9th Grade Registration Worksheet 2014 - 2015 Career Goal: Graduation/Core Requirement Checklist English 9 Language Arts (8): Mathematics (7 credits) English 9 (2 credits) Science (7): English 9 English 10 (2 credits) Biology (2 credits) English 11 (2 credits) Chemistry (2 credits) English 12 (2 credits) Physics (2 credits) U.S. History Social Studies (7): Earth Science (1 credit) U.S. History (2 credits) Wellness (5): Algebra 1 or Geometry Human Civilizations (2 credits) PE (4 credits) Government (1 credit) Health (1 credit) Economics (1 credit) Fine Art (1 credit) Psychology, Sociology, or Diversity Studies (1 credit) Practical Art (1 credit) U.S. History Algebra 1 or Geometry Algebra 1 or Elective: Biology or Honors Biology Biology or Honors Biology PE or EB PE Health Elective: Elective: Elective: Elective: Results of the Iowa Assessments 2013 Reading _____(>232) Math_____(>229) Science_____(>232) Students must be proficient to register for certain classes. Alternate 1________________________ Alternate 2________________________ Alternate 3________________________ Student Signature: __________________________ Date: __________ Counselor Initials: __________ Parent Signature: __________________________________________________ Date: __________________ 16 10th Grade Registration Worksheet 2014 - 2015 Graduation/Core Requirement Checklist Career Goal: Do NOT Write in this section. To be filled out by counselor. English 10 English 10 Key: √ in box = completed * in box = in progress this year X in box = planned for 2013-2014 Human Civilizations Language Arts (8): Science (6): □ □ English 9 □ □ Physical Science (2 credits) Human Civilizations □ □ English 10 □ □ Life Science (2 credits) □ □ English 11 □ □ Science Electives (2 credits) □ □ English 12 Wellness (5): Social Studies (7): □ Health (1 credit) □ □ U.S. History □ □ PE 9th and 10th □ □ Human Civilizations □ □ PE 11th and 12th □ Government Fine Art (1): □ Economics □ _____________________ □ Psychology, Sociology, or Diversity Studies Mathematics (7): Practical Art (1): Geometry or Algebra 2 Geometry or Algebra 2 Biology or Chemistry Biology or Chemistry PE or EB PE Elective: Elective: □ □ ___________________ Elective: □ □ ___________________ Elective: □ □ ___________________ □ ___________________ Results of the Iowa Assessments 2013 Elective: Elective: □ _____________________ Reading _____(>243) Math_____(>243) Science_____(>243) Students must be proficient to register for certain classes. Alternate 1________________________ Alternate 2________________________ Alternate 3________________________ Student Signature: __________________________ Date: __________ Counselor Initials: __________ Parent Signature: __________________________________________________ Date: __________________ 17 11th Grade Registration Worksheet 2014 - 2015 Graduation/Core Requirement Checklist Career Goal: Do NOT Write in this section. To be filled out by counselor. English 11 English 11 Key: √ in box = completed * in box = in progress this year X in box = planned for 2013-2014 Government Language Arts (8): Science (6): □ □ English 9 □ □ Physical Science (2 credits) Economics □ □ English 10 □ □ Life Science (2 credits) □ □ English 11 □ □ Science Electives (2 credits) □ □ English 12 Wellness (5): Social Studies (7): □ Health (1 credit) □ □ U.S. History □ □ PE 9th and 10th □ □ Human Civilizations □ □ PE 11th and 12th □ Government Fine Art (1): □ Economics □ _____________________ □ Psychology, Sociology, or Diversity Studies Mathematics (7): Practical Art (1): Math: Math: Science: Science: PE or EB PE Elective: Elective: □ □ ___________________ Elective: □ □ ___________________ Elective: □ □ ___________________ □ ___________________ Results of the Iowa Assessments 2013 Elective: Elective: □ _____________________ Reading _____(>252) Math_____(>252) Science_____(>253) Students must be proficient to register for certain classes. Alternate 1________________________ Alternate 2________________________ Alternate 3________________________ Student Signature: __________________________ Date: __________ Counselor Initials: __________ Parent Signature: __________________________________________________ Date: __________________ 18 12th Grade Registration Worksheet 2014 - 2015 Graduation/Core Requirement Checklist Career Goal: Do NOT Write in this section. To be filled out by counselor. English 12 English 12 Key: √ in box = completed * in box = in progress this year X in box = planned for 2013-2014 PE or EB PE Language Arts (8): Science (6): □ □ English 9 □ □ Physical Science (2 credits) Elective: □ □ English 10 □ □ Life Science (2 credits) □ □ English 11 □ □ Science Electives (2 credits) □ □ English 12 Wellness (5): Social Studies (7): □ Health (1 credit) □ □ U.S. History □ □ PE 9th and 10th □ □ Human Civilizations □ □ PE 11th and 12th □ Government Fine Art (1): □ Economics □ _____________________ □ Psychology, Sociology, or Diversity Studies Mathematics (7): Practical Art (1): Elective: Elective: Elective: Elective: Elective: Elective: Elective: □ □ ___________________ Elective: □ □ ___________________ Elective: Elective: Elective: □ _____________________ □ □ ___________________ □ ___________________ Results of the Iowa Assessments 2013 Reading _____(>259) Math_____(>259) Science_____(>260) Students must be proficient to register for certain classes. Alternate 1________________________ Alternate 2________________________ Alternate 3________________________ Student Signature: __________________________ Date: __________ Counselor Initials: __________ Parent Signature: __________________________________________________ Date: __________________ 19