Social Studies - American History

8th Grade- Mr. Enrique Hug- Hogg Middle School
Social Studies- American History
Strengths and Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation
Content Objective:
The student will: analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation
Academic Literacy Objective:
Use a political cartoon to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the Articles of
Confederation. Students will demonstrate mastery of key vocabulary words and identify them
in the reading after analyzing the political cartoon titled, “The Critical Period: 1783-1789.”
Students will complete an analyzing artwork graphic organizer while looking at a political
cartoon titled, “The Critical Period: 1783-1789.” They will have to identify objects, people,
and acitivities.
Concept Development:
We will discuss the political cartoon as a class and give opinions about the menaing of the
cartoon. The students will be asked to make inferences about the cartoon.
Student Practice:
The students will read an article titled, “The Strengths and Weaknesses of the Articles of
Confederation.” They will read the article silently and fill out a graphic organizer while they
are reading. The graphic organizer will have them list strengths on one side of a T-chart and
weaknesses on the other side of the T-chart. They must also write why it is strength or a
weakness. They will also have to answer 5 multiple choice questions as their exit ticket.
They will have 3 assessments for the assignment. The 1st assessment will be their analyzing
artwork graphic organizer. The second assessment will be the graphic organizer that lists the
strengths and weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. The 3rd assessment will be their
exit ticket/quiz that they will have to complete.
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The students will complete their exit ticket/quiz to show mastery of the objective
Reading and Political Cartoon titled, “The Critical Period: 1783-1789.” T-Chart Graphic
Organizer to complete with the reading. Analyzing Artwork Graphic Organizer and exit
Peer tutoring, providing the students with the strengths and weaknesses of the Articles of
Conferation and have them classify them as strengths or weaknesses.
The teacher will require a data projector or overhead projector to complete the assignment
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