Volume 124, Number 4, April 1996
(Communicated by Hal L. Smith)
Abstract. In this paper we introduce a concept of exponential dichotomy for
linear skew-product semiflows (LSPS) in infinite dimensional Banach spaces,
which is an extension of the classical concept of exponential dichotomy for time
dependent linear differential equations in Banach spaces. We prove that the
concept of exponential dichotomy used by Sacker-Sell and Magalhães in recent
years is stronger than this one, but they are equivalent under suitable conditions. Using this concept we where able to find a formula for all the bounded
negative continuations. After that, we characterize the stable and unstable
subbundles in terms of the boundedness of the corresponding projector along
(forward/backward) the LSPS and in terms of the exponential decay of the
semiflow. The linear theory presented here provides a foundation for studying
the nonlinear theory. Also, this concept can be used to study the existence of
exponential dichotomy and the roughness property for LSPS.
1. Introduction
The concept of exponential dichotomy of linear differential equations was introduced by Perron [14], which is concerned with the problem of conditional stability
of a system ẋ = A(t)x and its connection with the existence of bounded solutions
of the equation ẋ = A(t)x + f (x, t), where the state space is a Banach space X
and t → A(t) : R → L(X) is bounded, continuous in the strong operator topology.
An important contribution to these problems is the work done by Massera-Schäffer
[12], Daleckii-Krein [5], Levinson [8], Coppel [4], Sacker-Sell [15] and Palmer [13].
The need for a new approach arose from the fact that for a time dependent
linear differential equation with unbounded operator A(t), the solutions, generally
speaking, either cannot be extended in the direction of the negative times, or can be
extended, but not uniquely. For example, for parabolic partial differential equations
many authors have studied these problems, including Henry [7], Xiao-Biao Lin [10]
and J. Hale [6]. For the case of functional differential equations we can see the work
done by X.B. Lin [9].
All the problems above can be treated in the unified setting of a linear skewproduct semiflow (LSPS). In [16] Sacker-Sell use a concept of exponential dichotomy
for skew-product semiflow with the restriction that the unstable subspace has finite
Received by the editors April 14, 1994.
1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 34G10; Secondary 35B40.
Key words and phrases. Skew-product semiflow, exponential dichotomy, stable and unstable
This research was partially supported by NSF grant DMS-9306265.
American Mathematical Society
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dimension, and they give a sufficient condition for the existence of exponential
dichotomy for skew-product semiflow. This concept is also used by Magalhães
in [11]. In this work we introduce a concept of exponential dichotomy for skewproduct semiflow weaker than the concept used by Sacker-Sell and Magalhães; here
we allow the unstable subspace to have infinite dimension. We prove that the
concept of exponential dichotomy used by Sacker-Sell and Magalhães implies this
one, and that they are equivalent, if we suppose that the unstable subspace has
finite dimension (or infinite dimension) in both definitions. Using this concept, we
will find a formula for all the bounded negative continuations. After that, we will
characterize the stable and unstable subbundles in terms of the boundedness of
the corresponding projector along (forward/backward) the LSPS and in terms of
the exponential decay of the semiflow. The linear theory presented here provides
a foundation for studying the nonlinear theory. Also this concept can be used to
study the existence of exponential dichotomy and the roughness property for LSPS.
2. Preliminaries
In this section we shall present some definitions, notations and results about
skew-product semiflow in infinite dimensional Banach spaces.
2.1. Linear skew–product semiflow. We begin with the notion of skew-product
semiflow on the trivial Banach bundle E = X × Θ, where X is a fixed a Banach
space (the state space) and Θ is a compact Hausdorff space.
Definition 2.1. Suppose that σ(θ, t) = θ · t is a flow on Θ , i.e., the mapping
(θ, t) → θ · t is continuous, θ · 0 = θ and θ · (s + t) = (θ · s) · t , for all s, t ∈
R. A linear skew-product semiflow π = (Φ, σ) on E = X × Θ is a mapping
π(x, θ, t) = (Φ(θ, t)x, θ · t) for t ≥ 0 , with the following properties:
(1) Φ(θ, 0) = I , the identity operator on X, for all θ ∈ Θ.
