Volume: 25 No.: 9886 NUECES COUNTY REAL ESTATE FORECLOSURES Perez, Seferino Lot 1, Block 1, Brett, As Recorded in Volume 43, page 46, Map Records, Nueces C o u n t y, T e xa s - B e n e f ic ia r y Pl a in s C a p it a l B a n k - Sa n d r a Mendoza, Substitute Trustee Navejar, John Andrews and Deborah D Pulido Lot 269, Ebony Acres No 3, As Recorded in Volume 11, page 35, Map Records, Nueces County, T e xa s - Be neficiary CItimortgage- Property Address 5802 Hampshire Road, Principal Am ount $ 6 3 , 8 4 3 . 0 0 - V ic k i Hammonds, Substitute Trustee Frost, Aaron Lee and Jaclyn Joyce L o t 2 5 , Bl o c k 3 , P a d r e Island-Corpus Christi, Point Tesoro Unit 1, As Recorded in Volume 34, pages 145-146, Map R e c o r d s , N u e c e s C o u n ty, Texas-Beneficia r y J PMorgan Chase Bank- Property Address 15134 Reales Drive- Principal A m o u n t $ 1 7 5 , 6 9 8 . 0 0 - V ic k i Hammond, Substitute Trustee Valverde, Olivia and Miguel Valverde Lot 4, Block 3, Country Club Estates 8, As Recorded in Volume 41, pages 45 and 46, Map R e c o r d s , N u e c e s C o u n ty, Te xa s- Beneficiary JPMorgan PUBLISHERS - K D & S B GUTIERREZ © Chase Bank- Principal Amount $110,000.00- Property Address 6122 San Ramon Drive-Vicki Hammonds, Substitute Trustee Gonzales, Lisa Lot 17, Golden Acres Unit 1, As Recorded in Volume 35, page 53, Map Records, N u e c e s C o u n t y , Texas-Beneficiary Wells Fargo B a n k - P r in c ipal Am o u n t $72,318.00- Property Address 757 Country Road 7 7-Vicki Hammonds, Substitute Trustee Bolema, Mark D Lot 17, Block 2, The Lakes Unit 10, As Recorded in Volume 61, page 77, Map R e c o r d s , N u e c e s C o u n t y, Texas-Beneficiary Wells Fargo Bank- Princ ipal Am ount $269,400.00- Property Address 4202 Lake Apache Dr-Vicki Hammonds, Substitute Trustee Martinez, Gilberto and Valerie Delacruz Lot 8, Block 7, Westhaven Terrace Unit 2, As Recorded in Volume 37, pages 48 and 49, Map Records, Nueces C o u n t y, T e xa s - B e n e f ic ia r y Cherokee Holdings Inc- Principal Amount $60,200.00-John E Helm, Substitute Trustee Garza, Christina Lot 6, Block 2, Candlewood Unit 7, As Recorded in Volume 36, page 165, Map R e c o r d s, N u e c e s C o u n t y, October 17, 2014 T e xa s- Be n e f ic iary Northsid e Com m unity Properties, IncPrincipal Amount $53,500.00John F Helm, Trustee Wallen, Alice Carolyn Lot 7, Block 4, Inverness Unit A, As Recorded in Volume 48, pages 71 and 72, Map Records, Nueces County, T e xa s- Be ne f ic ia r y Ba n k o f America-Jim Rector, Substitute Trustee Sanchez, Janet D et vir Isai Sanchez Lot 3, Block 2, Nanjean Park, As Recorded in Volume 16, page 33, Map Records, Nueces County, Texas-Beneficiary Citimortgage, Property Address 4950 Nell St-Jim Rector, Substitute Trustee Ybarra, Christina M et vir Daniel Ybarra Lot 18, Block 52, Country Club Estates Unit 12, As Recorded in Volume 34, page 131, Map Records, Nueces County, Texas-Beneficiary Bank of America- Property Address 4310 Biltmore Drive-Jim Rector, Substitute Trustee Williams Durriell L et ux Aundray Williams Lot 2, Block 1, Penn Place, As Recorded in Volume 59, page 14, Map Records, Nueces C o u n t y, T e xa s - B e n e f ic ia r y Citimortgage- Property Address 7041 Carmer Circle-Jim Rector, Substitute Trustee October 17, 2014 Page 2 Springtime is upon us. You are invited to take a stroll in the bluebonnets, find an arrowhead or observe wildlife while touring fine properties with live water and big time views. Call for available Properties Brady P. Anders 830-481-4444 www.theandersgroup.com Hinojosa, Ray et ux Glinda Hinojosa Lots 28, 29, 30, Block 1, Heritage Park, As Recorded in Volume 45, page 34, Map Records, Nueces County, Texas-Beneficiary First National Bank-Jim Rector, Substitute Trustee Holsonback Partners Partnership Lot 5, Greentree, As Recorded in Volume 52, page 108, Map R e c o r d s , N u e c e s C o u n ty, Texas-Beneficiary First National Bank-Jim Rector, Substitute Trustee Garcia, Alexander L et ux Bertha A Garcia Lot 1, Block 7, Wynwood Two, Map Records, Nueces County, Texas-Beneficiary First National Bank-Jim Rector, Substitute Trustee Yunker Industries Corp Lots 2-8, Block 7, Wynwood Terrace, As Recorded in Volume 13, page 19, Map Records, Nueces County, Texas-Beneficiary First National Bank-Jim Rector, Substitute Trustee Yunker Industries Corp Lot 9, Block 11, Flour Bluff Park, As Recorded in Volume 7, pages 52 and 53, Map Records, Nueces County, Texas-Beneficiary First National Bank-Jim Rector, Substitute Trustee K & B Trust Tract One: Lots 5-8, 30-33 Tract Two: Lots 10-13, Block 11, Flour Bluff Park, As Recorded in Volume 7, pages 52 and 53, Map Records, Nueces County, Texas-Beneficiary First National Bank, Jim Substitute Trustee Rector, NUECES COUNTY ASSUMED NAMES, NEW BUSINESS FIRMS 02556-Gulf Coast Burgers & More, Mary J Peterson 6301 IH 37 & 134 Corpus Christi, TX 78409 02557-Valley Lodge, Peggy a Davis 4465 River Park Drive Corpus Christi, TX 78410 02558-Auto Payment Finder, Steven E Lopez 413 Roosevelt Ave Boerne, TX 78006 02559-Over The top Construction, Christopher Orgas 4502 Odem Dr Corpus Christi, TX 78415 02560-Dream Home Builders LLC, Dante Miller 5302 Oso Hills Dr Corpus Christi, TX 78413 02561-Donut World, Certificate of Abandonment 02562-Donut World, Certificate of Abandonment 02563-Donut World, Kevin Peav 2317 Ayers Corpus Christi, TX 78404 02564-B.A.H. Resdev LLC, Kendall L Harris 10641 Hurst Corpus Christi, TX 78410 02565-B.A.H. Industries LLC, Kendall