Polar Functions

Polar Functions
polar coordinate system
In the rectangular coordinate system, we identify points in the plane by their xand y-coordinates. We can also identify points by using their distance from the origin
and their angle from the positive x-axis. This is called the polar coordinate system.
Begin by drawing a half-line (or ray) from a fixed point called the pole (think
origin). The half-line is called the polar axis (think positive x-axis). Let P be any point in
the plane. Draw a line segment from the pole to point P. This line segment has some
distance r and makes an angle " with the polar axis. Label point P (r," ) .
However, the angle " is not unique for P, e.g., P (r," + 2#k) would also identify
the same point P. Negative values of r are possible, and r is referred to as a directed
distance. E.g., we could identify our point P as ("r,# + $ ) . Since the angle choice
depends on whether r is positive or negative, the angle is!referred to as a directed angle.
Thus, a point in the plane may have an infinite!number of polar coordinates.
Plot the points P (2, ) , Q (0, " )!
, R (1," ) , and S ("2, ) .
Converting between polar and rectangular coordinates
See figure on p. 577. Sometimes we want to convert from polar to rectangular
coordinates or vice versa.
To convert from polar to rectangular coordinates,
given a point (r," ) use
x = r cos" or y = r sin " .
To convert from rectangular to polar coordinates, given a point (x, y) use
x 2 + y 2 = r 2 or tan " = .
1. Convert (2, ) to rectangular coordinates. x = r cos" = 2cos = 2( ) = 3 .
y = r sin " = 2sin
= 2( ) = 1. So (x, y) = ( 3,1) .
2.!Convert (1, -1) to polar coordinates.
! r = x + y = (1) + ("1) = 2 .
tan " =
= #1 and " = tan#1 (#1)!, since the point (x, y) is in quadrant IV and the arctan is
only defined for quadrants I and IV the!angle " = # . So (r," ) = ( 2," ) . Other
possibilities are (" 2, ) and ( 2, ) .
distance formula for polar coordinates !
See figure 6 on p. 579. Let's!find the distance between
two points in the polar
coordinate system. We can make a triangle by drawing the line segment connecting the
! the Law of Cosines, we can find the distance between the two
two points.
Then by using
points. d 2 = r12 + r22 " 2r1r2 cos(#2 " #1 ) .
Find the distance between the points (4, " ) and (3,5 " 3) .
d = 4 2 + 32 " 2(4)(3) cos(5 # 3" # ) = 16 + 9 " 24 cos(2 # 3) = 25 " 24("1 2) = 37
polar functions
!coordinate system are usually written as
Recall that functions in the rectangular
y = f(x). Functions in the polar coordinate system are written as r = f( " ), i.e., the
directed distance of a point is a function of the angle " . Examples of polar functions are:
r = " , r = 1, r = sin " , r = 1 + sin " , r = 4/(1 + sin " ), r = d/cos( " – " ).
graphs of polar functions
Where graphs of rectangular functions are drawn from left to right on the plane,
graphs !
of polar functions are drawn counterclockwise from the polar axis.
! !
DRAW the graph of r = sin " .
Let’s begin by making a table of values.
0 " /6 " /3 " /2 2 " /3 5 " /6 " 7 " /6 4 " /3 3 " /2 5 " /3 11 " /6 2 "
0 1 2! 3 2 1
3 2 1 2 0 "1 2 " 3 2 "1 " 3 2 "1 2 0
Plot these points on the polar coordinate system and sketch a smooth curve
the graph
is drawn
increases from 0
! connecting
! the
! points.
! !
! counterclockwise
!as " !
to 2 " !radians.
! !
! !
! did this have
! !
! ! !
on the graph? It retraced its graph.
When did the graph pass through the pole (origin)? At (0, 0), (0, " ) and (0, 2 " ).
The graph passes through the pole (origin) when r = 0.
! !
Sometime it is helpful to determine the values of " for which r is a maximum.
Looking at our table of values, for which values of " is r a maximum?
