1. The two main mineral groups are silicate and nonsilicate

Name: ____________________________________
Class: _____________
Date: _____________
Self Assessment: Identifying the Properties of Minerals
1. The two main mineral groups are silicate and nonsilicate. Nonsilicate minerals can be subdivided into
groups. What are these groups?
a) halides, oxides, sulfates, native elements, carbonates, and sulfides
b) orthoclases and plagioclases
c) pyroxenes, amphiboles, micas, and feldspars
d) phosphates, carbonates, and borates
2. A mineral's hardness is defined as its ability to scratch another mineral. Which mineral is rated a 1 on the
Mohs hardness scale?
a) talc
b) calcite
c) fluorite
d) quartz
3. What is the main difference between silicates and nonsilicates?
a) Nonsilicates do not contain the element silicon.
b) Nonsilicates contain the element oxygen.
c) Silicates contain the element aluminum.
d) Silicates do not contain the element silicon.
4. An unknown mineral sample can often be identified by observing or testing for a few simple physical traits.
The physical traits normally used to identify minerals result directly from their chemical composition and
crystal form. What do these traits include?
a) hardness, temperature, metallic, streak, and density
b) hardness, color, streak, luster, breakage, and density
c) color, shape, fluorescence, metallic, and temperature
d) size, shape, number of crystals, hardness, and color
Name: ____________________________________
Class: _____________
Date: _____________
Self Assessment: Identifying the Properties of Minerals
5. What is the difference between cleavage and fracture?
a) Cleavage describes minerals that break into splinters or fibers, while fracture describes minerals that
break along smooth flat or curved surfaces.
b) Cleavage describes minerals that break along smooth flat or curved surfaces, while fracture describes
minerals that break irregularly.
c) Cleavage describes minerals that break along planes, leaving smooth flat surfaces, while fracture
describes minerals that break along any other pattern or irregularly.
d) Cleavage describes minerals that break into smooth curved surfaces, while fracture describes minerals
that break along planes, leaving smooth flat surfaces.
6. Hardness is a property of minerals resulting from the nature and strength of chemical bonds in their crystal
structure. Number of atoms and density of bonds also influences mineral hardness. What type of bonds hold
together the softest minerals?
a) Van der Waals
b) ionic
c) metallic
d) covalent
7. Which mineral would break most easily into flat plates?
a) quartz, which has a three dimensional network silicate structure
b) mica, which has a sheet silicate structure
c) augite, which has a single chain silicate structure
d) olivine, which has a single tetrahedron silicate structure
8. One test to identify minerals of a specific type is to expose a freshly broken surface to a drop of dilute
hydrochloric acid. Which group of minerals will effervesce when tested like this?
a) sulfates
b) carbonates
c) silicates
d) oxides
Name: ____________________________________
Class: _____________
Date: _____________
Self Assessment: Identifying the Properties of Minerals
9. What is the difference between a color test and a streak test in determining mineral classification?
a) The color test is not as conclusive as the streak test since the streak color may be different from the
color of the mineral itself.
b) The color test is always more accurate in identifying the mineral.
c) The color test determines the luster of a mineral while the streak test determines its reflection.
d) The streak test determines the color of a mineral while the color test determines its luminescence.
10. The way in which light is reflected from the surface of a mineral determines its _____.
a) cleavage
b) luster
c) malleability
d) streak
1. a
2. a
3. a
4. b
5. c
6. a
7. b
8. b
9. a
10. b