March 6, 2014 - Southern Connecticut State University

Undergraduate Curriculum Forum
Adanti Student Center, Room 301A
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Call to order
Approval of UCF minutes of February 20, 2014
Standing Committee Reports
a. NMC – Notifications Management Committee
b. WACC – Writing Across the Curriculum Committee
c. UWIC – University Wide Impact Committee
d. NPIC – New Programs and Innovations Committee
e. LEPC – Liberal Education Committee
VII. New Business
a. TAP Framework Implementation and Review Committee Representative
b. Griha Singla: Education Advisory Board Student Success Collaborative
VIII. Adjournment
Undergraduate Curriculum Forum
Adanti Student Center, Room 301A
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Present: L. Keenan (Chair), J. Chandler, R. Zipoli, H. Harper, W. Yu, K. Bendrick, Y.
Gebremariam, L. Bower-Phipps, H. Marx, M. Shea, M. Knell, C. Hannah, M. McDaniel, Y. Choi, C.
Simoneau, J. Gil, K. Kruczek, M. Hartog, C. Dellinger-Pate, G. Robbins, L. Kwak, D. Chevan, S.
Johnson, C. Resha, D. Risisky, K. Gorniak, P. Kahlbaugh, K. Stiver, L. deLisle, C. Meyerhoffer, M.
Skinner, R. Cardone, T. Lin, J. Mielczarski, T. Lenda, C. O’Sullivan, E. Larkin, R. Silady, L. Vitale,
D. Weiss, S. Clerc, J. Alexander, J. Ruggiero, S. Rizza, D. Fairchild, S. Misasi
Absent: Y. Park, K. Skoczen, S. Grace, J. Webb, D. Petroski, E. West, K. Cummings, J. Critzer, S.
Graves, M. Kiarie, S. Graves, P. Beals, J. Yambo, C. Petto
I. The meeting was called to order at 9:38.
1. A quorum (50% + 1) was reached at 9:38.
II. Announcements
a. Liz Keenan announced that she and Sue Clerc have been meeting with Sharon
Misasi, Rick Riccardi, Michael Ben Avie, Chris Petto and Nicole Fluhr to
streamline procedures for administering alumni surveys for all Departments
and programs as they go through program review. A set of 10 standardized
questions have been created. Programs will be able to have 5 additional
questions focused on student learning outcomes. The University Assessment
Office will be responsible for sending it to the students’ personal e-mail
addresses, and will send the aggregated results in report form to
departments. Surveys will be administered in February or March in the year
prior to the program review deadline.
III. Approval of the minutes of January 23, 2013
a. Correction to the minutes: Daniel Swartz sent an e-mail to Liz Keenan
requesting that an inaccurate sentence be deleted from the minutes.
b. Resha Cardone requested that her name be spelled “Cardone” in the
attendance portion of the minutes.
c. Marie McDaniel announced that she will correct a misspelled name in the
WACC minutes.
d. The minutes were approved as amended.
IV. Ad hoc committee report
a. Sue Clerc informed the body that the ad hoc committee has been meeting to
review and revise the undergraduate program review document. Revisions
are based on UCONN’s document, which is organized around 3-4 central
questions. Currently, they are in the midst of revising the document to make
the process less onerous, and to update it to reflect what the university
assessment office now does to support faculty and programs.
i. It was suggested that PRAC standardize the review process for both
undergraduate and graduate programs by working with the Graduate
Council. Sue Clerc responded that they have been working together,
primarily to synchronize the due dates for graduate and
undergraduate program reviews.
ii. Clerc closed by reminding the body that any changes made to the
document will not be implemented immediately since the revisions
will need to be completed and approved first.
V. Standing Committee Reports
1. NMC
a. Discussion of the meetings on 1/30/14 and 2/13/14 (via e-mail, due to
the storm)
b. Motion to approve the following new course proposal:
i. EDU 314—Child Development and Psychology for Educators
Motion was approved unanimously.
c. Motion to approve the following revised program proposals:
i. BS Bilingual Education
ii. BS Elementary Education (K-6)
Motion was approved unanimously.
d. Motion to approve the following new course proposals
i. COM 228—Capturing, Analyzing and Presenting Family Stories
ii. HIS 285—Careers in History
iii. ITA 220—Italian Food Culture in Italy and America
Motion was approved unanimously.
e. Motion to approve revised course proposals
i. ANT 260/JRN 260—Anthropology of Media
ii. ANT 320—Visual Anthropology
iii. ANT 340—Ritual Expressions
iv. FRE 210—Continuing French
v. PCH 353—Global Health
vi. PCH 353—Health and the Aged
Motion was approved unanimously.
f. Motion to approve the following revised program proposals:
i. BS History—Concentration: Secondary Education
ii. BA Political Science
iii. BS Political Science
Motion was approved unanimously.
g. The minutes from the meeting on 1/30/14 and 2/13/14 were received.
a. Discussion of the meetings on 1/30/14 and 2/13/14 (held electronically,
due to the storm)
b. Motion to approve the following W-course proposals:
i. ART 324—Art & Architecture in Paris
ii. ENG 309—Rhetorical Strategies in Writing and Communication
Motion was approved unanimously.
c. Motion to approve the following W-course proposals:
i. JRN 320—Writing Magazine Articles I
ii. EXS 496—Sports in American Culture
Motion was approved unanimously.
d. The minutes from the 1/30/14 and 2/13/14 meeting were received.
a. Discussion of the 1/16/14 meeting
b. Motion to approve the following LEP course proposals:
i. ESC 103—General Geology (Tier 2 Natural World, Physical Realm)
ii. ESC 104—Geohazards: Impact on the Environment (Tier 2 Natural
World, Life and Environment)
iii. ESC 106—General Oceanography (Tier 2 Natural World, Physical
iv. EXC 492—Principals of Sport Studies (Tier 3 Ethical Judgment,
Human Diversity, Rational Thought)
v. ITA 210—Italian Language Through Culture (Tier 2 Cultural
vi. FRE 415—Sexual Citizenship in the French-Speaking World (Tier
3 Global Awareness, Cultural Expression)
vii. GEO 400—Geography of Wine (Tier 3 Global Awareness, Natural
World, Cultural Expression, Social Structure)
viii. ANT 101—Cultural Anthropology (Tier 2 Social Structure, Conflict
& Consensus)
ix. ECO 100—Principles of Macroeconomics (Tier 2 Social Structure,
Conflict & Consensus)
x. ECO 101—Principles of Microeconomics (Tier 2 Global
Motion was approved unanimously.
c. The minutes from the 1/30/14 meeting were received.
a. Discussion of the 1/30/14 meeting
b. The following special topics courses were approved and logged:
i. MGT 498—Democracy at Work
ii. FRE 398—Contemporary French and Francophone Cinema
c. Minutes from the meeting on 1/30/14 were received.
