4th Grade Cereal Box Biome Project

4th Grade Cereal Box Biome Research Form
Scientist Name and #
(Top of Box)
Biome Name
(Front of Box)
Cartographer: Label a continent
map and color biome location(s).
(Front of Box)
Meteorologist: Climate (average
temperature and precipitation)
(Front of Box)
Tropical Rainforest
Deciduous Forest
Grassland (Savannah)
Continent Names:
Average Temperature:
Average amount of Precipitation per year:
Form(s) of Precipitation:
Botanist: Name and find a
picture of two biome plants.
(Back of Box)
Zoologist: Name and find a
picture of two biome animals.
(Back of box)
Fast Facts: Find 3 facts to
further describe your biome.
(Right side of box)
Plant 1:
Plant 2:
Animal 1:
Animal 2:
Fast Fact 1:
Fast Fact 2:
Fast Fact 3:
Environmentalist: Describe one
environmental problem that
hurts your biome.
(Left side of Box)
4th Grade Cereal Box Biome Project Criteria
Congratulations, you’ve been chosen to become an intern-SCIENTIST at GREEN Science
Institute (G.S.I.)!
Based on your most recent study of Ecology in science class, you will receive TOP SECRET
training to learn the roles of these G.S.I. scientists- cartographers (maps), meteorologists
(weather), botanists (plants), zoologist (animals), and environmentalists (environment).
To be clear, by the end of your internship you will be responsible for creating a Cereal Box
Biome (visual aide) to showcase your research of one of Earth’s six major biomes.
Reminder: We here at G.S.I. follow strict rules and must meet our deadlines. If rules are not
followed and deadlines are not met, valuable GRANT money for future scientific research will be
lost as well as character credibility of being responsible.
To ensure you earn the most amount of credit for your hard work, follow these steps through the
duration of this assignment.
1) Use and complete the given research form on one of Earth’s six major biomes.
2) Remain on task and use your time wisely when able to access G.S.I computers, textbooks, and
other research resources.
3) Next, plan and create your visual aide- a Cereal Box Biome.
Top- Name and #
Front- Biome Name, Climate, Location Map
Right Side- Biome Fast Facts
Left Side- WARNING LABEL- Biome’s Environmental Problem
Back-Biome Plants and Biome Animals
What supplies and resources will I need to create my visual aide?
How can I creatively display my research on the visual aide so that it meets the
following requirements?
eye-catching (colorful/neat)
includes my first and last name and #
includes all the required/completed information (on my research form)
layout of information on correct sides of cereal box