The UC Davis Quarter Abroad eligibility requirements are: • Be a registered student at a UC campus- from the date of application through the program end date; • Satisfy intercampus visitor requirements (the ICV form and instructions are available in the "Intercampus Visitor" section of the online enrollment in your UC Davis Study Abroad account); • Be in good academic standing with a GPA of 2.0 or above; • Be in good disciplinary standing; and • Meet any program specific requirements or prerequisites (Check Equivalents below) MEXICO (Latino/a Health Internship) Prerequisite Equivalents for Other UC Students* Must be in Junior standing (90 quarter units) or above Completion of BIS 1A and 1B or BIS 2A and 2B Completion of SPA 21 or 31 (or consent of instructor) UC Berkeley: o Biology 1A, 1B (includes lab) o Spanish 3 UC Irvine: o Biology 93 and 94 (neither include a lab) o Spanish 2A UC Los Angeles: o Life Science 1, 2 o Spanish 4 UC Merced: o Biological Sciences 1, 1L (lab), 2 (Introduction to Molecular Biology) o Spanish 3 UC Riverside: o Biological Sciences 2, 3 (includes lab) o Spanish 4 UC Santa Barbara: o Ecology, Evolution & Marine Biology 2, 2L (Introductory Biology Laboratory II), Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology 1A, 1AL (Introductory Biology Laboratory I) o Spanish 4 UC Santa Cruz: o Cell and Molecular Biology 20A , Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 20C o Spanish 4 UC San Diego: o Biological Sciences 1 (The Cell) or 2 (Multicellular Life) and 3 (Organismic and Evolutionary Biology), 4 (Introductory Biology Lab) o LISP 1D/DX If you believe you have taken a class other than those listed above that is equivalent to the prerequisite, please forward the class name, course number and syllabus to Nicole Uhlinger (