Induction Ceremony Script [Welcome] Good evening and welcome

Induction Ceremony Script
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Good evening and welcome to the Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau
International’s Omicron Delta Chapter member induction. My name is __________
(name and title) and we are delighted you are part of this occasion.
[Celebrating honor and excellence]
It is my pleasure to welcome and congratulate our candidates. We are here to
celebrate you and your achievements. This evening we are privileged to induct you
into the world’s only nursing honor society as among the most dynamic nursing
leaders and scholars.
You are among a distinguished group of nursing students and professionals who have
met or exceeded rigorous standards and have demonstrated the ideal qualities of a
leader and a scholar. You truly deserve our congratulations.
<<Pause for applause>>
As you are welcomed into this community, I applaud the current and future roles you
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now play and will play as clinicians, administrators, researchers, educators and health
policy analysts. You live out your role with integrity, intelligence, caring and
courage. You embody leadership, excellence and scholarship in the profession of
nursing. For this, we welcome you into this worldwide community of nurse scholars
with the expectation of learning – learning from you, learning about you, and learning
with you.
[Mission, Vision, Strategic Directions]
The honor society was founded by innovative thinkers who looked forward to a
profession that recognizes and uses knowledge and learning to lead in service to
Founded in 1922 by six students of nursing at Indiana University in the United States
of America, the honor society began with one chapter and six members. During the
past 85 years, it has evolved to 451 chapters across the globe, with more than 400,000
inducted members who are active in more than 90 countries and territories.
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Over course of the organization’s history, the commitment to knowledge, learning
and service has guided the society in achieving many milestones and firsts in the
nursing profession:
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First nursing research grants
First scholarly nursing journal with the Journal of Nursing Scholarship.
First philanthropic campaign and resultant Center for Nursing Scholarship
First electronic library of nursing research and knowledge
First to embrace membership and chapters outside the United States
First knowledge synthesis and international peer reviewed Evidence Based
Practice journal
As one of the most distinctive organizations in professional nursing, the honor society
influences and changes the health of people by engaging the intellectual capital of nurses
around the globe. By developing and building connections with diverse people and
entities, we enable nurses to collectively and individually develop, create, use and apply
their knowledge to make a difference for the greater good of people’s well being. This is
our vision and mission.
[Foundational Values/Principles]
Founded to advance the knowledge, learning and service of nurses, the honor society
focuses on scholarship and leadership in its social and ethical commitment to
excellence. As an innovative, forward looking organization, the honor society is
continually changing to fulfill its mission and vision. Yet it values its heritage.
Our founders chose the honor society’s name for the words in the Greek language
meaning love, courage and honor. They believed these to be enduring values that are
at the root of the nursing profession – the foundation upon which the art and science
grows and is used.
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These enduring values come alive today through our collective pursuit in knowledge,
leadership and service. We are committed to building a global community which is
focused on the creation and application of knowledge and leadership to make a
difference for others. We value the diversity of nurses around the world and work to
enable relationships, collaboration and partnerships. These are our strategic
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Crest and
Our crest symbolizes these enduring values, reminding us of our commitment to:
wisdom and discernment, as represented by the eye;
service, professional endeavor and strength of leadership, as represented by the
pillars of stone at the right and left; and
knowledge, as represented by the lamp.
The key reminds us of our charge to uphold love, courage and honor, and is a symbol
of scholarship. The cup denotes the satisfaction of professional life. The circle of gold
with its six stars represents our six founders. The letters in blank—Sigma Theta
Tau—represent our charge. The lamp is the lamp of knowledge.
As you wear your key, please remember that it symbolizes your nursing excellence.
[Experiencing membership]
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So you may wonder, what does all of this mean for me?
Our purpose this evening is to honor you as a new member, but also to support you as
you begin your journey of experiencing membership during the entire course of your
nursing career. I challenge you to frame this induction as a beginning – a beginning of
thinking differently about yourself, your impact, your contribution to the profession
and health care globally.
Within the Honor Society of Nursing local, regional, national and international
environments, you will discover communities of practice and common interest that
will open doors and provide meaningful professional experiences. And you will find a
hospitable place to invest your time and talents and access knowledge resources.
Throughout this event you will learn of ways to become more involved and
connected. The experience is yours to build.
While the Omicron Delta chapter is a “virtual” chapter, you will have many
opportunities to stay connected to the chapter, its members and the resources that we
offer. Not only will you receive monthly newsletters, invitations to member events,
opportunities for scholarships, but if you want to be more involved you will be able to
volunteer or run for an Officer position. There are so many ways to be involved – we
look forward to starting this journey with you.
[The Induction]
It is now time to receive into membership these outstanding new members. Will all of
the candidates please rise?
At this time, please accept the privilege and responsibility of membership in the
Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International by standing and reading
from the screen:
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[Note: You may provide inductees with a handout that breaks the pledge into separate
lines for easier recitation, or ask that inductees repeat each line after the speaker first
recites the line.]
Line 1: “I accept membership in Sigma Theta Tau International”
Line 2: “and I pledge to fulfill its commitment”
Line 3: “to nursing excellence,”
Line 4: “knowledge, service, and leadership”
Line 5: “throughout my career.”
Please come forward when your name is called to receive your recognition of
membership certificate (OPTIONAL: and to sign your name in the chapter book).
Please help me congratulate these new members with our applause.
<<Pause for applause>>
[What the honor society means to me (benefits)]
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Now that you have been welcomed into this organization, the opportunities to grow,
develop and contribute abound. There are four key ways the honor society can be
meaningful and valuable to you:
through honor, community, service and solutions.
Celebrate your achievements and commitment to excellence.
Experience nursing through relationships and partnerships with
colleagues around the world.
Balance your professional pursuits through honor society activities
and opportunities including community service, support of the
Sigma Theta Tau International Foundation for Nursing and more.
Knowledge Solutions
Discover many ways to design your membership experience and
enhance your professional growth through research, products and
the Virginia Henderson International Nursing Library.
As a member, you become part of a worldwide community of nurses that can help
you keep in touch with the reasons you became a nurse. Membership is more than
recognition for your academic or professional success – it is an experience you create
throughout your career. As you reflect on your induction, please take a moment in the
near future to use your membership brochure to help you design your experience.
<<refer to guide to membership>>
[Closing Remarks]
It is time to ask:
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Time to ask
What do I want to do to transform nursing?
What do I want the profession to be in 2022?
What can Sigma Theta Tau International do to get me there?
It is time to act
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Time to act
Connect with your local community
Use the organization to meet your career goals and needs
We invite you to dialogue with other members and connect with
organizational resources and services
We encourage you to
o Tell us your dreams
o Tell us your thoughts about how you see things shaped in 2022;
where you believe we as a profession and as an organization are
headed; how the organization can help you transform
The foundation of your honor society membership is a combination of honor,
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community, service and knowledge. Your pursuit of nursing excellence has earned
you this honor and the opportunity to build your career and your membership
experience throughout your lifetime.
We congratulate you on your induction! This concludes our ceremony – thank you
for attending.