-i ■ . .^MtMHMMMMMMts^oflt _m ' _" _^ ■ GOOD LUCX, THIS ISSUE DEDICATED TO INCOMING FRESHMEN AND TRANSFERS MEM! ALKNDA LUX Ull OITA LIIIRTAI SPECIAL EDITION DAVIDSON, NORTH CAROLINA, SKPTK.MHKK W. li»49 VOLUME XXXVIII WELCOME INCOMING DAVIDSONIANS SOUTHERN r BILL ALEXANDER EXPLAINS IMPORTANCE OF Y. M. C. A. GENTLEMEN BEGIN ORIENTATION TODAY 25 YEAR OLD DREAM COMES TRUE 260 Approximately two hundred(1 sixty lirmiil new DaviilHonianH i adc their first appearance oni the t-niiiptiH Thursday. Repn«vtitntivos from t'nr off Inmls aiiml from nearhv rmnit it-s coni|i!ct««il Tlic Kreshmnii PMBttT. <>!»" younir f>llow joum<'\o«l all the way from (ieinuinv to Im plneodI in the same class with another The Vottnjr Men's Christinn Association is probably the MM active student ortrntii/.aiion on the campus. Affiliated with the National YAU'A and eoMpOMd Of the students themselves, it seeks to carry on a program of religious services, social fellow ship, und recreatiou iu the student body, to provide appropriate which lbtv thronyh energies of the itmU-nis may be brouRhi to bear in um-iuI \\>nk on the tuiiimunity, .oi-l to identity bixly v%1th the Davidson worthwlnlr i-aiisr- wi I nalion:tl .iiiil international nature, all buill h.iun?U i 1 . New Requirments ior Graduation Posted -^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B of ( hri>tian i>rin- Ihe YMCA depend- for it- -upand leadership on ihe -tudent body. It i- financed h\ the -indents almost entirely Its officer- are elected by the student body anil all its -service- are a re-ull of slu. jiort dent butt) interest and participa- tion. For the year. l«M9.ia,n. ,t- officers will be Jim Fvans, treasurer; Neil l.each and Tommy 1 angford. vice presidents; and Bill Alexander. 3 College Dances It i- hi^'h time to begin thinking about the three most important dale- of the -chool year If you haxen't ><iven these dales the utmost position in your academic ;meudum. you had he-t hurry while there is still time. Everyday letters an rolhiiK into the neighboring towns and villages with pleas that ■ Ml these dates might be accepted by ■JP*^*^^^ the unusual creatures called wrt- j men Since there is a shottage oil true feminine beauty, we would ail. \ i-e you to write at your earlie-t MV Hfe** - c - f !■__ ..—09 WP>^5 ii jvi_ H iQSBWRMWr^ —. tropical I'r.uil Kroni the ttStM thc\ COMc in !,'reat number- <i-from * leading tin- I» with hinl',"-t repre' sentation i.- Charlotte. \ Kirfh■ treii fre-hilien made the exha,u-ttrip nu thrmiwli Mecklenburg J t'ounty to ;n live safey .it Davktton. officials are alwaysI Native- i.l the following ten states CoMtge :in-»erini! the t|iie-tioii. "Well whal compose the itre.Uer part of the -ul.led- -hould I lake in order new da--: North Carolina, South Carolina, Texan, Virginia, in-orgi*. lo he -ure Ull graduate with a reiwmsee, Mississippi, major in my chosen field'" I'.ach Honda, -Indent a-k- -mil a i|uestiou man) , \!.ili.ini.i. .iml U Ml Virginia time- before he i- handed hi- di- In spiir of tin- increased iiutnlx-i ploma Perhaps the question i- ofMhe Iri'-lnii.ni Class, the laHd p.i//lim: vou now If so, read oil enrollment :<t Davidson Iij- de."ml peHlOSS you will find the creased. There are fifty-seven hkM -flident- tin- v.-.u thai; last Thi» neeiicd information. in adI MUM the eiirolhiient at school this I'ir-l. to iho-e intere-led :tppro\imatelv MB. The vance or po-l.graduate work, here year at i- slowly -ettliiiK Jown enrollment i- helpMil advice. If you plan to level-, which in the minds enter ihe ministry, teachiiu-.. en- to prewar administration, is necessary gineerinK, medicine, or commercial of the spirit MM continue the (MM to work, your prewrite to scientific leireil graduate school and K<*t efficiency which ha. i!»v*yi prestraight Ht »\V the rei|uire.iiicnli \ ailed on the campus. needed lor idim-siou there. Then plan >oui college courses accord- Pan-Hell To Sponsor on the — ■ ,-nrtj Indispen-able to the lonveuience. li.ividsuii is -tri\ing to uphold nwork are the cooperation and sup(.tub of port of the adiiiini-trati.m and the reputation as the Country Though attempts who I \Vi)lian> (Bill) Smith Nortll arolina. R. ReV '^^"Mswo^W^^^nw*^nsM"^^^n"^oMo^BMsMMsMPMoMMPMM)MMM*"^^^^ will serve again as general secre. have been made to make learning ingly. tary. Ihe YMCV* officers and the important phase of college life, especially its general secretary, al- we >till put social life at the top. Kir iequipments for a Bachelor's Degree (AH. oi U.S.) please ways welcome fellow students con- Three dates have been set to prove ferring with them on the "Y" work to the unbelievers that campus check your college catalog. A mini iiiimi of 122 semester hours i- re, A cabint of about twenty men social life is the* staff of life. Homewill arranging coming of soon be here with