How wine brands behave? Hervé Remaud, Professeur of Marketing Academic Head – BEM Wine & Spirits MBA Senior Research Associate – Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science Agenda 1. What is a wine brand? 2. Is brand important for consumers when buying wines? 3. How wine brands grow? • A 'rétrospective' approach 4. Anticipating consumers' expectations and identifying consumers' preferences • • A 'prospective' approach Leading to market segmentation and brand positioning 5. Conclusion: what's a successful wine brand? 2 Hervé Remaud PhD in Agro-food SMEs' marketing strategy 5 years at the University of South Australia – EhrenbergBass Institute for Marketing Science At BEM since January 2010 Academic Head of the Wine & Spirits MBA Head of the 6th BEM AWBR conference Various research project conducted or in progress Vins de Pays d'Oc: Promoting sustainable claims / credentials UCCOAR: positioning PET wine bottle in the French market JeanJean: repositining Les Embruns Brand Auchan: French Wine Consumer real purchase behavior 3 What's marketing? The process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want by creating and exchanging products and value with others” 4 Is branding critical to marketing? 5 What's any marketer key objective? Increase sales … o o Price increase: add value to your wines (greater WTP) Volume increase: • • Your clients buy more of your wine (at all / more often) You get more (new) clients buying your wines 6 How? Physical availability of your wine brand Maximise the number of opportunities for consumers to buy your wines Penetration rate and 'numerical diffusion' Mental availability and salience of your wine brand Maximise the number of opportunities for consumers to 'think' of your brand(s), notice it, in a purchase situation Be part of the consumers' repertoire of brands Image, reputation, positioning 7 BUT In the meantime … So many competitive brands o o And you're a small brand With other beverages in competition (budget constraint) 8 BUT In the meantime … So many consumers o o Who don't care of your brand Having so many other aspects in mind But… all brands are in the same boat! So all brands share a similar situation 9 Agenda 1. What is a wine brand? 2. Is brand important for consumers when buying wines? 3. How wine brands grow? 4. Anticipating consumers' expectations and identifying consumers' preferences 5. Conclusion: what's a successful wine brand? 10 What is a (wine) brand? ‘‘a name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of these, intended to identify the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competitors’’ (American Marketing Association) 11 What is a (wine) brand? ‘‘a name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of these, intended to identify the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competitors’’ (American Marketing Association) ‘‘a wine brand is a cluster of attributes which defines the identity of the wine in the eyes of the buyer’’ (Lockshin, 2004) 12 What is a (wine) brand? 13 What is a (wine) brand? 14 What is a (wine) brand? 15 What is a (wine) brand? 16 What is a (wine) brand? A cluster of attributes… The commercial name The region of origin The country of origin The grape variety (ies) A medal A sustainable claim Vintage Shape of the bottle etc PRICE 17 Wine brand styles 18 Agenda 1. What is a wine brand? 2. Is brand important for consumers when buying wines? 3. How wine brands grow? • A 'rétrospective' approach 4. Anticipating consumers' expectations and identifying consumers' preferences • • A 'prospective' approach Leading to market segmentation and brand positioning 5. Conclusion: what's a successful wine brand? 19 Is brand important for consumers when buying wines? 