a. Discussion of the meeting on 1/29/14
b. Deb Weiss informed the body that LEPC has a representative from the
Business School who cannot attend the meetings; as such, they are
looking for someone else to represent the School of Business.
c. Weiss informed the body that there have been some Banner issues in
screening students for taking Tier 3 courses. The committee is working
on finding ways to create restrictions in Banner to assure for more
appropriate student placement. They hope to limit student enrollment in
Tier 3 courses to those who have already taken 7 of 9 Tier 2 areas.
d. The LEPC has also been discussing a topic that UWIC brought to their
attention: the required reinforcement of 3 competency areas in Tier 2
courses, particularly the written communication competency area. LEPC
welcomes e-mails from members from the body who feel strongly about
this issue. E-mail correspondence can be sent to Deb Weiss at:
i. Patty Kahlbaugh asserted that space is an issue that has come up
in the process of reinforcing certain areas, such as technological
fluency. Good lab spaces that can accommodate appropriate class
sizes are numbered or nonexistent.
1. Deb Weiss responded that the committee has discussed this
issue and it is a concern.
2. Provost Kennedy added that they are exploring the option
of having floating labs (moveable ipad carts). She expects
that more equipment bond funds will be available next
year, and some of those funds could be used for mobile
3. Scott Graves expressed his desire for SCSU to become a
laptop university; that is, students would be required to
have their own machines. However, he stated that in order
for that to happen, the university would need to provide
tech support for students.
4. Winnie Yu suggested a movable partition for spaces big
enough to be transformed into two rooms.
5. Krystyna Gorniak suggested we look at the lowest common
denominator when making these decisions about requiring
students to provide their own technology; we must level
the playing field for students who cannot afford to buy a
6. Cindy Simoneau stressed that tablets aren’t adequate for all
disciplines, such as journalism and art, which need
specialized software.
7. Patty Kahlbaugh reminded the body that there is not
uniform connectivity across campus.
e. The minutes from the meeting on 1/29/14 were received.
VI. New Business
a. Liz Keenan presented a policy that has been worked on by the Steering
Committee and key people in the Provost and Registrar’s offices that creates
a timeline for the implementation of approved course and program
proposals. The members of the body then asked questions about the policy
and provided feedback.
Implementation of Approved Course and Program Proposals Policy DRAFT 2
Type of UCF Proposal
Time Frame for
Effective Term
Sign-Off by
New Programs & New
Depends on BOR Approval Date (Fall
Semester Only)
Revised Programs, Revised
Sept 1st - Feb 1*
Fall semester of the next academic year
Courses, &Revised Minors
New Courses
Sept 1st - May 31st
Next student registration cycle
Revised Programs, Revised
Feb 2nd - May 31st 15-18 months later (Fall semester, 2
Courses, & Revised Minors
academic years later)
*Contingent upon timely distribution by UCF of approved proposals to
implementation team: Registrar’s Office, Academic Affairs (for catalog), and
NOTE: Some complex proposals may not be implemented by the Fall semester.
i. The question was called and seconded.
ii. The motion passed unanimously.
b. Provost Kennedy spoke about advising software the University has
purchased and piloted to assist advisors to better mentor their advisees: the
Education Advisory Board Student Success Collaborative (EAB). Faculty
members will have an opportunity to receive training to use the new tool on
March 5th and 6th, 2014. An outside presenter, who is an expert in running
the software, will attend the Faculty Senate and the UCF meetings while on
campus. Given the significant amount of resources the University has
invested in the tool, the Provost hopes that at least one or two people from
every Department, and hopefully more, will receive the training.
VII. The meeting adjourned at 10:51.
These minutes are respectfully submitted by Resha Cardone.
Undergraduate Curriculum Forum
Notifications Management Committee Minutes
February 27, 2014
Present: C. Hannah (Co-Chair), H. Marx (Co-Chair), J. Chandler, J. Critzer, S. Grace, J. Gil, C.
Resha, G. Robbins, J. Ruggiero, C. Simoneau
Absent: M. Kiarie, E. Larkin (Ex-Officio), S. Latorre, Y. Park,
Guest: Kim Laing
Meeting called to order at 9:40am
Old Business
Review of proposal forms
Revised Program Proposals
Motion to Approve: H. Marx, 2nd S. Grace
Motion passed: 9-0-0
BS in Studio Art/CONCEN: Ceramics, Graphic Design, Jewelry/Metals, Painting,
Photography, Printmaking, and Sculpture
Motion to Approve: TABLED
Meeting Adjourned 10:50
Notifications Management Committee
March 3, 2014
Electronic Meeting (9:35-10:50 am)
Present: C. Hannah (Co-Chair), H. Marx (Co-Chair), J. Chandler, J. Critzer, S. Grace, M. Kiarie, E.
Larkin, C. Resha, G. Robbins, J. Ruggiero
Absent: S. Latorre, J. Gil, Y. Park, C. Simoneau
Old Business
HIS 450 – Narrative History: Telling the Story of Our Past
Motion to APPROVE; (H. Marx; 2nd C. Hannah)
Vote: 10-0-0
ESC 330 – Invertebrate Paleontology and the Fossil Record
Motion to APPROVE with minor revisions; (H. Marx; 2nd C. Hannah)
Vote: 10-0-0
ENG 219 – Time and Place in Literature
Motion to APPROVE; (H. Marx; 2nd C. Hannah)
Vote: 10-0-0
CHE 240 – Analytical Chemistry
Motion to APPROVE: TABLED (H. Marx; 2nd C. Hannah)
Vote: 10-0-0
Revised Program Proposal was submitted, however it was missing the edits necessary in the
catalog. We will table this course and bring both this course and the RPP up at our next
Adjournment: 11:00 a.m.
Southern Connecticut State University
Writing Across the Curriculum Committee
Meeting Minutes
February 27, 2014
Participants: M. McDaniel, D. Flynn, T. Ferrucci (non-voting), E. Schmitt, D. Carroll (nonvoting)
Absent: W. Hochman, G. McVerry, P. McBrine, K. Lacey, K. Burke
No quorum
Minutes respectfully submitted 2/13/14
Marie Basile McDaniel
Chair of WACC
University-Wide Impact Committee Minutes 02/27/14
Present: S. Graves (co-Chair - secretary), L. Kwak, J. Alexander, M. Shea, A. Reynaga, D. Petroski, D. Chevan,
J. Mielczarski, D. Fairchild, K. Stiver
Absent: K. Kruczek (co-Chair), L. Bower-Phipps, D. Risisky, M. Hartog, P. Beals, H. Lockwood, T. Regan, B.