its quired lor graduation, and. further -^, Davidson CoMMJI offers a wide the brunt carries on game and it is more a minimum of 122 "quality liiMJC of extra-curricular activities the Y's activities which vary from rain and football < Mei ll\ cue-- oi in the highway; ■■ parkway behind students, Irc-hmen eninto I he and ptouM launched Last fall Davidson deputa. Johnny Long preaching on rumored thai V.M.l.'s poinl-" in accordance with the lol. ■to all her pini;-pong to the cam. resurfacing handier-, l o! ' im the uearthis period* tering manifested Kail are urt-ed to select groMB this lowing table is necessary: tions. This cabinet in conference will furnish the music. After Home- one of the* most significant " -lands pu- to.id-, and a new paved road gymnasium which loinpleted ' t ktobet ot l'>48 . or of these activities, history its one more will midwinters of V" each semescoming points gencome with three fof with the general officers and north end of Hicliard-oii skirting Richardson l-uld and the ter hour credit. because in doing so they will en. eral secretary make the major de. ils hoped for snow and warm auto- marked the baginniflg of -t cam- at the !!n- on. tructure ia a maji r ueu «>.i. uii.I |>:. nig hy the -.chool notions on programs and activities. mobiles. We think Hilly Knauff of paiKi) to '■"- $2.i<HWMK!, kbe mitii"H" two points for each semes-. rich and enhance their stay at hringlUK the -chool's build- laundry to the highway, thus elimiin ,-lep be needed Davidson. At each turn of ihe year, (tharlotte that will sway responsiwill us with muin amount hour credit. member is set to ter Each cabinet '" date Ii and to immediate Develop, e(|iiipnieiil up ups traffic you, out DavidsonnatiiiK con^esleil the class of '5.1. will find the carry "l —one poinl lor each -emesierr ble for coordinating the work of! his jungle beat. Then with the re. lo need-, of the will offer to the Davidson student ly behind the dormitories. activity Ihe of your choice more in PrUgiain. Sprint: A studentbirth of will come ment hour credit. department. nature his own eQnspmenl and accomoda. The erection oi a new dbrmitor) tercstini!. and in vour Minor year it ""|>" -none faculty Board of Control formti-■ Frolics. New loves will lie in the collect* are ObVMNSSi 'the new vvm- athletic " spotlight at this dance and hopes nasium. a new college chinch, re- lion- as niodrrn .ind .i- coinplele i- .mother Ioiim hope.I im project Ml -tudenl- are required to lake will be you who keep MM wheels tales general policy. in the South Fa\oi.ihh bufldings, ;i.- .my elopiueiit drive has .i I).imc coiir.-e a- outlined in Ihe■ turning. which the de\ I'erhaps cnnditioniiiK of casnwM One glance at the cabinet will|; for a romantic summer. work to rim insured has allowecl niciil. wealhei Mr Catalog. In addition lo the basic The largest single KeM il that increa-ed endow from will bless us with his and all Contributions reveal the multifarious activities of le- Brown of -chednle and tin- year's I'.rll. ot ( hartotte, w.ll allow work course rri|uirenieiil- -Indents must: of publication*. The Davidsouian it ahead niii-ir' ; mindof the President In the the YMCA: The YMCA sponsors festivilu- are to center on (he hiiildiiiK which it to he inert iIn- following requirement-: the weekly SMWapapar, ami each ("et that Davidson >pirit and write and the Trustee- of DavMsWB Iot. hoiueconiinK a College Bible Class which meetol Ihe edifice (ailed the I'.elk Iloiunloi v. to yi For A.I. 1 12 hours of (ireek year many freshmen begin work in abort ihe dedication the leached at the "Y" every Sunday morning: your true love tomorrow lor a lag*, Da\id-ou h*S ( >i toher. in either -lowlv underu:n in Ihe HOI loo di-tanl tu of Latin, to complete a minimum either the editori:il ur tin l>u-ine-s after coffee and donut- are served., homecoming date. Books and MS> place where it inu-t Ho growsd ha- b*M lure AlthoiiKh department- An opportunity will sig.ind le-s oi |2 hours in each language. > This department is headed by Bob room- will pass away, but the retire into a -mailer broken tor tlie new church, it i- < lie given all those who are interested instihours of modern role .is an educ.ilioiiul I in A.It. 2 12 pi<< ot tini im i ol ike hue aims (iay, while Randy Taylor coordi- Ibrill of a Davidson dance will live nificanl no loiiKer merely a dream I'l.mat a special meeting to he callrd continue lo MtVttof , mu-t -mid.ible -inn language service-. lution or is to -ecuie i loi meeting gfatn the forever. prayer — nateo for il have already heen drawn up For U.S. I 16 hours of labora- early in the year. < Mlu-r publications a» mm of the Kreat collafl of the for eiidownieiil Withoul >. n-ideraheld in each donatory every anil H- imposing spue i- expected ble endowment Davidson "i any iniv iflower (Biology, Chemistry, are the Annual and tin- Script! and South ami oi America. Wednesday night. Ushers at Sunlo impress pa-.