Capital One Pro Bono Program

Capital One Pro Bono Program
pro bono, n. – skilled, professional services delivered in the
public interest without expectation of a fee.
Capital One Pro Bono Program
At Capital One, we have always believed that as business leaders we have a unique opportunity
and inherent responsibility to create value in the communities where we live and work.
Through innovative partnerships and programs that focus on community and economic
development, education, and financial literacy, our goal is to provide relevant programs and
services to those most in need. Like other companies, we provide monetary support to
nonprofits and community organizations, but this is only part of our formula. We follow a
holistic approach to philanthropy that includes financial support, volunteerism, and leadership.
Central to our philanthropic approach is Capital One’s award-winning Pro Bono Program.
By offering specialized pro bono services in core business areas such as Brand Marketing,
Finance, Human Resources, IT, Legal and Real Estate, we are able to identify the areas where
nonprofits often face the biggest hurdles and help them to achieve desired results.
Through our pro bono program, Capital One’s vision is to teach sustainable, replicable
business practices that allow our community partners to drive meaningful change in their
organizations. Since 2008, Capital One pro bono volunteers have contributed almost
“I had the chance to meet and speak with the children who actually benefited from
the services provided. To see and hear first-hand the positive influence…
in the lives of these children was both inspiring and energizing.”
7,500 hours to more than 125 nonprofit partners, resulting in nearly $4 million in donated
professional services.
Nonprofit Eligibility
Experience demonstrates successful pro bono engagements are dependent on
the nonprofit organization adhering to best practice standards.
1. Clear need for the service being requested and fit within Capital One project services
2. Ability to work effectively with volunteer teams, as evidenced by factors such as
successfully managing consultants or effective volunteer programs
3. Nonprofit has a clear internal project lead who can dedicate time to the project through
its completion. Management and the board strongly support the project
4. Stability in finances, management and strategy. Ideally, there shouldn’t have been, nor
is there expected to be, a dramatic growth or decline in revenues, a change in executive leadership or significant board turnover
5. Nonprofit should retain the financial resources required to complete the project (e.g.
printing budget for a brochure) and maintain the deliverables after the project is completed
6. Ideally, a nonprofit can clearly articulate the important role the engagement will make
in enabling the organization to execute its strategy and accomplish its overall mission
“Capital One makes it easy for everyone to
get involved and to give back in a great variety of ways.”
Catalog of Pro Bono Services
The Capital One Pro Bono Program provides community partners with skilled services that
help them find solutions to address strategic and operational challenges. We are committed
to working with the nonprofit organization to develop the best solution that not only meets
their needs but is also balanced with the organization’s ability to sustain it and build upon
it. Through the program, we strive to help nonprofit organizations look beyond today and
expand their capacity to serve in local communities.
Our catalog of services is arranged in four sections which address the areas where non profits
often face the biggest hurdles:
Strengthening Communications and Engage External Stakeholders
Increasing Operational Efficiency
Improving Strategic Planning and Program Delivery
Developing Board and Staff Talent Management Practices
Following the last section is a listing of individual services and their descriptions.
“We’ve never had a company invest this kind of time and resources.
In my 28 years here, nobody’s ever committed like this.”
Ray Pardue
Former St. Joseph’s Villa CEO
Strengthen Communications and Engage External Stakeholders
Does your organization want to more clearly and consistently interact with external stakeholders such as donors, clients, founders or the community? Can you succinctly explain who
you are, who you serve, how you’re different, and what makes you the best at what you do?
With the help of Capital One associates, your organization can develop clear communication
materials and content and explore strategies to engage and connect with external audiences.
A team of associates will work with your organization to explore your specific areas of need
and develop appropriate marketing, fund raising, or communication solutions.
Sample Projects:
Brand Strategy
Annual Report Assistance
Donor Growth Strategy
Marketing Strategy
Newsletter Development
Direct Mail Strategy
Direct Marketing
Social Media Strategy
Language Services/Translation
Event Promotion
Website Consultation
Brand Positioning
“JA Worldwide is honored to be the recipient of such great support by Capital One.
Our partnership has blossomed over the past four years to initiate and expand the Mobile Finance Park
initiative that now is reaching tens of thousands of young people. [Projects like this] will make the
experience just that much richer for all of our participants.”