(2) limt→0+ Φ(θ, t)x = x , uniformly in θ . This means that for every x ∈ X and
every > 0 there is a δ = δ(x, ) > 0 such that kΦ(θ, t)x − xk ≤ , for all θ ∈ Θ
and 0 ≤ t ≤ δ .
(3) Φ(θ, t) is a bounded linear operator from X into X that satisfies the cocycle
Φ(θ, t + s) = Φ(θ · t, s)Φ(θ, t),
θ ∈ Θ, 0 ≤ s, t.
(4) For all t ≥ 0 the mapping from E into X given by
(x, θ) → Φ(θ, t)x
is continuous.
The properties (2) and (3) imply that for each (x, θ) ∈ E the solution operator
t → Φ(θ, t)x is right continuous for t ≥ 0 . In fact :
kΦ(θ, t + h)x − Φ(θ, t)xk = k[Φ(θ · t, h) − I]Φ(θ, t)xk,
which goes to 0 as h goes to 0+ .
Since E = X × Θ is a trivial Banach bundle, then for any subset F ⊂ E we define
the fiber
F(θ) := {x ∈ X : (x, θ) ∈ F}, θ ∈ Θ.
So E(θ) = X, θ ∈ Θ .
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2.2. Projectors and subbundles. A mapping P : E → E is said to be a projector
if P is continuous and has the form P(x, θ) = (P (θ)x, θ), where P (θ) is a bounded
linear projection on the fiber E(θ).
For any projector P we define the range and null space by
R = R(P) = {(x, θ) ∈ E : P (θ)x = x},
N = N (P) = {(x, θ) ∈ E : P (θ)x = 0}
The continuity of P implies that the fibers R(θ) and N (θ) vary continuously
in θ . This also means that P (θ) is strongly continuous as a function of θ. The
following result can be found in Sacker-Sell [16].
Lemma 2.1. Let P be a projector on E. Then R and N are closed subsets in E
and we have
R(θ) ∩ N (θ) = {0}, R(θ) + N (θ) = E(θ) for all θ ∈ Θ.
Definition 2.2. A subset V is said to be a subbundle of E , if there is a projector P
on E with the property that R(P) = V ; in this case W = N (P) is a complementary
subbundle , i.e., E = V + W as a Whitney sum of subbundles.
2.3. The stable, unstable and the initial bounded sets.
Definition 2.3. A point (x, θ) ∈ E is said to have a negative continuation with
respect to π if there exists a continuous function φ = φ(x, θ), φ : (−∞, 0] → E,
satisfying the following properties:
(1) φ(t) = (φx (t), θ · t) where φx : (−∞, 0] → X,
(2) φ(0) = (x, θ),
(3) π(φ(s), t) = φ(s + t) for each s ≤ 0 and 0 ≤ t ≤ −s,
(4) π(φ(s), t) = π(x, θ, t + s), for each 0 ≤ −s ≤ t.
In this case the function φ is said to be a negative continuation of the point
(x, θ).
Now we shall define the following sets:
M := {(x, θ) ∈ E : (x, θ) has a negative continuation φ},
Xu := {(x, θ) ∈ M : there is a negative continuation φ of (x, θ) satisfying kφx (t)k
→ 0 as t → −∞},
B + := {(x, θ) ∈ E : supt≥0 kΦ(θ, t)xk < ∞},
Bu− := {(x, θ) ∈ M : (x, θ) has a unique bounded negative continuation φ},
B − := {(x, θ) ∈ M : there is a bounded negative continuation φ of (x, θ)},
Xs := {(x, θ) ∈ E : kΦ(θ, t)xk → 0 as t → ∞},
B := B + ∩ B − .
The set Xu is called the unstable set, Xs is the stable set and B is the initial
bounded set.
Definition 2.4. For θ ∈ Θ we shall call the fibers Xs (θ)
stable and unstable linear space of π = (Φ, σ) respectively.
Xu (θ)
Proposition 2.1. Let φ and ψ be negative continuations of (x, θ) and (y, θ) respectively. Then
(a) h(t) = (hx+y (t), θ · t) = (φx (t)+ψ y (t), θ · t), t ≤ 0, is a negative continuation
of (x+y, θ).