-er- h> helore many Pranks, the -chool magazine Men de. olhrr -( hool i- doomed t.> lag ""> I'hy-ic- I day night vespers work under The decisi\c factor m her iiiouth-. who show excellence in anv n{ she or not History clopiiK upkeep -erviccwhelher hind in ilev in ill. I U.S. 2-6 hours of I special l'»r Stubby Evans and velopuulit ialready h.iprogram \l-o the these fields are usually asked to endow III.' and <i hours of either K.co. of it- facilities -peakers are arranged by John tan have the building- and -<en the ■ oinpletu.n ol several projor more of the three litjoin one oi century or 21.22. GeogTOBwy I.vies. ment that UM -e.ond Ihe Development Prograni ha* I mimic- 21-22 ect- which .ire ol le-s -iKiiificance terary organization- on the campus. tin To -ecure bagN in the freshman LangWkfjeS re«|Uireservices Teachers for Sunday School e>. a g«Ml -tan Ii n iiriiirThese litt-rarv -ocietic-. Sigma , TIiourIi all of the professors at minimum Mini ol $2,5O4),(HJtl. a tre- than the above hut none the Ic*- made vear must he continued through the we of David tension work, deputations to to with a more attractive meet Mtcces*. I'psilon. Philanthropic Literary ntfor eeaary in poasi. organization, major to il is both A Mudent you, year sophomore Davidson are new mendous churches in the near-by vicinity. walkways -on CM expect our -chool lo U numbers, was set up. I >a\ iil-on: A network of in the IaMJBMgM must major Society and Luiiiancan Literary Hoy Scout and boy's club coun- ble to obtain information through quality and tain even -more prominence in the him Dormitory and between Chambers , men catalogue fifty eight of the and in one of the language- laken in Society arc luminary -ocietie-, ami with one hundred selors are under the -upervision of the medium education than it now has realm of Chambers walk from ; How a new hi- freslnnan or -ophomore year. to recent- :\ hid vou must be Irving Stubb-. Don Shriver. Brace upperclassmen concerning the ones and women in selected key po-ilioiis. chosen hy ilieo*ineiuher- and ap. The years. liavis, and l.onnie Turnipseed, re. who have been here for Suggested Majors proved hy the faculty advisors spectively York Pharr establishe- purpose of tin- article is to introhonorary societies are the -Indents: I Other lor iiiinitteral iikilish. faculty memyou to the new a workable connection between the duce 'luh. Spanish Club, Hible and Kelimoii. IMnlo-ophy, German bers. community YMl A and the colored tin(>, CtMmbtry I'taternity. or (lassie Laajpagw. French History, Dr. (ieorge A. Douglas, after obenterprises. ; Ministerial student- arc urged to I'hysus l r:iterniiy and the AthPublicity and the editing of the taining the degrees of A. B. from horrow it fin .i yt.ir m -o, and >oui varv their course-, thrrehy receiv- letic Fraternity. All these are availa. Handbook is in charge of Newton the I'niversity of Michigan, I'll. M., So you're a Davidson man' Not Iurn in the juke \»<\ then oniy if , of I'resh- (iin't cxpici borrowed ctotbei w> iiii: a broader and moie general ble only hy hids nul Robertson and Ihe department from the I'niversity of Wisconsin, so fast, friend, you're no Davidson They'll hand yon ■ Ml particular that field. major yon their re.excel in hackKrotind outside perfect. handling inler-racial conferences and I'h. D. from John Hopkins man yet! You're a freshman, lake man Regulations You may think to fit in worhl uff.iir* ThOM iiiten--ted i|iiireinents. , University, became the head of the In other words, the t i r» t few| that I«M d tli. in Ml -illy the Court is headed by Chic l.ongenecker. a look al that picture yeah, l-or mediial -udenl-: Chemi-liy, may join tin lnlrMiation.il KclaThe department of social activities Sociology Department. He comes, one close to where you're leading. ,,( ( onlrol doesn't. Have you ever week, here are enjoyed by every- P.iolowy. lion- (luh or hrcniue a member of one except you. That is, it t AN which arranges "days" with girls' to Davidson as a professor of Know who that is' Thais you' Not -limed somebody elsr's shoes Such major- rei|uire loiiu hours the World Federalist*. th.il wa\ IK- n-:ill\ up W you schools is headed by Bill Klein. In Sociology. Ihe ilramatii> cluh. the Red and quite the picture Joe Iolltue had carried -oincbody eke'« laundrv | lit work, therefore other activWell, you will Anil :l you who If you inaki up your iiiind to take of lab connection with this department Iinwoo.l K. « "range has earned of himxelf, huh" Hwpm, welcome freshHlack ,ic,ordinnly planned -hoiilil he thing! in stride, you're okay. When ities Ihe YMCA makes available for stu- I his A. B. and M. A. degrees from freshman, the perennial went to military irtiwl think you're nun who >how an