VIHA Library Services

VIHA Library Services
Libraries at NRGH, RJH, VGH
Central/North VIHA: ext. 53058
South VIHA & Cowichan: ext. 18612
VIHA Library Services
New Arrivals
at NRGH Library
November 2012
These new books and DVDs are now available in the VIHA Library at NRGH for all VIHA staff and physicians to
use. If you’d like to borrow any of these, contact your nearest VIHA Library. You can just give us the list #s of
the ones you want (e.g., # 1, 55, etc.). Be sure to give us your name, site, town and office/ward so we can send
things directly to you. And if you need any other library info, just let us know!
1. Clinical hematology atlas WH 17 R632 2013
2. Core curriculum for lactation consultant practice
WS 125 C797 2013
3. Counseling the nursing mother
WS 125 L391 2011
4. Medications and mothers' milk : a manual of
lactation pharmacology WS 125 H164 2012
5. Supporting sucking skills in breastfeeding
infants WS 125 S959 2013
6. Patient history : an evidence-based approach
to differential diagnosis WB 290 P298 2012
7. Koda-Kimble and Young's applied therapeutics:
the clinical use of drugs WB 330 A651 2013
8. Manual of emergency airway management
WF 140 M294 2012
9. Tintinalli's emergency medicine manual
WB 105 T593 2012
12. Ophthalmology made ridiculously simple :
WW 100 G618 2012
13. Wills eye manual : office and emergency room
diagnosis and treatment of eye disease
WW 18.2 W741 2012
14. Prevention of constipation in the older adult :
nursing best practice / Registered Nurses
Association of Ontario WI 409 R626 2011
15. Shackelford's surgery of the alimentary tract
WI 900 S524 2013
16. 2012 annotated British Columbia incapacity
planning legislation, adult guardianship act
and relate statutes W 33 G676 201
17. Delirium / University of Stirling (Scotland)
WT 155 S847m 2012
18. Managing geriatric health services
WT 31 M136 2013
19. Oxford handbook of geriatric medicine
WT 39 B786 2012
20. Pathy's principles and practice of geriatric
medicine WT 100 P957 2012
10. Code of medical ethics of the American
Medical Association W 50 A512 2012
21. Prevention of constipation in the older adult :
nursing best practice / Registered Nurses
Association of Ontario …WI 409 R626 2011
11. Ocular differential diagnosis
WW 141 R69 2012
22. Promoting continence using prompted voiding
: nursing best practice guideline / Registered
Nurses Association of Ontario
WJ 146 R626 2011
26 October, 2012
VIHA Library Services
Libraries at NRGH, RJH, VGH
Central/North VIHA: ext. 53058
South VIHA & Cowichan: ext. 18612
23. Promoting safety : alternative approaches to
the use of restraints : clinical best practice
guideline / Registered Nurses Association of
Ontario WX 185 R625p 2012
24. Hidden treasure : the National Library of
Medicine Z 675 M4H53 2012
25. Schaechter's mechanisms of microbial
disease QW 700 S293 2013
26. Screening, isolation, and decolonization
strategies for vancomycin-resistant
Enterococci or extended spectrum betalactamase producing organisms : a systematic
review of the clinical evidenceand health
services impact : rapid response report
WC 260 C238 2012
27. Current essentials of nephrology and
hypertension WJ 140 C877 2012
28. Nutrition therapy for chronic kidney disease
WJ 300 N976 2012
29. Promoting continence using prompted voiding
: nursing best practice guideline / Registered
Nurses Association of Ontario
WJ 146 R626 2011
30. 2012 annotated British Columbia incapacity
planning legislation, adult guardianship act
and related statutes W 33 G676 2012
31. Law for Canadian health care administrators
W 32.5 DC2 M876 2011
32. 2012 annotated British Columbia incapacity
planning legislation, adult guardianship act
and related statutes W 33 G676 2012