L Harris 10641 Hurst Corpus Christi, TX 78410 02566-Glo On The Go, Jason Pena 933 Post Ave Corpus Christi, TX 78405 02567-Body-N-Balance Massage, Petti Monique Wellesley 900 N Shoreline Corpus Christi, TX 78401 02568-King Global Industries, Robert Lewis 4413 Sutton Ln Corpus Christi, TX 78411 NUECES COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS 01500-Oceanic B C LLC 15213 Beach Way Dr Lot 22, Block 1, p a d r e B e a c h V ie w P U D , Construct a condo/townhomes, 1,305 sq ft Value $83,089.00, N e m o C o u r t C o n sr u c t io n , 533-7286 01503-Oceanic BC LLC 15217 Beach Way Dr Lot 22, Block 1, P a d r e B e a c h Vie w P U D , Constrtuct a condo/townhome, 1,305 sq ft Value $84,000.00, N e m o C o u r t C o n str u c tio n , 533-7286 12302-City of Corpus Christi 5151 McArdle Rd 7.245 acres, Mt Vernon Unit 3, Construct a commercial shell building only, 3,750 sq ft Value $273,660.00, same 01029-Lutheran Properties Inc 5523 S Alameda St Lot 4, Club House Place, Construct a commercial building, 2,160 sq ft Value $149,753.00, same 01186-Prosperity Bank 921 N Water St Lots 1, 2 thru 6, Block 24 , Beach, Construct a commercial building, 11,590 sq ft Value October 17, 2014 Page 3 MISSION STATEMENT TO PROVIDE THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY OF NUECES COUNTY AND SURROUNDING AREAS WITH INFORMATION NECESSARY TO PROMOTE COMMERCE AND THEREBY, ENHANCE AND IMPROVE THE LOCAL ECONOMY. WE ARE DEDICATED TO PROVIDE A QUALITY NEWSPAPER THAT WILL GENERATE INTEREST AND ACTION FOR A BETTER CORPUS CHRISTI AND COASTAL BEND. Publisher: Kim Gutierrez kim@cblnews.com Editor: Ashley Mallia cblnews@cblnews.com Sales Manager: Sam Gutierrez sam@cblnews.com The Coastal Bend Daily Legal & Business News ISSN-0588-570 Is Published Daily, Except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays by COASTAL BEND DAILY LEGAL & BUSINESS NEWS P.O. Box 270607, Corpus Christi, Texas 78427-0607 Periodical Postage Paid At Corpus Christi, Texas Monthly Subscription $29.95 THE VIEWS EXPRESSED IN THE ARTICLES ABOVE ARE NOT NECESSARILY THE VIEWS OF THE COASTAL BEND LEGAL NEWS OR ITS PUBLISHERS POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Coastal Bend Daily Legal & Business News P.O. Box 270607, Corpus Christi, Texas 78427-0607 Office 361-937-4907 Fax 361-937-1849 E-mail cblnews@cblnews.com The Coastal Bend Daily Legal & Business News is a newspaper of general circulation as governed by the Texas Government codes and Statutes, and is in compliance with: Government Code: Title 10. General Government; Chapter 2051; Subchapter C. Local Government Code: Title 8. Acquisition, Sale, or Lease of Property; Chapter 262; Subchapter A. Property Code: Title 5. Exempt Property or Liens; Chapter 59; Subchapter A. The aforementioned Government Codes as well as judicial enactments and legislative statutes, certify the Coastal Bend Daily Legal & Business News to publish legal notices, public notices, citations by publication, invitation to bid, probate notices, tax and foreclosure, and other sale notices required to be published in a newspaper of general circulation. The records published in the CBDLBN are duplicates of those filed for public record and do not necessarily affect the business or financial standing of the parties mentioned. These records are provided “as is” without warranties of any kind whether implied or expressed. The Coastal Bend Daily Legal & Business News, its directors officers, employees agents and third party providers make no warranty as to the results that may be obtained from use of the information published herein or as to the accuracy, reliability or content of the information. The Coastal Bend Daily Legal & Business News shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused by reliance of information obtained through these records, nor shall we be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, punitive, or consequential damage arising out of the use of the content used in this publication. Every precaution is taken in compiling and printing all records of the court but the CBDLBN assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Under no circumstances will any matter of record be withheld from publication in this newspaper. Material published in The Coastal Bend Daily Legal & Business News is compiled at a substantial expense and is for the sole and exclusive use of subscribers. The material may not be republished, resold, recorded or used in any manner without written consent of the publisher. The entire content of each issue of The Coastal Bend Daily Legal & Business News is protected under the Federal Copyright Act. Reproduction of any portion of any issue will not be permitted without the express permission of The Coastal Bend Daily Legal & Business News. TO SUBSCRIBE TO THIS NEWSPAPER, LOG ONTO OUR WEBSITE AT WWW.CBLNEWS.COM, CLICK ON THE “START TODAY” BUTTON AND FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS. ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE TO BE PAID IN ADVANCE. A DESIRE TO DISCONTINUE A SUBSCRIPTION EITHER PRIOR TO OR AT THE TERMINATION OF THE TERM OF THE SUBSCRIPTION MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING. THE ABSENCE OF A WRITTEN REQUEST TO TERMINATE THE SUBSCRIPTIO N WILL BE CONSIDERED A DESIRE TO CONTINUE THE SUBSRIPTION AND APPROPRIATE CHARGES BILLED UNTIL A WRITTEN REQUEST IS RECEIVED. Scripture Of The Day Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14 October 17, 2014 CITY COUNCIL OF CORPUS CHRISTI MAYOR: NELDA MARTINEZ (361) 826-3100 1201 Leopard St., 78401 P.O. Box 9277, 78469 neldam@cctexas.com COUNCIL MEMBER AT LARGE: DAVID LOEB (361) 826-3105 921 N. Chaparral, Suite 100 davidloeb@live.com COUNCIL MEMBER AT LARGE: LILLIAN RIOJAS (361) 826-3105 (361) 765-1499 1201 Leopard St. 78401 LillianRiojas4citycouncil@gmail.com COUNCIL MEMBER AT LARGE: MARK SCOTT (361) 985-2004 5026 Holly Road, 78411 mscott@sanjacintotitle.com DISTRICT 1: KELLEY ALLEN 1201 Leopard St. 78401 826-3105 kallen@fileproservices.com DISTRICT 2: CHAD MAGILL (361) 826-3105 1201 Leopard St. 78401 chad@chadmagill.com DISTRICT 3: PRISCILLA LEAL (361) 658-1302 Page 4 $1,299,557.00, LI Group, Inc, (713) 465-4650 10476-Charles Ray McEntire Jr 4725 Alma St Lot 23, Block 4, Lincoln Terrace, Re-roof residence Value $2,800.00, David M a r t i n e z , 774-4748 10188-Cecily D Walker and Joerg W alke r 325 Atlantic St Lot 17, Block 13, Del Mar, R e-roof residence Value $3,500.00, R & J Sons, 815-0434 10323-Juan D Guerrero 2638 Belton St Lot 2, Block 1, Crocket Heights, Re-roof residence Value $8,975.00, Juan C a u d i l l o , 765-7031 10343-Robert Montelongo 3409 Bluebonnet Dr Lot 3, Block 10 , W e stgae Heights, Re-roof residence Value $4,500.00, R o d r ig u e z R o o f i n g , 438-0707 10380-Maria Elena Jalifi 742 Brock Dr Lot 28, Block 1 0 , Meadowb rook Unit 2, Construct a detached structure at residence, 244-6312 Value $1,228.00, Michael A Jalifi, 244-6312 10379-Manuel D Harvey et ux 1626 Clare Dr L o ts 2 1 , 2 2 , B l o c k 6 , W o o d l a w n Estates, Re-roof residence Value $8,544.00, Dan Blohm Roofing, 855-9087 10117-Eddie Casanova and Antonio Casanova 101 Condee Dr Lot 1, Bl o c k 1 , Ar c a d ia Vil la g e , C o n str u c t a n a d d it io n t o residence, 300 sq ft Value $19,101.00, same, 558-9129 NUECES COUNTY SUITS FILED IN DISTRICT COURT 2014DCV-4811-C-Nueces County vs Mehrdad Salamat, MD, PA, Delinquent Taxes Atty: Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson 2014DCV-4819-H-Robert Anthony Guthrie, Other Civil Causes Atty: Pro Se 2014DCV-4836-G-Nueces County vs Jesus Marroquin, Indv and dba Marroquin's Motors, Delinquent Taxes Atty: Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson 2014FAM-4812-A-Rhonda Sosa Martinez vs Homero Martinez, Divorce Atty: Pro Se 2014FAM-4813-E-In re:, Parent Child Relation Atty: Rick Dodson 2014FAM-4814-B-C ynthia M Fernandez vs B e la r iano Fernandez, Divorce Atty: Pro Se 2014FAM-4817-A-In re:, Parent Child Relation Atty: Attorney General 2014FAM-4818-E-In re:, Parent Child Relation Atty: Attorney General 2014FAM-4820-G-In re:, Parent Child Relation Atty: Attorney General 2014FAM-4821-F-In re:, Parent Child Relation Atty: Attorney General 2014FAM-4822-G-In re:, Paternity Atty: Attorney General 2014FAM-4824-E-In re:, Parent Child Relation Atty: Attorney General 2014FAM-4825-F-In re:, Parent Child Relation Atty: Attorney General 2014FAM-4826-A-In re:, Parent Child Relation Atty: Attorney General 2014FAM-4827-F-In re:, Paternity Atty: Attorney General 2014FAM-4828-C-In re:, Parent Child Relation Atty: Attorney General 2014FAM-4829-G-In re:, Parent Child Relation Atty: Attorney General 2014FAM-4830-A-In re:, Parent Child Relation Atty: Attorney General 2014FAM-4831-E-In re:, Parent Child Relation Atty: Attorney General 2014FAM-4832-E-In re:, Parent Child Relation Atty: Attorney General 2014FAM-4833-F-In re:, Parent Child Relation Atty: Attorney General 2014FAM-4835-F-Stephen Andrew Gutierrez vs Savannah Jean October 17, 2014 Gonzales, Divorce Atty: Frank R Gonzales 2014FAM-4815-H-In re:, Parent Child Relation Atty: Luis J Corona 2014FAM-4816-G-Gabrien Joshua Miller vs Tammy Hong Miller, Divorce Atty: Allan Potter 2014FAM-4823-E-Laurne Alexis Honea vs Zachary Adam-Keith Honea, Divorce Atty: Joe Rosales 2014DCV-3834-D-Beneficial Financial, Inc vs E Joyce Hertel aka Evelyn J Hertel, Other Civil Causes Atty: Brian J Baumer 2014FAM-4712-C-VOID, 2014FAM-4710-B-VOID, NUECES COUNTY SUITS FILED IN COUNTY COURT AT LAW 20-14FAM0-6-In re:, Protection of Child Atty: Timothy Good 20-14CCV0-6-Margarita Rojas vs Robin Rojas, Ramiro Rojas, JP Court Appeal Atty: Pro Se 20-14CCV0-6-Karen K Lane, Other Civil Causes Atty: Mark A Gonzalez 20-14CCV0-6-Alexia Garcia, Clarissa Gonzalez, Alejandra Garcia vs Isabel Pena Ovalle, Person Inj/Dam Involving Motor Vehicle Atty: Eric T Zehnder 20-14CCV0-6-In re:, Protection of Child Atty: Pamela A Garcia Delgado 20-14CCV0-6-Jesus Villanueva, Diane Villanueva, State Farm Automobile Insurance Company vs Dalinda Michelle Medrano, Other Civil Causes Atty: Trina McReynolds Bailey 20-14CCV0-6-Randolph Rangel, Germania Select Insurance Company vs Johnnie Manuel Ortiz, Person Inj/Dam Involving Mo to r Ve hicl e Atty: T r in a McReynolds Bailey 20-14FAM0-6-In re:, Protection of Child Atty: Timothy Good NUECES COUNTY GRAND JURY INDICTMENTS 10/02/2014 ASSAULT ON PUBLIC SERVANT Laura Montoya 117th POSSESSION W INTENT TO DELIVER SYNTHETIC MARIJUANA Michael Flores 117th Michael Flores 117th Page 5 Luis Cid 117th Luis Cid 117th BURGLARY OF A HABITAT Jesco Rodritguez 94th FELONY/ASSAULT F A M I L Y VIOLENCE/IMPEDE/BREATH/CIRC Victor Manuel Luna 94th HABITUAL OFFENDER AGGRAVATED ROBBERY Daniel Granado 148th HABITUAL OFFENDER AGGRAVATED ASSAULT Linda Sanchez 94th POSSESSION OF HEROIN Kevin Ricardo Williamson 105th ASSAULT ON PUBLIC SERVANT Laura Montoya 117th THEFT Israel Deluna 28th Carol Viers 148th AGGRAVATED ASSAULT WITH DEADLY WEAPON John Villapando 319th - HABITUAL OFFENDER POSSESSION OF COCAINE Jonathan Rodriguez 28th POSSESSION OF HEROIN Brandi Stovall 319th ASSAULT ON PUBLIC SERVANT Samantha Curz Leal 117th THEFT Miguel Dominguez 214th RETALIATION Richard Inez Fonseca 347th HABITUAL OFFENDER T A MP E R IN G W IT H OR FABRICATING PHYSICAL EVIDENCE Sarah Elizabeth Tutcher 28th POSSESSION OF METHAMPHETAMINE Joshua Mathew Portales 117th RETALIATION Randy Lopez 347th VIOLATION OF PROTECTIVE ORDER ASSAULT/STALKING John Eric Villanueva 347th RETALIATION Richard Inez Fonseca 347th HABITUAL OFFENDER Richard Inez Fonseca 347th HABITUAL OFFENDER Richard Inez Fonseca 347th HABITUAL OFFENDER THEFT Isaac Desantiago 319th Ruben Nunez 319th Adam Guzman 319th BURGLARY OF A HABITAT Evaristo Triana Coleman 214th FELONY/ASSAULT FAMILY VIOLENCE/IMPEDE/BREATH/CIRC Daniel Ramirez-Zuniga 117th CONTINUOUS VIOLENCE AGAINST THE FAMILY Vicente Ortiz 117th - HABITUAL OFFENDER THEFT Yvonne Gonzalez Hernandez 94th BURGLARY OF A HABITAT Laura Garza 214th THEFT Debra Ann White 148th - HABITUAL OFFENDER AGGRAVATED ASSAULT WITH DEADLY WEAPON Mr Lionel Torres 148th Mr Lionel Torres 148th Mr Lionel Torres 148th INJURY TO A CHILD Mr Lionel Torres 148th Mr Lionel Torres 148th Mr Lionel Torres 148th T A M P E R I N G W I T H GOVERNMENTAL RECORDS Raymond E Glover 94th ASSAULT FAMILY VIOLENCE WITH PRIOR CONVICTION Rudy Lozano 94th POSSESSION OF MARIJUANA Ronald Michael Dubuque 347th AGGRAVATED ASSAULT WITH A DEADLY WEAPON Vicente Ortiz 117th - HABITUAL OFFENDER BURGLARY OF A HABITAT Matricus Geter 28th FELONY/ASSAULT FAMILY VIOLENCE/IMPEDE/BREATH/CIRC Matthew Lara 214th ASSAULT ON PUBLIC SERVANT Melissa Yarborough 214th DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED Carlos Molina 94th - HABITUAL OFFENDER FORGERY Eloy James Gutierrez 94th FELONY/ASSAULT FAMILY VIOLENCE/IMPEDE/BREATH/CIRC Matricus Geter 28th AGGRAVATED ASSAULT THREAT W IMMINENT BODILY INJURY Timothy Edge 319th POSSESSION OF COCAINE Adam Zuniga Campos 319th October 17, 2014 Page 6 BIZMATCH, INC. Matching Business Sellers & Buyers for 19 Years Business Valuation and Loan Packaging 715 S Tancahua Corpus Christi, TX 78401 Amberlyn Toney 28th POSSESSION OF HEROIN Juan Guajardo 105th THEFT Juan M Ybarra 347th ASSAULT FAMILY VIOLENCE WITH PRIOR CONVICTION Chantilly Hamm 105th CONTINUOUS VIOLENCE AGAINST THE FAMILY Mathew Lara 214th POSSESSION OF COCAINE Kyle Lewis Fugate 347th Juan Herrera 117th POSSESSION OF HEROIN Enrique Guajardo 105th Ruben J Rodriguez 105th THEFT Michael S McCluskey 347th EVADING WITH A VEHICLE Verginio Arana 148th POSSESSION OF COCAINE Brian Permenter 319th POSSESSION OF COCAINE WITH INTENT TO DELIVER Ruben Alexander Pena 94th POSSESSION OF COCAINE James Vicent Olvera 117th AGGRAVATED ASSAULT WITH A DEADLY WEAPON Chantilly Hamm 105th POSSESSION OF METHAMPHETAMINE Gary Jackson 319th POSSESSION OF COCAINE Eric Barrera 214th POSSESSION OF METHAMPHETAMINE Nancy Foreman 117th POSSESSION OF COCAINE Ashley Nicole Glorfield 347th T A MP E R IN G W IT H OR FABRICATING PHYSICAL EVIDENCE Ashley Nicole Glorfield 347th - PHONE (361) 884-7100 FAX (361) 882-1079 REPEATED OFFENDER POSSESSION OF HEROIN Adam Hernandez 148th POSSESSION OF COCAINE Michele Assman 105th FELONY/ASSAULT FAMILY VIOLENCE/IMPEDE/BREATH/CIRC Matthew Lara 214th PLACES WEAPONS PROHIBITED Amber Renee Trejo 148th EVADING ARREST/DET/W/PREV/CONVIC Joshua Seymour 319th POSSESSION OF DIHYDROCODEINONE Gary Jackson 319th AGGRAVATED ASSAULT WITH A DEADLY WEAPON Timothy Edge 319th POSSESSION OF COCAINE Jennifer Salinas 148th STALKING Mario Ernesto Trevino 347th POSSESSION OF HEROIN Kyle Lewis Fugate 347th POSSESSION OF COCAINE Alex Medrano 105th POSSESSION W INTENT TO DELIVER METHAMPHETAMINE Jody Lee Bartz 28th UNAUTH USE MOTOR VEH Jason Lee Campbell 148th ASSAULT FAMILY VIOLENCE WITH PRIOR CONVICTION Anthony J Green 148th - HABITUAL OFFENDER POSSESSION OF COCAINE Elvira Mahan 319th ASSAULT FAMILY VIOLENCE WITH PRIOR CONVICTION Fernando Leija Jr 28th - REPEATED OFFENDER BURGLARY OF A HABITAT Jacob Garcia 148th INJURY TO A CHILD Jimmie Lacour 105th FELONY/ASSAULT FAMILY VIOLENCE/IMPEDE/BREATH/CIRC Jacob Garcia 148th THEFT Elias Rodriguez 319th ASSAULT ON PUBLIC SERVANT Danny Bauldree 105th 10/09/2014 POSSESSION OF COCAINE Jerod Baltz 319th DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED Charles Anthony Borrego 214th UNLAWFUL POSSESSION OF FIREARM BY FELON Felix Pena 94th THEFT Harold Stomer 28th POSSESSION OF COCAINE WITH INTENT TO DELIVER Barbara Frazier 148th Robert Merrill 148th TAMPERING WITH PHYSICAL EVIDENCE Eliazar Vincent Chapa 117th UNAUTH USE MOTOR VEH Mr Joey Castro 214th THEFT Irma Aleman 347th POSSESSION OF METHAMPHETAMINE Jose Luis Ramos 148th THEFT Serenity McCracken 94th UNLAWFUL POSSESSION OF FIREARM BY FELON Johnny Milton Nino 214th THEFT Carolyn Nicole Utley 214th BURGLARY OF A BLDG Ezrfi Rivera 347th AGGRAVATED ASSAULT CAUSES SERIOUS BODILY INJURY Vanessa Vera 28th October 17, 2014 T A MPER IN G W IT H OR FABRICATING PHYSICAL EVIDENCE Jerod Baltz 319th THEFT Phillip Vela 347th AGGRAVATED ASSAULT WITH A DEADLY WEAPON Sabrina Castillo 117th CONTINUOUS VIOLENCE AGAINST THE FAMILY Faustino Lopez 117th CRIMINAL MISCHIEF William Lawrence 94th ROBBERY April Nicole Williams 94th ENDANGERING A CHILD Raquel Rojas 117th Raquel Rojas 117th Raquel Rojas 117th ASSAULT FAMILY VIOLENCE WITH PRIOR CONVICTION Luis Perez 319th FRAUDULENT ACQUISITION OF HYDROCODONE Anthony Johnson 347th AGGRAVATED ASSAULT WITH A DEADLY WEAPON Jerome Jerry Valls 