I. Call to Order - The meeting was called to order at 9:46 am (quorum reached).
General comments:
• Brief reiteration of how UWIC might best read Tier 2 proposals. Focus on the proposer’s
demonstration of LEP form completeness, with appropriate clarifications of how
competencies are met and/or reinforced.
• Since LEP is “opt in”, faculty who propose, do need to try as hard as they can to make sure
students understand competencies and key elements and how the course experiences work,
assignments/assessment linking, etc. proposals that are explicit would be good to share with
• LEPC ought post some exemplars of well thought out and written model course proposals
and accompanying syllabi.
• LEPC & UCF ought propose faculty workshops (teaching academy) to help faculty best
communicate to their students how a particular course experience fits into the philosophy of
Liberal Education, and how the necessary “key elements and competencies” are linked to
assignments and assessments – to be as completely transparent with students as possible. –
bring ideas to Bonnie F-L.
• The question of “dual majors” arose. How to deal with LEP within dual majors? Double
dipping allowed? Why not? Why for? – Not fully resolved, should be clarified by LEPC.
II. Old Business:
• Carry over discussion….. LEP and UCF subcommittees (WAAC and UWIC, NPIC, NMC) will
consider working together in one setting to ensure that proposals get farmed around more
expeditiously and consensus can be reached among committees with proposals moved
through the system more quickly. Logistics still to be worked out…
III. New Business: Proposals for review
Geography 345, Africa – LEP Tier 3 (Transition Course)
Motion: D.P. moves to approve, L.K. seconded
Vote: 9 for, unanimous
Political Science 475, Capstone Seminar – LEP Tier 3
Motion: D.P moves to approve w/ clarification, M.S. seconded
Vote: 9 for, unanimous
English 112, Writing Arguments – LEP Tier 1 Written Communication
Motion: D.P. moves to approve, D.C. seconded
Vote: 9 for, unanimous
Communications 228, Capturing, Analyzing & Presenting Family Stories – LEP Tier 2 Creative
Motion: M.S. moves to approve w/ clarification, D.C. seconded
Vote: 10 for, unanimous
French 210, Continuing French – LEP Tier 2 Global Awareness
Motion: D.P. moves to approve w/ clarifications, D.C. seconded
Vote: 10 for, unanimous
Italian 220, Italian Food Culture in Italy and America – LEP Tier 2 Global Awareness
Motion: M.S. moves to approve, L.K. seconded
Vote: 10 for, unanimous
Music 235, Guitar 1 – LEP Tier 2 Creative Drive
Motion: M.S. moves to approve, D.P. seconded
Vote: 10 for, unanimous
IV. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 10:48 am.
Minutes submitted by Scott Graves
New Programs and Innovations Committee
February 27, 2014
Present: NPIC Members— Cassi Meyerhoffer, Yunseon Choi, Yilma Gebremariam, Sara
Johnson, Mike Knell, Stanley Bernard, Hillary Harper, Hyi-gyung Kim.
Minutes taken and submitted by Hillary Harper.
1. Meeting called to order: Meeting was called to order by Mike Knell at 9:41 AM.
Mike agreed to lead NPIC meeting as Lee deLisle (Chair) was absent.
2. Old Business:
a. Review of previous proposal
i. JRN 298 – Great Writing & Reporting
• Questions and suggestions from previous review were
addressed. Additional revisions requested for course
description include replacing “JRN 298” with “Examine” and
replacing comma in first sentence with “and”.
• Motion to approve with corrections by Stanley Bernard;
seconded by Yilma Gebremariam; approved unanimously.
3. New Business
a. HST 398 – Dress and Identify in American History and Culture - Special
Topics Course Proposal
i. Needs course description revision
• Remove “This course will” and replace with “Examine”
• Remove all quotation marks from first and last sentences
• Change question posed at end of description to a statement
with an active verb (i.e., Explore) or remove sentence entirely
ii. Confirm course does not serve as an elective in program
iii. Motion to approve with corrections by Mike Skinner; seconded by
Cassie Meyerhoffer; approved unanimously
b. HST 398 – Rap Music and Hip-Hop Culture: A Social and Cultural History Special Topics Course Proposal
i. Needs course description revision
• Remove “this course will” and all other use of future verb tense
and replace with active verb tense (i.e., trace, unpack, probe)
• Add “in the United States” to first sentence immediately after
“hip-hop culture” since course focuses on U.S.
• Revise last sentence to stop after “legislation”. The remainder
can be mentioned in syllabus.
ii. Motion to approve with corrections by Sara Johnson; seconded by
Hyi-gyung Kim; approved unanimously
Meeting adjourned: 10:05 AM
Liberal Education Program Committee Meeting
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
3:25– 4:45pm – Math Conference Room – Engleman Hall
Meeting Minutes
Present: Deb Weiss (chair), Elliott Horch, Scott Graves, Yilma Gebremariam, Dave Petroski,
Wendy Hardenberg (recording), Nicole Henderson, Chris Barrett, Klay Kruczek, Joe Fields,
Beena Acchpal, Polly Beals, Mike Shea, Wes O’Brien, Jim Tait
o Call to Order: 3:30 p.m.
o Announcements
• Our esteemed colleague, Wendy Hardenberg will be on Jeopardy on May 30.
Since she is sworn to secrecy, we don’t know the outcome, but we’ll all be by
our televisions on that date cheering her on!
• The committee welcomed Yilma Gebremariam as the alternate
representative from the School of Business. Yilma will fill in for Robert
Forbus, the elected representative who is unable to serve this semester due
to a class conflict.
o Committee and Ad Hoc reports
• Affinity groups – update, Polly Beals
• No report
• WAC Report – Deb Carroll and Karen Burke - WAC sent out announcements
for the W-course writing contest and the WAC newsletter was sent to the
Provost last week, but there has been some delay in Public Affairs' getting it
out to the University community. Deb has been meeting with Liz Kalbfleisch
about writing program structures and she’ll be speaking at UCF on March
27th about the results of WAC assessment. She would like to chat with the
LEP group prior to the UCF meeting and has requested a date.
o Old Business
• Update from Registrar’s office on Tier 2 screen
• 7 out of 9 Tier 2 Areas as a pre-requisite for Tier 3 registration is now
in place as a screen in Banner. This should facilitate student advising
in helping to ensure that unqualified students are not able to register
for the courses.