Thomas Dewar
Senior Vice President Development
Junior Achievement Worldwide
Increase Operational Efficiency
Running an efficient, seamless organization behind the scenes is a complex and challenging
process. If you are looking to strengthen your financial management and reporting, IT
infrastructure, facilities management, HR administration or need advice or instruction around
legal issues, a team of Capital One associates can help you tackle these and other operational
challenges head-on. Your organization will have more efficient, streamlined, and worry-free
day-to-day operations management as a result.
Sample Projects:
Legal Counsel
HR-Related Legal Counsel
Asset Management
Real Estate Property Selection
IT Strategy Consulting
Accounting Assistance
Construction Planning
Technology Implementation
Budgetary Help
Facilities Management
Product Training
Financial Planning
Lease Management
Computer Maintenance
“I can’t begin to tell you what a difference this makes to our ability to educate about
nonviolence in the Richmond community. We are so grateful!”
Adria Scharf
Richmond Peace Education Center
Improve Strategic Planning and Program Delivery
Would you love to improve how your programs and services are delivered but are unsure of what
you need to know or how to get started? Is your organization facing a major shift in management or operations that you’d like help planning for? Capital One Associates are prepared to
advise and guide you through these and many other organizational growth periods and changes.
A team of associates can help with all areas of strategy, research, and execution – helping your
organization be better prepared to deliver a new or expanded set of services or enter a period
of organizational growth.
Sample Projects:
Process Management
Strategy Consulting
Organizational Design
Project Management Change Management
Business Strategy Analysis
Future Planning
Staff Resourcing Strategy
“I feel community work is important and if I can do anything
with my talents to help I feel honored.”
Develop Board and Staff Talent Management Practices
At the heart of every organization is a team of dedicated staff and board members. How can you
be sure you’re attracting, recruiting, hiring, training and retaining top talent for your organization? A team of Capital One associates can help you with numerous areas of talent management
– from hiring strategies to analysis of your organizational structure to developing management
and professional development best practices.
Sample Projects:
Board Search Assistance
Hiring Strategy
Evaluation Model Creation
HR Policy Review Meeting Facilitation Performance Management Assessment
Board Development Practices
Succession Planning
Organizational Culture Evaluation HR Needs Assessment
Diversity Initiatives “We very much appreciate [the] willingness to share professional expertise and
we highly value our community partnership with Capital One.”
Charles D. Layman
President & CEO, Goodwill of Central Virginia
Pro Bono Services Descriptions
Brand Marketing
Real Estate
Lease Negotiations Get help securing the best property at the best price and ensure your lease is fair and accurate.
Brand Strategy Plan
Assess how your organization uses its brand across all channels and communications, create or refine your brand positioning statement, refine your brand standards, and recommend ways to help raise aware-
ness among key target audiences.
Site Location
The team will develop recommendations and guide site selection to find your organization its next home.
New Brand Development
Provide research and creative exploration to develop a new brand iden-
tity for a new program, or refresh an existing organization or program brand. Outcomes includes a brand standards toolkit which defines logo use, graphic properties, color palette and typography guidelines.
Economic Incentive Opportunities
Make sure your real estate dollar is working its hardest—get feedback on what economic incentives exist while you are looking for real estate.
Construction Project Consulting
Partner with real estate experts on your construction project – get
feedback and input on your time lines, contractor selections, contracts, etc.
Janitorial, Food, Landscaping Engagement Set-up
Partner with Capital One to get feedback, best practices, and suggestions
on how to improve your janitorial, food, and/or landscaping contracts.
Environmental Consulting
Identify environmentally friendly ways to improve your business,
projects, or facility.
Lease Management
A real estate team can help with managing your real estate lease and
understanding the terms involved with your contract.
Marketing and Funding
Marketing Plans
Review existing marketing efforts and provide recommendations.
Create new plans that include integrated channel strategies, key
audience definition and messaging, and a calendar of marketing
Donor Retention and Growth
Create marketing materials (direct mail, email, etc) for existing or new channels to help increase response and contributions by key donor
segments. Design of donor communication materials like newsletters and annual reports.
New Donor Prospecting
Accounting Process Improvement
Review of Accounting Processes to reduce non-value add activities.
Accounting Reporting
Create standard financial reports based on current accounting systems.
Identify new sources of lists for prospect names for appeals and create marketing materials for existing or new channels to increase your donor base.
Accounting Disaster Planning
Be prepared for unexpected changes in financial circumstance with a
comprehensive disaster recovery plan.
