The Dalton School Goldman Library High School Library Subject

The Dalton School Goldman Library
High School Library
Subject Bibliography
Environmental Studies
This bibliography is a sampling of items in our library related to the subject of Enironmental
Studies. It is not comprehensive. Please browse our catalog at for a more complete listing. In addition to the
books and DVDs on this list, we offer remote access to databases such as Science Online
and Global Issues In Context, that are rich sources of information. Feel free to contact a
librarian for assistance with your search.
Ark of the Broken Covenant:
Protecting the World's
Biodiversity Hotspots by John
Charles Kunich, 2003.
At Loggerheads? Agricultural
Expansion, Poverty Reduction,
and Environment in the Tropical
Forests by Kenneth M. Chomitz,
2007. eBook
Biodiversity and Native America
edited by Paul E. Minnis and
Wayne J. Elisens, 2000. eBook
The Biodiversity Crisis: Losing
What Counts edited by Michael J.
Novacek, 2001.
Clean Water: An Introduction to
Water Quality and Water
Pollution Control by Kenneth M.
Vigil, 2003. eBook
Climate Change: What It Means
for Us, Our Children, and Our
Grandchildren edited by Joseph
F.C. DiMento and Pamela
Doughman, 2007.
Conservation and Biodiversity by
Andrew P. Dobson, 1996.
Creating a Climate for Change:
Communicating Climate Change
and Facilitating Social Change
edited by Susanne C. Moser and
Lisa Dilling, 2007. eBook
Doing Environmental Ethics by
Robert Traer, 2009.
Field Notes from a Catastrophe:
Man, Nature, and Climate
Change by Elizabeth Kolbert,
Green Cities: Urban Growth and
the Environment by Matthew E.
Kahn, 2006. eBook
In Nature's Interests? Interests,
Animal Rights, and
Environmental Ethics by Gary E.
Varner, 1998. eBook
An Introduction to Animal
Behavior by Aubrey Manning and
Marian Stamp Dawkins, 1998.
Life in the Balance: Humanity
and the Biodiversity Crisis by
Niles Eldredge, 1998.
Ocean Drifters: A Secret World
Beneath the Waves by Richard
R. Kirby, 2011.
Put on Some Antlers and Walk
Like a Moose: How Scientists
Find, Follow, and Study Wild
Animals by April Pulley Sayre,
1997. eBook
Rainforests of the World: A
Reference Handbook by Kathlyn
Gay, 2001.
Reproduction In Context: Social
and Environmental Influences on
Reproductive Physiology and
Behavior edited by Kim Wallen
and Jill E. Schneider, 2000.
Saving a Million Species:
Extinction Risk from Climate
Change by Lee Jay Hannah,
The Song of the Ape:
Understanding the Languages of
Chimpanzees by Andrew R.
Halloran, 2012.
The State of the Earth:
Environmental Challenges on the
Road to 2100 by Paul K. Conkin,
2007. eBook
Where We Stand: A Surprising
Look at the Real State of Our
Planet by Seymour Garte, 2008.
World of the Penguin by
Jonathan Chester, 1996.
The WTO and Sustainable
Development by Gary P.
Sampson, 2005. eBook
Reference Books
A Dictionary of Environmental
Economics, Science, and Policy by
R. Quentin Grafton, Linwood H.
Pendleton, and Harry W. Wilson,
2001. eBook
Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior
edited by Marc Bekoff, forward by
Jane Goodall, 2004.
Encyclopedia of Underwater Life:
Aquatic Invertebrates ad Fishes
edited by Andrew Campbell and
John Dawes, 2005.
Environmental Science: In Context
edited by Brenda Wilmoth Lerner
and K. Lee Lerner, 2009.
Encyclopedia of Weather and
Climate Change: A Complete
Visual Guide by Juliane L. Fry,
Great Debates in American
Environmental History by Brian
Black and Donna L. Lybecker,
Grzimek's Animal Life
Encyclopedia by Bernhard
Grzimek, 2003.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of
Environmental Science, 2003.
Biomes: The Adaptations of
Organisms by N Quest Inc., 2002.
The 11th Hour: Turn Mankind's
Darkest Hour into its Finest by
Warner Independent Pictures,
Environment: A Historical
Perspective by Films for the
Humanities & Sciences, 1999.
Energy: Economies of Being
Environmentally Conscious by
Kontentreal Productions, 2007.
Food, Inc. by Robert Kenner,
Population 6 Billion by Films for
the Humanities & Sciences, 2005.
A River of Waste: The Hazardous
Truth About Factory Farms by Don
McCorkell, 2009.
Strange Days On Planet Earth by
National Geographic Television
and Film, 2005.
--September, 2012