Physical Chemistry of Solids Concepts and formulae III K.D. Becker unter Mitwirkung von K. Talk (WS 2007/08) III. Defect chemistry: Lattice defects and defect equilibria 1. Macroscopic evidence of point defects a) Heat capacity b) Thermal expansion 2. Microscopic models of point defects a) Element crystals b) Ionic crystals 3. Thermodynamics of point defects a) Statistical treatment, element crystals b) The chemical potential of vacancies c) Statistical treatment, ionic crystals d) Disorder parameters e) Chemical thermodynamics 4. Adjustment and control of point defect concentrations a) Doping b) Equilibration with external phases c) Electroneutrality of crystals d) Notation, structure elements and rules 5. Examples 6. Abstract 7. Literature Learning objectives: - point defects, types of disorder lattice defects as quasi-chemical species point defect thermodynamics calculation of defect concentrations 1 III. Defect chemistry: lattice defects and defect equilibria III.1 Macroscopic evidence of point defects a) Heat capacity Many solids show an anomalous increase in heat capacity close their melting points ("extra contribution"): Extra contribution due to defects Tm Description: c p (T ) = c p0 (T ) + Δc p (T ) T ΔH(T ) = ∫ Δc p dT = x def ⋅ h def 0 Ansatz: x def = Const ⋅ exp( −hdef / RT ) Δc p (T ) = ∂ΔH(T ) / ∂T = Const ⋅ (h def / RT 2 ) ⋅ exp(−h def / RT ) Plot: ln (T 2 Δc p (T )) = −h def / RT + konst Example: AgBr Tm Degree of disorder at the melting point: x def (Tm ) = 2 ∫ Δc p (T ) dT 0 H def With Hdef = (135,6 ± 1,2) kJ/mol = 1,40 eV, Tm = 421,5°C and Tm ∫ ΔC p (T ) dt = 3,25 0 kJ one obtains xdef(Tm)= 2,4⋅10−2 mol (Kubaschewski, Nölting) b) Thermal expansion L(T) & a(T) V(T): crystal volume, L(T): length of crystal slab, a(T): lattice constant L(T) a(T) L(T) a(T) Tm T Crystal volume thus: Atomvolumen a3 V = (N + NV ) a 3 (Index V: vacancies) dV = a d(N + NV ) + 3a da(N + NV ) 3 2 = a 3 dNV + 3(N + N V ) a 2 da N + NV a 2 dV a3 = dN + 3 da V V N + NV a 3 ( N + NV ) a 3 dV dN V da = +3 V N a dN V dV da ⎛ dL da ⎞ = −3 =3⎜ − ⎟ N V a a ⎠ ⎝ L T Integration: dN V N V = N N 273 ° C ∫ mit N V (273°C) = 0 NV ⎛ ΔL Δa ⎞ = xV = 3 ⎜ − ⎟ N a ⎠ ⎝ L By means of so-called Simmons-Balluffi experiments (simultaneous determination of the macroscopic length expansion and of the lattice constant of a crystal) absolute values can be obtained for the concentrations of vacancies in crystals. 3 III.2 Microscopic models of point defects a) Element crystals Vacancy disorder: Interstitial disorder: b) Ionic crystals Schottky disorder vacancy Na+ ClCl- Cl- + Cl- - Na+ Cl + Cl- Na Cl Na Na+ Na+ Cl Na+ Cl Na+ Cl Na+ Na+ Cl- Na+ Cl Cl- Na+ Cl + Cl- Na Cl- Na+ Na+ Cl Na+ Cl Na+ Cl Na+ Cl Na+ Cl- Ag+ Br- Ag+ Br- Br- Ag+ Br- Ag+ Br- Ag+ Ag+ Br+ Br+ Ag Ag+ Br- Ag+ Br- Ag+ Br- Br- Ag Ag+ Br- Ag+ Br Ag+ Ag+ Br + Ag + Br- Ag Br- Ag+ BrP P Ag+ Br Ag+ BrP P P Br- Ag+ BrP P Na+ Cl Cl- Cl- Na+ Cl Na+ Cl Na+ Cl Na+ Cl- Frenkel disorder + Br- Ag