Social Media Strategies
Develop a plan that identifies which social media channels to integrate into your communication plan and provides recommendations on types of content and relationship-building tools to include.
Budget & Forecasting Models
Helps implement effective budget and forecasting models to facilitate informed planning and tracking.
Web design
Provide an assessment of key audiences that use your site, what
content they need, and how content should be organized to provide the best user experience.
Long-Term Budget Forecasting
Develop multiple year budget for planning purposes with Board of
Directors, Large Grantors, etc.
Cost Management
Identify major expenses and potential ways to reduce these expenses.
Financial Valuation
Evaluate long-term commitments (i.e. multiple year lease).
Provide production and editing services to create videos or TV ads.
Strategic Financial Planning
Create future growth plan and funds needed to obtain these goals.
Event Marketing
Provide event brand design, and create marketing materials including sponsor appeals, press kits, save date cards, invitations, posters, print ads, emails, and social media alerts.
Financial Statement Creation
Interview Board of Directors, Large Grantors, etc. and create financial
statement to address their concerns / wants.
Pro Bono Services Descriptions
Human Resources
Executive Board Searches
Get help recruiting, screening and selecting the right executive staff for your organization.
IT Product Training
Learn more about a specific program and make your technology solutions work for you.
Director Search Consultation
Choose board members that will bring the right skills to your organiza-
tion with recruiting and placement assistance.
Computer Equipment Assessment Review and assess the computer hardware you currently use to offer recommendations for system improvement.
Candidate Sourcing Strategy, Screening, and Selection Assistance
Strategy design for identifying sources of potential hiring candidates
and effective screening and selection support.
Technology Assessment
Assess current IT infrastructure and organizational needs.
Performance Management System Consultation Look for opportunities for improvement and highlight strengths with
an in-depth performance management system consultation.
Technology Improvement
Based on assessments, provide recommendations for high-priority
IT improvements.
Evaluation Process Consultation
Help assess and understand needs for an effective employee evaluation design.
Technology Implementation and Support
Develop and implement recommendations to existing or new systems
(e.g. Email Delivery, Web Sites, Data Warehousing).
Building of Performance Management Tools
Integrate formal, standardized performance management tools to
streamline your talent management system.
Organizational Needs Analysis
Understand where there are opportunities for improvement in your
HR system.
Organizational Design Consultation
Produce an effective organizational structure that addresses key accou-
ntability and communications issues, resulting in clear assignments for all strategic and operating goals.
HR Policy Review
Review HR policies to ensure sound, compliant practices are in place.
Board Development
Work with Board to increase the effectiveness of their working relationships.
Performance Coaching
Increase the effectiveness and satisfaction of your employees by clarifying personal objectives and aligning them with organizational objectives.
Succession Planning
Work with organization leadership to develop an effective succession plan.
Meeting Facilitation
Provide facilitation for Board, leadership, or team meetings.
Talent Management
Establish a process for ongoing assessment of talent within an
Staff Team Building
Policy Affairs – Lobbying
Provide insight into how to influence the legislators from Federal to State or Local levels.
Position Statements
Work with the organization to develop a position statement used for lobbying legislators or to presenting their petitions to governmental entities.
Regulatory Policy Affairs
Advise organization on the regulatory process; analyze applicable
regulations; assist with comments back to the regulators.
Incorporation Assistance
Provide guidance on compliance, documentation, and filing if a
nonprofit wishes to file for 501 (c)(3) status.
Documentation & Filing Help Gain specific assistance around a range of documentation and filing needs related to nonprofit operations.
Board Membership Legal Assistance
Advise on the legal requirements for establishing a Board and the legal requirements for continual operation of the Board.
Intellectual Property Patents,
Copyrights, and Trademarks
Research trademarks, patents and advise on copyright protections for material created by your nonprofit.
General Counsel – Contracts
Review and advise on contractual provisions.
Get customized team activities designed to build team cohesiveness.
General Counsel – Risk Mitigation
Analyze organizational strategy and practices for litigation or legal risks.
HR Needs Assessment
Identify and prioritize which areas of HR you can improve for maximum strategic impact and make decisions about where you should dedicate resources to improving HR in the long-term.
HR Counsel – Layoffs, Restructuring,
and Diversity
Provide advice to help the organization comply with a host of federal and local laws that regulate employment relationships.
Diversity Initiatives
Builds a diversity strategy team and plan to create strategic, long-term change with diversity initiatives.