interest in that Yes. a dent recreation and convenience, 1 Duke I'niversity, and has been Snafu of lollege liie A letu^e. throiiKh wearing a uniform, let me somebody -ee- you tryinR lo make I'or law students: I'olitical field, l! it an active croup . which the YMCA lounge and ping-pong working onhis Ph. I)., also at Duke. from a biology lab You're the on. set you straight You'll get another the best of things, he'll know that Science. turns out one outstanding perand pool rooms. He comes to Davidson as an in. who stalks into ihe K<> IV build- unifoini It won't he half as pretty you might turn out to he i good Such a major requires as a minor formance a year. < to I>a\idsou man. \ et very hroad and MMOMgWMtag This year the YMCA cabinet -tructor in English. I'lic YMl A offers a wide variety ing and demands to be Mtamrid as that Ijt-ll-liop outfit you 11 «- 1 tor that I Mil. HI Won't lorn*! MV, up ..y four comwho hut lo make courses organized around will be Owen earned his A. B. and for a rifle. You're the one QMJ of jobs and po-itionMen are missions: Kaith and worship, with M A. Degrees at the University calls for a menu in the college it'll be twice as Inn Hut you can't x\hy flroirre here lo learn some- I'or education stu«lents: I'sy.hol. schools Sunday in Tommy Langford as chairman; of North Carolina. He will be an dining hall. You'll' be accused of Kripe about that. After all. I'm le thing. Maybe you ha\e the same on> and Kducation. F.nRlish. His- needed to teach in near-by com. I had when I went off to tory, or l.anguaKe-. and comidra Davidson also l.each; Neil activity, from CommuEnglish. being social instructor in a everything Sam is jfiMiil enough to Irt you school that studying i- an extraThe pre-teachintl suident should inunities Many scr\e as coache* for munity service, Dave Anderson, and Starnes, Jr. a member of nist to trying to put a Talmadge but. VV. R. I he Harper. activity. could vary Curtis curricular his courses to make a good local -chools, directing any and all world-relatednes*. the Phi Beta Kappa honorary frawroiiK. but it'-, my bet that there general education beyond his major. The latter will inclurU- the Christ- ternity, received his A. B. degree ing to be an instructor in C'henn-ti \ in season. Foi Business Students: Kconomics sports aren't many Mr Belvedere- aiiion* mas Gift Fund and various confer- from the University of North Caro. I.I. Col. James 1. Ballard. the interested in music may Freshmen as used you may < well got .iml Business. yon .So ences. Also in the cabinet are lina, and his M. A. degree from new P.M.S.&T. in the K >. I I of doiiiK at hast some No matter what your major enter any of the niiineroii.s musical to the President of the Student Body Whit Columbia University. He will be Department, is a graduate of Da\id— idea want 10 ■!■} with us might be, make sure that sufficient organizations on the cainpuWe you work if Cobb, representing student govern. an instructor in F.conomics. Angele* | son. He comes from 1 .os than six weekwill more attention is given u> other courses are fortunate in having an excellent ment. and Mac Krwin. who gipduate work doing Iain Wilson, an Englishman, re- Where he was serve as Freshman Advisor. And while we're at it, III just outside the major requirements. department here at our disposal. M. A. and B. D. degrees in guided missile* at the I ceived his Erwin, In cooperation with Mr. mention this <|iie-tioii of clunking The need for well-rounded educafrom the University of Edinburgh. Major Charles Sample, a memResides a varied athletic probe overCabinet men of YMCA a number I'm not -.ayiiiK Wi wroiiK and tion is one that cannot He comes to Davidson as associate ber of the uth Infantry Dhrisi some boys, will be interested gram I'm not saying it's right. Cut I .mi looked. will assist with orientation. professor of Bible. it a graduate of Davidson. Me re. i oiimiIi your faculty and student in the rifle team which wins its n<> e-sary would like to solicit thai il nnd ii you -ayniK The YMCA your choice of share Paul G. Cheatham holds an turns from the Canal Zone to be an to be a Joe College of distinction, advisors concerning student body participation and supof the matches each year. degrees instructor in ROTC. Ph. D. H, A., college catalog is alA. M. and be.courses. The each chance emphasize good that of you stand a port and to All of these groups welcome University of Virginia. He Harold M. Frantz, a concert orcoming the possessor of a one-way ways handy for reference student feel a part of the YMCA from the Freshmen into their midst and will be an associate professor of ganist and pianist, comes to Davidticket home. and a responsibility for its success. is to Michigan Rapids glad to hel; them off more than Psychology son from Grand GET YOUR FRESHMAN be A pfaonal appeal is