Temperature Scales Worksheet: Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin

Name______________________ Temperature Scales Worksheet 1. The Fahrenheit scale and the Celsius scale are shown here side by side: a. What is the temperature of the room in degrees Celsius?_____________ Fahrenheit? _____________ b. What is body temperature in degrees Celsius?_____________ Fahrenheit? _____________ c. Which is hotter, 30oC or 30oF? Explain your reasoning? d. Estimate what 50oC would be on the Fahrenheit scale. e. The formula for conversion from degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit is Check your answer to part d by performing the calculation. . 2. What property of matter best describes the way a typical alcohol thermometer works? a. Explain why the alcohol level in the thermometer rises when you place the thermometer in contact with warmer objects. Draw a particle diagram to illustrate this change. Be sure to include how energy is being transferred. b. Explain why the alcohol level in the thermometer lowers when you place the thermometer in contact with colder objects. Draw a particle diagram to illustrate this change. Be sure to include how energy is being transferred. 3. The volume of a sample of gas was measured at several temperatures. The data are given in the table. Plot the data points on the graph. a. Draw the best straight line you can through the points on the graph. b. Use the graph to find the temperature if the volume of this gas decreases to zero. ____________ c. Do you think the temperature can keep dropping indefinitely? Explain your reasoning. 4. Compare the Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin thermometers. Fill in the temperatures in Kelvin that correspond to the temperatures on the Fahrenheit and Celsius thermometers. 5. Zero Kelvin (0 K) is also called absolute zero. What is absolute zero equal to in: Celsius? ________ Fahrenheit? __________ 
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