80 60 40 20 oh ol <1 3% Dis pla y lab el Fr o nt o inf Sh e lf lab el ck Ba Fo od t ad ab ou Re Me da l an d Br n Or igi Va rie ty en de d co mm Alc -40 Re -20 Ta ste d 0 -60 -80 20 Australia New Zealand UK USA China Taiwan France Germany Italy Israel Brazil Is brand important for consumers when buying wines? 21 Is brand important for consumers when buying wines? 22 Is brand important for consumers when buying wines? 23 Is brand important for consumers when buying wines? 24 Is brand important for consumers when buying wines? 25 Agenda 1. What is a wine brand? 2. Is brand important for consumers when buying wines? 3. How wine brands grow? 4. Anticipating consumers' expectations and identifying consumers' preferences • • A 'prospective' approach Leading to market segmentation and brand positioning 5. Conclusion: what's a successful wine brand? 26 Understanding 'real' wine consumers' behavior Marketing facts found to be always true Your brand penetration rate o o o Number of people during a specific period of time who purchase your brand at least once Some consumers purchase that brand more often than other consumers Most consumers don't buy your brand 27 Understanding 'real' wine consumers' behavior Marketing facts found to be always true Your brand penetration rate o o o Number of people during a specific period of time who purchase your brand at least once Some consumers purchase that brand more often than other consumers Most consumers don't buy your brand As for Coca-Cola brand, the majority of your sales is generated by occasional buyers, even very occasional buyers 28 Understanding 'real' wine consumers' behavior If your brand is purchased 5 times a year… Purchase distribution of your brand 1200 Number of buyers 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Number of bottles of your brand bought in the period 9 10 29 Understanding 'real' wine consumers' behavior 225 200 Number of buyers * Number of bottles bought during a year 175 150 125 100 Frequency 75 50 25 0 1 51.00 26.00 101.00 76.00 152.00 126.00 210.00 178.00 330.00 252.00 953.00 Quantity Source: Jarvis, 2005 30 Understanding 'real' wine consumers' behavior 225 200 Number of buyers * Number of bottles bought during a year 175 150 125 100 Buy 1, and the buy 2, etc during the year Frequency 75 50 25 0 1 51.00 26.00 101.00 76.00 152.00 126.00 210.00 178.00 330.00 252.00 953.00 Quantity Source: Jarvis, 2005 31 Understanding 'real' wine consumers' behavior Light Buyers Penetration Market Share Purchase freq. Sparkling white 0,30 0,13 1,47 Shiraz 0,26 0,11 1,39 Cabernet Sauvignon 0,23 0,09 1,30 Cabernet blends 0,15 0,05 1,27 Shiraz blends 0,13 0,05 1,27 Riesling 0,11 0,04 1,25 Sauvignon Blanc 0,08 0,03 1,19 Merlot 0,06 0,02 1,24 Moyenne 0,17 1,32 Source: Jarvis, 2005 32 Understanding 'real' wine consumers' behavior Marketing facts always found to be true Loyalty rate seldom varies between competitive brands The double jeopardy rule Big brands are bought by more consumers who purchase them more often Small brands are bought by fewer consumers who purchase them less often 33 Understanding 'real' wine consumers' behavior Marketing facts always found to be true o o Penetration rate, purchase frequency, loyalty rate Implications: You can't just double the purchase frequency rate of your brand tomorrow To grow, you have to grow your consumers base: 'Numerical diffusion' Maximise the total number of consumers you could reach 34 Understanding 'real' wine consumers' behavior: duplication of purchase Marketing facts always found to be true The duplication of purchase: o Allow marketers to analyse competition between brands (or prices, grapes varieties, etc) o The duplication of purchase law means