made to each professor associate of received his B. S. to be an good T. G Roberts _,, (uihnun to use the Y's facilities to a start. Stay off the grass 1 " I CAPS TODAY! president. ■■ j College Encourages Outside Activities Davidson Launches Into One of The Most Significant Periods-- Of Her History . .. — - — — Eleven New Men - on Davidson Faculty So You Think You Are A Davidson Man; You Are Only Frederick The Freshman — — - — «m» n*l tntn f'nTaf I " ihe DAVIDSONIAN /wa. EDITORIALS . . . LETTERS . . FEATURES THE DAV1P30HIAH . Founded by the Class of 1816 "TOR A BETTER DAVIDSON" PUBLISHED WISELY THROUGHOUT TBS COLLXGK TEAR On Joining A Frat BOB HO1.LISTER EDaTQBIN CHIEF BUSTNMi MANAGER BILL HOUCK - EDITORIAL STAFF Jack Hazard Doug Hix Lonnie Turnipseed Arnie Covell Bill Cummins Hartley Hall Neil Leach Tom Mann - _ --- - — Murray Randy Taylor Jim Gordon Scott John liobart Tom Hallcr Watt leltrtr> Bill Hollister Dan McKcithen — — - . Cherry StriMing Bill King Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Mananing Editor Managing Editor Manaujng Editor Managing Editor Managing Editor Managing Editor Managing Editor Sports Editor City Editor Exchange Editor Exchange Editor Make-up Editor Make-up Editor Make-up Editor Art Editor Columnist Columnist Columnist Columnist - Gabe Lowe Liston MillHenrv Wilson Henry Hansen ..Charlie Davi* Columnist SENIOR REPORTER: Fete KalogridU. Phil Mitchell. Dick Barnwcll. Phil Libby, Hill Ncal, Ed Richardson, Urn Kickei»en and Gene Regen. - REPORTERS— Warren Sims. Pudley Pendleton, Nat Daniel, Jim Rlackburn, Bob Huhhell. Iamarr Hinson, Pom Allen. George McMurray. Manly Me Williams, lien Morn-., Kill Bacon. SPORTS STAFF— Furman Warlick. Kill White Phil Hammond. Bryan Robinson, Ed West. Bill Buckey, lack Stevenson. POLL CAT STAFF— Jim Carr, Claude Higginboth.im lim Fishtr. Parks Ualton, Jim Brown and Neal Uaderdowa, WHEATHER KEPORT— Trew Gurley and Bill Sargent. BUSINES8 STAFF W. S. McSwain Wyhe Smith Assistant Business Manager Advertising Manager Circulation Manager Asst. Advertising Manager Asst. Advertising Manager Assistant Advertising Manager Collections Manager Subscription^ Manager Billy Cauds Charles Clinkscales Hector McKeithan David McConnell Charles Dockery John Loftin Hart, Bill Bill Bob Erwin. ASSISTANTS— Cumminc. Bill Pharr, Harold Clayton, Sam dimming, Rod Shaw. Gene Taylor, Nelson Tomlinson. CIRCULATION STAFF— Alex Goley, Parks Dalton, Cecil Rhodes, Ansley Moses, Joe H. Miller. Neill Under down, Tommy Halier, John Hardin, Thad Monroe, Hugh Huffaker, Ben Morris, Cam Faison, Paul Guthry and PlnV Wilier One of the aspects of college life anticipated by virtually every member of any freshman class is that of fraternities and fraternity life. Many mistakenly regard this pnrt of college life as its most important function. Before going further let us understand exactly what part a fraternity plays in the life of the average Davidson student. There are ten fireek letter social fraternities on the Davidson campus, and one independent organizationknown as the Campus Club. The largest part of the eleven groups take their meals at their own hoarding houses or as a particular unit at the College dining hall. Each fraternity and the Campus Club organizes its own athetic teams which compete with teams of other fraternities throughout the entire series of regularly scheduled intramural sports. At the three formal dance — week-ends Homecoming. Midwinters, and — Spring Frolics each sponsored by the PanHellenic Couneil--each group has its allotted dancing area and during the course of the week-end, each usually gives a banquet or stages some other type of entertainment which is attended only l»v members of that particular fraternity or group. Kach fraternity and the Campus Club also is permitted one off-campus social function each semester. Aside from these social features, and the possession by each fraternity of a small brick house in Fraternity Court, there is no distinction between the activities of fraternity and non-fraternity men. As for the question of rush week, it will be found to be a tedious affair during which time the freshmen, it is presumed, come to know the various fraternities an<l their members, and the fraternities make an effort to become acquainted with the freshmen. At the close of rnsh week, each fraternity issues its bids and the \ww members or pledges meet at the house of their choice in order to formally affiliate themselves. In considering membership, each prospective fraternity man should bear in min«l two all-important points. First : That hi* expenses do not stop with the payment of initiation fees, but continue for the four years he is in college and amount to an expenditure" of at least sixty dollars each school year exclusive of the initiation fee. Second: Thqt the men in the