legal proceedings, summary of which is as follows: vi CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sr. No Particulars No. of cases/disputes 1. Criminal Cases 2. Civil and Others Cases 3. Securities related 2 3 3 Amount involved where quantifiable (Rs. in lacs) Nil 24.14 Nil For details of pending litigations please refer to “Legal and other Information” commencing on page no. 90 2. Contingent liabilities The details of contingent liabilities not provided for as per the Balance Sheet for period ended 31/03/2008 is as follows: (Rs. in lacs) Particulars As on March 31st,2008 Demand claims not acknowledged as debt or which are under litigation 8.00 Bank guarantees furnished 13.88 Disputed demand for taxes, duties and other levies pending adjudication in 335.37 appeal Total 357.25 In the event, any of the contingent liabilities materialize, it may have an adverse effect on the company’s financial condition and future financial performance. 3. The success of our business is highly dependent on our ability to attract customers to our hotel Various factors affect the customer footfalls, including choice of location and geographical region. Factors such as the regional economy, weather conditions, natural disasters, social unrest as well as government regulations may also affect the result of our operations. 4. The success of our business is dependant on supply chain management We strive to keep optimum inventory at our hotel to control our working capital requirements. A strong supply chain management system is essential to ensure availability of required goods at hotel. Food and grocery items require efficient supply chain management as this involves items which are perishable or have limited shelf life. Inefficient supply chain management could adversely affect the results from operations. 5. Our revenues are seasonal in nature Our revenues are generally higher during the 7 months period (September – March) of each fiscal year as compared to the entire fiscal year. Any disturbances/disruptions during the period may lead to reduction in our revenues and can have a material adverse impact on our financial performance. Further, our revenues are generally lower during April to August. As a result, the quarter to quarter comparison of historical results may not be accurate or a meaningful indicator of our performance. 6. Increased competition in the hotel sector may adversely affect the operation of our hotel. We compete for guests with other hotels in a highly competitive industry. Our success would be dependant on our ability to compete in areas such as room rates, quality of accommodation, service vii CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ levels, brand recognition among others. Most of our current operations are in Delhi where we face competition from existing hotel players and will also have to compete with any new hotel properties coming up in the city. There can be no assurance that new or existing competitors will not significantly lower rates or offer greater convenience, services or amenities or significantly expand or improve facilities in the market in which we operate. Such developments would affect our ability to compete with them and have a negative impact on our profitability and financial condition. 7. Our existing business is confined to one state and one country. Presently we are operating only one 5 star deluxe hotel property located in Delhi. This results in risk of concentration of business. Any law and order problem in Delhi may affect our operations. 8. We have group companies/ ventures that have activities similar to our business. Some of our group companies like Mela Hotels Ltd., CHL (South) Hotels Ltd. are in the same line of business and to that extent, there might be some conflict in the interest. 9. Attracting and Retaining Key personnel The success of any company depends upon its management team and key personnel and the Company’s ability to attract and retain such persons. The resignation or loss of key management personnel may have an adverse impact on our business. The hotel services heavily depends on the interaction by the qualified and skilled personnel with the customers. 10. Loss making group companies The following group companies have made losses during one or more of the last three financial years as per the company’s financial results. (Rs. in Lacs) For the Year Ended 31st March Name of the Entities 2007 2006 2005 Kyjol Entertainment Media Private Limited 83.86 12.54 (0.69) Mela Hotels Limited (39.19) (26.06) (21.27) CHL (South) Hotels Limited (119.08)* 31.72 * figures for period of 18 months ended on 30th Sep. 2007 * EXTERNAL RISK FACTORS 1. The hotel industry is subject to significant regulations. We are subject to numerous laws and regulations in all of the jurisdictions in which we operate, including those relating to the preparation and sale of food and beverages, safety norms, health, excise and entertainment licensing laws. Our properties are also subject to laws and regulations governing relationships with employees in such areas as minimum wage and maximum working hours, overtime, working conditions, hiring and terminating of employees and work permits. 2. Changes in the policies of Government of India may affect the operations of the company A significant change in India’s economic liberalization and deregulation policies could affect business and economic conditions in India. Taxes and levies affect the cost and prices of the company’s viii CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ business. Any change in the policies, regulations and other levies regulated or imposed by either Central or State Government of India may have an adverse impact on the company’s business. 3. A slowdown in economic growth in India could cause the Company’s business to suffer. The performance of the company along with the quality and growth of the assets are necessarily dependent on the health of the overall Indian economy. A slowdown in the Indian economy could adversely affect the business. India’s economy could be adversely affected by a general rise in interest rates, weather conditions adversely affecting commodity and energy prices or various other factors. In addition, the Indian economy is in a state of transition. The share of the services sector of the economy is rising while that of the industrial, manufacturing and agricultural sectors is declining. It is difficult to gauge the impact of these fundamental economic changes on the business. Any slowdown in the Indian economy or future volatility in global commodity prices could adversely affect the business. 4. Disruptions or lack of basic infrastructure such as electricity supply and water supply could adversely affect our operations. The hotel industry is a service industry and any disruption in basic infrastructure such as supply of electricity and water could affect the operations of our hotels and the services to our guests. This could have an adverse effect on our business, profitability and financial conditions. 5. The Company’s business is exposed to the effects of exchange rate fluctuations. The Company’s assets, earnings and cash flows are influenced by fluctuations in exchange rates of other currencies against the rupee, and more particularly by movements in the US dollar. Any such fluctuations in exchange rates may affect company’s operations and financial conditions. NOTES ♦ The book value per Equity Share of Rs.10/- each is Rs. 55.69 as on 31/03/ 2008. ♦ The Net worth of the company as on 31/03/2008 was Rs. 6106.15 lacs. ♦ The average cost of acquisition of Equity Shares for the promoters is Rs. 10/- per share ♦ Other than as disclosed either in Related Party Transactions or otherwise, the promoters/Directors/ Key Management Personnel of the Company have no interest other than reimbursement of expenses incurred or normal remuneration or benefits arising out of the shareholding/employment in the Company or out of any business relation with any of the ventures in which they are interested. For interests of promoters and directors, please refer the chapters “Management” and “Promoters” beginning on pages 46 and 58 of this Offer Document. For related party transactions, refer to page no. 77 of the Auditor’s Report under the section titled ‘Related Party Transactions’. ♦ Investors are advised to refer to the paragraph on “Basis for Issue Price” on page 21 of this Offer Document before making an investment in this Issue. ♦ Investors are free to contact the company secretary for any complaint/ information/ clarification pertaining to this Issue. ix CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ♦ All information shall be made available by the Lead Manager and the Company to the public and investors at large and no selective or additional information would be available only to a section of the investors in any manner whatsoever. ♦ The Lead Manager and the Company shall update this Letter of Offer and keep the shareholders informed of any material changes till the listing and trading commencement. x CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PART I SECTION II - INTRODUCTION This is only a summary and does not contain all the information that you should consider before investing in the Equity Shares. You should read the entire Letter of Offer, including the information contained in the chapters titled “Risk Factors” and “Financial Statements” and related notes beginning on pages vi and 68 of this Letter of Offer before deciding to invest in the Equity Shares. INDUSTRY SUMMARY The liberalization of Indian economy in 1991 and the integration of India into the global economy has given impetus to business travellers and tourist travellers. This has intensified and elevated room rates and occupancy levels in India. The successful growth story of “Hotel industry in India” seconds only to China in Asia Pacific. The hotel industry is linked to tourism industry and the growth in the Indian tourism industry has fueled the growth of Indian hotel industry. The growing economy and increased business opportunities in India have acted as a boon for Indian Hotel industry. The arrival of low cost airlines and the associated price war have given domestic tourists a host of options. The “Incredible India” destination campaign and the recently launched “Atithi Devo Bhavah” campaign have also helped in the growth of domestic and international tourism and consequently the hotel industry. The Government’s move to declare hotel and tourism industry as a high priority sector with a provision for 100% foreign direct investment (FDI) has also provided a further impetus in attracting investments in this industry. One of the major reasons for increase in demand for hotel rooms in the country is the high growth in sectors like information technology, telecom, retail and real estate. India travel recognition: • • • • • • • India has been elected to head the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the highest policy making world tourism body represented by 150 countries. The world’s leading travel and tourism journal, “Conde Nast Traveller”, ranked India as the numero uno travel destination in the world. The Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA) has ranked India as No.1 amongst the top 50 places for 2006. The “Incredible India” campaign has been ranked as the Highest Recall Advertisement worldwide by “Travel and Leisure”. India was adjudged Asia’s leading destination at the regional World Travel Awards (WTA). India’s Taj Mahal continues to figure in the seven wonders of the world. Bangalore based Leela Palace Kempinski has been rated as the favourite business hotel in the world in a Readers’ Choice Awards by Conde Nast Traveller. (Source: extracts from www.buzzle.com/articles/growth-of-the-hotel-industry-in-india.html as on 3rd July2008 and www.ibef.org/ tourism and hospitality) The opening up of the aviation industry in India has exciting opportunities for hotel industry as it relies on airlines to transport 80% of international arrivals. The government's decision to substantially upgrade 28 regional airports in smaller towns and privatization & expansion of Delhi and Mumbai airport will improve the business prospects of hotel industry in India. Substantial investments in tourism infrastructure are essential for Indian hotel industry to achieve its potential. The upgrading of national highways connecting various parts of India has opened new avenues for the development of budget hotels in India. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Tata group and another hotel chain called 'Homotel' have entered this business segment. 1 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ According to a report, Hotel Industry in India, currently, has supply of 110,000 rooms and there is a shortage of 150,000 rooms fueling hotel room rates across India. According to estimates, demand is going to exceed supply by at least 100% over the next 2 years. Five-star hotels in metro cities allot same room, more than once a day to different guests, receiving almost 24-hour rates from both guests against 6-8 hours usage. With demand-supply disparity, hotel rates in India are likely to rise by 25% annually and occupancy by 80%, over the next two years. This will affect the competitiveness of India as a cost-effective tourist destination. To overcome this shortage, Indian hotel industry is adding about 60,000 quality rooms, currently in different stages of planning and development, which should be ready by 2012. Hotel Industry in India is also set to get a fillip with Delhi hosting 2010 Commonwealth Games. Government has approved 300 hotel projects, nearly half of which are in the luxury range. The future scenario of Indian hotel industry looks extremely rosy. It is expected that the budget and mid-market hotel segment will witness huge growth and expansion while the luxury segment will continue to perform extremely well over the next few years. (Source: Extracts from http://www.iloveindia.com/economy-of-india/hotel-industry.html as on 17/07/2008) There are some 1,980 hotels approved and classified by the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India, with a total capacity of about 110,000 hotel rooms. Revenues of the hotel and restaurant industry in India during the financial year 2006-07 was Rs 604.32 billion, a growth of 21.27% over the previous year, primarily driven by foreign tourist arrivals, which increased by 14.17%. The hospitality industry is poised to grow at a faster rate and is expected to reach Rs 826.76 billion by 2010. While the potential of hotel industry is great, there are several constraints for the industry to grow. High cost of land in the country often discourages an investor to put in money in construction of new hotels. Construction of hotels is highly capital intensive and it is estimated that to construct a single five-star room, it costs around Rs 1.25 crore. As a result there is no incentive to construct new hotel properties and there is a mismatch between demand and supply leading to higher occupancy rates and increasing prices. In fact, average rate of hotel rooms in five-stars has gone up from Rs.4,000/- five years ago to Rs. 16,000/now. Though this rate can be affordable for business travellers, it is very difficult for leisure travellers to pay such exorbitant rates. Across the country there is no rationalisation of taxes as states charge different rates. Secondly, multiplicity of taxes like value added tax and service tax further compounds the problem. Tax holidays are available only to hotels at heritage sites and so this measure is restrictive for the growth of the hotel industry. In order to increase the stock of hotel rooms, the Federation of Hotel and Restaurant Associations of India suggested to the government that the floor area ratio of the existing hotels should be increased. This was a couple of years before and will help create additional rooms in the existing properties and ease the burden of shortage of hotel rooms in the country. The proposal is yet to be implemented. (Source: Extracts from http://www.financialexpress.com/news/hotel-industry as on 17/07/2008) 2 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMPANY SUMMARY CHL Ltd. was originally incorporated as a private limited company with the Registrar of Companies NCR of Delhi & Haryana vide certificate of incorporation dated 16th March, 1979 under the Companies Act, 1956 as Cosmopolitan Builders and Hoteliers Private Limited. Subsequently the company was converted into a public limited company as Cosmopolitan Builders and Hoteliers Ltd. The name of the company was again changed to Cosmopolitan Hotels Ltd. vide fresh certificate of incorporation dated 29th April 1982. Presently, the company is named as CHL Ltd. vide fresh certificate of incorporation dated 11th December 1997. The company is promoted by Malhotra family who also has various businesses in India, Kuwait and UAE. They have formed an international chain known as Malbros Group. The hotel “Crowne Plaza” is having 242 rooms and suites, restaurants, banquets, conference halls, health center, swimming pool and discotheque spanning over an area of 7,405 sq. mts. The hotel is located around 23 kms from the Delhi International Airport and 9 kms from Connaught Place. The hotel is situated on National Highway No.2 on road to Mathura and the place is surrounded by commercial areas like Nehru Place, Okhla Industrial Area and NOIDA. The hotel has an office space of approx. 9,000 sq.ft and 30,000 sq. ft. for commercial use. The office space is utilized by various reputed companies like Hewlett Packard, AMD, Abbott Vascular, Toyo Inc. (Japan), etc. The company has International Hotel License Agreement with Intercontinental Group (formerly: M/s. Bass Hotels and Resorts Asia Pacific), an international chain of hotels for the use of its brand name “Crowne Plaza”. One of the restaurants of the Hotel by the name of “Sampan”, is a well established Chinese/ Thai restaurant and famous in the city. Sampan is a roof top restaurant from where one can have a panoramic view of the entire city and adjoining areas. The discotheque of the hotel with the name Mirage is very famous amongst the youngsters in the city. It is equipped with modern gadgets and musical equipments. 3 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL DATA Please read the following data in conjunction with the detailed Auditors’ Report commencing on page no. 68 under the heading ‘FINANCIAL INFORMATION Statement of Profit and Loss Account: Particulars (Rs. in lacs) For the Financial years ended 31st March 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 INCOME Sales & Services Increase (Decrease) in inventories Other Income Total Income 8709.35 7625.73 5668.07 4301.2 3209.08 479.24 9,188.59 451.66 8,077.39 314.85 5,982.92 102.13 4,403.33 138.67 3,347.75 EXPENDITURE Food and beverages consumed Staff Costs Operating & General Expenses Depreciation Deferred Revenue expenditure Selling Expenses Interest Total expenditure 583.71 1,584.84 2,368.22 364.46 1.40 601.70 489.50 5,993.83 545.15 1,194.97 2,322.97 315.27 1.40 583.35 489.25 5,452.36 468.57 916.17 1,990.60 325.49 1.40 427.10 310.24 4,439.57 433.88 707.52 1,982.19 238.27 3.04 305.41 147.51 3,817.82 319.61 571.17 1,521.96 241.74 3.04 176.31 137.46 2,971.29 3,194.76 1,089.61 2,625.03 922.41 1,543.35 503.03 585.51 191.58 376.46 174.97 2,105.15 1,702.62 1,040.32 393.93 201.49 57.07 (0.20) (0.91) - - 2,048.08 1,702.82 1,041.23 393.93 201.49 Net Profit before tax and extra ordinary items Taxation Net Profit/(Loss) before extra ordinary items Adjustment of Last years' Provisions Net Profit after Extraordinary items 4 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Statement of Assets & Liabilities: (Rs. in lacs) 2005 5939.37 2650.45 3288.92 3288.92 2004 5656.24 2617.79 3038.45 29.01 3067.46 791.95 338.91 119.87 243.14 555.06 2613.98 1329.32 4741.50 217.53 452.97 1945.41 1618.56 4234.47 215.33 253.41 1171.02 484.38 2124.14 214.96 195.27 755.35 632.80 1798.38 3,485.78 3514.18 3612.01 1373.98 850.59 198.96 541.88 1,460.09 176.96 563.14 1357.38 178.33 550.04 1096.02 171.04 592.22 910.25 233.25 645.24 761.60 5,686.71 6,106.14 5,611.66 4,575.95 5,436.40 3,372.08 3,047.49 2,704.48 2,490.68 2,495.03 1,096.37 5,012.57 (2.80) 1096.37 3483.79 (4.21) 1096.37 2281.32 (5.61) 1096.37 1615.12 7.01) 1096.37 1408.71 10.05) 6,106.14 4,575.95 3,372.08 2,704.48 2,495.03 Description Gross Block Less Depreciation Net Block Capital Work in Progress Sub Total (A) 2008 8,537.27 3,030.96 5,506.31 5,506.31 2007 7317.09 3135.48 4181.61 57.08 4238.69 2006 6702.55 2943.70 3758.85 23.21 3782.06 B Investments (B) 1,144.74 1207.42 C Current Assets, Loans & Advances Inventories Sundry Debtors Cash and Bank Balances Loans and Advances Sub Total ( C ) 380.87 619.47 1,277.31 2,864.15 5,141.80 A D Liabilities and Provisions Secured Loans Unsecured Loans : Security Deposit Deferred Tax Liabilities Current Liabilities and Provision Total Liabilities ( D) Networth (A+B+C-D) Net Worth Represented by Share Capital:Equity Share Capital Reserves and Surplus Less:- Miscellaneous Expenses not w/off) Total Net Worth 5 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ THE ISSUE Type of Issue Type of Instrument No. of equity shares Face Value (Rs.) Issue Price (Including Premium of Rs. 40) Consideration Rights Issue Equity Shares 54,81,829 10/- 50/- Cash ISSUE BREAK-UP Particulars No. of Equity Shares Equity Shares offered (Issue Size) Entitlement Ratio Market Lot Equity shares outstanding prior to the Issue Equity shares outstanding after the issue 54,81,829 Equity Shares The Equity Shares are being offered on rights basis to the existing Equity Shareholders of the Company in the ratio of 1 (One) Equity Share for every 2 (Two) Equity Shares held as on the Record Date [•] The market lot for the Equity Shares in dematerialized mode is one. In case of physical certificates, the Company would issue one certificate for the Equity Shares allotted to one folio (“Consolidated Certificate”). 1,09,63,658 Equity Shares 1,64,45,487 Equity Shares USE OF PROCEEDS: Please see section titled “Objects of the Issue” on page 17 of this Offer Document ISSUE PROGRAMME ISSUE OPENS ON [•] LAST DATE FOR RECEIVING REQUESTS FOR SPLIT FORMS [•] 6 ISSUE CLOSES ON [•] CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ GENERAL INFORMATION Dear shareholder(s), The Board of Directors in their meeting held on 28/07/2006 have recommended the rights issue of equity shares of the Company to the existing share holders of equity shares in the ratio of one equity share for every two equity shares (i.e.1:2) held by them on a date to be announced by the Board (record date). A Special resolution under Section 81 (1) (A) of the Companies Act 1956 was passed at the Annual General Meeting of the share holders of the company held on 27/09/2006 authorizing the Board of the company to raise capital up to Rs. 2740.91 lacs. The Board of Directors at their meeting held on 15/06/2007 have decided to make the following offer to the existing shareholders of the Company: “Issue of 54,81,829 Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each at premium of Rs. 40/- per share aggregating to Rs. 2740.91 lacs on rights basis to the existing Equity Shareholders of the Company in the ratio of 1 (One) Equity Share of every two (two) Equity Share held on [••] (Record Date) . The draft Letter of Offer was filed with SEBI on 29/06/2007. The Company pursued the then objects of the issue of developing the property at Jaipur. During the said period the Government of Rajasthan had proposed increase in Floor Area Ratio (FAR) from 0.10: 1 to 0.20: 1. Said increase would result in increase in number of rooms of resorts from 60 (proposed) to 100. However, the said facility shall be extended for the hotel construction after notification of the said decision in the official gazette. As it would have benefited the Company tremendously, the Company awaited the said notification which was delayed and is yet to be announced. The Company also incurred additional expenses on account of commitment charges payable to Bank resulting in increase in the cost of the project. Further as per the New Hotel policy of Rajasthan Government, tax holiday period is available to new hotel, who can complete the construction by March, 2009. This benefit was also not possible to be availed by the company due to delay in raising the funds as construction period required is 18-24 month. Thus the Company decided to withdraw the draft Letter of Offer. Accordingly the draft Letter of Offer was withdrawn vide our letter dated 28/04/2008. Our Board of Directors in their meeting held on 28/04/2008 decided to approach Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd. (BSE) for obtaining listing permission for equity shares of the company and then pursue the rights issue. Our Company received listing/trading permission from BSE vide their letter dated 13/06/2008 and trading in the equity shares of the Company commenced w.e.f. 04/07/2008. On attaining the listing, Company is proposing to proceed with the rights issue. The Board of Directors in their meeting held on 25/07/2008 approved the draft Letter of Offer afresh in respect of the proposed rights issue of the Company in terms of above mentioned resolution. Name of the Company Registered Office CIN No. PAN No. Contact person: Registrar of Companies : CHL Limited : Hotel Crowne Plaza, New Friends Colony, New Delhi 110 025 Tel: +91-011- 2683 5070, 4167 2222 Fax: +91-011-2683 7758, 2683 6288 Email: cs@chl.co.in Website: www.crowneplazadelhi.com : L55101DL1979PLC009498 : AAACC2587M : Mr. G.J. Varadarajan, Company Secretary & Compliance Officer : B- Block Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110 003 7 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ IMPORTANT 1. This Issue is applicable to such Equity Shareholders whose names appear as beneficial owners as per the list to be furnished by the depositories in respect of the Equity Shares held in the electronic form and on the Register of Members of the Company at the close of business hours on [••] (Record Date) 2. Your attention is drawn to the section on risk factors starting from page no. vi of this Letter of Offer. 3. Please ensure that you have received the CAF with this Letter of Offer. 4. Please read the Letter of Offer and the instructions contained herein and in the CAF carefully before filling in the CAFs. The instructions contained in the CAF are an integral part of this Letter of Offer and must be carefully followed. An application is liable to be rejected for any non compliance of the instructions as mentioned in the CAF. 5. All enquiries in connection with this Letter of Offer or CAFs should be addressed to the Registrar to the Issue, quoting the Registered Folio number/ DP and Client ID number and the CAF number as mentioned in the CAFs. 6. The Lead Manager and the Company shall make all information available to the Equity Shareholders and no selective or additional information would be available for a section of the Equity Shareholders in any manner whatsoever including at presentations, in research or sales reports etc. after filing of the Letter of Offer with SEBI. 7. All the legal requirements as applicable till the filing of the Letter of Offer with the Designated Stock Exchange have been complied with. Board of Directors The Board of Directors of the Company comprises of: Name of the Director Dr. L.K. Malhotra Mr. D.V. Malhotra Mr. B.N. Malhotra Mr. O.P. Bajaj Mr. A.K. Malhotra Mr. Kumud Malhotra Mr. Luv Malhotra Mr. Harish C Bhasin Mr. Subhash Ghai Mr. R.C. Sharma Designation Chairman & Managing Director Director Director Director Director Director Whole time Director Director Director Director Status Executive Director DIN 00213086 Non-Executive Non-Independent Director Non-Executive Non-Independent Director Non-Executive Independent Director Non-Executive Non-Independent Director Non-Executive Independent Director Executive Director Non-Executive Independent Director Non-Executive Independent Director Non-Executive Independent Director 00072040 00558454 00570940 00676603 00571138 00030477 00002132 00019803 00023274 For further details about the directors of the company; please refer page no. 46 ISSUE MANAGEMENT TEAM Legal Advisors to the issue M/s. Chadha & Associates, Chamber no. 161, New Block, Delhi High Court, New Delhi – 110 003 Tel : 91 – 011- 233 88671 Fax: 91 – 011 – 233 84726 Email : chadhaandassociates@rediffmail.com Auditors to the Company M/s. G.Rai & Co., Chartered Accountants, 29A/1, Asaf Ali Road, New Delhi- 110 002 Tel : 91- 011- 23231847 Fax : 91- 011- 23234189 Email: graico@airtelmail.in 8 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tax Auditor to the company M/s. L.N.Malik & Co. Chartered Accountants, 18/13 WEA Karol Baug, New Delhi – 110 005 TeL : 91- 011- 287 55911 Fax: 91- 011- 287 58178 Lead Manager to the Issue Registrar to the Issue KEYNOTE CORPORATE SERVICES LIMITED 4th Floor Balmer Lawrie Bldg, 5, J.N. Heredia Marg, Ballard Estate, Mumbai – 400 001 Tel: 91-022- 30266000-3 Fax: 91-022- 22694323 Website: www.keynoteindia.net E-mail: mbd@keynoteindia.net SEBI Regn No: INM 000003606 Contact Person: Ms. Swati Sinha Beetal Financial & Computer Services (P) Ltd BEETAL HOUSE, 3rd Floor, 99 Madangir, Behind Local Shopping Centre, New Delhi- 110062. Tel.: +91-011-29961281; Fax: +91-011-29961284 Website: www.beetalfinancial.com E-mail: chl@beetalfinancial.com SEBI Registration No.: INR 000000262 Contact Person:Mr. S.P Gupta Bankers to the Company HDFC Bank Ltd. B-6/3, Safdarjung Enclave, DDA Commercial Complex, Opp. Deer Park, New Delhi – 110 029 Tel: +91 – 011- 4139 2100 Fax: + 91 – 011 – 4165 2283 Contact person: Mr. Sumit Aggarwal e-mail: corporatehelp@hdfcbank.com Honkong Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd. 25, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi – 110 001 Tel: +91 – 011 – 2373 8989 Fax: +91 – 011 – 4159 2222 Contact Person: Mr. Swapnil Pavale e-mail : info@hsbc.co.in Bankers to the issue HDFC Bank Ltd. B-6/3, Safdarjung Enclave, DDA Commercial Complex, Opp. Deer Park, New Delhi – 110 029 Tel: +91 – 011- 4139 2100 Fax: + 91 – 011 – 4165 2283 Contact person: Mr. Sumit Aggarwal e-mail: corporatehelp@hdfcbank.com Honkong Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd. HSBC, 52/ 60 M.G. Road, Fort Mumbai 400 001 Tel: +91 – 022 – 4035 7458 Fax: +91 – 022 – 4035 7657 Contact Person: Mr. Swapnil Pavale e-mail : swapnilpavale@hsbc.co.in Company Secretary and Compliance Officer Mr. G.J. Varadarajan Hotel Crowne Plaza, New Friends Colony, New Delhi 110 025 Tel: 91-011- 2683 5070/ 4167 2222 Fax: 91-011 – 2683 7758, 2683 6288 Email: cs@chl.co.in 9 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Investors can contact the Compliance Officer or the Registrar to the issue in case of any pre-Issue or post-Issue related problems such as non-receipt of letters of allotment, credit of allotted Equity Shares in the respective beneficiary account or refund orders, etc. INTER SE ALLOCATION OF RESPONSIBILITIES Not applicable CREDIT RATING/DEBENTURE TRUSTEE This being Rights Issue of equity shares, no Credit Rating or appointment of Debenture Trustee is required. MONITORING AGENCY Not Applicable APPRAISING ENTITY Not Applicable MINIMUM SUBSCRIPTION i. If the Company does not receive minimum subscription of 90% of the issue, the entire subscription shall be refunded to the applicants within forty two days from the date of closure of the issue. ii. If there is delay in the refund of subscription by more than 8 days after the company becomes liable to pay the subscription amount (i.e., forty two days after closure of the issue), the company will pay interest for the delayed period, at prescribed rates in sub-sections (2) and (2A) of Section 73 of the Companies Act, 1956. IMPERSONATION Attention of the applicants is specifically drawn to the provisions of Sub-Section (1) of Section 68A of the Companies Act, 1956 which is reproduced below: "Any person who(a) makes in a fictitious name an application to a Company for acquiring, or subscribing for, any shares therein, or (b) otherwise induces a Company to allot or register any transfer of shares therein to him, or any other person in a fictitious name, shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to five years." UNDERWRITING/ STANDBY SUPPORT This issue of equity shares is not being underwritten and/or no standby support is being sought for the said issue. 10 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CAPITAL STRUCTURE OF THE COMPANY Details as on the date of Letter of Offer Aggregate Value at Nominal Price (Rs.) Aggregate Value at Issue Price (Rs.) A. Authorized Capital 30,00,00,000 3,00,00,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each 30,00,00,000 B. Issued, Subscribed & Paid-up Capital 1,09,63,658 Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each, fully paid – up 10,96,36,580 10,96,36,580 C. Present Rights Issue 54,81,829 Equity shares of Rs. 10/- each for cash at premium of Rs. 40 per Equity Share 5,48,18,290 27,40,91,450 16,44,54,870 38,37,28,030 D. Post Issue Capital 1,64,45,487 Equity shares of Rs. 10/- each E. Share Premium Account -- Before the offer 21,92,73,160 After the offer Notes to Capital Structure: 1. Changes in the Authorized Capital of the Company: Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Details of increase in authorized share capital Date Incorporation Rs. 50.00 Lacs divided into 50,000 equity shares of Rs. 100/- each Increased to Rs. 300.00 lacs divided into 2,00,000 equity shares of Rs. 100/- each and 1,00,000 preference shares of Rs. 100/- each Increased to Rs. 500.00 lacs divided into 5,00,000 equity shares of Rs. 100/- each (includes reclassification of the preference shares into equity shares) Increased to Rs. 600.00 lacs divided into 6,00,000 equity shares of Rs. 100/- each - Change of Face value from Rs. 100/- each to Rs. 10/- each - 60,00,000 equity shares of Rs. 10/- each Increased to Rs. 750.00 lacs divided into 60,00,000 equity shares of Rs. 10/- each and 1,50,000 13.5% Redeemable Cumulative Preference shares Rs. 100/- each 1979 17/11/1980 15/06/1981 23/01/1982 27/08/1982 01/02/1983 6. Increased to Rs. 875.00 lacs divided into 72,50,000 equity shares of Rs. 10/- each and 1,50,000 13.5% Redeemable Cumulative Preference shares Rs. 100/- each 21/09/1988 7. Increased to Rs. 1500.00 lacs divided into 1,35,00,000 equity shares of Rs. 10/each and 1,50,000 13.5% Redeemable Cumulative Preference shares Rs. 100/each Increased to Rs. 3000.00 lacs divided into 3,00,00,000 equity shares of Rs. 10/each (includes reclassification of the preference shares into equity shares) 29/09/1995 8. 11 27/09/2006 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Details of increase in the paid-up Equity Share capital are as follows: Date of Allotment Issue Price (Rs.) 100 No. of Shares Cumulative No. of shares Nature of allotment Consideration Incorporation Face Value (Rs.) 100 20 20 Cash 30/04/1979 100 100 3,940 3,960 30/07/1979 100 100 1,040 5,000 20/02/1981 100 100 15,000 20,000 20/08/1981 100 100 34,080 54,080 26/01/1981 100 100 1,61,618 2,15,698 01/01/1982 100 100 36,424 2,52,122 31/01/1983 28/10/1983 20/01/1984 06/09/1984 13/03/1985 29/01/1990 29/11/1995 29/05/1996 18/02/1997 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 13,50,000 3,75,440 77,520 1,71,020 4,800 23,75,820 30,00,000 1,72,400 9,15,438 38,71,220 42,46,660 43,24,180 44,95,200 45,00,000 68,75,820 98,75,820 1,00,48,220 1,09,63,658 Subscribers to the Memorandum Allotment to Promoters, friends and relatives Allotment to Promoters, friends and relatives Allotment to Promoters, friends and relatives Allotment to Promoters, friends and relatives Allotment to Promoters, friends and relatives Allotment to Promoters, friends and relatives Public Issue Preferential Issue Preferential Issue Preferential Issue Preferential Issue Preferential Issue Preferential Issue Preferential Issue Preferential Issue Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash 3. Promoters’ Contribution and Lock-in The present issue being a rights issue, provisions of promoters’ contribution and lock-in are not applicable 4. Present Rights Issue: Type of Instrument Ratio Face Value (Rs.) No. of shares Issue Price (Rs.) Consideration Equity Shares 1:2 10/- 54,81,829 50/- Cash 5. Pre & Post issue shareholding pattern of the Company assuming full subscription in the rights issue is given below :Pre-issue Number of % Shares Category of Shareholder (A) 1 (a) (b) (c) (d) Shareholding of Promoter and Promoter Group Indian Individuals/ Hindu Undivided Family Central Government/ State Government(s)/Government company Bodies Corporate Financial Institutions/ banks 12 Post-issue Number of % Shares 7,23,122 - 6.60 - 10,84,683 - 6.60 - - - - - CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Category of Shareholder (e) 2 (a) (b) (c) (d) (B) 1 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) 2 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (C) Any Other (specify) Sub- Total (A)(1) Foreign Individuals (Non-Resident Individuals/ Foreign non Individuals) Bodies Corporate Institutions Any other (specify) Sub-Total (A)(2) Total Shareholding of Promoter and Promoter Group (A)= (A)(1)+(A)(2) Public shareholding Institutions Mutual Funds/ UTI Financial Institutions/ Banks Central Government/ State Government(s) Venture Capital Funds Insurance Companies Foreign Institutional Investors Foreign Venture Capital Investors Any Other (specify) ( Foreign National) Sub-Total (B)(1) Non-institutions Bodies Corporate Individualsi. Individual shareholders holding nominal share capital up to Rs. 1 lakh. ii. Individual shareholders holding nominal share capital in excess of Rs. 1 lakh. Individuals (Non-Resident Individuals/ Foreign non Individuals) Overseas Corporate Bodies Clearing Members Non Resident Indians Sub-Total (B)(2) Total public shareholding (B)= (B)(1)+(B)(2) TOTAL (A)+(B) Shares held by Custodians and against which Depository Receipts have been issued GRAND TOTAL (A)+(B)+(C) 13 Pre-issue Number of % Shares 7,23,122 6.60 Post-issue Number of % Shares 10,84,683 6.60 6,42,206 5.86 9,63,309 5.86 64,57,660 70,99,866 78,22,988 58.90 64.76 71.36 96,86,490 1,06,49,799 1,17,34,482 58.90 64.76 71.36 4,99,290 - 4.55 - 7,48,935 - 4.55 - 4,99,290 4.55 7,48,935 4.55 4,100 0.04 6,150 0.04 2,58,110 1,68,750 2.35 1.54 3,87,165 2,53,125 2.35 1.54 22,10,420 20.16 33,15,630 20.16 26,41,380 31,40,670 1,09,63,658 - 24.09 28.64 100.00 39,62,070 47,11,005 1,64,45,487 24.09 28.64 100.00 1,09,63,658 100.00 1,64,45,487 100.00 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. The shareholding pattern of the promoter group is as detailed below Particulars a) Promoters Resident NRI’s SUB – TOTAL b) Immediate relatives of promoters (Spouse, Parent, Child, Brother, Sister): SUB – TOTAL c) Company in which 10% or more of the share capital is held by the promoter/his immediate relative, firm or HUF in which the promoter or his immediate relative is a member. SUB – TOTAL d) Company in which the Company mentioned in © above holds 10% or more of the share capital SUB – TOTAL e) HUF in which aggregate share of the promoter and his immediate relatives is equal or more than 10% of the total. SUB – TOTAL GRAND TOTAL Present No. of equity % of shares of Rs. present 10/- each capital Post Rights No. of equity % of post shares of Rs. issue 10/- each capital 7,23,122 6,42,206 13,65,328 - 6.60 5.86 12.46 - 10,84,683 9,63,309 20,47,992 - 6.60 5.86 12.46 - - - - - 64,57,660 58.90 96,86,490 58.90 64,57,660 58.90 96,86,490 58.90 - - - - - - - - - - - - 78,22,988 71.36 1,17,34,482 71.36 The promoters/ promoter group collectively intend to subscribe to their rights entitlement as well as the entire unsubscribed portion from public shareholders, if any, in this rights issue in full. As a result of this subscription and consequent allotment, the promoters/promoter group may acquire shares over and above their entitlement in the issue which may result in their shareholding in the company being above their current holding. Presuming no subscription is received from other shareholders and the promoters/promoter group subscribing to the entire unsubscribed portion, their shareholding shall increase to 80.90 % of the post rights issue equity capital of the Company. This subscription and acquisition of additional equity shares by the Promoter/promoter group, if any, will not result in change of control of the management of the Company and shall be exempt in terms of provision to Regulation 3(1)(b)(ii) of the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeover) Regulations, 1997. The promoters/promoter group have confirmed that in case the Rights Issue of the Company is completed with their subscribing to equity shares over and above their entitlement and as a result, if the public shareholding in the Company after the Issue falls below the permissible minimum level as specified in the listing condition or listing agreement, they will make an offer for sale of their holdings so that the public shareholding is raised to the minimum level specified in the listing agreement or in the listing conditions within a period of 3 months, as per the requirements of sub-clause 17.2 of SEBI (Delisting of Securities) Guidelines, 2003 or as per any amendment thereto. 14 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. The Company has not issued any warrant, option, convertible loan, debenture or any other securities convertible at a later date into equity, which would entitle the holders to acquire further equity shares of the Company. 8. Equity shares of the Company are being traded in compulsory dematerialized mode. The market lot of the equity shares is 1 (one). 9. There are no transactions in the securities of the Company during preceding 6 months which were financed/undertaken directly or indirectly by the promoters, their relatives, their group companies or associates or by the above entities directly or indirectly through other persons. 10. a) The ten largest shareholders two years prior to the date of filing of this Letter of Offer with Stock Exchanges are as follows: Sr. No 1 Name of the Shareholders No. of Equity Shares Malbros Investments Inc. 2. Industrial Development Bank of India 3 4 5 Mr. V. K. Sabharwal Ms. Veena Sawhney Dr. L.K. Malhotra as individual and on behalf of M/s Ultima Leasing and Financing Pushpa Devi Bajaj Mr. O.P. Bajaj Mrs. Usha Malhotra Mr. Dharam Veer Malhotra Mr. Ashwani Bajaj 6 7 8 9 10 % of Issued Capital 64,57,660 58.90 4,98,990 4,86,950 4,68,200 4.55 4.44 4.27 4,11,536 3,78,780 2,11,030 1,92,366 1,78,448 1,62,250 3.75 3.45 1.92 1.75 1.63 1.48 10. b) The ten largest shareholders 10 days prior to the date of filing of this Letter of Offer with Stock Exchanges are as follows: Sr. No 1 Name of the Shareholders No. of Equity Shares Malbros Investments Inc. 2. Industrial Development Bank of India 3 4 5 Mr. V. K. Sabharwal Ms. Veena Sawhney Dr. L.K. Malhotra as individual and on behalf of M/s Ultima Leasing and Financing Pushpa Devi Bajaj Mr. O.P. Bajaj Mrs. Usha Malhotra Mr. Dharam Veer Malhotra Mr. Ashwani Bajaj 6 7 8 9 10 % of Issued Capital 64,57,660 58.90 4,98,990 4,86,950 4,68,200 4.55 4.44 4.27 4,11,536 3,78,780 2,11,030 1,92,366 1,78,448 1,62,250 3.75 3.45 1.92 1.75 1.63 1.48 10. c) The ten largest shareholders as on the date of filing of this Letter of Offer with Stock Exchanges are as follows: 15 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sr. No 1 Name of the Shareholders No. of Equity Shares Malbros Investments Inc. 2. Industrial Development Bank of India 3 4 5 Mr. V. K. Sabharwal Ms. Veena Sawhney Dr. L.K. Malhotra as individual and on behalf of M/s Ultima Leasing and Financing Pushpa Devi Bajaj Mr. O.P. Bajaj Mrs. Usha Malhotra Mr. Dharam Veer Malhotra Mr. Ashwani Bajaj 6 7 8 9 10 % of Issued Capital 64,57,660 58.90 4,98,990 4,86,950 4,68,200 4.55 4.44 4.27 4,11,536 3,78,780 2,11,030 1,92,366 1,78,448 1,62,250 3.75 3.45 1.92 1.75 1.63 1.48 11. The Company/Promoters/Directors/Lead Managers have not entered into buy back or similar arrangements for purchase of securities issued by the Company. 