that a brand should expect to have many of its buyers buying big brands and fewer of its buyers buying small brands on a market o At the brand level, this laws shows what other brands 'my' consumers/buyers also purchase 35 Understanding 'real' wine consumers' behavior: duplication of purchase Penetration Grape varieties 83 74 71 71 70 59 52 47 46 39 35 28 25 54 Chardonnay Shiraz Sparkling white Cabernet Sauvignon Cabernet blends Shiraz blends Riesling Merlot Sauvignon Blanc Muscat Semillon Semillon Chardonnay Pinot Noir Average 36 Understanding 'real' wine consumers' behavior: duplication of purchase Penetration Grape varieties 83 74 71 71 70 59 52 47 46 39 35 28 25 54 Chardonnay Shiraz Sparkling white Cabernet Sauvignon Cabernet blends Shiraz blends Riesling Merlot Sauvignon Blanc Muscat Semillon Semillon Chardonnay Pinot Noir Average Ch 87 Sh 76 Sp wh Ca Sa Ca bl Sh bl 76 75 75 63 76 83 80 70 Ri 56 59 Me 51 53 Sa Bl 50 52 Mu 40 41 Se 39 42 Se Ch Pi No 33 28 34 29 Source: Jarvis, 2005 37 Understanding 'real' wine consumers' behavior: duplication of purchase Penetration Grape varieties 83 74 71 71 70 59 52 47 46 39 35 28 25 54 Chardonnay Shiraz Sparkling white Cabernet Sauvignon Cabernet blends Shiraz blends Riesling Merlot Sauvignon Blanc Muscat Semillon Semillon Chardonnay Pinot Noir Average Ch Sh 76 87 88 87 88 89 90 90 90 87 94 95 91 90 77 85 83 87 83 82 82 77 85 82 87 82 Sp wh Ca Sa Ca bl Sh bl 76 76 76 77 79 80 80 80 78 81 84 81 79 75 83 76 82 84 80 82 80 75 82 81 85 80 75 80 76 81 84 80 83 79 79 83 82 82 80 63 70 66 70 71 69 74 68 64 73 75 71 70 Ri Me Sa Bl Mu Se 56 59 58 59 59 61 51 53 53 55 55 59 56 50 52 51 52 52 53 60 54 40 41 42 41 43 42 43 47 41 39 42 39 40 40 43 48 45 51 37 61 67 58 72 64 70 62 56 57 61 62 63 57 48 68 59 66 55 41 45 43 42 54 49 44 Se Ch Pi No 33 34 34 32 32 36 35 38 36 33 45 28 29 29 30 29 30 34 33 36 28 36 29 32 35 31 On average during the year, 82% of wine buyers (all grape varieties included), bought Shiraz Source: Jarvis, 2005 38 Understanding 'real' wine consumers' behavior: duplication of purchase Penetration Grape varieties 83 74 71 71 70 59 52 47 46 39 35 28 25 54 Chardonnay Shiraz Sparkling white Cabernet Sauvignon Cabernet blends Shiraz blends Riesling Merlot Sauvignon Blanc Muscat Semillon Semillon Chardonnay Pinot Noir Average Ch Sh 76 87 88 87 88 89 90 90 90 87 94 95 91 90 77 85 83 87 83 82 82 77 85 82 87 82 Sp wh Ca Sa Ca bl Sh bl 76 76 76 77 79 80 80 80 78 81 84 81 79 75 83 76 82 84 80 82 80 75 82 81 85 80 75 80 76 81 84 80 83 79 79 83 82 82 80 63 70 66 70 71 69 74 68 64 73 75 71 70 Ri Me Sa Bl Mu Se 56 59 58 59 59 61 51 53 53 55 55 59 56 50 52 51 52 52 53 60 54 40 41 42 41 43 42 43 47 41 39 42 39 40 40 43 48 45 51 37 61 67 58 72 64 70 62 56 57 61 62 63 57 48 68 59 66 55 41 45 43 42 54 49 44 Se Ch Pi No 33 34 34 32 32 36 35 38 36 33 45 32 35 28 29 29 30 29 30 34 33 36 28 36 29 31 Big grape varieties share more consumers whereas small grape varieties share fewer consumers Source: Jarvis, 2005 39 Understanding 'real' wine consumers' behavior: duplication of purchase Penetration Grape varieties 83 74 71 71 70 59 52 47 46 39 35 28 25 54 Chardonnay Shiraz Sparkling white Cabernet Sauvignon Cabernet blends Shiraz blends Riesling Merlot Sauvignon Blanc Muscat Semillon Semillon Chardonnay Pinot Noir Average Ch Sh 76 87 88 87 88 89 90 90 90 87 94 95 91 90 77 85 83 87 83 82 82 77 85 82 87 82 Sp wh Ca Sa Ca bl Sh bl 76 76 76 77 79 80 80 80 78 81 84 81 79 75 83 76 82 84 80 82 80 75 82 81 85 80 75 80 76 81 84 80 83 79 79 83 82 82 80 63 70 66 70 71 69 74 68 64 73 75 71 70 Ri Me Sa Bl Mu Se 56 59 58 59 59 61 51 53 53 55 55 59 56 50 52 51 52 52 53 60 54 40 41 42 41 43 42 43 47 41 39 42 39 40 40 43 48 45 51 37 61 67 58 72 64 70 62 56 57 