Br- Na+ Cl- Cl- Na+ Ag+ Ag+ BrP P 4 Na+ Cl- Na+ Cl Na+ Cl- Na+ Na+ Cl- Na+ Na+ Na+ ClNa+ Na+ Cl III.3 Thermodynamics of point defects a) Statistical treatment of vacancy disorder in element crystals Task: Minimization of Gibbs energy of a disordered crystal G(T)=G0(T) + ΔGdef(T) Ansatz: Here, G0 is the Gibbs energy of the defect-free crystal. ΔGdef depends on defect concentration: ΔGdef = ΔHdef − T ΔSdef = ΔHV − T ΔSV def = V (vacancy) with ΔH V = N V ⋅ H V and ΔSV = ΔSkonf + ΔSnkonf α) Configuration contribution to defect entropy, ΔSV = ΔSkonf ΔS konf = k ln W Boltzmann equation W: Number of discernible arrangements of Nv vacancies and N particles on N + Nv sites (konf ≡ configuration, i.e. geometrical arrangement) W= (N + N ) ! V N !N V ! Hence: G(N V ) = G 0 + N v H V − TΔS konf = G0 + N V H V − kT ln (N + N ) ! V N !N V ! = G 0 + N V H V − TN V S V + kT ln NV N + NV Stirling approximation: G(N V ) → Min ! ln N! = N ln N − N ∂G =0 ∂N V NV = e −H N + NV v / kT = x V = [V] 5 β) Non-configuration contribution to defect entropy, ΔSnkonf Entropy contribution caused by changes in the vibrational properties of the lattice due to the formation of defects. Simplest model: only vibrations of atoms/ions neighboring vacancies are changed. Treatment in the framework of the Einstein model. The vibrational entropy of the 3N oscillators of the defect-free crystal in the Einstein model: T C EV (T ) hν E / kT dT = 3Nk − 3Nk ln( 1 − exp( −hν E / kT )) E T exp( h ν / kT ) − 1 0 S vib (T ) = ∫ In the high-temperature limit: S vib (T ) = 3Nk ( 1 − ln hν E ) kT In a crystal with NV vacancies, 3N−Z⋅NV oscillators vibrate with the unchanged frequency νE = ν0 and Z⋅NV oscillators with the changed frequency ν’, Z is the number of nearest neighbours. Hence ΔS nkonf = S vib (3N − Z ⋅ N V oscillators with ν 0 , Z ⋅ N V oscillators with ν' ) − S vib (3N oscillators with ν 0 ) = Z NV k ( 1− ln (ν0/ ν’)) = NV SV Accounting also for his contribution to entropy, the general result fort he defect concentration in an element crystal reads: x V = [V] = eS v /k ⋅ e −H v / kT = e −G v / kT mit GV = HV − T SV b) The chemical potential of vacancies Is it possible to attribute a chemical potential to a vacancy, i.e. to a non-occupied lattice site? NV From G(N V ) = G 0 + N V H V − T N V S V + kT ln N + NV the chemical potential of vacancies follows as dG(N V ) = H V − TS V + kT ln x V dN V = μ0 + kT ln xV μ( V ) = potentials ist he Obviously, a meaningful definition of the chemical potentials of vacancies, i.e. of vacant lattices sites, is possible! If μV can be defined, vacancies, V, can be considered as quasi-chemical species. Generally, conventional chemical potential can be attributed to all kinds of lattice defects ( =ˆ quasi-chemical species). The existence of chemical necessary prerequisit fort he validity and application of chemical thermodynamics in this field. In particular this means that mass-action laws can be set up for reactions involving defects. 