117th POSSESSION OF MARIJUANA Jason Tovar 94th BURGLARY OF A BLDG Tonya Heinaman 94th ARSON Linda Barrs 347th ASSAULT FAMILY VIOLENCE WITH PRIOR CONVICTION Richard Ybarra 94th - HABITUAL OFFENDER DIVERT CS FOR ANOTHER PERSONS USE Debra Carrillo 148th EVADING ARREST/DET/W/PREV/CONVIC Armando Deleon 117th THEFT Gerald L Ochoa 28th POSSESSION OF COCAINE Willie Melvin Massey 319th INJURY TO ELDERLY Tracy L Dean 319th Tracy L Dean 319th ASSAULT FAMILY VIOLENCE WITH PRIOR CONVICTION Jerome Jerry Valls 117th AGGRAVATED SEXUAL ASSAULT OF A CHILD Sylvester Reyes 105th UNLAWFUL POSSESSION OF FIREARM BY FELON Adan Garcia 214th Page 7 EVADING WITH A VEHICLE Marco Gonzalez 148th POSSESSION METHAMPHET AMINE Kristin Barter 214th AGGRAVATED SEXUAL ASSAULT OF A CHILD Darel M McDonald 148th Darel M McDonald 148th DELIVERY OF METHAMPHET AMINE Holly Karstens 28th AGGRAVATED ASSAULT THREAT W IMMINENT BODILY INJURY Erasmo Leal 319th POSSESSION W INTENT TO DELIVER COCAINE GO GREEN Do Your Part To Help Preserve The Environment By Ordering Your Online Subscription. Receive A Reduced Rate For Switching To Our Online Version. An Online Subscription Offers More To Enhance Your Business Visit Our New Redesigned Website at www.c blnews.com Henry Velasquez 347th AGGRAVATED SEXUAL ASSAULT OF A CHILD Sylvester Reyes 105th DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED Mr Domingo Garibay 94th AGGRAVATED SEXUAL ASSAULT OF A CHILD Sylvester Reyes 105th Sylvester Reyes 105th Sylvester Reyes 105th AGGRAVATED ASSAULT WITH A DEADLY WEAPON Brian Williams 319th POSSESSION W INTENT TO DELIVER COCAINE Pedro Sijialfred Cibrian 347th Johnny Velasquez 347th Ireme Ingram 347th THEFT Jose Angel Callazo 117th Ashlee Castillo 319th CRIMINAL MISCHIEF Ramon Larry Rodriguez 28th THEFT Ramon Larry Rodriguez 28th CRIMINAL MISCHIEF Hector Gomez 28th THEFT Hector Gomez 28th POSSESSION OF MARIJUANA Justin Aaron Rodriguez 148th INJURY TO ELDERLY Michael Phillips 319th ESCAPE John Douglas Pelko 347th REPEATED OFFENDER THEFT Martin Natividad Serna Sr 28th POSSESSION OF METHAMPHETAMINE Kimberlee Barter 214th Kimberlee Barter 214th POSSESSION OF PHENCYCLIDINE Tommie Douglas 319th BURGLARY OF A HABITAT William Lawrence 94th POSSESSION W INTENT TO DELIVER COCAINE Ralph Villela 347th THEFT Melanie Ann Hudson 347th UNAUTH USE MOTOR VEH Paul Warner 94th FELONY/ASSAULT FAMILY VIOLENCE/IMPEDE/BREATH/CIRC Joe Don Witherspoon 117th UNAUTH USE MOTOR VEH Jacob Salazar 148th October 17, 2014 Page 8 Avalon Resale at Red Crow Antiques Grand Opening October 5, 2013 Hand Painted Furniture Collectibles Eclectic Items for All Ages 4325 S. Alameda on Antique Row 361-739-0480 texasgarden@gmail.com FELONY/ASSAULT FAMILY VIOLENCE/IMPEDE/BREATH/CIRC Robert Fisher 117th FRADULENT USE OF IDENTIFYING INFORMATION Kai Burton 105th FRAUDULENT ACQUISITION OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE Rhonda Tyler 28th NUECES COUNTY STATE TAX LIEN RELEASES 39856-State of Texas to Vetco Gray, Inc P O Box 9550, Fort Myers, IL, 33906, Release of Tax Lien filed in error dated 08/29/14, 10/03/14, 10/14/14. NUECES COUNTY ABSTRACTS OF JUDGMENT 39749-Midland Funding LLCvs Charles Harris 2855 Austin St, Corpus Christi, TX, 78404, Date of judgment 08/10/14, am ount $ 5 , 9 5 0 . 1 5 , 5 . 0 % in t e r e s t , 09/29/14, 10/14/14. 39752-Midland Funding LLC vs Imelda Trevino 3619 Valley View Rd, Robstown, TX, 78380, Date of judgment 02/20/14, am ount $ 5 ,6 8 9 . 0 0 , 5 . 0 % in t e r e s t , 09/29/14, 10/14/14. 39774-Midland Funding LLC vs Juana Villela 3814 Sarita St, Corpus Christi, TX, 78416, Date of judgment 07/11/13, am ount $ 4 , 5 1 7 . 2 1 , 5 . 0 % in t e r e s t , 09/29/14, 10/14/14. NUECES COUNTY RELEASE OF ABSTRACTS JUDGMENT OF 39843-State Farm Lloyds Subrogee of Don Lawrence to Robert P Valadez Release of Judgment d a te d 0 4 / 0 9 / 1 4 , 1 0 /1 4 /1 4 , 10/14/14. NUECES COUNTY WARRANTY DEEDS DEED OF TRUST INFORMATION IS INCLUDED WHEN DEED OF TRUST NUMBER IS LISTED AT END OF WARRANTY DEED WHERE APPLICABLE. 39327-Debra Lynn Hamilton to David Barrientes, Jr 4233 Cool Breeze Drive, Corpus Christi, TX, 78413, Note of $175,187.00, Lienholder Proficio Mortgage Ventures LLC, 110 Hillcrest St, Orlando, FL 32801, Lot 9, Block 7, Summer Wind Village Phase IV, 10/09/14, 10/10/14, Refer to Deed of Trust 39328. 39329-Mark Mayhew et ux Barbara Mayhew to Xavier D Estrada 361 Barlett Dr, Corpus Christi, TX, 78408, Note of $150,130.00, Lienholder Nations Reliable Lending, LLC, 1233 West Loop South, Ste 1350, Houston, TX 77027, Lots 1,2, Block 3, Saxet Heights, First Title, 10/07/14, 10/10/14, Refer to Deed of Trust 39330. 39332-Deolores E Hinzen acting by Cynthia A Hinze, attorney-in-fact to Westley Wright and Constance Wright P O Box 32, Sandia, TX, 78383, 161.02 acres out of NE/4 of Section 145, of the Branigar Brothres Subdivision of the Clar k so n R a n c h , 10/09/14, 10/10/14. 39334-361 Mustang, LLC to Texas Parks & Wildlife Department Lake Tract, A B Davis Survey A-944, Stewart Title, 10/09/14, 10/10/14.39336-Mark S Brooks et ux Tiffany R Brooks to Robert Campbell and Kristin Campbell 14729 Dasmarinas Drive, Corpus Christi, TX, 78418, Note of $219,622.00, Lienholder USAA Federal Savings Bank, 10750 McDermott Freeway, San Antonio, TX 78288, Lot 8, Block 715, Padre Island-Corpus Christi, Barataria Bay Unit 5, 10/09/14, 10/10/14, October 17, 2014 Refer to Deed of Trust 39337. 39340-John Hall et ux Lisa Hall to American Escrow & Closing Company 1699 Wall St, Ste 700, Mount Prospect, IL, 60056, Lot 7, Block 3, Ranch Lake Unit 1, Stewart Title, 10/10/14, 10/10/14. 