working together for peace, poverty reduction and human rights in Cambodia UN COMMUNICATIONS & ADVOCACY STRATEGY 2008 - 2010 Developed by the United Nations Communications Group (UNCG) on behalf of the United Nations Country Team in Cambodia (UNCT) September 2008 PREAMBLE The United Nations in Cambodia is represented by 23 agencies, funds and programmes, each with its own mandate and specialized field of expertise. The United Nations Resident Coordinator System convenes this multidisciplinary presence of the UN, by harnessing the comparative advantage of each agency to deliver genuine development results for Cambodia. UN intranet poster The role of the UN is to support Cambodia to meet its Millennium Development Goal (MDG) targets and other internationally agreed development goals. The United Nations does this through capacity development, technical assistance, policy advice, programming support, and coordination with government, national authorities, donors, civil society, the media, non-governmental organizations and local communities. Underlying the work of the United Nations in Cambodia are the values enshrined within the UN Charter and Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In partnership with the Royal Government, and the people of Cambodia, the United Nations is working to ensure that all Cambodians, especially the most vulnerable, are alleviated from poverty and injustice. 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY UN web interface Excellence in communications is about matching the right message, with the right audience, in the right way. Communicating is a two-way process and to be successful, communications activities must be audience-centered and responsive to feedback. Strategic Communications is a management approach whereby communications becomes a tool for an organization to reach its current or future goals. By adopting a strategic framework across the UN system, communications and advocacy can directly support the UN Country Team to implement its UN reform agenda and accomplish its mandate. Communications should be not be perceived as a supplementary add-on but as an essential and value adding component of all UN development work. Why? Because, greater visibility of our programmes can help us meet our development objectives and mobilize future resources. Favourable public opinion and a trusted public image (who we are, what we do and why we do it), can strengthen our relationships with stakeholders and help mitigate risk. Understanding our target audiences, documenting our experiences, and establishing inter-agency networks builds UN cohesion and improves the overall effectiveness of UN operations at the country-level. International Youth Day Poster In the past, joint UN communications activities have tended to be ad hoc and fragmented. But in a competitive and noisy development landscape, with many voices competing for media time and donor funding, and with 23 separate agencies, funds and programmes all working under the one UN banner in Cambodia, it is critical that we manage our communications well. UN Youth Advisory Panel Poster UN Youth th Advisory Panel Folder As a credible, neutral, and truly global inter-governmental organization, the UN System in Cambodia is in a privileged position to communicate. The UN Country Team has a long-standing history and proven record of accomplishment in Cambodia. Our unique partnership with government and our lead coordination role within the donor community puts us at the forefront of development issues. Our diverse range of agencies gives us expert knowledge in virtually every field of social and economic endeavor. Above all, when we speak as UN, we speak on behalf of the world, and audiences are willing to listen. 2 PURPOSE OF THE UN JOINT COMMUNICATIONS & ADVOCACY STRATEGY 2008-2010 Global Handwashing Day Why does the UN need to communicate? Visibility - people need to understand who we are, what we do and why we do it Credibility - we represent all the people of the world Transparency - public accountability to our donors and stakeholders Advocacy Fund Raising - resource mobilization Public education Ensuring accurate information on relevant issues Promoting values, protocols and standards Risk management – if we have good media relations then if something bad happens we already have a solid reputation and are in a better position to respond. International Women’s Day With these factors in mind, the UN Country Team elected to develop a joint UN Communications and Advocacy Strategy 2008-2010 (to follow the same period as the United Nations Development Assistance Framework — UNDAF). The UN Communications and Advocacy Strategy 2008-2010 is a comprehensive plan designed to integrate the UN Country Team’s overall vision, combined goals, and shared advocacy into a cohesive whole. The strategy has been developed through a strategic planning process with the UN Communications Group and is directly linked to the UN Country Team’s thematic and programmatic priorities for the same period (including the UN Learning Strategy and UN Youth Advisory Panel). It will define the direction for joint communications for the next three years, including the allocation of human and financial capital. International Women’s Day logo The UN Communications and Advocacy Strategy is not intended to replace any one agency’s communications activities or individual brand identity, nor does it seek to duplicate existing communications work. Instead, its purpose is to identify strategic ways that excellence in joint communications can help the UN Country Team in Cambodia to reach its collective vision. This strategic communications approach marks a shift towards smarter, more coordinated, and more sophisticated joint communications, which capitalize on existing internal resources, maximize opportunities for shared advocacy and promote a coherent and consistent image of the UN Country Team in Cambodia. United Nations Style Guide The strategy aims to: Coordinate advocacy on key messages, national activities and International Days Ensure consistent brand identity for the United Nations in Cambodia Build a stronger corporate reputation for the United Nations in Cambodia (mitigating risk) Strengthen inter-agency cooperation in the field of communications Formalize channels for inter-agency information sharing Achieve positive media coverage which shows how UN programmes are delivering results Support resource mobilization for joint UN frameworks/programmes Avian Influenza Influenza mass media campaign Establish mechanisms for results based monitoring and evaluation of joint communications Develop effective top down, bottom up and peer-to-peer transfer of ideas, messages and information. 