" =! . What is
the maximum value of r? (maximum value of !
r = sin = 1) Could we have predicted
this from the function? Yes, sin " is a maximum when " = !
. What if our function had
been r = 1 - 2sin " ? Then r would have
. What is this
! a maximum value when " =
maximum value of r? (maximum value of r =!
1" 2sin
= 1" 2("1) = 3 )
!polar equations of circles
! of a circle. See figure 7 p.
We can use the distance formula to find an equation
580. If (r," ) is an arbitrary point on the circle of radius a with center (r0 ,"0 ) , then
a 2 = r 2 + r02 " 2rr0 cos(# " #0 ) is an equation of this circle. If the center of the circle is the
origin, then r0 = 0 and a 2 = r 2 (or r = ±a ).
Find a polar equation of the circle with radius 1 and center (2, ) .
12 = r 2!+ 2 2 " 2(2)r!cos(# " ) % 1 = r 2 + 4 " 4r cos(# " ) % r 2 " 4r cos(# " ) = "3
polar equations of lines
Let's consider polar equations of lines. We have two cases:
1. The line passes through the pole (origin)
2. The line does not pass through the pole
If a line passes through the pole and makes an angle "0 with the positive x-axis,
then the polar equation of the line is " = "0 . Since r is not related to " , r can assume any
! 4
value (both positive and negative). Draw the line " = # .
See fig. 10 p. 581. For a line that does not pass through the pole, we draw a
perpendicular line segment from the pole to the line L at some point N. Let's say the
polar coordinates of N are (d," ) . Let point P, (r," ) , be an arbitrary point on the line L.
Then in the right triangle ONP, we have cos(" # $ ) = d r or d = r cos(" # $ ) .
IF r cos(" # ) =1 is the polar equation of a line, then
# &
! %1, " (
1. Find the polar coordinates
of the point N.
$ 4'
2. Find the polar coordinates of the point on the line where " =
3. Sketch the line.
# #
. % 2, (
2 $
converting polar functions to rectangular and vice
! versa
Some graphs are more easily written in polar form than rectangular
form, r = e" .
Other graphs are more easily written in rectangular form, e.g., y = 2x + 1. Sometimes in
calculus we want to convert from one form to another to simplify our calculations. To
convert functions, we use the same four formulas we saw earlier:
y = r sin "
x = r cos"
x 2 + y 2 = r 2 tan " = .
Convert x 2 + y 2 = 16 to polar form. Substitute for x and y.
(r cos " ) 2 + (r sin " ) 2 = r 2 (cos 2 " + sin 2 " ) = r 2 (1) = 16 ; r = 4. This is the graph of a circle
! centered at the
! 4.
! pole with radius
to rectangular form. Converting from polar to
!Convert r =
1" sin #
rectangular form is not as easy. Multiply both sides by (1 – sin " ). r " r sin # = 2 . Since r
sin " = y, we have r – y = 2 or r = y + 2. Squaring both sides, r 2 = (y + 2) 2 = y 2 + 4 y + 4 .
Substituting for r 2 , we have x 2 + y 2 = y 2 + 4 y + 4 . Subtracting y 2 from both sides, we
have x 2 = 4 y + 4 = 4(y + 1) . This is the graph of a parabola
! ! with vertex (0, -1).
symmetry tests for polar coordinates
coordinates may be symmetric about the x-axis, the y-axis, or the
!Graphs in polar
origin like graphs in rectangular coordinates.
A polar graph is symmetric across the x-axis if r = f (" ) = f (#" ) . This is similar
to our earlier definition of even functions that are symmetric across the x-axis. This
definition makes sense, since the points ( r," ) and ( r,"# ) are reflections of each other
across the x-axis.
A polar graph is symmetric across the y-axis if f ("# ) = "r or equivalently
f (" # $ ) = r . A polar graph may only satisfy one of these tests. Read Example 3 on p.
A polar graph is symmetric across the origin if f (" ) = r and f (" ) = #r .