• Questions from UWIC – UWIC is asking for LEPC guidance on the following
(see background): i
• Written Communication – WC is a required Competency area (Box E)
for Tier 2 course proposals. Proposers are asked to insert an
explanation of how students will continue developing the chosen
competencies, including methods of evaluation. How should the WC
Key Elements be utilized for this requirement? ii Should CD have same
This topic was broadened to include not only WC, but all 3
competency areas required for Tier 2 courses. It was agreed
that while the Key Elements should be reinforced, not every
Key Element must be addressed in each Tier 2 course. It was
also agreed that there should be some type of feedback to
students regarding writing and that this is something that
should be explained by the proposer. It was decided to add
verbiage to the Tier 2 form that will prompt the proposer to
enter the desired information. As proposed for Box E:
“Please indicate the kind of instructional feedback you will use
to reinforce at least two Key Elements for each of your three
Deb will revise the form and submit to the LEPC for a vote at the next
• Problem-based learning (PBL) - All Tier 2 proposals must demonstrate
specific criteria iii including PBL appropriate to the topic. How is PBL
Various definitions and meanings of PBL were discussed. It
was decided that this issue would be addressed by adding a
footnote to the LEP document that would provide a definition
of PBL. Jim Tait and Mike Shea will present wording for this at
our next meeting.
o New Business
• A meeting has been scheduled for March 5 to address the issues presented at
the Town Hall meeting by the Student Success Task Force. The meeting may
be cancelled depending on the content of the report.
• NW1 & 2 credit for CC students
• A meeting was held between Lauren Doninger and Mike Buccilli from
Gateway and Deb Weiss and Polly Beals to discuss several LEP
transfer issues. One major issue was that of transfer of science
courses. The recommendation from that meeting was that students
who fulfill the two TAP science courses at the community college
receive credit for NW1 and NW2 at Southern. This was previously
agreed to regarding students who complete the Associated Degree. It
is now suggested that this be extended to all students who have
completed the science TAP requirements, whether the student has
completed the Associates Degree or not. Discussion will continue on
this issue at the next meeting.
• At some point the Committee may want to issue a statement to the
upper administration about their problematic public remarks on the
o Adjournment: 4:50 p.m.
UWIC has asked proposers of Tier 2 courses that only offer essay exams (and no other writing assignments)
to include other writing assignments, feeling that offering only essay exams is not sufficient to meet this
requirement. Per LEPC, what is the intention for WC?
Problem-based (PB) learning is not defined in the LEP document. UWIC reviewed a proposal that stated that
MC and T/F exams would be used to show PB learning. Other items that seemed like problem-based learning
were included as well, so the proposer was asked to remove the MC and T/F questions. The reaction to this
was negative. Per LEPC, what is the definition of problem-based learning?
Key Elements (from page 25)
1) Argument Comprehension - Summarizing, analyzing, and challenging sophisticated texts by evaluating
evidence and the validity of an author’s claims.
2) Argument Construction - Making a coherent written argument that gives background information,
presents a reasonable claim, and uses a range of evidence to support the claim.
3) Academic Honesty - Avoiding plagiarism by properly using primary and secondary sources, including
paraphrase, summary, and accurate citations (in an appropriate citation style).
4) Audience Awareness - Using the conventions of multiple genres to communicate effectively with
particular audiences.
5) Correctness – Demonstrating control over standard English language usage (grammar, spelling, tone,
style, semantics, and syntax) and revising for accuracy, clarity and depth.
All courses in Tier 2: (from page 10)
• continue to develop and reinforce the competencies introduced in Tier 1,
• have appropriate enrollment caps consistent with pedagogical needs, resource availability, and safety concerns
and/or regulations,
• have enough scope to provide an adequate foundation to the particular Area of Knowledge and Experience,
• address a number of key topics in depth,
• make an effort to integrate knowledge from a variety of perspectives,
• provide insight to issues of the 21st century and/or important issues in students’ lives,
• include problem-based learning appropriate to the topic, and
• provide an introduction to the analytical tools of the discipline(s) offering the course.
Revised: Spring, 2014
See New Course Proposal Directions or use highlighted links for directions to complete forms.
See Key to Abbreviations as needed.
Box 1 – Contact Information
Subject Code:
Course Number:
(Verify Availability of the Number with Registrar)
Contact Person:
Phone Ext.:
DCC Votes:
Department Votes:
Box 2 – Department Signatures
DCC Chair: _______________________________________ Date DCC approved: __________________ No DCC
Dept. Chair: ________________________________________Date Dept. Chair approved: _______________
Box 3 - Notification
List other departments (use dept. code) affected by this proposal and attach email/memo(s) of notification from your
department. If you receive an email/memo of acknowledgement of notification from the affected department(s), please
Notification email/memo attached:
Notification email/memo attached:
Notification email/memo attached:
Notification email/memo attached:
No departments are affected:
UCF Use Only: Date the completed proposal (with necessary attachments) was received in UCF Office:
SCC Chair: _________________________________________________
Date SCC Approved: _______________
NMC Chair: ________________________________________________
Date NMC Approved: _______________
UWIC Chair: ________________________________________________
Date UWIC Approved: ______________
UCF Chair: _________________________________________________
Date UCF Approved: _______________
Provost Use Only
Effective Term:
Provost or Designee: _______________________________________
Date UCF Received Final Approval: __________________________
Date Approved:___________________
Revised: Spring, 2014
See New Course Proposal Directions or use highlighted links for directions to complete forms.
See Key to Abbreviations as needed.
Subject Code:
Course Number:
(Check with Registrar for availability of numbers)
(If more than 29 characters, provide Transcript Title)
Transcript Title (max 29 characters):
Contact hours per week: Lecture:
Requested Course Enrollment Cap:
Proposed Effective Term: (Check UCF timetable for suggested dates to submit proposals.)
Catalog Description:
Check appropriate boxes below (see directions for details):
Required in Program (If the course is required in the program, a Revised Program Proposal is required.)
A Revised Program Proposal is also being submitted.
Elective in Major (a Revised Program Proposal may be required, see directions).
If needed, a Revised Program Proposal is also being submitted.
Free Elective
I intend to submit this proposal to the UWIC for Liberal Education Program (LEP) approval.
I intend to submit this proposal to the WACC for “W” course approval.
Rationale for course:
Appendices Check List: Indicate that you have included the following appendices (see directions for details):
Notification(s) to affected departments (required)
Acknowledgement(s) from affected departments (include if received)
Course Learning Objectives
Course Outline
Method(s) of Evaluating Students
Revised: Spring, 2014
Appendices: Copy and paste (or enter directly here) all of the items listed above.
Revised: Spring, 2014
Directions for Preparing a New Course Proposal
All forms are to be sent via electronic submission with the exception of the signature page.
See key at end of directions for all abbreviations.
Signature Sheet Directions (return to Signature Sheet)
• Complete all fields. If you are requesting a new course number, verify its availability with the
Registrar, telephone Ext-25301 or via email.
• Enter Department Curriculum Committee (DCC) votes and Department votes. If Department
does not have a DCC, indicate this by checking “No DCC” box.
• Form must be signed and dated by the Department Curriculum Committee Chair, if appropriate,
and the Department Chair.
