LECTURE 3 Pricing: concepts, models & analysis This lecture draws heavily on what you have studied in other courses such as Accounting and Economics. SALI@Poly 2014 1 Learning Objectives 1 2 3 6 Definition and Overview Demand analysis. Demand & Cost curves,Price elasticity Experience curve, Review of costs & revenue Cost issues, development & overhead costs Fixed & Variable costs 7 Marginal analysis, Target ROR, Cost-based pricing 9 Problems with cost based pricing 10 Break-even Analysis. BE Market share Additional – Supplementary notes are provided at the end 2 Learning Outcomes On completion of this unit, students should be able to: • List and explain a variety of pricing objectives and what they are trying to achieve • Explain the role of demand and supply in price determination. • Contextualise the following concepts: price sensitivity, marginal analysis, break-even analysis, market share • Give an overview of the determinants of price • Understand price sensitivity and its implications for the marketer 3 SALI@Poly 2014 The Importance of Price To the seller... Price is revenue To the consumer... Price is the cost of something Price allocates resources in a free-market economy 4 Marketers look at price differently • Marketing has the broadest perspective on pricing because it is the function that looks at both internal cost issues and external pressure demands. • Price means one thing to the consumer and another to the seller. To the consumer, the price is the cost of something; to the seller, price is the source of profits. Marketing mangers find the task of setting prices a challenge. What Is Price? Price Price is that which is given up in an exchange to acquire a good or service. Notes: 1.Price is typically money exchanged for a good or service; however, it may also be time lost while waiting to acquire the good or service. 2.Consumers are interested in obtaining a “reasonable price,” which means a perceived reasonable value at the time of the transaction. The price paid is based on the satisfaction consumers expect to receive from a product and not necessarily the satisfaction they actually receive. 3.Price can relate to anything with perceived value, not just money. When goods or services are exchanged, the trade is called barter. SALI@Poly 2014 7 The Importance of Price to Marketing Managers Revenue Profit The price charged to customers multiplied by the number of units sold. Revenue minus expenses. 8 Notes: 1.Prices are the key to revenues, which are the key to profits for an organization. 2.Revenue is what pays for every activity of the company. What’s left over is profit. The price is set to earn a profit for the company. 3.Managers strive to charge a price that will earn a fair profit. The price must not be too high or too low, and must equal a perceived value to consumers. 4.Lost sales mean lost revenue; on the other hand, if a price is too low, the company loses revenue. Additionally, setting prices too low may not attract as many buyers as managers might think. SALI@Poly 2014 9 Trends Influencing Price Flood of new products Increased availability of bargain-priced private and generic brands Price cutting as a strategy to maintain or regain market share Internet used for comparison shopping 10 Notes: 1.Setting the right price can be a stressful task of marketing managers, as demonstrated by the above trends in the consumer market. 2.Consumers are using the Internet to make wiser and more informed purchasing decisions. 3.Competition in general is increasing, and consequently many installations, accessories, and parts are being marketed like indistinguishable commodities. SALI@Poly 2014 11 REVIEW LEARNING OUTCOME The Importance of Pricing Decisions Price X Sales Unit = Revenue Revenue – Costs = Profit Profit drives growth, salary increases, and corporate investment 12 Profit-Oriented Pricing Objectives Profit-Oriented Pricing Objectives Profit Maximisation Target Return on Investment Satisfactory Profits 13 Profit Maximisation • Setting prices so that total revenue is as large as possible relative to total costs. 14 Return on Investment Return on Investment Net profit after taxes divided by total assets. ROI = Net Profit after taxes Total assets 15 Notes: 1.The most common profit objective is a target ROI, or the return on total assets. It represents a firm’s effectiveness in generating profits with the available assets. The higher the firm’s ROI, the better off the firm is. ROI puts a firm’s profits into perspective by showing profits relative to investment. 2.ROI needs to be evaluated in terms of the competitive environment, risks in the industry, and economic conditions. In general, firms seek ROIs in the 10 to 30 percent range, depending on the industry. For example GE seeks a 25 percent ROI, while grocery chains obtain a return under 5 percent. SALI@Poly 2014 16 Sales-Oriented Pricing Objectives Sales-Oriented Pricing Objectives Market Share Sales Maximization 17 Market Share Market Share A company’s product sales as a percentage of total sales for that industry. 18 Notes: 1.Market share can be reported in dollars or units of product, and the results may be different. 