12. As on the date of filing of the Letter of offer there are no partly paid up shares in the company. The entire issue price is to be paid on application hence there will be no partly paid up shares arising out of the issue. 13. The equity shares of the company are of face value of Rs.10/- each and marketable lot is 1 (one). At any given time there shall be only one denomination for the shares of the company and the disclosures and accounting norms specified by SEBI from time to time will be complied with. 14. The company shall not make any further issue of capital whether by way of issue of bonus shares, preferential allotment, rights issue or public issue or in any other manner during the period commencing from the submission of the letter of offer to SEBI for the Rights issue till the securities referred in the letter of offer have been listed or application money if any is refunded. 15. Further, presently the company does not have any proposal, intention, negotiation or consideration to alter the capital structure by way of split/ consolidation of the denomination of the shares/ issue of shares on a preferential basis or issue of bonus or rights or public issue of equity shares or any other securities within a period of six months from the date of opening of the present issue. However, if business needs of the company so require, the company may alter the capital structure by way of split/ consolidation of the denomination of the shares/ issue of shares on preferential basis or issue of bonus or rights or public issue of shares or any other securities whether in India or abroad during the period of six months from the date of listing of the equity shares issued under this letter of offer or from the date the application moneys are refunded on account of failure of the issue, after seeking and obtaining all the approvals which may be required for such alteration. 16. The Company has not raised any bridge loan against the proceeds of the issue. 17. The total number of shareholders in the company as on 30/06/2008 is 1516. 16 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ OBJECTS OF THE ISSUE The objects of the present rights issue are to finance: • • • • • • Cost of Renovation of the existing hotel building and internal facilities. Purchase of new vehicles for guests. Preliminary expenses for new property at Jaipur. Cost of Miscellaneous fixed assets including Computer Software and Hardware. Contingencies. Issue Expenses. The main object clause of the Memorandum of Association of the Company enables the Company to undertake the activities for which the funds are being raised and also for the activities which the Company has been carrying presently. Cost of the Project/ Funds requirement The cost of the project as estimated by our management is as follows: Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 (Rs. In lacs) Amount Particulars Renovation of hotel building Purchase of new vehicles Pre-operative expenses at Jaipur Miscellaneous Expenses Contingencies Issue Expenses Total 1,650.00 597.00 250.00 161.60 41.40 40.91 2,740.91 Means of Finance Particulars Present rights issue of 54,81,829 equity shares of Rs.10/each at a issue price Rs. 50/- per share (Rs in lacs) Amount 2,740.91 Details of Cost of Project • Renovation of the existing hotel building and internal facilities Presently, Company is running a 5 Star Deluxe hotel viz., Hotel “Crowne Plaza, Delhi” located in South Delhi. The hotel started in November 1982 and has been upgraded from time to time. Our Company now proposes to renovate the said property to be of highest quality standards and more comfortable/amenable to the guests. This will enable the hotel to continue to provide state of art facilities comparable to international standards of 5 star hotel. The total cost for the said renovation is estimated at Rs.1650.00 lacs. The Company has already obtained the estimate for the said renovation from Sudhir Sharma, Architect and Interior Designer, New Delhi. The details of the estimates are as follows : Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Particulars Renovation of coffee shop and seven restaurant Renovation of main kitchen Replacing external facia tiles with prodema finish Repair and rectification of the porch and road Replacement of capacitor panels Replacement of A.C. screw chiller 550 Tr. 17 (Rs. In lacs) Amount 500.00 300.00 300.00 200.00 25.00 75.00 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sr. No. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Particulars Air condition of laundry and replacement of ext. systems Renovation of staff section below the pool Renovation of staff lockers with air-condition Replacement of boiler chimney Replacement of service elevator Replacement of exhaust blowers/air-condition Laundry Replacement of 1250 KVA D.G. Set Total Amount 20.00 25.00 30.00 15.00 40.00 50.00 70.00 1650.00 • Purchase of new vehicles for guests Our hotel has been maintaining a fleet of about Thirty Six (36) vehicles to cater to various requirements of the hotel and its guests. This enables the Company to provide services to the guests and also for the internal requirements for transportation of goods and other materials. Our Company proposes to increase the fleet of vehicles by procuring some new vehicles required for the purposes of servicing the guests and also for transportation of guests and staff to various locations. The details of vehicles identified by the Company are as follows : (Rs. In lacs) Sr. No. Particulars Qty. Amount 1 BMW 7 Series 2 180.00 2 Mercedes 350 2 200.00 3 Toyoto Corcer 16 Seater 1 65.00 4 Volks Wagon Transformer (Bus) 1 60.00 5 Nissan Infinity 1 50.00 6 Nissan Tera 2 42.00 Total 597.00 • Preliminary expenses for new property at Jaipur The Company has purchased a piece of land admeasuring 12 Bighas and 6 Biswas (about 7.8 acres) located at village Rupaki Nangal, Tehsil & District Jaipur at a cost of Rs.2.46 crores. The Company is planning to develop the said property to establish a 5 star Resort cum Spa. The Company proposes to procure all the permissions required for the purposes of setting up of the resort in future. The said preliminary cost is proposed to be financed from the proceeds of the rights issue. The break up of such cost includes following: (Rs. In lacs) Sr. No. Particulars Amount 1 Land conversion and boundary wall including landscaping 200.00 2 Conveyance, stamp duty registration etc. 25.00 3 Legal expenses 25.00 Total 250.00 • Miscellaneous fixed assets including Computer Software and Hardware The Company proposes to strengthen administrative set up at the existing facility and also to establish a set up at Jaipur to look after the property. The cost for additional computers and other peripherals and furniture & fixtures is estimated at Rs. 161.60 lacs, the break up of which as follows : 18 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. 8. Particulars Computers/ Notebooks Printers Scanner UPS Softwares Hardware/ Servers Training on New Software Furniture & Fixture Total Qty. 20 5 2 2 (Rs. In lacs) Amount 10.00 1.70 1.30 4.10 17.20 64.30 23.00 40.00 161.60 • Issue Expenses Issue expenses includes fees payable to the Lead Manager to the Issue, Printing and Distribution, advertisement expenses, depository charges and other registration fees, listing fees, legal fees etc. The break up of the same is as follows: (Rs. In lacs) Sr. No. Particulars Amount 1 Fees payable to intermediaries 30.00 2 Printing distribution expenses 6.51 3 Advertisement & Publicity 2.00 4 Listing fees and other expenses 2.40 Total 40.91 • Contingencies The Company proposes to reserve expenses in the form of contingencies to the extent of about 2.5% of the cost of renovation i.e. about Rs.41.40 lacs. Schedule of Implementation / Utilization of Issue Proceeds Sr. No. 1 Major Activities Commencement Completion Commenced June/July 2009 2 Renovation of the existing hotel building and internal facilities Purchase of new vehicles for guests Commenced December 2008 3 Pre-operative expenses at Jaipur Commenced March 2009 4 Miscellaneous fixed assets including Computer Software and Hardware Issue Expenses Commenced October 2008 Commenced December 2008 5 19 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sources & Deployment of Funds Deployment of Funds The Company has already deployed funds to the extent of Rs. 482.96 Lacs on the objects of the issue as certified by the Malik & Co., Chartered Accountants vide their certificate dated 14th July 2008, the details of which are as follows Particulars Sr. no. Amount (Rs. in lacs) 280.00 42.00 8.37 147.29 5.30 482.96 1 2 3 4 5 Renovation of the existing hotel buildings Purchase of vehicles Pre-operative expenses at Jaipur Miscellaneous Fixed Assets/expenses Issue expenses Total Sources of Funds Particulars Amount (Rs. in lacs) 482.96 Internal Accruals Interim Use of Funds Pending deployment, the funds raised through the rights issue would be deployed by the company judiciously in the fixed deposits of the Banks and other short term investment opportunities. Basic Terms of the Issue The Equity shares being offered are subject to the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956, the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company, the terms of this Letter of offer and other terms and conditions as may be incorporated in the Allotment advice and other documents /certificates that may be executed in respect of the issue. The Equity shares shall also be subjected to laws as applicable, guidelines, notifications and regulations relating to the issue of capital and listing and trading of securities issued from time to time by SEBI, GOI, RBI, ROC and /or other authorities as in force on the date of issue and to the extent applicable 20 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ BASIS FOR ISSUE PRICE (a) Earnings Per Share (EPS): Year Ended EPS (Rs) 9.49 15.53 19.20 31/03/2006 31/03/2007 31/03/2008 Weighted Average EPS (b) Weights 1 2 3 16.36 Price Earning Ratio (PE) Particulars P/E (based on EPS for the period ended 31/03/2008 of Rs. 19.20 ) P/E (based weighted average EPS) (c) 2.60 3.06 Return on Net worth (RONW): Year Ended 31/03/2006 31/03/2007 31/03/2008 Weighted Average RONW RONW (%) 30.85 37.21 34.48 Weights 1 2 3 34.79 (d) Minimum RONW required to maintain pre-issue weighted average EPS of Rs. 16.36 is 30.41 % (e) Net Asset Value (NAV) (f) Pre issue as on March 31, 2008 (Rs.) 55.69 Post Issue (Rs.) 53.79 Industry P/E Ratio Highest (GL Hotels ) Lowest (H.S.India) Industry Composite Source: Capital Market Issue July 14 - July 27, 2008; Segment- Hotels 55.07 3.70 14.40 Comparison of key ratios with the companies in the same industry group Company Name Viceroy Hotels H.S. India Jaypee Hotels Blue Coast Hotel Kamat Hotels GL Hotels Face Equity RONW Book Sales for value (Rs. in Cr.) % Value the year Rs. 31/03/2008 ended (Rs.) 31/03/2008 (Rs. in Cr.) 10 42.41 5.00 55.40 74.00 10 10.50 8.20 15.50 10 55.49 10.10 25.70 170.0 10 6.55 51.30 134.40 96.00 10 13.20 15.70 122.30 147.60 10 17.29 6.70 151.10 64.10 21 EPS (Rs.) 1.50 2.70 3.20 22.90 21.60 7.10 P/E Ratio at the market price as on 23/07/2008 35.07 3.93 25.19 7.44 5.69 50.70 Market price as on 23/07/2008 (Rs.) 52.60 10.60 80.60 170.30 122.95 360.00 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Company Name Royal Orchid Hotel Fomento Resorts Face Equity RONW Book Sales for EPS P/E value (Rs. in Cr.) % Value the year (Rs.) Ratio at the Rs. 31/03/2008 ended market price (Rs.) 31/03/2008 as on (Rs. in Cr.) 23/07/2008 10 27.23 21.60 64.70 86.00 11.30 7.77 10 16.00 38.40 17.00 45.80 7.10 24.65 CHL 10 10.96 34.33 56.13 87.10 19.20 Source: Capital Market, Issue July 14 - July 27, 2008 Segment- Hotels and www.bseindia.com 10.94 Market price as on 23/07/2008 (Rs.) 87.85 175.00 210.00 The Companies in the above list have been selected on the basis that they are listed Companies engaged in the business of Hospitality services. However, their performance may not be directly comparable with that of the company’s business as they cater to different segments of the market and therefore their business portfolio may vary. Considering the above factors, the issue price of Rs.50/- per equity share is justified. 22 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ STATEMENT OF TAX BENEFITS The Board of Directors, CHL Limited, Hotel Crowne Plaza, New Friends Colony, New Delhi-110025. Dear Sirs We hereby certify that the enclosed annexure states the possible tax benefits available to CHL Limited (the Company) and to the Shareholders of the Company under the provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961 and other direct and indirect tax laws presently in force in India. Several of these benefits are dependent on the Company or its shareholders fulfilling the conditions prescribed under the relevant tax laws. Hence, the ability of the Company or its Shareholders to derive tax benefits is dependent upon fulfilling such conditions, which based on business imperatives the Company faces in the future, the Company may or may not choose to fulfill. The benefits discussed in the enclosed statement are not exhaustive. This statement is only intended to provide general information to the investors and is neither designed nor intended to be substitute for professional tax advice. A shareholder is advised to consult his/her/their own tax consultants with respect to the tax implications of an investment in the equity shares particularly in view of the fact that certain recently enacted legislation may not have a direct legal precedent or may have a different interpretation on the benefits, which an investor can avail. We do not express our opinion or provide assurance as to whether, The Company or its shareholders will continue to obtain these benefits in future, or the conditions prescribed for availing the benefits have been/would be met with. The contents of this annexure are based on information, explanations and representations obtained from the Company and on the basis of our understanding of the business activities and operations of the Company. This report is intended solely for your information and for the inclusion in the offer Documents in connection with the proposed Rights Issue of the Company and is not to be used, referred to or distributed for any other purpose without our prior written consent. For L.N. MALIK & CO. Chartered Accountants Sd/(L.N. Malik) Partner. Membership No. 10423 Date: 21/06/2008 Place: New Delhi 23 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ANNEXURE TO THE CERTIFICATE The Auditors of the Company L. N. Malik & Co., Chartered Accountants have advised the Company vide their letter dated 21/06/2008 that under the current Direct Tax Law, the following tax benefits interalia will be available to the company and the shareholders of the Company. A shareholder is advised to consider in his own case the tax implication of an investment in the shares. The Statement of tax benefits certificate from the Auditors of the Company is reproduced below: SPECIAL TAX BENEFIT AVAILABLE TO CHL LIMTED AND ITS SHAREHOLDERS The Company does not enjoy any “Special Tax Benefits”. All the benefits as mentioned in the statement are as per the current tax laws amended by the Finance Act, 2008 and will be available only to the sole/ first named holder incase the shares are held by joint holders. STATEMENT OF POSSIBLE TAX BENEFITS (A) BENEFITS TO THE COMPANY UNDER THE INCOME TAX ACT, 1961 1. Subject to the Compliance of certain conditions laid down in Section 32 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 (hereinafter referred to as the Act) the Company will be entitled to a deduction for depreciation:(a) In respect of tangible assets; (b) In respect of intangible assets being in the nature of know-how, patents, copyrights, trademarks, licenses, franchises or any other business or commercial rights of similar nature acquired on or after 1st day of April, 1998, owned, wholly or partly, by the Company and used for the purposes of business or profession, at the rates prescribed under the Income Tax Rules, 1962; 2. The company will be entitled to claim expenditure incurred in respect of Voluntary Retirement Scheme under Section 35DDA of the Act in five equal annual installments. 3. Income by way of dividend (as referred to in Sec 115-O of the Act) received from other domestic companies will be exempt from tax. 4. In accordance with the provisions of section 10(38) of the Act, long term capital gains arising on the transfer of securities shall be exempted from tax if such transaction is entered into on at recognized stock exchange in India and such transaction is chargeable to Securities Transaction Tax. Under Section 111A of the Act, Short term capital gains accruing to Company from transfer of short term capital assets, being securities, in a transaction entered into on a recognized stock exchange in India and such transaction is chargeable to Securities Transaction Tax shall be chargeable to tax @ 15% plus applicable surcharge and education cess. 5. Subject to the provisions of section 112 of the Act, Long term capital gains, other than those mentioned in 4 above, will be chargeable to tax @ 20% (plus applicable surcharge and education cess) with indexation benefit and @ 10% (Plus applicable surcharge and education cess) if computed without indexation benefit in case of shares. 6. Income in respect of Units from a Mutual Fund u/s 10(23D) of the Act will be exempt in the hands of the Company u/s 10(35) of the Act. 1. In accordance with and subject to the conditions specified in section 54EC and section 54ED of the Act, the company would be entitled to exemption from tax on long-term capital gain [not covered by Section 10(36) and Section 10(38) of the Act] if such capital gain is invested in any of 24 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ the long-term specified assets (hereinafter referred to as the “new asset") to the extent and in the manner prescribed in the said sections. If the new asset is transferred or converted into money at any time within a period of three years in case of new assets specified in section 54EC and within a period of one year in case of new assets specified in section 54ED, from the date of its acquisition, the amount of capital gains for which exemption is availed earlier would become chargeable to tax as long term capital gains in the year in which such new asset is transferred or converted into money. UNDER THE CUSTOM TARIFF In terms of Notification No. 97/2004-CUS, capital goods ( including second-hand) and spares imported EPCG license issued under Export Import policy are subjected to 5% concession al Custom duty plus education cess, subject to fulfillment of export obligation. In terms of Notification No. 92/2004-CUS, Food items and alcoholic beverages will have Duty Free Credit entitlement benefit @ 5% of the total foreign exchange earned in the preceding financial year, subject to conditions. Samples imported into India to the value limit of Rs. 10,000 subject to conditions would be exempt from payment of Custom duty vide Ministry’s circular dated 13.11.1998 at 1998 (104) E.L.T T56-T58. (B) TO THE SHAREHOLDERS OF THE COMPANY – UNDER THE INCOME TAX ACT, 1961; Resident Shareholders 1) In terms of section 10(32) of the IT Act, any income of minor children, included in the total income of the parent under section 64(1A) will be exempt from tax to the extent of Rs.1,500 per minor child. 2) Under section 10(34) of the Act, income by way of dividends referred to in Section 115-O received on the shares of the company is exempted from income tax. 3) Under section 10(38) of the Act, any long term capital gains arising to a shareholder from transfer of long term capital asset being equity shares in the company ( i.e. capital asset held for a period of 12 months or more) would not be liable to tax in the hands of the shareholder of the following conditions are satisfied: a) The transaction of sale is entered into on or after Ist October, 2004, and b) The transaction is chargeable to securities transaction tax as explained earlier 4) Under section 48 of the Act read with section 2(42A), if the company s shares are sold after being held for more than twelve months, the gains ( in cases not covered under section 10(38) of the Act], if any, will be treated as long term capital gains and the gains shall be calculated by deducting from the gross consideration, the indexed cost of acquisition. 5) Under section 54EC of the Act and subject to the conditions and to the extent specified therein, long term capital gains [other than those exempt under section 10(38)] arising on the transfer of shares of the Company will be exempt from capital gains tax if the capital gain is invested within a period of 6 months after the date of such transfer for a period of at least 3 years in Bonds specified in that section. If only a part of the capital gain is so reinvested, the exemption shall be proportionately reduced. However, the amounts so exempted shall be chargeable to tax subsequently, if the Bonds are transferred or converted into money within three years from the date of their acquisition. 6) Under section 54ED of the Act and subject to the conditions and to the extent specified therein, long term capital gains [ other than those exempt under section 10(38) of the Act] on the transfer of shares of the Company before 01/04/2006, will be exempt form capital gains tax if the capital gains are invested in shares of an Indian Company forming part of an eligible issue of capital, within a 25 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ period of 6 months after the date of such transfer and held for a period of at least one year. Eligible public issue means issue of equity shares which satisfies the following conditions, namely a) The issue is made by a public company formed and registered in India; b) The shares forming part of the issue are offered for subscription to the public; If only a part of the capital gain is so reinvested, the exemption shall be proportionately reduced. However, the amounts so exempted shall be chargeable to tax subsequently, if the new equity shares are transferred or converted into money within one year from the date of their acquisition. 7) Under section 54F of the Act, long term capital gains (other than those exempt Under section 10(38) of the Act] arising to an individual or Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) on transfer of shares of the company will be exempt from capital gain tax subject to conditions, if the net consideration from such shares are used for purchase of residential house property within a period of one year before and two years after the date on which the transfer took place or for construction of residential house property within a period of three years after the date of transfer. 8) In terms of section 88E of the Act, the securities transaction tax paid by the shareholder in respect of the taxable securities transactions entered into in the course of his business would be eligible for rebate from the amount of income-tax on the income chargeable under the head Profits and gains of business or profession arising from taxable securities transactions. As such, no deduction will be allowed in computing the income chargeable to tax as capital gains, such amount paid on account of securities transaction tax. ( up to Asstt Year 2008-09). Further no rebate u/s 88 E shall be allowable from AY 2009-10 onwards and STT paid shall be allowable as business expenditure. 9) Under section 111A of the Act and other relevant provisions of the Act, short- term capital gains (i.e. if shares are held for a period not exceeding 12 months), arising on transfer of shares in the company listed on a recognized stock exchange, on which Security Transaction Tax is charged, shall be taxed at a rate of 15% (plus applicable surcharge and education cess). Short term capital gains arising from transfer of shares in a Company, other than covered by section 111A of the Act, shall be subject to tax as calculated under the normal provisions of the Act. 10) Under section 112 of the Act and other relevant provisions of the Act, Long term capital gains, [other than those exempt under section 10(38) of the Act], arising on transfer of shares in the Company, shall be taxed at a rate of 20% (plus applicable surcharge and education cess) after indexation as provided in the second proviso to section 48. The amount of such tax should however be limited to 10% (plus applicable surcharge and education cess) without indexation, at the option of the shareholder, if the transfer is made after listing of shares. Non Resident Shareholders: 1) Dividend income received from Company qualifies for exemption under section 10 (34) of the IT Act. 2) As per the provisions of section 10 (38) of the IT Act long term capital gains arising from the sate of the shares of the Company will be exempt from tax if the transaction is entered into in a recognized stock exchange in India and such transaction is chargeable to Securities Transaction Tax. 3) As per the provision of Section 111 A, short term capita gains arising from the sale of Company’s shares in a transaction entered into in a recognized stock exchange in India and such transaction is chargeable to Securities Transaction Tax, will be chargeable to tax @ 15% plus applicable surcharge and education cess. 4) As per the provisions of section 112 of the IT Act, the long term capital gains from the transfer of the shares of the Company, otherwise than as mentioned above, shall be charged to tax: a) @ 20% plus applicable surcharge and education cess, if the gains are computed after considering the benefit of indexation; 26 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ b)@10% plus applicable surcharge and education cess, if the gains are computed without considering the benefit of indexation. 5) Non Resident Indian members of the Company can elect to be governed by special provisions as enunciated in section 115 C to 115 I of the Income tax act, according to which exemption from capital gains tax is available subject to those complying with conditions stated in those sections. a) Under Section 115E of the Act, any income from investment acquired out of convertible foreign exchange will be taxable at 20% (plus applicable Surcharge and Education Cess) while income from long-term capital gains on transfer of shares the Company acquired out of convertible foreign exchange shall be taxed at the rate of 10% (plus applicable Surcharge and Education Cess). b) Under Section 115F of the Act, and subject to the conditions and to the extent specified therein, long-term capital gain arising to a Non-Resident Indian from transfer of shares of the Company acquired out of convertible foreign exchange shall be except from capital gains tax to the extent the net consideration is invested within six months of the date transfer of the asset in any specified asset or in any saving certificates referred to in clause (4B) of Section 10 of the A and the new asset is held for a period of at least three years. c) Under Section 115G of the Act, it is not necessary for a Non-Resident Indian to file a return of income under Sector 139(1) of the Act, if his total income consists only of investment income and/or long term capital gains earned on transfer of such investment acquired out of convertible foreign exchange, and the tax has been deducted at source from such income under the provisions of Chapter XVII-B of the Act. d) Under Section 115H of the Act, where a Non-Resident Indian becomes assessable as resident in India in any subsequent year he may furnish to the Assessing Officer a declaration in writing along with the return of income for the assessment year for which he is so assessable to the effect that the provisions of Chapter XII-A of the Act shall continue to apply to him in relation to the investment income (other than on shares in the Company) derived from any foreign exchange asset as defined therein. On doing so, the provisions of Chapter XII- A of the Act shall continue to apply to him in relation to such income for that assessment year and for every subsequent assessment year until the transfer or conversion into money of such assets. e) Under Section 115I of the Act, where a Non-Resident Indian opts not to be governed by the provisions of Chapter XII-A of the Act for any assessment year, his total income for that assessment year (including taxable income arising from investment in the Company) will be computed according to the other provisions of the Act, and he will therefore be eligible to get concessions applicable to a resident individual and will be liable to tax accordingly. 6) In accordance with, and subject to provisions of Section 48 of the Act, capital gains arising out of transfer of capital assets being shares in the Company shall be computed by converting the cost of acquisition, expenditure in connection with such transfer and full value of the consideration received or accruing as a result of the transfer of the capital assets into the same foreign currency as was initially utilised in the purchase of shares and the capital gains computed in such foreign currency shall be reconverted into Indian currency, such that the aforesaid manner of computation of capital gains shall be applicable in respect of capital gains accruing/arising from every reinvestment thereafter and sale of shares of the Company. Cost indexation benefits will not be available in such a case. 7) In accordance with, and subject to the conditions and to the extent specified in Section 54EC of the Act, long-term capital gains lax arising on transfer of the shares of the Company shall be exempt from tax to the extent the gains are invested within six months from the date of transfer in the purchase of long-term specified assets and are held for a period of 3 years. 27 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8) In accordance with, and subject to the conditions and to the extent specified in section 54ED of the Act, long-term capital gains tax arising on transfer of the shares of the Company shall be exempt from capital gains tax to the extent the gains are invested within six months from the date of transfer in acquiring equity shares forming part of an eligible issue of capital. In addition the shares should be held for at least one year. 9) In accordance with, and subject to the conditions and to the extent specified in Section 54F of the Act, long-term capital gains tax arising on transfer of the shares of the Company held by an individual shall be exempt from capital gains tax in proportion to the net sales consideration utilised, within a period of one year before or two years after the date of transfer, in the purchase of a new residential house, or for construction of a residential house within three years and the Individual or HUF does not own any other residential house. (C). FOREIGN INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS: 1) Income by way of dividend (referred to in Section 115-O of the Act) is exempt from tax Section 10(34) of the Act. 2) Under Section 115AD capital gain arising on transfer of short term capital assets, being shares and debentures in a company, are taxed as follows: a) Short term capital gain on transfer of shares entered in a recognized stock exchange which is subject to Securities Transaction Tax shall be taxed @ 15% (plus applicable Surcharge and Educational Cess): and b) Short tem capital gains on transfer of shares/debentures other than those mentioned above would be taxable @ 30% (plus applicable Surcharge and Education Cess). 3) Under Section 54EC of the Act, Capital gain arising from transfer of long term capital assets (other than those exempt u/s 10 (38) shall be exempt from tax, subject to the conditions and to the extent specified therein, if the capital gain are invested within a period of six months from the date of transfer in specified bonds and the bonds are held for a period at least three years. 4) Under Section 54ED of the Act, capital gain arising from transfer of long term capital assets, being listed securities or units (other than those exempt u/s. 10 (38), shall be exempt from tax, subject to the conditions and to the extent specified therein, if the capital gain is invested in public issued of equity shares issued by an Indian Public Company within a period of six months from the date of such transfer. If only a part of the capital gain is so reinvested, the exemption shall be proportionately reduced. However, the amount so exempted shall be chargeable to tax subsequently, if the new equity shares are transferred or converted into money within one year from the date of their acquisition. In addition the shares should be held for at least one year. 5) As per section 90(2) of the Act, the provisions of the Act would prevail over the provisions of the tax treaty to the extent they are more beneficial to the non-resident. Thus, a non-resident can opt to be governed by the beneficial provisions of an applicable tax treaty. Note: There is a legal uncertainty over whether a FII can elect to be governed by the normal provisions of the Act, instead of the provisions of section 115AD. Investors are advised to consult their tax advisors in this regard. (D). MUTUAL FUNDS In case of a shareholder being a mutual fund, as per the provisions of section 10(23D) of the Act, any income of mutual funds registered under the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 or Regulations made hereunder, mutual funds set up by public sector banks or public financial institutions and mutual funds authorised by the Reserve Bank of India are exempt from income-tax, subject to the conditions notified by Central Government in this regard. 28 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (E). INFRASTRUCTURE CAPITAL COMPANIES/FUNDS OR CO-OPERATIVE BANK As per the provisions of Section 10(23G) of the Act, any income by way of dividends [ other than dividends referred to in section 115-O], interest or long-term capital gains of an infrastructure capital fund or an infrastructure capital company [or a co-operative bank] from investments made on or after the 1st day of June, 1998 by way of shares or long-term finance in any enterprise or undertaking wholly engaged in the business referred to in sub-section (4) of section 80-IA or subsection (3) of section 80-IAB or a housing project referred to in sub-section (10) of section 80-IB or a hotel project or a hospital project and which has been approved by the Central Government on an application made by it in accordance with the rules made in this behalf and which satisfies the prescribed conditions : Provided that the income, by way of dividends, other than dividends referred to in section 115-O, interest or long-term capital gains of an infrastructure capital company, shall be taken into account in computing the book profit and income-tax payable under section 115JB. Explanation 1. For the purposes of this clause, (a) infrastructure capital company means such company as has made investments by way of acquiring shares or providing long term finance to an enterprise wholly engaged in the business referred to in this clause; (b) infrastructure capital fund means such fund operating under a trust deed registered under the provisions of the Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 1908) established to raise monies by the trustees for investment by way of acquiring shares or providing long-term finance to an enterprise wholly engaged in the business referred to in this clause; (c) long-term finance shall have the meaning assigned to it in clause (viii) of sub-section (1) of section 36; (d) co-operative bank shall have the meaning assigned to it in clause (dd) of section 2 of the Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation Act, 1961 (47 of 1961); (e) interest includes any fee or commission received by a financial institution for giving any guarantee to, or enhancing credit in respect of, an enterprise which has been approved by the Central Government for the purposes of this clause;] (f) hotel project means a project for constructing a hotel of not less than three-star category as classified by the Central Government; (g) hospital project means a project for constructing a hospital with at least one hundred beds for patients. Explanation 2. For the removal of doubts, it is hereby declared that any income by way of dividends, interest or long-term capital gains of an infrastructure capital fund or an infrastructure capital company from investments made before the 1st day of June, 1998 by way of shares or long-term finance in any enterprise carrying on the business of developing, maintaining and operating any infrastructure facility shall not be included and the provisions of this clause as it stood immediately before its amendment by the Finance (No. 2) Act, 1998 (21 of 1998) shall apply to such income 29 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ F) BENEFITS TO MEMBERS OF THE COMPANY UNDER THE WEALTH TAX ACT, 1957 Shares of company held by the shareholder will not be treated as an asset within the meaning of section 2(ea) of the Wealth Tax Act, 1957, hence shares are not liable to Wealth Tax. G) BENEFITS TO THE MEMBERS OF THE COMPANY UNDER THE GIFT TAX ACT, 1958. Gifts made after Ist October, 1998 is not liable for any gift tax and hence gift of shares of the company would not be liable for any gift tax. Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. All the above benefits are as per the current tax law as amended by the Finance Act, 2008. The stated benefits will be available only to the sole/first named holder in case the shares are held by joint holders. In respect of non-residents, the tax rates and the consequent taxation mentioned above shall be further subject to any benefits available under the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements, if any, between India and the country in which the non-resident has fiscal domicile. In view of the individual nature of tax consequences, each investor is advised to consult his/her/their own tax advisor with respect to specific tax consequence of his/her participation in the scheme. 30 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SECTION III - ABOUT COMPANY The Industry information presented in this section has been extracted from publicly available documents, which have not been prepared or independently verified by the Company, the Lead Managers or any of their respective affiliates or advisors or the sources referred to herein. In this Section, we have relied on and referred to information regarding the industry and competitors from market research reports, and other publicly available sources. Although we believe that this information is reliable, we have not independently `verified the accuracy and completeness of the information. INDUSTRY OVERVIEW The liberalization of Indian economy in 1991 and the integration of India into the global economy has given impetus to business travellers and tourist travellers. This has intensified and elevated room rates and occupancy levels in India. The successful growth story of “Hotel industry in India” seconds only to China in Asia Pacific. The hotel industry is linked to tourism industry and the growth in the Indian tourism industry has fueled the growth of Indian hotel industry. The growing economy and increased business opportunities in India have acted as a boon for Indian Hotel industry. The arrival of low cost airlines and the associated price war have given domestic tourists a host of options. The “Incredible India” destination campaign and the recently launched “Atithi Devo Bhavah” campaign have also helped in the growth of domestic and international tourism and consequently the hotel industry. The government’s move to declare hotel and tourism industry as a high priority sector with a provision for 100% foreign direct investment (FDI) has also provided a further impetus in attracting investments in this industry. One of the major reasons for increase in demand for hotel rooms in the country is the high growth in sectors like information technology, telecom, retail and real estate. India travel recognition: India has been elected to head the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the highest policy making world tourism body represented by 150 countries. • The world’s leading travel and tourism journal, “Conde Nast Traveller”, ranked India as the numero uno travel destination in the world. • The Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA) has ranked India as No.1 amongst the top 50 places for 2006. • The “Incredible India” campaign has been ranked as the Highest Recall Advertisement worldwide by “Travel and Leisure”. • India was adjudged Asia’s leading destination at the regional World Travel Awards (WTA). • India’s Taj Mahal continues to figure in the seven wonders of the world. • Bangalore based Leela Palace Kempinski has been rated as the favourite business hotel in the world in a Readers’ Choice Awards by Conde Nast Traveller. (Source: extracts from www.buzzle.com/articles/growth-of-the-hotel-industry-in-india.html as on 3rd July 2008 and www.ibef.org/ tourism and hospitality) • The opening up of the aviation industry in India has exciting opportunities for hotel industry as it relies on airlines to transport 80% of international arrivals. The government's decision to substantially upgrade 28 regional airports in smaller towns and privatization & expansion of Delhi and Mumbai airport will improve the business prospects of hotel industry in India. Substantial investments in tourism infrastructure are essential for Indian hotel industry to achieve its potential. The upgrading of national highways connecting various parts of India has opened new avenues for the development of budget hotels in India. Taking advantage of this opportunity Tata group and another hotel chain called 'Homotel' have entered this business segment. 