Adobe® Marketing Cloud Success Story
Entertainment made easy
Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois
• Generated lift in reservations from
• Boosted traffic for certain
marketing channels up to 4%
• Reduced unsuccessful searches by
63% to 70%, increasing revenue
per search significantly
• Aligned multichannel marketing
• Measured returns from social
media efforts
• Increased click rates by 130% and
open rates by 9%
Movie and game rental innovator uses Adobe Marketing Cloud
and Adobe Creative Suite® to generate lift in rentals from website
and increase revenue per search
Leisure time is precious, and when it comes to entertainment, consumers want
options and convenience. Some people prefer to locate and reserve a movie title
or video game on their mobile device and then pick up a DVD or Blu-ray; others
prefer to stream their movie and avoid a trip.
Minimizing overhead, maximizing convenience
Redbox makes entertainment easy. With more than 40,000 kiosks nationwide, Redbox is a fully
automated video rental store contained within 12 square feet of retail space. Approximately 68% of
the U.S. population lives within a five-minute drive of a Redbox kiosk, located in leading grocery
stores, mass-merchant retailers, drugstores, and convenience stores.
A comprehensive One Adobe solution
For years, Redbox designers, user experience architects, and developers have used Adobe Creative
Suite software, including Adobe Illustrator®, Adobe Photoshop®, and Adobe Dreamweaver®, to create
and maintain compelling web content. At the same time, the company has standardized on Adobe
Marketing Cloud solutions to gain insights into the best way to present and deliver that digital content
for optimized customer experiences across devices.
Integral to the company’s success are the website and the company’s mobile applications.
On, consumers can create an account, search for inventory in a nearby kiosk, and reserve
a game or movie online before picking it up.
“Web and mobile are so intertwined for us that we’ve coined the term ‘wobile’ for our web and mobile,”
says Mike DiMiele, senior analyst for web and mobile eCommerce. “It’s driving a significant portion of
our annual rentals.”
DiMiele’s team is expanding its use of the Adobe Analytics and Adobe Target solutions within Adobe
Marketing Cloud to help generate greater lifts in rentals, identify trends in customer demand, increase
traffic, and measure returns from social media posts.
Prototyping new features
An important focus for DiMiele is evaluating ongoing customer interactions and testing new features
on the site and mobile apps to assess their potential impact on customer experience, efficiency, and
revenue. The Redbox team uses Adobe Analytics, including Adobe SiteCatalyst® to gain detailed,
actionable insights into overall site and page performance, and Adobe Discover® to dive deeper into
the data with enhanced audience segmentation.
After creating content with Adobe Creative Suite software and then launching new online features
or content, they can check to see how well it is working, and pull statistics by the hour or day. “Adobe
Marketing Cloud is unique in the industry in terms of its power, integration, and flexibility,” says DiMiele.
The company makes extensive use of the tools to gauge the results of website changes. For example,
Redbox recently added buttons to its title detail page to make it easier for customers to choose
between standard definition videos or Blu-ray videos. “That change resulted in a generous shift in the
number of people renting Blu-ray videos,” DiMiele explains. “With Adobe Marketing Cloud, we can
make rapid, accurate decisions about what customers want and what we should be offering them.”
Using Adobe Marketing Cloud and Adobe Creative Suite solutions, Redbox is improving the quality of digital content on its sites, while increasing sales.
• Measuring potential impact of new
website features
• Improving cross-channel marketing
• Generating insights that drive
personalized marketing campaigns
Use Adobe Analytics and Adobe
Target solutions within Adobe
Marketing Cloud to improve
customer engagement across
channels, deliver superior online
customer experiences, and boost
revenues; use Adobe Creative Suite
to create compelling website content
Systems at a glance
Adobe Marketing Cloud, including
Analytics and Target solutions.
Capabilities used include:
•Adobe Discover
•Adobe Recommendations
•Adobe Search&Promote
•Adobe SiteCatalyst
•Adobe Test&Target™
Adobe Creative Suite. Components
used include:
•Adobe Dreamweaver
•Adobe Illustrator
•Adobe Photoshop
Generating incremental rentals online
Redbox uses the Adobe Target solution in Adobe Marketing Cloud to test the impact of changes
and new features on audience segments. Adobe Target offers an intuitive platform for designing
and executing A/B and multivariate tests, and then automatically delivering content optimized for
each customer.
In one test, the team discovered that changing button text from “find” to a more specific call to
action related to “pickup,” yielded significant results. “Customers preferred the new wording and
we saw a lift of 2.5% in conversion,” says DiMiele. “We used Adobe Target to increase our online
reservations, and also improve user experiences.”