6 c) Statistical treatment of vacancy disorder in ionic crystals Aa Bb Schottky disorder Sublattice A: NA particles + NV A vacancies on sublattice A B: NB particles + NV B vacancies on sublattice B B Aim: Determination of equilibrium concentrations of VA and VB B Ansatz: G(N V , N V ) = G 0 + N V ⋅ H V + N V ⋅ H V − T N V S V − T N V S V A B A A B B − kT ln A (N A B ) + NA ! VA NV ! NA ! B (N − kT ln A NV + NA Boundary condition: A N V + NB = B g(N V ,N V ) = or: A B a b ( ) + NB ! VB N V !NB ! B to ensure the conservation of lattice structure in AaBb B ) ( ) 1 1 N V + N A − N V + NB = 0 a b A B Minimization of G = G ( NV A , NV B ) under boundary conditions Task: Lagrangian method: Minimization of F(N V ,N V ) = G(N V ,N V ) + λ g(N V ,N V ) , where λ is the so-called A B A B A A Langrangian parameter ∂F λ = H V − T S V + kT ln [VA ] + = 0 a ∂N V A [ VA ] = A NV A NA + NV A A and ∂F λ = H V − T S V + kT ln [VB ] − = 0 b ∂N V B [ VB ] = B B After elimination of λ: aH V + bH V − T(a S V + b S V ) + kTa ln [VA ] + kT b ln [VB ] = 0 14 4244 3 1442443 A B A HS B SS one arrives at the general result for Schottky disorder: [V A ]a [VB ]b = e S s / k e − H s / kT = e −GS / kT = K S Hence, for a crystal of type AB [V A ][VB ] = e S / k e − H s s / kT = e − GS / kT = K F holds and the vacancy concentration of a pure crystal is given by [VA] = [VB] =exp(SS/2k) exp(−HS/2kT) = = K S B 7 NV B NB + N VB For the Frenkel equilibrium one obtains analogously: [V A ][AI ] = e S F /k e − H F / kT = e − GF / kT and for the pure crystal: [VA]=[VI]=exp(SF/2k) exp(−HF/2kT) = K F d) Disorder parameters Metals Tm/K Au xV(Tm) 1333 HV/eV 7,2 · 10 -4 0,87 -4 0,49 Ag 1234 1,7 · 10 Cu 1353 2,0 · 10-4 1,03 Al 983 9,0 · 10-4 0,73 Ionic crystals Hf/eV Sf/k Disorder type NaCl 2,44 9,8 Schottky KCl 2,51 8,99 " AgBr 1,13 6,55 Frenkel, Kation AgCl 1,45 9,41 SrF2 1,74 CaF2 2,71 " " Frenkel, Anion 5,53 Intrinsic disorder in AgBr HF = 102 kJ mol −1 =ˆ 1,06 eV S F = 6,8 R = 52,4 JK −1mol −1 8 " " T/°C T/K KF [AgI] = [VAg] -200 73 5,6 · 10-71 7,5 · 10-36 -100 173 1,1 · 10-28 1,1 · 10-14 0 273 2,4 · 10-17 4,9 · 10-9 25 298 1,0 · 10-15 3,2 · 10-8 100 373 4,2 · 10-12 2,1 · 10-6 200 473 4,5 · 10-9 6,7 · 10-5 300 573 4,2 · 10-7 6,5 · 10-4 400 673 1,0 · 10-5 3,2 · 10-3 Tm=422 695 1,8 · 10-5 4,3 · 10-3 e) Chemical thermodynamics Schottky disorder in AX Species: VA, VX, AA, XX dG = ∑ μ i dn i = μ( VA )dn V + μ( VX )dn V + μ( A A )dn A + μ( X X )dn X A X A X - Conservation of ions: dn A = 0 and dn X = 0 - Conservation of lattice structure: dn V = dn V = dn V A X A X dG = (μ( VA ) + μ( V X )) dn V G → Min ⇔ dG = 0: dG = (μ( VA ) + μ( VX )) dn V = 0 d.h. μ( VA ) + μ( VX ) = 0 Obviously, the respective reaction, due to the equilibrium condition thermodynamics, is 0 ⇌ VA + VX and hence μ 0V + kT ln x V + μ oV + kT ln x V = 0 A A X X from which the already known result follows: [V ][V ] = exp(− (μ A X 0 VA ) + μ 0V ) / kT = exp( −G S / kT ) = K S X 