• If this proposal has an effect on another department(s) please list the department(s).
• Your department must notify the chair(s) of the affected department(s) and you must attach
copies of the notification email or memo from your department.
• While an acknowledgement of notification from the affected department(s) is not required, if you
receive an acknowledgement email/memo from the affected department(s), please also attach.
• Be sure to include the email(s) or memo(s) in the appendices at the end of the summary sheet and
indicate that you have done so by checking the box.
• If no other departments are affected by this proposal, check the box labeled “No Departments
Are Affected.”
After completing forms:
1) Original Signature Sheet must be submitted to the UCF office (copies of the Signature Sheet will not be
accepted). The Signature Sheet must be signed appropriately as described in Box 3 to the UCF office,
EN C 216. The proposal will not be forwarded to the School Curriculum Committee (SCC) until the
Signature Sheet has been received.
2) Email the entire completed form as one attachment named NCP XXX (dept. code) XXX (course
number), (e.g. NCP ANT 349) to the UCF Office at Include: a) Signature
Sheet, b) Summary Sheet and c) Appendices.
You will be able to view your proposal on the UCF website to determine the stage of your proposal in
the approval process.
Revised: Spring, 2014
Summary Sheet Directions (return to Summary Sheet form)
Enter Subject Code and Course Number and Title as they appear in Signature Sheet.
Transcript Title - If the Title is longer than 29 characters (including spaces), provide a 29 character
Transcript Title.
Prerequisites – Be specific. List by Subject Code and Course Number when possible (e.g., ANT 101,
PSY 100, SOC 211) or if specific courses are not appropriate use descriptors such as “junior or senior
status” or “6 PSC credits.” Avoid vague prerequisites such as “Social Science B Requirement.” Do not
add “or departmental permission to the prerequisite;” this is a given for all courses. However, if a course
requires department permission indicate, “Departmental permission.”
Enter number of Credits.
Enter number of Contact Hours per Week in appropriate box: Lecture, Lab, Other. Lectures,
discussions, and seminars meet 1 academic hour (50 minutes) per credit, per week. Laboratories and
studios usually meet between 2 and 3 academic hours per credit, per week.
Enter the requested Course Enrollment Cap.
Enter Proposed Effective Term. Allow sufficient time for proposal to be approved by various entities.
Adhere to the Catalog Deadlines if you wish to ensure that your course will appear in the copy of the
Undergraduate Catalog. Please note that if a proposal requires numerous revisions, suggested time
frames may not be sufficient.
Catalog Description – This should be concise and consistent with the rationale and course outline. For
brevity, use phrases as opposed to full sentences. Avoid restating the course title in the description. Use
present tense (i.e. not what they will do in the course, but what they do in the course, for example:
“Investigation of …” not “Students will investigate…”). Avoid beginning sentences using the phrase
"This course covers….” Information about the major focus, objective, teaching, methodology, and
learning environment may be included, if appropriate. When applicable, indicate if special fees,
equipment or field studies are required.
Rationale. The rationale should describe why and how the course is an appropriate addition to the
department and the University, particularly addressing its unique aspects. If similar courses exist in other
departments, provide adequate justification for redundancy. The course contents and requirements
should be appropriate for the course level, i.e. 100, 200, 300 or 400 numbering.
Check all appropriate boxes (return to Summary Sheet form):
o Required in Program - If the course is required in the Program, a Revised Program Proposal is
also required. Indicate if you are also submitted a Revised Program Proposal.
o Elective in Major – If the course is an elective within the program, a Revised Program Proposal
may be required (as explained below). Indicate if you are also submitting a Revised Program
 A Revised Program Proposal is required if the course will be included in a specific list
of courses, i.e. “select 9 credits from the following courses.”
 A Revised Program Proposal is not needed if the program already specifies electives as
part of the program, i.e. “select 9 credits from the 300-level,” and this course is a 300
level course.
o Free Elective – The course may be used to satisfy a free elective in the student’s program.
Revised: Spring, 2014
Summer Sheet Directions, continued: (Return to Summary Sheet form)
o Liberal Education Program approval – Check this box if this course is proposed as an LEP
Tier 1, Tier 2, or Capstone course and is not currently so designated. This is a two-part process.
Following new course approval by NMC, the proposal will be brought before the UCF body for
approval and will be sent by NMC to UWIC for consideration as an LEP course. Following
UWIC approval for LEP status, the proposal will be brought before the UCF body for LEP
approval. The applications for new course approval and LEP approval may be submitted
“W” Course approval – Check this box if this course will be proposed to fulfill the university
“W” course requirement. This is a two-part process. Following approval by the UCF, the
proposal should be submitted to the WACC committee (via the UCF office) by utilizing the
appropriate forms. The applications for course revision approval and “W” course approval may
be submitted simultaneously.
Appendices Check List: Check all appropriate boxes to indicate the appendices that have been attached
in the appendices fields. (Return to Summary Sheet form)
o Notification(s) to affected departments – See directions under Signature Sheet Box 3 above.
o Acknowledgement(s) from affected departments – See directions under Signature Sheet Box
3 above.
Course Details: Please include the following items in the appendices that are needed for review of this
new course proposal. Check all appropriate boxes to indicate the appendices that have been attached.
o Learning objectives
The course learning objectives will state the skills and knowledge the students are expected to
gain from this course.
o Course outline
The course outline should be approximately one or two pages and should clearly support the title,
description and rationale presented. The outline should indicate the topics to be covered and the
approximate percentage of the course to be devoted to each major topic. A syllabus that includes
the above criteria may fulfill the requirements for a course outline.
o Method(s) of evaluating students
Describe and define each evaluation tool or assignment that will be used in determining a
student’s grade.
o Bibliography
The bibliography for a new course should include readings that were relevant for developing the
course, and those that the students might use to learn more about the topic. Your bibliography
must be alphabetized and presented consistently in a recognized scholarly format typical of your
Appendices: Copy and paste (or enter directly) all of the items listed above.
Revised: Spring, 2014
Key to abbreviations (return to Summary Sheet or return to Signature Sheet)
LEP – Liberal Education Program
DCC – Department Curriculum Committee
NMC – Notifications Management Committee – UCF standing committee that reviews new and revised course
proposals and revised programs
SCC – School Curriculum Committee
UCF – Undergraduate Curriculum Forum
UWIC – University Wide Impact Committee – UCF standing committee that reviews courses already approved
by NMC for appropriateness as fulfilling an AUR.
WACC – Writing across Curriculum Committee – UCF standing committee that reviews courses already
approved by NMC to fulfill university Writing (“W”) requirement.
Revised: Spring 2014
See Revised Course Proposal Directions or use highlighted links for directions to complete forms.