fraternity of your choice wi^l he your constant companions throughout your college career, and whether or not you enjoy their company and they yours may well make the difference between enjoyable college days and unhappy ones. This second point applies equally well, of course, to any contacts you may make at Davidson. Do not act too hastily in the matter of making friends during the first six or eight weeks. As is true of everything else which may be desired by a group of any size, there will be those who are not included. If.the reader be among the number who desire io join a fraternity and are unable to do so, whatever the reason, any self-pity is not only utterly groundless, but supremely stupid All throughout your freshman year men will be joining fraternities who for one reason or another did not do so during the course of rush week : Furthermore, many Sophomores, .Innlots, and even Seniors, join each year. We sincerely hope every Freshman will understand this situation as we have tried to explain it, and realire the foolishness of feeling in any way left out. The fraternities are to be taken for exactly what they are no more nor less and for anyone disap— pointed in failing to receive u hid the most practical and best possible advice which could be given is simply put forget it. During the four or five days of rush week you will feel most fully at ease and enjoy yourself most thoroughly by being complete— ly natural free of any efforts toward creating false impressions, or doing and saying anything not truly representative of yourself. Avoid pretentious behavior, simply relax and enjoy the company of those about — Wildcat Sports Curtain Raiser With Mighty Army Only Two Weeks Away Since the first of September. Davidson1!ynd turret have been toiling under the hot sun in preparation lor ilicir meeting with the Kni^lit- ol the Hudson at West Point on the 24th oi tlnr month. fcven t lie most ardent (at supporter can i MS any possibility of i a victoiy in their crystal hall, hutI many who have watched the Keell and Black on the gridiron year■ Wr have necessarily omitted a number of dctuils connected with the fraternity system .in.I with the general topic of joining a fraternity, ff we. the editors of thin paper, are in uny way able tn assist any member of the I'lvslmiiin ('lass, we shall sincerely be plad to tio mo. We wish you success in attaining every goal toward whieh you may individually, or as a class, strive. Honor System In an attempt to present Davidson to any student for the first, time, a number of items may be included which perhaps seem incidental, even irrevelant. There is one point, however, upon which too much emphasis could not he placed the Honor System. Standing among Davidson's most honored traditions, the Honor System, in a very real sense, makes Davidson what it is. It is impossible, within the space of two or three paragraphs, to convey to anyone unassociated with the college exactly what the term implies or exactly how one goes about living up to its demands day by day. We can only hope to show its influence anil explain its substance in the simplest terms. The Honor System may be defined when it is employed to the full extent of its effectiveness as the unconscious acceptance of an obligation on behalf of each student towards every other student and towards himself to constantly conduct himself honestly and honorably in all that he does. That is what the term represents in its broadest .seW\ and as such is as applicable on the athletic field and in the dormitories as it is in the classroom. The specific rules and regulations of the Honor System will be read to all new .students as a group, and may be consulted whenever desired by referring to the YMCA Handbook. While these regulations should be kept in mind, it is the general principle which, if not already possessed, must be built into your life by virtue of employing it — — — Starting off practice with 17 let termen DON'T DELAY— GET THE returning among a WILDCAT SPIRIT TODAY! s.|iiad of some 50-odd aspirants. Coach Charley Jamerson is about to begin his second SEPTKMBKR J). 