33. American Psychiatric Publishing textbook of
suicide assessment and management
WM 165 A5124 2012
34. Cognitive behavioural therapy workbook for
dummies WM 425.5.C6 B816 2012
35. Confidence for dummies WM 165 B878 2012
36. First you smoked, now you live : a guidebook
for becoming free from tobacco addiction for
life WM 290 P861 2009
37. Forensic psychology for dummies
WM 33.1 C268 2012
38. Helping children and young people who selfharm : an introduction to self-harming and
suicidal behaviours for health professionals
WM 165 M4773 2010
39. Inpatient psychiatic nursing : clinical strategies
and practical interventions WY 160 I58 2012
40. Lippincott's manual of psychiatric nursing care
plans WY 160 S389 2013
41. Major depression in adults in primary care :
health care guideline WM 171 I274 2012
42. Management of treatment-resistant major
psychiatric disorders WM 400 M266 2012
43. Personal development all-in-one for dummies
WM 425 P377 2012
44. Persuasion and influence for dummies
HF 5718 K846 2012
45. Practical guide to working with reluctant clients
in health and social care W 85 K463 2011
46. Psychiatry in primary care : a concise
Canadian pocket guide WM 34 P974 2011
47. Voice and speaking skills for dummies
PN 4129 A777 2012
48. Woman abuse : screening, identification and
initial response : nursing best practice
guideline /Registered Nurses Association of
Ontario WM 401 R626w 2011
49. Pathophysiology made incredibly easy
QZ 4 P3024 2013
50. ABC of pain WL 704 A134 2012
51. Clinical neurology WL 140 G798 2012
52. Fast facts : epilepsy WL 385 B864 2012
53. Let's talk about stroke : an information guide
for survivors and their families
WL 355 H276L 2011
54. Umphred's neurological rehabilitation
WL 140 U674 2013
55. Berry and Kohn's operating room technique
WY 162 P562 2013
56. High risk and critical care obstetrics
WY 157 H6373 2013
VIHA Library Services
Libraries at NRGH, RJH, VGH
Central/North VIHA: ext. 53058
South VIHA & Cowichan: ext. 18612
57. Inpatient psychiatic nursing : clinical strategies
and practical interventions WY 160 I58 2012
77. Oxford desk reference obstetrics and
gynaecology WQ 39 O98 2011
58. Lippincott's manual of psychiatric nursing care
plans WY 160 S389 2013
78. Williams gynecology WP 100 W723 2012
59. Medical-surgical nursing : patient-centered
collaborative care WY 150 M48 2013
60. Nursing care of the critically ill child
WY 159 H294 2013
61. Nursing care of the pediatric surgical patient
WY 161 N97416 2013
62. Nuts-and-bolts approach to teaching nursing
WY 105 G743 2012
63. Preventing and mitigating nurse fatigue in
health care : healthy work environments best
practiceguidelines / Registered Nurses
Association of Ontario WY 30 R626 2011
64. Wound care : a collaborative practice manual
for health professionals WO 185 W9384 2012
65. Behavioral approaches to treating obesity :
helping your patients make changes that last
WD 210 A239 2011
66. Guide to obesity and the metabolic syndrome :
origins and treatment WD 210 B827 2011
67. Nutrition therapy for chronic kidney disease
WJ 300 N976 2012
68. Preventing childhood obesity : evidence,
policy and practice WD 210 W283 2010
69. Preventing childhood obesity in early care and
education programs WD 210 P745 2012
70. Probiotics for dummies QU 145.5 C415 2012
71. Weight loss surgery for dummies WD 210
K874 2012
72. Williams' basic nutrition and diet therapy
WB 400 N736 2013
73. Comprehensive gynecology
WP 140 C737 2012
74. Current practice in obstetrics and gynecology :
endometriosis WP 390 C877 2012
75. Fetal heart rate monitoring
WQ 209 F419 2012
76. High risk and critical care obstetrics
WY 157 H6373 2013
79. Back and neck pain WE 720 M123 2012
80. Fast facts : low back pain WE 755 B731 2012
