Erie County Employee Education Program Semester Handbook Fall

Erie County Employee Education Program
Jeffrey Bloomberg, M.F.A., M.Ed.
Research Coordinator/ECEEP Coordinator
Collaborative Research Initiative
Institute for Community Health Promotion
Office of Sponsored Programs, SUNY Buffalo State
Bacon Hall 103/114
1300 Elmwood Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14222
Voice: 878-3551
Fax: 878-4806
Student Guidelines: ECDSS Employee Education Program
Course Limit 3
ECEEP Program Eligibility 3
Textbooks/Materials 3
Orientation for New and Transfer Students 4
Billing/Finances 4
Financial Aid 5
Tuition Refunds 5
Parking Regulations and Student Parking Permits 6
Student Guidelines: SUNY Buffalo State
Academic Advisement 8
Academic Probation 8
Intellectual Foundations Requirements 8
Registration Dates and Times 10
Online Course Withdrawal 11
Leaves of Absence 11
BANNER Registration 12
Class Schedule Brochure 12
Student Directory Information 13
Change of Name/Address/Phone Number 13
Mandatory Immunizations 14
Buffalo State Identification Cards
Student Transit Pass 14
Butler Library Hours 15
Holidays/Vacation Dates 15
Emergency/Weather Closing Information 15
NY-ALERT System 15
Commencement 16
Adult Education Assistance 21
Helpful Website Addresses 24
Academic and Student Support Services/Phone Numbers
Master of Public Administration Graduate Program 17
Graduate Student Special Course Sections 18
Buffalo State Graduate Thesis Completion Policy 20
Student Guidelines
ECDSS Employee
Education Program
Course Limit
All students (Undergraduate and Graduate Levels) enrolled in the Erie County DSS-Employee
Education Program are restricted to six academic credits (two courses) for both Fall and Spring
semesters, and three credits (one course) for the Summer Session. Please note that this course
limit is subject to change by the ECEEP Coordinator each semester, before registration
begins. Only courses within your major and the electives recommended by your academic
advisor are covered under the program.
Students can petition the ICHP/CRI Erie County DSS-EEP Coordinator (Jeff Bloomberg, in writing to provide a justification to register for more than six
academic credits only if the additional credits will result in the actual conferral of an academic
degree. The petition will be reviewed by ECDSS/Human Resources Administration personnel
prior to a decision being rendered.
Students applying for the (two course limit) waiver must document their need for additional
course requests. Please obtain an official written justification from the Buffalo State
departmental academic advisor, and graduate studies or undergraduate studies, in order to qualify
for the waiver.
ECEEP Program Eligibility
Participants in the Erie County Employee Education Program need to actively pursue their
degree in order to maintain their program eligibility. Undergraduate and graduate students
who do not register for at least one out of three semesters in a twelve-month period will not
be considered active Program students, and their eligibility will be discontinued. However,
this will not preclude discontinued students from future participation. Should a student decide to
return to the program, the student may re-enter by reapplying to the County for continued
program eligibility. For more information, contact Jeff Bloomberg (
or 878-3551.
If at some point you are no longer employed by Erie County DSS, you
must immediately contact Jeff Bloomberg at the e-mail address or
telephone number shown above, to be removed from our student roster.
Books and required materials will be available at the Reception Area located in the left-hand
corner of the Barnes and Noble Bookstore at Buffalo State in the Student Union.
For courses in which materials are required (i.e., Design), the County will pay for or reimburse
you for required materials. If you register for a class in which materials are required you must
follow this procedure:
1. Contact Kathy Hanaka in the Barnes and Noble Bookstore at BSC at 878-5509 to determine
if needed materials are available through the bookstore. If they are, she will arrange for you
to pick them up and charge the program’s account.
2. If the materials are not available in the Barnes and Noble Bookstore at Buffalo State, or you
request them after the deadline below, you must purchase them on your own and you will be
reimbursed (less the sales tax).
To receive a reimbursement, submit the original receipt(s) along with a copy of the course
syllabus to Jeff Bloomberg, CDHS, Bacon Hall 114, before the last day of classes. Please
remember that since the sales tax is not reimbursable, you will only be reimbursed for the cost of
the materials.
