PowerPoint Presentation - Shannon

CMNS 110
Introduction to Communication Studies
Jody Baker
Course website:
http://webct.sfu.ca/ - then go to CMNS 110
• Discussion Forum (15%)
• Powerpoint presentations
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• link to lecture recordings (login required)
Email. jkb9@sfu.ca
Office: 2146, Harbour Centre; Office Hours: Sat,
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Shannon-Weaver Model, or the
Transmission Model of
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Transmission or Context?
Who/What is the
What is the Message?
Who/what is the
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Transmission or Context?
Who/What is the
What is the Message?
Who/what is the
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Elements involved in communication
Communication is a process
Communication is transactional
Communication is symbolic
Sign - signifier/signified
Symbol - symbol/referent/reference
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Communication as Social
Whenever we think about communication as a social
activity, it involves issues of power, ideology and history.
Thinking of communication as a social activity is really
about looking at the pragmatic level of language use.
What are the specific things being done with language
Saturday, September 17, 2011
The impact of technology is ecological
Technological change is neither additive or
subtractive, it is ecological. Technology reshapes
the social relationships and the meaning of key
terms that shape and organize our lives.
Neil Postman uses the term Technopoly to
describe these sorts of developments. He means
by this that technologies often blindly change the
nature of meaning, institutions and practices in
everyday life without us necessarily being aware
of this.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Technological change is ecological
If communication is an interactive, symbolic process, the
meaning and effect of communication is also profoundly
shaped by technology
The impact technology has on the nature of meaning - in
relation to our selves, our relationship with other and our
world - is ecological.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Knowledge Monopolies
If technologies shape meaning, those who are
able to use new technologies are often at the
leading edge of new power relationships.
I.E. the development of video games and the
changing face of education
This impacts where sites of conflict over
technologies will develop.
I.E. the struggle over copyright in the age of digital
media and the meaning of an author.
Saturday, September 17, 2011