1949 year in the driver's seat of the Davidson THK DAVIDSONIAN SPORTS SECTION — — VOI1. ■■ ■ ■ ■■aBaBBHaBMaVB . V B^ P <■ i&llll Mil IHI .I' — Study Habits Kir-.t, make with vourself an unbreakable resolution that no matter what vou may wish to he doing, instead, vou will complete vour assigned work first, then enjoy your leiMire lime. This point is extremely important. You may believe tlwit us Ioiik a> the work is taken care of. it matters little exactly when; this is not true. Work or study of any kind is only half done, if completed at all, when left until there IS nothiiiK else to do. Study first, then play. Second, concerning this second and last point, let IM sav that if our best friend were coming this year to Davidson — or going to any other school for the first time and we had opportunity for but ope piece of advice, it would be this: Regardless of what it may cost in tittle and effort, do the best work of which you are capable during ihe first si\ ireeki of the vear. To establish the impression in the naiads oi vour proftssoci that, you art an interested, capable student during the first six week-> of school will be an invalualilr as«et. Mever lose >iulil of this fact. We realize, in closing, that this discussion may be r egarded us an immature repetition of obvious facts and little attention accorded it. If such is the case, we can only state that it is our experience that the student who takes the above lightlv will soon have reason to regret his short-sighted folly. — V MM V taV VMlCi ■\ I k "flal bW In his first year as Ii.nhI mentor of the Cats, JimuM-son's team I posted ;i season's record of three wins, five A losses and one tie. This record will be ■ CORDON SCOTT bettered tliis year, but much depends on sophomore replacements in the wiping holes left vacant by the graduation of ends Buddy I'heek and Mike Williams and fullback: Cnrl Pahl. Mac Erwius play eligibility at fullback ran out last year which leaves Janierson minus the services of his top two plungers. There are three lettenneii returning to buttle for the two end berths Hal Mapes, probably The best defensive end on the >M|ii«d last year, will be back as will Dickie Blanks and Mott I'riee. Others who will be trying for a starting assignment in&ule Woody Leach, a junior who was a .stand-out flanker on la>tf year's junior varsity— sophomores. Don Lazenby. Tom l 'omer, Walter Hankins mid Bob Turk. Auburn Lambeth, the Decatur, (!a., pMaing slar, will again be counted on to spark the Cat offense. Last year, Auburn ranked with the nation's leading pnsscrs throughout the entire season and much of Davidson's success this year will depend on the continued accuracy of his flipper. Towards the latter part of last year, Lambeth picked up considerable yardage on the jrround in addition to his aerial feats and he may develope into the Cats top offensive threat, both in the air and on the ground. Lambeth will hold down the tailback spot along with speedy Cliff Turner of Reidsville and Doug Rice who was out most of last year due to injuries. Jim Sirford and Jake Wwde will be back on the wings. Both are lacking in size but are fast and shifty. The fullback berth is wide open. C I, Runyon. sparkling sophomore prospect, may get the assignment due to nit punting ability. Two other sophomores, Brady Osborne and Ham Wade and senior Rhea Adams are in line to see plenty of action. Jameraon's line is as strong as ever in the middle. In addition to last year's regulars, Eboru, Carnegie, Richards, Sharpe, Wilson, Chandler and Stricklin. Coach Charley is counting heavily upon such rookies as R. G. Gibson, Jerry Kilter, Jim Fasul and Bill Acker, all standouts on last year's frosh team. This short summary has by no means included all of the men who have been working out with the squad during the pre season drills, nor can it be said that only those who have been mentioned will play ball. Doubtless, names not even appearing in this column will be seen in Cat Tales many time* before the a—son is half over. I everybody talking toot ball now. other «ports -eeii! far removed with the ptotftti e\ception of the exciting ffanakw in the major leagues However, a* all yon after year are lookuiK tor th« " froaa know, football Ity m> mm Davidsons to give the Cadet- ai furnishes all the enjoyment in mean scrap. Wheii^ the chip- artI sports here at I). C. -U' kril asjaiMt I hem. the ( :it- arc; I'.riure the football season is over. at their be-t, M don't be surprisedI Coach ISoyd Kami will be waking at anything that mu> happen inI with some oi the basketball team beautiful Michie Stadium when the: in the new gym in preparation for the winter hardwood eampaisjB. two elevens meet, j The era of Blam bard and DavisI There will be a call for all of you has passed tor the CadMa, but who are interested in trying nut Coach Earl Klaik i-n't crying on for the freshmen M|ua<l. as will he anybody's shoulder aliotit this the case in all of the -port- here year's prospects. Losing only Hob- at Davidson. While the men wm -luipiniuir by Stuart from the regular backfield last year the West Pointers up their shooting eyes upstair* in Will haw- one. of tlir smoothest the gym. down below grunts and backfields in the hast in' Arnie iiro.ins from the new workout room Galifta, (ill Stepheiiron, Jim Cain, will remind everybody that (ouch and Bobby V inson. Csliffa. one of Charley Parker has his wrestling the most versatile athletes at the charms at work. Roth of these Point. hat. been prominently men- sports continue