9 ∑ν i μ i = 0 of chemical Frenkel disorder in AX Species: AI, VA, AA, XX dG = μ( A I )dn A + μ( VA )dn V + μ( A A )dn A + μ( X X )dn X I A A X Conservation of ions: dn A + dn A = 0 und dn X = 0 I A X dn A = dn V Reaction: I A dG = (μ( A I ) + μ( VA ) − μ( A A )) dn A I = 0 d.h. μ( A I ) + μ( VA ) − μ( A A ) = 0 and the respective reaction is: ⇄ A I + VA A A Equilibrium constant of the Frenkel reaction K F = [ A I ] [ VA ] = e −G F / RT III.4 Adjustment and control of defect concentrations a) Doping Incorporation of heterovalent foreign ions Example: Doping of AgBr with Cd2+ AgBr CdBr 2 ⎯⎯ ⎯→ Cd 2Ag+ + 2BrBr− + VAg to conserve crystal structure! For every Cd2+ ion taken up by the crystal, one vacancy is generated on cation sites. For sufficiently high doping levels (see below) the vacancy concentration is determined by the dopant. b) Equilibration with external phases Example: Gas-solid equlibrium between oxid AO and O2(g) 1 AO O 2 (g) ←⎯ ⎯→ O 02− + VA + 2h + 2 conservation of structure electroneutrality 10 With the incorporation of oxygen as oxygen(2-) ion, one vacancy in the cation sublattice and two holes are created. Application of the mass-action law yields the following relation between these defect concentrations and the (external) oxygen partial pressure: [ VA ] ⋅ [h] 2 ∝ p O−1 / 2 2 c) Electroneutrality (EN) of crystals EN of Coulomb charges of ionic crystal: ∑q = 0 = e∑ z G G G G all sites G, regular & interstitial, occupied (qG≠0) or unoccupied (qG=0) Effective charge on defects ε: ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ = 0 = ∑ (qreG − qidG ) = e∑ (z reG − z idG ) = e∑ ε def ⎜ ∑ qG ⎟ − ⎜ ∑ qG ⎟ G G G ⎝ G ⎠ real ⎝ G ⎠ ideal 123 εdef EN of effective charges on defects ∑ε def = G ∑ε def def N def = 0 = ∑ ε def [def ] def defect species ε def = z real − z ideal Effective charges Consequence ≡ ε all regularly occupied sites (mit Symbolics ' x negative neutral • positive ε = 0 ) disappear from the EN! Example: A 32+ B 32− A xA BBx A B5⋅ VA''' VB•• A I••• 3-3 (-2)-(-2) 3-(-2) 0-3 0-(-2) 3-0 ε 0 0 5 -3 2 3 symbol x x ••••• ''' •• ••• ε=zreal-zid 11 If one "subtracts" the ideal structure (middle column) from the real structure (left column), defects result as relevant (quasi-) particles (according to Maier) d) Notation, structure elements, and rules Kröger-Vink notation Structure elements are completely characterised by specifiing i) species (type of defect, component) ii) lattice site iii) effective charge 12 . cha rge Structure element: S Gε ←←effect site species Examples: ii) (A VA''' , VB•• , A I••• , A AX i) 3+ 2 B 32− ) (AgBr ) ' , VBr• , AgI• VAg Rules for reactions involving structure elements Equations involving reactions with structure elements S Gε (quasi-chemical species) have to fulfill the following conditions: 1) conservation of particles (atoms/ions) 2) EN of effective charges: ∑ ε [def ] = 0 i i i 3) conservation of crystal structure (conservation of ratio of regular