See Key to Abbreviations as needed.
Box 1 – Contact Information
Current Course: Subject Code:
Revised Course: Subject Code:
Contact Person:
Phone Ext.:
DCC Votes:
Department Votes:
Course Number:
Course Number:
Box 2 – Department Signatures:
DCC Chair: _______________________________________ Date DCC approved: _______________
Dept. Chair: ________________________________________Date Dept. Chair approved: _______________
Box 3 - Notification
List other departments (use dept. code) affected by this proposal and attach email/memo(s) of notification from your
department. If you receive an email/memo of acknowledgement of notification from the affected department(s), please
Notification email/memo attached:
Notification email/memo attached:
Notification email/memo attached:
Notification email/memo attached:
No departments are affected:
UCF Use Only: Date completed proposal (with all necessary attachments) received in UCF Office:
Proposal code:
SCC Chair: _________________________________________________
Date SCC Approved: _______________
NMC Chair: ________________________________________________
Date NMC Approved: _______________
UWIC Chair: ________________________________________________
Date UWIC Approved: ______________
UCF Chair: _________________________________________________
Date UCF Approved: _______________
Provost Use Only
Effective Term:
Fall, Year:
Provost or Designee: _______________________________________
Date UCF Received Final Approval: __________________________
Date Approved:___________________
Revised: Spring 2014
See Revised Course Proposal Directions or use highlighted links for directions to complete forms.
See Key to Abbreviations as needed.
Current Course: (from current Undergraduate Catalog)
Subject Code:
Course Number:
(If the title is more than 29 characters, provide Transcript Title)
Transcript Title (max 29 characters):
Catalog Description:
Contact hours per week: Lecture:
Revised Course: If no change, enter ‘SAME’. For new course numbers, please check with the Registrar for availability.
Subject Code:
Course Number:
(If more than 29 characters provide Transcript Title)
Transcript Title (max 29 characters):
Catalog Description:
Contact hours per week: Lecture:
Requested Course Enrollment Cap:
Proposed Effective Term: (Check UCF timetable for suggested dates to submit proposals.) Fall, Year:
Check appropriate boxes (see directions for details):
Required in Program (If the course is required in the program, a Revised Program Proposal is required.)
A Revised Program Proposal is also being submitted.
Elective in Major (a Revised Program Proposal may be required, see directions).
If needed, a Revised Program Proposal is also being submitted.
Free Elective
I intend to submit this proposal to the UWIC for Liberal Education Program (LEP) approval.
I intend to submit this proposal to the WACC for “W” course approval.
Rationale for proposed change(s):
Appendices Check List: I have included the following appendices (see directions for details):
Notification(s) to affected departments
Acknowledgement(s) from affected departments (include if received)
Course Details, if applicable (see directions):
Learning Objectives
Course Outline
Revised: Spring 2014
Method(s) of Evaluating Students
Appendices: Copy and paste or enter directly the items listed above.
Revised: Spring 2014
Directions for Preparing a Revised Course Proposal
All forms are to be sent via electronic submission with the exception of the signature page.
See key at end of directions for all abbreviations.
Signature Sheet Directions (return to Signature Sheet form)
• Complete all fields. If you are requesting a new course number, verify its availability with the
Registrar, telephone Ext-25301 or via email.
• Enter Department Curriculum Committee (DCC) votes and Department votes. If Department
does not have a DCC, indicate this by checking “No DCC” box.
• Form must be signed and dated by the Department Curriculum Committee Chair, if appropriate,
and the Department Chair.
• If this proposal has an effect on another department(s) please list the department(s).
• Your department must notify the chair(s) of the affected department(s) and you must attach
copies of the notification email or memo from your department.
• While an acknowledgement of notification from the affected department(s) is not required, if you
receive an acknowledgement email/memo from the affected department(s), please also attach.
• Be sure to include the email(s) or memo(s) in the appendices at the end of the summary sheet and
indicate that you have done so by checking the box.
• If no other departments are affected by this proposal, check the box labeled “No Departments
Are Affected.”
After completing forms:
1) Original Signature Sheet must be submitted to the UCF office (copies of the Signature Sheet will not be
accepted). The Signature Sheet must be signed appropriately as described in Box 3 and send to the UCF
office, EN C 216. The proposal will not be forwarded to the School Curriculum Committee (SCC) until
the Signature Sheet has been received.
2) Email the entire completed form as one attachment named RCP XXX (dept. code) XXX (course
number), (e.g. RCP ANT 349) to the UCF Office at Include: a) Signature
Sheet, b) Summary Sheet and c) Appendices.
You will be able to view your proposal on the UCF website to determine the stage of your proposal in
the approval process.
Revised: Spring 2014
Summary Sheet Directions (return to Summary Sheet form)
Original and Revised Course Information:
For both original and revised courses, enter information. If there is no change, indicate “same” in Revised
Course Box. Always complete all information in Current Course Box.
Subject Code, Course Number and Title as they appear on Signature Sheet.
Transcript Title - If the Title is longer than 29 characters (including spaces), provide a 29 character
Transcript Title.
Catalog Description – This should be concise and consistent with the rationale and course outline. For
brevity, use phrases as opposed to full sentences. Avoid restating the course title in the description. Use
present tense (i.e. not what they will do in the course, but what they do in the course, for example:
“Investigation of …” not “Students will investigate…”). Avoid beginning sentences using the phrase
"This course covers….” Information about the major focus, objective, teaching, methodology, and
learning environment may be included, if appropriate. When applicable, indicate if special fees,
equipment or field studies are required.
Prerequisites – Be specific. List by Subject Code and Course Number when possible (Examples: ANT
101, PSY 100, SOC 211) or if specific courses are not appropriate use descriptors such as “junior or
senior status” or “6 PSC credits” etc. Avoid vague prerequisites such as “Social Science B
Requirement.” Do not add “or departmental permission to the prerequisite;” this is a given for all
courses. However, if a course requires department permission indicate, “Departmental permission.”
Enter number of Credits.
Enter number of Contact Hours per Week in appropriate box: Lecture, Lab, Other. Lectures,
discussions, and seminars meet 1 academic hour (50 minutes) per credit per week. Laboratories and
studios usually meet between 2 and 3 hours per credit per week.
Enter the requested Course Enrollment Cap.
Enter Proposed Effective Term. Allow sufficient time for proposal to be approved by various entities.
Adhere to the Catalog Deadlines if you wish to ensure that your course will appear in the copy of the
Undergraduate Catalog. Please note that if a proposal requires numerous revisions, suggested time
frames might not be sufficient.
Check all appropriate boxes.
o Required in Program - If the course is required in the Program, a Revised Program Proposal is
also required. Indicate if you are also submitted a Revised Program Proposal.
o Elective in Major – If the course is an elective within the program, a Revised Program Proposal
may be required (see below). Indicate if you are also submitting a Revised Program Proposal.