39341-American Escrown & Closing Company to John William Ideus et ux Monica Ideus 7401 Lake Geneva, Corpus Christi, TX, 78413, Note of $299,100.00, Lienholder FIrst Community Bank, 5406 Everhart Rod, 78411, Lot 7, Block 3, Ranch Lake Unit 1, Stewart Title, 10/10/14, 10/10/14, Refer to Deed of Trust 39342. 39276-Larry A Edwards et ux Johnnie L Edwards to Zee Zepeda et ux Teri Nelson Zepeda 601 Del Mar Blvd, Corpus Christi, TX, 78404, Note of $272,388.32, Lienholder Grantor, 206 St Francis, Gonzales Tx 78629, The East 20 feet of Lot 20 and all of Lot 21, Block 38, Del Mar Subdivision, 09/01/14, 10/10/14, Refer to Deed of Trust 39278. 39343-Paul Petro aka Paul Edward Petro and Julie Petro aka Julie Ann Petro to Sawyer M Mann 16126 Coralvine St, Corpus Christi, TX, 78418, Note of $210,429.00, Lienholder National Bank of Kansas City,10700 Nall Ave, Ste 300, Overland Park, KS 66211, Lot 7, Block 10, Padre Page 9 Island-Corpus Christi, Sea Pines Unit 1, 10/03/14, 10/10/14, Refer to Deed of Trust 39344. 39278-Orlando Ortiz to Yonel Romero 834 Behmann St, Corpus Christi, TX, 78418, Lot 14, Block 5, Central Park Unit 2 Subdivision, 09/25/14, 10/10/14. 39345-Tracy A Ross et ux Jennifer P Ross to American Residential Leasing Company, LLC 7047 E Greenway Pk wy, Ste 350, Scottsdale, AZ, 85254, Lot 11, Block 1, King's Garden Unit 1, Stewart Title, 10/09/14, 10/10/14. 39347-Rosario A Farias to American Escrow & Closing Company 1699 Wall St, Ste 700, Mount Prospect, IL, 60056, Lot 17, Block 3, Graceland, Stewart Title, 10/10/14, 10/10/14. 39280-Ann B Clark, Substitute Trustee to Ernesto C Espino Jr 5010 Hakel Dr, Corpus Christi, TX, 78415, Note of $141,998.00, Lienholder Everett Financial Inc dba Supreme Lending, 14801 Quroum Drive, Suite 300, Dallas Tx 75254, Lot 5, Block 3, Lexington Estates Subdivision, 10/09/14, 10/10/14, Refer to Deed of Trust 39281. 39290-Gloria Cecilia Bentancourt to Guillermo Heredia Jr 2012 Buford Street, Corpus Christi, TX, 78405, Lot 28, Block 1, El Rey Addition, 09/16/14, 10/10/14. 39348-American Esrow & Closing Compa ny to Thomas P Johnstone et ux Gerri L Johnstone 3805 Priscilla Dr, Corpus Christi, TX, 78414, Note of $212,000.00, Lienholder Premia Mortgage, LLC dba Premia Relocation Mo r tg a ge, 5455 Corporate, Ste 303, Troy, MI 48098, Stewart TItle, 10/10/14, 10/10/14, Refer to Deed of Trust 39349. 39350-Rick Rosenberg et ux Shannan Rosenberg to Patricia Morgan Kolpack 13502 Port Royal Court, Corpus Christi, TX, 78418, Note of $128,332.16, Lienholder Don G Cryer, Trustee of the Generation Skipping Trust of Don Q Cryer, Unit 9, 23, Knic k e r b r o c ker Townhom es, 10/09/14, 10/10/14, Refer to Deed of Trust 39351. 39352-Thomas E Lavers et ux Heidi J Lavers to Adrian Duran et ux Norina Ortega 7701 Armstrong, Corpus Christi, TX, 78413, Note of $199,709.00, Lienholder Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc, P O Box 2026, Flint, MI, 48501, Lot 28, Block 7, Oso Creek Unit 2, 10/09/14, 10/10/14, Refer to Deed of Trust 39353. 39355-Lowm, Inc to James C Oquin et ux Sandra Quin P O Box 724, Bandera, TX, 78003, Lot 9, Block 28, Padre Island-Corpus Christi October 17, 2014 Point Tesoro Unit 4, First Title, 10/10/14, 10/10/14. 39356-Laura Ramsey to Aaron M Perez et ux Elda Perez 3330 Samoa Drive, Corpus Christi, TX, 78418, Note of $132,554.00, Lienholder Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems inc, P O Box 2026, Flint, MI 48501, Lot 7, Block 6, Tropic Isles, 10/10/14, 10/10/14, Refer to Deed of Trust 39357. 39363-Richard H Thomas to Johnson-Dahl Holdings, LLC P O Box 250, Kingsbury, TX, 78638, Building Site No 456, 458, Gulf Waters Beach Front Resort Condominium, Stewart Title, 10./10/14, 10/10/14. 39365-Edward F Chevalier et ux Nina L Chevalier to Robert Clayton Nolen 5365 RR 3347, Round Mountain, TX, 78663, Lots 3, 4, 5, Block 18, Aransas Holdings Company, Section C, Stewart Title, 10/10/14, 10/10/14. 39372-Ivey Living Trust ot Newcastle Construction, LLC 921 N Chaparral, Ste 219, Corpus Christi, TX, 78401, Note of $189,000.00, Lienholder Charter Bank, P O Box 10306, 78460, Lot 92, Block 707, Padre Island-Corpus Christi Barataria Bay Unit 3, 10/10/14, 10/10/14, Refer to Deed of Trust 39373. 39374-Braselton Homes-Premiere, Ltd to Kevin Gene Albert and Ashley Priscilla Bautista 3022 Besterio St, Corpus Christi, TX, 78415, Note of $154,816.00, Lienholder Caliber Home Loans Inc, 3701 Regent Blvd, Ste 200, Irving, TX 75063, Lot 6, Block 7, Barcelona Estates Unit 5, San Jacinto Title, 10/09/14, 10/10/14, Refer to Deed of Trust 39375. 39376-Braselton Homes-Rancho Vista Three, Ltd to Francisco P Vela et ux Claudia N Vela 7406 Idle Hour Dr, Corpus Christi, TX, 78414, Note of $262,163.00, Lienholder Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc, P O Box 2026, Flint, MI 48501, Lot 7, Block 17, Rancho Vista Unit 7, San Jacinto Title, 10/08/14, 10/10/14, Refer to Deed of Trust 39377. 39379-Michael Scott Nelson acting b y T he re s a Ann N e ls o n attorney-in-fact et ux Theresa Ann Nelson aka Teresa Ann Page 10 Nelson to Robert H Bailey,Jr and Martha P Bailey 4602 Jarvis St, Corpus Christi, TX, 78412, Note of $160,000.00, Lienholder American Bank, 5320 South Padre Island Dr, 78411, Lot 1, Block 6, Brookdale Park, Security title, 10/06/14, 10/10/14, Refer to Deed of Trust 39380. 39381-Juan M Martinez to Wellington Gamboa 2708 Lamar, Corpus Christi, TX, 78405, Lot 2, Block 2, Highway Terrace, 03/01/13, 10/10/14. 