31 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ According to a report, Hotel Industry in India currently has supply of 110,000 rooms and there is a shortage of 150,000 rooms fueling hotel room rates across India. According to estimates demand is going to exceed supply by at least 100% over the next 2 years. Five-star hotels in metro cities allot same room, more than once a day to different guests, receiving almost 24-hour rates from both guests against 6-8 hours usage. With demand-supply disparity, hotel rates in India are likely to rise by 25% annually and occupancy by 80%, over the next two years. This will affect the competitiveness of India as a cost-effective tourist destination. To overcome, this shortage Indian hotel industry is adding about 60,000 quality rooms, currently in different stages of planning and development, which should be ready by 2012. Hotel Industry in India is also set to get a fillip with Delhi hosting 2010 Commonwealth Games. Government has approved 300 hotel projects, nearly half of which are in the luxury range. The future scenario of Indian hotel industry looks extremely rosy. It is expected that the budget and mid-market hotel segment will witness huge growth and expansion while the luxury segment will continue to perform extremely well over the next few years. (Source: Extracts from http://www.iloveindia.com/economy-of-india/hotel-industry.html as on 17/07/2008) There are some 1,980 hotels approved and classified by the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India, with a total capacity of about 110,000 hotel rooms. Revenues of the hotel and restaurant industry in India during the financial year 2006-07 was Rs 604.32 billion, a growth of 21.27% over the previous year, primarily driven by foreign tourist arrivals, which increased by 14.17%. The hospitality industry is poised to grow at a faster rate and is expected to reach Rs 826.76 billion by 2010. The gap between demand and supply of hotel rooms is also growing. There is a shortage of 1,50,000 rooms fuelling hotel room rates across India. According to industry estimates, demand is going to exceed supply by at least 100% over the next two years. Five-star hotels in metro cities allot same room, more than once a day to different guests, receiving almost 24-hour rates from both guests against 6-8 hours usage. With demand-supply disparity, hotel rates in India are likely to rise by 25% annually and occupancy by 80%, over the next two years. While the potential of hotel industry is great, there are several constraints for the industry to grow. High cost of land in the country often discourages an investor to put in money in construction of new hotels. Construction of hotels is highly capital intensive and it is estimated that to construct a single five-star room it costs around Rs 1.25 crore. As a result there is no incentive to construct new hotel properties and there is a mismatch between demand and supply leading to higher occupancy rates and increasing prices. In fact, average rate of hotel rooms in five-stars has gone up from Rs 4,000 five years ago to Rs. 16,000 now. Though this rate can be affordable for business travellers, it is very difficult for leisure travellers to pay such exorbitant rates. Across the country there is no rationalization of taxes as states charge different rates. Secondly, multiplicity of taxes like value added tax and service tax further compound the problem. Tax holidays are available only to hotels at heritage sites and so this measure is restrictive for the growth of the hotel industry. In order to increase the stock of hotel rooms, the Federation of Hotel and Restaurant Associations of India suggested to the government that the floor area ratio of the existing hotels should be increased. This was a couple of years before and will help create additional rooms in the existing properties and ease the burden of shortage of hotel rooms in the country. The proposal is yet to be implemented. (Source: Extracts from http://www.financialexpress.com/news/hotel-industry as on 17/07/2008) Historical Highlights of the Indian hotel industry • The financial year 2006-07 witnessed an increase in All India average occupancy by 2.8 percentage points while average rate increased by nearly 16.0%. Five-star deluxe hotels recorded the highest occupancy and average rate during the period whereas heritage hotels registered the least occupancy 32 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ and on-star hotels the least average rates. With reference to inventory size, hotels having more than 150 rooms recorded the highest occupancy and average rate but the increase in both these criteria was seen maximum in hotels with an inventory ranging between 50-150 rooms registering an occupancy growth of 2.9 percentage points and 34.4% growth in average rate. There is a greater difference in the occupancies recorded by chain affiliated versus independent hotels in 2006-2007 as compared to 200506, with the former registering an occupancy 2.9 points higher than the latter. • December, followed by November and February, were the busiest months in 2006-07. July through September witnessed a dip in occupancy with July witnessing the lowest occupancy at 58%. • On the human resource front, the number of hotels having a training department in 2006-07 increased marginally, which could be attributed to higher number of respondents over the previous financial year. Managers continue to be the most trained employees in a hotel. • The domestic business traveler represented the largest slice of the market segmentation pie of the Indian hotel industry at 36.8% followed by domestic tourist/leisure FIT at 19.0%. Incentive based group travel has witnessed a setback owing to insufficient room availability and high rates. It is worthwhile to note that the airline crew segment showed increase despite the fall in the number of respondents under this parameter. This could be possibly due to the higher number of airlines entering the aviation sector. • The percentage of repeat guests in 2006-07 recorded a growth across most categories especially the unapproved hotels (from 43.6% in 2005-06 to 57.9% in 2006-07). However, the heritage hotels showed a sharp decline. • Direct enquiry / hotel representation was the most preferred source of advance reservations in the Indian hotel market followed by travel agent and tour operators. Global Distribution Systems (GDS) was the least used source. • Over 90.0% of the hotels across all categories continued to use print advertising as a marketing medium like the previous year. Radio advertising, despite being the least preferred marketing medium, showed an increase in usage over the previous financial year 2005-06. Five-star deluxe and five-star hotels used this mode of marketing the most. • Cash sales scored the highest (46.9%) with regards to payment methods used in hotels followed by credit card sales (29.5%). Visa credit cards were the most widely used followed by Mastercard/ Eurocard and American Express credit cards. • Amongst the varied range of technology available for hotels, 93.6% used an accounting system making it the most widely used technology in hotels. Internet/E-mail usage showed a considerable growth of 4.9 percentage points despite the lower number of respondents under this parameter. Like the previous year, even 2006-07 witnessed lowest usage of yield management systems among the different technology available for hotels. • With reference to monitoring the performance of environment management practices, energy consumption (electricity) was given the highest priority by majority of the hotels in the survey group followed by energy consumption (gas) and water consumption. Use of pesticides and herbicides in dry rations was the least monitored environment management practice issue with the All India average at 30.5% followed by solid waste production (quality) at 32.0%. • As illustrated in the table, the All India average Net Income has consistently increased over the last five years across all three parameters (Percentage of Revenue, PAR and POR). While Net income as a percentage of Revenue has gone up in the five-star deluxe, five-star, four-star and heritage categories the one, two and three-star hotels have seen a decline in this figure in 2006-07 as compared to 2005-06. Rising fixed and variable expenses have affected the one, two and three-star hotels negatively, and 33 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ higher year on year average room rates and rising occupancies have been able to do little to increase Net Income as a Percentage of Revenue in these segments. • Rooms still continue to be the highest revenue generator for hotels followed by Food and Beverage. The trend in Rooms, and Food and Beverage revenue, as a Percentage of Revenue has been illustrated in the graph below : • Banquets & Conferences and Telephone & other were departments that witnessed a substantial decline in 2006-07. This could be owing to a lesser number of responses from large-format hotels where Banquets & Conferences is a significant revenue generating stream. In the case of telephone & other, the decline in revenue may be attributed to widespread availability of mobile phones with enhanced features; extensive VOIP usage; and alternate modes of internet connectivity such dial-up modems, offered free of charge by most business hotels in the higher room categories. Simultaneously, the expenses related with the Telephone & other department saw a sharp rise in 2006-07, the highest in five years. • Operating Expenses declined steadily over the last five years with expenses related to energy contributing predominantly towards this decrease. This survey finding is in sync with the fact that monitoring energy consumption (electricity) has been given high priority by majority of the hotels in recent years, as mentioned earlier in this section. Automation too has assisted in bringing the Operating Expenses down. The graph below highlights the trend in the Energy Expense as a Percentage of Revenue over the last five years. • Hotels in the five-star deluxe and five star categories recorded the maximum utilization of energy management systems. Energy costs of five-star deluxe and five-star properties in 2006-07 represented 5.9% and 7.5% of total revenue, compared with 7.0% and 9.2% in 2005-06. Energy costs declined across all hotel categories in 2006-2007 over the previous year, except for the one star and other hotel categories. 34 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • House Profit (Gross Operating Profit after deducting management and franchise fees) as a percentage of Revenue has increased and consistently over the last five years. • The graph below highlights the Revenue and profitability as an average per hotel. The year 2004-05 appears the best because of the higher number of five-star hotels and/or large format hotels that participated that year and this is not to say that performance of hotels has not improved over the past two years. New Delhi – National Capital Region (NCR) New Delhi – NCR witnessed an occupancy rise of 7.4 percentage points and an increase of 11.3%in average room rate during 2006-07. Consistent rise in hotel demand has been supported by the addition of around 15 million square feet of Grade ‘A’ and Built-to-suit (BTS) office space. The demand-supply imbalance has worsened over the past year owing to hotel projects being delayed due to long-drawn procedures for clearances and discouraging FSI norms. However, with the commonwealth games nearing, the focus on hospitality projects is gaining prominence, at least on paper. We believe that the expansion of the existing airport, Delhi-Gurgaon expressway nearing completion and proposed SEZ developments would enhance the demand for hotel accommodation in the Delhi-Gurgaon region. However, the development of the proposed international airport in Noida could divert a significant portion of this demand towards the Delhi-Noida sector. Noida and Greater Noida would also benefit from the tourism circuit owing to their proximity to Agra. As both Gurgaon and Noida are nascent markets, an addition of around 20,000 rooms of which nearly half are being actively developed, is expected to lead to heavy correction in occupancies and rates in the medium term. However, the state government’s efforts to get many or even half of these rooms to come on line before 2010 for the commonwealth games is likely to be a miserable failure.(Source: extracts from FHRAI and HVS Hospitality Services – Indian Hotel Industry Survey 2006-07) BUSINESS OVERVIEW CHL Ltd. was originally incorporated as a private limited company with the Registrar of Companies NCT of Delhi & Haryana vide certificate of incorporation dated 16th March, 1979 under the Companies Act, 1956 as Cosmopolitan Builders and Hoteliers Private Limited. Subsequently the company was converted into a public limited company as Cosmopolitan Builders and Hoteliers Ltd. The name of the company was again changed to Cosmopolitan Hotels Ltd. vide fresh certificate of incorporation dated 29th April 1982. Presently, the company is named as CHL Ltd. vide fresh certificate of incorporation dated 11th December 1997. The company is promoted by Malhotra family, who also have various businesses in India, Kuwait and UAE. They have formed an international chain known as Malbros Group. 35 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The hotel “Crowne Plaza” is having 242 rooms and suites, restaurants, banquets, conference halls, health center, swimming pool and discotheque spanning over an area of 7,405 sq. mts. The hotel is located around 23 kms from the Delhi International Airport and 9 kms from Connaught Place. The hotel is situated on National Highway No.2 on road to Mathura and the place is surrounded by commercial areas like Nehru Place, Okhla Industrial Area and NOIDA. The hotel has an office space of approx. 9,000 sq.ft and 30,000 sq. ft. for commercial use. The office space is utilized by various reputed companies like Hewlett Packard, AMD, Abbott Vascular, Toyo Inc. (Japan), etc. The company has International Hotel License Agreement with Intercontinental Group (formerly: M/s. Bass Hotels and Resorts Asia Pacific), an international chain of hotels for the use of its brand name “Crowne Plaza”. One of the restaurants of the Hotel by the name of “Sampan” is a well established Chinese/ Thai restaurant and famous in the city. Sampan is a roof top restaurant with live band from where one can have a panoramic view of the entire city and adjoining areas. The discotheque of the hotel with the name “Mirage” is very famous amongst the youngsters in the city. It is equipped with modern gadgets and musical equipments. INFRASTRUCTURE FACILITIES AND UTILITIES The hotel is having 242 rooms comprises of 140 Superior Spacious rooms, 92 designed club room with a exclusive Club Lounge, 8 Deluxe suits, one room for physically disabled guest and one Presidential suite comprising of 5 rooms including a conference room. The hotel has following facilities to meet Food & Beverage requirement of clients:a) SEVEN: An interactive restaurant serving traditional Indian Food in a contemporary style with seven different cooking techniques under one roof. In this outlet, food is cooked in front of the guest to their taste. The guest can enjoy the food with light old live classic Indian music performed by the traditional music team. b) SAMPAN: A 94 cover restaurant in a Chinese style, for authentic Cantonese and Szechwan specialties with a live band and a panoramic roof top view of the city. Sampan is very well known restaurant of South Delhi. The restaurant remains full to its capacity during weekends. c) LE CAFÉ: The 24 hour coffee shop with multi-cuisine restaurant. The restaurant provides Buffet lunch and dinner. The restaurant also organizes food festivals from time to time. d) ATRIUM LOUNGE BAR: The bar is at ground level of the hotel. The bar provides one of the world’s finest liquor and spirits with live music every evening. The guests can relish their drinks while watching important sports event on the big television screen displayed in the bar. e) ROYALE MIRAGE: Royal Mirage is a discotheque, well known in Delhi. Music ranging from DJ, hip hop to house and trance are played in one of the advanced acoustic ambience here. Royal Mirage is very popular amongst youngsters. f) PASTRY SHOP: The hotel has an exclusive Pastry shop in which variety of pastry, cookies and cakes are available at affordable price. g) BANQUET HALLS: The hotel has four banquet halls having capacity ranging from 20 to 500 persons. These halls meet the demand for various parties, conferences, shows, marriages etc. The hotel has a Roof Top Open Air Terrace Garden to cater small parties for persons who like to have food in open air atmosphere. 36 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ h) HEALTH CLUB CUM BEAUTY PARLOUR: ’Club One’ is the fitness center, which offers a full fledged ayurvedic treatment center cum spa, gym, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation and weight control programme. It has a separate beauty parlor for men & women managed by professionals. It has a swimming pool with light beverage service. The business centre located at the lobby level provides all types of service pertaining to communication and internet facilities to guest. HUMAN RESOURCES The present strength of the Company is 571 employees which are as follows: Department Corporate Office Project Office Accounts/IT F & B Control Material Management HRD Management Trainee Sales Front Office Security Engineering House Keeping Laundry F & B Service F & B Production Kitchen Stewarding Health Club Total No. of Employees Executive Staff Total 13 12 06 0 19 07 05 04 04 09 04 01 12 0 18 01 39 22 08 34 10 32 10 71 02 08 13 70 11 80 02 22 07 15 183 388 25 6 26 9 13 5 12 19 61 42 42 81 10 83 91 24 22 571 Presently, the existing manpower is sufficient to handle the estimated growth of the Company. The company shall take necessary steps for recruitment of additional manpower as and when required. Property: Details of property taken on lease by the company Sr. No. 1 2 Property location Office Premises No.304, Admeasuring 242.51 sq. ft. carpet area on 3rd Floor, Sai Chambers, Opp. Santacruz Railway Station (East) – Mumbai 400 055 18/6 Conningham Road, Bangalore – 560 052 Rent paid (p.m) Rs.24,150/- Rs. 11,236/- Valid upto 22 months commencing from 01/12/2007 12 months commencing from 01/02/2008 Water: The hotel’s water supply requirements are fulfilled by Delhi Jal Board. The approx. supply is 5000 KL per month and the hotel has its own tubewell. 37 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Electricity The hotel has uninterrupted power supply in Delhi by Delhi Electricity Board with 2221 KW watt of electricity. The hotel has three Generators of 3000 KVA capacity, which provides 100% back up arrangements. Trademarks The company has hotel trade mark “Crowne Plaza” under international license agreement. Further the company has also registered the trade mark of “Sampan” for its roof top restaurant. COMPETITION CHL currently operates in Delhi where it faces competition from existing hotel players like: • • • • • • • • • Asian Hotels Limited EIH Limited Bharat Hotels Limited Indian Hotels Company Limited Jaypee Hotels Limited CJ International Limited Royal Manor Hotels & Industries Limited ITC Hotels Limited Nehru Place Hotels Limited MARKETING SET-UP The Company has its own sales team based in Delhi and has three sales Offices located at Bangalore, Mumbai and Chennai. Apart from this, the Company has marketing and reservation tie-up with Intercontinental Group of Hotels for its brand ‘Crowne Plaza’ globally. The Company has also tie-up with various tour operators like TCI, SITA, Kauni, Cox & Kings etc. The corporate groups like Ranbaxy, LG etc., have patronized CHL as their recognized hotel officially. MARKETING STRATEGY The strategy of the Company is to retain its clients by providing discounts and other facilities like: • First Choice Club Card: A customer can have this card by paying the prescribed membership fees, which offers free of one night stay and discount on the beverages consumed by the member. This card is valid for a period of one year from the date of issue. • Discounts to frequent visitors: CHL offers reward points, which can be redeemed against other services to its frequent visitors. • ‘Club One’ Card: CHL offers discount on facilities like Swimming, Beauty parlor, Health spa, Ayurvedic treatment etc to the card holders. Also, it gives special discount on the food and beverages ordered in the Health spa. COLLABORATIONS The Company has signed an International Hotel License Agreement for franchise / marketing collaboration with Bass Hotels & Resorts Inc (now known as Intercontinental group of hotels) for using their brand name ‘CROWNE PLAZA’ for a period of Ten years from January, 2001 to January, 2010. The Important terms of the agreement are: • CHL will use the name Crowne Plaza for its property situated at New Friends Colony, New Delhi. • CHL will pay Royalty fees to M/s Bass Hotels & Resorts, Inc. at rate of 2% of the Gross Room Revenues with deduction for sales and Room taxes only. 38 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • • • • Bass Hotels & Resorts, Inc. will provide all technical assistance to promote the property in tourism sector. Bass Hotels & Resorts, Inc. will do global advertising and assist in booking of accommodation globally. Training Programmes and materials. Advertising publicity and other marketing programmes and Materials. SWOT Analysis of CHL Strengths • Strong brand recognition: Our hotel has a well established brand image both nationally and internationally. • Locational Advantages: Performance of the companies in hotel sector largely depends on the proper selection of location of their hotel properties. In this context, the location of CHL’s present properties is strategic. The company has presence in Delhi. • Sales & Distribution strategy: Our hotel has a dynamic sales force that has enabled the company to create its brand image. • International level service standards: Our hotel provides international cuisine and living standards with international service level standards. Weaknesses • • The company runs only one 5 star deluxe Hotel and hence suffer from risk of concentration of business and at times not able to offer alternate arrangement for our guests. Common Wealth Games 2010: The demand for rooms is expected to increase exponentially during the Common Wealth Games 2010 but the same demand may subside post completion of the Common Wealth Games. Opportunities • Increasing inbound tourism: The increase in inbound tourism due to increase in medical tourism, adventure tourism, heritage tourism, wellness tourism, pilgrimage tourism, eco-tourism and others have provided our company an opportunity to tap the untapped demand. • Increase in the leisure expenditure: With the increase in the earning population of the country and the urge to spend on leisure and entertainment, there is a huge demand gap of hotel rooms and entertainment facilities to be filled in. • Established brand provides opportunities to expand in newer locations enabling the company to offer services at multiple locations. • The demand for rooms is expected to increase exponentially during the Common Wealth Games 2010. Threats • Low priced luxury hotels: With increase in the low cost airlines and no frills hotels; the company faces a threat from the low price hotels coming up around the city and nearby areas. • Fierce competition from existing players in the category. Our competitive strengths • Strong value proposition: We strive to provide our customers a superior experience during their stay in our hotel. We provide various amenities required by business travellers at prices which we believe are at par with the services provided. This is achieved by identifying facilities which would enhance services to our customers and allocating our financial resources accordingly. 39 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ REGULATIONS AND POLICIES The material laws and regulations that may be applicable to the Company as and when it undertakes specific projects, include the following: 1. Electricity Act, 2003 The Electricity Act, 2003 (“Electricity Act”) was enacted with effect from June 10, 2003, repealing and replacing the Indian Electricity Act, 1910, the Electricity (Supply) Act, 1948 and the Electricity Regulatory Commissions Act, 1998. The Electricity Act seeks to provide for demarcation of the roles of generation, transmission and distribution to provide for individual accountability of each. The main features of the Electricity Act include the following: ♦ de-licensing generation, making captive-generation freely permissible, but hydro projects require approval of the State Government and clearance of the CEA for the projects with capital expenditure exceeding limits proposed by the Central Government, which would go into the issues of dam safety and optimal utilization of water resources; ♦ establishment of Transmission Utility at the Central as well as State level, which would be a Government company and would have responsibility of ensuring that the transmission network is being developed in a planned and coordinated manner to meet the requirements of the sector; ♦ providing open access for transmission, distribution and trading; ♦ specifying technical standards, grid standards and safety requirements; ♦ introducing power trading as a distinct activity from power generation, transmission and distribution; ♦ prescribing the functions and duties of CEA, which was constituted under the Electricity (Supply) Act, 1948 and continuing under the Electricity Act; ♦ prescribing the respective functions of the Central and State Regulatory Commissions, which were constituted under the Electricity Regulatory Commission Act, 1998 and continuing under the Electricity Act; ♦ formulating of National Electricity Policy; ♦ formulating of National Tariff Policy; ♦ provides for restructuring of the State Electricity Boards; and ♦ conferring power of determination of the tariff with the Central and State Regulatory Commissions. 2. Environment Protection Act, 1986 and Rules, 1986 Three major statutes, which seek to regulate and protect the environment against pollution related activities in India, are the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 (“Water Pollution Act”), the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 (“Air Pollution Act”) and the Environment Protection Act, 1986 (“Environment Act”). These Acts apply to power projects. The Water Pollution Act was enacted with an aim to prevent and control water pollution and to maintain or restore wholesomeness of water. This Act constitutes a Central Pollution Control Board and State Pollution Control Board. One of the main functions of the Central Board is to promote the cleanliness of streams and wells in different areas of the States. This Act debars any person, from establishing any industry, operation or process or any treatment and disposal system, which is likely to discharge sewage or trade effluent into a stream or well or sewer without taking prior consent of the State Pollution Control Board. 40 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Air Pollution Act was enacted to prevent, control and abate air pollution. The Central and State Boards constituted under the Water Pollution Act has been assigned to perform the functions under the Air Pollution Act as well. This Act, inter alia, stipulates that no person shall, without the prior consent of the State Board, establish or operate any industrial plant in an air pollution control area. The Environment Act has been enacted to protect and improve the environment. This Act empowers the Central Government to make rules for various purposes including prescribing the standards of quality of air, water or soil for various areas and purposes and prescribing the maximum allowable limits of concentration of various environmental pollutants for different areas. In India the issue of management, storage and disposal of hazardous waste is regulated by the Hazardous Waste Management Rules, 1989 made under the Environment Protection Act. Under these rules, the Prevention and Control of Pollution Boards are empowered to grant authorization for collection, treatment, storage and disposal of hazardous waste, either to the occupier or the operator of the facility. The Ministry of Environment and Forests conducts Environment Impact Assessment (EIA). The Ministry receives proposals for expansion, modernization and setting up of projects and the impact which such projects would have on the environment is assessed by the Ministry before granting clearances for the proposed projects. OTHERS: Apart from the above, other laws and regulations that may be applicable to the Company include the Following: Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948; Employees’ Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952; Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972; Payment of Bonus Act, 1965; Payment of Wages Act, 1936; Contract labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970. 41 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ HISTORY The Company was originally incorporated on 16/03/79 as a private limited Company under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 with the name and style ‘Cosmopolitan Builders and Hoteliers Private Ltd.’ having its registered Office at B-6, Asaf Ali Road, New Delhi-110002. It was later converted into a public limited company vide special resolution dated 23/01/82 and consequently, the name of the Company was changed to ‘Cosmopolitan Builders and Hoteliers Ltd.’ Further, the Company changed its name to ‘Cosmopolitan Hotels Limited’ and received a fresh Certificate of Incorporation dated February 29/04/82. The Company was again renamed as “CHL Limited” on 11/12/97. As of date, the Registered office of the Company is situated at “Hotel Crowne Plaza, New Friends Colony, New Delhi- 110025”. CHANGES IN REGISTERED OFFICE OF THE COMPANY: Reasons for Date of Change Change B-6, Asaf Ali Road, D-898, New Friends More convenient 23rd February, 1981 location New Delhi – 110002 Colony, New Delhi D-898, New Hotel Crowne Plaza, Company shifted 16th October 1982 Friends its own New Friends Colony, to premises Colony, New Delhi New Delhi Previous Address New Address The Company made public issue of 13,50,000 equity shares of Rs.10/- each at par in December 1982. The public issue closed on 29/12/1982. The said public issue was for the purposes of setting up a five-star deluxe hotel of international standard at New Delhi. The total cost of the project was Rs.15.50 crores which was established with the assistance of financial institutions like IDBI, IFCI & ICICI in the form of term loan. The hotel was established as per the objects of the issue and was successful in catering to the enhanced tourist traffic during 1982 Asian games held in New Delhi. Hotel Crowne Plaza, New Delhi Hotel Crowne Plaza started in November 1982 with the ninth Asian Games being held in the capital. CHL had a tie up with the ACCOR group, an international chain of hotel, and were called Sofitel Surya. CHL disassociated with the ACCOR group and entered into a franchise arrangement with The Best Western International, one of the biggest chains in the world in terms of independently run hotels. The said arrangement ended on December 31, 1998 and thereafter, CHL became The Surya. With effect from January 2001, CHL have joined hands with M/s Bass Hotels & Resorts Inc. (now known as Intercontinental Group), to rebrand the hotel as Crowne Plaza Delhi. This hotel, which stands for true excellence in courtesy and hospitality is also conveniently located close to Delhi’s prime commercial centers and is an ideal base to explore the tourists and historical attractions of the city. Distances From Indira Gandhi International Airport From the City Center (Connaught place) From domestic airport From New Delhi railway station From Old Delhi railway station 23 kms. 9 kms. 18 kms. 12 kms. 16 kms. The main objective of the company is to run the business of a 5 – star Deluxe Hotel in South Delhi and to provide all the facilities/comforts as per the needs of the tourists/corporate bodies. The company is being managed under the chairmanship of Dr. L.K. Malhotra, who has vast experience in Hospitality industry. He is also President of PHD Chamber of Commerce & Industries, New Delhi. He is assisted by his son Mr. Luv Malhotra for day to day operations of the hotel. 42 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The hotel is having 242 rooms comprises of 140 Superior Spacious rooms, 92 designed club room with a exclusive Club Lounge, 8 Deluxe suits, one room for physically disabled guest and one Presidential suite comprising of 5 rooms including a conference room. CHANGES IN MEMORANDUM Dates on which some of the main clauses of the Memorandum of Association of the Company have been altered citing the details of amendment are as under: Date of Amendment Shareholders Approval Change in Authorized share capital EGM – 17.11.1980 The Authorized share capital increased from Rs. 50,00,000 to Rs. 3,00,00,000 AGM – 15.06.1981 The Authorized share capital increased from Rs. 3,00,00,000 to Rs. 5,00,00,000 – Clause V of the Memorandum of Association was altered accordingly EGM – 23.01.1982 The Authorized share capital increased from Rs. 5,00,00,000 to Rs. 6,00,00,000Clause V of the Memorandum of Association was altered accordingly AGM – 27.02.1982 The face value of the equity shares of Rs. 100/- each was converted into equity shares of Rs. 10/-each. EGM – 01.02.1983 The Authorized share capital increased from Rs. 6,00,00,000 to Rs. 7,50,00,000Clause V of the Memorandum of Association was altered accordingly AGM – 21.09.1988 The Authorized share capital increased from Rs. 7,50,00.000 to Rs. 8,75,00,000= Clause V of the Memorandum of Association was altered accordingly AGM - 29.09.1995 The Authorized share capital increased from Rs. 8,75,00,000 to Rs. 15,00,00,000Clause V of the Memorandum of Association was altered accordingly AGM - 27.09.2006 The Authorized share capital increased from Rs. 15,00,00,000 to Rs. 30,00,00,000Clause V of the Memorandum of Association was altered accordingly Change in Object Clause AGM - 30.08.1986 Object Clauses 12 and 13 were added under “Other Objects” in the Memorandum AGM – 12.09.1997 Clauses 12 and 13 were deleted appearing under “Other Objects” and the same were brought in under IIIA main objects as sub clauses 5 & 6 EGM by Postal Object Clauses 12 to 37were added under “Other Objects” in the memorandum. Ballet - 05.11.2004 Change in Name Clause EGM - 23.01.1982 The words Private was deleted and the name of the company was changed from Cosmopolitan Builders and Hoteliers Pvt. Ltd. to Cosmopolitan Builders and Hoteliers Ltd. EGM - 23.01.1982 The name of the company was changed from Cosmopolitan Builders and Hoteliers Ltd. to Cosmopolitan Hotels Limited and a fresh Certificate of incorporation dated 29.04.1982 was obtained. AGM – 30.08.1996 The name of the clause was again changed from Cosmopolitan Hotels Limited to CHL Limited and a fresh certificate of incorporation dated 11.12.1997 was obtained. MAIN OBJECTS OF THE COMPANY: 1. To carry on the business of hotel, restaurant, cafe, tavern, beer-house, refreshment room and lodging-house keepers and licensed victuallers. 2. To purchase, erect or otherwise acquire, establish and equip, act as collaborators, technicians, financiers of any other hotels in India or in any other part of the world. To act as agents of any hotel company or as buying and selling agents to any hotel company and to do and perform all and singular the several duties, services and functions which the agents, 3. 43 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. buying and selling agents of any hotel company usually do. To construct, acquire, rent out or manage, lease theatres, cinema houses, auditoriums, studios and other buildings. 5. To carry on the business of manufacturers and dealers in the renewable energy systems and the connected components (Solar photovoltaics, solar thermal, hydel, wind, biomass, cogen, concentrator system, solar chimney, hydrogen power etc.) including semi conductor materials/devices, transistors, rectifiers, zenerdiodes, thermistors, integrated and hybrid circuit relays and variators, potentiometers, connectors, printed circuits, coils, chokes, transformers, switches, volume controls, plugs, sockets, batteries, accumulators, cables, piezo electric quartz crystals of all types etc. 6. To carry on business as producers, manufacturers, processors, converters, refiners, makers, stockists, dealers, importers, exporters, traders, retailers, agents, buyers or sellers of various items' for non- conventional/renewable energy systems such as oxygen, acetylene, ammonia, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen, helium and other types and kinds of gases required for or used in industries for application and manufacture of the renewable energy systems/products including agriculture, clinics, hospitals, refrigerators, aviation, transport vehicles, space rockets and crafts, communication, power' plants, domestic or public lighting, heating, cooling purposes, lighters, plant producing water, chemicals or fuels, pesticides, defence or warfare establishments, horticulture, forest or plant, protection and growth and other allied purposes and to service, repair, manufacture, market or deal in machinery, plants, spares, cylinders, containers, gadgets, appliances and accessories required for, working on, using or producing any such systems. 7. To carry on in India or elsewhere the business of dealing in gold and to manufacture, produce, design, develop, modify, build, encourage, refine, repair, process, prepare, fabricate, alter, dismantle, provide, exchange, remove, set, convert, finish, polish, cut, fit, trim, contract, sub-contract, supply, turn to account, let on hire, buy, sell, import, export, wholesale, retail and to act as agent, broker, adatia, job worker, consignor, contractor, vendor, collaborator, stockist, distributor or otherwise to deal in all shapes, sizes, varieties, designs, applications, combinations & uses of apparel, ornaments, gems, jewelleries, goods, watches, clocks, cutleries, fabrics, utensils, antiques, articles, & things, their parts, accessories, fittings, components, ingredients, and materials thereof made partly or wholly of gold, silver, platinum, or other precious metals and alloys thereof together with precious, semi precious, imitation, synthetic, natural or other varieties of stones and materials whatsoever and to do all incidental acts and things necessary for the attainment of above objects. 8. To carry on in India or elsewhere the business as manufacturers, producers, processors, importers, exporters, agents, brokers, wholesalers, showroom owners, retailers, distributors, exchangers, traders, buyers, sellers, job workers, stockists and to market, promote, organize, design, develop, cut, sort & grade or otherwise to deal in all shapes, sizes, varieties, specifications, descriptions, applications, modalities, fashions & uses of garments for men, women & children including sportswear, activewears, dailywears, fashionwears, partywears, wearing apparels, underwears, purses, belts, wallets and other allied goods made from cotton, silk, synthetics, jute, velvet, woollen, leather, rexin or with any combination thereof and to participate in local, national and international trade fairs, sales exhibitions, seminars, fashion shows or any other sates promotion scheme and to do all incidental acts and things necessary for the attainment of above objects. 9. To carry on in India or elsewhere the business of financing, money lending, bin discounting, factoring, corporate lending to advance money with or without securities, to provide finance to industrial enterprises on short term, medium term & long term basis; to provide finance on the securities of shares, stocks, bonds, debentures or other similar instruments, to provide clean loan, to provide loans against FOR held with the Company, to 44 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ participate in consortium finance with other institutions or body corporates, but the Company shall not do Banking business as defined in Banking Regulation Act, 1949; to take acceptances & obligations, to provide guarantees & counter guarantees, to provide bridge loans, to provide forex advisory services & loan syndication services and to arrange and provide other financial services and to act as consultant, advisor, manager, representative, retainer or in other capacity for the purpose of accomplishments of the objects under these presents; to carry on the business of Foreign Exchange, Money Changing and all other business connected with Foreign Exchange not amounting to Banking business. SUBSIDIARY OF THE COMPANY There is no subsidiary of the company. SHAREHOLDERS’ AGREEMENTS There is no separate agreement between any shareholder and the company as on date of filing of this letter of offer. STRATEGIC/ FINANCIAL PARTNER The Company does not have any Strategic Partner & Financial Partner as on the date of filing of this Letter of Offer. OTHER AGREEMENTS The Company has entered into an International Hotel License Agreement with M/s Bass Hotels & Resorts, Inc. (now known as Intercontinental Group, USA) to use their brand name ‘Crowne Plaza’ for a period of Ten years from January, 2001 to January, 2010. The Important terms of the agreement are: CHL will use the name Crowne Plaza for its property situated at New Friends Colony, New Delhi. CHL will pay Royalty fees to M/s Bass Hotels & Resorts, Inc. at rate of 2% of the Gross Room Revenues with deduction for sales and Room taxes only. Bass Hotels & Resorts, Inc. will provide all technical assistance to promote the property in tourism sector. Bass Hotels & Resorts, Inc. will do global advertising and assist in booking of accommodation globally. Training Programmes and materials Advertising publicity and other marketing programmes and Materials Except the contracts/agreements mentioned above and entered in the ordinary course of business carried on or included to be carried by the Company, the Company has not entered into any other agreement/contracts. 45 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MANAGEMENT The details of the board of directors of the company are given below: Name, Age, Designation, Son of, Address and Occupation Dr. L K Malhotra (64) Chairman & Managing Director S/o : Late Shri A.N. Malhotra D-6/22, Vasant Vihar New Delhi 110057 Occupation: Business Date of Appointment Qualification No of shares held 25/10/1980 Hon’y Ph. D in Business Management 4,11,536 Remuneration & Commission (Rs. in lacs) 241.14 Other directorship Mr. D V Malhotra (69) Director S/o : Late Shri A.N. Malhotra P O Box No.251 Safat 13003, Kuwait Occupation: Business 15/07/1985 Graduate 1,78,446 4.55 1. Malbros Investment Inc. 2. CHL International 3. Ultima Leasing and Financing (Partner) 4. United Overseas (Partner) 5. Growmore General Trading Co. WLL, Kuwait 6. Al-zahem & Malhotra General Trading Co. WLL, Kuwait 7. Ogab & Hanoud Malek Trading Co. WLL, Kuwait Mr. A K Malhotra (59) Director S/o : Late Shri A.N. Malhotra A-22, Kirti Nagar New Delhi 110015 Occupation: Business 15/07/1985 Graduate 800 4.55 1. 2. 3. 4. Mela Hotels Ltd. Malbros Farms (P) Ltd. ICS India Pvt. Ltd. Vatsal Foods Pvt. Ltd. Mr. O P Bajaj (74) Director S/o: Shri R.L. Bajaj 40, Villa Bajaj SOI No.19 Sukhumvit Road Bangkok (Thailand) Occupation: Business 30/12/1982 Graduate 2,11,030 4.55 1. Prime Real Estate Company Ltd. Prosperity Development Company Ltd. 1. Mohan Meakin Ltd. 2. Mohan Rocky Spring Water Breweries Ltd. 3. Malbros Capital Services (P) Ltd. 4. Kyjol Entertainment Media Pvt. Ltd. 5. CHL (South) Hotels Ltd. 6. CHL International 7. Taurus Investment Trust Co. Ltd. 8. CHL Biotech Pvt. Ltd. 9. Ultima Leasing and Financing (Partner) 2. 