 A Revised Program Proposal is required if the course will be included in a specific list;
example: “select 9 credits from the following courses.”
A Revised Program Proposal is not needed if the program already specifies electives as
part of the program, i.e. “select 9 credits from the 300-level,” and this course is a 300
level course.
o Free Elective – The course may be used to satisfy a free elective in the student’s program.
Revised: Spring 2014
Summary Sheet Directions (return to Summary Sheet form)
o Liberal Education Program approval– Check this box if this course is proposed as an LEP
Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 course and is not currently so designated. This is a two part process.
Following revised course approval by NMC, the proposal will be brought before the UCF body
for approval and will be sent by NMC to UWIC for consideration as an LEP course. Following
UWIC approval for LEP status, the proposal will be brought before the UCF body for LEP
approval. The applications for course revision approval and LEP approval may be submitted
“W” Course approval – Check this box if this course will be proposed to fulfill the university
“W” course requirement and is not currently a “W” course. This is a two part process.
Following revised course approval by NMC, the proposal should be submitted to the WACC
committee (via the UCF office) by utilizing the appropriate forms. The applications for course
revision approval and “W” course approval may be submitted simultaneously.
Rationale - The rationale should describe the reason(s) for the proposed change(s), i.e. “previous Title
outdated” or “previous description lacking detail.”
Appendices Check Box: Check all appropriate boxes to indicate the appendices that have been attached
in the field provided.
o Notification(s) to affected departments – See directions in Signature Sheet Box 3 above.
o Acknowledgement(s) from affected departments – See directions in Signature Sheet Box 3
Course Details: Please include in the appendices any of the following items related to this revised
course that are needed for review of this revised course proposal. The item should be included where the
changes requested would impact these items. Check all appropriate boxes to indicate the appendices that
have been attached.
o Learning objectives
The course learning objectives will state the skills and knowledge the students are expected to
gain from this course.
o Course outline
The course outline should be approximately one or two pages and should clearly support the title,
description and rationale presented. The outline should indicate the topics to be covered and the
approximate percentage of the course to be devoted to each major topic. A syllabus that includes
the above criteria may fulfill the requirements for a course outline.
o Method(s) of evaluating students
Describe and define each evaluation tool or assignment that will be used in determining a
student’s grade.
o Bibliography
The bibliography for a new course should include readings that were relevant for developing the
course, and those that the students might use to learn more about the topic. Your bibliography
must be alphabetized and presented consistently in a recognized scholarly format typical of your
Appendices: Copy and paste (or enter directly) all of the items listed above.
Revised: Spring 2014
Key to abbreviations (return to Signature Sheet or return to Summary Sheet):
LEP – Liberal Education Program
DCC – Department Curriculum Committee
NMC – Notifications Management Committee – UCF standing committee that reviews new and revised course
proposals and revised programs
SCC – School Curriculum Committee
UCF – Undergraduate Curriculum Forum
UWIC – University Wide Impact Committee – UCF standing committee that reviews courses already approved
by NMC for appropriateness as fulfilling an AUR.
WACC – Writing Across Curriculum Committee – UCF standing committee that reviews courses already
approved by NMC to fulfill university Writing (“W”) requirement.
Revised: Spring 2014
See Revised Program Proposal Directions or use highlighted links for directions to complete forms.
Box 1 – Contact Information
Program (BS/BA):
Concentration (if applicable):
Contact Person:
Phone Ext.:
Department Votes: For:
Box 2 - Department Signatures:
Dept. Chair: _________________________________________________
Date Dept. Chair Approved: __________
DCC Chair: _________________________________________________
Date DCC Approved: ________________
Box 3 - Attachments Required:
Current catalog description with proposed edits marked.
Current online degree evaluation with proposed edits marked.
Box 4 – Notification:
List other departments (use dept. code) affected by this proposal and attach email/memo(s) of notification from your
department. If you receive an email/memo of acknowledgement of notification from the affected department(s), please
Notification email/memo attached:
Notification email/memo attached:
Notification email/memo attached:
Notification email/memo attached:
No departments are affected:
UCF Use Only:
Date the Completed Proposal (with all necessary attachments) was received in UCF Office: _________________
SCC Chair: ______________________________________________
Date SCC Approved: ______________
NMC Chair: _____________________________________________
Date NMC Approved: _____________
UCF Chair: ______________________________________________
Date UCF Approved: ______________
Provost Use Only
Effective Term: Fall, Year:
Provost or Designee: _______________________________________
Date UCF Received Final Approval: __________________________
Date Approved:___________________
Revised: Spring 2014
Field 1: Proposed Effective Term
Fall, Year:
(Check UCF timetable Deadlines for suggested dates to submit proposals.)
Field 2: Program information
Program (BS/BA):
Concentration (if applicable):
Field 3: Overall Requirements:
Current Overall Required Credits:
Current Overall GPA Required:
Proposed Overall Required Credits (min. 120)
Proposed Overall GPA Required (min. 2.0)
Field 4: Major Requirements (Minor Requirements, if applicable):
Deleted Requirements
Added Requirements
Field 5: Cognate Requirements:
Deleted Requirements
Field 6: LEP Tier Restrictions:
Deleted Tier Restriction
TIER Category
Field 7: Other Requirements:
Field 8: Rationale
Rationale for Program Revision:
Added Requirements
Added Tier Restriction
TIER Category
Revised: Spring 2014
Directions for Revised Program Proposal
Signature Sheet (return to form)
• Indicate the Program (BA/BS), Major, and Concentration (if applicable)
• Contact Information
• Department Votes (Departmental Curriculum Committee Votes)
• Program proposal form must be signed by the Department Chair and the Department Curriculum
Committee Chair, if appropriate, before submitting to UCF Office, EN-C216.
Required attachments sent as scanned documents:
• Current catalog description with proposed edits marked. It may be helpful to enlarge each page on the
photocopier and mark your edits.
• Current online degree evaluation with proposed edits marked (for directions, see
• If this proposal has an effects on another department(s) please list the department(s).
• Your department must notify the chair(s) of the affected department(s) and you must attach copies of the
notification email or memo from your department.
• While an acknowledgement of notification from the affected department(s) is not required, if you receive
an acknowledgement email/memo from the affected department(s), please also attach.
• Be sure to include the email(s) or memo(s) in the appendices at the end of the summary sheet and indicate
that you have done so by checking the box.
• If no other departments are affected by this proposal, check the box labeled “No Departments Are
After completing forms:
1) Original Signature Sheet must be submitted to the UCF office (copies of the Signature Sheet will not be
accepted). The Signature Sheet must be signed appropriately as described in Box 2 to the UCF office,
EN C 216. The proposal will not be forwarded to the School Curriculum Committee (SCC) until the
Signature Sheet has been received.
