Grade 7 - Rome International School

• Greetings • Names and nationalities, ages • Classroom language
The French language; France and other countries
Introduction to French.
• Things that make you think of France and general presentation geo. Label the
things that make you think of France in French and answer quiz on France at the
end of the lesson (team game- jeu televise model). Use TES resources. textbook
page 26 and 27- p30 ex A
• The transparent words- how to recognize French words easily. Establish what is a
cognate or near cognate with examples. Give practical exo. first pages of the
• common pronunciation: ai p 17; ou p 27; au/eau p 39, liaisons, p 46, e muet , s
fina p.49, ent p 49. read aloud passages. do short reading practice with peer
assessment (say no when you think is it wrongly said). For common errors, play the
game get a volunteer out and froid ou chaud intonation.
Numbers 0–31: use TES resource, do maths exo, listening tasks. Counting
against the clock. Getting a phone number right Bingo game. p 10 ex 5 +6
Expressing people’s age. Using combine and il y a tell how many classroom
objects you see on the board.
• The alphabet - Use TES resource, spell your own name.
• 10 Classroom instructions: TES resource, label the instruction, simon says game.
Pupils create a classroom display and label the instruction – the best work will be
displayed in the room for future references.
• Classroom objects - labelling. p 11 ex 1+2. p 20 ex B
• Saying and asking basic information: first and second name, age, nationality,
address, date of birth, languages spoken, family situation, phone number. Read
dialogues and ask what do you think it means..Listening tasks. Do role-play
practice. Fill in a fiche de renseignements. See authentic materials with game
shows on French Tv when people introduce themselves.
• textbook p 8 ex 1+2+3. p 9 ex 6 + boite verte. p 19 ex1.
• The days and months and key dates for France. TES resource, fill in the letters
missing. Sing a song. Tell when is your birthday and the birthday of French famous
French CLASS: Grade 7 ASSESSMENT Basic vocabulary test on classroom instructions alphabet – spelling words Test on numbers Pronunciation practice Test on present tense and subject pronouns Test and grammatical work on the gender and nouns C. A: Introducing oneself/someone else informally, giving at least, name, age and nationality. Asking this information to your partner using cue cards (quel age as-­‐tu? Comment tu t’appelles?) AHA: Introducing oneself/someone else in more details, using formal and informal way to introduce someone in French. Using bilingual dictionary. Using the negative form. Types of text: a short email, design and completion of a formulaire with voices nom/prénom/age/ date de naissance (chambre d’hotel, passeport, inscription au collège) Unit 0 and Unit 1 and 2 from Editions Didier Décibel. people (Pogba le 7/09) and what’s the date today. p 14 ex 4.
• les mois: p 21 ex 1+2+3; p 24 ex5.
• The weather sentences and seasons. Label exo. Watch meteo programme
without the sound and do role play.
• The ‘avoir’ and ‘etre’ verbs + The present tense (regular and irregular); Bled
type of exos. p 37 boite verte. from the grammar book: p 94+95 ex 1+2; p 96 ex 3; p
97 ex 10.
• Nouns and gender + the definite and indefinite articles sing/plu. Bled type of
exo and grammaire facile. Dictionnary explanation.
• Qu’est ce que c’est ? game : say the object you see on the IWB, using c’est
un/une…(classroom object previously seen)+ dictionary practice against the clock
for unknown objects. articles definis et indefinis: p 13 boite verte, p 15 ex.29. from
the grammar book: p 14+15; p 16 ex 3+4+6; p 17 ex. 8 à 11. IWB pronunciation
practice. grammar book: p 11 ex 5.
• Pupils take out their own stuff on the table and shuffle them around: they take in
turns to reunite an object with its owner, saying aloud c’est la/le trousse de Martin.
• Kim’s game: in group, pupils are given object and remove one object from the pile
and ask to one another ‘qu’est ce qui manque’? il manque le/la…
• Plural : Qu’est ce que c’est ? C’est un / ce sont des practice - Naming common
classroom objects. TES resource. In the written form. grammaire p 11 ex.5
• French verbs (1)
– The infinitive : p 23 ex 6,7,8 et boite verte + interview box.
– Subject pronouns je, tu, il, elle. J’ + from grammar book: p 58 + 59 ex1; p 60
– 1st/2nd/3rd person singular present tense of regular -er verbs
The difference between ‘tu’ and ‘vous’; give pictures and say if you would
use Tu or Vous.
• Common regular verbs in the 3 groups.
• To learn more –er verbs. Match the correct verb to the activity. p 33 ex 1+2+3, p 34
ex 1 + à toi!
• le pronom 'on'. grammare book page 58 ex 8+9. p 37 ex 5 to 8 + à toi, p 42 ex B.