46 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name, Age, Designation, Son of, Address and Occupation Mr. B N Malhotra (77) Director S/o : Late Shri A.N. Malhotra, Post Box No.20267 Safat, Kuwait Occupation: Business Date of Appointment Qualification No of shares held Remuneration & Commission (Rs. in lacs) 4.55 Other directorship 29/09/1995 Graduate 94,996 Mr. Kumud Malhotra (47) Director S/o: Late Shri. Sudesh Malhotra 30, Willowbrook Road, Holmdel NJ 07733 USA Occupation: Business 12/09/1997 M.Sc. in Science Construction Management & Project Engineering 30,000 4.55 1. On Track Technocrat Developer Pvt. Ltd. 2. Regal Manor Builders, USA 3. Regal Manor Inc. 4. Gulistan Builders & Promotors Pvt Ltd. Mr. Subhash Ghai (64) Director S/o: Shri. Krishan Dayal Ghai 12, Cliff Tower, Mount Mary Road, Bandra (W) Mumbai 400 050 Occupation: Film Production 29/11/1997 Graduate in Cinema from Film & Television Institute of India, Pune NIL 4.55 1. Mukta Arts Limited 2. Whistling Woods International Limited 3. Connect 1 Limited 4. Red Carpet Films Limited 5. Mukta Tele Arts Pvt. Ltd. 6. Inter Airwings Pvt. Ltd. 7. Mukta Shakti Combines 8. Metro Films (Partner) 9. Mukta Arts (Partner) Mr. Luv Malhotra (35) Executive Director S/o: Shri. L. K. Malhotra D-6/22, Vasant Vihar New Delhi 110057 Occupation: Business 22/09/2000 M Sc. (Eco.) from University of Buckingham, U.K 45,550 133.24 1. Kyjol Entertainment Media Pvt. Ltd. 2. CHL (South) Hotels Limited 3. ICS (India) Pvt. Ltd. 4. Malbros Capital Services Pvt. Ltd. 5. On Track Technocrat Developer Pvt Ltd. 6. CHL Biotech Pvt. Ltd. 7. CHL International Mr. Harish Chander Bhasin (68) Director S/o: Late Shri R. R. Bhasin C-2/7, Safdarjung 31/10/2001 Graduate NIL 4.55 1. AHL Hotels Limited 2. CHL (South) Hotels Limited 3. Taurus Investment Trust Company Ltd. 4. HB Corporate Services Ltd. 1. 2. 3. 4. 47 Mela Hotels Ltd. Malsons Trading Company Inc Al-zahem & Malhotra Trading Corporation WLL, Kuwait Ogab & Hamoud Malek Trading Co. WLL Kuwait CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name, Age, Designation, Son of, Address and Occupation Development Area New Delhi 110 016 Occupation: Business Date of Appointment Mr. R C Sharma (68) Director S/o: Shri G.D. Sharma N 1, Green Park Extension New Delhi-16 Occupation: Retd. IPS Officer 30/04/2003 Qualification No of shares held Remuneration & Commission (Rs. in lacs) Other directorship 5. Bhasin Shares & Stock Brokers Limited 6. Raja Ram Bhasin Shares & Stock Brokers Limited 7. Raja Ram Bhasin & Co. 8. Machino Polymers Limited Graduate NIL 4.55 1. Sir Shadilal Enterprises Ltd. 2. HB Portfolio Ltd. 3. PCI Limited. 4. SIS Limited 5. Insec Securites & Finance Ltd. 6. FORE School of Management, Delhi (Trustee) BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dr. L.K. Malhotra, aged 64 yrs, is Hon’y Ph. D in Business Management. He has an experience of 44 years in various industries. Initially he started his career with M/s A. N. Malhotra & Sons, Kuwait which was engaged in the trading of consumer products. He was responsible for the management of sales & Marketing division of the firm. After associating with various trades in Kuwait he finally shifted to India and joined CHL Limited in the capacity of Managing Director in the year 1985. He is Secretary for Indo Kuwait NRI Forum and President of Forum For Better Delhi. With the bifurcation of USSR and formation of various countries under CIS, he took active interest in promoting the relationship between India and Tajikastan and was instrumental to arrange Government level discussions between the Government of India and Tajikastan. Vide a presidential decree issued by the President of the Republic of Tajikistan he was appointed as Honorary Consul of Tajikistan for India in 1994 and continued till they opened their Embassy in New Delhi in 2003. He is the President of PHD Chambers of Commerce and Industry. He is President & Chairman of Mataji Melan Devi Society (Regd.), a Charitable Trust. He is also a trustee member of Swami Ram Tirath Mission, Dehradun. Mr. D.V. Malhotra, aged 69 yrs, is a Non Resident Indian based at Kuwait and is one of the prominent figures of Indian origin in Kuwait. He is one of the promoters of our hotel and is known industrialist with wide and vast experience in the field of General Trading and Hotel business. Mr. A.K. Malhotra aged 59 yrs. He has been associated with the company since long. He is a hotelier and has an experience of more than 20 years in the field. He is the Managing Director of Mela Hotels Limited. Mr. O.P. Bajaj aged 74 yrs, is a Non Resident Indian based at Bangkok. He has vast experience in the area of managing and running hotels and is a well-known industrialist in Bangkok. He owns three hotels in Bangkok. Mr. B.N. Malhotra aged 77 yrs. He is one of the outstanding personalities in Kuwait and popularly known among the Indians at Kuwait. He has established his business at Kuwait since long and has 48 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ wide experience in business and is one of the prominent figures in the industrial life of Kuwait Mr. Kumud Malhotra aged 47 yrs is an American Citizen of Indian Origin and actively connected with Project Engineering both in India and in America. He is Bachelor of Architecture (Honours) from IIT Kharagpur, India and Master of Science in Construction Management & Project Engineering, from University of Michigan, USA. He has an experience of 26 years in the field of Construction & Architecture. Mr. Subhash Ghai aged 64 yrs, He is renowned and well known leading film director. He is an eminent and outstanding personality in the film industry with 32 years of experience. He ventured into selling of films directly to the overseas clients through his film ‘Saudagar’in the year 1991. He has been honoured by the United States Senate in October 1996 for his achievements as Producer & Director. He is responsible for bringing insurance coverage to Indian Film Industry with ‘Taal’ being the first film to get insured. He is the founder of “Whistling Woods International” – an institute for film training. He is also working on introduction of digital production systems to be installed in theaters, which will result into reducing the cost of prints to producers on one hand and reduction of running costs of prints to the theatre owners. He is one of the prominent figures in the business and industrial life of Mumbai. Mr. Luv Malhotra aged 35 yrs, MSc. (Economics) from University of Buckingham. He has an experience of 10 years in the field of Hospitality industry. He joined the hotel as General Manager (Coordination) in the year 1998. Thereafter, he was inducted on the Board of our hotel as an Executive Director in the year 2000. He looks after strategic planning and day to day operations of the Company. He is Hon’y Joint Secretary of Hotels & Restaurant Association of Northern India. Mr. Harish Chander Bhasin aged 68 yrs is well known in the Financial Services Industry. He has founded HB Group, which is engaged in financial services. He has vast and wide experience and in depth skill in financial fields especially in capital market and investment management. He has been on the Board since 2001. Mr. R.C. Sharma aged 68 yrs, is a Retired I.P.S. Officer and former Director of Central Bureau of Investigation. He has rich and vast experience in the fields of public administration and information technologies. RELATIONSHIP AMONG DIRECTORS Mr. B. N. Malhotra, Mr. D V. Malhotra, Dr. L.K. Malhotra and Mr. A. K Malhotra are brothers. Mr. Luv Malhotra is the son of Dr. L.K. Malhotra. CHANGE IN BOARD OF DIRECTORS DURING THE LAST THREE YEARS There has been no change in the Board of Directors of the Company in the last three years. BORROWING POWERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS The Articles of Association of the company authorized the board to borrow, the extract of which is as follows: Article 86 provides that the Board may from time to time, at its discretion, by a resolution passed at a meeting of the Board and not by circulation accept deposits from the member either in advance of calls or otherwise and generally raise or borrow or secure the payment of any sum or sums of money for the purpose of the company that the total amount borrowed at any time together with the money already borrowed by the company (except the temporary loans) shall not, without the consent of the Company in general meeting, exceed the aggregate of paid-up capital and free reserves of the Company. The present borrowing power of the board is upto Rs. 300 Crores which has been approved by the members in the Annual General Meeting held on 27th September, 2006. 49 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ INTEREST OF DIRECTORS All the Directors of the company may be deemed to be interested to the extent of remuneration, commission and fees, if any, payable to them for attending meetings of the Board and reimbursement of expenses. All the directors may also be deemed to be interested to the extent of equity shares, if any, already held by them and /or by their friends /relatives in the Company that may be subscribed for or allotted to them in the present offer and also to the extent of any dividend payable to them and other distributions in respect of the said equity shares. All the directors may also be deemed to be interested to the extent of normal transactions, if any, with the company. The Directors may also be regarded as interested in the equity shares, if any, held or that may be allotted to the companies, firms and trust in which they are interested as directors, members, partners and or trustees. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE The core principle of Corporate Governance is that Management must have the executive freedom to drive the enterprise forward and the freedom of Management should be exercised with a framework of checks and balances with accountability towards performance and progress. The company’s Governance Principle is the establishment of a set of systems or process whereby the directors are entrusted with responsibilities and duties of corporate affairs. Maximization of shareholders’ wealth is the corner stone of the governance. It hinges on total transparency, integrity and accountability of the management, which includes non-executive directors. It is about commitment to values and ethical business conduct and a high degree of transparency. Details of various committees are as follows: i) Audit Committee Terms of Reference of the Audit Committee are as per statutory guidelines that inter-alia, include overseeing financial reporting processes, reviewing Quarterly, Half yearly and Annual financial results, adequacy of internal control systems, internal audit function, discussions with the auditors about the scope of audit including the observations of the auditors and discussion with internal auditors on any significant findings and also to investigate any activity within its terms of reference and to seek any information it requires from any employees and to secure the attendance of outsiders with relevant experience and expertise, where considered necessary. . Members of Audit Committee Mr. O.P Bajaj Mr. Luv Malhotra Mr. R.C Sharma Mr. Harish C. Bhasin Designation Nature of Directorship Chairman Member Member Member Independent Director Whole Time Director Independent Director Independent Director ii) Remuneration Committee The Company has a Remuneration Committee, comprising of the three directors Mr. O.P. Bajaj, Mr. Harish C Bhasin, and Mr. Subhash Ghai. Non-Executive Directors The remuneration of the Non-Executive Directors (NEDs) of the Company is decided by the Board of Directors. The NEDs are paid remuneration by way of Commission and Sitting Fees. In terms of the approval of the members at the 26th Annual General Meeting of the Company held on 10th September 2005, commission is paid at a rate not exceeding one per cent of the net profits of the Company calculated in accordance with the provisions of Sections 198, 349 and 350 of the Companies 50 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Act, 1956. The commission amongst the NEDs is distributed equally. The Company did not have any pecuniary relationship or transactions with the Non Executive Directors and Executive Directors during the financial year 2006-2007. Sitting Fees The Sitting fee for attending the meeting of the Board of Directors was increased from Rs. 10,000/- to Rs. 20,000/- w.e.f. 27.09.2006. Sitting fees was increased from Rs. 5000/- to Rs. 10,000/- w.e.f. 20.10.2006 and further increased to Rs. 20,000/- w.e.f. 31.01.2007 for attending each meeting of Audit Committee, Shareholders/Investor Grievance Committee and of Remuneration Committee. Remuneration policy of the company is as given below: For Dr. L.K. Malhotra, Chairman and Managing Director Overall Remuneration as per the resolution passed by the shareholders of the company in the AGM held on 27th September, 2006: Subject to the provisions of Sections 198, 269 and 309 and other applicable provisions of the Act and modifications/amendments thereof, if any, the remuneration payable to Managing Director and Executive Director of the company, in any financial year, shall not exceed 10% (ten percent) of the net profits of the company for both of them together. In any financial year, during the tenure of Dr. L. K. Malhotra, if the company has no profits or its profits are inadequate, the remuneration payable to the Managing Director shall be as per the Schedule XIII of the Act. Within the aforesaid ceiling, the remuneration payable to Dr. L.K. Malhotra, Chairman & Managing Director shall be as under with effect from 1st August 2006: Basic Salary : Rs. 5,00,000 per month House Rent Allowance : Accommodation with amenities such as Gas. Electricity Water, House Furnishing and Repairs, the aggregate monetary value of which being limited to 60% of basic salary per month for the purpose of which limit, perquisites shall be evaluated as per Income Tax Rules, wherever applicable and in the absence of any such Rule, Perquisites shall be evaluated at actual cost. Commission : To be paid within the overall limit of the net profit in a financial year computed in the manner laid down under Section 349 of the Companies Act 1956. Medical Reimbursement : Expenses incurred for self and family subject to a ceiling of one month’s salary Leave Travel Concession : for Self & Family once a year, subject to a ceiling of one month’s salary. Club Fees : Maximum of two clubs not including admission and Life Membership fees Personal Accident Insurance : Premium not to exceed Rs. 10,000 p.a. Car & Telephone : Company’s car with driver for Company’s business. Official telephone facility at residence. Personal long Distance telephone calls shall be billed by the company. 51 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Provident Fund, Gratuity, Encashment of Leave Company’s contribution to Provident Fund, Gratuity, encashment of leave at the end of the tenure to the extent these either singly or together are not taxable under the Income Tax Act, shall not be included in the computation of limits for the remuneration or perquisites purpose. Resolved Further that the Board of Directors be and is hereby specifically authorized to , at any time, alter and vary the terms and conditions of the remuneration to be paid in case of absence or inadequacy of profits, in such manner but so as not to exceed the limits prescribed in Schedule XIII read with Sections 198, 309 and other applicable provisions, if any, of the Act or any amendments thereto or reenactments thereof. For Mr. Luv Malhotra, Executive Director Overall Remuneration as per the resolution passed by the shareholders of the company in the AGM held on 27th September, 2006: Resolved that subject to the provisions of Sections 198, 269 and 309 and other applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 1956, Mr. Luv Malhotra be and is hereby re-appointed as Executive Director of the company for a period of 5 years commencing from 22nd September 2005 to 21st September 2010 and the payment of remuneration and perquisites to him shall be as under:Basic Salary : Rs. 2,00,000 per month House Rent Allowance : Accommodation with amenities such as Gas. Electricity Water, House Furnishing and Repairs, the aggregate monetary value of which being limited to 60% of basic salary per month for the purpose of which limit, perquisites shall be evaluated as per Income Tax Rules, wherever applicable and in the absence of any such Rule, Perquisites shall be evaluated at actual cost. Commission : To be paid within the overall limit of the net Profit in a financial year computed in the manner laid down under Section 349 of the Companies Act 1956. Medical Reimbursement salary : Expenses incurred for self and family subject to a ceiling of one month’s Leave Travel Concession : for Self & Family once a year, subject to a ceiling of one month’s salary. Club Fees : Maximum of two clubs not including admission and the Life Membership fees Personal Accident Insurance : Premium not to exceed Rs. 10,000 p.a. Car & Telephone : Company’s car with driver for Company’s business. Official telephone facility at residence. Personal long Distance telephone calls shall be billed by the company. Provident Fund, Gratuity, Encashment of Leave Company’s contribution to Provident Fund, Gratuity, encashment of leave at the end of the tenure to the extent these either singly or together are not taxable under the Income Tax Act, shall not be included in the computation of limits for the remuneration or perquisites purpose. Overall Remuneration: Subject to the provisions of Sections 198, 269 and 309 and other applicable provisions of the Act and modifications/amendments thereof, if any, the remuneration payable to Managing Director and Executive Director of the company, in any financial year, shall not exceed 10% (ten percent) of the net 52 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ profits of the company for both of them together. In any financial year, during the tenure of Mr. Luv Malhotra, if the company has no profits or its profits are inadequate, the remuneration payable to the Executive Director shall be as per the Schedule XIII of the Act. Resolved Further that the Board of Directors be and is hereby specifically authorised to , at any time, alter and vary the terms and conditions of the remuneration to be paid in case of absence or inadequacy of profits, in such manner but so as not to exceed the limits prescribed in Schedule XIII read with Sections 198, 309 and other applicable provisions, if any, of the Act or any amendments thereto or re-enactments thereof. The Members of the remuneration committee are: Members of Remuneration Mr. O.PCommittee Bajaj Mr. Subhash Ghai Mr. Harish C. Bhasin Designation Nature of Directorship Chairman Member Member Independent Director Independent Director Independent Director Remuneration paid to Working Directors as on 31 Name of Directors Dr. L.K. Malhotra Mr. Luv Malhotra Salary & Allowance (Rs. in lacs) 103.20 41.28 st March, 2008: Commission (Rs. in Lacs) Service Tenure Upto 137.94 91.96 14.07.2010 21.09.2010 iii) Investor Grievances Committee The Committee was constituted by the Board in their meeting of Oct 31, 2001. Mr. Harish C Bhasin and Mr. A. K. Malhotra are the members of this committee. Mr. O.P. Bajaj is the Chairman of the Committee w.e.f. 30/01/2006. The Company Secretary is the Compliance Officer. The committee attends to the investors/shareholders, correspondence and share transfers expeditiously and usually reply is sent within a period of 15 days of receipt, except in those cases, which are disputed, and subjudice. The company furnishes necessary documents/ information to the shareholders. The Company received 20 shareholder’s grievances during the year which interalia included nonreceipt of Annual Report and past years’ dividend. The grievances were duly attended to and the company has furnished necessary documents/information to the shareholders. No grievances were pending at the year- end. The Members of the Committee are as under: Members of Grievance Committee Mr. O.P Bajaj Mr. A.K. Malhotra Mr. Harish C. Bhasin Designation Nature of Directorship Chairman Member Member Independent Director Non Executive Director Independent Director 53 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Shareholding of the Directors Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Name Mr. L.K. Malhotra Mr. A.K. Malhotra Mr. O.P. Bajaj Mr. Kumud Malhotra Mr. D.V. Malhotra Mr. B.N. Malhotra Mr. Luv Malhotra No. of Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each 4,11,536 800 2,11,030 30,000 1,78,448 94,996 45,550 CHANGES IN DIRECTORS DURING LAST THREE YEARS There are no changes in the directors of the Company for last three years 54 CHL Limited _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ORGANISATION STRUCTURE Chairman & Managing Director Exe Sec Executive Director Advisor to CMD Vice President Finance Vice President – Corporate Development Project Account s Corporate Accounts Operations Corporate Manager – Business Development Front Office Rooms Division Manager F&B Security House keeping Executive Chef Chief Security Officer Executive House keeper (Advisor) Chief Engineer Executive Sous Chef Sr Manager – Civil Mngr Manager Project – Finance Front Office Engineer Civil Training Mngr Horti culture F&B Manager FO Manager Asst FO manager Asst Civil Engineer House keeping HRD Mini Bar HR Mngr Sales Engineer ing Director of Sales Chief Engineer Manager – Corporate Affairs IT IT Manager Laundry Asst Fin Controller MngrHealth Club Asst Shift Engineer Company Secretary VP HR / Dir HR TBA Busines s Centre Guest Service Centre F&B operation s Reser vations F&B Banquet Tele phones Auto Cad Engineer 55 Club Lounge Reception Sr MngrEngnr Kitchen Stewarding Mngr-Prj TBA Asst IT Manager CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DETAILS OF KEY MANAGERIAL PERSONNEL The Company is managed by its Board of Directors, assisted by qualified professionals, with vast experience in the field of production/engineering/distribution/marketing/finance and corporate laws. Following are the key functionaries in different functions of the Company excluding the promoters/directors of the Company: Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Name & Designation Age (Years) Date Qualifications Remuneration Number Experience of Per annum of shares in the appointme(Rs. in lacs) held Company nt 02/04/2007 B.Sc 24.00 15,000 1 year and 4 months Mr. Gagan Malhotra VP Corporate Development Mr. N.K. Goel VP (Finance) 40 54 03/04/2003 Mr. Tejpal Uberoi VP&GM 50 Mr. G.J. Varadarajan Company Secretary 5. Mr. T.S. Lakshminarayan Corporate Chief Engineer 6. Mr. Gulshan Singh Chib HRD Manager 7. Mr. R.N. Juyal Mgr. Corporate Affairs 8. Mr. Merwyn Norohna F&B Manager 9. Mr. Navneet Dhawan Corporate Manager 10. Mr. Munish Bhatia Director Sales FCA Previous Company and Total Experience United Exports (15 Years) 14.40 3,200 06/02/2008 M.A. & Hotel Mgmt 14.40 Nil 5 years and 4 months 5 months Niclos Ltd. (25 Years) 56 16/06/2008 ACS, ICWA, LLB 7.20 Nil 1 month 53 01/05/2003 Diploma in Electronic & Electricals 10.00 300 5 years and 7 months 33 01/11/2007 B Sc; PGDBM 10.00 Nil 9 months Spicejet Ltd (8 Years) 54 01/06/1982 B.A. 6.50 Nil (25 Years) 32 07/07/2006 BHM 10.00 Nil 26 years and 2 months 2 years and 1 month Grand Hyatt (14 Years) 45 01/04/2001 MBA 7.20 Nil 7 years and 4 months HSBC Bank (25 Years) 38 05/05/2008 Diploma in Hotel Management 10.00 Nil 3 months Bharat Hotels Ltd. (15 Years) Park Royal Intercontinental (25 Years) Atlantic Hotels Pvt Ltd (28 Years) Hotel Intercontinental (30 Years) All the above mentioned key managerial personnel are permanent employees of the Company. The remuneration of each of key managerial personnel includes salary, bonus, Company’s contribution to Provident Fund, Leave Travel Allowance/Concession, Medical Expenses and value of other facilities inclusive of accommodation as may be applicable in each case. The Company has not offered any profit sharing plan to its Key Managerial Personnel. 56 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Changes in Key Managerial Personnel in the Last Three Years Name Mr. Sumant Jaidka Mr. Merwyn Norohna Mr. Gagan Malhotra Mr V. Ranga Rao Mr. Gulshan Singh Chib Mr. G J Varadarajan Mr. C. Stephan Mr Greesh Bindra Mr. Tej Pal Uberoi Mr G J Varadarajan Mr. Rajiv Murishwar Mr. Manish Bhatia Date of Appointment Date of Resignation 07.07.2006 02.04.2007 01.11.2007 02.02-2008 06.02.2008 17.06.2008 05.05.2008 06.06.2006 31.10.2007 20.12.2007 30.04.2008 29.02.2008 15.07.2008 Employee Stock Option Schemes Till date, the Company has not introduced any Employees Stock Option Scheme/Employee Stock Purchase Scheme. Interest of Key Managerial Personnel No amount or benefit has been paid or given within the two preceding years or intended to be given to any of the directors or key managerial personnel except the normal remuneration for services rendered as directors, officers or employees. Payment or Benefit (Non-Salary Related) to officers of the Company Except as stated in this Letter of Offer, no amount or benefit has been paid or given or is intended to be paid or given during the preceding two years to any of its officers except for the normal remuneration paid to Directors, officers or employees since the incorporation of the Company. Shareholding of Key Employees None of the Key Managerial Personnel are holding any equity shares of the company other than stated above. Loans to Key Managerial Personnel There are no loans outstanding against Key Managerial Personnel as on date. Bonus or Profit sharing plan for the Key Managerial Personnel There is no profit sharing plan for any Key Managerial Personnel. However, the Company pays bonus to all its permanent employees. 57 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PROMOTERS Promoters being an individual Dr. L.K. Malhotra, aged 64 yrs, is Hon’y Ph. D in Business Management. He has an experience of 44 years in various industries. Initially he started his carrer with M/s A. N. Malhotra & Sons, Kuwait which was engaged in the trading of consumer products. He was responsible for the management of sales & Marketing division of the firm. After associating with various trades in Kuwait he finally shifted to India and joined CHL Limited in the capacity of Managing Director in the year 1985. He is Secretary for Indo Kuwait NRI Forum and President of Forum For Better Delhi. With the bifurcation of USSR and formation of various countries under CIS, he took active interest in promoting the relationship between India and Tajikastan and was instrumental to arrange Government level discussions between the Government of India and Tajikastan. Vide a presidential decree issued by the President of the Republic of Tajikistan he was appointed as Honorary Consul of Tajikistan for India in 1994 and continued till they opened their Embassy in New Delhi in 2003. He is the President of PHD Chambers of Commerce and Industry. He is the President & Chairman of Mataji Melan Devi Society (Regd.), a Charitable Trust. He is also a trustee member of Swami Ram Tirath Mission, Dehradun. Driving Licence No. : P09092000185616 PAN No. : AAJPM1119K Mr. D.V. Malhotra, aged 69 yrs, is a Non Resident Indian based at Kuwait and is one of the prominent figures of Indian origin in Kuwait. He is known industrialist and has wide and vast experience in the field of General Trading and Hotel business. Driving Licence No. : P09122003311443 PAN No. : AGTPM2323M Mr. B.N. Malhotra aged 77 yrs. He is one of the outstanding personalities in Kuwait and popularly known among the Indians at Kuwait. He has established his business at Kuwait since long and has wide experience in business and is one of the prominent figures in the industrial life of Kuwait Driving License no: 231051800276 PAN No. : AFKPM6859A Mr. Luv Malhotra aged 35 yrs, MSc. (Economics) from University of Buckingham. He has an experience of 10 years in the field of Hospitality industry. He joined our company as General Manager (Coordination) in the year 1998. Thereafter, he joined the Board of CHL as an Executive Director in the year 2000. He looks after strategic planning and day to day operations of the Company. He is Hon’y Joint Secretary of Hotels & Restaurant Association of Northern India. Driving Licence No. : 91111537 PAN No. : AAJPM1121H 58 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ We confirm that the Permanent Account Number, Bank Account Numbers, Passport Number have been submitted to the Stock Exchanges at the time of filing of the letter of offer. Further, the promoters have not been detained as willful defaulter by the Reserve Bank of India or any other Government authority and there are no violations of securities laws committed by the promoter in the past or any such proceedings are pending against the promoters. The Promoters have not been detained as willful defaulters by the Reserve Bank of India or any other Government authority and there are no violations of securities laws committed by the Promoters in the past or any such proceedings are pending against the Promoters. INTEREST OF PROMOTERS All the Promoters who are on the Board of Company may be deemed to be interested to the extent of the sitting fees and other remuneration for the services rendered and the reimbursement of expenses, if any, payable to them under the articles. The Promoters may also be deemed to be interested to the extent of the shares, if any, held by them or by the relatives or by firms or companies of which any of them is a partner and a director/member respectively. Except as mentioned above the promoters do not have any interest in the business of the company. Common Pursuits Except as stated in the Related Party information on page no. 77 of this letter of offer, to the extent of reimbursement of expenses incurred or normal remuneration or benefits and their shareholding in the company as stated under the section titled “Capital structure of the company” appearing on page no. 11 of this letter of offer, the promoters of the company have no interest in the business of the company. Payment of benefit to the promoters of our company There is no payment or benefit to be given to the promoters of the Company other than being a shareholder or remuneration as a Director of the Company. Dividend Policy The declaration and payment of dividends will be recommended by the Board of Directors and shareholders, in their discretion, and will depend on a number of factors, including but not limited to the earnings, capital requirements and overall financial condition. The company has consistently been paying dividend for the past 4 years. The last dividend paid by the company was interim dividend of 20% for the year ended on 31/03/2008. 59 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PROMOTER GROUP COMPANIES Details of companies within the Promoter Group Companies 1. Malbros Capital Services Pvt. Limited The company was incorporated on 25th January, 2000 as a private limited company having its registered office at Hotel Crowne Plaza, New Delhi – 110 065. The CIN no. of the company is U67120DL2000PTC103441. The company is engaged in the business of investment activities and is an unlisted company. Board of Directors Sr. no. Name 1 Dr. Lalit Kumar Malhotra 2 Mr. Luv Malhotra Shareholding Pattern Sr.no. Name of the Share Holders 1 2 3 Total Dr. Lalit Kumar Malhotra Mr. Luv Malhotra Mr. A. K. Malhotra No. of Shares of Rs. 10/- each 10,010 10 10 10,030 Brief Audited Financial Results of the Company is as follows: (Rs. in Lacs) Financial Year Ended 31st March Particulars 2006-07 2005-06 2004-05 Total Income NIL 18.00 18.00 Profit/ Loss after Tax NIL 11.50 8.06 Share Capital 1.00 1.00 1.00 32.68 32.68 20.40 NIL 114.58 80.31 325.82 325.82 203.39 10 10 10 Reserves and Surplus (excluding revaluation reserve) Earnings Per Share (in Rs.) Book Value per Equity Share (in Rs.) Face Value per Share (in Rs.) Other Details Public Issue or rights Issue in the preceding 3 years Whether the company has become a sick company within the meaning of sick industrial companies( Special Provision) Act 1985 or is under winding up No No 2. Kyjol Entertainment Media Pvt. Limited The company was Originally incorporated on 24th September, 1991 under the name of Malbros Textiles Pvt. Ltd. Consequent to the change in the main object clause, the name of the Company was changed to Kyjol Entertainment Media Pvt. Ltd vide fresh certificate of Incorporation dated 17th December, 2004. The CIN no. of the company is U67120DL2000PTC103441. The company is engaged in the business of production of films and other entertainment activities and media services. The company is not listed on any stock exchange. 60 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Board of Directors Sr. no. Name 1 Dr. L. K. Malhotra 2 Mrs. Sunita Malhotra 3 Ms. Kajal Malhotra 4 Mr. Luv Malhotra Shareholding Pattern Sr.no. 1 2 3 4 Name of the Share Holders Dr. L. K. Malhotra Mrs. Sunita Malhotra Ms. Kajal Malhotra Mr. Luv Malhotra Total No. of Shares of Rs. 10/- each 10,21,010 32,000 10,93,010 5,50,000 26,96,020 Brief Audited Financial Results of the Company is as follows: Particulars Total Income Profit/ Loss after Tax Share Capital Reserves and Surplus (excluding revaluation reserve) Earnings Per Share (in Rs.) Book Value per Equity Share (in Rs.) (Rs. in Lacs) Financial Year Ended 31st March 2006-07 2005-06 2004-05 109.09 20.88 Nil 83.76 12.54 (0.69) 269.60 22.30 22.30 26.93 Nil Nil 3.10 5.62 Nil 10.37 NIL NIL 10 10 10 Face Value per Share (in Rs.) Other Details Public Issue or rights Issue in the preceding 3 years Whether the company has become a sick company within the meaning of sick industrial companies (Special Provision) Act 1985 or is under winding up. No No 3. CHL (South) Hotels Limited The company was incorporated on 22nd June, 2005 as a limited company having its registered office at Hotel Crowne Plaza, New Delhi 110 065. The CIN no. of the company is U74999DL20005PLC135749. The company is engaged in the business of running hotels and restaurants and providing lodging services. The company is not listed on any stock exchange. 61 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Board of Directors Sr. no. Name 1 Dr. L. K. Malhotra 2 Mr. Harish Chander Bhasin 3 Mr. Luv Malhotra 4 Mr. Lalit Bhasin 5 Mr. Narendra Kumar Goel 6 Mr. Rama Nand Juyal Shareholding Pattern Sr.no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Name of the Share Holders CHL Limited HB Estate Developers Ltd. Dr. L. K. Malhotra Mr. Harish Chander Bhasin Mr. Luv Malhotra Mr. Lalit Bhasin Mr. Narendra Kumar Goel Mr. Rama Nand Juyal Mrs. Anju Bhasin Total No. of Shares of Rs. 10/- each 1,00,000 1,00,000 10,010 20,10,010 10,010 10,010 10 10 20,00,000 42,40,060 Brief Audited Financial Results of the Company is as follows: Particulars Total Income For 18 months period ended 30th Sep 2007* (Rs. in Lacs) For the period 30th June 2005 to 31st March 2006 52.68 46.61 (119.08) 31.72 24.00 24.00 Reserves and Surplus (excluding revaluation reserve) NIL NIL Earnings Per Share (in Rs.) NIL NIL 215.81 329.91 10 10 Profit/ Loss after Tax Share Capital Book Value per Equity Share (in Rs.) Face Value per Share (in Rs.) * Approval obtained from ROC for extension of period from 12 months to 18 months. Other Details Public Issue or rights Issue in the preceding 3 years Whether the company has become a sick company within the meaning of sick industrial companies( Special Provision) Act 1985 or is under winding up 4. 62 No No CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHL International The company was incorporated on 29th June 2001as a Joint Stock Company. The company is registered with Tajikistan Government having its registered office at 48, Ayni Street, Dushanbe, Tajikistan. The company is engaged in the business of developing and managing hotels in Tajikistan & other CIS Countries. Board of Directors: Sr. no. Name 1 Dr. L. K. Malhotra 2 Mr. D. V. Malhotra 3 Mr. Luv Malhotra 4 Mr. Lalit Bhasin 5 Mr. Narender Kumar Goel List of Shareholders Sr.no. Name of the Share Holders 1 2 M/s CHL Limited M/s Al-Zahem & Malhotra General Trading & Contracting Co. Total *Conversion rate: 3.41 Somani = 1 USD as on 24/07/2008 Number of Shares held of Somoni 100/each* 27,650 40,150 67,800 Brief Audited Financial Results of the Company is as follows: (Rs. in Lacs) Particulars Total Income * Financial Year Ended 2007 31st December 2006 2005 NIL NIL NIL Profit/ (Loss) after Tax (11.33) (7.96) NIL Share Capital 106.30 106.30 106.30 Reserves and Surplus (excluding revaluation reserve) NIL NIL NIL Earnings Per Share (in Rs.) NIL NIL NIL Book Value per Equity Share (in Rs.) NA NA NA Face Value per Share (in Rs.) NA NA NA * Hotel at Dushanbe is under construction stage, and as there is no income in the company due to which the financials are not available. Other Details Public Issue or rights Issue in the preceding 3 years Whether the company has become a sick company within the meaning of sick industrial companies( Special Provision) Act 1985 or is under winding up 63 No No CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Mela Hotels Limited The company was incorporated on 26th December, 1985 as a limited company having its registered office at A-173, New Friends Colony, New Delhi 110 065. The CIN no. of the company is U55101DL1985PLC022874. The company is engaged in the business of running hotels and restaurants. The company is not listed on any stock exchange. Board of Directors Sr. no. Name 1 Mr. A. K. Malhotra 2 Mr. B. N. Malhotra 3 Brig. Kapil Mohan 4 Mr. Vinod Chopra 5 Mr. Banwari Lal Rathi 6 Mr. Ravi Kant Chadha 7 Mr. Neel Kamal Malhotra 8 Mr. Gagan Malhotra 9 Ms. Sunita Malhotra Shareholding pattern: Sr.no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Name of the Share Holders Number of Shares held of Rs. 10/- each 45,340 40,010 64,610 25,010 10 10 10 50,32,500 3,20,000 3,20,000 1,60,000 75,000 64,000 1,000 7,50,000 5,00,000 5,00,000 78,97,500 Dr. Lalit Kumar Malhotra Mrs. Sunita Malhotra Mr. A. K. Malhotra Ms. Renu Malhotra Ms. Mela Devi Malhotra Mr. A. Srinivasan Mr. K. S. Suri Malbros Investments Inc. I.F.C.I. Limited I.D.B.I. Limited I.C.I.C.I. Limited Unites Sales Ltd. United Exports Brig. Kapil Mohan Mr. D. V. Malhotra Mrs. Usha Malhotra Mr. Lokesh Malhotra Total 13% Redeemable Cumulative Preference (shares of Re. 100 each) Shareholders Sr.no. 1 2 Name of the Share Holders Number of Shares held 1,00,000 1,00,000 2,00,000 Malbros Investments Inc. Mr. Neel Kamal Malhotra Total 64 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Brief Audited Financial Results of the Company is as follows: (Rs. in Lacs) Financial Year Ended 31st March Particulars 2006-07 2005-06 2004-05 Total Income 262.57 259.61 302.81 Profit/ Loss after Tax (38.90) (25.42) (49.39) Share Capital 989.75 989.75 989.75 NIL NIL NIL (0.83) (0.65) (0.60) 10 10 10 Reserves and Surplus (excluding revaluation reserve) Earnings Per Share (in Rs.) Book Value per Equity Share (in Rs.) Face Value per Share (in Rs.) Other Details Public Issue or rights Issue in the preceding 3 years Whether the company has become a sick company within the meaning of sick industrial companies( Special Provision) Act 1985 or is under winding up No No 6. CHL Biotech (Pvt.) Ltd The company was incorporated on 2nd November, 2007 as a private limited company having its registered office at Hotel Crowne Plaza, New Delhi 110 065. The CIN no. of the company is U24233DL2007PTC170086. The company is engaged in the activities of purchasing and manufacturing of drugs and chemicals for medicinal purposes. The company is not listed on any stock exchange. Board of Directors Sr. no. Name 1 Dr. L. K. Malhotra 2 Mr. Luv Malhotra 3 Mr. Narender Kumar Goel List of Shareholders Sr.no. 1 2 3 Name of the Share Holders Mr. Luv Malhotra Mr. Narender Kumar Goel M/s CHL Limited Total Number of Shares held of Rs. 10/- each 10,000 10,000 10,000 30,000 As the company has been incorporated in the month on November 2007, no financials have been made. Other Details Public Issue or rights Issue in the preceding 3 years Whether the company has become a sick company within the meaning of sick industrial companies( Special Provision) Act 1985 or is under winding up 7. On Track Technocrat Developer Pvt. Ltd. 65 No No CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The company was incorporated on 14th February, 2007 as a private limited company having its registered office at 197, Sukhdev Vihar, New Delhi 110 025. The CIN no. of the company is U45200DL2007PTC159278. The company is engaged in construction work relating to building, hotels etc. The company is not listed on any stock exchange. Board of Directors Sr. no. Name 1 Mr. Kumud Malhotra 2 Mr. Narender Kumar Goel 3 Mr. Luv Malhotra Shareholding pattern: Sr.no. 1 2 3 Name of the Share Holders Mr. Kumud Malhotra Mr. Narender Kumar Goel Mr. Luv Malhotra Total Number of Shares held of Rs. 10/- each 10,000 10,000 10,000 30,000 Brief Audited Financial Results of the Company is as follows: (Rs. in Lacs) Particulars 2006-07 Total Income Nil Profit/ Loss after Tax Nil Share Capital 3.00 Reserves and Surplus (excluding revaluation reserve) Nil Earnings Per Share (in Rs.) Nil Book Value per Equity Share (in Rs.) 10 Face Value per Share (in Rs.) 10 Other Details Public Issue or rights Issue in the preceding 3 years Whether the company has become a sick company within the meaning of sick industrial companies( Special Provision) Act 1985 or is under winding up No No Disassociation by Promoters The promoters have not disassociated themselves from any of the Companies during three preceding years except. Common Pursuits There are no common pursuits among the Company and the Group Companies. 66 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Litigation For details on outstanding litigations against Group Companies please refer page no. 90 this Letter of Offer Related Party Transactions For details of Related Party Transaction please refer to details given under the section titled “Related Party Transactions” on page no. 77 this Letter of Offer. 