3 STRATEGIC PLANNING METHODOLOGY Steps taken to produce the strategy: SWOT Analysis Research Surveys & Interviews with Key Stakeholders Strategic Planning Session Draft Strategy for Review by UN Country Team UN Country Team Messaging Session Final review by UN Country Team & UNCG Implementation of Strategy via annual work plan Annual Review 4 COMMUNICATIONS CONTEXT UN Communications in Cambodia What did not work well in the past? Agency communications and advocacy activities occurred in isolation Agencies did not regard other UN agencies as ‘partners’ and were reluctant to share information There was some misunderstanding over the definition of ‘joint communications’ There was a history of ‘no comment’ to the media from some agencies on sensitive issues External communications work was more reactive than proactive Poor communications planning undermined opportunities to strengthen the work of the UN in Cambodia What is working now? The UN Communications Group is functioning and communication channels are flowing UN Agencies have had very creative and highly successful communications campaigns Greater cohesion is strengthening communications across the UN Family There is a willingness from communications focal points and support from management to work together National Media Context: The professional capacity of journalists is low, but slowly improving Local journalists are poorly paid (often expecting payment) There is a high turnover of staff in international news agencies A Press Council was established in 2007 The role of the United Nations in Cambodia, the RC system and the UN Country Team is unclear and inconsistently reported Development issues are regarded as newsworthy and are well-covered The ECCC (Khmer Rouge Tribunal) is the most reported national and international news item in Cambodia (this looks set to continue 2008-2010) Development Context Cultural sensitivities, cross-cultural issues, political sensitivities and national regulations Media consumption varies greatly between urban vs. rural populations Television and radio have bigger audiences than print media Internet use is concentrated among the urban, educated elite English is a second language The media is closely linked to political parties (with only a few exceptions) 5 SITUATION ANALYSIS UN JOINT COMMUNICATIONS Strengths: Weaknesses: Independent expertise. Credibility. Long-standing presence in Cambodia. Speak with authority. Neutral Position. Partnership with government (unique). Resources/materials/messaging from HQ Fragmented messaging. Inability to take too strong a stance on topical issues. Strength of individual agency brand identity. Communications under-prioritized in the UN. No clarity on spokesperson. Internal communication channels not always flowing. Limited budgets, time and personnel for communications activities. Summary: When we combine our resources, we already have considerable communications strength within our UN Family. Summary: We need coordination to help us to Communicate as One. Opportunities: Threats: Together we have enormous capacity. We can take a more structured approach to capitalize on the resources at hand. We have HQ level of authority for strong messaging “the UN Speaks for the United Nations of the World”. Electronic media can be better utilized to tell our story. There is close cooperation between the UNCG and UNCT. We have an extended outreach network through partners (especially useful in provincial areas). We are linked to global UN- for both the good and the bad. It is very difficult to contact us. If we do not know ourselves, how can we sell ourselves to others? Inconsistent branding and messaging weakens brand strength and credibility. Not responding to the media or saying ‘no comment’ assumes the worst and creates negative perception in the public sphere. There is competition among agencies for same media coverage. There is a perceived lack of transparency, facelessness, inefficiency, and irrelevance. Media less interested in UN success stories. 6 STRATEGY- S.M.A.R.T OBJECTIVES STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 1. To create an institutional culture for “Communicating as One” by enhancing the UNs ability to communicate with one voice effectively Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1.1 Professional and coordinated approach to all communications activities 1.2 Strong brand identity that explains: Who we are, what we do, and why we do it 1.3 Promotion of UN coordination mechanisms operating at the country level STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 2. To build organizational capacity for the UN to communicate in a proactive and timely manner. 2.1 Updated UN information management systems 2.2 Increased communication expertise across the UN in Cambodia 2.3 Two-way communication with audiences including pre-testing, participation and feedback HIV/AIDS messaging for UN staff STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 3. To strengthen and project the organization’s point of view on important development issues affecting Cambodia. 3.1 Coordinated common position on key issues 3.2 UN Resident Coordinator empowered to speak on behalf of the UN Country Team 3.3 Professional engagement with the local, regional and international media STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 4. To advocate messages of common concern to the UN Country Team and positively influence core audiences in line with UN Country Team programmatic goals 4.1 UN Common Advocacy Points and outreach 4.2 Innovative joint communications activities and mass-media campaigns 4.3 Media coverage which gets UN experts, programmes and messages into the story 7 Advocacy and Outreach Strengthen UN Positioning Build Organizational Capacity Create a Culture for “Communication as One” COMMUNICATION VALUES, APPROACH, AND TOOLS External Communications The United Nations in Cambodia is committed to being proactive, transparent and open in all our communications activities. It is in our interest to work with the media quickly and honestly and to operate coherently according to our joint communications strategy. We should not only react to events but also, where appropriate, project the UN Country Team’s point of view on important development issues in Cambodia. We must balance this approach within our need to maintain diplomatic processes. As a general principle, each agency spokesperson is authorized to speak in their area of competency and responsibility, providing