(b) For all λ ∈ R, hλ (t) = (λφx (t), θ · t), t ≤ 0, is a negative continuation of
(λx, θ).
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Proof. It follows directly from the Definition 2.2.
Proposition 2.2. If Bu− 6= ∅ then Bu− = B − .
Proof. Clearly Bu− ⊂ B − . It easy to see that 0 ∈ Bu− (θ) for all θ ∈ Θ. Now,
suppose that φ(t) = (φx (t), θ · t) and ψ(t) = (ψ x (t), θ · t) are two bounded negative
continuations of the point (x, θ) ∈ B − . Then h(t) = (φx (t) − ψ x (t), θ · t), t ≤ 0, is a
bounded negative continuation of (0, θ). Therefore, φx (t) = ψ x (t), t ≤ 0 ⇐⇒ φ =
ψ. This means that each point of B − has only one bounded negative continuation.
Hence, B − ⊂ Bu− .
3. Exponential dichotomy for linear skew-product semiflow
Now we shall introduce two concepts of exponential dichotomy for skew-product
semiflow in infinite dimensional Banach spaces. The first one is used by Sacker and
Sell in [16] and by Magalhães in [11]. The second one is an extension of the concept
of exponential dichotomy for evolution operator given in Henry [7].
Definition 3.1. A projector P on E is say to be invariant if it satisfies the following property:
P (θ · t)Φ(θ, t) = Φ(θ, t)P (θ),
t ≥ 0, θ ∈ Θ,
P ◦ π(·, t) = π(·, t) ◦ P, t ≥ 0.
Proposition 3.1. (a) For all θ ∈ Θ, Bu− (θ) is a linear subspace of X.
(b) For all invariant projectors P and (x, θ) ∈ Bu− with the corresponding negative bounded continuation φ(t) = (φx (t), θ · t), if for t ≤ 0 we define Φ(θ, t)x :=
φx (t), then we have that: Φ(θ, t) is linear mapping from Bu− (θ) to Bu− (θ · t) and
Φ(θ, t + s)x = Φ(θ · t, s)Φ(θ, t)x,
P (θ · t)Φ(θ, t)x = Φ(θ, t)P (θ)x,
s, t ∈ R,
t ∈ R.
Definition 3.2 (Sacker-Sell). We shall say that a linear skew-product semiflow π
on E has an exponential dichotomy over Θ , if dimRange(I − P (θ)) < ∞ and
Range(I − P (θ)) ⊂ Bu− (θ) for each θ ∈ Θ , and there are constants k ≥ 1, β > 0
such that the following inequalities hold :
kΦ(θ, t)P (θ)k ≤ ke−βt ,
kΦ(θ, t)(I − P (θ)k ≤ keβt ,
t ≥ 0, θ ∈ Θ,
t ≤ 0, θ ∈ Θ.
Remark 3.1. It is easy to see that if Φ(θ, t) is one-to-one for all t > 0, then every
negative continuation is unique. Uniqueness of negative continuations is a common
feature in the study of partial differential equations, see, for example, Hale [6].
The following definition of exponential dichotomy for a skew-product semiflow
is weaker than Definition 3.2. Basically, the unstable subspace is not required to
be finite dimensional. But, they are equivalent if the unstable subspace is finite in
both definitions (or if the unstable subspace is infinite in both definitions). Both
definitions do allow for the possibility that the linear operator Φ(θ, t) need not be
one-to-one for some t > 0 , i.e., Φ(θ, t) may has a nontrivial null space. Because
of this, it maybe possible for a point (x, θ) ∈ E to have more than one negative
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Definition 3.3. We shall say that a linear skew-product semiflow π on E has an
exponential dichotomy over Θ , if there are constants k ≥ 1, β > 0 and
invariant projector P such that for all θ ∈ Θ we have the following:
(1) Φ(θ, t) : N (P (θ)) → N (P (θ · t)), t ≥ 0, is an isomorphism with inverse:
Φ(θ · t, −t) : N (P (θ · t)) → N (P (θ)), t ≥ 0.
(2) kΦ(θ, t)P (θ)k ≤ ke−βt , t ≥ 0.
(3) kΦ(θ, t)(I − P (θ)k ≤ keβt , t ≤ 0.