You are required to pick-up your books/materials in person and should present your Buffalo
State ID card at that time. You may begin picking up your textbooks in the bookstore starting on
the first day of classes (August 31, 2015) and thereafter at any time the bookstore is open. No
requests for textbooks or materials will be honored prior to this date.
All textbooks must be picked up by September 11, 2015. No requests for textbooks will be
honored after that date. Students should visit the bookstore’s website to view their current hours
of operation at:
Although your books and written materials are prepackaged by the bookstore, you are personally
responsible for making sure that you have all required books and materials for your courses. Ask
your professors, check your syllabi, and check your bag of books before leaving the store. After
the semester deadline date to pick up your texts has passed, you will be personally
responsible for acquiring and paying for any books and materials that you want or need, and you
will not be reimbursed.
If you need additional information regarding textbook distribution for this semester, contact
Kathy Hanaka at 878-5509.
Orientation for New and Transfer Students
Attendance at the SUNY Buffalo State orientation session is a mandatory college requirement
that cannot be waived by the ECEEP program. Fees will vary based on the semester and
academic level and must be paid in advance, but will be reimbursed to you upon submitting your
proof of payment to our office in Bacon Hall 114. Please allow 4-6 weeks for a check to be
processed and mailed to your home address.
Because of the college billing process, we cannot prevent the initial semester “tuition and fees”
bills from being electronically billed directly to you. Because you are a participant of a group
payment program, you should disregard the first two tuition and fees “eBills” that you receive
at the beginning of each semester. If you receive additional eBills that state late fees or
registration cancellation, immediately contact Jeff Bloomberg,, or
Financial Aid
All current students and new student applicants are required by ECDSS to apply for financial aid.
You are to complete the FAFSA form available on the SUNY Buffalo State web site and then
forward a copy of your FAFSA confirmation page to the ECEEP office. If you are notified that
you will be receiving financial aid, please notify Jeff Bloomberg or
Tuition Refunds
Students who are receiving financial aid or have dropped or withdrawn from classes are
responsible for the return of any refund checks for the classes involved.
Refunds are based on the date that your withdrawal information is received by the Registrar.
Non-attendance does not constitute official withdrawal. Fees are not refundable once classes
start. The last date of the Fall semester to drop without financial penalty is Monday, September
7, 2015.
After this date, full liability for tuition and fees is incurred (see the “Tuition Refunds”
section of the college catalog).
Students who either drop or withdraw from classes are responsible for the return of any
refunded tuition and fees for the classes involved.
If you receive any checks in the mail from SUNY Buffalo State, you must contact Jeff
Bloomberg immediately or 878-3551 for further instructions.
1. Mail the check within five (5) working days of the date you received it to:
Jeffrey Bloomberg
ECEEP Coordinator-SUNY Buffalo State
Bacon Hall 103
SUNY Buffalo State
1300 Elmwood Avenue
Buffalo, New York 14222
2. It is very important to return all textbook materials to Jeff Bloomberg at the address
shown above so that the ECEEP program will not be charged for them.
Parking Regulations and Student Parking Permits
A different process is now in effect for obtaining SUNY Buffalo State parking permits. Parking
permits are no longer handled by ECEEP or by Student Accounts – all permits are now
issued on-line through the Parking Services Office. We have copied the information below for
you and have provided the link to the parking permit application.
Please note that if you apply for your permit before the deadline each semester, it will be billed
to your student account and ECEEP will pay as we have done in the past. If you apply after the
deadline, you will have to pay and submit the receipt to our office for reimbursement.
If you have questions about the parking procedure, you should contact the parking office at 8783041. If you have any questions regarding payment please contact Jeff Bloomberg or 878-3551.
Also, just a reminder that the contract only pays for one (1) permit per student for the academic
If you will be getting a new vehicle, you must remove and retain your campus parking
permit before turning in your old vehicle, or a $35.00 replacement fee will be charged to you.
Parking Services has gone green! Applications for faculty, staff, and
student parking permits are now accepted online. Parking rules and
regulations may be found at:
You will be able to log on to the system with your campus username and
password. Through September 8, 2015 all permits requested by students will be billed to
your student account. Permits can be sent via US Mail to the student's address of record or
picked up in the Parking Services office, Chase 126 during regular business hours. A valid
ID must be shown when picking up the parking permit. After September 8, 2015 all permits
will be required to be paid by debit or credit card at the time of the request.
