Dissemination Website Lesson Plan Format SUBJECT: _Writing/Science-Insect Unit GRADE LEVEL: 1st-3rd LESSON TITLE: Creating a Make Believe Insect LESSON SUMMARY & LEARNING GOAL (Lesson details and specifics should be written here: 1. Students will gain understanding of insects through prior knowledge and simple reference books. 2. Students will demonstrate good writing skills through drawing and illustrating a make believe insect. 3. Students will use a graphic organizer to create a plan from writing using main idea and details. TEACHING STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES: A. Concepts/content: Students will improve writing skills. B. Skills to be developed: Students will enhance their skills to use reference materials to gain information, improve writing skills by incorporating the main idea and details, and enhance their imagination. C. Questions to promote higher order thinking: Describe the characteristics of an insect. What types of habitats do insects have? Explain how insects are good for the environment. Explain the main idea of a story? D. Teaching Procedures: 1. Review previous lesson on insects. -What do all insects have in common? Three body parts: head, abdomen, and thorax, 6 legs, and two antennas. -Describe types of bugs that fit into the category of insects? Create list of bugs on board. Review each bug to make sure it has all the characteristics of an insect. Not all bugs will be classified as insects. 2. Teacher will explain how insects are good for the environment. 3. The teacher will discuss the different types of habitats for insects using visuals. 4. The teacher will discuss the main idea and the use of details for writing a good description. 5. The teacher will read The Lonely Firefly by Eric Carl. 6. After the reading, students will determine the main idea and list the details from the story. 7. Distribute “Bug Go” bingo cards to each student and enough chips to cover the card. Use this activity as a review, reteach facts, and check for comprehension on the characteristics of an insect. 8. As you show a bug card and say its name, review the characteristics of an insect by asking the students, -“Does this bug fit into the insect category?” -Explain why or why not. The teacher will choose different bugs to be categorized making sure that the choices fit into both categories: bugs or insect. This game will give students prior knowledge and different images to refer back to while completing the writing assignment. 9. Give directions for creating a make believe insect and write the instructions on the board. Creator: Sandra Swearingen Dissemination Website Lesson Plan Format -Each group will create a make believe insect. -The drawing must have the main characteristics of an insect. -The parts of the insect must be visible and labeled. -Each team member will have a specific job in the writing process. -Teacher will assign writing projects according to cooperative learning groups. Number ones-habitat Number twos-food Number threes-description Number fours-interesting facts Students will find information in reference books on insects and web pages from the internet. -The group will work together and create a drawing of the insect, label the parts, and write about the food, habitat, description, and interesting facts. -Use the graphic organizer to organize information. -Each group will present their insect to the class. Display an example of the completed project for students to reference. 10. Give instructions to review reference materials to gain information on habitats, food sources, and interesting facts. 11. Then, instruct students to talk, plan, and draw their insect. Allow students approximately 15 minutes. Walk around the room to assure comprehension of the directions. Higher level students in the group will help lower level students. Students will use vocabulary words while labeling their insect. 12. Next, students must begin the writing process. All students can contribute their thoughts while the student in charge of the specific characteristic writes down details on the graphic organizer. Offer assistance where needed. 13. Next, each student will take the information from the graphic organizer and compile it into a paragraph describing their insect. Remind students to use word wall and spelling dictionaries for the use of correct spelling. 14. Glue drawing of insect and description writings onto one large paper for demonstration. 15. Each group will present and describe their insect to the rest of the class. Instructional Time: Resource Supports Reading in Content Area: Yes/No Content: ELA & Science Instructional Design Framework(s): (Direct Instruction, Inquiry, Cooperative Learning, Inquiry, etc.): Direct instruction, cooperative learning, guided support will be used throughout instruction. Direct Specialized Instruction during large group, guidance and support during small group activities, students working in cooperative learning groups. Technology Required for Implementation: No required but useful for the research component Addresses Universal Design for Learning Principles: Representation Action & Expression Engagement Representation: Action & Expression: Engagement: Students may listen to insect Students will be working in Creating an insect and stories on tape if desired. cooperative learning groups presenting insect to the class. while using books and internet as research components. Play Bug Bingo. Creator: Sandra Swearingen Dissemination Website Lesson Plan Format Instructional Components (Lesson, Worksheet, Lab, Text, WebQuest, Assessment, Formative Assessment, etc.): Reference books