throui(hout the win. icr months. tioned for All-America ' honors at In addition for you admirers of his quarterback slot. The Black K night s have two brute strength and exponents of of the best flankers in the business physical culture, the newly formed in j-'iliii Trent and Dan Foldberg. weight lifting team work* out dur. Foldberg is of All.American cali- ing the winter.Last year Davidson bre and should make the mythical defeated the University of North Carolina in the first intercollegiate eleven in a waltz. The Army game is but the first weight lifting meet ever held in the in a series of tough tests for the South. The field of competition is Wildcats this year. A look at the not broad yet, but it looks like schedule will show Davidson faces a growing sport in this section. Coach IVte Whittle has charge roughest competition in years this season. But irom here, it looks like of the Cross Country team which a vastly improved eleven that will runs during the fall months and take the field wearing the Red and the track team which works out in the spring. Black. Davidson's strong tennis team attend Scrimmage begin* practice a* soon as the cold See the inter-varsity scrimmage weather is over under the guidance tomorrow, Saturday at 3:00. This of Coach Derrick Barton. The golf will be your first opportunity to team begins practicing in preparasee the squad, its possibilities, and tio* for its matches, and Coach how it will stand up against Army .lamerson sounds the call for baseoa September 24, in New York. ball practice to get under way. ■ jrridders. Sports in Prominent Role at Davidson With right in the accomplishment of each day's work M ii presents itself. Little mention is made, generally year. to during the the tenets of the Honor System or their application. It makes itself known, however, bv clean sportsmanship on the athletic fields, unlocked dormitory rooms, and at times by professorlets examinations and un-upervised tests. During final examinations students are often left completely alone for extended periods of time. It is at such times we are made aware of the very real effectiveness of the Honor Sys- ' tem. More often, however, it is irl evidence only as it is unconsciously put into practice bv each student individuallv. dav by day. When each man acquires this con. rept M a ttrmanent and integral part of hi* personality, the rules thwiMehre* will he of no importance for von will find vourself a part of all that Davidson represents, and in active contributor towards and recipient at the ever-increasing value of our Honor System. 1 " « 4*1nI itlHlliiliMiU bB^bISIbB^bbVbbV * m^bB^bbI ' 4b *^^^ " s^' # MbBY fe Pint row, left to right: Buddy Chandler, Bob Sharpe, Auburn Lambeth. Johnny Richards. Bill Van Story, Charlie Rimer. Cliff Turner, Jerry Riser. Sandy Carnegie, Rhea Adams, Hoopy Davis. Second row: J. B. Stroud, Grant Carlton, Mott Price, Graver Lee, Woody Leach, Bill Reynolds, Dave Erwin, Marvin Kelly, Johnny Guiton, Jim Sifford. Fred Pry«r. Third row: Walter Hankins. Bill McNeely. Lee Tolbert. Jake Wad*. Bob Gibson, Bill Freeman. Curtis Harper.BUI Acher. Jim Fasul, Kirk Oglesby, Fred Spach Fourth row: Cecil Brandon, Bill Bowers, Brady Osborne, Done Ri". John Rittenburg, Ham Wade. Jim Sloan, Dickie Blanks. BUI Johnsie, Jack Branch. Fifth row: Henry Wilson. Jack Mills, Carl Eborn, C. L. Runyan. Jim Rodger*. Amos Camp, John Smoot, Bob Turk, Ernie Stricklin. Pete Brown. Sixth row1: Coaches Redding, Jamerson, Brown, Baird. Erwin, Managers Phil Mitchell, Rucker Dudley, BUI DuBose. Dave Lafar. .. " of three years service on the team Defensivfly. the Cats should be anJ showld reach their peak thin much the same as they were last *"»■ year. One of the end slots wilf The loss of William* and have to be plugged up, but Jamer- t heek may present a problem for ,on should have little trouble in ihe Cats offensive power. Last year. finding the man for the job from this glne-fingered duo was on the among the new talent. With Mapes, receiving end of many a pass which MORI CAT TALES - ***"* ?T on one flank, and such stalwarts Ch ndlcf harl Eborn, and Carnegie in the middle, Davidson will field one of the »trongest forward walls in the conference. All these men art veterans £LJ! !fV * " constituted much of Davidson's ofe Howcvw' Uo Frice «* Mapes ware to some extent used on the offense but year, and they. together wi;h the rising sophomore prospects ana wingbacks Wade and Sit ford, should be plenty-.capable of grabbing Lambeth's tosses, A mentioned before. Lambeth will (| show his mM M he alld W> le and Slfford wl b around to run the defense ragged on reverses. The terrific line smashjng of Carl Fahl and Mac Erwin will be sorely missed, but Adams. Oiborne H« m Wade, and Runvan nkve » !1 looked good in pne tice sessions. , ' _ . , ,, " * — ** —