cation-to-anion sites) III.5 Examples a) Doped AgBr Incorporation of Cd2+-Ionen into AgBr: ' AgBr CdBr2 ⎯⎯ ⎯→ Cd •Ag + VAg + 2 BrBrX [ ] [ ] [ ' Elektroneutrality: VAg = AgI• + Cd•Ag ] [ ][ ] ' Frenkel equilibrium: K F = VAg AgI⋅ If x0 = [CdBr2], the following relations hold [V ] = [VK ] + x ' Ag [V ] ' Ag F ' Ag 2 0 [ ] ' − x 0 VAg − KF = 0 13 [V ] = x2 ' Ag + ( x 02 / 4) + K F 0 [V ] [Ag ] ' Ag log [ ] • I log[Cd´] ~ KF Incorporation of S2−-Ionen into AgBr: X ' AgBr Ag 2 S ⎯⎯ ⎯→ Ag Ag + Ag I• + S Br [S ] + [V ] = [Ag ] ' Br ' Ag I und [V ][Ag ] = K ' Ag • I F x0 = [Ag2S] K [Ag ] = [Ag ]+ x • I F ' I [Ag ] = X2 • I 0 0 + ( x 02 / 4) + K F [Ag ] • I log [ ] [V ] ' Ag ~ KF log[S´] 14 b) ZrO2 - CaO Phase diagramm (Stubican et al.) 2900 Liquid CaZrO3+Liq. 2500 Cub ss + Liq. 2250 ± 20° 2100 Cub ss Cub ss + CaZrO3 1700 1300 Tet ss Tet ss + Cub ss 1310 ± 40° 1140 ± 40° Tet ss + CaZr4O9 900 CaZr4O9 + CaZrO3 Mon ss CaZr4O9 500 0 10 ZrO2 Cub ss + CaZr4O9 20 30 40 50 CaZrO3 Mol % CaO Strategies of CaO incorporation i) cation sublattice intact ZrO CaO ⎯⎯ ⎯→ Ca 'Zr' + O OX + VO•• r or ii) anion sublattice intact 2 ZrO 2CaO ⎯⎯ ⎯→ 2O OX + Ca 'Zr' + CaI•• 2 The experimental data shown in the Figure demonstrate that the incorporation of CaO into ZrO2 is accompanied by the formation of oxygen vacancies. c) Magnetite, Fe3O4 15 c) Magnetite, Fe3−δO4 Phase diagram Fe-O 1400 δ-Fe fl. Oxid 1600 1300 1400 800 1 -Δ O 1000 1200 Fe [T · °C -1 ] 3 1200 γ-Fe Fe3-δO 4 1100 600 Temperature (°C) 1000 400 Fe2O 3-ε FeO 10 20 30 40 60 50 80 90 900 Fe2O3 Weight % α-Fe -20 FeO·Fe2O3 -15 -10 -5 log a O 2 The spinel structure AB2O4 Cation sites of tetrahedral a0 octahedral coordination oxygen ions a0 Disorder a0 16 0 Oxygen incorporation ⇄ 2 O 2 ( g) ⇄ 2+ 8 h ⋅ + 8 FeFe 2+ 2 O 2 (g) + 8 FeFe 4 O Ox + 3 VFeε + 8 h ⋅ 3+ 8 Fe Fe 3+ + 4 O Ox ⇄ 3 VFeε + 8 Fe Fe For small defect concentrations, the application of mass-action law yields [V ] K= 3 Fe 2 O2 a and for the oxygen partial pressure dependence of vacancy concentration [V ] = K Fe a O2 / 3 V 2 Because of the prevailing Frenkel disorder of iron ions in magnetite [ ][ ] K F = VFe FeI one obtains for the concentration of iron interstitials [Fe ] = K a I I −2 / 3 O2 Magnetite is a non-stoichiometric compound, which can accommodate iron excess as well as iron deficit: Fe3−δO4. The stochiometric parameter δ is directly determined by the defect concentrations: [Fe] tot = 3 − δ = 3 − [VFe ] + [Fe I ] and hence: δ = [VFe ] − [Fe I ] with the following predicted dependence on oxygen partial pressure δ = K V a O2 / 3 − K I a O−2 / 3 2 2 17 Experimental determination of δ by (thermo)-gravimetrie. 