From N (P (θ)) = R(I − P (θ)) and the Open Mapping Theorem we have that
Φ(θ, t)(I − P (θ)) is well defined and is a linear bounded operator for t ≤ 0.
Proposition 3.2. Definition 3.2 (Sacker-Sell) implies Definition 3.3.
Proof. We only have to prove that
Φ(θ, t) : N (P (θ)) → N (P (θ · t)), t ≥ 0,
is an isomorphism. In fact, since
Range(I − P (θ)) = N (P (θ)) ⊂ Bu− (θ), θ ∈ Θ,
then for all x ∈ N (P (θ)) the point (x, θ) has a unique bounded negative continuation φ(t) = (φx (t), θ · t). Then for t ≤ 0 we shall define Φ(θ, t)x := φx (t). Moreover,
from Definition 3.1 we get
Φ(θ, t + s)x = Φ(θ · t, s)Φ(θ, t)x, s, t ∈ R.
x = Φ(θ · t, −t)Φ(θ, t)x, t ∈ R.
So, if Φ(θ, t)x = 0, then x = 0. On the other hand, from Definition 3.1 we have
P (θ · t)Φ(θ, t)x = Φ(θ, t)P (θ)x t ∈ R.
Therefore, Φ(θ, t)x ∈ N (P (θ · t). Finally, if y ∈ N (P (θ · t)), then y ∈ Bu− (θ · t).
So, if we put x = Φ(θ · t, −t)y, then we get y = Φ(θ, t)x.
Lemma 3.1. If π = (Φ, σ) is a linear skew-product semiflow on E = X × Θ which
admits an exponential dichotomy over Θ according to Definition 3.3 with an invariant projector P, then for all θ ∈ Θ we have that:
B(θ) = {0}, Xs (θ) = R(P (θ)) = B + (θ) and Xu (θ) = N (P (θ)) = B − (θ).
X = R(P (θ)) + N (P (θ) = Xs (θ) + Xu (θ)
Proof. Consider x ∈ B(θ) and φ(t) = (φx (t), θ · t) the corresponding bounded
negative continuation of the point (x, θ). Set y = P (θ)x and z = (I − P (θ))x. Then
x = y + z. From the Definition 2.3 of negative continuation we get that
Φ(θ, t + s)x = Φ(θ · t, s)φx (t),
0 ≤ −t ≤ s.
So, if we put s = −t, then x = Φ(θ · t, −t)φ (t), for t ≤ 0. Therefore, for t ≤ 0 we
have the following:
y = P (θ)x = P (θ · t · (−t))Φ(θ · t, −t)φx (t) = Φ(θ · t, −t)P (θ · t)φx (t).
Then kyk ≤ keβt kφx (t)k, t ≤ 0. Since, φx (t) is bounded, then y = 0.
From the Definition 3.3 of exponential dichotomy, we know that
Φ(θ, t) : N (P (θ)) → N (P (θ · t)), t ≥ 0,
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is an isomorphism with inverse:
Φ(θ · t, −t) : N (P (θ · t)) → N (P (θ)), t ≥ 0.
Since z = (I − P (θ))x ∈ N (P (θ)) = R(I − P (θ)), we get that
z = Φ(θ · t, −t)Φ(θ, t)z
= Φ(θ · t, −t)Φ(θ, t)(I − P (θ))x
= Φ(θ · t, −t)(I − P (θ · t))Φ(θ, t)x, t ≥ 0.
Hence, kzk ≤ ke−βt kΦ(θ, t)xk, t ≥ 0. Since Φ(θ, t)x is bounded, then z = 0.
Therefore, x = 0. So B(θ) = {0}.
Clearly, N (P (θ)) ⊂ Xu (θ) ⊂ B + (θ) and R(P (θ)) ⊂ Xs (θ) ⊂ B − (θ).
The proof follows from X = R(P (θ)) + N (P (θ).
Remark 3.2. From Proposition 3.1 and Lemma 3.1 we get that in Definition 3.2
the condition R(I − P (θ)) ⊆ Bu− (θ), θ ∈ Θ, is equivalent to R(I − P (θ)) =
Bu− (θ), θ ∈ Θ. From now on, we will work with Definition 3.3.
