Populism What is populism and how did it affect the United States? UNREST IN RURAL AMERICA Deflation, low crop prices, and tariffs hurt farmers. populism: movement to work for laws that would help farmers high food supply + high export tariffs = hard for farmers to make a living banks and RRs were not helping with high interest rates and shipping charges Inventions such as this grain binder made the food supply go up--and prices go DOWN Populism What is populism and how did it affect the United States? THE MONEY SUPPLY Before the Civil War: inflation: decline in the value of money, prices increase happens when more PAPER is issued without an increase in goods for sale or gold to back it up After the Civil War: deflation: increase in value of money, prices decrease low prices hurt farmers, had to sell their crops for much less Different solutions possible, but no agreement on which to choose... A simple explanation of inflation and deflation! Populism What is populism and how did it affect the United States? THE GRANGE TAKES ACTION The Grange: organization of farmers founded in 1867 pressured state legislatures to regulate RR rates tried to create cooperatives: hold many farmers’ crops in storage until prices rose all attempts fail: RRs refuse to do business with “farmer unions” Supreme Court says no state can regulate RRs cooperatives not big enough to raise prices A Grange poster Populism What is populism and how did it affect the United States? THE FARMERS’ ALLIANCE formed when Grange failed, 3 million members by 1890 large version of Grange, had some success with RR rates and pricing help failed when they made loans (never repaid) and were still too small to really help Logo of the Texas chapter of the Farmers’ Alliance Populism What is populism and how did it affect the United States? THE RISE OF POPULISM Farmers started the People’s Party to fight for their interests and attracted many supporters when a depression hit in the 1890s. THE SUBTREASURY PLAN called for gov’t warehouses called subtreasuries: farmers to store crops and gov’t to make loans to farmers also wanted: coining new silver, end tariffs, end national banks, regulate RRs, direct election of senators seemed to be working in the South: 4 Govs and 40 Congressmen elected were supporting this Charles Macune, designer of the Subtreasury Plan Populism What is populism and how did it affect the United States? A POPULIST RUNS FOR PRESIDENT populist candidates doing well out west too, control 4 state legislatures James Weaver BUT: most are not following through with their promises National People’s Party created, nominated James Weaver for Pres. called for subtreasury plan PLUS a graduated income tax: rich people pay more Most people stick with Democrats, can’t relate to rural concerns Convention ticket Populism What is populism and how did it affect the United States? THE ELECTION OF 1896 Although William Jennings Bryan had the support of the Populists and the Democrats, Republican William McKinley defeated him. BRYAN’S CAMPAIGN Populists support him to avoid splitting the vote He is: 36 years old, House rep, powerful speaker, in favor of the silver standard Travelled all over, spoke everywhere, VERY popular in the South and West William Jennings Bryan campaign flyer Populism What is populism and how did it affect the United States? THE ELECTION OF 1896 Although William Jennings Bryan had the support of the Populists and the Democrats, Republican William McKinley defeated him. BRYAN’S CAMPAIGN Populists support William Jennings Bryan, Democrat, to avoid splitting the vote He is: 36 years old, House rep, powerful speaker, in favor of the silver standard Travelled all over, spoke everywhere, VERY popular in the South and West William Jennings Bryan campaign flyer Populism What is populism and how did it affect the United States? THE FRONT PORCH CAMPAIGN Republican William McKinley stayed home and invited people to visit promised “full dinner pail” (more jobs) for urban workers, gold instead of silver standard, moderate on labor issues and nice to immigrants he wins because of urban voters outnumbering those in the rural South and West A McKinley campaign promotional dinner pail!