9 1.0 7 -0.5 calculated with: K V=2.3 K I=1.5·10 -6 6 -13 -12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 log a O 2 5 4 Fe2+εO 3 -1 4 Fe 1-ΔO -15 δ·102 -1.0 Fe 3-δO 4 T=1400°C 8 Fe2+εO 3 0 Fe 1-ΔO δ·102 0.5 Fe 3-dO 4 T=900°C calculated with: K V=2200 K I=2·10 -13 3 2 1 0 -1 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 log a O 2 -1 0 The weight change of 1 mol Fe3O4 due to oxygen exchange with an extenal O2 gas phase is given by: Δm = m(δ) − m(δ = 0) = 4 δ MO 3 The Figures above show δ as a functin of oxygen activity at different temperatures. The lines drawn represent a fit to the experimental data according to δ = K V a O2 / 3 − K I a O−2 / 3 2 2 The equilibrium constants KV and KI obtained from the fits are shown in the Figures. The model has to be modified for high defect concentrations. d) Cu2O 1 1 ' O 2 (g) ⇄ O 0x + 2 VCu + 2 h• ; Incorporation of O 2 (g) : 2 2 EN : [V ] = [h ] • ' Cu K= [V ] 4 ' Cu PO 2 [V ] ~ p ' Cu 1/ 8 O2 18 [V ] [h ] [O ] K= 2 ' Cu • 2 PO 2 x 0 6. Abstract • Point defects are created in thermodynamic equilibrium (G → Min) und thus constitute natural elements of crystals. • Thermodynamically, defects can be considered as quasi-chemical species, because ( ) chemical potential can be assigned to them μ V , μ A ,... . • A I Reactions involving point defects can be treated using mass-action laws (see rules for structure elements) • The intrinsic thermal disorder of crystals, e.g., Schottky disorder (AX) 0 ⇄ VA +VX K S = [VA ][VX ] = e S S /R e −H / RT /R e −H / RT S or Frenkel disorder (AX) AA ⇄ AI + VA K F = [VA ] [A I ] = e S F F can be modified and controlled by doping with heterovalent impurities or by equilibration with external gas phases. The respective defect concentrations and their dependencies on partial pressure or dopant level can be calculated in the framework point defect thermodynamics. 19 7. Literature General literature Physical Chemistry of Solids Borg, Dines Wiley Der feste Zustand W.J. Moore Vieweg, Braunschweig 1977 Festkörperchemie L.Smart, E. Moore Vieweg, Braunschweig 1998 Solid State Chemistry A. West Wiley, New York 1992 Fundamentals of Ceramics M. Barsoum McGraw-Hill International Series, New York 1997 Introduction to Ceramics W.D. Kingery, H.K. Bowen, D.R. Ullmann Wiley, New York 1976 Einführung in die Festkörperphysik C. Kittel Oldenbourg, München 2002 Materials Thermochemistry O. Kubaschewski, C.B. Alcock, P.J. Spencer Pergamon, Oxford 1993 Physikalische Metallkunde P. Haasen Springer, Berlin 1984 Kristallstruktur und chemische Bindung A. Weiss, H. Witte Verlag Chemie1983 Special literature for Chapter III The Chemistry of imperfect crystals, Vol.2 F.A. Kröger North-Holland Publ. Comp., Amsterdam 1964 Ionenkristalle, Gitterdefekte und nichtstöchiometrische Verbindungen N.N. Greenwood Verlag Chemie, Weinheim 1973 20 Defektchemie: Zusammensetzung, Transport und chemische Reaktion im festen Zustand. I. Thermodynamik J. Maier, in : Angew. Chem. 105 (1993) 333, 558 Festkörper – Fehler und Funktion Prinzipien der Physikalischen Festkörperchemie J. Maier Teubner Studienbücher Chemie B.G. Teubner Stuttgart, Leipzig 2000 Physical Chemistry of Ionic Materials J. Maier Wiley 2004 Atomic Transport in Solids A.R. Allnatt, A.B. Lidiard Cambridge University Press 1993 21