EEOC – Employer Rights
Advise on the impacts of EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission) requirements as well as other Employment Law standards and requirements.
Defining Organizational Values
Explore and define your organization’s values.
Talent Management
Establish a process for ongoing assessment of talent within an
Staff Team Building
Get customized team activities designed to build team cohesiveness.
HR Needs Assessment
Identify and prioritize which areas of HR you can improve for maximum strategic impact and make decisions about where you should dedicate resources to improving HR in the long-term.
Diversity Initiatives
Builds a diversity strategy team and plan to create strategic, long-term change with diversity initiatives.
Defining Organizational Values
Explore and define your organization’s values.
Language Services
Get assistance translating your organization’s material into Spanish or another language in order to reach new audiences.
Operations Management
Conduct organizational review, measurement evaluations, and prepare recommendations to assist management in operating more efficiently and effectively.
Organization and Design
Address the fundamentals of effective operations management in the areas of program design and evaluation, managing staff and volun-
teers, team building and communication skills.
Process Improvement
Analyze, review, and identify key accountability and communications issues with recommendations on clarified roles and responsibilities for employees.
Community Impact
Capital One was founded on a simple principle: recruit great people and provide them
the opportunity to be exceptional. Because we believe so highly in the professional talents
of our associates, we created a way to share their talents with our nonprofit partners as
a way to maximize their ability to serve the residents of our communities. At the same
time, this experience provides our associates with professional development and personal
growth opportunities.
The most productive partnerships are between two organizations that share a
passion for the same vision. This practical, collaborative, mission-driven approach has
helped us grow and improve the program with each successive year. The following pages
provide examples of how Capital One has taken a leadership role in spreading the pro
bono ethic nationally and investing our talent locally to benefit thousands of adults and
children in local communities.
“I’ve enjoyed working with people on different teams
that I normally wouldn’t work with.”
National Partnerships
Pro Bono Program — Our Partners
Capital One partnerships with national experts position the company as a leader in the
Capital One invests in cross-sector partnerships with both national and local nonprofit
Pro Bono movement.
organizations to drive meaningful change in communities across the country.
Corporation for National & Community Service
Enterprise Community Partners
Maymont Foundation
The President’s Council on Service and Civic Participation initiated a challenge to leverage
Alexandria Community Trust
Fair Chance
Metropolitan Business League
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Central Virginia Foodbank
New Ventures New Visions
Black History Museum
Friends Association
Northern Virginia Family Services
Boy and Girls Clubs of Greater
Girls, Inc.
Rebuilding Together
Goodwill Greater DC
Richmond Public Schools
Goodwill Mid-Atlantic CEO Council
St Joseph’s Villa
Heart of America
Technology Resource Connections
Higher Achievement
VA Mentoring Partnership
Housing Opportunities Made
Virginia Bar Association
$1 billion in skilled volunteering and pro bono services from the corporate community. Led by the
Corporation for National and Community Service, A Billion + Change is the three-year campaign
designed to meet the challenge and redefine pro bono initiatives.
Common Impact
Baton Rouge
Through a partnership with Common Impact, a nonprofit organization helping global companies
Centro Nia
and local non profits build stronger communities through employee engagement programs, to be
ChildSavers of Richmond
the primary sponsor of a major research study of nonprofit organizations. “We are thrilled to have
the support of Capital One, without which this substantial research effort would not be possible,”
said Theresa M. Ellis, founder and managing director of Common Impact.
Taproot Foundation
Communities in Schools Richmond VA
College Summit
Consumer Federation of America
Capital One partners with the Taproot Foundation, the largest nonprofit consulting firm in
Cypress Hills
the country, to galvanize the commitment to expanding the pro bono ethic beyond the legal
Daily Planet
profession to the rest of the professional community. The pro bono service movement has been
DC College Access Program
widely acknowledged as the form of corporate philanthropy that has the greatest untapped
Easter Seals
Virginia Early Childhood
Junior Achievement
Virginia Hispanic Chamber of
Latin American Youth Center
Local Initiatives Support
William Byrd House
potential to support the nonprofit community to maximize its brand awareness.