39385-Richard Galvan et ux Aracelia Galvan aka Aracelia "Sally" Galvan to Francisco Gaona Jr et ux Carla Gonzales Gaona 4249 Snowmass, Corpus Christi, TX, 78413, Note of $103,500.00, Lienholder Navy Army Community Credit Union, 2814 Rodd Field Road, 78414, Lot 13, Block 4, Weber's Glen Addition, 10/10/14, 10/13/14, Stewart Title, Refer to Deed of Trust 39386. 39388-Lucas Valdez aka Lucas N Valdez Jr aka Lucas Norberto Valdez Jr to Manuel Garcia 925 Doddridge, Corpus Christi, TX, 78411, Lot 19, Block 16, Southm orel and Addition, 10/10/14, 10/13/14. 39390-Jeff Smith et ux Sharon Smith to Celedonio Cruz and Mary Cruz 15007 Oak Briar, San Antonio, TX, 78232, Lot 15, Block 16, Laguna Vista Shores Addition, 10/10/14, 10/13/14. 39392-Rick's Homes, LLC to Raymundo Ramos Jr et ux Rosario G Ramos 5310 Graford Place, Corpus Christi, TX, 78413, Note of $192,500.00, Lienholder Network Funding Lp, 9700 Richmond Ave, Ste 320, Houston Tx 77042, Lot 20, Block 3, Graford Plat Unit 3 Subdivision, 10/10/14, 10/13/14, Stewart Title, Refer to Deed of Trust 39393. 39396-Creekside Place, LLC to Alex M Canales 1514 Ennis Joslin Apt 418, Corpus Christi, TX, 78412, Lot 8, Block 5, Lake Placid Estates Subdivision, 10/08/14, 10/13/14. 39407-3535 Cottonwood Acquisitions, LLC to Yoko Truffart 2548 Carman Crest Drive, Los Angeles, CA, 90068, Building Site G, Unit 201, Building 2, Tract BR, Block 192, Padre Island-Corpus Christi, Section No 4, 09/25/14, 10/13/14. 39408-Stirling Bridge Investments LLC to Jenirose, Inc 6710 Holly Road, Corpus Christi, TX, 78412, Note of $141,250.00, Lienholder First Community Bank, 416 N Water Street, 78401, Lot 35, Block 1, Country Club Estates, Unit 30 Subdivision, 10/08/14, 10/13/14, Stewart Title, Refer to Deed of Trust 39409. 39411-Ashley Larrabee fka Ashley Torans et vir Paul Larrabee to Robert Black et ux Nicole Black 1710 Barlow Trail, Corpus Christi, TX, 78410, Note of $133,000.00, Lienholder Quickens Loans Inc, 1050 Woodward Ave, Detroit, Mi 48226, Lot 46, Block 5, Northwest C r o ssin g U n it 6 Ad d ition, 10/10/14, 10/13/14, Stewart Title, Refer to Deed of Trust 39412. 39413-3535 Cottonw ood Acquisitions LLC to Naoka Teracka 3-14-17 Sejio, Tokyo, Japan, Building Site K, Unit 205, Building 2, Tract BR, Block 192, Padre Island-Corpus Christi, Section No. 4 townhomes, 09/25/14, 10/13/14. 39414-3535 Cottonw ood Acquisitions LLC to Reavana Capital Group LLC 1218 E Prado Ave #134, Torrance, CA, 90501, Building Site F, Unit 106, Building 1, Tract BR, Block 192, Section No. 4, 09/25/14, 10/13/14. 39416-3535 Cottonw ood Acquisitions LLC to Kazuko Tada c/o Fairway PM, 507 W 23rd St, Suite A, Austin, TX, 78705, Building Site C Unit 103, Building I, Tract BR, Block 192, Padre Island-Corpus Christi, Section No 4, 09/25/14, 10/13/14. 39680-Patagonia Properties, Inc fka Seaside Cemetery, Inc to FIrst Community Bank 416 N Water St, Corpus Christi, TX, 78401, Lots 10A, 11A, Block 17, Rodd East Division, 10/10/14, 10/13/14. 39692-MPM Development, LP to MPM Homes, Inc P O Box 331308, Corpus Christi, TX, 78463, Lot 17, Block 8, Royal Creek Estates Unit 5, First TItle, 09/29/14, 10/13/14. 39693-MPM Homes, Inc to Steven R Trigg et ux Connie L Trigg 6918 Guinevere St, Corpus Christi, TX, 78414, Lot 17, Block 8, Royal Creek Esates Unit 5, First Title, 09/29/14, 10/13/14. 39695-Miles D Torres et ux Adrianna October 17, 2014 Page 11 SUBSCRIBE TODAY KEEP YOUR FINGER ON THE PULSE OF OUR COMMUNITY!!! 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O Torren to Ramon J Rios 2700 Riggan St, Corpus Christi, TX, 78404, Note of $40,000.00, Lienholder Suntied Federal Credit Unionk 1726 Braeswood, 78412, Lots 45, 46, Block 1001, Ropes and Chamberlin Bay Terrace No 2, 10/08/14, 10/13/14, Refer to Deed of Turst 39696. NUECES COUNTY DEEDS OF TRUST 39427-Glen Michael Daniels and Beverly Daniels to Resolution Finance, LLC 13612 Midway Road, Ste 394, Dallas, TX, 75244, Lot 23, Section 38, Flour Bluff and Encinal Farm and Garden Tracts, 10/09/14, 10/13/14. Note of: $14,277.75 39437-George Garcia et ux Cynthia B Garcia to Security Service Federal CU 16211 LaCantera Parkway, San Antonio, TX, 78256, Lot 7, Block 2, Maple Hills, Unit 4, 09/25/14, 10/13/14. Note of: $207,000.00 39834-Joshua Bryan Mittag aka Joshua Mittag to CitiBank 1000 Technology Drive, O'fallon, MO, 63368, Lot 4, Block 24, Wood River Unit 2, 10/08/14, 10/14/14. Note of: $154,640.00 39737-Mariano Fernandez et ux Lucina Fernandez to Bank of America 101 South Tryon St, Charlotte, NC, 28255, Lot 25, Block 5, Windsong Unit 4 Addition, 10/07/14, 10/14/14. Note of: $101,585.00 39772-Michael N Gunning and Delia D Gunning to Frost Bank P O Box 1600, San Antonio, TX, 79296, Lot 13, Block 25, Cullen Pl a c e U n it 5 Subdivisio n , 09/22/14, 10/14/14. Note of: $108,500.00 39789-Brandon J Burgess and Laura SD Burgess to JPMorgan Chase Bank 1111 Polaris Parkway, Floor 4J, Columbus, OH, 43240, Lot 9, Block 2, Quail Valley Unit 1 Subdivision, 10/30/13, 10/14/14, Stewart Title, (correction deed). Note of: $230,000.00 NUECES COUNTY AUTO REGISTRATIONS Autonation Buick GMC Gmc 14' LL 1GKKRPKD3EJ310835 Dejon O Neil Jackson 2240 N Padre Island Dr No 2301, Corpus Christi, TX 78408 -Navy Army CCU Gmc 14' LL 1GKS1MEF0ER133259 Ramon Espinoza, Jr and Norma Molina Espinoza P O Box 405, Agua Dulce, TX 78330 -Ally Financial Gmc 14' LL 3GTU2VEC3EG491954 Osvaldo Salinas Rios, Jr 1808 Brook Ln, Kingsville, TX 78363 -JPMorgan Chase Bank Bui 14' Sd VIN