Introduction to Mitosis The following activity is an independent study on the process of mitosis. You will work at your own pace with a maximum of two periods being given for the first four parts. What you do not complete in class can be done at home or in your spare time. The activity is split between text work and computer work. This will allow half the class to work at each at one time. Part I – Text Reading The following reading assignment is to introduce you to the topic of mitosis as a method of cell division. You are to read pages 532 – 536 from Nelson Biology and answer the following questions. 1. In what type of organism does binary fission occur? 2. How does binary fission differ from mitosis? 3. Compare the daughter cells with the original mother cell. 4. Identify 3 things that happen to the cell during interphase. 5. What is the function of spindle fibers? 6. What is the function of a centromere? 7. What happens to the chromatids during metaphase? Anaphase? Telophase? 8. What is cytokinesis? How does it differ in plant and animal cells? Part II – Plant Cell Animation Tutorial Using the classroom computer go to the Horton Biology 12 Animations page and click on the HAF – Mitosis Tutorial link. View the animation and use the information to complete Part II of this activity. Part III – Animal Cell Mitosis and the Process Involved In the pictures found below identify each stage by putting the correct title in the space between the cell picture and the diagram. Choose from the following: telophase and cytokinesis, prometaphase, G2 of Interphase, anaphase, prophase, metaphase. In the first picture label the following: Image 1 – chromatin, nuclear membrane, centrioles Image 2 – centromeres, sister chromatids, spindles forming Image 3 – nuclear membrane breaking down, poles spindles In the second picture label the following: Image 4 – metaphase plate, spindles, centrioles Image 5 – daughter chromosomes Image 6 – new nucleus forming, cleavage furrow Cell Reproduction Unit Cell Reproduction Unit Part IV – The Cell Life Cycle Identify the basic stages of the cell life cycle by identifying the following on the diagram: G2, cytokinesis, G1, S phase, mitosis. In one sentence tell what happens in each phase of the cycle. Cell Life Cycle: Part V – Reproduction Without Sex Crossword An instructional Mitosis Powerpoint can be found on my website in Powerpoints section. Complete the crossword puzzle that has been provided at the end of the activity using the powerpoint and textbook. This will help you learn about the process of mitosis. Cell Reproduction Unit Reproduction Without Sex Across 2. a period when the cell grows and prepares for cell division 6. the structure that holds the two parts of the chromosome together 8. the last phase of mitosis 10. a term referring to the mass of genetic material found in the nucleus 11. (two words) guide wires for the movement of chromosomes in the cell 13. the substance that is divided during the second phase of cell division Down 1. (two words) a type of cell division found in bacteria 3. the structures that contain the genetic material 4. the stage of mitosis when the chromosomes separate 5. small protein bodies found in the cytoplasm that help form the poles of the cell 6. division of the cell cytoplasm 7. the period of time when the chromosomes thicken during mitosis 9. asexual cell division found in multicellular organisms 12. the stage of mitosis when the chromosomes line up at the cell equator 13. chromosomes consist of two of these Cell Reproduction Unit