Student Guidelines
SUNY Buffalo State
Academic Advisement
Undergraduate Students
All matriculated Erie County Employee Education Program undergraduate students who intend
to register for courses this semester, it is strongly recommended that you obtain a signed “Record
of Advisement” prior to registration. To get your form signed, you must arrange an appointment
with your advisor. Please remember that only courses within your major and the electives
recommended by your academic advisor are covered under the program.
Graduate Students
Graduate Students are not required to obtain a signed advisement card, but are responsible for
their own course registrations. We do recommend that you contact your advisor for assistance
with course selection. If you have any academic questions, please contact your advisor also.
Academic Probation
Students whose cumulative GPA falls below a 2.0 are automatically classified as “on academic
probation.” The cumulative GPA is determined at the end of each semester and is included on
the term grade report. Students on probation have until the completion of the next regular
semester to raise the cumulative GPA to a 2.0 or higher. Failure to do so by that time may result
in dismissal from the college and from ECEEP.
Intellectual Foundations
About Intellectual Foundations
The Intellectual Foundations Program promotes an understanding of the continuity of human
history, the depth of inherited knowledge, the validity of diverse modes of inquiry, the value of
artistic expression and the richness of our collective experience.
The purpose of the Intellectual Foundations Program is to develop the skills and habits of the
mind required for a life of intellectual curiosity and civic engagement.
New and transfer undergraduates who entered Buffalo State College during the summer 2014 or
fall 2014 and later must complete the Intellectual Foundations 2014 program. An AA/AS degree
does not waive IF 2014 requirements for transfer students. The core is already reduced with the
one CORE SUNY minimum GETA approved class.
Intellectual Foundations 2014 (IF 14)
Basic Written and Oral Communication 6 Credits
CWP 101 (3): must earn a minimum grade of C
CWP 102 (3): must earn a minimum grade of C
Mathematics and Quantitative Reasoning 3 Credits
Select one course from this area
*Can satisfy major/minor requirements
Cognate Foundations 12 Credits
Select one course from each area
Arts (3)
Humanities (3)
Natural Science (3)
Social Science (3)
*Courses must be outside of the primary major prefix
Foundations of Civilizations 9 Credits
Select one course from each area
American History (3)
Western Civilization (3)
Non-Western Civilization (3)
*Can satisfy major/minor requirements
Diversity 3 Credits
Select one Course from this area
*Can satisfy major/minor requirements
Global Engagement 0-6 Credits
Select option(s)
Intellectual Skills and Competencies 0 Credits
Writing Across the Curriculum (Infused)
Critical Thinking (Infused)
Information Management (Infused)
Total Maximum Number of Credits 33-39
For more information, please visit the Intellectual Foundations website below at:
Registration Dates and Times
Advance Registration
If you are a matriculated undergraduate student and do not participate in registration, you will be
assigned to the last day “Final registration” and you will be personally responsible for the $40.00
late registration fee. Erie County will not pay this fee and it cannot be waived.
Advance Registration Dates
(Registration for continuing students)
April 8, 2015 to August 7, 2015
You can begin registering at 6:00 AM on your assigned day.
BANNER is available to students 24/7 (except for scheduled maintenance)
Please note that dates, course listings and other
information concerning Registration are subject to
change without notice. Visit the BANNER home page or
the Registrar’s website:
to obtain the most up-to-date information.
Final Registration Date*
(Graduate, Non-matriculated and late registration students)
Monday, September 7, 2015
Late Registration (with late fees)*
Monday, August 31 – Monday, September 7, 2015
*If you register for the first time during Final or Late Registration or the Drop/Add period,
you will be personally responsible for paying the late fee that will be assessed.
Drop/Add Period* (All students)
Monday, August 31 – Monday, September 7, 2015
(*Books will be available 48 hours after Drop/Add.)
Late Course Additions
If you attempt to register for a course within your major and find that it is closed, you must
request permission from the instructor and department chairperson to enroll in that section.
It is your responsibility to contact the instructor and to register in Banner. Please be sure
that you identify yourself as an Erie County Employee Education Program student. If you add a
course after the Drop/Add period you must immediately notify Jeff Bloomberg or 878-3551.