• la négation: p 33-34
Bled exos and grammaire facile. Match the subject pronoun to the correct form of the
verb. Teacher give an infinitive, One pupil say a pronoun, the other pick the right verb
form from those on the board. And them remove any option.
Learner profile attribute: Communicator, Inquirer Cross curricula links: geography, history, English language, maths
Basic grammatical
My Family and pets
My hobbies and what I
• The possessive pronoun : mon/ma/mes, ton/ta/tes, son/sa/ses. Dico work for
checking the gender of the word- against the clock. Bled exo. grammar book: p 42,
43, 44, 45.
• To name family members. p 45 ex 5 + 6 + à toi! p 52 ex A.Use TES resource.
Understand a family tree; use game true of false. Draw your own family tree and
the description of it written underneath’ma maman s’appelle…’. Pupils ask
questions about each other families. Do reading practice and from it draw the
correct family tree.
• To name common pets. Use TES resource, label exo. Use previously learnt
language to make sentences (nom, age, possessives)
To describe animals using common adjectives and colours. Masculine and
feminine agreement of adjectives. Pupils match text they read or extract
they hear to the correct picture.
Bled and grammaire facile exo. grammar book on adjectives: p 50 to 53. p192
ex 1 +3.
To describe someone’s appearance (physical and personality) Textbook:
page 34 ex3, p 25 boite verte.
• Masculine and feminine agreement of adjectives. To describe oneself orally and
in the written form. to match the picture to the sentence you hear and your read.
Guessy game: displays famous people on IWB, one pupils selects one in secret
and makes the description- others need to say the name of the person described.
• To talk about hobbies and stating preferences. – j’aime/je déteste, je préfère +
infinitive. TES resource, label exo, mime game, listening exos.
• To learn more –er verbs. Match the correct verb to the activity. p 33 ex 1+2+3, p 34
ex 1 + à toi!
• To learn how to make questions and how to answer them. Est-ce que?
Inversion sujet-verbe. Grammar exo. Pupils interview one another: cocktail party
activity, pupils each have a set of interests and dislikes on a card; they circulate,
interviewing others to find the other pupil in the class with an identical match of
• To do some work about Christmas in France and write a Christmas invitation
card. email type of text: p 64 + p 58 préparation à une fete.
• verbes modaux: vouloir/devoir/ pouvoir: p 98 à 101 + p 195 ex3 (grammar book)
Prep for the tests:
• Reading texts about correspondants and answer comprehension ?, do DELF tasks.
identify the nature of the text and communicative aims.
The linguistic features to write an informal letter. Cross curricula links: English language Learner profile attribute: thinker, knowledgeable
Grammatical work on the possessive
Test on vocabulary
Grammatical work and test on the adjectival
End of term tests:
Write an informal letter about your
family and your friends. Carte postale
model textbook p 53.
And Write a short auto-portrait
To do role-play practice and do visual
stimuli on traditional Xmas in France
Reading comprehension on pen pals.
Listening tasks on the topics covered
so far.
C.A. Revising grammar : subject pronoun,
verb, noun, adjective, ‘avoir’, ‘etre’
AHA: to use a larger range of vocabulary to
describe yourself, your family, your pet and
your friends, providing extra details on
preferences using –er verbs.
Unit 2 + 4 from Décibel 1
To learn polite forms of asking and answering.
To use the demonstrative adjectives.
To learn more common irregular verbs such as prendre or faire.
Faire des
To name clothes and describe them using adjectives of size and colours- to describe
what you like wearing at the weekends and your school uniform, what you wear at a
party, the soccer team uniform.
Key phrases to go for clothes shopping.
Review of the gender and use of the demonstrative adjectives.
Linguistic features and conventions to write a brochure.
Cross-curricular links: English literacy
Learner profile attribute: communicator
French CLASS: Grade 7 ASSESSMENT Vocabulary test on clothes.
To write a dialogue in a shop
Grammar test on demonstrative adjectives and
irregular verbs.
To create your own fashion portfolio with items being
describe in French (or soccer teams for boys).
To do role-plays suing cue cards from the exam.
C. A: to review concept of gender and adjectival
AHA: to create a new school uniform using more
details about the pattern and materials and using
intensifiers. To talk about fashion.
types of text: a fashion brochure.
Unit 6 from the Décibel book.
à Paris.
To understand short texts about a city break weekend
To name some common places in town.
To use and give directions.
To use the preposition à
To use the irregular verb ‘aller’ and the modal verbs.
To see how to use and form the imperative tense, revising classroom commands.
To read visits about Bruxelles and answer comprehension questions. To identify the type
of text and the communication aims.