Redbox uses Adobe Target to optimize content and present a different homepage experience to
multiple types of customers, including return visitors who immediately log in, return visitors who
just browse, and new visitors.
“The ability to use Adobe Marketing Cloud to deliver the most relevant offers and messaging to
each type of customer increased our website significantly,” says DiMiele. “Even more so, for new
visitors, we saw boosts in account creation because we made it much easier for people to understand
their options and select personalized entertainment.”
The team also relies on Adobe Target to populate the banner ads it designs with Adobe Creative
Suite with relevant content. The ads can notify customers of future movie availability or suggest
alternate titles. “Adobe Target helps increase traffic for certain marketing channels,” says DiMiele.
“Using targeted banners can generate an extra 3% to 4% in traffic for specific campaigns.”
Increasing revenue per search
To optimize how visitors browse, find, and compare entertainment offerings, Redbox uses site
search and merchandizing capabilities, as well as recommendation capabilities, in Adobe Target.
Immediately after implementing the Adobe solution, the company saw the number of null searches
on—cases where a search returns no results—drop by 63%. The impact on mobile
users was even more significant, dropping by 70%. The end result was an increase in the amount of
revenue per search done online, showing the real value in customers that search for titles.
“The quality of search results we deliver is critical, and now we can refine those results based on a
customer’s profile and search history,” says DiMiele. “After implementing Adobe Target, we increased
our revenue attributed to each search significantly.” This has caused us to begin to look at how we can
leverage this Adobe solution for further revenue gains for coming soon titles and trailers watched. In
addition, by using Adobe solutions to include tailored video or other product recommendations with
customer orders, Redbox is realizing additional revenue gains.
“A big benefit of the combined Adobe Marketing Cloud and
Adobe Creative Suite solutions is that we can quickly create
and deliver effective content across channels… It helps build
our brand, and it definitely strengthens customer experiences.”
Mike DiMiele, senior analyst for web and mobile eCommerce, Redbox
Improving cross-channel marketing
Adobe Marketing Cloud is helping Redbox increase revenue by supporting more effective cross-sale
of services, such as streaming video services. For example, if a customer searches for a movie is not
available at a local kiosk, it can let the customer know that the movie that is available for streaming
on Redbox Instant.
“A big benefit of the combined Adobe Marketing Cloud and Adobe Creative Suite solutions is that
we can quickly create and deliver effective content across channels,” says DiMiele. “We want our
customers to know that they can come to us for anything related to entertainment, and we’ll have
an answer. It helps build our brand, and it definitely strengthens customer experiences.”
Given the flexibility of the integrated Adobe solutions, the Redbox team can explore new ways to
enhance services and boost conversion rates. “We also use Adobe Marketing Cloud to enhance
search and return personalized results,” says DiMiele. “We can drive 1% to 2% higher conversion
rates by personalizing search results.”
Adobe Marketing Cloud is enabling Redbox to measure returns from its social media efforts. For
instance, the company uses Adobe Analytics to tie its social media posts back to campaign IDs so
the team can track which social campaigns are most effective, and which posts online reservations
are coming from. In many ways, the Adobe solution is helping Redbox discover how much a ‘like’ is
worth to the company.
Increasing click rates by 130%
Redbox conducted a remarketing program to recapture abandoned transactions (customers who
added a movie to their cart, but did not complete the online reservation). Redbox leveraged the data
connector capabilities in Adobe Marketing Cloud with Experian Marketing Services’ email marketing
platform to send email messages to Redbox customers shortly after a shopping cart was determined
to be abandoned, typically 30 minutes after a movie is added to a cart.
Due to the timeliness and relevance of the automated emails, Redbox realized a 130% increase in
click rates and a 9% increase in open rates.
“We have access to insightful findings and have seen
significant revenue lift with Adobe Marketing Cloud.”
Brian Collins, director, user experience and design, Redbox
Doubling return on investment
Redbox’s user experience and design teams use Adobe solutions to support its digital marketing efforts,
from content creation and testing to execution and further testing. From a strategic standpoint, they
reach out to DiMiele’s team on a regular basis. “We have access to insightful findings and have seen
significant revenue lift with Adobe Marketing Cloud,” says Brian Collins, director of user experience
and design at Redbox.
With all the rich content they can create and measured returns from Adobe solutions, the Redbox
team can help keep customers engaged and bring in new revenue. “It is easy for anyone to see that
we are getting double the return on our investment in Adobe Marketing Cloud,” says DiMiele.
For more information
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San Jose, CA 95110-2704
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Adobe, the Adobe logo, Adobe Discover, Creative Suite, Dreamweaver, Illustrator, Photoshop, SiteCatalyst, and Test&Target are either registered trademarks
or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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