67 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PART II SECTION IV - FINANCIAL INFORMATION Auditor’s Report 25th July 2008 The Board of Directors, CHL Limited, Hotel Crowne Plaza, New Friends Colony, New Delhi – 110 025 Dear Sir, As required by Part II of Schedule II of the Companies Act, 1956 and Guidelines titled Securities and Exchange Board of India (Disclosure and Investor Protection) Guidelines, 2000 in general and clause 6.10 of the said guidelines in particular issued by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) in pursuance of Section 11 of Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992, we have examined the financial information contained in the statements annexed to this report which are to be included in the Letter of Offer in connection with the proposed Right Issue of the Company. We have examined the ‘Statement of Profit and Loss (Annexure-I) of the Company for the years ended on March 31, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 and the ‘Statement of Assets and Liabilities – as on those dates (Annexure – II), the ‘Statement of Cash Flows – for the years ended on those dates (Annexure – III), and the related financial statement schedules (Annexure IV to XVI) as extracted from the audited financial statements for each of the financial years ended on March 31, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 adopted by the members of the company and audited financial statements for March 31st 2008 to be adopted by the members of the company after making the necessary and relevant disclosures as appropriate and required to be made, in our opinion, in accordance with the provisions of Part II and Schedule II of the Companies Act, 1956 and SEBI Guidelines. The accounts as given in the enclosed statements do not require any restatement since: a. b. c. There have been no adjustments for the changes in accounting policies retrospectively in respective financial years. There have been no adjustments for the material amounts in the respective financial years to which they relate. There are no extra-ordinary items that need to be disclosed separately in the accounts and qualification requiring adjustments. We have examined the following financial information relating to the Company proposed to be included in the Letter of Offer, approved by the Board of Directors and annexed to this report. a. Significant accounting policies (Annexure IV) b. Notes to Accounts (Annexure V) c. Statement of Dividend (Annexure – VI) d. Statement of Accounting Ratios (Annexure – VII) e. Statement of Capitalization (Annexure – VIII) f. Statement of Other Income (Annexure – IX) 68 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ g. Tax Shelter Statement (Annexure – X) h. Statement of Secured Loans (Annexure – XI) i. Statement of Unsecured Loans (Annexure – XII) j. Statement of Sundry Debtors (Annexure – XIII) k. Statement of Loans & Advances (Annexure – XIV) l. Statement of Sundry Creditors and Provisions (Annexure – XV) m. Statement of Investments (Annexure – XVI) This report is intended solely for the use of CHL Limited, for the purpose of inclusion in the Letter of Offer in connection with the proposed Right Issue of the Company. This report may not be used or relied upon by, or disclosed, referred to or communicated by yourself (in whole or in part) to any third party for any purpose other than the stated use, except with our written consent in each instance, and which consent, may be given, only after full consideration of the circumstances at that time. For G.Rai & Co, Chartered Accountants, sd/(Gulshan Rai) Proprietor M.No. 3921 69 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Annexure I Statement of Profit and Loss Account: Particulars (Rs. in lacs) For the Financial years ended 31st March 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 INCOME Sales & Services Increase (Decrease) in inventories Other Income Total Income 8709.35 7625.73 5668.07 4301.2 3209.08 479.24 9,188.59 451.66 8,077.39 314.85 5,982.92 102.13 4,403.33 138.67 3,347.75 EXPENDITURE Food and beverages consumed Staff Costs Operating & General Expenses Depreciation Deferred Revenue expenditure Selling Expenses Interest Total expenditure 583.71 1,584.84 2,368.22 364.46 1.40 601.70 489.50 5,993.83 545.15 1,194.97 2,322.97 315.27 1.40 583.35 489.25 5,452.36 468.57 916.17 1,990.60 325.49 1.40 427.10 310.24 4,439.57 433.88 707.52 1,982.19 238.27 3.04 305.41 147.51 3,817.82 319.61 571.17 1,521.96 241.74 3.04 176.31 137.46 2,971.29 3,194.76 1,089.61 2,625.03 922.41 1,543.35 503.03 585.51 191.58 376.46 174.97 2,105.15 1,702.62 1,040.32 393.93 201.49 57.07 (0.20) (0.91) - - 2,048.08 1,702.82 1,041.23 393.93 201.49 Net Profit before tax and extra ordinary items Taxation Net Profit/(Loss) before extra ordinary items Adjustment of Last years' Provisions Net Profit after Extraordinary items 70 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Annexure II Statement of Assets & Liabilities: (Rs. in lacs) 2005 5939.37 2650.45 3288.92 3288.92 2004 5656.24 2617.79 3038.45 29.01 3067.46 791.95 338.91 119.87 243.14 555.06 2613.98 1329.32 4741.50 217.53 452.97 1945.41 1618.56 4234.47 215.33 253.41 1171.02 484.38 2124.14 214.96 195.27 755.35 632.80 1798.38 3,485.78 3514.18 3612.01 1373.98 850.59 198.96 541.88 1,460.09 176.96 563.14 1357.38 178.33 550.04 1096.02 171.04 592.22 910.25 233.25 645.24 761.60 5,686.71 6,106.14 5,611.66 4,575.95 5,436.40 3,372.08 3,047.49 2,704.48 2,490.68 2,495.03 1,096.37 5,012.57 (2.80) 1096.37 3483.79 (4.21) 1096.37 2281.32 (5.61) 1096.37 1615.12 7.01) 1096.37 1408.71 10.05) 6,106.14 4,575.95 3,372.08 2,704.48 2,495.03 Description Gross Block Less Depreciation Net Block Capital Work in Progress Sub Total (A) 2008 8,537.27 3,030.96 5,506.31 5,506.31 2007 7317.09 3135.48 4181.61 57.08 4238.69 2006 6702.55 2943.70 3758.85 23.21 3782.06 B Investments (B) 1,144.74 1207.42 C Current Assets, Loans & Advances Inventories Sundry Debtors Cash and Bank Balances Loans and Advances Sub Total ( C ) 380.87 619.47 1,277.31 2,864.15 5,141.80 A D Liabilities and Provisions Secured Loans Unsecured Loans : Security Deposit Deferred Tax Liabilities Current Liabilities And Provision Total Liabilities ( D) NET WORTH (A+B+C-D) Net Worth Represented by Share Capital:Equity Share Capital Reserves and Surplus Less:- Miscellaneous Expenses not w/off) Total Net Worth 71 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Annexure III Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31st March: Particulars A) Cash Flow From Operating Activities Net Profit before Tax & Extraordinary Items Adjustments for Depreciation Dividend Income Misc. Expense Written off Extra Ordinary Items Loss/(Profit) on Sale of Assets Scrapped/Discarded Assets written off Loss on Sale of Investment Interest Expenditure Interest Received Operating Profit before Working Capital Changes Adjustments for (Increase) Decrease in Inventories Increase (Decrease) in Trade Payables (Increase) Decrease in Receivables Cash generated from Operations Income Tax (Paid)/Refund Net Cash from Operating Activities (A) B) Cash Flow from Investing Activities Purchase of Fixed Assets Sale of Fixed Assets Purchase of Investment Sales of Investment Advance to Associate Companies Inter corporate Deposit Interest Received Dividend Received Net Cash used in Investing Activities (B) C) Cash Flow from Financing Activities Proceeds from issue of Capital Interest Paid Increase Decrease in Security Deposit Dividend Paid Dividend Tax Paid Increase (Decrease) in Secrued Loans (Term Loan) Increase (Decrease) in Secured Loans (Working Capital) Net Cash used in Financing Activities ( C ) Net increase/ decrease in cash and cash equivalents (A+B+C) Cash & Cash Equivalent as on 1st April Cash & Cash Equivalent as on 31st March (Rs. in lacs) 2005 2004 2008 2007 2006 3,194.75 2,626.77 1,586.01 585.51 376.46 364.46 (33.28) 1.40 2.39 79.69 (44.98) 489.49 (317.70) 3,736.22 315.27 (78.59) 1.40 (1.74) (102.12) 119.28 8.59 489.26 (236.14) 3,141.98 325.49 (22.36) 1.40 (42.65) (102.36) 11.64 3.01 310.24 (152.25) 1,918.17 238.27 (5.22) 3.04 241.74 (0.25) 3.04 27.57 217.44 7.60 147.51 (75.42) 1,146.30 1.60 9.07 36.77 137.53 (93.15) 712.81 (137.73) 94.15 (207.58) 3,485.06 (1,167.08) 2,317.98 (25.61) 201.15 (112.35) 3,205.17 (936.48) 2,268.69 (2.19) 233.10 (322.48) 1,826.60 (602.43) 1,224.17 (0.38) 121.18 55.27 1,322.37 (126.97) 1,195.40 (52.74) 41.44 (71.56) 629.95 116.70 746.65 (1,721.39) 7.24 (1,317.18) 1,424.85 (487.00) (875.00) 289.15 33.28 (2,646.05) (910.12) 10.34 (1,121.11) 807.77 321.33 236.14 78.59 (577.06) (843.19) 9.90 (759.26) 408.57 (1,007.69) 152.25 22.36 (2,017.06) (693.65) 8.88 (332.47) 85.87 (48.35) 75.42 5.22 (899.08) (169.55) 73.48 4.44 93.15 0.25 1.77 (489.49) 22.00 (438.16) (74.53) (566.94) (489.26) (1.37) (380.78) (53.82) 1,674.31 (310.24) 7.30 (321.68) (46.13) 1,081.81 (147.51) (62.21) (163.20) (23.06) 355.86 (137.53) (1,772.14) 1,156.22 159.47 (18.41) (1,008.59) (1,023.06) (1,336.66) 668.57 1,567.28 774.39 119.35 415.67 (515.55) 232.87 1,171.02 1,945.41 755.35 1,171.02 522.48 755.35 538.53 2,613.98 1,277.32 72 1,945.41 2,613.98 (1.14) (358.47) CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Annexure IV SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES Annexed to and forming part of the Statement of Accounts for the year ended 31st March 2008. A) BASIS OF PREPRATION OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. The financial statements are prepared under the historical cost convention method, except as stated otherwise, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and mandatory Accounting Standard, issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountant of India and referred to in section 211(3C) of the Companies Act, 1956. 2. USE OF ESTIMATES The preparation of financial statements requires estimates and assumptions to be made that affect the reported amount of assets and liabilities on the date of financial statements and the reported amount of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Difference between the actual results and estimates are recognized in the period in which the results are known / materialized. B) FIXED ASSETS AND DEPRECIATION 1. Fixed assets are stated at cost, less impairment losses if any. Cost includes all expenditure necessary to bring the assets to its working condition for its intended use. Capital work in progress comprises of advances paid to suppliers of material, labor, services and other related expenditure where the fixed asset is not ready for its intended use as at the balance sheet date. In the case of new undertaking, preoperative expenses are capitalized upon the commencement of commercial operations. 2. Cost of asset(s) replaced but still usable is not reduced from the cost of the asset(s) till it is sold / discarded. If the cost of the asset(s), discarded / sold is not ascertainable, cost of replacement of such asset(s), (discounted as per “indexed cost formula” prescribed under Income Tax Act, 1961) is taken as the cost of such asset(s) for the purpose of deduction from the cost. 3. Expenses on complete renovation / rebuilding of an existing asset resulting in substantial increase in useful life are capitalized. Residual value of the original asset, renovated or rebuilt is reduced from the cost. 4. Increase in cost of the asset(s) (acquired prior to 01/04/1988) on account of exchange fluctuation in foreign currency loan, is treated as a separate asset. No adjustment is made in the carrying cost of these asset(s), in respect of assets(s) sold / discarded if the cost of such asset was not ascertainable. The depreciation on such assets is provided at weighted average rate based on residual life of the asset which is as follows: Class of Asset Building Plant & Machinery Depreciation Rate (%) 1.89 9.20 5. Depreciation on other tangible assets is provided on straight-line method basis in accordance with the provisions of section 205 (2) (b) of the Act, in the manner and at the rates specified in Schedule XIV of the said Act. 6. Intangible Assets are depreciated on straight line method over the useful life thereof, which is taken as three years. 73 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ C) IMPAIRMENT OF ASSETS The carrying amounts of the asset(s) are reviewed at each balance sheet date to assess whether they are recorded in excess of their recoverable amounts, and where carrying amounts exceed the recoverable amount of the ass, asset(s) are written down to their recoverable amount. D) INTANGIBLE ASSETS Accounting treatment of intangible assets like computer software is made in accordance with AS-26. E) ASSETS ON LEASE Accounting treatment of assets taken on lease after 01/04/01 is being made in accordance with AS-19. F) BORROWING COST Borrowing costs that are attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of qualifying assets are capitalized as part of cost of such assets. A qualifying asset is an asset that necessarily requires a substantial period of time to get ready for its intended use or sale. All other borrowing costs are recognized as an expense in the period in which they are incurred. G) FOREIGN CURRENCY TRANSACTION 1. Transactions denominated in foreign currencies are normally recorded at the exchange rate prevailing on the date of the transaction. 2. Monitory items denominated in foreign currencies at the year end are restated at year end rates. 3. Non monitory foreign currency items are stated at cost. 4. Any income or expense on account of exchange difference either on settlement or on translation is recognized as revenue except in cases where they relate to acquisition of fixed assets in which case they are adjusted to the carrying cost of such assets or where the amount of difference is not material. H) INVESTMENTS Long term investments are carried at cost. However, provision is made to recognize a decline, other than temporary, in the value of long term investments. Current investments are carried at lower of cost and fair value, determined on an individual basis. I) CURRENT ASSETS Inventories are valued at lower of cost and estimated net realizable value after providing for cost of obsolescence and other anticipated loss whenever considered necessary. Cost is determined by using the first in, first out (FIFO) basis. Linen, Glassware, Chinaware etc. issued to rooms and outlets are treated as replacement of old/worn out items and charged to Profit & Loss Account and items in use at the close of the year are included in inventories. J) RETIREMENT AND OTHER EMPLOYEES BENEFITS 74 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Consequent to the adoption of Accounting Standard 15 (Revised 2006) on “Employees Benefits”, the company has classified various benefits to employees under “Defined Contribution Pans, and Defined Benefit Plans”. i. Defined Contribution Plan a) Contributions payable by the company to the concern Government Authorities in respect to Provident Fund, Family Pension Fund and Employees State Insurance are charged to the Profit and Loss Account on accrual basis. b) Gratuity liability as on the Balance Sheet date is determined by the insurance company with whom the company has taken a group gratuity policy, on the basis of actuarial valuation using projected unit credit method and such liability has been provided in these accounts. ii. Defined Benefit Plan Short term compensated absences are recognized as expense, at the undiscounted amount, in Profit and Loss Account of the year in which they are incurred. Long term compensated absences are provided for based on the actuarial valuation as per projected unit credit method, as at the Balance Sheet date. Actuarial gains and losses are immediately taken to Profit and Loss Account as income or expenses without resorting to any amortization. K) RECOGNITION OF INCOME & EXPENDITURE i. Sales and Services are stated net of discount / allowances. ii. Claims recoverable are recognized to the extent admitted by the parties. License fee from shops are recognized in the year of receipts, as per practice consistently followed. Unclaimed credit balances and excess provision of expenditure are treated as revenue of the year in which such amounts cease to be Company’s liability. iii. Discarded assets (carpets etc.) are charged to the profit & loss account at written down value. Amount realized, if any, on sale of such items is treated as income. . Scrap value is recognized, if material. iv. Claims by customers under reward schemes of sales promotion program are recognized on acceptance. L) CONTINGENT LIABILITIES Contingent Liabilities are disclosed after careful examination of the facts and legal aspects of the matter involved. M) TAXATION Provision for current taxation is made in accordance with Income Tax Laws applicable to the assessment year. Wealth tax for the year is provided as per the Wealth Tax Act and Rules 1957. Deferred tax is recognized on time difference between the accounting income and the taxable income for the year and quantified using the tax rates and laws enacted or substantively enacted as on the Balance Sheet date. 75 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Deferred tax asset is recognized and carried forward to the extent there is a reasonable certainty that sufficient future taxable income will be available against which such deferred tax assets can be realized. N) LIABILITIES Liabilities in respect contractors engaged in extensive repairs/renovation of guest floors, outlets, facilities and for provision of services relating thereto are accounted for in the year in which the same are put to commercial use. All payments till completion are shown under the head “Advances recoverable in cash or in kind” O) Prior period and extraordinary items and changes in Accounting Policies having material impact on the financial affairs of the company are disclosed. 76 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Annexure V NOTES ON ACCOUNTS 1. Contingent liabilities not provided for in respect of 2007-2008 (Rs. in lacs) 8.00* i) Demands Claims not acknowledged as debt or which are under litigation ii) Bank Guarantees furnished 13.88 iii) Disputed demands for taxes duties and other levies 335.37 pending adjudication in appeal * includes claim against which FDR for Rs. 6.08 lacs furnished. 2. Amount due to SSI Unit for a period exceeding 30 days 2006-2007 (Rs.in lacs) 27.00* Nil 14.80 350.21 Nil 3. The company has not received information from vendors regarding their status under the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act 2006 and hence disclosure relating to the amounts unpaid at the year end with interest paid / payable under this Act has not been given. 4. Extra-ordinary item – payment to DDA Nil 1.74 5. Depreciation on intangible asset viz computer software has been provided at straight line method. No depreciation has been provided on building, plant and machinery in NSEZ, acquired during the year through public auction as the same was not put to use till the year end. 6. a. Debts due to or by the company, in some cases are unconfirmed and/or under reconciliation. In the opinion of the management the impact of adjustment, if any, on reconciliation is not likely to be significant. b. Rs.57.07 lacs as stated in annexure I (Profit and Loss a/c) represents provision for Employees Retirement benefits on mandatory implementation of Accounting Standard 15 (Revised) in this year. 7. In the opinion of the management, the assets of the company have a value on realization, in the normal course of business, at least equal to the amounts stated in the balance sheet. 8. DEFERRED REVENUE EXPENDITURE The amount represents non refundable fee paid to S. C. Hotels for use of brand name Crowne Plaza amortized during the year. 9. AS-17 on Segment Reporting is not applicable as the company is engaged only in hotel business and at one location. 10. Related party transactions - Associate Companies CHL (South) Hotels Limited CHL International CHL Biotech Pvt. Ltd. - Key Management Personnel Dr. L.K.Malhotra Mr. Luv Malhotra - Entities controlled by Directors Kyjol Entertainment Media Pvt Ltd. 77 Managing Director Executive Director CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ or their relatives - Sr. no a) c) 3. Entities where Director(s) and/or their relatives are Partner/Trustee/Director Name of Party United Overseas/United Exports Mataji Melan Devi Society d) Mohan Meakin Ltd f) CHL International g) CHL (South) Hotels Ltd CHL Biotech Pvt. Ld. h) (Rs.in lacs) Nature of Transaction Bal. O/s recei- Written off/ Transaction value vable/(payable) Written as on 31.3.2008 back (0.90) NIL A firm in which Purchase of 6.50 Director’s relative Rice is partner A Trust in which Donation NIL NIL 11.00 Director is Trustee A company in NIL NIL Supply of 0.27 which Director is Liquor Director An associate Advance/ 32.00 909.02 NIL Company Investment An associate Advance/ 1148.00 450.00 NIL Company Investment An associate Advance/ 11.08 5.00 NIL Company Investment Relationship Managerial Remuneration to Directors Particulars Salary & Allowances Contribution to P.F. Other benefit/perquisites Commission to Directors Sitting Fee to other Directors 4. 2007-08 134.40 10.08 3.00 267.72 9.80 (Rs. in lacs) 2006-07 120.40 9.12 1.85 207.25 6.95 2007-08 5.06 1.12 (Rs. in lacs) 2006-07 3.37 1.68 Auditors Remuneration Particulars As Audit Fee For Other Services 5. Mela Hotels Limited Malbros Capital Services Pvt Ltd. On Track Technocrat Developer Pvt Ltd. United Overseas/United Exports Mataji Melan Devi Society Mohan Meakin Ltd. Deferred Tax Liabilities Particulars Depreciation Miscellaneous Expenditure to the extent not amortised Deferred Tax Liabilities 2007-08 1604.11 2.80 1606.91 546.19 (Rs. in lacs) 2006-07 1652.57 4.21 563.14 6. A. The company has been exempted vide order No. 46/50/2006/CL-III dated 10/02/2006 of Ministry of Company Affairs, Government of India u/s 211(4) of the Companies Act, 1956 from the 78 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ disclosure of quantitative details of turnover, stocks, purchases, production and consumption of raw material for the financial years ended 31st March 2006, 31st March 2007 and 31st March 2008. 2007-08 B. C.I.F. Value of Imports a) Food & Beverage b) Wine & Liquor – through canalizing agencies. c) Components and spare parts d) Capital Goods C. D Expenditure in Foreign Currency – on payment basis i. Technical Services ii. Others Nil 108.88 Nil 174.52 Nil 79.28 Nil 127.61 226.25 148.97 175.10 123.57 5174.60 4823.77 187.63 226.01 Earning in Foreign Exchange – on receipt basis On account of hotel services and sales made through Travel Agents E. Rs. in lacs 2006-07 Remittance in Foreign Currency on account of Dividend 7. Amount transferred to investor education and protection fund as required under section 205 C of the Companies Act as Rs. NIL (Previous Year Rs. 1.72 lacs) 8. Previous year’s figures have been regrouped and rearranged wherever necessary to make it comparable with the Current Years figures. All figures have been rounded off to nearest rupee. 79 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Annexure VI Statement of Dividend Particulars Equity Shares No. of Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each Rate of Dividend (Net) Dividend Amount (Rs. In Lacs) Dividend Tax 31/03/2004 (Rs. in lacs) 31/03/2005 31/03/2006 31/03/2007 31/03/2008 109.636 15% 164.45 21.07 109.636 15% 164.45 23.06 109.636 30% 368.91 46.13 109.636 40% 438.55 61.81 109.636 40% 438.55 80.74 Annexure VII Statement of Accounting Ratios Particulars 2008 Earnings per share Net Profit after Tax (Rs. Lacs) No. of Shares (in lacs) EPS (Rs.) Return on Net Worth Profit after Tax (Rs. Lacs) Net Worth (Rs. Lacs) Return on Net Worth (%) Net Assets Value per share Total Assets (Rs. Lacs) Total Liabilities (Rs. Lacs) Asset Value (Rs. Lacs ) (a-b) Less : Share Application money received Net Asset Value (Lac Rs.) (e) No. Shares (in lacs) Net Assets Value per Share (Rs.) (Rs. in lacs) Financial Year Ending 2007 2006 2005 2004 a b a/b 2105.15 109.636 19.20 1702.62 109.636 15.53 1040.32 109.636 9.49 393.93 109.636 3.59 201.49 109.636 1.84 a b a/b 2105.15 6106.15 34.48 1702.62 4575.95 37.21 1040.32 3372.08 30.85 393.93 2704.48 14.57 201.49 2495.03 8.08 a b a-b 11792.85 5686.71 6106.14 10187.61 5611.66 4575.95 8808.48 5436.42 3372.08 5933.52 3229.04 2704.48 4985.71 2490.68 2495.03 d c-d f e/f 0.00 6106.14 109.636 55.69 0.00 4575.95 109.636 41.74 0.00 3372.08 109.636 30.76 0.00 2704.48 109.636 24.67 0.00 2495.03 109.636 22.76 Annexure VIII Statement of Capitalization (Rs. in lacs) Particulars Loans - Secured and Unsecured Short Term Debt Long Term Debt Total Loans Shareholders' funds : Share Capital Reserves & Surplus Total Shareholders' funds : Total Long Term Debt/Shareholders' funds Pre-Issue (as on 31/03/08) Post-Issue 538.53 2947.24 3485.77 538.53 2947.24 3485.77 1096.37 5057.65 6154.02 0.57 : 1 1644.56 7250.39 8894.945 0.39 : 1 80 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Annexure IX Statement of Other Income Particulars Interest on FDRs/Others Miscellaneous Income Surplus on sale of assets/investments Total 2008 317.70 116.56 44.98 479.24 (Rs. in lacs) Financial Year ended on 31st March 2007 2006 2005 2004 236.14 152.25 75.42 93.15 113.40 60.23 26.71 45.52 102.12 102.36 451.66 314.84 102.13 138.67 Note: All items of 'other income’ are recurring and have arisen out of normal business activity Annexure X Tax Shelter Statement Particulars Profit as per books of account before Tax Tax Rate % Tax at Notional Rate Adjustments Difference between tax depreciation and book Depreciation Other Adjustments Net Adjustment Tax Saving /(Loss) on this difference Total Taxation Taxation on Extra ordinary items Tax on Profits before extra ordinary items (Rs. in lacs) Financial Year / Period ended 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 3,194.75 2,625.03 1,543.36 585.51 376.46 33.99% 33.66% 33.66% 33.66% 35.88% 1,085.90 883.59 519.49 197.08 135.07 (11.15) (343.45) (354.60) (120.53) 1,079.70 1,079.70 49.64 (44.76) 4.88 1.64 885.63 (0.59) 886.22 111.53 (109.43) 2.10 0.71 523.11 (14.36) 537.47 (43.11) 100.88 57.77 19.45 241.79 241.79 29.12 (405.57) (376.45) (135.07) 28.94 28.94 Annexure XI Statement of Secured Loans A breakup of salient terms of all our material loans (Secured) as on March 31, 2008 is as below (Rs. in lacs) Sr. Lender Loan Amount Interest Repayment Security Created No. Sanctioned Outstanding Rate Schedule A Term Loans 1 HSBC Bank, New 3,400.00 2,833.33 10.95% 72 months First Charge on Delhi Fixed/ Current Assets B Working Capital Loans 1 ICICI Bank, New 285.00 2.57 1% over Overdraft Secured Against Fixed Delhi FD rates Deposit 2 HDFC Bank, New 300.00 128.88 1% over Overdraft Secured Against Fixed Delhi FD rates Deposit 3 HDFC Bank, New 448.00 407.08 1% over Overdraft Secured Against Fixed Delhi FD rates Deposit 81 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Annexure XII Statement of Unsecured Loans Particulars 1. Security Deposits - From Shops/Offices Amount (Rs. In lacs) Rate of Interest 198.96 Interest Free (Rs. in lacs) Terms of Repayment When the shop/office vacated Annexure XIII Statement of Sundry Debtors Particulars Sundry Debtors (unsecured, considered good, unless otherwise stated) Exceeding Six months Others Total (Rs. in lacs) Amount 0.29 619.18 619.47 Annexure XIV Statement of Loans & Advances Particulars Loans & Advances (unsecured, considered good, unless otherwise stated) Advances recoverable in cash or in kind or for value to be received Intercorporate Deposit Short Term Earnest Money Deposit Advances to Suppliers Income Tax Refundable Advances to Associate Company Other Advances Total Annexure XV Statement of Sundry Creditors & Provisions (Rs. in lacs) Amount Particulars Current Liabilities Sundry Creditors Unclaimed Dividend Sub Total Provisions Taxation Dividend Tax on Dividend Retirement Benefits Sub Total 1093.20 14.82 1108.02 1.97 219.27 37.27 93.56 352.07 1460.09 Total 82 (Rs. in lacs) Amount 49.55 875.00 25.35 243.03 214.64 1364.02 92.56 2864.15 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Annexure XVI Statement of Investment Particulars Long Term Investment in Quoted Shares Long Term Investment in Unquoted Shares Long Term Investment in Associate Companies Investment In Mutual Funds Total (Rs. in lacs) Amount 149.02 0.26 405.45 590.00 1144.73 83 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MANAGEMENT’S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Industry Structure and Developments: The liberalization of Indian economy in 1991 and the integration of India into the global economy has given impetus to business travellers and tourist travellers. This has intensified and elevated room rates and occupancy levels in India. The successful growth story of “Hotel industry in India” seconds only to China in Asia Pacific. The hotel industry is linked to tourism industry and the growth in the Indian tourism industry has fueled the growth of Indian hotel industry. The growing economy and increased business opportunities in India have acted as a boon for Indian Hotel industry. The arrival of low cost airlines and the associated price war have given domestic tourists a host of options. The “Incredible India” destination campaign and the recently launched “Atithi Devo Bhavah” campaign have also helped in the growth of domestic and international tourism and consequently the hotel industry. The Government’s move to declare hotel and tourism industry as a high priority sector with a provision for 100% foreign direct investment (FDI) has also provided a further impetus in attracting investments in this industry. One of the major reasons for increase in demand for hotel rooms in the country is the high growth in sectors like information technology, telecom, retail and real estate. India travel recognition: • • • • • • • India has been elected to head the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the highest policy making world tourism body represented by 150 countries. The world’s leading travel and tourism journal, “Conde Nast Traveller”, ranked India as the numero uno travel destination in the world. The Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA) has ranked India as No.1 amongst the top 50 places for 2006. The “Incredible India” campaign has been ranked as the Highest Recall Advertisement worldwide by “Travel and Leisure”. India was adjudged Asia’s leading destination at the regional World Travel Awards (WTA). India’s Taj Mahal continues to figure in the seven wonders of the world. Bangalore based Leela Palace Kempinski has been rated as the favourite business hotel in the world in a Readers’ Choice Awards by Conde Nast Traveller. The opening up of the aviation industry in India has exciting opportunities for hotel industry as it relies on airlines to transport 80% of international arrivals. The government's decision to substantially upgrade 28 regional airports in smaller towns and privatization & expansion of Delhi and Mumbai airport will improve the business prospects of hotel industry in India. Substantial investments in tourism infrastructure are essential for Indian hotel industry to achieve its potential. The upgrading of national highways connecting various parts of India has opened new avenues for the development of budget hotels in India. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Tata group and another hotel chain called 'Homotel' have entered this business segment. To overcome the shortage of availability of rooms, Indian hotel industry is adding about 60,000 quality rooms, currently in different stages of planning and development, which should be ready by 2012. Hotel Industry in India is also set to get a fillip with Delhi hosting 2010 Commonwealth Games. Government has approved 300 hotel projects, nearly half of which are in the luxury range. The future scenario of Indian hotel industry looks extremely rosy. It is expected that the budget and mid-market hotel segment will witness huge growth and expansion while the luxury segment will continue to perform extremely well over the next few years. There are some 1,980 hotels approved and classified by the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India, with a total capacity of about 110,000 hotel rooms. Revenues of the hotel and restaurant industry in India during the financial year 2006-07 was Rs 604.32 billion, a growth of 21.27% over the previous year, primarily driven by foreign tourist arrivals, which increased by 14.17%. The hospitality industry is poised to grow at a faster rate and is expected to reach Rs 826.76 billion by 2010. 84 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ While the potential of hotel industry is great, there are several constraints for the industry to grow. High cost of land in the country often discourages an investor to put in money in construction of new hotels. Construction of hotels is highly capital intensive and it is estimated that to construct a single five-star room, it costs around Rs 1.25 crore. As a result there is no incentive to construct new hotel properties and there is a mismatch between demand and supply leading to higher occupancy rates and increasing prices. In fact, average rate of hotel rooms in five-stars has gone up from Rs.4,000/- five years ago to Rs. 16,000/now. Though this rate can be affordable for business travellers, it is very difficult for leisure travellers to pay such exorbitant rates. Across the country there is no rationalisation of taxes as states charge different rates. Secondly, multiplicity of taxes like value added tax and service tax further compounds the problem. Tax holidays are available only to hotels at heritage sites and so this measure is restrictive for the growth of the hotel industry. An analysis of reasons for the changes in significant items of income and expenditure is given hereunder:1. Unusual or infrequent events or transactions There have been no unusual or infrequent events or transactions of the company. 2. Significant economic changes that materially affected or are likely to affect income from continuing operations Volitality in foreign exchange rates may have an effect on our revenues from foreign travellers. We believe that barring this factor, there are no significant economic changes that materially affect or likely to affect income from continuing operations. 3. Known trends or uncertainties that have had or are expected to have a material adverse impact on sales, revenue or income form continuing operations Our average occupancy and food and beverages income is dependent on the demand and supply of hotel rooms and the restaurant services provided. There are several new hotels mushrooming around the city and increase in the hotels with similar to our service standards would influence the sales and revenues form continuing operations. 4. Future changes in relationship between costs and revenues We are continuously working to create efficient processes and systems in our hotel and restaurant operations aimed at cost control and reduction. We expect to continue this effort of improving our processes and methodologies for setting up new hotel properties and operating our hotels. Other than as mentioned in the risk factors of this letter of offer, to the best of our knowledge, there are no known factors, which will affect the future relationship between the costs and revenue. 5. The extent to which material increases in net sales or revenue are due to increased sales volume, introduction of new services or increased in sales prices. There has not been any introduction of new services during the past financial year. 6. Total turnover of each major industry segment in which the company operated Indian hospitality sector has witnessed a significant mismatch in the demand- supply scenario resulting from a huge growth in domestic as well as international business and leisure tourists. According to recent estimates, Indian tourism demand is expected to grow at 10.05% (CAGR) over the next ten years (2008-2017), which would place India as the third most rapidly growing in the travel and tourism demand for the period 2008-2017. the tourist 85 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ arrival is expected to touch new heights fuelled by emergence of low cost airlines, growing thrust by the government on tourism and infrastructure and India’s emergence as on outsourcing hub. 7. Status of any publicly announced new service We have not announced any new service. 8. The extent to which the business is seasonal The business is seasonal during the period from September to March and hence the revenues generated by the company during this period are higher as compared to each quarter. 9. Dependence on single or few suppliers/ customers We cater to a wide customer base including international and domestic suppliers/ customers. We do not depend on a single customer as our customer base is well dversified. 10. Competitive conditions The company operates in a highly competitive environment and faces competition from the existing hotels in Delhi such as Asian Hotels Limited, EIH Limited, Bharat Hotels Limited, Indian Hotels Company Limited, Jaypee Hotels Limited, CJ International Limited, Royal Manor Hotels & Industries Limited, ITC Hotels Limited and Nehru Place Hotels Limited. Details of material developments after the date of last balance sheet Except as stated elsewhere in this letter of offer, to our knowledge no circumstances have arose since the date of the last financial statements which materially and adversely affects or is likely to affect, the operations or profitability of the company, to the value of our assets or our ability to pay our material liabilities. There has been no material developments in the company after the last balance sheet date. Discussions of Financial/ operational performance: The details of financial performance from the year 31st March 2005 to 31st March 2008 as per the audited financial results are given in the table below: Statement of Profits & Loss – Particulars Income Sales and services Other Income Expenditure Food and beverages Staff costs Operating and General Expenses Selling Expenses Profit before Interest, Depreciation and Tax Interest Depreciation Profit before Tax Provision for Taxation Profit after Tax 31st, March 2008 31st, March 2007 31st, (Rs. in Lacs) March 31st, 2005 March 2006 8,709.35 479.24 7,625.73 451.66 5,668.07 314.85 4,301.20 102.13 583.71 1,584.84 2,368.22 601.70 5,139.87 545.15 1,194.97 2,322.97 583.35 3,429.55 468.57 916.17 1,990.60 427.10 2,179.08 438.88 707.52 1,982.19 305.41 971.29 489.50 364.46 3,194.76 1,089.61 2,105.15 489.25 315.27 2,625.03 922.41 1,702.62 310.24 325.49 1,543.35 503.03 1,040.32 147.51 238.27 585.51 191.58 393.93 86 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Comparison of recent financial years with the previous financial years. Comparisons of FY 2008 over 2007 Income Income from Rooms, Food, Beverage and other Services for the year ended 31st March 2008 is Rs. 8709.35 lacs as against Rs. 7625.73 lacs for the year ended 31st March 2007 reflecting a growth of 14.21%. This is because of the fact that tourism industry in metropolitan cities is growing @ 11% resulting in increase in average room revenue due to paucity of hotel rooms. During the year the hotel operated at an average occupancy rate of 87%. Other Income The Other income grew by about 6% over past year i.e. Rs. 479.24 lacs for the year ended 31/03/2008 as against Rs. 451.66 lacs for the year ended 31/03/2007. This includes income from investment, fixed deposits and disposal of scrap and other materials. Food & Beverage Cost The expenses on Food & Beverage cost has increased by 10.70%, which is mainly on account of increase in raw material cost and higher occupancy rate in rooms. Staff Cost The staff cost has increased by 33% which includes remuneration to whole-time Directors, who are entitled to 10% of the Net Profit. Further, the salary of staff has increased by 15%. Operating & General Expenses There are no substantial increases in operating and general expenses. The increase is about 2% over the past year which is commensurate with the level of occupancy. These expenses normally comprise of linen and room supplies, laundry expenses, power & fuel cost, water expenses etc. The increase is normal as compared to earlier years as a result of cost control implemented during the year. Selling Expenses The expenses has increased by 3% i.e. Rs. 601.70 lacs for the year ended 31/3/2008 as against Rs. 583.35 lacs in the previous year. The increase is mainly due to higher payments of fees payable to its franchisers on account of increase in average room rates and occupancy. Beside the use of plastic money has increased the commission payable on credit cards. Financial Expenses The company has been able to keep interest component at the same level as that of the last year by better utilization of working capital facilities. Depreciation Depreciation is provided in accordance with the rates and rules specified in Schedule XIV of the Companies Act 1956 on the Straight Line Basis. The Depreciation for the year ended 31/03/2008 is Rs. 364.46 lacs as compared of last year figure of Rs. 315.27 lacs. The proportionate increase was on account of increase in Fixed Assets of the Company and full year depreciation of last year addition of rooms. 87 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Taxation The company has made provision for taxation for the year ended 31/03/2008 Rs. 1089.61 lacs as compared to Rs. 922.41 lacs for the corresponding previous year ended on 31/03/2007. The increase in taxation is due to higher profitability. Net Profit After Tax The net profit after providing tax is Rs. 2105.15 lacs as compared to Rs. 1702.62 lacs for the previous year showing an increase of 23.64% over the previous year, and added to Net worth of the company. Comparisons of FY 2007 over 2006 Income Income from Rooms, Food, Beverage Smokes and other service for the year ended 31/03/2007 is Rs. 7625.73 lacs as against Rs. 5668.07 lacs for the year ended 31/03/2006 reflecting a growth of 34.54%. During the year the hotel operates at an average occupancy rate of 89%. The company added 42 rooms during the year which were lying idle as a commercial place. The increase in income is due to increase in average room rates, addition to rooms and contracting with various airlines fro its crew members on long term basis. Other Income The other income grew by about 44% over the past year i.e. Rs. 451.66 lacs for the year ended 31/03/2007 as against Rs. 314.84 lacs for the year 31/03/2006. The increase is mainly due to income from investments and interest on deposits by better utilization of surplus funds. Food & Beverage Cost The expenses on Food, Beverage & Smokes has shown an increase of 16.34% i.e. Rs. 545.15 lacs for the year ended 31/03/2007 as compared to Rs. 468.57 lacs in the year ended 31/03/2006. The increase is mainly due to increase in room counts. Staff Cost The Staff cost for the year ended 31/03/2007 is Rs. 119.50 lacs as against Rs. 916.17 lacs during the year ended 31/03/2006. The increase is due to increase in staff cost by 15% and the remuneration of Whole time Directors of 10% of the profits. Operative & General Expenses Operative and General Expenses for the year ended 31/03/2007 is Rs. 232.30 lacs as compared to Rs. 199.06 lacs for the period ended 31/03/2006 reflecting an increase of 16.70% over previous year. The increase is due to increase in room numbers and supplies made to these rooms. Selling Expenses Selling expenses for the year ended 31/03/2007 are Rs. 583.35 lacs as against Rs. 427.10 lacs during previous corresponding period. During the year, gave emphasis to familarise its facilities by printing in magazines, newspapers and media. The increase in room revenues also increases the franchise fee payable to franchisers. 