Online Course Withdrawal
After the Drop/Add period you may only “officially withdraw” from a class. This action will
result in a “W” being entered on your official college record. If you need to withdraw from a
course you may no longer use the paper Withdrawal from Course form, as the paper form is now
Students must now withdraw from courses Online in Banner. To withdraw from a course, sign
on to Banner. Your click path is: Student—Registration—Add or Drop Classes—Select Term.
The new course withdrawal option will first appear on the Add or Drop Classes screen after the
drop/add period is over.
If you have not completed all the appropriate withdrawal procedures by the date listed below,
you will receive an “E” grade (failure) for the course. The deadline for withdrawal from a course
for the Fall semester is November 6, 2015.
Please be responsible and be sure to drop or withdraw from your class in BANNER as soon as
possible. If you do not, Erie County will still have to pay for a portion, or the entire amount, of
your tuition and fees and you will lose the support of the ECEEP.
Leaves of Absence
Undergraduate Students
If you are a matriculated student and do not register for at least one course during either the
Spring or Fall semesters, you will be required to submit a college Leave of Absence form. An
application for leave of absence must be obtained from, and signed by, the chairperson of your
department. Undeclared students (student code 0900) should contact Academic Advisement at
878-5336 to obtain a Leave of Absence form.
Failure to complete this process may prevent you from being eligible to register for course work
in subsequent semesters.
If you need to file for a non-medical Leave of Absence for the Fall semester, you must do so by
Friday, December 11, 2015.
Students who are on a Leave of Absence are provided with a date of return to the college as part
of the Leave of Absence process. If you FAIL to reactivate your status by that semester, you will
be terminated. Students who have been terminated must reapply for admission through the
Admissions Office and must meet any new college requirements that may be in effect at that
time. While on leave, you will continue to receive a notice to register.
You may reactivate your student status by registering for classes for the semester you wish
to return. For more information, contact the Registrar’s Office at 878-4811.
Graduate Students
Formal filing for a Leave of Absence is not required for graduate students. However, if you do
not register for three (3) consecutive semesters (including the summer session), you will be
terminated. If that occurs, you will have to reapply for admission and must meet any new
college requirements. For more information, contact The Graduate School at 878-5601.
BANNER Registration
Registration for all courses at SUNY Buffalo State is internet-based through BANNER, which is
the SUNY Buffalo State student information and registration system.
In order to register for Fall 2015 classes, you will need to know your Banner ID and PIN
(Personal Identification Number−Password). To find your Banner PIN, use the “Lookup Banner
ID” link from the BANNER login page:
If you do not know your BANNER PIN, please contact the Computing Help Desk at 8784357, or visit them in person at the E.H. Butler Library. You must present a valid Buffalo
State ID card for any account-related issues when visiting the Help Desk, which is located on the
lower level of the lobby, next to the Information Commons. If you do not have a Buffalo State
ID card, please go to Butler Library first and obtain one.
From the Banner system, you will receive an assigned day to begin registering for Fall semester
Starting on Wednesday, April 8, 2015, students may see their registration start date in
BANNER under “Registration Status.” Registration dates will run from April 8 through August
7, 2015.
HOLDS: As always, a hold will prevent you from registering. Any holds should be resolved
before registration begins. You must remove the hold with the office that placed it.
Class Schedule Brochure
Printed versions of semester class schedules were discontinued, as they quickly became outdated. Up-to-date course listings are available at:
This site will be updated every week. Students can also search for classes by using the links in
Fall classes begin on Monday, August 31, 2015
Student Directory Information
SUNY Buffalo State will produce a student directory listing all undergraduate and graduate
students. The names, addresses, and telephone numbers of students will be included in this
Any student wishing to be unlisted and thereby withhold publication of his/her name, address
and telephone number in the directory, must report to the Dean of Students Office (CU 306),
present valid I.D, and complete a withholding form by September 12, 2015. A withholding
form must be completed each academic year. Contact the Office of the Dean of Students at
878-4618 for more information or to arrange an evening appointment.
Change of Name/Address/Phone Number
It is important to keep the college informed of any changes in personal information so that
records can be kept current. Follow the procedures described below to record changes.
