STRENGTHS OF THE ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION Treaty of Paris 1783 Britain recognized American Independence Doubled the size of the United States; from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River STRENGTHS OF THE ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION Congress established fair policies for the organizing the lands west of the Appalachian Mountains Land Ordinance 1785 Northwest Territory 1787 Land Ordinance (1785): provided for the sale of land in the old Northwest and earmarked the proceeds toward repaying the national debt. Northwest Territory (1787): created a policy for administering the Northwestern Territories; it included a path to statehood and forbade the expansion of slavery into the territories. STRENGTHS OF THE ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION Set up departments for Foreign Affairs, War, Treasury, and Marine All of this was handled by one permanent secretary WEAKNESSES OF THE ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION Congress did not have the power to levy or collect taxes Could only raise money by borrowing or requesting money from states No regulated currency Did not have the power to regulate trade WEAKNESSES OF THE ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION Could not force anyone to obey or abide by laws set by the Articles of Confederation They could only request the states comply Approval of 9/13 states was needed to pass a law This made passing law almost impossible WEAKNESSES OF THE ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION All 13 states had to agree to make and amendment There was no Executive branch No unity in policy making no way to coordinate the work of different committees No national court system SHAY’S REBELLION SHAY’S REBELLION Shay's Rebellion illustrated two things: The national government under the Articles of Confederation was powerless to raise money to pay back the debt or pay back the soldiers because each law had to be approved by every single state. Just one state's saying no meant that a bill was defeated. Out of all this came a general agreement that a stronger federal government was needed. Later in 1787, the Constitution became a reality. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS What were some of the strengths of the AOC? Describe some of the aspects of the AOC that made it a weak constitution. 1. Why was the Northwest Ordinance critical to the growth of the U.S.A?