61 62 63 57 48 68 59 66 55 41 45 43 42 54 49 44 Se Ch Pi No 33 34 34 32 32 36 35 38 36 33 45 32 35 28 29 29 30 29 30 34 33 36 28 36 29 31 Could you observe any 'partition' in that market? Source: Jarvis, 2005 40 Understanding 'real' wine consumers' behavior: duplication of purchase Marketing facts always found to be true o o o o The duplication of purchase law: If your brand is purchased, other brand are also purchased If purchase at Carrefour, purchase also at Nicolas retail store If purchase of Chianti, also purchase of Venetian wines If purchase of 5-7 € wines… 41 Agenda 1. What is a wine brand? 2. Is brand important for consumers when buying wines? 3. How wine brands grow? 4. Anticipating consumers' expectations and identifying consumers' preferences 5. Conclusion: what's a successful wine brand? 42 Anticipating consumers' expectations In most cases, real purchase data are not available or difficult to analyse, costly to produce In a more prospective perspective, one can wish to measure consumers preferences and WTP for a specific attribute (grape variety, claim, etc) to activate Anticipating consumers' expectations Various approaches to analyse these expectations but: We want to compare bottles with various attributes We want to know the relative importance of variants for an attribute We want to know the WTP and expected market share We want to know who these attributes appeals to Anticipating consumers' expectations Anticipating consumers' expectations Anticipating consumers' expectations Anticipating consumers' expectations Anticipating consumers' expectations Identifying your brand equity What do you want your brand to be known for? What associations do you want your brand to Anticipating consumers' expectations Segment 1 REGION 1 Conviviality Good as a gif t Happy hours Cuisine du monde Sea / Farniente REGION 3 dif f icult to understand labels REGION 4 Détente With f amily / f riends Réconf ort REGION 2 Artisanat et SF Patrimoine Innovant Among wines connaisseurs Leader / environnement De qualité variable Digne de conf iance / Fiable Leader / DD REGION 5 Dépaysement I would recommend to a f riend REGION 6 Chaleur / Terrasse au soleil Socialement responsable Elégance Anticipating consumers' expectations Anticipating consumers' expectations For the aperitif With a BBQ To relax Traditional With family members With friends Elegant Unusual Anticipating consumers' expectations Elégance Brand 2 Tradition Apéritif Brand 1 Brand 3 En famille Entre amis Dépaysement Brand 4 Détente Grillades Brand 5 Agenda 1. What is a wine brand? 2. Is brand important for consumers when buying wines? 3. How wine brands grow? 4. Anticipating consumers' expectations and identifying consumers' preferences 5. Conclusion: what's a successful wine brand? 54 What's a successful wine brand? Rule 1: A brand that is available everywhere! Including if you're a small brand Your consumers are not loyal… Your consumers don't care so much about your brand So you have to enlarge your consumers' base 55 What's a successful wine brand? Rule 2: A brand that is distinctive on shelves 56 What's a successful wine brand? Rule 2: A brand that is distinctive on shelves 57 What's a successful wine brand? Rule 2: A brand that is distinctive on shelves 58 What's a successful wine brand? Rule 3: Create engagement, excitation, talking, noise… in brief, associations in people's mind 59 What's a successful wine brand? Rule 4: Do not target one too narrow group of consumers (for example young, women, etc) but try to satisfy as many consumers as possible Consumers move from one segment to the other depending on the occasion of consumption… 60 Thanks for your attention Questions? Hervé Remaud, Professeur of Marketing