Twelfth Night Persuasive Essay topics 10

Ms. Kanaday, English 9
Twelfth Night Persuasive Essay Topics
Please choose from the topics below to develop a thesis statement that will be the foundation for a Twelfth Night
paper. I have included the due dates for each part of the writing process:
Due Date
Brainstorming sheet due
Introductory paragraph with revised thesis and prewriting
2-19-10 – by 8 a.m.
Body paragraph 1
2-22-10 – suggested due date
Body paragraph 2
2-24-10 – suggested due date
2-26-10 – suggested due date
Body paragraph 3
3-01-10 – suggested due date
Conclusion with completed draft for peer editing
3-02-10 – by 8 a.m.
Revised draft
3-02-10 – by 8 a.m.
Final essay
3-04-10 – by 8 a.m.
You will be turning in each step of the writing process (including each of the previous steps) to by
8:00am on the due date. You will also bring a hard copy of each step (and the previous steps) to class on the due
You are expected to conference with me as you work on your draft. I especially want to conference with you about
your thesis statement. This first step for creating the thesis and the prewriting chart should take some time.
Spending substantial time and effort on this first step will enable the crafting of your draft to go smoothly and
A. Consider the instances in the play where characters fail to communicate clearly with one another and
discuss how this failure affects relationships between characters. (miscommunication)
B. Consider the different ways “love” is exhibited by characters (examples: sibling, friendly, courtly,
obsessive, bawdy). Which types of these “love” relationships are more selfish and which are more
selfless? What statement is Shakespeare making about human interaction? (love)
C. Analyze the role of fate in the play. Do characters use fate as an excuse to not take responsibility for
their actions? Do characters blame or praise fate for their circumstances? What declaration is
Shakespeare making about fate? (fate)
D. Examine the frequent use of various disguises and masks in the play. Why do some characters choose
to use disguises? What are they disguising? Discuss how this use of masks and disguises supports one
of Shakespeare’s themes. (masks)
E. Analyze the character of Feste the fool, taking care to point out how he differs from the other
characters. What are some reasons why Feste, seemingly and outsider, is so central to the play?
F. Assess the different types of madness or insanity found in characters throughout the play. (examples:
delusion, egomania, insecurity, obsession, fear, dissatisfaction, and others) What is Shakespeare saying
about human nature through these characters?
G. Explain Viola’s motive for disguising herself as a male, and discuss the effect of this choice on both
herself and other characters. (Female Identity/Balance)