NOT LISTED Thomas Eugene McDonald and Shirley Hutchins 1910 Paul Jones, Corp u s C h r isti, TX 78412 -CashAllen Samuels Chev Chv 14' 4D 1G1PE5SB6E7360456 Dayna Marie De La Fuente 3929 Tripoli, Corpus Christi, TX 78415 -Bank of The West Chv 14' Pk 1GCRCREH3EZ298581 Krystal Dawn Branch 3712Macleod, Corpus Christi, TX 78408 -Navy Army CCU Chv 14' 4D 1G1PA5SH5E734598 Joanna M Amaya 4510 Antioch Cir, Corpus Christi, TX 78413 -California Republic Bank Chv 15' LL 1GNSCBKC4FR180520 Mario A Lozano 101 Frotenac, Aransas Pass, TX 78335 -Wells Fargo Dealer Services October 17, 2014 Chv 14' Pk 1GCRCREC7EZ328251 Martin Barrera, Jr 5902 Ayers Lot #446, Corpus Christi, TX 78415 -Navy Army CCU Mike Shaw KIA Kia 15' Sd KNAFK4A65FS304626 Orlando Morris Saenz and Emily Nicole Viera 310 W St Joseph, San Diego, TX 78384 -KIA Motors Kia 15' Sd KNDJN2A27F712603 Ladona Sue Hurst 637 June Dr, Corpus Christi, TX 78418 -Cash Autonation Buick GMC Gmc 14' LL 1GKKRPKD3EJ310835 Dejon O Neil Jackson 2240 N Padre Island Dr No 2301, Corpus Christi, TX 78408 -Navy Army CCU Gmc 14' LL 1GKS1MEF0ER133259 Ramon Espinoza, Jr and Norma Molina Espinoza P O Box 405, Agua Dulce, TX 78330 -Ally Financial Gmc 14' LL 3GTU2VEC3EG491954 Osvaldo Salinas Rios, Jr 1808 Brook Ln, Kingsville, TX 78363 -JPMorgan Chase BankBui 14' Sd VIN NOT LISTED Thomas Eugene McDonald and Shirley Hutchins 1910 Paul Jones, C o r p u s Christi, TX 7 8 4 1 2 -CashVolkswagen of Corpus Christi Vlk 14' 4D 3VWSL7AT4EM817858 Arnulfo Gonzales, Jr 6003 Lost Creek Dr, Corpus Christi, TX 78413 -Cash Vlk 14' LL 3VW2K7AJ7EM433819 Nader Nasseri 5701 Saratoga Blvd, Corpus Christi, TX 78414 -Prestige Fin Serv Vlk 14' 4 3VW1K7AJ2EM433044 Heidi N Powers 2721 St Joseph Unit K, Corpus Christi, TX 78418 -JPMorgan Chase Bank Vlk 15' 4D 1VWBS7A35EC121291 Dana Moore and Herbert Moore 5334 Spring Brook, Corpus Christi, TX 78413 -BMW Fin Serv Vlk 14' 4D 1VWBS7A37EC120207 Zachary Tamez 1201 Range St, Alice, TX 78332 -BMW Fin Serv Vlk 14' 4D 1VWA7A30EC118919 Ninfa S Sous and Leobardo Solis 5414 Pasculln, Zapata, TX 78076 -Ally Fin vlk 14' 4D 3VW4AS7AJEM335866 Ana Espinosa 3638 W H Breeding, Corpus Christi, TX 78414 -VW Credit Inc Vlk 14' 4d 3VW2K7AJEM301981 Mary Guerra 8225 Leopard St, Corpus Christi, TX 78409 -Ally Fin Page 12 Lithia Dodge Dge 14' Sd 3C4PDCAB1ET154828 Crystal Innette Ruiz 3018 Santa Ana St, Corpus Christi, TX 78415 -Chrysler Capital Dge 14' Sd 1C6RR6KT3ES232002 Paul Eric Hatridge 6026 Lost Creek, Corpus Christi, TX 78415 -Capital One Auto Finance Dge 14; ut 3C4PDGCGG0ET280291 Anestacio Michael Sanchez 1513 Barceona, Corpus Christi, TX 78416 -Ally Financial Dge 14' Pk 1C6RR7NT7ES312053 Jennifer Lynn Cabrera 630 Southern, Corpus Christi, TX 78404 -Chrysler Capital Dge 14' Sd 2C3CDYBT2EH162257 Raymond Salinas, Jr 5734 Crestford Dr, Corpus Christi, TX 78415 -Capital One Auto Finance Autonation Chevrolet chv 14' Sd 1G11H5SL8EF292575 Jessica ann Saldana and Abel F Saldana 906 E 4th St, Sinton, TX 78 -Wells Fargo Auto Serv Chv 14' sd 2G1FA1E35E9315916 Dimas De La Paz and Eliseo Armando Barrera V P O Box 126, Falfurrias, TX 78355 -Bank of America Chv 14' SdQ 2G11155S30E268157 Nina Hernandez Castro and Joe Robert Castro 4601 Larkspur Ln, Corpus Christi, TX 784416 -Navy Army CCU Chv 14' LL 3GCPCRECXEG474681 Ronnie Lee Villarreal and Irma Revilla Villarreal 8146 Barrogate, Corpus Christi, TX 78409 -Navy Army CCU Cad 14' SD 1G6ABRX8E0188708 Ron M Chmura 171 Ennis Joslin Rd #634, Corpus Christi, TX 78412 -Re g io n s Ba n k Al l en Samuels Chev Chv 15' LL 1GNSCCKC3FR204120 Isabel Marie Salazar 14271 Cr 1478, Odem, TX 78370 -Cash Chv 15' 4D 2G11S5S30F9102151 Jacinta Balderas Salazar 14271 Cr 1478, Odem, TX 78370 -Cash Chv 14' LL 3GCUKRECXEG402178 Joe Rudy Salazar 14271 Cr 1478, Odem, TX 78370 -Cash Chv 14' 4D 1G1PA5SH2E7340267 Martin Castillo 709 E Corenlia Dr, Corpus Christi, TX 78408 -Wells Fargo Dealer Services Chv 15' LL 1GNSCBKC4FR175706 Norman Foster Edwards 118 Alta Plaza, Corpus Christi, TX 78411 -Security Service FCU Autonation Toyota 14' Sd Tyo 14' sd JTEBU4BF9EK200579 Trey Mendez 1001 Barcelona St, Portland, TX 78374 -Toyota Mtr Cr Tyo 14' sd JTMHY7AJ3E4027334 Debra Ann Cunningham 6510 Macarena Dr, Corpus Christi, TX 78414 -Toyota Mtr Cr Tyo 14' Sd 5TFTX4CN6EX0-47104 Daniel Rojsa 704 Dolphin Terrace, C o r p u s C hristi, TX 784 1 8 -Security Service FCU Tyo 14' Sd 5TFRY5F10EX155577 Robert Cameron Hall 130 St Peter, Rockport, TX 78358 -Toyota Mtr Cr Tyo 14' Sd 3TMJU4GN2EM173833 Neil Rosas 225 Rosebud Ave, Corpus Christi, TX 78404 -Toyota Mtr Cr Lithia Dodge Dge 14' Sd 3C6JR6ATEG165452 William Frederick Hall 6541 Fenwick Dr, Corpus Christi, TX 78414 -Capital One Auto Finance Dge 14' 4D 2C3CDXCTXEH26037 Marijean Jurach 10190 Co Rd 2249, Sinton, TX 78387 -Chrysler Capital Jep 15' Ut 1C4BJWDG8FL506134 Desiree Dee Moreno 6745 Old Square Dr, Corpus Christi, TX 78414 -Regions Bank Jep 14' Ut 1C4NJCEA0ED780118 Veronica Rae Gonzales 857 Quetzal St #3, Corpus Christi, TX 78418 -USAA Federal Savings Bank Dge 14' Sd 1C3CDZAB0EN161114 Arleen Velazquez 1701 Thames Dr Apt 129, Corpus Christi, TX 78412 -Wells Fargo Dlr Services Allen Samuels Chev Chv 14' 4D 1G1PA5SH8E7333954 Roberto Gomez Ovalle 131 Lamp, Mathis, TX 78368 -Navy Army CCU Chv 14' 4D 1G1PE5SB6E7359954 Amanda Marie Medrano 2210 Sarita, Corpus Christi, TX 78405 -Security Service FCU Chv 14' LL 1GCRCREH0EZ338275 Brian Paul Castro 6838 Everhart #48, Corpus Christi, TX 78413 -Americredit Financial Serv Inc 78417 -Security Service FCU