Undergraduate Students
1. Contact the Registrar’s Office at 878-4811 to request a Data Change form be mailed to you,
or pick up this form from the Moot Hall lobby. Complete and return the form so that you
continue to receive all official correspondence of the college—including your registration
2. In addition, you MUST contact Jeff Bloomberg,, ECEEP Office,
Bacon Hall 103, 878-3551, to ensure that your program records are current and that you
receive the ECEEP Handbook each semester.
Graduate Students
1. Contact The Graduate School, GC 204, at 878-5601 and request that a Data Change Form be
mailed to you, or pick up this form from their office. You should complete the form and
return it accordingly so that you continue to receive all official correspondence of the
college—including your registration information.
2. In addition, you MUST contact Jeff Bloomberg, (ECEEP Office,
BA 114) at 878-3551 to ensure that your program records are current and that you receive the
ECEEP Handbook each semester.
Mandatory Immunizations
Please remember that you must comply with the new immunization regulations if you were born
on January 1, 1957 or later. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this regulation,
please call the Weigel Health Center at 878-6711 immediately.
To avoid any confusion as to your birth date (which could result in class registration
cancellations) and to supply necessary emergency information, Weigel Health Center requests
that you contact them to set up a student health file. There is also a health requirement
concerning meningitis that students must be in compliance with to register for classes. To
submit your information, fill out the form at:
Please Note: If you are an evening student taking more than 12 credit hours per semester, you
must also complete the on-line student health insurance waiver to avoid being charged the
mandatory student health insurance fee. For more details and information, please go to their
Then click on the “Insurance Information” link on the left hand side of the page.
Buffalo State Identification Cards
Student identification cards are required in order to use a number of college facilities, including
the college library. New students may obtain a Buffalo State Bengal Card at the Butler Library
Information Commons. Call 878-6303 for additional information. Be sure to bring along a valid
picture ID card.
Student Transit Passes
The NFTA Buffalo State Student Transit Pass program provides undergraduate students with
unlimited access to the NFTA Metro Bus and Rail System, plus three campus circulator shuttles.
Details regarding the routes and schedules may be found at the NFTA Web site:
A Student Transit Pass, along with a current Buffalo State photo ID card, is required to use any
of the services. NFTA transit passes are free but they must be obtained from the E.H. Butler
Library Information Commons. Passes cannot be obtained from the ECEEP office.
Butler Library Hours
The regular library reference hours are shown below:
Monday – Thursday
8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
12:00 Noon – 10:00 PM
*The second and third floors will close 30 minutes before the library closes. Patrons may check
out books at the front desk until 15 minutes before closing. At that time, incoming doors are
locked and photocopy services cease. Call 878-6302 for a recording listing current library
Holidays/Vacation Dates
Butler Library and the Study Quad area may be open limited hours or closed on the following
dates. Call 878-6302 for their current hours or you may visit their website at:
Monday, September 7, 2015 :
Labor Day-no classes
Monday, October 12, 2015:
Fall Recess-no classes
Wednesday, November 11, 2015:
Veterans Day-no classes
Wednesday, November 25, through
Saturday, November 28, 2015:
Thanksgiving Recess
-no classes
Emergency/Weather Closing Information
In the event of a possible school closing, the college recommends that you listen to
announcements made on local radio and television stations. If you are not satisfied by these
reports, you may telephone 878-5000 for Buffalo State closing information.
For your own safety you may receive text, voice or e-mail messages from SUNY Buffalo State.
Find out immediately if there is a fire, bomb threat, civil disturbance, hazardous material danger,
utility failure, active shooter, hostage situation or other violence, or a weather-related campus
closing. NY-ALERT service is free. Sign up through BANNER. Your contact information is
confidential and cannot be used for any other purpose. If you have not signed up, or opted out of
the program, you will be asked to participate by BANNER the next time you log in.
Failure to make application by the deadline date may prevent your name from appearing on the
commencement program and create undue delay in the granting of your degree. All students
MUST fill out an application form in order to attend the commencement ceremony.
Undergraduate Students
Students expecting to qualify for a degree in December or January must file an application with
the Registrar’s Office, Moot Hall, (878-4811) by Friday, September 11, 2015.