2) Email the entire completed form as one attachment named RPP (dept. code) (e.g. RPP EDU) to the UCF
Office at Include: a) Signature Sheet, b) Summary Sheet and c)
You will be able to view your proposal on the UCF website to determine the stage of your proposal in
the approval process.
Revised: Spring 2014
Summary Sheet Directions (return to Summary Sheet form):
Field 1: Proposed Effective Term
Allow sufficient time for proposal to be approved by various entities. Adhere to Catalog Deadlines if you wish to ensure
that your course will appear in the copy of the Undergraduate Catalog. Please note that if a proposal requires numerous
revisions, suggested time frames might not be sufficient.
Field 2: Program
• Fill in the Program (BA/BS), Major and Concentration (if applicable), or Minor.
• For example:
• Program: BS, Major: Business, Concentration: Marketing
• Program: BS, Major: Anthropology, Concentration: Biological
• Program: BA, Major: English, Concentration: NONE
Field 3: Overall Requirements
• Current Overall Required Credits can be found on the top portion of the Current Online Degree Evaluation
• Current Overall GPA Required can be found on the top portion of the Current Online Degree Evaluation
• Proposed Overall Required Credits (minimum 120 credits)
• Proposed Overall GPA Required (minimum 2.0)
Field 4: Major Requirements (Minor Requirements, if applicable)
Please list any requirements that are being either deleted or added in the spaces provided. You only need to indicate
requirements that are changing.
• Indicate any Deleted Requirements
• Indicate any Added Requirements
Field 5: Cognate Requirements
Please list any cognate courses that are being either deleted or added in the spaces provided. You only need to indicate
requirements that are changing.
• Indicate any Deleted Cognates
• Indicate any Added Cognates
Field 6: LEP Tier Restrictions
If your program revision affects LEP Tier 1, 2, or 3 restrictions for the major, please indicate and provide the LEP Tier
Category (for example, T1CT for Tier 1, Critical Thinking).
• Indicated deleted LEP Tier restricted course(s).
• Indicate added LEP Tier restricted course(s).
Field 7: Other Requirements:
Indicate any other changes to the requirements of the program, including any pre-requisite courses or eligibility
requirements that are not indicated in the fields provided for major, cognate, or LEP requirements changes.
Field 8: Rationale
The rationale for a program revision will describe the reasons for the changes, with particular reference to how they
improve the program. The level of detail and explanation depends on the extent to which the program is changed.
Therefore, a program revision that involves changing only a single course can be very brief, while major revisions in the
program will require a more in-depth explanation.
See Expedited Proposal Directions or use highlighted links for directions to complete forms.
Box 1 - Program (BS/BA):
Concentration (if applicable):
Contact Person:
Phone Ext.:
Department Votes: For:
Box 2 - Department Signatures:
Dept. Chair: _________________________________________________ Date Dept. Chair Approved: ____________
DCC Chair: _________________________________________________
Date DCC Approved: ________________
Box 3 - Attachments Required:
Current catalog description with proposed edits marked.
Current online degree evaluation with proposed edits marked.
Box 4 – Notification
List other depts. (use dept. code) affected by this proposal and attach email/memo of notification from your department. If
you receive an email/memo of acknowledgement of notification from the affected department(s), please attach.
Notification email/memo attached:
Notification email/memo attached:
Notification email/memo attached:
Notification email/memo attached:
No departments are affected:
UCF Use Only:
Date the Completed Proposal (with all necessary attachments) was received in UCF Office: _________________
SCC Chair: ______________________________________________
Date SCC Approved: ______________
NMC Chair: _____________________________________________
Date NMC Approved: _____________
UCF Chair: ______________________________________________
Date UCF Approved: ______________
Provost Use Only
Effective Term:
Provost or Designee: _______________________________________
Date UCF Received Final Approval: __________________________
Date Approved:___________________
Field 1: Proposed Effective Term: (Check UCF timetable for suggested dates)
Fall, Year:
Field 2: Description of Changes Requested
Changes made via a Revised Course Proposal (submitted separately) that then affects listing of pre-requisite
and catalog description in multiple courses.
Changes made via a Revised Program Proposal (submitted separately) that then affects the
listings/descriptions for multiple courses.
Request for minor change of catalog description language affecting multiple courses.
Other (explain below)
Description of changes requested:
Field 3: Rationale
Rationale for these changes:
Field 4: List of Impacted Courses
Subject Code
Course Number
Signature Sheet Directions (return to form):
Indicate the Program (BA/BS), Major, and Concentration (if applicable)
Contact Information
Department Votes (Departmental Curriculum Committee Votes)
Program proposal form must be signed by the Department Chair and the Department Curriculum
Committee Chair, if appropriate, before submitting to UCF Office, EN-C216.
BOX 3:
Required attachments sent as scanned documents:
• Current catalog description with proposed edits marked.
• Current online degree evaluation with proposed edits marked (for directions, see
If this proposal has an effect on another department(s) please list the department(s).
Your department must notify the chair(s) of the affected department(s) and you must attach
copies of the notification email or memo from your department.
While an acknowledgement of notification from the affected department(s) is not required, if you
receive an acknowledgement email/memo from the affected department(s), please also attach.
Be sure to include the email(s) or memo(s) in the appendices at the end of the summary sheet and
indicate that you have done so by checking the box.
If no other departments are affected by this proposal, check the box labeled “No Departments
Are Affected.”
Summary Sheet Directions (return to form):
Field 1: Proposed Effective Term
Enter Proposed Effective Term. Allow sufficient time for proposal to be approved by various
entities. Adhere to Catalog Deadlines if you wish to ensure that your course will appear in the copy of
the Undergraduate Catalogue. Please note that if a proposal requires numerous revisions, suggested
time frames might not be sufficient.
Field 2: Description of Proposed Changes Requested
Indicate the type of change you are proposing and provide a brief description of the changes
requested on this expedited form.
Field 3: Rationale
Provide a rationale for the requested change.
Field 4: List of Impacted Courses
List all the courses for which the change is being requested.
After completing forms:
1) Original Signature Sheet must be submitted to the UCF office (copies of the Signature Sheet will not be
accepted). The Signature Sheet must be signed appropriately as described in Box 2 to the UCF office,
EN C 216. The proposal will not be forwarded to the School Curriculum Committee (SCC) until the
Signature Sheet has been received.
2) Email the entire completed form as one attachment named EP (dept. code) (e.g. EP EDU) to the UCF
Office at Include: a) Signature Sheet, b) Summary Sheet and c)
You will be able to view your proposal on the UCF website to determine the stage of your proposal in
the approval process.