88 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Financial Expenses For the year ended 31/03/2007 the company took the loan for renovation from banks and has to pay one time upfront fee. Thus the expenses increased from 310.24 lacs (as on 31/03/2006) to Rs. 489.25 lacs (31/03/2007). Depreciation Depreciation is provided in accordance with the rates and rules specified in Schedule XIV of the Companies Act 1956 on the Straight Line Basis. The Depreciation for the year ended 31/03/2007 is Rs. 315.27 lacs as compared of last year figure of Rs. 325.49 lacs. The decrease is due to the fact that the company did not claimed for depreciation on commercial space as it has gone under renovation. Taxation The company has made provision for taxation for the year ended 31/03/2007 Rs. 922.41 lacs as compared to Rs. 503.03 lacs for the corresponding previous year ended on 31/03/2007. The increase in taxation is due to higher profitability. Net Profit After Tax The net profit after providing tax is Rs. 1702.62 lacs (as on 31/03/2007) as compared to Rs. 1040.33 lacs for the previous year showing an increase of 64% over the previous year, added to Net worth of the company. WORKIG RESULTS Information relating to the Company sales, gross profit etc., as required by the Ministry of Finance vide circular No.F2/5/SE/76 dated February 5, 1977 read with the amendments of even No. dated March 8, 1977 as under: The unaudited working results of the Company for the period from 01/04/2008 to 30/06/2008 are given hereunder: (Rs. in lacs) For 3 months Particulars period ended 30/06/2008 Net Income from Operations 1871.60 Other Income 58.29 1929.89 Total Income Total Expenditure 1123.16 Interest 87.17 Depreciation 92.50 Profit/(loss)before tax 627.06 Provision for tax 224.34 Net Profit/Loss 402.72 Paid up Equity Share Capital 1096.37 89 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SECTION V - LEGAL AND OTHER INFORMATION OUTSTANDING LITIGATIONS AND DEFAULTS Except as described below and in the notes to the financial statements, there are no contingent liabilities not provided for, outstanding litigations, disputes, non payment of statutory dues including disputed/contested tax liabilities of any nature including government claims, overdues to banks/ financial institutions, defaults including those against banks/ financial institutions, defaults in dues towards instrument holders like debenture holders, fixed deposits, and arrears on cumulative preference shares issued by the Company or the companies/firms promoted by the Company, defaults in creation of full security as per terms of issue/ other liabilities, proceedings initiated for economic/ civil/ any other offences (including past cases where penalties may or may not have been awarded and irrespective of whether they are specified under paragraph (i) of Part 1 of Schedule XIII of the Companies Act, 1956) against CHL Limited save and except the following: A) OUTSTANDING LITIGATION INVOLVING THE ISSUER COMPANY: CHL Limited LITIGATION SUMMARY – CHL LIMITED Financial implications where quantifiable) (Rs. in Lacs) No. of Cases Litigations Cases Against the Company Income Tax Related - At CIT – Appeal/ITAT stage - At High Court stage Civil Labour related Cases filed by the Company Civil Cases 7 1 5 2 335.37 66.39 277.00 Not Quantifiable 1 0.50 PENDING LEGAL CASES AGAINST THE COMPANY Income Tax Related - At CIT – Appeal/ITAT stage Dues relating to Income Tax as listed below have not been deposited / paid on account of dispute with the related authorities as detailed below : S. No. Name of the Statue 1 Income-tax Act 1961 2 3 4 5 6 7 Income-tax Act 1961 Income-tax Act 1961 Income-tax Act 1961 Income-tax Act 1961 Income-tax Act 1961 Income-tax Act 1961 Total Nature of Dues Amount (Rs. in lacs) Period to which the amount relate I. Tax 36.07 AY 2000-01 Forum where dispute is pending ITAT I. Tax I. Tax I. Tax (Penalty) I. Tax (Penalty) I. Tax I. Tax 51.76 43.75 83.73 0.10 33.83 86.13 335.37 AY 2000-01 AY 2001-02 AY 2001-02 AY 2001-02 AY 1999-00 AY 2005-06 CIT(Appeal) ITAT ITAT ITAT CIT(A) CIT(A) Income Tax Related - At High Court stage Case No./ Year ITA No. 634/2006 Case Title Forum Nature of Case Status and Impact Income Tax Department Vs. CHL Ltd. Delhi High Court The department (Income Tax) has moved an application against the orders of CIT/ITAT The High Court has referred the case to bench of board to decide the case. Two appeals are pending. Disputed demands 90 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Case No./ Year Case Title Forum Nature of Case (appeal) allowing the company to take benefit of deductions u/s 80HHD, before set-off of brought forward losses of earlier year. The case pertains to Assessment year 1996-97 & 1997 -98. Status and Impact amounts to Rs.66.39 lacs. Civil Case No./ Year CWP No. 1711314/2004 Case Title Forum Nature of Case Status and Impact CHL Ltd. Vs. Municipal Corpn of Delhi. Delhi High Court The next date of hearing in this matter is 25th Nov. 2008. In this matter, in view of the court orders and also the orders in the Hotel Federation’s matter, who have also filed similar petitions on account of the said order of the Hon’ble High Court. CHL is paying the house tax which is approximately Rs.22.03 lacs every year. RFA No. 77/2005 of 2005 M/s. Surya Hotel (CHL Ltd.) Vs. Pragrine Security Delhi High Court 244/06/92 of 1992 Pallavi Anand (Group Interior) Vs. This suit was filed initially in the High A demand of House Tax of Rs. 2.5 Crores was raised by Municipal Corpn. of Delhi against CHL Ltd. on account of increase in the property tax. The house tax is being calculated on the basis of introduction of a new scheme of multiple factor and amendment having been made in the Municipal Corpn. Act. The house Tax is being calculated on the multiple factor which is in the case of a 5 star hotel being 10. The main contention in the said matter by the hotel industry and more particularly the 5 star hotel that the fixation of the multiple factor is illegal, arbitrary and has created hardship for 5 star hotels, since the House tax is increased many fold. Similar kind of petition has also been filed by the Hotel Federation of India. Appeal against the order of the Lower Court granting decree of amounting Rs.6 lacs on account of security dues of the security agency deployed by the Hotel for the security in the Hotel. Suit for recovery of Rs.19 lacs on account of some work done for interior in the Hotel some in 198991 Appeal admitted on 31st October 2006, now for final hearing as per the regular board of High Court This case has been compromised and has been dismissed as satisfied. Consent term has been filed CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Case No./ Year Case Title Forum Nature of Case Status and Impact Surya Hotel (CHL Ltd.) Court which has been later on sent to lower court on account of Pecuniary Jurisdiction Delhi High Court 1990. Earlier a winding up petition was also filed by Group Interior (Ms. Pallavi Anand) in the High Court of Delhi which was dismissed by Delhi High Court. with the High Court. Pending for final disposal. The winding up petition was filed by the petitioner in the year 1991 in Delhi High Court. This pertains to alleged dues for work of Interiors done by Group Interior for which suit has been filed by them for Rs.19 lacs. Recovery of approximately Rs. 2 lacs – Case filed by M/s. Witness Silver against hotel for nonpayment of dues for silver plating. In view of compromise and full & final settlement, Appeal does not survive. Pending for final disposal. 244/06/92 of 1992 M/s. Pallavi Anand (Group Interior) Vs. Surya Hotel (CHL Ltd.) 208 of 2002 M/s. Witness Silver Vs. Surya Hotel Delhi Lower Court Next hearing is fixed on 16.9.2008 Labour Related Case No./Date of Filing CWP No. 3734/2003 Case Title Forum Nature of Case Status and Impact Surya Hotel (CHL Ltd. Vs. Workmen of Surya hotel Delhi High Court An award was passed by the Labour Court against the CHL Ltd. (Surya Hotel, now Crowne Plaza Hotel) wherein on a reference made by the labour authorities certain enhancement in the salary, dearness allowance and other perquisites of the employee of the hotel were raised and it was ordered by virtue of this award in the year 2003 that the employees be given enhancement in their wages, dearness allowance and other perquisites with effect from the date of the award. Since the hotel is already giving more wages and perquisites etc., the said award was challenged by Admitted and will be heard in the regular course of hearing by the High Court. 92 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Case No./Date of Filing Case Title Forum Nature of Case Status and Impact CHL Ltd. in the Hon’ble High Court by way of civil writ petition. The Hon’ble court was very pleased to stay the operation of the impugned award. The said petition was later on admitted by high Court and now will be heard on regular board. CWP No. 200/2003 Workman of Surya Hotel Vs. Surya Hotel (CHL Ltd) Delhi High Court As stated above the award was given by the labour court in favour of the employees of the hotel from the date of the award. However the employees chose to file a civil writ petition against the award stating that it should be made applicable from the date of demand and not from the date of award. This petition is also being heard along with the petition of the Hotel No. 3734/2003 The operation of the Award has been stayed by the High Court and it will be heard on its hearing i.e. regular hearing of the High Court. The order of the admission was passed by the High Court on 16th April 2007. PENDING LEGAL CASES FILED BY CHL LTD. Civil Case No. M/40/2005 Case Title CHL Ltd. Vs. Alpine Destination Forum Metropolitan Magistrate, New Delhi Nature of Case Recovery of Hotel Dues about Rs. 50,000/- on account of non payment of hotel bills for stay of guest. B) OUTSTANDING LITIGATIONS/ DISPUTES/ DIRECTORS OF THE ISSUER COMPANY DEFAULTS Status and Impact Case is now fixed on 31.7.2008 for arguments. AGAINST PROMOTERS/ There are no outstanding litigations towards tax liabilities or any criminal/ civil prosecution for any offences (irrespective of whether they are specified under paragraph (i) of Part 1 of Schedule XIII of the Companies Act, 1956), disputes, defaults, non-payment of statutory dues, proceedings initiated for economic offences or securities related or other offences against the Directors/Promoters of our Company except the following: 93 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Litigations against Mr. Subhash Ghai Case Title Investigation u/s 237 of the Companies Act, 1956. Forum High Court of Mumbai Nature of Case The Company Law Board passed an order in 2002 directing the Central Govt. to undertake an investigation u/s 237 of the Companies Act 1956. The Company aggrieved by the order, moved to Bombay High Court and obtained a stay on the order Status and Impact Appeal filed against the Company Law Board order has been admitted and is pending for hearing. Litigations against Mr. Harish Chander Bhasin Case Title State Vs. P.K. Kaul Crl.C/709/2/05 (FIR No.129/04, P.S. Tuglak Road – out of complaint no.1536/2003) Kiran Overseas Vs. State & Ors Crl M.C. No.3746/2003 Forum Metropolitan Magistrate Sh. A.K. Chaturvedi Patiala House Delhi High Court Nature of Case Complaint u/s 420/120B/406/409 IPC against the directors of Kiran Overseas Exports Ltd. (Mr. H.C. Bhasin has been arrayed in the matter as the then director of Kiran Overseas Exports Ltd. Status and Impact In terms of the settlement reached the payments are being made and the matter will be closed as withdrawn in due course. (Mr. H.C. Bhasin was only a non executive director and had resigned from the company w.e.f. 26/11/1997) Petition u/s 482 of Cr. PC. For quashing of criminal complaint no.1536/2003 & order dated 02.09.03 passed by MM (direction for investigation u/s 156 (3) of Cr. P.C. In terms of the settlement reached the payments are being made and the matter will be closed as withdrawn in due course (Mr. H.C. Bhasin was only a non executive director and had resigned from the Company w.e.f. 26/11/1997) Next date of 26.09.2008 for proceedings. hearing further The petitioners have been directed to complete the terms of settlement and make entire payment in compliance with order dated 02.04.2008, failing which the interim protection granted shall be automatically withdrawn Next date 17.09.2008 94 of hearing CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Case Title H.C. Bhasin Vs. Bank of Baroda RFA No.178/05 (Appeal filed by Mr. H.C. Bhasin as Proprietor of M/s Raja Ram Bhasin & Co.) CS/152/03/97(2013/97) Forum Delhi High Court Nature of Case Appeal u/s 96 of CPC against the Judgement and decree dated 04.11.04 passed in suit no. 90/03/1990 by Sh. V.K. Yadav, ADJ. Appeal has been admitted Status and Impact Date of hearing not yet listed PNB Asset Mgmt. Co. Ltd. Vs. Sh. Harish Bhasin (as proprietor of M/s Raja Ram Bhasin & Co.) CS/152/03/97(2013/97) Add. District Judge Suit for recovery of dues with Pendenlite & future interest till realization Proceedings continuing. Arguments applications. on misc. Securities related There are certain enquiries/ adjudication/ proceedings pending against HB Portfolio Ltd. and HB Securities Ltd. where Mr. Harish Chander Bhasin is a Director. The details of the same are as follows: 1. In relation to certain trading in the scrip of DCM Shriram Consolidated Ltd., SEBI has issued Show Cause Notice to the Company under SEBI Act and different SEBI Regulations including SEBI (Prohibition of Fraudulent & Unfair Trade Practices relating to Securities market) Regulations, 1995/ 2003 and SEBI (Stock Brokers and Sub- Brokers) Regulations, 1995, etc. In response, the company has submitted its reply without prejudice to its right to make additional submissions on the basis of inspection of documents (for which request has been made and yet to be granted by SEBI) based on which the show cause notices has been issued. In the meanwhile the Company had filed Application for passing of Consent Order as per the provisions of SEBI Circular No. EFD/ED/Cir-1/2007 dated 20th April 2007 and the same is pending. 2. In relation to certain trading in the scrips of Alps Industries Ltd., CEAT Ltd., DCM Shriram Consolidated Ltd., Jagsonpal Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Jai Prakash Industries Ltd., Jindal Steel & Power Ltd. & VXL Industries Ltd., SEBI has issued Show Cause Notice to the Company under SEBI Act and different SEBI Regulations including SEBI (Prohibition of Fraudulent & Unfair Trade Practices relating to Securities market) Regulations, 1995/ 2003 and SEBI (Stock Brokers and Sub- Brokers) Regulations, 1995, etc. In the matter of trading in the scrip of Jai Prakash Industries Ltd, the Company has sent detailed reply to the Show Cause Notice under Regulation 6 of SEBI (procedure for Holding Enquiry by Enquiry Officer and Imposing Penalty) Regulations, 2002, and provided all details as required by SEBI and vide order dated 20.6.2007 no penalty has been imposed and the matter stands disposed off. In respect of trading in other scrips, the company has submitted its reply without prejudice to its right to make additional submissions on the basis of inspection of documents (for which request has been made and yet to be granted by SEBI) based on which the show cause notices has been issued. 95 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ However, in the meanwhile in the matter of trading in the scrips of Jindal Steel & Power Ltd. and Jagsonpal Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Alps Industries Ltd., CEAT Ltd., DCM Shriram Consolidated Ltd., & VXL Industries Ltd, the Company had filed Applications for passing of Consent Order as per the provisions of SEBI Circular No. EFD/ED/Cir-1/2007 dated 20th April 2007 and the same is pending. 3. A warning letter dated 25/05/2001 was issued by SEBI to HB Portfolio Ltd. as manager to the open offer in respect open offer made to the shareholders of MCS Ltd. for delay in payment of consideration to few investors. Litigations against Mr. R. C. Sharma A warning letter dated 25/05/2001 was issued by SEBI to HB Portfolio Ltd. as manager to the open offer in respect open offer made to the shareholders of MCS Ltd. for delay in payment of consideration to few investors. Mr. R.C. Sharma is one of the Director in HB Portfolio Ltd. C) OUTSTANDING LITIGATION PERTANING TO GROUP COMPANIES There are no outstanding litigation, disputes, non-payment of statutory dues, overdues to banks / financial institutions, defaults against banks / financial institutions, defaults in dues towards instrument holders like debenture holders, fixed deposits, and arrears on cumulative preference shares issued, defaults in creation of full security as per terms of issue, other liabilities, proceedings initiated for economic / civil / any other offences (including past cases where penalties may or may not have been awarded and irrespective of whether they are specified under paragraph (i) of Part I of Schedule XIII of the Companies Act, 1956) against the promoter group companies except the following: M/S Mela Hotels Limited Date of Filing Case No. Writ no 30815/2003 order of Adj. IV Ghaziabad. Dated 10.07.2003 Writ no. 54672/2000 Tax appeal 2005 Central Excise Appellate Tribunal Case Title Forum Nature of Case and financial implication Alleged unauthorized occupation of land by company claim of Rs. 407.32 lacs Status Mela Hotel vs. GDA Justice G P Mishra Allahabad High Court stay order Dated 21.07.03 Mela hotel vs. Ghaziabad Development Authority Mela hotel vs. Authority House Tax GDA Mela Hotel Vs. CESAT Allahabad High Court Alleged unauthorised occupation of land by company On regular board for hearing JSCC Ghaziabad Disputed taxes claimed by Nagar Nigam Ghaziabad Rs.32.85 lacs On regular board for hearing High Court Delhi Disputed Claim of Service Tax Rs. 3.66 lacs Case Sent for Legal Review to Delhi High Court On regular board for hearing Amounts due to small-scale undertakings There are no outstanding to small scale undertakings to which the issuer company owes a sum exceeding Rs. 1 Lac which is outstanding for more than 30 days. 96 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MATERIAL DEVELOPMENTS AFTER THE DATE OF THE LAST BALANCE SHEET The Directors of the company in their opinion hereby state that there is no material development after the date of the last financial statements disclosed in the Letter of Offer which is likely to materially and adversely affect or is likely to affect the trading or profitability of the Company or the value of its assets, or its ability to pay its liabilities within the next twelve months. 97 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ GOVERNMENT APPROVALS In View of the approvals listed below, M/s. CHL Limited confirms that it undertake this issue and its current business activities and no further major approvals from any governmental or regulatory authority or any other entity are required to undertake the offer or continue its business activities. Unless otherwise stated, these approvals are all valid as of date of this Letter of Offer. GOVERNMENT APPROVALS/LICENSING ARRANGEMENTS Sr. No. 1. Issuing Authority Registration No./License No. Validity upto Eating House (Atrium Snacks Bar) Eating House (Sampan Restaurant) Eating House (Seven Restaurant) Eating House (Coffee Shop.) Eating House (Mirage) Lodging House & Coffee Shop Health Trade License (Atrium Snacks Bar) Health Trade License (Sampan Restaurant) Health Trade License (Seven Restaurant) Health Trade License (Swimming Pool) Lift Licenses (Total nos. 6) 31/12/2007 * 2. HRACC, Dept. of Tourism D C P (licensing) 3. D C P (licensing) ETHL/DCP(Lic)/2000/237/NFC 4. D C P (licensing) ETHL/DCP(Lic)/1995/96/SN Puri 5. D C P (licensing) ETHL/DCP(Lic)/1995/97/SN Puri 6 D C P (licensing) ETHL/DCP(Lic)/1984/35/SN Puri 7. D C P (licensing) ETHL/DCP (Lic)/1998/72/SN Puri 8. MCD (Health) 1572 9. MCD (Health) 6152 10. MCD (Health) 5875 11. MCD (Health) 5876 12. MCD (Health) 8175 13. Electrical Inspector Govt. of NCT of Delhi 1069-1074 14. Excise Deptt. Govt.of NCT of Delhi Excise Deptt. Govt.of NCT of Delhi L-3/L-5/9/EX/H/2006-07 BAR License L-3 L-3/L-5/9/EX/H/2006-07 BAR License L-5 31/03/2008 * 1. Sampan Bar 2. Atrium Bar. 3.Mirage Bar. 4. Le café Bar. 5. Seven Bar Mirage (Discotheque) 31/03/2011 15. 23-HRACC/(1)/07 Nature of Registration/License Classification Certificate Lodging House 69/ER/A/SD/DCP/Lic of 16/05/1991 16. MCD (Health) 6105 * Applied for renewal with concerned authorities. 98 06/01/2013 31/03/2008 * 31/12/2007 * 31/12/2007 * 31/12/2007 * 31/12/2007 * 31/03/2011 31/03/2011 31/03/2011 31/03/2011 31/03/2008 *+ 22/03/2003 Fees for renewal has been paid every year. 31/03/2008 * CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SECTION VI - REGULATORY AND STATUTORY DISCLOSURES AUTHORITY FOR THE PRESENT ISSUE The Board of Directors in their meeting held on 28/07/2006 have recommended the rights issue of equity shares of the Company to the existing share holders of equity shares in the ratio of one equity share for every two equity shares (i.e.1:2) held by them on a date to be announced by the Board (record date) for a total amount of Rs. 2740.91 lacs. Special resolution was passed at the Annual General Meeting of the share holders of the company held on 27.09.2006 authorizing the Board of the company to raise capital up to Rs. 2740.91 lacs. The Board of Directors at their meeting held on 15.06.2007 have decided to make the following offer to the existing shareholders of the Company: “Issue of 54,81,829 Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each at premium of Rs. 40 per share aggregating to Rs. 27.41 Crores on rights basis to the existing Equity Shareholders of the Company in the ratio of 1 (One) Equity Share of every two (two) Equity Share held on [••] (Record Date).” The Board of Directors approved the Letter of Offer in their Board Meeting held on 25.07.2008. PROHIBITION BY SEBI The Company, its Promoters, Directors or any of the Company’s associates or group companies with which the Directors of the Company are associated as Directors or Promoters have not been prohibited from accessing the capital market under any order or direction passed by SEBI. ELIGIBILITY FOR THE ISSUE CHL Limited (CHL) is an existing listed Company. It is eligible to offer this Rights Issue in terms of Clause 2.4.1(iv) of the SEBI (DIP) Guidelines, 2000. The promoters, their relatives, CHL Limited group companies are not detained as wilful defaulters by RBI/Government authorities and there are no violations of securities laws committed by them in the past or pending against them. DISCLAIMER CLAUSE AS REQUIRED, A COPY OF THIS OFFER DOCUMENT HAS BEEN SUBMITTED TO THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE BOARD OF INDIA (SEBI). “IT IS TO BE DISTINCTLY UNDERSTOOD THAT SUBMISSION OF OFFER DOCUMENT TO SEBI SHOULD NOT IN ANY WAY BE DEEMED OR CONSTRUED THAT THE SAME HAS BEEN CLEARED OR APPROVED BY SEBI. SEBI DOES NOT TAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITY EITHER FOR THE FINANCIAL SOUNDNESS OF ANY SCHEME OR THE PROJECT FOR WHICH THE ISSUE IS PROPOSED TO BE MADE OR FOR THE CORRECTNESS OF THE STATEMENTS MADE OR OPINIONS EXPRESSED IN THE OFFER DOCUMENT. LEAD MANAGER, KEYNOTE CORPORATE SERVICES LIMITED HAS CERTIFIED THAT THE DISCLOSURES MADE IN THE OFFER DOCUMENT ARE GENERALLY ADEQUATE AND ARE IN CONFORMITY WITH SEBI (DISCLOSURE AND INVESTOR PROTECTION) GUIDELINES IN FORCE FOR THE TIME BEING. THIS REQUIREMENT IS TO FACILITATE INVESTORS TO TAKE AN INFORMED DECISION FOR MAKING INVESTMENT IN THE PROPOSED ISSUE. 99 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ IT SHOULD ALSO BE CLEARLY UNDERSTOOD THAT WHILE THE ISSUER COMPANY IS PRIMARILY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CORRECTNESS, ADEQUACY AND DISCLOSURE OF ALL RELEVANT INFORMATION IN OFFER DOCUMENT, LEAD MANAGER IS EXPECTED TO EXERCISE DUE DILIGENCE TO ENSURE THAT THE COMPANY DISCHARGES ITS RESPONSIBILITY ADEQUATELY IN THIS BEHALF AND TOWARDS THIS PURPOSE, THE LEAD MANAGER KEYNOTE CORPORATE SERVICES LIMITED HAS FURNISHED TO SEBI A DUE DILIGENCE CERTIFICATE DATED 25/07/2008 IN ACCORDANCE WITH SEBI (MERCHANT BANKERS) REGULATIONS 1992 WHICH READS AS FOLLOWS : 1. WE HAVE EXAMINED VARIOUS DOCUMENTS INCLUDING THOSE RELATING TO LITIGATION LIKE COMMERCIAL DISPUTES, PATENT DISPUTES, DISPUTES WITH COLLABORATORS ETC. AND OTHER MATERIALS MORE PARTICULARLY REFERRED TO IN THE ANNEXURE HERETO IN CONNECTION WITH THE FINALISATION OF THE LETTER OF OFFER PERTAINING TO THE SAID ISSUE; 2. ON THE BASIS OF SUCH EXAMINATION AND THE DISCUSSIONS WITH THE COMPANY, ITS DIRECTORS AND OTHER OFFICERS, OTHER AGENCIES, INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF THE STATEMENTS CONCERNING THE OBJECTS OF THE ISSUE, PROJECTED PROFITABILITY, PRICE JUSTIFICATION AND THE CONTENTS OF THE DOCUMENTS MENTIONED IN THE ANNEXURE AND OTHER PAPERS FURNISHED BY THE COMPANY, WE CONFIRM THAT: a) THE LETTER OF OFFER FORWARDED TO THE BOARD IS IN CONFORMITY WITH THE DOCUMENTS, MATERIALS AND PAPERS RELEVANT TO THE ISSUE; b) ALL THE LEGAL REQUIREMENTS CONNECTED WITH THE SAID ISSUE AS ALSO THE GUIDELINES, INSTRUCTIONS, ETC. ISSUED BY THE BOARD, THE GOVERNMENT AND ANY OTHER COMPETENT AUTHORITY IN THIS BEHALF HAVE BEEN DULY COMPLIED WITH; AND c) THE DISCLOSURES MADE IN THE LETTER OF OFFER ARE TRUE, FAIR AND ADEQUATE TO ENABLE THE INVESTORS TO MAKE A WELL INFORMED DECISION AS TO THE INVESTMENT IN THE PROPOSED ISSUE AND SUCH DISCLOSURES ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE COMPANIES ACT, 1956, THE SEBI (DISCLOSURE AND INVESTOR PROTECTION) GUIDELINES, 2000 AND OTHER APPLICABLE LEGAL REQUIREMENTS. 3. WE CONFIRM THAT BESIDES OURSELVES, ALL THE INTERMEDIARIES NAMED IN THE LETTER OF OFFER ARE REGISTERED WITH THE BOARD AND THAT TILL DATE SUCH REGISTRATION IS VALID. 4. WE CERTIFY THAT REQUIREMENTOF PROMOTER’S CONTRIBUTION UNDER CLAUSE 4.10 {SUB-CLAUSE (a), (b) or (c) } ARE NOT APPLICABLE IN RESPECT OF THE SAID ISSUE. 5. WE CERTIFY THAT THE PROPOSED ACTIVITIES OF THE ISSUER FOR WHICH THE FUNDS ARE BEING RAISED IN THE PRESENT ISSUE FALL WITHIN THE ‘MAIN OBJECTS’ LISTED IN THE OBJECT CLAUSE OF THE MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION OR OTHER CHARTER OF THE ISSUER AND THAT THE ACTIVITIES WHICH HAVE BEEN CARRIED OUT UNTIL NOW ARE VALID IN TERMS OF THE OBJECT CLAUSE OF ITS MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION. 6. WE CONFIRM THAT NECESSARY ARRANGEMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE TO ENSURE THAT THE MONEYS RECEIVED PURSUANT TO THE ISSUE ARE KEPT IN A SEPARATE BANK ACCOUNT AS PER THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 73(3) OF THE COMPANIES ACT, 1956 100 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AND THAT SUCH MONEYS SHALL BE RELEASED BY THE SAID BANK ONLY AFTER PERMISSION IS OBTAINED FROM ALL THE STOCK EXCHANGES MENTIONED IN THE OFFER DOCUMENT. WE FURTHER CONFIRM THAT THE AGREEMENT ENTERED INTO BETWEEN THE BANKERS TO THE ISSUE AND THE ISSUER SPECIFICALLY CONTAINS THIS CONDITION. 7. WE CERTIFY THAT NO PAYMENT IN THE NATURE OF DISCOUNT, COMMISSION, ALLOWANCE OR OTHERWISE SHALL BE MADE BY THE ISSUER OR THE PROMOTERS, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, TO ANY PERSON WHO RECEIVES SECURITIES BY WAY OF FIRM ALLOTMENT, IF ANY, IN THE ISSUE. 8. WE CERTIFY THAT A DISCLOSURE HAS BEEN MADE IN THE LETTER OF OFFER THAT THE INVESTORS SHALL BE GIVEN AN OPTION TO GET THE SHARES IN DEMAT OR PHYSICAL MODE. 9. WE CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING DISCLOSURES HAVE BEEN MADE IN THE LETTER OF OFFER : a) AN UNDERTAKING FROM THE ISSUER THAT AT ANY GIVEN TIME THERE SHALL BE ONLY ONE DENOMINATION FOR THE SHARES OF THE COMPANY AND b) AN UNDERTAKING FROM THE ISSUER THAT IT SHALL COMPLY WITH SUCH DISCLOSURE AND ACCOUNTING NORMS SPECIFIED BY THE BOARD (SEBI) FROM TIME TO TIME. CAUTION STATEMENT / DISCLAIMER CLAUSE OF THE ISSUER AND THE LEAD MANAGER. The Issuer Company and the Lead Manager accept no responsibility for statements made otherwise than in this Offer Document or in the advertisement or in any other material issued by or at the instance of the Company and the Lead Managers and any one placing reliance on any other source of information would be doing so at his/her/their own risks. DISCLAIMER IN RESPECT OF JURISDICTION This offer is being made in India to persons resident in India (including Indian nationals resident in India who are majors, Hindu Undivided Families, companies, corporate bodies and societies registered under the applicable laws in India and authorized to invest in shares, Indian mutual funds registered with SEBI, Indian financial institutions, commercial banks, regional rural banks, co-operative banks (subject to RBI permission), Trusts registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860, or any other Trust law and who are under their constitution to hold and invest in shares), Foreign Collaborators and to NRIs, OCBs and FIIs as defined under the Indian laws. This Offer Document does not, however, constitute an offer to sell or an invitation to subscribe to securities issued hereby in any jurisdiction other than India. Any person into whose possession this Offer Document comes is required to inform himself about and to observe any such restrictions. Any dispute arising out of this Offer will be subject to the jurisdiction of appropriate court(s) in Delhi, India only. No action has been or will be taken to permit a public offering in any jurisdiction where action would be required for that purpose, except that this Offer Document has been submitted to the SEBI. Accordingly, the equity shares represented thereby may not be offered or sold, directly or indirectly, and this Offer Document may not be distributed, in any jurisdiction, except in accordance with the legal requirements applicable in such jurisdiction. Neither the delivery of Offer Document nor any sale hereunder shall, under any circumstances, create any implication that there has been no change in the affairs of the CHL Limited. since the date hereof or that the information contained herein is correct as of any time subsequent to this date. 101 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ LISTING Presently the Equity shares of CHL Limited are listed on Bombay Stock Exchange Limited (BSE) (Designated Stock Exchange) and Delhi Stock Exchange. The Company has received in-principle approvals from BSE vide its letter no. [••] dated [••] and from DSE vide its letter no. [••] dated [••] for listing of the equity shares being issued in terms of this Letter of Offer. If the permissions to deal in and for an official quotation of the equity shares are not granted by the stock exchange, the Company shall forthwith repay, without interest, all monies received from the applicants. In case of delay interest shall be paid in accordance with the provisions of Section 73 of the Act. DISCLAIMER CLAUSE OF THE BOMBAY STOCK EXCHANGE LIMITED (BSE), THE DESIGNATED STOCK EXCHANGE Bombay Stock Exchange Limited (the Exchange) has given vide its letter dated [••], permission to this Company to use the Exchange’s name in this Letter of Offer as one of the Stock Exchanges on which this Company’s securities are proposed to be listed. The Exchange has scrutinized this letter of offer for its limited internal purpose of deciding on the matter of granting the aforesaid permission to the Company. The Exchange does not in any manner: (i) Warrant, certify or endorse the correctness or completeness of any of the contents of this letter of offer; or (ii) Warrant that this Company’s securities will be listed or will continue to be listed on the Exchange; or (iii) Take any responsibility for the financial or other soundness of this Company, its promoters, its management or any scheme or project of this Company; And it should not for any reason be deemed or construed that this letter of offer has been cleared or approved by the Exchange. Every person who desires to apply for or otherwise acquires any securities of this Company may do so pursuant to independent inquiry, investigation and analysis and shall not have any claim against the Exchange whatsoever by reason of any loss which may be suffered by such person consequent to or in connection with such subscription/acquisition whether by reason of anything stated or omitted to be stated herein for any other reason whatsoever. DISCLAIMER CLAUSE OF DELHI STOCK EXCHANGE LIMITED (DSE) The Delhi Stock Exchange Association Ltd. has given its no objection to the company vide its letter dated [••] to use name of the Exchange in this Offer Document as one of the Stock Exchanges on which the company’s securities are proposed to be listed. The Delhi Stock Exchange has scrutinized this draft offer document for its limited internal purpose of deciding on the matter of granting the aforesaid permission to the company. The Delhi Stock Exchange does not in any manner: a) Warrant, certify or endorse the correctness or completeness of any of the contents of this offer document; b) Warrant that this company’s securities will be listed or continue to be listed on DSE c) Take any responsibility for the financial or other soundness of this company, its promoters, the management or any scheme or project of this company. and it should not be, for any reason be deemed or construed that this offer document has been cleared or approved by DSE. Every person who desires to apply for or otherwise acquires any securities of this company may do so pursuant to independent enquiry, investigations and analysis and shall not have any claim against DSE, whatsoever, by reason of any loss which may be suffered by such person consequent to 102 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ or in connection with such subscription/ acquisition whether by reason of anything stated in the offer document or any other reason whatsoever. FILING A copy of this Letter of Offer has been filed with SEBI, SEBI Bhavan, Plot No. C-4A, G-Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai – 400 051., Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd., (BSE) (Designated Stock Exchange) Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Dalal Street, Fort, Mumbai (BSE) and with Delhi Stock Exchange, DSE House, 3/1, Asaf Ali Road, New Delhi 110 002. IMPERSONATION Attention of the applicants is specifically drawn to the provisions of Sub-Section (1) of Section 68A of the Companies Act, 1956 which is reproduced below: "Any person who(a) makes in a fictitious name an application to a Company for acquiring, or subscribing for, any shares therein, or (b) otherwise induces a Company to allot or register any transfer of shares therein to him, or any other person in a fictitious name, shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to five years." CONSENTS Consents in writing of: (a) the Directors, the Company Secretary and Compliance Officer, the Auditors, Bankers to the Company and Bankers to this Issue; and (b) Lead Manager to this Issue, Registrar to this Issue and legal advisors to the Issue to act in their respective capacities have been obtained and filed with Stock Exchanges at the time of filing this Letter of Offer and such consents have not been withdrawn up to the time of delivery of the Letter of Offer for registration with the stock exchanges. The Auditors of the Company have given their written consent for the inclusion of their Report in the form and content as appearing in this Offer Document and also the tax benefits accruing to the Company and its members and such consents and reports have not been withdrawn up to the time of delivery of the Letter of Offer for registration with the Stock Exchanges. EXPERT OPINION Except as stated elsewhere in this Offer Document, the Company has not obtained any expert opinion. EXPENSES OF THE ISSUE The total expenses of the issue are estimated to be around Rs. 40.91 lacs. All expenses with respect to the issue would be met out of the proceeds of the issue. The split of issue expenses is as under: (Rs. in Lacs) Activity Estimated Expense Fees to the intermediaries 30.00 Printing distribution expenses 6.51 Listing fees and other expenses 2.40 Advertisement & Publicity 2.00 Total estimated Issue expenses 40.91 103 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fees payable to Lead Managers The total fees payable to the Lead Manager will be as per the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the company and the Lead Manager, a copy of which is available for inspection at the Registered office of CHL Limited. Fees payable to Registrar to the Issue The total fees payable to the Registrar to the issue will be as per the Memorandum of Understanding signed amongst the company and the Registrar to the issue, a copy of which is available for inspection at the registered office of CHL Limited. Underwriting Commission, Brokerage And Selling Commission No Underwriting, Brokerage and selling Commission will be payable for this issue. Previous Issue Details The company has not made any public/rights issue of its equity shares during the last five years. Issues otherwise than for cash The Company has not made any issue otherwise than for cash. Commission and Brokerage on Previous Issues The Company has not made any Public / Rights Issue during last five years. Hence no commission or brokerage has been paid. Promise Vis-A-Vis Performance During the last five years no public/right issue has been made. Outstanding Debentures or Bonds As on the date of filing of this Letter of Offer, CHL Limited does not have any Bond Issue. Outstanding Preference Shares As on the date of filing of this Letter of Offer, the Company does not have any outstanding preference shares. Stock Market Data The equity shares of the company are listed on The Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd. (BSE) and The Delhi Stock Exchange Association (DSE). There has been no trading in the equity shares of the company on DSE since 1999. The equity shares of the company were listed on BSE w.e.f 04/07/2008 and the weekend price of equity shares of CHL Ltd on BSE are as follows: 104 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ High (Rs) Particulars July 2008* 247.95 High Date 11/07/2008 Volume on date of high (no of shares) 11,551 Low Date Low (Rs) 50.00 04/07/2008 Volume on date of Low (no of shares) 245 Average Price (Rs.) Total Volume (no. of shares) 148.98 41,356 * The equity shares of the company were listed on BSE w.e.f. 04/07/2008 Week ended 04/07/2008 11/07/2008 18/07/2008 25/07/2008 Price (Rs) 100.00 217.25 210.00 205.00 The market price of the equity shares of the company as on 25/07/2008 the date on which the board of Directors approved this Letter of Offer is Rs.205.00 (BSE). The equity shares of the company were in no delivery period from to [••] to [••] The cum-rights closing price of the shares of the company as on [••] was Rs. [••]on BSE The ex-rights closing price of the shares of the company as on [•] was Rs. [•] on BSE INVESTOR GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL SYSTEM The investor grievances against the Company will be handled by the Registrars and Share Transfer Agent in consultation with the secretarial department of the Company. To handle the grievances received, the Company has appointed Mr. G.J. Varadarajan as the Compliance Officer. He will supervise redressal of complaints received from the investors at the office of the Company as well as the Registrars to the Rights Issue and ensure timely settlement. All grievances related to the offer may be addressed to the Registrar to the Rights Issue quoting the application No. (Including prefix), Number of equity shares applied for, amount paid on application, date, Bank and branch/ Collection center where application was submitted. The normal time taken by CHL Limited for redressal of investor grievance is given below:Sr .No 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Type of Request Procedure for Issue of Duplicate Share Certificate Non-receipt of Transfer of Shares Procedure for transmission of shares Non receipt of demat/ remat shares Non receipt of dividend Non receipt of Annual Report Change of residual Address/Bank Mandate Non receipt of consolidation/split of share certificates Normal Time Taken (No of Days) 20 5 7 5 15 15 3 5 Change in Auditors There has been no change in the Auditors of the company during the past three years. Capitalisation of Reserves or Profits The company has not capitalized its reserves or profit during the last five years. Revaluation of Assets The company has not revalued its asset during the last five years. 105 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SECTION VII - OFFERING INFORMATION A. TERMS OF THE ISSUE The Equity Shares now being offered are subject to the provisions of the Act and the terms and conditions of this Letter of Offer, the CAF, the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company, the approvals from the Government of India, FIPB and RBI, if applicable, the provisions of the Act, guidelines issued by SEBI, guidelines, notifications and regulations for issue of capital and for listing of securities issued by Government of India and/or other statutory authorities and bodies from time to time, Listing Agreements entered into by the Company with Stock Exchanges, terms and conditions as stipulated in the allotment advice or letter of allotment or Security Certificate and rules as may be applicable and introduced from time to time, the FEMA and the Letters of Allotment/Equity Shares to be issued. Over and above such terms and conditions, the Equity Shares shall also be subject to applicable laws, guidelines, notifications and regulations relating to issue of capital and listing of securities issued from time to time by SEBI, the Government of India, RBI and or other authorities. Ranking of equity shares The new Equity Shares proposed to be issued shall rank in all respects pari-passu with existing fully paid up Equity Shares. Mode of payment of dividend The dividend is paid to all the eligible shareholders as per the provisions of Companies Act. Face value & issue price The Face Value of Equity Shares of the company is Rs.10/-. The Equity Shares are being issued at Rs. 50/each including premium of Rs. 40 per equity share in the present rights issue. Rights of equity shareholders The Shareholders are entitled to receive dividend, as and when declared and bonus and rights shares, as and when issued. Further, the rights of the above and other holders of shares are subject to the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956, the Memorandum and the Articles of Association of the Company, the terms of this Letter of Offer and other laws as applicable from time to time. Market lot The market lot for the Equity Shares held in the demat mode is one share. In case of physical certificate, the Company would issue one certificate for the Equity Shares allotted to one person (“Consolidated Certificate”). In respect of consolidated certificate, the Company will, only upon request from the equity shareholder, split & return such consolidated certificate into smaller denomination within 7 days time in conformity with the clause 3 of the Listing Agreement. No fee would be charged by the Company for splitting the consolidated certificate. Nomination In terms of Section 109A of the Act, nomination facility is available in case of Equity Shares. The applicant can nominate any person by filling the relevant details in the CAF in the space provided for this purpose. The sole Equity Shareholder or first Equity Shareholder, along with other joint Equity Shareholders (being individual(s) may nominate any person(s) who, in the event of the death of the sole holder or all the joint- 106 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ holders, as the case may be, shall become entitled to the Equity Shares. Person(s), being a nominee, becoming entitled to the Equity Shares by reason of the death of the original Equity Shareholder(s), shall be entitled to the same rights to which he would be entitled if he/she were the registered holder of the Equity Shares. Where the nominee is a minor, the Equity Shareholder(s) may also make a nomination to appoint, in the prescribed manner, any person to become entitled to the Equity Share(s), in the event of death of the said holder, during the minority of the nominee. A nomination shall stand rescinded upon the sale/disposal of the Equity Share by the person nominating. A buyer will be entitled to make a fresh nomination in the manner prescribed. When two or more persons hold the Equity Share(s), the nominee shall become entitled to receive the shares only on the demise of all the holders. Fresh nominations can be made only in the prescribed form available on request at the Registered office of the Company located at Hotel Crowne Plaza, New Friends Colony, New Delhi – 110 025 or such other place at such addresses as may be notified by the Company. The applicant can make the nomination by filling in the relevant portion in the CAF. Only one nomination would be applicable for one folio. Hence, in case the shareholder(s) has (have) already registered the nomination with the Company, no further nomination need to be made for Equity Shares to be allotted in this Issue under the same folio. In case the allotment of Equity Shares is in dematerialized form, there is no need to make a separate nomination for the Equity Shares to be allotted in this Issue. Nominations registered with respective Depository Participant of the applicant would prevail. If the applicant requires to change the nomination, they are requested to inform their respective Depository Participant. Minimum subscription i) If the Company does not receive the minimum subscription of 90% of the issue, the entire subscription shall be refunded to the applicants within forty two days from the date of closure of the Issue. ii) If there is a delay in the refund of subscription by more than 8 days after the Company becomes liable to pay the subscription amount (i.e. forty two days after closure of the issue), the Company shall pay interest for the delayed period at rates prescribed under sub-sections (2) and (2A) of Section 73 of the Companies Act, 1956. Disposal of odd lots The Company has not made any arrangements for the disposal of odd lot Equity Shares arising out of this Issue. The Company will issue certificates of denomination equal to the number of Equity Shares being allotted to the Equity Shareholder. Restrictions on transfer and transmission of shares and on their consolidation/ splitting There are no restrictions on transfer and transmission and on their consolidation/splitting of shares issued pursuant to this issue. 