Graduate Students
Students expecting to qualify for a degree in December or January must file an application with
The Graduate School, GC 204, (878-5601) by Thursday, October 1, 2015.
Please notify Jeff Bloomberg, or 878-3551 as soon as your
graduation application has been approved, so we can update your record.
The commencement ceremony is held each year at the end of the Spring Semester. All degree
requirements must be completed before students may participate. If you have any questions
about the ceremony, contact the Institutional Advancement Office at 878-4324.
Master of Public Administration
Graduate Program
Angelo A. Conorozzo, M.S.W.
Coordinator and Principal Advisor
Master of Public Administration Graduate Program
Classroom Building A301
Phone: (716) 878-6800
(716) 878-3369
Graduate Student Special Sections
A limited number of seats in the required courses for the Master of Public Administration
program may be reserved specifically for Erie County Employee Education Program graduate
students. Reservation of these seats provides guaranteed access to these classes for a limited
number of program students.
Reserved seats are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. You may register for
any of these courses without special permission, but there is no guarantee that you will not be
closed out. If the section you requested is filled, you should contact the instructor and obtain
instructor permission to register for the class. Course offerings are described below.
PAD 500 Public Administration and Policy
PAD 501 Comparative Public Administration
PAD 502 Administrative Law
PAD 540 U.S. Public Policy
PAD 560 The Aging Network
PAD 587 Human Resource Management in Public & Nonprofit Organizations
PAD 587 Leadership in Public & Nonprofit Organizations
PAD 601 Public Budgeting
PAD 602 Comparative Public Policy
PAD 603 NGO Management & International Development
PAD 607 Metropolitan Governance
PAD 699 Data Analysis and Presentation
PAD 701 Administrative Ethics
BUS/COM 519 Communication for Leaders and Managers
Deals with approaches and principles of communication in organizations with a focus on
interpersonal, dyadic, small-group, and organizational communication; training for managers in
oral and written communication, audiovisual, and electronic media; problem-solving related to
BUS/SPF/SWK/ADE 603 Human Resource Management
This course concerns human resource management, including personnel-related functions and
the utilization of resources to support these functions within organizations. Students will design
in-services training programs, develop supervisory skills for enhancing motivation and
productivity, analyze employee benefit packages, review grievances and labor relations plans,
and develop proposals to obtain funding for training.
PAD 643 Supervision in the Human Services
Roles and functions of supervisors in a variety of work settings; supervisory role in coordinating
agency functions and meeting clients’ needs; worker roles and responsibilities; leadership,
organizational, and systems theory; application of theory to practice situations.
PAD 645 Program Planning in Non Profit Organizations
Designed to provide students with skills in the use of data for program planning in human service
organizations. Students will be required to design a study pertinent to human services
BUS/SPF 688 Leadership in Organizations
An advanced course concerned with theories of leadership, organizational contexts and culture
for leadership, and the role of the leader in organizations. Course material will provide students
with skills to identify leadership competencies for organizational effectiveness, understand the
leader’s role in mentoring and coaching for effective performance, and identify the leader’s role
in achievement of organizational mission and goals.
PAD 689 Research Methods in Public Administration
A study of the background of educational research, selection and development of research
problems, sources of information and data, methods of educational research, tools and techniques
of educational research, collection, treatment application and interpretation of research data,
organizing and writing the research project.
PAD 690 Master’s Project
A study undertaken by one or more individuals on a problem of special interest; must be
submitted in acceptable form. To register, students need to make an appointment with the course
instructor in order to complete an application for individual study.
PAD 712 Managing Program Evaluation
Develops the management and technical skills required for program evaluation in the public and
private sectors. Topics include establishing evaluation standards and criteria, developing
evaluation instruments and designs, statistical analysis of evaluation data, computer-based
statistical analysis, report preparation, and follow-up studies.
PAD 735 Administrative Practices in Public and Nonprofit Sectors
Public and nonprofit management and organizational theories, policies and practices. Major
topics in public and nonprofit management: the history of public and nonprofit management
systems; public and nonprofit organizational structures; distinctions and similarities in mission,
values, and culture. Prerequisite: Six credits of PAD courses or instructor permission.
Reserved Seating
Special call numbers will be assigned for reserved seating when available.
