1) Introduction
The Vitruvian Man was drawn by Leonardo DaVinci during the Renaissance, around the year 1487. DaVinci's drawing shows the proportions of man, fitting man's body into a circle and a square by changing the position of his arms and legs.
According to da Vinci, the Vitruvian Man possessed the following ratios:
Ratio of height to arm span (1:1)
• Ratio of height to hand span (10:1)
Ratio of height to the distance from the top of the head to the bottom of the chin (8:1)
Ratio of height to the distance from the elbow to the tip of the hand (5:1)
Do you think this applies to you? Why?
2) Groupwork
Work by pairs and fill in the table.
Arm span/Height
NAME: Height Arm span
3) Presentations
Who is the best Vitruvian in the class?
Draw a scatterplot and comment it.
Who is the best Vitruvian in the class?
Take and print snapshots of the best candidates and run an awards ceremony
Do we have a Vitruvian class?
Compute the statistics about the ratios and present them like a journalist.
Are girls more or less Vitruvian than boys?
Compare the results for the two genders and run a debate.