81. Kelley's textbook of rheumatology
WE 544 K29 2013
82. Dignity therapy : final words for final days
WB 310 C545 2012
83. End-of-life care during the last days and hours
: clinical best practice guideline / Registered
Nurses Association of Ontario
WB 310 R626 2011
84. Palliative medicine : a case-based manual
WB 310 P1676 2012
85. Common malformations QS 675 H751 2012
86. Helping children and young people who selfharm : an introduction to self-harming and
suicidal behaviour for health professionals
WM 165 M4773 2010
87. Kendig and Chernick's disorders of the
respiratory tract in children : expert consult
WS 280 K331 2012
88. Klaus and Fanaroff's care of the high-risk
neonate : WS 420 K63 2013
89. Nursing care of the critically ill child
WY 159 H294 2013
90. Nursing care of the pediatric surgical patient
WY 161 N97416 2013
91. Pediatric environmental health
WA 30.5 P371 2012
92. Preventing childhood obesity : evidence,
policy and practice WD 210 W283 2010
93. Preventing childhood obesity in early care and
education programs WD 210 P745 2012
94. Rennie and Roberton's textbook of
neonatology WS 420 R366 2012
95. Zitelli and Davis' atlas of pediatric physical
diagnosis WS 141 A8 2012
VIHA Library Services
Libraries at NRGH, RJH, VGH
Central/North VIHA: ext. 53058
South VIHA & Cowichan: ext. 18612
96. Kaizen workshops for lean healthcare
WX 157 K13 2013
97. Lean-led hospital design : creating the efficient
hospital of the future WX 140 AA1 G889 2012
98. Transforming health care : Virginia Mason
Medical Center's pursuit of the perfect patient
experience WX 157 K366 2011
99. Brunnstrom's clinical kinesiology
WE 103 B786 2012
100. Differential diagnosis for physical therapists :
screening for referral WB 460 G653 2013
101. Guide to evidence-based physical therapist
practice WB 460 J589 2011
102. Pedretti's occupational therapy : practice skills
for physical dysfunction
WB 555 P3711 2013
103. Physical medicine and rehabilitation
pocketpedia WB 460 P5772 2012
104. Practical evidence-based physiotherapy WB
460 P8948 2011
105. Therapeutic exercise : foundations and
techniques WB 541 K61 2012
106. Therapeutic exercise : from theory to practice
WB 541 T398 2011
107. Umphred's neurological rehabilitation
WL 140 U674 2013
108. Whittle's gait analysis WE 103 W627 2012
109. Introduction to research and medical literature
for health professionals W 20.5 I61 2013
114. New developments in mechanical ventilation
WF 145 N39 2012
115. Promoting safety : alternative approaches to
the use of restraints : clinical best practice
guideline /Registered Nurses Association of
Ontario WX 185 R625p 2012
116. Berry and Kohn's operating room technique
WY 162 P562 2013
117. Nursing care of the pediatric surgical patient
WY 161 N97416 2013
118. Stoelting's anesthesia and co-existing disease
WO 245 S872 2012
119. Washington manual of surgery
WO 500 W317 2012
120. Washington manual of surgical pathology WO
142 W37 2012
121. Wound care : a collaborative practice manual
for health professionals
WO 185 W9384 2012
122. Medical teacher's manual for success : five
simple steps W 18 S555 2011
123. Nuts-and-bolts approach to teaching nursing
WY 105 G743 2012
124. Leadership for dummies
HD 57.7 M277 2011
125. Leading business change for dummies
HD 58.8 S245 2012
126. Organisational behaviour for dummies
HD 58.7 C667 2012
110. First you smoked, now you live : a guidebook
for becoming free from tobacco addiction for life
WM 290 P861 2009
111. Functional respiratory disorders : when
respiratory symptoms do not respond to
pulmonary treatment WF 140 F862 2012
112. Kendig and Chernick's disorders of the
respiratory tract in children : expert consult
WS 280 K331 2012
113. Manual of emergency airway management
WF 140 M294 2012