Please be advised that all course listings are subject to change
without notice. For the most current information, visit the
BANNER home page or the Registrar’s website at:
Buffalo State Graduate Thesis Completion Policy
Graduate students who have 24 or more earned hours and who do not complete their capstone
requirement by the end of the term in which they have registered will receive an IP (In Progress)
grade on their transcript.
The student can extend the project for 4 semesters, not including summers. This is done through
a Request for Continuation Form submitted to the original master’s project instructor. After four
semesters a further continuation is charged at the rate of one graduate credit hour tuition.
Once a student has (a) earned 24 or more graduate hours, (b) registered for at least 1 graduate
capstone requirement credit and received an IP grade, and (c) not completed the capstone
requirement within two years, the student must register for 722 Thesis/Project Extended—noncredit-bearing but billable for 1 credit at existing graduate tuition rates, until the thesis or project
has been completed.*
If the student does not register for the 722 course, he or she will become a non-matriculated
student and will have to reapply for admission to the Graduate School and pay all other
appropriate fees.
722 courses will receive a grade of NR. Once a student has completed the thesis or project, that
grade will be changed to the appropriate grade.
*Please note that this fee will not be covered by the Erie County Employee
Education Program.
Adult Education Assistance
Compiled by: Lori L. Till, Ed.D., Associate Professor
Academic Skills Center
878-4104 Fax: 878-3473
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:00pm – call for appointment
Academic Standards Office
878-5222 Fax: 878-4037
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm – call for an appointment
Academic Support Programs
South Wing-310B
878-5303 Fax: 878-3473
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:00pm – call for appointment
Admissions Office
Moot Hall-110 878-4017 Fax: 878-6100
Hours: Mon.-Wed.-Friday: 8:30am-5:00pm /Thurs. 8:30am-6:00pm
Barnes & Noble Book Store
Campbell Student Union
878-5509 Fax: 878-3063
Hours: Monday-Thursday: 8:30am-7:00pm / Friday: 8:30am-3:30pm
Burchfield Penny Art Center@ Buffalo State
BPAC: 390
878-6011 Fax: 878-6003
Hours: Tues.-Wed.-Fri.:10:00am -5:00pm /Thurs. 10:00 am-9:00pm
Sunday 1:00 pm-5:00pm
Admission: SUNY Buffalo State Students with ID - FREE
Butler Library, E.H.
Bengal ID Office
@ 878-5152
Circulation & ID Cards: Lower Lobby @ 878-6303
Equipment Loan:
BUTL-157A @ 878-6237
Information Commons: BUTL-180
@ 878-6236
Reference Services: Lower Lobby @ 878-6300
Research Help 24/7
Hours: Monday-Saturday: 7:00am-1:00am / Sunday: 11:00am-11:00pm
Study Quads often available: 24/7
Career Development Center
Cleveland Hall-306 878-5811 Fax: 878-3152
Hours: Mon.-Wed.-Friday: 8:30am-5:00pm / Thurs. 8:30am-6:00pm
Counseling Center
Weigel Health Center-219 (2nd floor) 878-4436 Fax: 878-3003
Care Line: Counseling services during business hours @ 878-6889
Crisis Services: 24 hr. helpline after 5:00pm @ 834-3131
Hours: Mon.-Wed. & Fri.-8:30am-5:00pm / Thursday: 8:30am-6:00pm
Campus Dining Services
Campbell Student Union- 223 878-4218 Fax: 878-3663 878-3486
Hours: Multiple venues:
Student Union - Monday-Saturday: 7:00am-10:00pm
Library - Monday-Friday: 8:00am-8:00pm
Science Bldg. - Monday-Thursday: 8:00am-7:00pm
College Writing Program
South Wing-100 878-5451
Hours: Vary each semester
Fax: 878-4037