107 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISSUE PROCEDURE BASIS OF THE OFFER The Equity Shares are being offered for subscription for cash to those existing Equity Shareholders whose names appear as beneficial owners as per the list to be furnished by the depositories in respect of the Equity Shares held in the electronic form and on the Register of Members of the Company in respect of Equity Shares held in the physical form at the close of business hours on the Record Date. The Company has in consultation with the Designated Stock Exchange fixed the Record Date for determining the shareholders who are entitled to receive this offer for Equity Shares on a rights basis. The Equity Shares are being offered for subscription in the ratio of one equity share for every two equity shares held by the Equity Shareholders. The shareholders whose names appear as beneficial owners as per the list furnished by the depositories in respect of the Equity Shares held in electronic form and on the register of members of the Company in respect of the shares held in physical form on [••] at the close of business hours shall be entitled to the Equity Shares on the Rights basis in the ratio of one equity shares for every one equity share held by them. OPTION TO SUBSCRIBE Applicants to the Equity Shares of the Company issued through this Rights Issue shall be allotted the securities in dematerialized (electronic) form. The Company has signed a tripartite agreement with National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) and Beetal Financial & Computer Services (P) Ltd. on 22/07/2008 and with Central Depository Services (India) Limited (CDSL) and Beetal Financial & Computer Services (P) Ltd. on 14/07/2008, which enables the Investors to hold and trade in securities in a dematerialized form, instead of holding the securities in the form of physical certificates. RIGHTS ENTITLEMENT As your name appears as beneficial owner in respect of the shares held in the electronic form or appears in the register of members as an equity shareholder of the Company on the Record Date, you are entitled to this Rights Offer. The number of Equity Shares to which you are entitled is shown in Block I of Part A of the enclosed CAF and as shown in part A of the enclosed CAF. FRACTIONAL ENTITLEMENT On applying the rights ratio the rights entitlement may lead to fractional entitlement to some of the shareholders. In such an event the fractional entitlement will be rounded off to the next higher integer. The additional entitlement shall be made available out of the entitlement of one of the promoters. The adjustment will be made in the composite application form so as to ensure the allocation is made within the issue size. JOINT-HOLDERS Where two or more persons are registered as the holders of any Equity Shares, they shall be deemed (so far as the company is concerned) to hold the same as joint-holders with benefits of survivorship subject to provisions contained in the Articles. OFFER TO NON-RESIDENT EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS/ APPLICANTS Applications received from NRIs and other NR shareholders for allotment of Equity Shares shall be, inter alia, subject to the conditions imposed from time to time by the RBI under the FEMA in the matter of refund of application moneys, allotment of Equity Shares, issue of Letter of Allotment / share certificates, payment of interest, dividends, etc. General permission has been granted to any person resident outside India to apply shares offered on rights basis by an Indian Company in terms of FEMA and the rules and regulations 108 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ there under. Vide notification dated June 18, 2003, bearing number FEMA 94/2003, RBI has granted general permission to Indian companies to issue rights/bonus shares to existing non-resident shareholders. The existing non-resident shareholders may apply for issue of additional shares and the Company may allot the same subject to the condition that the overall issue of shares to non-residents in the total paid up capital does not exceed the sectoral cap. In other words, non-residents may subscribe for additional shares over and above shares offered on rights basis by the company and renounce the shares offered in full or part thereof in favour of a person named by them. Residents may subscribe for additional shares over and above the shares offered on rights basis by the Company and also renounce the shares offered either in full or part thereof in favour of a person named by them. The Equity Shares issued under the Rights Issue and purchased by NR shall be subject to the same conditions including restrictions in regard to the repatriability as are applicable to the previously held Equity Shares against which Equity Shares under the Rights Issue are issued. However, as per the provisions of AP DIR circular No. 14 dated September 16, 2003 (issued by the RBI), such shareholders who have been allotted the Equity Shares as OCBs would not be permitted to participate in the Rights Issue. Accordingly, shareholders/ applicants who are OCBs and wishing to participate in the Rights Issue would be required to submit approvals in relation thereto from the FIPB and the RBI. The Board of Directors may at its absolute discretion, agree to such terms and conditions as may be stipulated by RBI while approving the allotment of Equity Shares, payment of dividend etc. to the Equity Shareholders who are NR. NOTICES All notices to the Equity Shareholder(s) required to be given by the Company shall be published in one English national daily with wide circulation, one Hindi national daily with wide circulation and/or, will be sent by ordinary post to the registered holders of the Equity Share(s) from time to time. ISSUE OF DUPLICATE EQUITY SHARE CERTIFICATE If any Equity Share Certificate(s) is/are mutilated or defaced or the pages for recording transfers of Equity Shares are fully utilized, the Company against the surrender of such Certificate(s) may replace the same, provided that the same will be replaced as aforesaid only if the Certificate numbers and the Distinctive numbers are legible. If any Equity Share Certificate(s) is/are destroyed, stolen, lost or misplaced, then upon production of proof thereof to the satisfaction of the Company and upon furnishing such indemnity/ surety and/or such other documents as the Company may deem adequate, duplicate Equity Share Certificate(s) shall be issued. OPTIONS AVAILABLE TO THE EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS The Equity Shareholders will be having the following five options: • • • • • Apply for his entitlement in part Apply for his entitlement in part and renounce the other part Renounce his entire entitlement Apply for his entitlement in full Apply for his entitlement in full and apply for additional Equity Shares HOW TO APPLY For Resident Indian Shareholders Application should be made only on the enclosed CAF provided by the Company. The enclosed CAF should be completed in all respects, as explained in the instructions indicated in the CAF. Applications will not be accepted by the Lead Managers or by the Registrar to the Issue or by the Company at any offices except in the case of postal applications as per instructions given in the Letter of Offer. Payment should be made in cash (not more than Rs.20,000/-) or by cheque/bank draft/ drawn on any bank (including a co109 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ operative bank) which is situated at and is a member or a sub-member of the bankers clearing house located at the centre where the CAF is submitted and which is participating in the clearing at the time of submission of the application. Outstation cheques/money orders/postal orders will not be accepted and CAFs accompanied by such cheques/money orders/postal orders are liable to be rejected. For Non-Resident Shareholders Applications received from the Non-Resident Equity Shareholders for the allotment of Equity Shares shall, inter alia, be subject to the conditions as may be imposed from time to time by the RBI, in the matter of refund of application moneys, allotment of Equity Shares, issue of letters of allotment/certificates/ payment of dividends etc. Letter of Offer and CAF shall be dispatched to non-resident Equity Shareholders in India only. For applicants residing at places other than designated Bank collecting branches. Applicants residing at places other than the cities where the Bank collection centres have been opened should send their completed CAF by registered post/speed post to the Registrars to the Issue, Beetal Financial & Computer Services (P) Ltd. along with demand drafts, net of demand draft and postal charges, payable at Delhi in favour of “CHL Limited - Rights Issue” crossed “A/c Payee only” so that the same are received on or before closure of the Issue i.e. [••]. The Company will not be liable for any postal delays and applications received through mail after the closure of the Issue are liable to be rejected and returned to the applicants. Applications by mail should not be sent in any other manner except as mentioned below. All application forms duly completed together with cash/cheque/demand draft for the application money must be submitted before the close of the subscription list to the Bankers to the Issue named herein or to any of its branches mentioned on the reverse of the CAF. The CAF along with application money must not be sent to the Company or the Lead Manager to the Issue or the Registrar to the Issue except as mentioned above. The applications are required to strictly adhere to these instructions. Failure to do so could result in the application being liable to be rejected by the Company, the Lead Manager and the Registrar not having any liabilities to such applicants. The CAF consists of four parts: Part A: Form for accepting the Equity Shares offered and for applying for additional Equity Shares Part B: Form for renunciation Part C: Form for application for renounces Part D: Form for request for split application forms You may exercise any one of the following options with regard to the Equity Shares offered to you, using the enclosed CAF: Sr. No 1. 2. 3. Options available Action Required Accept whole or part of the Equity Shares offered to you without renouncing the balance Fill in and sign Part A indicating in Block III of Part A the number of Equity Shares accepted. If you accept all the equity share offered in Block II of Part A you may apply for additional Equity Shares. Indicate in Block IV the additional Equity Shares applied for. Fill in and sign Part B indicating the number of Equity Shares renounced in Block VII and handover the ENTIRE FORM to the renounce. The renounce/ joint (s) must fill in and sign Part C of CAF. Renounce all the Equity Shares offered to you to one person (joint are deemed as one person) without your applying for any of the Equity Shares offered to you. Accept a part of your entitlement and Fill in and sign Part D for the Split Form and send 110 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sr. No 4. Options available renounce the balance or part of it to one or more (s). OR Renounce your entitlement or part of it to one or more persons (joint renounces are deemed as one person). Action Required the ENTIRE CAF to the Registrar to the Issue. On receipt of Split Forms : a For the Equity Shares you are accepting, fill in and sign Part A. b For the Equity Shares you are renouncing fill in and sign Part B indicating the number of Equity Shares renounced in Block VII. Each of the renounces should fill in and sign Part C. Note: If application is made jointly with any other person(s) who is/are not already joint holders or change in the sequence of names of joint holders, it will amount to renunciation and the procedure mentioned in (2) above will have to be followed. Acceptance of Offer You may accept the Offer and apply for the Equity Shares offered, either in full or in part by filling Block III of Part A of the enclosed CAF and submit the same along with the application money payable to the bankers to the Issue or any of the branches as mentioned on the reverse of the CAF before the close of the banking hours on or before the Issue Closing Date or such extended time as may be specified by the Board thereof in this regard. Applicants at centers not covered by the branches of collecting banks can send their CAF together with the demand draft, net of demand draft and postal charges, payable at Delhi to the Registrar to the Issue by registered post. Such applications sent to anyone other than the Registrar to the Issue are liable to be rejected. You may apply for the Equity Shares offered wholly or in part by filling in the enclosed CAF and submitting the same along with the application money to the Bankers to the Issue or its designated branches on or before the closure of the subscription list. The CAF should be complete in all respects, as explained in the INSTRUCTIONS indicated in the CAF. The CAF should not be detached under any circumstances, otherwise the application(s) will be rejected forthwith. Application for additional Equity Shares You are also eligible to apply for additional Equity Shares over and above the number of Equity Shares offered to you provided you have applied for all the shares offered to you without renouncing them in full or in part. However, the additional Equity Shares cannot be renounced in full or in part, in favour of any other person(s). If you desire to apply for additional Equity Shares, you may fill in the number of additional Equity Shares in Part A of the CAF. The allotment of additional Equity Shares will be at the sole discretion of the Board on an equitable basis with reference to the number of Equity Shares held by you on the Record Date in consultation with The Designated Stock Exchange. In the case of requests for additional Equity Shares by Non Residents, the allotment will be subject to the approval of Reserve Bank of India. The Board may reject any application for additional Equity Shares without assigning any reasons thereof. The renounces can also make an application for additional shares. Renunciation You may renounce all or any of the Equity Shares, you are entitled to in favour of any individual, limited companies, or statutory corporations / institutions. However renunciation in favour of more than three persons as joint holders, trust or society (unless the same is registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 or any other applicable trust laws and is under its constitution to hold shares in a company), OCBs, minors (unless acting through natural or legal guardians), Partnership Firms, or their nominees, or any of them will not be accepted. 111 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Any renunciation from Resident(s) to Non- Resident(s) is subject to the renounce(s)/ renounce(s) obtaining requisite approval(s) of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and the said permission must be attached to the CAF. Procedure for renunciation (i) To Renounce in WHOLE If you wish to renounce this offer in whole, please complete PART 'B' of the CAF enclosed with the Letter of Offer for the number of Equity Shares renounced and deliver the CAF duly signed to the person(s) in whose favour the Equity Shares are so renounced. All joint holders must sign as per specimen signatures recorded with the Company at the place provided for the purpose and in the same order. The person(s), in whose favour the offer has been renounced (renounces) should complete and sign PART C of the CAF. In case of joint renounces, all joint renounces must sign. (ii) To Renounce in PART If you wish to accept this offer in part and renounce the balance of this offer the CAF must first be split into the requisite number of forms, by applying to the Registrar to the Issue. Please indicate your requirement of split forms in the space provided for this purpose in PART D of the CAF and return the entire CAF to the Registrar to the Issue so as to reach them latest by the close of business hours on or before the last date for receiving requests for split forms i.e. [••] . If you wish to apply for Equity Shares jointly with any person(s) who is/are not already joint holder(s) with you, then it would amount to renunciation and the procedure of renunciation as mentioned above shall have to be followed. Even a change in the sequence of the name of joint holders shall amount to renunciation and the procedure as stated above shall have to be followed. Further, this right of renunciation is subject to the express condition that the Board shall be entitled in its absolute and unqualified discretion to reject any such request for allotment of Equity Shares from (s) without assigning any reason thereof save where the Equity Shares have been renounced in favour of a person who is already a member of the Company. Please note that: a) Part A of the CAF must not be used by any person(s) other than those in whose favour this offer has been made. If used, this will render the application invalid. b) Only the person to whom this Letter of Offer has been addressed and NOT the renouncees shall be entitled to split forms. Forms once split cannot be resplit. Request for spilt forms: • • Request for Split Forms should be addressed to the Registrar to the Issue so as to reach them on or before the last date for receiving of request for split forms by filling in PART D of the CAF. Requests for Split Forms will be entertained only once. Availability of duplicate CAF In case the original CAF is not received, or is misplaced by the applicant, the Registrar to the Issue will issue a duplicate CAF on the request of the applicant who should furnish the registered folio number/ DP and Client ID number and his/ her full name and address to the Registrar to the Issue. Please note that the request for duplicate CAF should reach the Registrar to the Issue within 15 days from the Issue Opening 112 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date. Please note that those who are making the application in the duplicate form should not utilize the original CAF for any purpose including renunciation, even if it is received/ found subsequently. If the applicant violates any of these requirements, he / she shall face the risk of rejection of both the applications as well as forfeiture of amounts remitted along with the applications. Application on Plain Paper An Equity Shareholder who has neither received the original CAF nor is in a position to obtain the duplicate CAF may make an application to subscribe to the Rights Issue on plain paper, along with a Demand Draft payable at Delhi which should be drawn in favour of “CHL Limited- Rights Issue” crossed A/c Payee Only and send the same by registered post directly to the Registrar to the Issue. The application on plain paper, duly signed by the applicants including joint holders, in the same order as per specimen recorded with the Company, must reach the office of the Registrar to the Issue before the Issue Closing Date i.e.; [••] and should contain the following particulars: Name of Issuer, being CHL Limited. Name and address of the Equity Shareholder including joint holders Registered Folio Number/ DP and Client ID no. Number of shares held as on [••] (Record Date). Certificate numbers and distinctive numbers, if held in physical form Number of Rights Equity Shares entitled Number of Rights Equity Shares applied for out of entitlement Number of additional Equity Shares applied for, if any Total number of Equity Shares applied for Total amount paid at the rate of Rs. [••]/-per Equity Share Particulars of cheque/draft Savings/Current Account Number and name and address of the Bank where the Equity Shareholder will be depositing the refund order Each of the applicant should mention his/her Permanent Account Number (PAN) allotted under the IT Act. In case of Non-Resident shareholders, NRE/FCNR/NRO Account No., name and address of the bank and branch. Signature of Equity Shareholders to appear in the same sequence and order as they appear in the records of the Company Payment in such cases, should be through a demand draft, net of demand draft and postal charges, payable at Delhi be drawn in favour of “CHL Limited - Rights Issue” crossed “A/c Payee only”. Please note that those who are making the application on plain paper shall not be entitled to renounce their rights and should not utilize the original CAF for any purpose including renunciation even if it is received subsequently. If the applicant violates any of these requirements, he/she shall face the risk of rejection of both the applications as well as forfeiture of amounts remitted along with the applications. The Company shall refund such application amount to the applicant without any interest thereon. Quoting of PAN/GIR no. in the application forms Pursuant to the circular MRD/DoP/Circ-05/2007 dated April 27, 2007, SEBI has mandated Permanent Account Number (PAN) to be the sole identification number for all participants transacting in the securities market, irrespective of the amount of the transaction with effect from July 2, 2007. Each of the applicants should mention his/her PAN allotted under the IT Act. Applications without this information will be considered incomplete and are liable to be rejected. It is to be specifically noted that Bidders should not submit the GIR number instead of the PAN, as the Bid is liable to be rejected on this ground. 113 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Last date for submission of CAF The last date for receipt of CAF by the Bankers to the Issue together with the amount payable on application is [••]. If the relevant CAF together with amount payable there under is not received by the Bankers/Registrar to the Issue on or before the close of banking hours on the aforesaid last date the offer contained in this Letter of Offer shall be deemed to have been declined and the Board shall be at liberty to dispose of the Equity Shares hereby offered as provided under "Basis of Allotment". Incomplete application CAFs which are not complete or are not accompanied with the application money amount payable are liable to be rejected. TERMS OF PAYMENT The entire amount of Rs. 50/- per share is payable on application by all shareholders/applicants. MODE OF PAYMENT For Resident Shareholders/Applicants Payment(s) must be made by cheque/demand draft and drawn on any bank (including a co-operative bank) which is situated at and is a member or a sub-member of the Bankers' Clearing House located at the centre where the CAF is submitted. A separate cheque/draft must accompany each CAF. Only one mode of payment should be used. Money orders, postal orders and outstation cheques will not be accepted and applications accompanied by any such instruments will be rejected. Shareholders/Applicants residing at places other than those mentioned in the CAF and applicants who wish to send their applications but not having collection centres should send their application by Registered Post, ONLY to the Registrar to the Issue enclosing a demand draft drawn on a clearing Bank and payable at Delhi ONLY net of bank charges and postal charges, before the closure of the issue. Such cheque/drafts should be payable to "CHL Limited - Rights Issue". All cheques/ drafts must be crossed 'A/c Payee only’.No receipt will be issued for the application money received. However, the Collection Centre receiving the application will acknowledge receipt of the application by stamping and returning the acknowledgement slip at the bottom of each CAF. The Company is not responsible for any postal delay/ loss in transit on this account. For Non-Resident Shareholders/Applicants As regards the application by non-resident equity shareholders, the following further conditions shall apply: Application with repatriation benefits Payment by NRIs/ FIIs/ foreign investors must be made by demand draft/cheque payable at Delhi or funds remitted from abroad in any of the following ways: • • • • By Indian Rupee drafts purchased from abroad and payable at Delhi or funds remitted from abroad (submitted along with Foreign Inward Remittance Certificate); or By cheque/draft on a Non-Resident External Account (NRE) or FCNR Account maintained in Delhi; or By Rupee draft purchased by debit to NRE/ FCNR Account maintained elsewhere in India and payable in Delhi; or FIIs registered with SEBI must remit funds from special non-resident rupee deposit account. 114 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ All cheques/drafts submitted by non-residents applying on repatriable basis should be drawn in favour of "CHL Limited - Rights Issue - NR" payable at Delhi and crossed ‘A/c Payee only’ for the amount payable. A separate cheque or bank draft must accompany each application form. Applicants may note that where payment is made by drafts purchased from NRE/FCNR accounts as the case may be, an Account Debit Certificate from the bank issuing the draft confirming that the draft has been issued by debiting the NRE/FCNR account should be enclosed with the CAF. In the absence of the above the application shall be considered incomplete and is liable to be rejected. In the case of NRIs who remit their application money from funds held in FCNR/NRE Accounts, refunds and other disbursements, if any shall be credited to such account details of which should be furnished in the appropriate columns in the CAF. In the case of NRIs who remit their application money through Indian Rupee Drafts from abroad, refunds and other disbursements, if any will be made in US Dollars at the rate of exchange prevailing at such time subject to the permission of RBI. The Company will not be liable for any loss on account of exchange rate fluctuation for converting the Rupee amount into US Dollars or for collection charges charged by the applicant’s Bankers. Application without repatriation benefits As far as non-residents holding shares on non-repatriation basis is concerned, in addition to the modes specified above, payment may also be made by way of cheque drawn on Non-Resident (Ordinary) Account maintained in Delhi or Rupee Draft purchased out of NRO Account maintained elsewhere in India but payable at Delhi. In such cases, the allotment of Equity Shares will be on non-repatriation basis. All cheques/drafts submitted by non-residents applying on non-repatriation basis should be drawn in favour of "CHL Limited - Rights Issue” payable at Delhi and must be crossed ‘A/c Payee only’ for the amount payable. The CAF duly completed together with the amount payable on application must be deposited with the Collecting Bank indicated on the reverse of the CAF before the close of banking hours on or before the Issue Closing Date. A separate cheque or bank draft must accompany each CAF. If the payment is made by a draft purchased from an NRO account, an Account Debit Certificate from the bank issuing the draft, confirming that the draft has been issued by debiting the NRO account, should be enclosed with the CAF. In the absence of the above, the application shall be considered incomplete and is liable to be rejected. New demat account shall be opened for holders who have had a change in status from resident Indian to NRI. Note: • • • • In case where repatriation benefit is available, interest, dividend, sales proceeds derived from the investment in Equity Shares can be remitted outside India, subject to tax, as applicable according to Income Tax Act, 1961. In case Equity Shares are allotted on non-repatriation basis, the dividend and sale proceeds of the Equity Shares cannot be remitted outside India. The CAF duly completed together with the amount payable on application must be deposited with the Collecting Bank indicated on the reverse of the CAF before the close of banking hours on or before the Issue Closing Date. A separate cheque or bank draft must accompany each CAF. In case of an application received from non-residents, allotment, refunds and other distribution, if any, will be made in accordance with the guidelines/ rules prescribed by RBI as applicable at the time of making such allotment, remittance and subject to necessary approvals. Application will not be accepted by the Lead Manager or by the Company. 115 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Note on cash payment (section 269 SS) Having regard to the provisions of Section 269 SS of the Income Tax Act, 1961, subscriptions against applications for securities should not be effected in cash and must be effected only by ‘Account Payee’ cheques or ‘Account Payee’ bank drafts, if the amount payable is Rs. 20,000/- or more. In case payment is effected in contravention of this provision, the application is liable to be rejected. FORFEITURE The allotment shall be made only on receipt of full application money as mentioned in “Terms of Payment”. As such there will be no partly paid-up shares emerging from this issue and hence no requirement of any forfeiture. APPLICATION UNDER POWER OF ATTORNEY In case of applications under Power of Attorney or by Limited Companies or Bodies Corporate or Societies registered under the applicable laws, a certified copy of the Power of Attorney or the relevant authority, as the case may be, along with the certified copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Association or Bye-laws, as the case may be, must be lodged separately by registered post at the office of the Registrar to the Issue simultaneously with the submission of the CAF, indicating the serial number of the CAF and the name of the bank and the branch office where the application is submitted within 10 days of closure of the offer, failing which the application is liable to be rejected. In case the Power of Attorney is already registered with the Company, then the same need not be furnished again. However, the serial number of the Registration under which the Power of Attorney has been registered with the Company must be mentioned below the signature of the Applicant. BANK DETAILS OF THE APPLICANT The applicant must fill in the relevant column in the CAF giving particulars of Savings Bank/Current Account Number and the name of the Bank with whom such accounts is held, to enable the Registrar to the Issue to print the said details in the Refund Orders, if any, after the name of the payees. Please note that provision of Bank Account details has now been made mandatory and applications not containing such details are liable to be rejected. APPLICATION NUMBER ON THE CHEQUE/DEMAND DRAFT To avoid any misuse of instruments, the applicants are advised to write the application number and name of the first applicant on the reverse of the cheque / demand draft. GROUNDS FOR TECHNICAL REJECTIONS Applicants are advised to note that applications are liable to be rejected on technical grounds, including the following: Amount paid does not tally with the amount payable for; In case of physical shareholders, bank account details (for refund) are not given; Age of first applicant not given in case of joint holder(s); PAN not stated or copy of GIR number furnished instead of PAN. See the section titled “Issue Procedure – Permanent Account Number or PAN/ GIR; Cash applications for an amount exceeding Rs.20,000/-; In case of Application under power of attorney or by limited companies, corporate, trust, etc., relevant documents are not submitted; If the signature of the existing shareholder does not match with the one given on the Application Form and for renounces if the signature does not match with the records available with their depositories; 116 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ If the Applicant desires to have shares in electronic form, but the CAF does not have the Applicant’s depository account details; CAFs are not submitted by the Applicants within the time prescribed as per the CAF and the Letter of Offer; Applications not duly signed by the sole/joint Applicants; Applications by OCBs unless accompanied by specific approval from the RBI permitting the OCBs to invest in the Issue; In case no corresponding record is available with the Depositories that matches three parameters, namely, names of the Applicants (including the order of names of joint holders), the Depositary Participant’s identity (DP ID) and the beneficiary’s identity; Applications by ineligible Non-residents (including on account of restriction or prohibition under applicable local laws) and where last available address in India has not been provided; Multiple applications. GENERAL (a) All applications should be made on the printed CAF provided by the Company and should be complete in all respects. Applications which are not complete in all respects or are made otherwise than as herein provided or not accompanied by proper application money in respect thereof will be refunded without interest. (b) Please read the instructions in the enclosed CAF carefully. (c) ALL COMMUNICATIONS IN CONNECTION WITH YOUR APPLICATION FOR THE EQUITY SHARES INCLUDING ANY CHANGE IN YOUR REGISTERED ADDRESS SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE REGISTRAR TO THE ISSUE. (d) Application Forms must be filled in ENGLISH in BLOCK LETTERS. (e) Signatures should be either in English or Hindi or the languages specified in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution of India. Signatures other than in the aforementioned languages or thumb impressions must be attested by a Notary Public or a Special Executive Magistrate under his/her official seal. (f) In case of Joint Holders, all joint holders must sign the relevant parts of the Application Form in the same order and as per the specimen signatures recorded with the Company. (g) In case of joint applicants, refunds and all payments will be made to the person whose name appears first on the application form and all communications will be addressed to him/her. To prevent any fraudulent encashment of refund orders by third parties, the Sole/First Applicant must indicate Saving / Current Account number and the name of the bank and its branch with whom such account is held in the space provided in the CAF for the purpose so that Refund Orders are printed with these details after the name. Applications without this information are liable to be rejected. (h) The Application Form should be presented to the Bank in its entirety. If any of the Part(s) A,B,C and D of the Application Form(s) is /are detached or separated, such application will forthwith be rejected. (i) All shareholders must submit the CAF along with remittance only to the Bankers to the Issue mentioned elsewhere in this Letter of Offer and not to the Company, the Registrar or the Lead Manager. (j) Any dispute or suit action or proceedings arising out of or in relation to this Letter of Offer or in respect of any matter or thing herein contained and claimed by either party against the other shall be instituted or adjudicated upon or decided solely by the appropriate Court where Registered Office of the Company is situated. (k) The last date for receipt of CAF along with the amount payable is [••]. However, the Board will have the right to extend the same for such period as it may determine from time to time, but not exceeding 60 days from the date of opening of the subscription list. If the CAF together with the amount payable there under is not received by the bankers to the issue on or before the closure of the banking hours on the aforesaid date, or such date as may be extended by the Board, the offer 117 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ contained in this Letter of Offer shall be deemed to have been declined and the Board shall be at liberty to dispose the Rights hereby offered. For further instructions please read CAF carefully. DEMATERIALISATION As per the provisions of the Depositories Act, 1996, the shares of a body corporate may be held in dematerialized form i.e. not in the form of physical certificates but be fungible and be represented by the statement issued through electronic mode. The equity shares of CHL Limited are traded in the demat segment The Company has entered into a tripartite agreement dated 22/07/2008 with the National Securities Depository Ltd. (NSDL) and Beetal Financial & Computer Services (P) Ltd. for dematerialization of the equity shares of the Company. The Company has also entered into a tripartite agreement dated 14/07/2008 with the Central Depository Services Limited (CDSL) and Beetal Financial & Computer Services (P) Ltd. for of the equity shares of the Company. The ISIN No. granted to the equity shares of the Company is INE 790D01012. An applicant has the option to seek allotment in physical or demat mode. An applicant who seeks allotment in demat mode must have at least one Beneficiary Account with any of the Depository Participants (DP) of NSDL or CDSL registered with SEBI, prior to the application. Such applicants must necessarily fill in the details (including the Beneficiary Account Number and Depository Participant’s ID Number) appearing under the head “Request for shares in electronic form” in the CAF. Applicant must indicate in the CAF, the number of shares they wish to receive in electronic form out of the total number of equity shares applied for. In case of partial allotment, shares will first be allotted in electronic form and the balance, if any, will be allotted in physical form. Names in the CAF should be identical to those appearing in the account details in the Depository. In case of joint holders, the name should necessarily be in the same sequence as they appear in the account details in the Depository. No separate application for demat and physical shares is to be made. If such applications are made the application for physical shares will be treated as multiple applications and rejected accordingly. It may be noted that electronic shares can be traded only on the stock exchanges having electronic connectivity with NSDL and CDSL. Non-transferable allotment letters/ refund orders will be directly sent to the applicant by the Registrar to the Issue The applicant is responsible for the correctness of the applicants’ demographic details given in the share application form vis-à-vis those with his/her DP. Equity shares allotted in demat mode will be credited directly to the respective Beneficiary Account. DISPOSAL OF APPLICATION AND APPLICATION MONEY The Board reserves the right to reject applications in case the application concerned is not made in terms of this Letter of Offer. In case an application is rejected in full the whole of the application money received will be refunded to the first named applicant and where an application is rejected in part, the excess application money will be refunded to the first named applicant within 6 weeks from the date of closure of the subscription list in accordance with Section 73 of the Act. If there is delay of refund of application money by more than 8 days after the Company becomes liable to pay (i.e. forty-two days after the closure of Issue), the Company will pay interest for the delayed period at the rate prescribed under sub-Section (2) and (2A) of Section 73 of the Act. 118 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The subscription monies received in respect of this Issue will be kept in a separate bank account and the Company will not have access to nor appropriate the funds until it has satisfied the Stock Exchange with suitable documentary evidence that minimum subscription of 90% of the application money for the Issue has been received. No acknowledgment will be issued for the application monies received by the Company. However, the Bankers to the Issue at its collection branches to the Issue receiving the CAF as applicable as per the terms of this Draft Letter of Offer, will acknowledge its receipt by stamping and returning the acknowledgment slip at the bottom of each CAF. Except for the reasons stated under “Grounds for Technical Rejections” on page 119 of this Draft Letter of Offer and subject to valid application, acknowledgement of receipt of application money given by the collection agent shall be valid and binding on issuer and other persons connected with the Issue. BASIS OF ALLOTMENT In the event of the issue being oversubscribed, the basis of allotment will be made only within the overall size of the Rights Issue, as stated in the Letter of Offer and the Board will proceed to allot the Equity Shares in consultation with the designated stock exchange in the following order of priority: 1. Full allotment to the Shareholders who have applied for their Rights entitlement, either in full or in part and also the (s) who have applied for Equity Shares renounced in their favour either in full or in part (subject to the other provisions contained under the paragraph titled “Renunciation”). 2. Allotment to the shareholders who have applied for additional Equity Shares provided that they have applied for all the Equity Shares offered to them, provided there is a surplus after making full allotment under (1) above. The allotment of such additional Equity Shares will be made as far as possible on the basis of the Equity Shares held as on the Record Date. 3. Allotment to the renounces who have applied for all the Equity Shares renounced in their favour and have applied for additional Equity Shares, as the Board may in its absolute discretion deem fit, provided there is a surplus after making full allotment (1) and (2) above. 