National Liberty Alliance Organization

NLA is a proactive group, the only Liberty group with a solution to save America.
We offer a Free Civics Course, we request a $5 or more/month donation
Monday night Conference call – its purpose is to:
To educate, inform, communicate, organize and empower people at the grass roots level in a
national movement of resistance against judicial and political corruption and solve it.
Class Action Suit
Family Court CPS, Gina (Director)
Collect and process info across the nation for lawsuit against the family court system
Others to be announced
Courtroom Observers, Director Eric
Organize courtroom observers and assistance to people caught in the judicial RICO scam
Media Campaign, Director Sheila
Organizing and initiating on getting the NLA message
12 District Coordinators
Organizing and encouraging participation in saving America at the grass roots level
50 State Groups, 125 State Coordinators
Organizing and initiating grass roots a movement in every county
3133 County Groups, 1253 County organizers
Organizing and initiating grass roots a movement in every county
53 Forums to discuss issues
District Coordinators
Welcoming committee, Chairman
Contact new and past members by phone/personal email
Geek Squad committee, Chairman Barbara
Deal with our technical issues
Proof Readers committee, Chairman Don
Perfect our writing
Common Law Advisory committee, Chairman Lorrie
Respond to grand jury communications including writing habeas corpus
Liberty Groups Affiliations committee, Chairman Max
Seek out and make contacts with groups to join our alliance
Research & Investigation committee, Chairman none
Research and find researches on major issues that the UUSCLGJ will address in court
Sheriff Candidate committee, Chairman none
Seek out and support common law candidates especially Sheriff, judges & county clerks
Response team committee, Chairman none
Gather information for habeas corpus
More to be announced
If any of the following tabs are missing its because you need to log in:
Welcome Tab (takes you to our front page)
• Preface
• Mission Statement
• National, Group and State forums
• Become a premier Member
Media Tab (takes you to our court filing page)
• Court Filing
• Radio & TV interviews
• Memos to the Sheriff
• Spontaneous Order
• General Blog page
• Today’s issues
o CC 2009
o Health Issues
o Poison
o Secrete Congressional Meetings
o America Freedom to Fascism
o G Edward Griffin Documentaries
o Money
o Survival
o Slavery by Consent
• One Million Signatures
Books/Essays/Lectures tab (Introduction page)
• American History Lectures
• Common Law Lectures
• Court Access examples
• Law notes
• Court Access course
• Hobbes
• Locke
• Spinoza
• Founding Documents
• Harmony of the Gospels
• Essay What happened to the Constitution
• Articles and Essays
• Biographies
• Constitutional Class
• Law Libraries
Land Mark Supreme Court Cases
5000 year leap
Essay Trial by Jury
Letters to oath takers
Anti-Federalists Papers
Federalists Papers
Civics Course Tab (Takes you to enroll or rejoin where you left off)
Services Tab (Takes you to services introduction) will be working to update this area soon.
• Follow-me phone
• Asset Location and Recovery
• Food Independence
• NLA Tee shirts
• Business cards
• Emergency Communications
• Jurist Hand-books
Directory Tab (Takes you to the Directory)
Political Tab (Takes you to political introduction)
• Committeeman
• Roberts Rules of order
• Us Supreme Court daily decisions
• Us Supreme Court recent decisions
• State election laws
• How to petition
• Washington’s Farewell Speech
• Whitehouse blog
• Us Congress
• US Supreme Court decisions
• State Constitutions
Groups Tab (Takes you to join Groups page)
• Courtroom Observers Group
• Media Campaign Group
• 50 State Groups
• Class action lawsuit
Media Campaign files
Jurist Tabs (Takes you to Jurist introduction)
• Jurist Orientation
• Why we must act quickly
• Q&A
• State Plan
• Jurist Documents
• Administration
• Presentment