on insects, drawing paper, writing paper, colored pencils, pencils, graphic organizer, “Bug Go” bingo game, overhead projector, Venn diagram, glue sticks, large white paper, spelling dictionaries. LESSON COMPONENT DOCUMENTS/ATTACHMENTS: (Lesson, Readiness Assessment, Independent Practice Activity, Warm Up, Formative Assessment Checklist, etc.,-- Attach documents with lesson) A. Graphic Organizer B. http://bogglesworldesl.com/insectbingo.htm Print insect bingo cards C. D. E. LESSON CONTENT and DIFFERENTIATION: Learning Objective(s): Students will know/be able to (Level 3 outcome): Students will participate in a shared research and writing project on creating an insect using a graphic organizer. Guiding Questions: Describe the characteristics of an insect. What types of habitats do insects have? Explain how insects are good for the environment. Explain the main idea of a story? Prior Knowledge: Students should have working knowledge of the following standards or concepts/skills: Students should be able to recognize a bug. They will pull from prior knowledge of understanding characteristics of an insect. Instruction Onset: Concept or skill will be presented by: The creative writing process will be presented through research books internet sources, and graphic organizers. Guided Practice: Activities that will be completed with teacher guidance or support: Teacher will offer guided practice and supports through facilitating the bingo game, reviewing the characteristics of an insect, and helping with determining the main idea, and listing details. Independent Practice: Activities that students will completed independently to reinforce concept/skill: Students will enhance their skills to use reference materials to gain information, improve writing skills by incorporating the main idea and details, and enhance their imagination. Students will understand the characteristics of an insect through playing the bingo game and reviewing reference materials. Students will apply that knowledge to draw, label, and write the description of a make believe insect. Creator: Sandra Swearingen Dissemination Website Lesson Plan Format Closure: ASSESSMENT: Formative: Feedback to Students: Summative Assessment: Activity to support students in scaffolding/organizing newly acquired knowledge into existing knowledge: Students will use the information learned in the first lesson of the insect unit discussing what an insect is to understand the characteristics of an insect. Students will be monitored for comprehension through asking higher level thinking questions throughout the activity and observing their participation in the small group writing activity. Teacher will provide positive feedback through restating student answers, giving high 5’s, and thumbs up. Students will be assed using the final product of the writing activity. Did students determine the main idea and use details appropriately? Students will be assessed individually and for group effort. ACCOMMODATIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS: Accommodations: Accommodations will include working in small groups, cooperative learning groups, visuals, small segments of directions, graphic organizers, modeling of project, and the use of combining drawing and writing. Extensions: Suggested Technology: Special Materials Needed: Further Recommendations: RELATED STANDARDS STANDARD LAFS.K.W.1.2 LAFS.K.W.3.7 Creator: Sandra Swearingen Students will use the information they have learned on creating an insect to complete the science unit on insects. Using computers for students to access information on insects. Reference books on insects, drawing paper, writing paper, colored pencils, pencils, graphic organizer, “Bug Go” bingo game, overhead projector, Venn diagram, glue sticks, large white paper, spelling dictionaries. Teacher will show individual bingo cards and students will respond “bug or insect”. Review the characteristics of an insect. Students may share comments on other group’s insects. Have students write a story about the insect they created. DESCRIPTION Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose informative/explanatory texts in which they name what they are writing about and supply some information about the topic. Participate in shared research and writing projects (e.g., explore a number of books by a favorite author and express opinions about them). Dissemination Website Lesson Plan Format SCALE LEVEL 4 STUDENT OUTCOME Student will:…and enhances understanding by… STUDENT ACTION/ACTIVITY Students will participate in a shared research and writing project on creating an insect. 3 Student will (Taken from Learning Objective above): Students will participate in a shared research and writing project on creating an insect using a graphic organizer. 2 Student will… with minimal assistance. Students will participate in a shared research and writing project on creating an insect using a graphic organizer with minimal assistance. 1 Student will …with assistance. Students will participate in a shared research and writing project on creating an insect using a graphic organizer with full teacher assistance. Creator: Sandra Swearingen Dissemination Website Lesson Plan Format Graphic Organizer Name: Habitat: 2 Details __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Food: 2 Details __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Description: 5 Details __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Interesting Facts: 3 Details __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Creator: Sandra Swearingen Dissemination Website Lesson Plan Format Creator: Sandra Swearingen