4. Allotment to any other person as the Board may in their absolute discretion deem fit, provided there is a surplus after making full allotment under (1), (2), (3) above. The issue will become undersubscribed after considering the number of shares applied as per the entitlement plus additional shares. The undersubscribed portion can be applied for only after the close of the Issue. The promoters/directors/associates/promoter group intend to subscribe to their rights entitlement as well as the entire undersubscribed portion from public and/or foreign collaborator, if any, in this rights issue in full. Presuming no subscription is received from other shareholders and the promoters/directors/ associates/ promoter group subscribing to the entire unsubscribed portion, their shareholding shall increase to 80.90% of the post rights issue equity capital of the Company. As a result of this subscription and consequent allotment, the promoters/ directors/ associates may acquire shares over and above their entitlement in the issue which may result in their shareholding in the company being above their current holding. This subscription and acquisition of additional equity shares by the Promoter/ Directors/ Associates, if any, will not result in change of control of the management of the Company and shall be exempt in terms of provision to Regulation 3(1)(b)(ii) of the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeover) Regulations, 1997. The Promoter/Directors/Associates have confirmed that in case the Rights Issue of the Company is completed with their subscribing to equity shares over and above their entitlement and as a result, if the public shareholding in the Company after the Issue falls below the permissible minimum level as specified in the listing condition or listing agreement, they will make an offer for sale of their holdings so that the 119 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ public shareholding is raised to the minimum level specified in the listing agreement or in the listing conditions within a period of 3 months, as per the requirements of sub-clause 17.2 of SEBI (Delisting of Securities) Guidelines, 2003 or as per any amendment thereto LETTERS OF ALLOTMENT OR REFUND ORDERS Company shall ensure despatch of refund orders, if any, by under the Certificate of Posting or registered post or speed post or through modes as mentioned in section, Terms of the Issue clause “Mode of Payment” as stated below, as applicable, only at the sole or First Applicant’s sole risk within 42 days of closure of the Rights Issue, and adequate funds for making refunds to unsuccessful applicants as per the mode(s) disclosed shall be made available to the Registrar to the Issue by the issuer. In case of those shareholders who have opted to receive their Right Entitlement Shares in dematerialized form by electronic credit under the depository system, an advice regarding the credit of the Equity Shares shall be given separately. Allotment of Equity Shares to non-residents and the issue of letters of allotment/share certificates to nonresidents shall be subject to the approval received from RBI. For Non-Resident Applicants, refunds, if any, will be made as under: Where applications are accompanied by Indian Rupee Drafts purchased abroad and payable at Delhi, India, refunds will be made in convertible foreign exchange equivalent to Indian Rupees to be refunded. Indian Rupees will be converted into foreign exchange at the rate of exchange, which is prevailing on the date of refund. The exchange rate risk on such refunds shall be borne by the concerned applicant and the Company shall not bear any part of the risk. Where the applications made are accompanied by NRE/FCNR/NRO cheques, refunds will be credited to NRE/FCNR/NRO accounts respectively, on which such cheques are drawn and details of which are provided in the CAF. MODE OF PAYMENT OF REFUND Applicants should note that on the basis of name of the applicants, Depository Participant’s name, Depository Participant-Identification number and Beneficiary Account Number provided by them in the Composite Application Form, the Registrar to the Issue will obtain from the Depositories, the applicant’s bank account details including nine digit MICR code. Hence, applicants are advised to immediately update their bank account details as appearing on the records of the depository participant. Please note that failure to do so could result in delays in credit of refunds to applicants at the applicant’s sole risk and neither the Lead Manager nor the Company shall have any responsibility and undertake any liability for the same. The payment of refund, if any, would be done through various modes in the following order of preference: I. Direct Credit – For investors having their Bank Account with the Collecting Bankers, the refund amount would be credited directly to their Bank Account with the Collecting Bankers. II. RTGS – Investors desirous of taking direct credit of refund through RTGS, will have to provide the IFSC code in the Composite Application Form ECS - Payment of refund would be done through ECS for applicants residing at one of the 68 centres, where clearing houses are managed by the RBI, State Bank of India, Punjab National Bank, State Bank of Indore, Union Bank of India, Andhra Bank, Corporation Bank, Bank of Baroda, State Bank of Travancore, Central Bank of India, Canara Bank, Oriental Bank of Commerce, United Bank of India, State Bank of Hyderabad and State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur will get refunds through ECS. 120 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This would be subject to availability of complete Bank Account details including MICR code from the depositories. For all the other applicants except for whom payment of refund is possible through I, II and III, the refund orders would be despatched under the Certificate of Posting for refund orders upto Rs. 1,500/- and through Registered Post or Speed Post for refund orders exceeding Rs. 1,500/-. These refund orders will be drawn on the Collection Bank(s) and payable at par at the places where applications are accepted. Bank charges, if any, for encashing such cheques or pay orders will be borne by the Applicants. INTEREST IN CASE OF DELAY IN ALLOTMENT / DESPATCH The Company will issue and dispatch letters of allotment/ share certificates and/ or letters of regret along with refund order or credit the allotted securities to the respective beneficiary accounts, if any within a period of six weeks from the date of closure of the Issue. If such money is not repaid within 8 days from the day the Company becomes liable to pay it, the Company shall pay that money with interest at the rate of 15% per annum as stipulated under Section 73 of the Act. UNDERTAKING The Company undertakes that: i) the complaints received in respect of the Issue shall be attended to by the issuer company expeditiously and satisfactorily. ii) all steps for completion of the necessary formalities for listing and commencement of trading at all stock exchanges where the securities are to be listed are taken within seven working days of finalization of basis of allotment. iii) funds required for making refunds to unsuccessful applicants as per the mode(s) disclosed shall be made available to the Registrar to the issue by the issuer. iv) where refunds are made through electronic transfer of funds, a suitable communication shall be sent to the applicant within 42 days of closure of the issue, giving details of the bank where refunds shall be credited along with amount and expected date of electronic credit of refund; v) the certificates of the securities/ refund orders to the non-resident Indians shall be dispatched within specified time. vi) no further issue of securities shall be made till the securities offered through this Letter of Offer are listed or till the application moneys are refunded on account of non-listing, under subscription, etc. vii) At any given time there shall be only one denomination for the shares of the company and viii) The company shall comply with such disclosure and accounting norms specified by the Board (SEBI) from time to time. The Issuer and Lead Manager shall update the Letter of Offer and keep the investors informed of any material changes till the listing and trading commences. UTILISATION OF ISSUE PROCEEDS The Board of Directors declares that: (i) all monies received out of issue of shares or debentures to public shall be transferred to separate bank account other than the bank account referred to in sub-section (3) of section 73 of the Companies Act, 1956; (ii) details of all monies utilized out of the issue referred to in sub-item(i) shall be disclosed under an appropriate separate head in the balance sheet of the issuer company indicating the purpose for which such monies had been utilized; and 121 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (iii) details of all unutilized monies out of the issue of shares or debentures, if any, referred to in subitem (i) shall be disclosed under an appropriate separate head in the balance sheet of the issuer company indicating the form in which such monies have been invested. (iv) the utilization of monies received under promoters’ contribution and from firm allotments and reservations shall be disclosed under an appropriate head in the balance sheet of the issuer company, indicating the purpose for which such monies have been utilized. (v) the details of all monies out of the funds received under promoters’ contribution and from firm allotments and reservations shall be disclosed under a separate head in the balance sheet of the issuer company, indicating the form in which such monies have been invested. The promoters/ directors of CHL Limited, Mr. L.K. Malhotra, Mr. D.V. Malhotra, Mr. A.K. Malhotra, Mr. O.P. Bajaj, Mr. B.N. Malhotra, Mr. Kumud Malhotra, Mr. Subhash Ghai, Mr. Luv Malhotra, Mr. Harish Chander Bhasin and Mr. R.C. Sharma confirm that no information/material likely to have a bearing on the decision of investors in respect of the shares offered in terms of this draft letter of offer has been suppressed withheld and / or incorporated in the manner that would amount to mis-statement/misrepresentation and in the event of its transpiring at any point in time till allotment/refund, as the case may be, that any information/material has been suppressed/withheld and/ or amounts to a mis-statement/ misrepresentation, the promoters/directors undertake to refund the entire application monies to all subscribers within 7 days thereafter without prejudice to the provisions of section 63 of the companies act. ACCESS TO FUNDS The funds received against this Issue will be kept in a separate Bank Account and the Company will not have any access to such funds unless it satisfies the Designated Stock Exchange with suitable documentary evidence that the minimum subscription of 90% of the Issue has been received by the Company. 122 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SECTION VIII - MAIN PROVISIONS OF ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION SHARE CAPTIAL AND VARIATION OF RIGHTS 3. The Share Capital of the company is Rs. 30,00,00,000 (Rupees Thirty Crore) divided into 3,00,00,000 (Three Crore) Equity shares of Rs. 10/- (Rs. Ten each.) 3A Subject to the provisions of Section 80 of the Companies Act, 1966, the Board shall have the power to issue Cumulative Redeemable Preference Shares, which may at the option of the Company be liable to be redeemed at any time after the expiry of 12 years but within a period of 15 years from the date of their issue. The said redemption will be made either out of profits of the Company, which would otherwise be available for dividend or out of the proceeds of fresh issue of shares made for the purpose of redemption. The holders of redeemable preference shares shall be paid out of the profits which the Directors shall determine to distribute by way of dividend a fixed cumulative dividend @ 13.5%. On winding up they shall be paid all arrears of preferential dividend whether earned or declared or not, down to the commencement of winding up, and shall also be repaid the amount of capital paid-up or credited as paid up on the preference share, held by them. 4. Subject to the provisions of these Articles the shares shall be under the control of the Board who may allot or otherwise dispose of the same to such persons, on such terms and conditions, at such time, either at par or at a premium or discount and for such consideration as the Board thinks fit provided, that where at any time it is proposed to increase the Subscribed Capital of the Company by allotment of further shares, then subject to the manner set out in Section 81 (1-A) of the Act, the Board shall issue such shares in the manner set out in Section 81 (1) of the Act. Provided further option or right to call, for subscription of shares shall not be given by the Board to any person except with the sanction of the Company in general meeting. 5.(1) If at any time the share capital is divided into different classes of shares, the rights attached to any class, (unless otherwise provided by the terms of issue of the shares of that class) may subject to the provisions of Section 106 and 107 of the Act and whether or not the Company is being wound up, be varied, modified, commuted, abrogated or dealt with, with the consent in writing of the holders of three-fourths of the issued shares of that class or with the sanction of a Special Resolution passed at a separate meeting of the holders of the shares of that class. (2) To every such separate meeting the provisions of these Articles relating to general meetings shall mutatis mutandis apply, but so that the necessary quorum shall be two persons at least holding or representing by proxy one-third of issued shares of the class in question. 6. The rights conferred upon the holders of any class issued with preferred or other rights shall not, unless otherwise expressly provided by the terms of issue of the shares of that class, be deemed to be varied by the creation or issue of further shares ranking pari passu therewith. 7.(1) The Company shall have the power to pay commission on issue of shares and debentures as permissible under Section 76 of the Act provided that the rate percent, or the amount of the commission paid or agreed to be paid shall be disclosed in the manner required by that section. (2) The rate of the commission shall not exceed in the case of shares, five per cent of the price at which the shares are issued and in the case of debentures, two and a half per cent of the price at which the debentures are issued (3) The commission may be satisfied by the payment of cash or the allotment of fully or partly paid shares or debentures or partly in one way and partly in the other. 123 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (4) The Company shall also have the power to pay brokerage on any issue of shares or debentures at the maximum rates permissible by the regulation of a recognized Stock Exchange in India. 8. Except as required by law, no person shall be recognised by the Company as holding any share upon any trust and the company shall not be bound by or be compelled in any way to recognise (even when having notice thereof), any equitable, contingent, future or partial interest or claim in any share, or any interest or claim in any fractional part of a share or (except only as by these Articles or by law otherwise, provided) any other rights in respect of any share except an absolute rights to the entirety thereof in the registered holder. 9.(1) Every person whose name is entered as a Member in the Register of Members or in the Register of holders of debentures shall be entitled to receive within three months after allotment or within one month of lodgement of shares or debentures for registration of transfer or within such other period as the conditions of issue shall provide:(a) One certificate for all his shares or debentures without payment; or (b) Several certificates, each for one or more of his shares or debentures, upon payment of one rupee or such smaller amount as the Board may decide for every certificate after the first. (2) Every certificate shall be under the seal and shall specify the shares or debentures to which it relates and the amount paid up thereon. (3) In respect of any share or shares or any debentures held jointly by several persons, the company shall not be bound to issue more than one certificate, and delivery of a certificate for share or debentures to one of several joint holders shall be sufficient delivery to all such holders 10.(1)If a share or debenture certificate is torn, defaced, lost or destroyed, it may be renewed on payment of such fee as may be decided by the Board from time to time but not exceeding two rupees and on such terms, if any, as to evidence and indemnity and the payment of our-of-pocket expenses incurred by the Company in investigating evidence, as the Board thinks fit. (2)No fee shall be charged for :(a) Registration of transfer of shares and debentures; (b) Sub-division and consolidation of shares and debentures certificates and sub-division of letters of allotment and split, consolidation, renewal and pucca transfer receipts into denominations corresponding to the market units of trading: (c) Sub-division of renounceable letters of rights; (d) Issue of new certificates in replacement of those which are old, decrepit or worn out or where the cages on the reverse for recording transfers have been fully utilised; (e) Registration of any Power of Attorney, Probate, Letters of Administration or similar other documents. BOARD OF DIRECTORS 74. Unless otherwise determined by a general meeting the number of Directors shall not be less than 3 nor more than 15 including nominated Directors, referred to in Article 77. 76. A director shall not be required to hold qualification shares but nevertheless shall be entitled to attend, speak and preside at any general meeting of the Company and at any separate meeting of the holders of any class of shares in the Company. 77. (1) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in these Articles, so long as any moneys remain owing by the Company to the Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI) Industrial Development Bank of India (lDBI), The Industrial Credit & Investment Corporation of India 124 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Limited (ICICI) and Life Insurance Corporation of India (LlC) or to any other Finance Corporation or Credit Corporation or to any other Financing Company or Body out of any loans granted by them to the Company or so long as IFC!, IDBI, ICICI, IIC and Unit Trust of India (UTI) or any other Financing Corporation or Credit Corporation or any other Financing Company or Body (each of which IFCI, IDBI, ICICI, LIC and UTI or any other Finance Corporation or Credit Corporation or any other Financing Company or Body is hereinafter in this Article referred to as 'The Corporation") continue to hold debentures in the Company by direct subscription or private placement, or so long as the Corporation holds shares in the Company as a result of underwriting or direct subscription or so long as any liability of the Company arising out of any Guarantee furnished by the Corporation on behalf of the Company remains outstanding, the Corporation shall have a right to appoint from time to time, any person or persons as a Director or Directors, whole time or non-whole time, (which Director or Directors is/are hereinafter referred to as "Nominee Directors") on the Board of the Company and to remove from such office any person or persons so appointed and to appoint any person or persons in his or their place/s (2) The Board of Directors of the Company shall have no power to remove from office the Nominee Director/s. At the option of the Corporation such Nominee Director/s shall not be required to hold any share qualification in the Company. Also at the option of the Corporation such Nominee Director/s shall not be liable to retirement by rotation of Directors. Subject as aforesaid, the Nominee Director/s shall be entitled to the same rights and privileges and be subject to the same obligations as any other Director of the Company. (3) The Nominee Director/s so appointed shall hold the said office only so long as any moneys remain owing by the Company to the Corporation or so long as the Corporation holds Debentures in the Company as a result of direct subscription or private placement or so long as the Corporation holds shares in the Company as a result of underwriting or direct subscription or the liability of the Company arising out of the Guarantee is outstanding and the Nominee Director/s so appointed in exercise of the said power shall ipso facto vacate such office immediately the moneys owing by the Company to the Corporation are paid off or on the corporation ceasing to hold Debentures/Shares in the Company or on the satisfaction of the liability of the Company arising out of the Guarantee furnished by the Corporation. (4) The Nominee Director/s appointed under this Article shall be entitled to receive all notices to attend all General Meetings, Board Meetings and the Meeting of the Committee of which the Nominee Director/s is/are member/s as also the minutes of such meetings. The Corporation shall also be entitled to receive all such notices and minutes. (5) The Company shall pay to the Nominee Director/s sitting fees and expenses to which the other Directors of the Company are entitled, but if any other fees, commission, moneys or remuneration in any form is payable to the Directors of the Company, the fees, commission, moneys and remuneration in relation to such Nominee Director/s shall accrue to the Corporation and the same shall accordingly be paid by the Company directly to the Corporation. Any expenses that may be incurred by the Corporation or such Nominee Director/s in connection with their appointment or Directorship shall also be paid or reimbursed by the Company to the Corporation or, as the case may be, to such nominee Director/s. Provided that if any such Nominee Director/s is an officer of the Corporation the sitting fees, in relation to such Nominee Director/s shall also accrue to the Corporation and the same shall accordingly be paid by the Company directly to the Corporation. (6) In the event of the Nominee Director/s being appointed as whole time Director/s such nominee Director/s shall exercise such powers and have such rights as are usually exercised or available to a whole time Director in the management of the affairs of the 125 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Company. Such whole time Director/s shall be entitled to receive such remuneration, fees, commission and moneys as may e approved by the Corporation. 78. (1) Not less than two third of total number of Directors of the Company shall: (a) be persons whose period of office is liable to determination by retirement of Directors by rotation and (b) save as otherwise provided in the Act, be appointed by the Company in General meeting. (2) At every Annual General Meeting of the Company, one-third of the Directors, for the time being as are liable to retire by rotation or if their number is not three or a multiple of three then the number nearest to one-third, shall retire from office. (3) Subject to the provisions of the Act and these Articles a retiring Director shall be eligible for re-appointment. (4) The Directors to retire by rotation at every Annual General Meeting shall be those who have been longest in office since their last appointment, but as between persons who become directors on the same day those to retire shall, in- default of and subject to an agreement among themselves, be determined by lot (5) Managing Director/Executive Director/Whole Time Director/Part Time Director/Non Executive Director Of the Company shall retire as per the provisions of the Companies Act 1956 and Rules named thereunder and/or any applicable statute rules/regulations framed from time to time. 79. (1) Each Director shall be entitled to receive out of the funds of the Company for his services in attending meeting of the Board or a Committee of the Board, such fees as may be prescribed under the Act or by the Central Government from time to time for each meeting of the Board or a Committee of the Board attended by him (2) The Board may allow and pay to any Director who is not a bonafide resident of the place where the meetings of the Board are ordinarily held and who shall come to such place for the purpose of attending any meeting, such sum as the Board may consider fair compensation for travelling, boarding, lodging and other expenses, in addition to his fee for attending such meeting as above specified, and if any director be called upon to go or reside out of the ordinary place of his residence on the Company's business, he shall be entitled to be repaid and reimbursed any travelling, hotel or other expenses incurred in connection with the business of the company. 80. The Directors (other than Managing/Whole-time Directors) may be paid in respect of each financial year of the Company remuneration by way of commission upto one per cent of the net profits of the company if the Company has Managing/Whole-time directors or Manager or upto three per cent of the net profits of the Company in any other case and the total commission so payable shall be divided among such Directors pro rata to the period of office held by them unless otherwise agreed upon among them 81. Subject to Sections 198, 309, 310 and 314 of the Act, if any Director, being willing, shall be called upon to perform extra services or to make any special exertion in going or residing anywhere for any of the purposes of the Company, the Board may remunerate such Director either by fixed sum or by a percentage of profit or otherwise and such remuneration may be either in addition to or in substitution of any remuneration to which he may be entitled as a Director. 82. A director of the Company may be or become a Director of any Company promoted by the Company or in which it may be interested as a vendor, share-holder or otherwise, and such Director shall not be accountable for any benefits received by him as Director of such 126 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ other Company. 83. (1)The office of a Director shall ipso facto become vacant under the circumstances mentioned in Section 283 or any other provisions of the Act. (2) A Director may resign his office at any time by notice in writing addressed to the Company or to the Board of Directors. (3) Subject to the provisions of Section 284 of the Act, a Director may be removed from office before the expiry of his period of office THE SEAL 106.(1) The Board shall provide a common seal for the purpose of the Company and shall have power from time to time to destroy the same and substitute a new seal in lieu thereof. (2) The Board shall provide for the safe custody of the Seal. (3) Save as provided under the Companies (Issue of Share Certificates) Rules, 1960, the Seal shall not be affixed to any instrument except in the presence of an officer, including a Director, manager or secretary, authorised by the Board in this behalf, from time to time, who shall sign every instrument to which the Seal is affixed 107. The Company may exercise the powers conferred by Section 50 of the Act with regard to having an official seal for use abroad, and such powers shall vest in the Board. DIVIDENDS AND RESERVES 108. The declaration of the Board as to the amount of net profits of the Company shall be conclusive 109. The Company in general meeting may declare dividends, but no dividend shall exceed the amounts recommended by the Board. 110. Subject to the provisions of the Act, the Directors may. from time to time, pay to the Members on account of the next forthcoming dividend, such interim dividend as in their judgment the position of the company may justify. 111.(1) The Board may, before recommending any dividend, set aside out of the profits of the company such sums as it thinks proper as reserve or reserves or reserves which shall, at the discretion of the Board, be applicable for any purpose to which the profits of the company may be properly applied, including provisions for meeting contingencies or for equalizing dividends, and pending such application may, at the like discretion, either be employed in the business of the Company or be invested in such investments (other than shares of the Company) as the Board may from time to time think fit. (2) The Board may also carry forward any profits which it may think expedient not to divide without setting them aside as a reserve. 112.(1) Subject to the rights of persons, if any, entitled to shares with special rights as to dividends, all dividends shall be declared and paid according to the amounts paid up or credited as paid up on shares in respect whereof the dividend is paid. 127 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (2) No amount paid or credited as paid on a share in advance of calls shall be treated for the purposes of this Article as paid on the share. (3) All dividends shall be apportioned and paid proportionate to the amounts paid or credited as paid on the shares during any portion or portions of the period in respect of which the dividend is paid; but if any share is issued on terms providing that it shall rank for dividend as from a particular date such share shall rank for dividend accordingly 113. The Board may deduct from any dividend payable to any member all sums of money. If any presently payable by him to the Company on account of calls or otherwise in relation to the shares of the company. 114. The company in general meeting may decide that any dividend payable to the members may be set off against any call payable by the members or any call in arrear by that member. 115.(1) Any dividend, interest or other moneys payable in respect of shares may be paid in cash or cheque, warrant or postal order sent through the post or by money order directed to the registered address of the holder or, in the case of joint holders, to the registered address of one of the joint holders who is first named on the Register of Members, or to such person and to such address as the holder or joint holders may, in writing direct. (2) Every such cheque or warrant shall be made payable to the order of the person to whom it is sent. (3) The Company shall not be responsible for the loss of any cheque, warrant or postal order sent by post or by money order in respect of dividends, whether by request or otherwise, at the registered address or the address communicated to the company before-hand by the member or for any dividend lost to the member or person entitled thereto by the forged endorsement of any cheque or warrant or the fraudulent or improper recovery thereof by any other means (4) The company may issue a duplicate cheque or dividend warrant or interest warrant to a shareholder or holder of debentures on furnishing such indemnity or otherwise as it may think proper. 116. Anyone or two or more joint holders of shares may give effectual-receipts for any dividends, bonuses or other moneys payable in respect of such shares. 117. Notice of any dividend that may have been declared shall be given to the persons entitled to share therein in the manner mentioned in the Act. 118. No dividend shall bear interest against the Company. 119. No unclaimed dividend shall be forfeited by the Board unless the claim thereto becomes barred by law and the company shall comply with the provisions of Section 205A of the Act, in respect of any unclaimed or unpaid dividend CAPITALISATION OF PROFITS 122 (1) The Company in general meeting may, upon the recommendation of the Board resolve that: (a) It is desirable to capitalise any part of the amount for the time being standing to the credit of any of company's reserve accounts or to the credit of the profit and loss account. or otherwise available for distribution; and (b) that such sum be accordingly set free for distribution in the manner specified in clause (2) 128 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ amongst the members who would have been entitled thereto, if distributed by way of dividend and in the same proportion (2) The sum aforesaid shall not be paid in cash but shall be applied, subject to the provision contained in clause (3) either in or towards(a) paying up any amounts for the time being unpaid on any shares held by such members respectively; (b) paying up in full unused shares in or debentures of the company to be allotted and distributed, credited as fully paid up to any amongst such members in the proportions aforesaid; or (c) partly in the way specified in sub-clause (a) and partly in that specified in sub-clause (b). (3) A share premium account and a capital redemption reserve account may, for the purposes of this Article, only be applied in the paying up of unissued shares to be issued to members of the company as fully paid bonus shares. (4) The Board shall give effect to the resolution passed by the company in pursuance of this Article 123. (1) Whenever such a resolution as aforesaid shall have been passed, the Board shall(a) make all appropriations and applications of the undivided profits resolved to be capitalised thereby, and all allotments and issues of fully paid shares, if any; and (b) generally do all acts and things required to give effect thereto. (2) The Board shall have full power(a) to make such provision, by the issue of fractional certificates or by payment in cash or otherwise as it thinks fit, in the case of shares becoming distributable in fractions; and also (b) to authorise any person to enter, on behalf of all the members entitled thereto, into an agreement with the Company providing for the allotment to them respectively, credited as fully paid up, of any further shares to which they may be entitled upon such capitalisation, or as the case may require, for the payment by the company on their behalf, by the application thereto of their respective proportions of the profits resolved to be capitalised, of the amounts or any part of the amounts remaining unpaid on their existing shares. (3) Any agreement made under such authority shall be effective and binding on all such members. 124. A general meeting may resolve that any surplus money arising from the realisation of any capital assets of the company or any investments representing the same or any other undistributed profits of the company be distributed amongst the members in the footing that they receive the same as capital. WINDING UP 125 (1) If the company shall be wound up, the liquidator may, with the sanction of a special resolution of the company and any other sanction required by the Act, divide amongst the members, in specie or kind, the whole or any part of the assets of the company, whether they shall consist of property of the same kind or not. (2) For the purpose aforesaid, the liquidator may fix such value as he deems fair upon any property to be divided as aforesaid and may determine how such division shall be carried out as between the members or different classes of members (3) The liquidator may, with the like sanction, vest the whole or any part of such assets in trustees upon such trusts for the benefit of the contributories as the liquidator, with the like sanction, shall 129 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ think fit, but so that no member shall be compelled to accept any shares or other securities wherein there is any liability. INDEMNITY AND RESPONSIBILITY 126.(1) Subject to the provisions of Section 201 of the Act. every Director or the Managing Director, Manager, Secretary and other Officer or employee, servant or auditor for the time being, of the Company and the Trustees (if any) for the time being acting in relation to any of the affairs of the Company and every one of them shall be indemnified by the Company against. and it shall be the duty of the Directors out of the funds of the Company to pay all costs, losses and expenses (including traveling expenses) which any such Director, Managing Director, Officer or employee and the trustees (if any) for the time being acting in co-relation to any of the affairs of the company may incur or become liable to by reason of any contract entered into or any act or deed done by him as such Director, officer or servant or in any way in the discharge of his duties. (2) Subject as aforesaid every Director, Managing Director, Manager, Secretary or other officer or employee, servant or auditor of the company or the Trustees (if any) for the time being acting in relation to any of the affairs of the company and every one of them shall be indemnified against any liability incurred by him in defending any proceedings, whether civil or criminal, in which judgment is given in his favour or in which he is acquitted or in connection with any application under Section 633 of the act in which relief is given to him by the Court. 127.Subject to the provisions of Section 201 of the Act, no Director or Managing Director or other officer of the company shall be liable for the acts, omissions, receipts, neglects, defaults of any other Director or officer or for joining in any omission, receipt or other act for conformity or for any loss or expense suffered by the Company through insufficiency or deficiency of title to any property acquired by order of the Directors for or on behalf of the company or for the insufficiency or deficiency of any security in or upon which any of the moneys of the Company shall be invested or for any loss or damage arising from the bankruptcy, insolvency or tortuous act of any person or with whom any moneys, securities or effects shall be entrusted or deposited or for any loss occasioned by any error of judgment or oversight on his part or for any other loss, damage or misfortune whatever, which shall happen in the execution of duties of his office or in relation thereto, unless the same happens through his own dishonesty, willful neglect or default. SECRECY 128. Every Director, manager, auditor, trustee, member of committee, officer, servant, agent, accountant or other person employed in the business of the company shall, if so required by the Board before entering upon his duties, sign a declaration pledging himself to observe a strict secrecy respecting all transactions and affairs of the company with the customers and the state of the accounts with individuals and in matters relating thereto, and shall by such declaration pledge himself not to reveal any of the matters which may come to his knowledge in the discharge of his duties except when required so to do by the Board or by any meeting or by a court of law and except so far as may be necessary in order to comply with any of the provisions in these presents contained. 129. No member or other person (other than a Director) shat! be entitled to enter the property of the company or to inspect or examine company's premises or properties or the Books of accounts of the company without the permission of the Board of Directors of the Company for the time being or to require discovery of or any information respecting any detail of the Company's trading or any matter which is or may be in the nature of a trade secret, mystery of trade or secret process or of any matter whatsoever which may relate to the conduct of business of the Company and which in the opinion of the Board it will be inexpedient in the interest of the Company to disclose or communicate Company 130 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ and for the valuation of any such securities or property as such price and in such manner as the meeting may approve and all holders of shares shall, subject to the provisions of Section 395 of the Act, be bound to accept and shall be bound by any valuation or distribution so authorised, and waive all rights in relation thereto; save only such statutory rights, if any under Section 494 of the Act as are incapable of being varied or excluded by these Articles in case the Company is proposed to be or is in the course of being wound up. 131 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SECTION IX - OTHER INFORMATION MATERIAL CONTRACTS AND DOCUMENTS The Contracts referred to in para (A) below (not being contracts entered into in the ordinary course of the business carried on by the Company or entered into more than two years before the date of this Letter of Offer) which are or may be deemed material, have been entered into by the Company. The contracts together with the documents referred to in paragraph (B) below, copies of all of which have been attached to the copy of this Letter of Offer may be inspected at the Registered Office of the Company between 11.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m. on any working day from the date of this Letter of Offer until the closing of the subscription list. A. MATERIAL CONTRACTS 1. Copy of Memorandum of Understanding dated 03/07/2008 between the Company and Keynote Corporate Services Limited, Lead Manager to the Issue. 2. Copy of Memorandum of Understanding dated 02/06/2008 between the Company and Beetal Financial & Computer Services Ltd., Registrar to the Issue. 3. Copy of tripartite agreement dated 22/07/2008 between the Company, National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) and Beetal Financial & Computer Services Ltd. ., Registrar to the Issue. 4. Copy of tripartite agreement dated 14/07/2008 between the Company, Central Depository Services (India) Limited (CDSL) and Beetal Financial & Computer Services Ltd.., Registrar to the Issue. B. DOCUMENTS FOR INSPECTION 1. Copy of Memorandum of Articles and Articles of Association of CHL Limited. 2. Copy of Certificate of Incorporation of Company dated 16/03/1979 and Fresh Certificate of Incorporation dated 11/12/1997. 3. Copies of Annual report of CHL Limited for the year ended, 31/03/2004, 31/03/2005, 31/03/2006, 31/03/2007, and Auditor’s report for the year ended 31/03/2008 and un-audited results for three months ended 30/06/2008. 4. Memorandum and Articles of Association and copies of Annual Report for the year ended, 31/03/2005, 31/03/2006, 31/03/2007 of the Promoter Group Companies. 5. Copy of the Board resolution dated 28/07/2006 recommending the rights issue of the company & copy of Special Resolution under Section 81 and 81(1) (A), and other relevant provisions of Companies Act, 1956 dated 27/09/2006 passed at the Annual General Meeting of the company authorizing present issue of equity shares & Copy of the Board resolution dated 25/07/2008. 6. Copy of certificate dated 25/07/2008 issued by M/s. G Rai & Co, Chartered Accountants & Statutory Auditors of the Company reporting financials of the company in terms of Part II Schedule II of the Companies Act, 1956 and including capitalization statement, taxation statement, accounting ratios. 7. Copy of Certificate dated 21/06/2008 issued by M/s. L.N. Malik, Chartered Accountants & Tax Auditors, regarding tax benefits accruing to the company and its shareholders. 132 CHL Limited ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. Copy of certificate for sources and deployment of funds dated 14/07/2008 by M/s. L.N. Malik & Company, Chartered Accountants. 9. Copies of Consents from the Directors of the Company , Statutory Auditors of the company , Bankers to the Company, Lead Managers to this Issue, legal advisors to this Issue, Company Secretary & Compliance Officer, Registrar to this Issue, as referred to, in their respective capacities. 10. Due diligence certificate dated 25/07/2008 to SEBI from the Lead Mangers Keynote Corporate Services Limited. 11. Copies of in-principle approval received from BSE vide letter no. [••]dated [••] and DSE vide letter no [••] dated [••] 12. Copy of SEBI observation letter No. [••] dated [••] and compliance thereof. 133 DECLARATION All the relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 1956, and the guidelines issued by the Government of India or the guidelines issued by Securities and Exchange Board of India, established under Section 3 of the Securities and Exchange board of India Act, 1992, as the case may be, have been complied with and no statement made in this Offer Document is contrary to the provisions of the Companies Act, the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 or rules made there under or guidelines issued, as the case may be. We further certify that all statements in this Offer Document are true and correct. SIGNED BY THE DIRECTORS OF CHL LIMITED Sd/- sd/- Dr. L.K. Malhotra Chairman & Managing Director D.V. Malhotra* Sd/A.K. Malhotra sd/O.P. Bajaj Sd/B.N. Malhotra sd/Kumud Malhotra Sd/Subhash Ghai sd/Luv Malhotra Executive Director Sd/Harish Chander Bhasin sd/R.C. Sharma Sd/N.K. Goel Vice President - Finance * By his Constituted Attorney Date: 25/07/2008 Place: New Delhi