Proposition 3.3. If the skew-product semiflow π = (Φ, σ) has an exponential dichotomy over Θ according to Definition 3.3, then for all θ ∈ Θ and t, s ∈ R we have
Φ(θ, t + s)(I − P (θ)) = Φ(θ · t, s)Φ(θ, t)(I − P (θ)).
Proof. (i) If t, s ≥ 0, then it follows from the cocycle property (2.1).
(ii) If t < 0 and s < 0, then
Φ(θ · t, s)Φ(θ, t)(I − P (θ))
= (Φ(θ · (t + s), −s)|N (P (θ·t)) )−1 (Φ(θ · t, −t)|N (P (θ)) )−1 (I − P (θ))
= [Φ(θ · t, −t)Φ(θ · (t + s), −s)|N (P (θ)) ]−1 (I − P (θ)).
Now, using the cocycle property (2.1), we get that
Φ(θ · t, s)Φ(θ, t)(I − P (θ)) = (Φ(θ · (t + s), −(t + s))|N (P (θ)) )−1 (I − P (θ))
= Φ(θ, t + s)(I − P (θ)).
(iii) If t > 0, s < 0 and t + s < 0, then
Φ(θ · t, s)Φ(θ, t)(I − P (θ))
= (Φ(θ · (t + s), −s)|N (P (θ·t)) )−1 (Φ(θ · t, −t)|N (P (θ)) )−1 (I − P (θ))
= [Φ(θ · t, −t)Φ(θ · (t + s), −s)|N (P (θ)) ]−1 (I − P (θ))
= [Φ(θ · t, −t)Φ(θ · (t + s), −(t + s) + t)|N (P (θ)) ]−1 (I − P (θ)).
Since −(t + s) > 0 and t > 0, we can apply the cocycle property (2.1) to get
Φ(θ · t, s)Φ(θ, t)(I − P (θ))
= [Φ(θ · t, −t)Φ(θ, t)Φ(θ · (t + s), −(t + s))|N (P (θ)) ]−1 (I − P (θ))
= (Φ(θ · (t + s), −(t + s))|N (P (θ)) )−1 (I − P (θ))
= Φ(θ, t + s)(I − P (θ)).
The case (iv) t > 0, s < 0 and t + s > 0 is similar.
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Proposition 3.4. If the skew-product semiflow π = (Φ, σ) has an exponential dichotomy over Θ according to Definition 3.3 with an invariant projector P on E,
then for all θ ∈ Θ and t, s ∈ R we have that
Φ(θ, t)(I − P (θ)) = (I − P (θ · t))Φ(θ, t),
on N (P (θ)).
Proof. If t ≥ 0 there is nothing to prove. Suppose t < 0. Then, from (3.1) we get
Φ(θ · t, −t)(I − P (θ · t)) = (I − P (θ))Φ(θ · t, −t).
(Φ(θ, t)|N (P (θ)) )−1 (I − P (θ · t)) = (I − P (θ))(Φ(θ, t)|N (P (θ)) )−1 .
(I − P (θ · t)) = Φ(θ, t)(I − P (θ))(Φ(θ, t)|N (P (θ)) )−1 .
(I − P (θ · t))Φ(θ, t) = Φ(θ, t)(I − P (θ)).
Proposition 3.5. If the skew-product semiflow π = (Φ, σ) has an exponential dichotomy over Θ according to Definition 3.3, then for all x ∈ X fixed, the mapping
t → φx (t) := Φ(θ, t)(I − P (θ))x
is continuous in R. Moreover, the mapping φ(t) := (φx (t), θ · t) is a negative
continuation of the point ((I − P (θ))x, θ).
Proof. First, we shall prove the continuity at t = 0, which is enough to prove that
lim Φ(θ, t)(I − P (θ))x = (I − P (θ))x.
In fact, taking > 0 and using Proposition 3.3, we get that
lim φx (t) = lim− Φ(θ, t)(I − P (θ))x
= lim− Φ(θ, − + t + )(I − P (θ))x
= lim Φ(θ · (−), t + )Φ(θ, −)(I − P (θ))x, t + > 0.