Case Study: Latin American Youth Center
Case Study: Goodwill of Greater Washington
The Opportunity
Finance directors came together and
The Opportunity
The Latin American Youth Center, in
helped perform a comprehensive analysis
Goodwill of Greater Washington had an IT
Washington D.C., was applying for a
of the organization’s current financial
system that did not adequately serve the needs
$2 million foundation grant. As part of the
position, practices and policies. From
of the entire organization. Associates from
decision process, the foundation required
there, the volunteer team was able to make
Capital One’s IT department conducted an
the organization to provide an Integrated
recommendations and deliver an approved plan.
assessment and helped Goodwill identify what
Financial Plan.
improvements could be made and offered
The Impact
The Pro Bono Investment
Financial plans projected how LAYC will
Capital One’s Treasurer, Steve Linehan, served
achieve financial health were put into place
The Pro Bono Investment
on LAYC’s board and reached out to his
after approvals by the organization’s Finance
Capital One associates comprehensively
Finance team to help the organization. The
Committee and Board of Directors. The
assessed the state of information technology
Finance department was able to leverage
Plans included multi-year pro forma income
at Goodwill of Greater Washington, which
an innovative training program to give its
statements, balance sheets, cash flows, and
included interviews with the CEO, department
associates immediate, hands-on experience.
debt principal and interest payment schedules
heads, the IT consultant, and key stakeholders.
As part of Finance College’s Director’s
through FY2012. It also included funder-
The team then presented final findings and
Program, a group of director-level associates
specific, probability-adjusted revenue plans
recommendations to Goodwill’s leadership team.
get exposure to all facets of the department
that identified the fund raising pipeline and
from senior leader-led seminars. At the
gaps. And finally, it included contingency
conclusion of the program, they engage in
plans that specified expense cuts, changes or
a project to put their learnings into practice.
deferments if revenue plans were not realized.
The LAYC Integrated Financial Plan became
LAYC now has the reports and planning tools
their project.
it needs to monitor and maintain its fiscal
As a result of this project, LAYC was approved
The Impact
As a result of the pro-bono strategic assessment,
significant improvements were made to overall
processes, infrastructure, risk management,
“The input and value they provided was
worth more money than we could afford.
Our organization will grow because of the
support of this team and Capital One.”
general procedures, and most importantly,
Catherine Meloy
productivity. With the recommended strategy,
President and CEO of
Goodwill of Greater Washington
GGW realized more than $125K in annualized
savings by delivering more efficient IT services.
for the $2 million grant.
Case Study: Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation
The Opportunity
The Impact
Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation
Building on the positioning exercise, the Brand
(CHLDC)—a nonprofit focused on revitalizing
volunteers identified CHLDC’s major target
its Brooklyn neighborhood through economic
audiences and developed a communication
development, housing preservation and
strategy for each segment.
supporting the positive development of its
youth and their families—needed to refine
With a positioning and segmentation
and modernize its community messaging
strategy in place, the next step was to
and branding in order to more clearly and
develop templated marketing materials,
consistently convey its mission, while fostering
including materials for the organization’s
more holistic resident engagement through
25th anniversary gala. The Brand team
leadership, program utilization and social
designed table-top decorations and coasters
activism. The CHLDC would utilize its updated
with photos and personal messages from
brand in communications with funders and
program participants to help communicate
other external partners.
the organization’s story. The Brand volunteer
The Pro Bono Investment
Capital One’s Brand Corps volunteers,
consisting of a Brand Manager, two
Copywriters and a Graphic Designer, met
with the CHLDC executives and conducted a
partnership has enabled the CHLDC to
strengthen its identity, improve outreach
methods, more strategically cultivate its
support base and ultimately better serve the
residents of Cypress Hills.
work session to review its branding needs.
Before CHLDC could work on its approach
to communication and engagement, the
team helped CHLDC develop a brand
“The Capital One Pro Bono Volunteer program allows me to use knowledge
I’ve gained throughout my career and apply it in a different way.”
positioning statement to define its unique
value proposition in the marketplace and to
ensure all future marketing and fund raising
messages reflected this positioning to ensure
brand consistency across all channels.
How to Apply
Nonprofit organizations who wish to apply for a Capital One Pro Bono project should
follow the instructions below to complete and submit the application online.
1) Navigate to link:
2) Enter email address/password
Note: this is the same as the monetary grant request log in
First-time users may click the link to set up a password. If you are a returning user and have forgotten your password, click the link to have it emailed to you
3) Select “Create a New Request” and fully complete fields
4) Once received, Capital One will acknowledge & follow-up directly regarding next steps
If you have questions about the application process, please click the “Need Support?”
button on the web page
Learn more about Capital One and its commitment to the community at