facts rather than opinions or comments. On sensitive issues, the UN Country Team, coordinated by the Office of the UN Resident Coordinator, should be consulted before making comment to the media. This acknowledges that the United Nations in Cambodia is intrinsically linked to both positive and negative perceptions of the UN globally and in country. Value: “We the United Nations in Cambodia will adopt a proactive approach to media relations. Our communications work will be transparent, innovative and participatory. We will endeavor to show our key audiences that the UN is a relevant, results-based and effective multi-lateral organization. Internal Communications For United Nations programmes to operate most effectively we must share information with one another freely. The United Nations in Cambodia benefits from keeping staff well informed and from enabling exchange and discussion within and between agencies. It is the responsibility of all staff members, and not only communications focal points, to keep their colleagues in other agencies informed of relevant missions, reports, technical expertise, news, events and developments. Value: “We the United Nations in Cambodia will share information freely, seek out opportunities to network with our colleagues and contribute to UN information sharing in order to foster a culture of trust and collaboration” Minimum Standards and Principles The UN Communications Group Cambodia (UNCGCambodia) will serve the UN Country Team and implement the joint UN Communications and Advocacy Strategy. External communications The UN will never give a ‘no comment’ response to media enquiries Media enquiries will be managed by the Communications focal point and/or the Head of Agency Comments and messages will be cleared by the Head of Agency and UN Resident Coordinator (if applicable) before release Internal communications The time for responding to internal emails and phone calls should be no longer than 48 hours If emails are not working, UN staff will pick up the phone Intranet focal points will agency information fully updated on the UN Intranet UN Communications Group Focal Points will circulate joint materials to all staff 8 TARGET AUDIENCES Strategic communications should build relationships with the most important stakeholders (audiences). To be effective, our joint communications must reflect our understanding of and empathy for our target audiences. Knowing our primary audiences well will enable us to use our available resources in the most efficient way and help us to be proactive, focused and effective. UN press conference Primary audiences are those audiences who are critical, essential to the communications objective. Secondary audiences are those audiences who influence primary audiences. The Media is not a primary audience it is a medium. The General Public is not a primary audience. Who are our key audiences, what can they do to help achieve our objectives? What motivates them to take action? What are their concerns? Who influences them? Whom do they influence? How do we get feedback from them? For each communications activity a list of target audiences will be made ranking them in order of importance. The allocation of time and human resources will be made accordingly. Before undertaking joint communications, work target audiences will be researched to find out; What do they currently know? What are their opinions? How do they retrieve information? How do they behave? Ensuring that all materials are produced in Khmer will be an essential part of joint communications. Within each target audience we will recognize that there are different segments of that audience such as ‘youth’ there may be adolescents, school students, university students, workers, mothers, fathers, voters non voters, educated, non-educated, urban, rural. 9 UN staff orientation MAIN MESSAGE STATEMENTS The UN Country Team (UNCT) will select two key advocacyy points and four priority themes for continuous advocacy and outreach by all agencies throughout the year. Common messaging development will become part of UNCT annual work planning. Advocacy points The advocacy points will be based on UNCT assessment of the current development climate and identification of key areas where a united UN voice will lead to action. Each member of the UNCT will use these key advocacy points in all their public outreach. A mass-media campaign n will accompany each message, focusing on behaviour change communication and policy change communication. The implementation strategy will be developed by the UNCG-Cambodia with final approval from the UNCT. UN Common Advocacy points Priority themes The UN Country Team will use the Department of Public Information’s (DPI) communications priorities and annual country work planning to select key themes for the year. This will inform which international days and events will be celebrated jointly. IMPLEMENTATION 12 MONITORING AND EVALUATION The UN Communications & Advocacy Strategy 2008-2010 is implemented through an annual work plan, which is endorsed by the UNCT. The UNCG-Cambodia will review the work plan at the end of each year to evaluate its progress against the strategic objectives. The UNCGCambodia shares responsibility for the implementation of the work plan and accepts tasks based on the comparative advantage of their agency. The work plan is managed and coordinated by the Office of the UN Resident Coordinator. 11 Communication updates will be made weekly to the UN Resident Coordinator, monthly to the UNCT, quarterly to UNIS (Bangkok) and annually to the UN Communications Group at HQ and the Department of Public Information at HQ. Process to measure impacts of Communication Strategy Each planned activity will undergo an evaluation using a standard reporting template managed by the Office of the UN Resident Coordinator. The evaluation will focus not only the measurable outcomes of joint communications activities, but on the outcomes of those activities on target audiences. An annual report will be prepared to evaluate performance and to ensure that corrective action to meet outstanding communication needs in included in the UNCG-Cambodia work planning cycle for the coming year. BUDGET Resources Reporting Structure 13 The budget for joint communications is primarily funded through the UN coordination budget, which comprises both an annual allocation from HQ (through UNDGO) and cost share contributions from UN agencies operating in Cambodia. APPENDICES 1. TOR UN Communications Group – Cambodia 2. UNCG Annual Work plan 3. UN Common Advocacy Points Design by Graphic Roots - 10 UN events