2.Many companies believe that maintaining or increasing market share is an indicator of the effectiveness of their marketing mix. Larger shares often mean higher profits, thanks to economies of scale, market power, and ability to compensate top-quality management. However, this conventional wisdom is not always reliable. 3.Many companies with low market share survive if they are in a slow growth industry and experience few product changes. SALI@Poly 2014 19 Sales Maximization • Short-term objective to maximize sales. • Ignores profits, competition, and the marketing environment • May be used to sell off excess inventory Maximization of cash should never be a long-run objective because cash maximization may mean little or no profitability. Without profits, a company cannot survive. 20 Status Quo Pricing Objectives Status Quo Pricing Objectives Maintain existing prices Meet competition’s prices 21 Notes: 1.Status quo pricing seeks to maintain existing prices or to meet the competition’s prices. 2.This category requires little planning, and is essentially a passive policy. SALI@Poly 2014 22 REVIEW LEARNING OUTCOME Pricing Objectives Profit-Oriented Profit Maximization Satisfactory Profits Target ROI Status Quo Sales-Oriented Market Share Sales Maximization Maintain Existing Price 23 The Demand Determinant of Price Explain the role of demand in price determination 1.After pricing goals are established, specific prices are set. 2.The price set for products depend on two factors: the demand for the good and the cost to the seller for that good. 24 The Demand Determinant of Price Demand The quantity of a product that will be sold in the market at various prices for a specified period. Supply The quantity of a product that will be offered to the market by a supplier at various prices for a specific period. 25 The Demand Curve The Supply Curve Tyson’s Meat Glut • Tyson Foods, the world’s largest processor, has an oversupply of meat: – Lower chicken consumption due to avian flu fears – export restrictions to Japan and South Korea due to mad cow disease • Mismatch between oversupply and reduced demand has created tremendous financial losses for the company. • Tyson produces 25% of meats that Americans eat, and small price changes impact company profit significantly. • To reverse trend, company is taking a commodity approach to the primary business, while marketing more value-added products. SOURCE: Richard Gibson, “Tyson Looks for Way Out of Meat Glut,” Wall Street Journal, June 28, 2006, B9A. 28 Price Sensitivity Drivers - Exhibit 6-4 SALI@Poly 2014 29 SELF REVIEW • Understand that value is not the only determinant of a customer’s willingness to pay • Identify key factors determining price sensitivity and recognize how these factors can be influenced by marketers? How Demand and Supply Establish Price Price Equilibrium The price at which demand and supply are equal. Elasticity of Demand Consumers’ responsiveness or sensitivity to changes in price. 31 Price Equilibrium Notes: 1.An equilibrium price is reached when supply and demand are equal. 2.A price below equilibrium results in a shortage because the demand is greater than the available supply. A shortage puts upward pressure on price. 3.At a price above equilibrium, the demand is less than the available supply, and a surplus is created. A surplus lowers the price. 4.Establishing an equilibrium price may not be possible all at once. Prices may fluctuate as the market for a good moves toward equilibrium; however, demand and supply will settle into the proper balance. SALI@Poly 2014 33 Elasticity of Demand Elastic Demand Consumers buy more or less of a product when the price changes. Inelastic Demand An increase or decrease in price will not significantly affect demand. An increase in sales exactly offsets a decrease in prices, and revenue is unchanged. Unitary Elasticity 34 Elasticity of Demand Elasticity (E) = Percentage change in quantity demanded of good A Percentage change in price of good A If E is greater than 1, demand is elastic. If E is less than 1, demand is inelastic. If E is equal to 1, demand is unitary. 35 Elasticity of Demand Price Goes... Revenue Goes... Demand is... Down Up Elastic Down Down Inelastic Up Up Inelastic Up Down Up or Down Elastic Stays the Same Unitary Elasticity 36 Elasticity of Demand Factors that Affect Elasticity of Demand Availability of substitutes Price relative to purchasing power Product durability A product’s other uses Rate of inflation 38 Notes: Factors that affect elasticity of demand are: 1.Availability of substitutes: When many substitutes are available, it is easy to switch products, making demand elastic. The same is true in reverse, if no substitutes are available. 2.Price relative to purchasing power: If a price is so low that it is an inconsequential part of an individual’s budget, demand will be inelastic and people are not sensitive to the price increase. 3.Product durability: Repairing durable products rather than replacing them prolongs their useful life. If the cost of a new product increases, people might elect to repair the old product. Thus, people are sensitive to the price increase, and the demand is elastic. 