From Definition 2.1 we get that for all z ∈ X the mapping s → Φ(θ, s)z is
continuous for s ≥ 0 uniformly on Θ. Therefore,
lim φx (t) = Φ(θ · (−), )Φ(θ, −)(I − P (θ))x
= (I − P (θ))x.
lim Φ(θ, t)(I − P (θ))x = (I − P (θ))x.
Now, consider t < 0 and h ∈ R small enough. Then from Propositions 3.3 and 3.4
we get:
lim Φ(θ, t + h)(I − P (θ))x = lim Φ(θ · t, h)Φ(θ, t)(I − P (θ))x
= lim Φ(θ · t, h)(I − P (θ · t))Φ(θ, t)x.
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If we put z = Φ(θ, t)x, then
lim Φ(θ, t + h)(I − P (θ))x = lim Φ(θ · t, h)(I − P (θ · t))z
= (I − P (θ · t))z = Φ(θ, t)(I − P (θ))x.
Corollary 3.1. If the skew-product semiflow π = (Φ, σ) has an exponential dichotomy over Θ according to Definition 3.3 with projector P, then each (x, θ) ∈
N (P) has a bounded negative continuous
φ(t) = (φx (t), θ · t) := (Φ(θ, t)(I − P (θ))x, θ · t), t ≤ 0.
kφx (t)k ≤ ketβ kxk, t ≤ 0.
Corollary 3.2. If π = (Φ, σ) is a linear skew-product semiflow on E = X × Θ
which admits an exponential dichotomy over Θ according to Definition 3.3 with an
invariant projector P and Bu− 6= ∅, then for all θ ∈ Θ we have that:
Xu (θ) = N (P (θ)) = B − (θ) = Bu− (θ).
Moreover, all the bounded negative continuations all given by formula (3.5).
Proof. From Proposition 2.2 and Lemma 3.1 we get that N (P (θ)) = B − (θ) =
Bu− (θ), θ ∈ Θ. Then from Corollary 3.1 we get that all bounded negative continuations are given by the formula (3.5).
Theorem 3.1. If in both Definitions 3.3 and 3.2 of exponential dichotomy we assume that dimR(I − P (θ)) < ∞, θ ∈ Θ (or dimR(I − P (θ)) = ∞, θ ∈ Θ ), then
Definitions 3.3 and 3.2 are equivalent.
3.1. Characterization of the stable and unstable manifolds. We begin this
section with the following definition:
Definition 3.4. Given a point (x, θ) ∈ E = X × Θ, we shall say that Φ(θ, t)x is
well defined on R if it is a continuous function on t ∈ R and satisfies
Φ(θ, t + s)x = Φ(θ · t, s)Φ(θ, t)x, t, s ∈ R,
P (θ · t)Φ(θ, t)x = Φ(θ, t)P (θ)x, t ∈ R.
Also, we define the set
Mw := {(x, θ) ∈ E : Φ(θ, t)x is well defined}.
Remark 3.3. Clearly Bu− ⊂ Mw . Also, if π = (Φ, σ) has an exponential dichotomy
according to Definition 3.3, then N (P) ⊂ Mw .
Lemma 3.2. If π = (Φ, σ) has an exponential dichotomy over Θ, then
Xs (θ) = R(P (θ)) = {x ∈ X : sup k(I − P (θ · t))Φ(θ, t)xk < ∞} =: Zu (θ),
Xu (θ) = N (P (θ)) = {x ∈ Mw (θ) : sup kP (θ · t)Φ(θ, t)xk < ∞} =: Zs (θ)
for all
θ ∈ Θ.
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Proof. Suppose x ∈ R(P (θ)) = Xs (θ). Then
P (θ)x = x. So we get
k(I − P (θ · t))Φ(θ, t)xk = kΦ(θ, t)(I − P (θ))xk = 0.
Therefore, x ∈ Zs (θ). So, Xs (θ) ⊂ Zs (θ).
Suppose x ∈ Zs (θ) Then there exists a constant C > 0 such that
k(I − P (θ · t))Φ(θ, t)xk ≤ C < ∞, for t ≥ 0.
Φ(θ, t)x = Φ(θ, t)(I − P (θ))x + Φ(θ, t)P (θ)x
= (I − P (θ · t))Φ(θ, t)x + Φ(θ, t)P (θ)x.
kΦ(θ, t)xk ≤ C + ke−βt kxk, t ≥ 0.
