WVU PORTAL new gatewa - WVU School of Medicine

WVU Portal is new gateway to services for students, replacement for MIX
The WVU Portal, a new mobile-friendly application at portal.wvu.edu, will soon give current
WVU students and newly admitted students a single front door to a variety of critical services
and applications, from accessing eCampus, Gmail and STAR to checking the status of the PRT.
The app goes live Monday, Dec. 7.
Portal.wvu.edu is replacing mix.wvu.edu at the end of the fall 2015 semester, and users will
automatically be redirected to the new site through the end of the spring 2016 semester. MIX
email will NOT be going away; it will remain accessible through portal.wvu.edu.
If you’re receiving this message, your department will need to begin making changes to
your web and printed materials as of Monday, Dec. 7. After that date, MIX will refer only
to email. References to the MIX site should be changed to WVU Portal.
After the WVU Portal is live, the URL mix.wvu.edu will need to be replaced with
portal.wvu.edu on websites and applications, and in printed publications. DO NOT
CHANGE URLs before Dec. 6 or users will see an error.
Please share this with appropriate staff, including prof techs who maintain WVU websites,
and Key Communicators.
The WVU Portal provides many new features in an attractive, intuitive interface that Information
Technology Services designed with input from a number of student groups over the past several
Newly admitted students, faculty and advisors also will be able to access the new portal.
However, each group will see content that is specifically targeted, so faculty and advisors will
NOT see the same information as students. An instructor who is also a student will be able to see
both views by clicking on the menu, but the app will automatically default to the student role.
Through one “front door,” students can: check grades and course content; check their student
account balances; access DegreeWorks; view academic and athletic calendars; and access other
WVU resources.
Targeted messages will not be sent through the WVU Portal as they were in MIX. However,
departments should continue to work with University Relations-Digital Services to send those
messages using new tools.
For suggestions about the new portal, please contact WVUPortal@mail.wvu.edu.