To read postcards about the contents and answer comprehension ?
To describe where you live (type of accommodation, garden, countryside, calm lively..)
To plan a short 2 days visit in Rome or another city for French tourists.
Linguistic features and conventions to write a email.
Cross-curricular links: History
Learner profile attribute: inquirer and knowledgeable.
Vocabulary test on common places in town and
grammar test on the verbs and prepositions.
Activities from the book.
To write a postcard on a weekend in a town.
To read property ads and answer comprehension ?
To make your own property ad about the dreamed
house or the house of the future.
C. A: to use keys phrases to produce a touristy 2
days visit.
AHA: to use the imperative tense and read longer
types of text: a touristy brochure + email.
Unit 5 from the Décibel book.
In this unit pupils express opinions and give reasons for them. They talk about what they and other
people like and dislike. They also use a dictionary to look up adjectives and form sentences about
their school.
journée à
To name school subjects
To revise times, days of the weeks.
To describe a school timetable using days of the week, times and school routine verbs
To give opinions on subjects, reviewing the adjectival agreement
To write two or three sentences about school, using notes of previously learnt language with aids
such as a glossary or small dictionary; express orally and in writing simple opinions about school
and give reasons; asking for and giving simple opinions and reasons using pourquoi? and parce
que/qu’ how to ask simple questions about people’s likes and dislikes by revising the raised voice
technique and by using Est-ce que ...? practice on making questions using the inversion du
sujet: aimes-tu? Étudies-tu?
To read independently some simple texts such as class readers/magazines or pages on the
internet about another school; To carry out conversations of at least two or three exchanges,
asking and answering questions about school subjects, teachers, and school routines.
To do the same as above, at Saint Dominique, French school + inquiry about the French school
system : report quoting similarities and differences.
Learner profile attribute: Inquirer, knowledgeable.
Cross –curricular links: English literacy(what is an adjective, using a bilingual glossary, looking
up for genders of the words)
To make a timetable of RIS in French
Do a survey: opinions on school subjects
Vocab quiz on school subjects + opinions / likes /
dlslikes to learn
Grammar test on adjectival agreement.
C.A. Oral production –with partner – everyday school
conversations. Reviewing regular verbs in the present
AHA: To carry out a short research about the School
French system, conversing with native speakers.
types of text: to give and understand information about
their school day in a leaflet or brochure type of text:
Pupils research details of life in a French school (eg
via internet, partner school, textbook). On a twocolumn checklist, in which they have (or the teacher
has) provided details of life in their own school, they
describe alongside each point the corresponding
situation in the French school. They can highlight those
statements which show significant differences.
F Some pupils might add, in a third column, which system
they prefer and why. Alternatively, pupils might produce
an oral or written account of Mon école
• Using photos of school and lessons, pupils make a
presentation of school life with captions or fuller descriptions,
according to ability. (Photos could be scanned into wordprocessed accounts and sent to a partner school on the internet.) Unit 1 and 5 from Décibel 1 book.
ROME INTERNATIONAL MIDDLE/HIGH SCHOOL SYNOPSIS 2014 – 2015 TEACHER: UNIT TITLE DURATION To learn how to name, ask and order food. To talk about your meals and
traditional meals in France.
To shop in your everyday life.
Les services
To name food and drink items, and state opinions and preferences.
L’article partitif: de
To read about recipes and understand some key verbs linked to the food
topic revising the imperative tense.
To use adverbs of frequency
To use negative sentences revising je n’aime pas, je ne mange pas,…
To practise role-plays at the restaurant, going at the Café n’Importe
To learn the key vocab around train station, post office and at the food
To review the numbers.
To learn how to perform role plays during the everyday life situations
described above.
To learn some simple chronological devices.
Learner profile attribute: communicator, knowledgeable
Cross-curricular links: PE.
French CLASS: Grade 7 ASSESSMENT Vocab quiz on food items
Vocab quiz on key words at the train
station, post office, food market.
C. A: to review the present tense and
the times, to review the gender of the
AHA: to be at ease doing a role play
scene at the Café n’importe quoi! To
read more complex short texts about
cultural eating habits.
types of text: items for the newsletter,
Unit 6 from the Décibel book
Revision and feedback sessions on the topics covered over the year.
and End- of
year- tests
Tests in all 4 language skills: Pupils consolidate their knowledge, skills and
understanding of French grammar developed in previous units.
End-of-year Learning Project:
Group work, pupils select ONE topic covered over the year and prepare a
Presentation on it. (See MFL policy on Assessment)
Learner profile attribute: ALL
Listening test.
Reading test with comprehension
Writing test
Speaking test (role play and visual
End of Year Project planning, research
and presentation.