Hence, x ∈ B + = R(P (θ)) = Xs (θ). So, Zs (θ) = Xs (θ).
Now, suppose that x ∈ N (P (θ)) = Xu (θ). Then P (θ)x = 0. Hence, using
Proposition 2.1, we get the following:
P (θ · t)Φ(θ, t)x = Φ(θ, t)P (θ)x = 0, t ≤ 0.
Therefore, Xu (θ) ⊂ Zu (θ).
Suppose that x ∈ Zu (θ). Then there exists C > 0
such that
kP (θ · t)Φ(θ, t)xk < C, t ≤ 0.
On the other hand, from Definition 3.4 we get
Φ(θ, t)x = (I − P (θ · t))Φ(θ, t)x + P (θ·)Φ(θ, t)x
= Φ(θ, t)(I − P (θ))x + P (θ · t)Φ(θ, t)x.
kΦ(θ, t)xk ≤ C + keβt kxk, t ≤ 0.
So, Φ(θ, t)x is bounded for t ≤ 0. Therefore x ∈ B − (θ) = N (P (θ)) = Xu (θ).
Hence, Xu (θ) = Zu (θ).
Lemma 3.3. If π = (Φ, σ)
η ∈ (0, β) we have
has an exponential dichotomy over Θ, then for all
Xs (θ) = {x ∈ X : sup e−ηt kΦ(θ, t)xk < ∞}
Xu (θ) = {x ∈ Mw (θ) : sup eηt kΦ(θ, t)xk < ∞}
for all θ ∈ Θ.
Proof. Denote the right side of (3.8) by Zs (θ). Then clearly Xs (θ) ⊂ Zs (θ).
Assume x ∈ Zs(θ). Then
kΦ(θ, t)xk ≤ Ceηt , t ≥ 0, and x = P (θ)x + (I − P (θ))x.
It is enough to prove that
(I − P (θ))x = 0. In fact, for t ≤ 0 we get
k(I − P (θ))xk = kΦ(θ · (−t), t)Φ(θ, −t)(I − P (θ))xk
= kΦ(θ · (−t), t)(I − P (θ · (−t)))Φ(θ, −t)xk
≤ kΦ(θ · (−t), t)(I − P (θ · (−t)))kkΦ(θ, −t)xk
≤ keβt Ce−ηt = kCe(β−η)t → 0, as t → −∞.
Hence Zs (θ) ⊂ Xs (θ).
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Denote the right side of (3.9) by Zu (θ). Then clearly Xu (θ) ⊂ Zu (θ).
Suppose x ∈ Zu (θ). Then
x ∈ Mw (θ), kΦ(θ, t)xk ≤ Ce−ηt , t ≤ 0, and x = P (θ)x + (I − P (θ))x.
It is enough to prove that
we get that
P (θ)x = 0. In fact, for
−t ≤ 0, from Definition 3.4
kP (θ)xk = kΦ(θ · (−t), t)Φ(θ, −t)P (θ)xk
= kΦ(θ · (−t), t)P (θ · (−t))Φ(θ, −t)xk
≤ kΦ(θ · (−t), t)P (θ · (−t))kkΦ(θ, −t)xk
≤ ke−βt Ceηt = kCe(η−β)t → 0, as t → +∞.
Hence Zu (θ) ⊂ Xu (θ).
In conclusion we have the following theorem:
Theorem 3.2. If π = (Φ, σ) has an exponential dichotomy over Θ, then we have
the following:
(a) Xs , Xu are invariant subbundles of E under the flow π and
E = Xs + Xu and Xs = B + , Xu = B − .
(the Whitney sum of two subbundles).
(b) We get the following characterization of
Xu :
Xs = {(x, θ) ∈ E : sup k(I − P (θ · t))Φ(θ, t)xk < ∞},
Xu = {(x, θ) ∈ Mw : sup kP (θ · t)Φ(θ, t)xk < ∞}.
(c) For
η ∈ (0, β) we get
Xs = {(x, θ) ∈ E : sup e−ηt kΦ(θ, t)xk < ∞},
Xu = {(x, θ) ∈ Mw : sup eηt kΦ(θ, t)xk < ∞}.
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