Disabilities Services Office
South Wing-120
878-4500 Fax: 878-3804
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30am-5:00pm/Thurs. 5:00-6:00pm (by appointment)
Educational Opportunity Program
South Wing-710
878-4225 Fax: 878-4080
Hours: Mon.-Tues.: 9:00am-5:00pm / Wed.-Thurs.: 9:00am-6:00pm
Friday: 9:00am-4:00pm
Financial Aid
Moot Hall-230
878-4902 Fax: 878-4903
Hours: Mon.-Tues.-Wed.-Fri. 8:30am-5:00pm/Thurs. 8:30am-6:00pm
Graduate School
Cleveland Hall-204 878-5601 Fax: 878-5630
Hours: Mon.-Wed.: 8:15am-5:00pm / Thurs.: 8:15am-6:00pm
Friday: 8:15am-4:30pm
Office of Student Life
878-4631 Fax: 878-6511
Student Union Information Desk
Hours: Mon.-Tues.-Wed.: 8:30am-5:00pm / Thurs.: 8:30am-6:00pm
Friday: 8:30am-5:00pm
Orientation & New Student Programs
Porter Hall878-5336 Fax: 878-3821
Hours: Mon.-Tues.-Wed.-Fri.: 8:30am-5:00pm / Thurs.: 8:30am-6:00pm
McNair Scholars Program
Fax: 878-4524
Parking Services
Chase Hall-126
Fax: 878-3384
Hours: Mon.-Tues.-Wed.-Fri.: 8:30am-5:00pm / Thurs.: 8:30am-6:00pm
Performing Arts Center
Rockwell Hall-210
Fax: 878-4234
Registrar’s Office
Moot Hall-210
878-4907 Fax: 878-3419
Hours: Mon.-Tues.-Wed.-Fri.: 8:30am-5:00pm / Thurs.: 8:30am-6:00pm
Residence Life
Campbell Student Union-222 878-3506/3000
Fax: 878-6000
Service Learning Office
Cleveland Hall-306 878-3152/878-5811
Fax: 878-3003
Hours: Mon.-Tues.-Wed.: 8:30am-5:00pm /Thurs.: 8:30am-6:00pm
Friday: 8:30am-4:15pm
Student Accounts Office
Moot Hall-260 878-4121/4301
Fax: 878-4063
Hours: Mon.-Tues.-Wed.-Fri.: 8:30am-5:00pm / Thursday: 8:30am-6:00pm
Student Life Office
Campbell Student Union-400 878-6511 Fax: 878-5600
Student Union Information Desk
See: Office of Student Life
United Students Government
Campbell Student Union-402
878-6701 Fax: 878-6600
University College
Twin Rise-100 878-5906 Fax: 878-4037
Hours: Mon.-Thurs.: 8:30am-5:00pm / Fri.: 8:30am-4:30pm
University Police
Chase Hall-119
878-6612 Fax: 878-3135
Emergency @ 878-6333
Weigel Health Center
878-6711 Fax: 878-6727
Medical Services:
Hours: Monday-Thursday: 8:30am-6:00pm / Fri.:8:30am-5:00pm
Hours: Monday-Thursday: 8:30am-8:00pm / Fri.: 8:30am-5:00pm
Academic Calendar
Academic Departments
Advisement, Policies, Support
Buffalo State
Campus Maps including parking maps and information
Course Listings
Deadline Calendar by semester; Fall, January, Spring, and Summer
Degree Works
Graduate Catalog
Refund & Liability Schedule
Undergraduate Catalog
Veterans and Military Services
Academic and Student Support Services/Phone Numbers
Academic Skills Center*
Academic Standards*
Academic Advisement Center*
Banner Help Line
Barnes & Noble Bookstore (Kathy Hanaka)
Business Department
Career Development Center*
Center for Development of Human Services – College Partnership Dev.
CDHS Main Phone
Commuter Services*
Computer Information Systems Department
Computing Help Desk
Counseling Center*
Dean of Students*
ECEEP Office –
Jeff Bloomberg
Jeanne Vargo
Educational Opportunity Program*
Educational Foundations Department
Emergency/Snow Closing Information Line
Financial Aid*
The Graduate School*
Public Administration Program (Mr. Angelo Conorozzo)
Institutional Advancement Office
International Education*
Student Life Office*
Public Safety*
Registrar’s Office*
School of the Professions
Social Work Department
Special Programs*
Student Accounts*
Student Life Office*
Student Union*
Parking Services Office*
University College
Weigel Health Center* (Immunizations)
*Offices designated by an asterisk are open until 6:00 p.m. on Thursdays whenever classes are in session.
Study collections