Simplifying Radicals Definition: square root cube root forth root nth root

Simplifying Radicals
February 02, 2016
Simplifying Radicals
In mathematics, a radical expression is defined as any
expression containing a radical (√) symbol. Many people
mistakenly call this a 'square root' symbol, and many times it is
used to determine the square root of a number. However, it can
also be used to describe a cube root, a fourth root or higher.
square root
nth root
cube root
forth root
Simplifying Radicals
February 02, 2016
Simplify numerical radical terms by removing all factors that are
perfect squares/cubes... (this will depend on the degree of the root
of the radical) inside the radical.
Ex. 1
Properties of radicals. You can "break" a
radical over multiplication or division (but NOT
over addition or subtraction).
Simplifying Radicals
ex 2.
February 02, 2016
ex 3.
Simplifying Radicals
February 02, 2016
Become very familiar with the first 12
perfect squares/cubes/forths...