4.A product’s other uses: The greater the number of uses for a product, the more elastic demand tends to be. If a product has only one use, the quantity purchased probably will not vary as price varies. SALI@Poly 2014 39 Review: Discuss examples of price inelasticity and elasticity. Include zero percent automobile financing, the price of vehicle models, cell phone rates, prestige watches, cigarettes, health care, textbooks. SALI@Poly 2014 40 Will Travel For Savings (2013 US Study) Some 81% of shoppers said they would drive 5 to 10 minutes out their way (round trip) for a $10 rebate on a $50 product; 93% said they would drive that distance for a $20 discount 41 Price-sensitive shoppers are highly motivated to seek value. They will compare prices between brands, and are committed to finding and using coupons. These characteristics present challenges for businesses when attempting to engage and develop brand loyalty among price-sensitive shoppers, but the group should not be ignored in marketing initiatives. Evidence shows that price-sensitive shoppers are often the highest-spending group among a given product’s consumers. Price-sensitive shoppers can easily comprise the majority of a given brand’s consumers. In a study of a multi-category food brand, around 60 percent of all buyers were found to be “price-sensitive” or “very-price-sensitive” by the firm’s classification. Among average households, the brand studied got $188 in sales annually from pricesensitive shoppers versus $168 for households in the “least-price-sensitive” group. The study defined price-sensitive shoppers based on coupon use, consistency in purchasing lower-price items and frequency of buying items on promotion. SALI@Poly 2014 42 The Cost Determinant of Price Describe cost-oriented pricing strategies 43 Notes: 1.Sometimes the importance of demand is ignored when prices are decided, based largely or solely on the basis of costs. 2.Prices set on the basis of cost may be too high for the target market. On the other hand, if prices are set too low, the firm will earn a lower return than it should. 3.Costs should be determined as part of any price determination, in part to determine the floor below which a good or service must not be priced in the long run. 4. Variable and fixed costs are important aspects of price determination. SALI@Poly 2014 44 REVIEW LEARNING OUTCOME Cost-Oriented Pricing Strategies 45 The Impact of the Internet Product selection Second opinions from expert sites Shopping bots Internet auctions 46 Notes: 1.The Internet connects sellers and buyers quickly, and allows product and price comparison, putting them in a better bargaining position. 2.Numerous Web sites provide information regarding product selection, and a second opinion for brand selection. However, quality of reviews vary. 3.Shopping bots search the Web for the best price. The two types of shopping bots are broad-based types and niche-oriented types. Most shopping bots give preferential listings to e-tailers who pay for the privilege, and not necessarily the lowest-priced retailer. 4.Internet auctions, such as eBay, are huge. Business-to-business auctions are likely to be the dominant form in the future. SALI@Poly 2014 47 The Relationship of Price to Quality Prestige Pricing Charging a high price to help promote a highquality image. 48 Notes: 1.When a purchase decision involves uncertainty, consumers tend to rely on a high price as a predictor of good quality. Consumers assume that “you get what you pay for.” 2.Prestige pricing takes these consumer attitudes into account when devising price strategies. A successful prestige pricing strategy requires a retail price that is reasonably consistent with consumers’ expectations. SALI@Poly 2014 49 Exercise: Vivre is a luxury lifestyle catalog and Web site. Visit Vivre.com and review the product offerings. Pick a product and then see if you can get it cheaper at Ashford.com, a luxury brand discounter. What luxury brands are offered on both sites? How do the prices compare? Can you identify tiers of luxury brands? SALI@Poly 2014 50 Markup Pricing Markup Pricing The cost of buying the product from the producer plus amounts for profit and for expenses not otherwise accounted for. Keystoning The practice of marking up prices by 100%, or doubling the cost. 51 Notes: 1.Markup pricing is the most popular method to establish a selling price. Instead of using the costs of production to set price, it uses the costs of buying the product from the producer, plus amounts for profit and expenses. The total determines the selling price. 2.Keystoning is a method based on experience, with many small retailers doubling the cost. Other factors that influence markups are the merchandise’s appeal to customers, past response to the markup, the item’s promotional value, the seasonality of the goods, their fashion appeal, the product’s traditional selling price, and competition. 3.The biggest advantage of markup pricing is its simplicity. The primary disadvantage is that it ignores demand and may result in overpricing or underpricing the merchandise. SALI@Poly 2014 52 Demand Curve SALI@Poly 2014 53 Inelastic and Elastic Demand SALI@Poly 2014 54 Cost as a Function of Production Experience SALI@Poly 2014 55 Demand Curves SALI@Poly 2014 56 Demand For Medium Sized Imported Sedans SALI@Poly 2014 57 Demand For Volvo S 40 SALI@Poly 2014 58