Vol. 3, 865-871, December Interaction inducing Tokyo of Applied Cell Growth of Two Cytoplasmic Erythroid Factors in Mouse Erythroleukemia Toshio Watanabe’ Institute 1992 tiated and Michio Oishi Microbiology, University of Tokyo, thus Bunkyo-ku, 113, Japan Abstrad Our previous cell fusion experiments have suggested that the in vitro erythroid differentiation of mouse erythroleukemia cells is the result of a synergistic readion involving two intracellular differentiationinducing fadors (DIF); these were subsequently demonstrated in the cytoplasmic fradion of mouse erythroleukemia cells. Here, we present experimental evidence indicating that, under conditions in which the two fadors (DIF-l and DIF-li) are coinduced, a new fador, which can trigger erythroid differentiation upon introdudion into undifferentiated mouse erythroleukemia cells, is produced in the cells. A similar fador was also generated in vitro after the incubation of partially purified DIF-l and DIF-Il. We found that protein phosphatases could substitute for DIF-Il. These and other experiments suggest that protein dephosphorylation at a tyrosine residue(s) is involved in the generation of the new fador. of cell differentiation has been in a variety of experimental sys- tems, molecular of the cascade, particularly that of the early events leading to differentiation, remains unknown. In MEL2 cells, a number of compounds trigger differentiation into erythroid cells in vitro (1, 2). One of the most attractive hypotheses advanced to explain the manner in which these compounds, with their wide variety of molecular structures and, presumably, different biological functions, induce differentiation is that the molecular cascade is quite diverse at the initial stage, but that it eventually converges toward a common and critical step for cellular commitment to differentiation. We have previously reported the presence of two proteinaceous erythroid-inducing factors (DIF-I and DIFII) in the cytoplasmic fraction of MEL cells (3, 4). The synthesis of DIF-l was induced following treatment with a DNA replication inhibitor, and that of DIF-Il was induced by most erythroid-inducing agents, e.g., DMSO and HMBA. These intracellular factors triggered erythroid differentiation when introduced into undifferentiated MEL cells, provided that the recipient cells were poten- Received 6/9/92. 1 To whom requests The abbreviations 2 entiation-inducing ylene dium; for reprints should be addressed. used are: MEL, mouse erythroleukemia; factor; bisacetamide; MMC, FCS, fetal calf serum; DM50, dimethyl sulfoxide; mitomycin C; MEM, PBS, phosphate-buffered HMBA, DIF, differhexameth- minimal essential saline. DifferentiationCells induction the of either complementary one of these nature of factors, the two tons; DIF-Il, ‘-300,000 daltons). In this paper, we report experimental results suggesting that these two differentiation-inducing factors (DIF-I and DIF-Il) interact with each other and produce an apparently new erythroid-inducing factor. The new factor was distinguished from the previously reported DIF-l and DIF-Il by its different chromatographic behavior and by its capability of triggering erythroid differentiation, by upon introduction into undifferentiated ‘MEL cells. Results Although the mechanism extensively investigated nature 865 factors for erythroid differentiation. Attempts to purify these factors to homogeneity for cloning purposes have so far been unsuccessful, mainly owing to the extremely small quantity in which they are found in the cells and the rather time-consuming and cumbersome procedures required to assay their activity. Besides their proteinaceous nature, all we know about the biochemical nature of these factors is their behavior in several types of column chromatography, the retention of DIF-I in antiphosphotyrosine anti body-conjugated colu mns, and their approximate molecular sizes (DIF-I, ‘-90,000 dal- itself, Introdudion the by the indicating & Differentiation me- Our previous cell and cytoplast fusion experiments (5-7) suggested that the erythroid differentiation of MEL cells was a result of the synergistic action of DIF-l and DIF-Il and that this probably involved interaction of the two factors. To confirm whether this was the case, we examined the chromatographic behavior, as well as the erythroid-inducing activity, ofthese two factors after they were coinduced in the cells. For this purpose, MEL cells were incubated in the presence of a DNA replication inhibitor, MMC, for 18 h (DIF-l induction). The cells were then briefly exposed to DMSO for 6 h (DIF-Il induction). The results of our previous experiments indicated that, under these conditions, the two factors would reach their maximal levels (24 h total incubation with MMC for DIFI and 6 h incubation with DMSO for DIF-Il). Continued incubation of such treated cells after removing MMC and DMSO for another 4-5 days led most of the cells to differentiation, but MMC treatment (24 h) or exposure to DMSO (6 h) alone had no effect (data not shown). Extracts prepared from such coinduced cells were fractionated through a DEAE-cellulose column by stepwise salt (NaCI) elutions, and the erythroid-inducing activity in each fraction was assayed. As shown in Fig. 1, in control experiments, incubation with MMC alone for 24 h produced a factor (DIF-l) that was eluted at 250 mti NaCI (Fig. 1B), and incubation with DMSO for 6 h induced a factor (DIF-Il) that was eluted at 50 mi NaCI (Fig. 1C). Because of the synergistic action of these factors in erythroid differentiation, these two erythroidinducing factors were detected only by a complementation assay, in which the recipient cells were either pulsed with DMSO (DIF-Il induction) for DIF-I or treated with 866 Interaction of Mouse 50 mU 150 4 Erythroid-inducing mM 250 mM Factors A 50 mM 150 mM 250 interacted B mM ‘1 was 20 and generated capable introduction into erythroid-inducing mM NaCI eluate in incubated with high ii a new of inducing 50 mM 130 mU250 50 mM mM 150 mM 250 D mM 4 2 I Since the vide further the possible 10 - by itself, upon h). Under MEL cells these conditions, were committed a to differentiate. On the other hand, no activity was found in the 1 50 mM NaCI eluate of extracts prepared from cells incubated with DMSO for a prolonged time in the presence of 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-1 3-acetate, a specific inhibitor of MEL cell differentiation, or in the eluate of extracts prepared from differentiation-resistant MEL cells incubated with DM50.3 These results support the view that the activity in the 1 50 mti NaCI eluate is closely associated with MEL cell differentiation. 20 2O30 which, differentiation undifferentiated MEL cells. Similar activity was also observed in the 150 cell-free extracts prepared from cells concentrations of DMSO (“.‘200 mM) for a prolonged time (‘-‘24 substantial number of the C factor, erythroid experiments information interaction described above did not proon the biochemical nature of between the two factors, we attempted to reconstitute the process in partially purified DIF-l and DIF-Il in vitro. For this purpose, we incubated a mixture of partially purified DIF-I and DIF-Il, fractionated the incubated mixture on a DEAE column, and assayed Fraction Fig. 1. Erythroid.inducing activity No. in cell-free extracts of coinduced cells. MEL cells (1 1A2; 10 liters culture in each case) were incubated under the following conditions: A, control; B, 24-h incubation with MMC (1 gg/mI); C, 6-h incubation with DMSO (1.8%, v/v); D, 18-h incubation with MMC (1 ,g/mll plus 6-h incubation with MMC (1 sg/mI) and DMSO (1.8%, v/ v); F, same as D, but assayed under different conditions (see below). The cytosol fraction (1 20 mg protein) of each sample was applied to a DEAE column (12 x 55 mm) and eluted in a stepwise manner with 80 ml each of 50 ms, 150 mM, and 250 msi NaCI in the basal buffer. Twenty gI of each fraction (2 ml) were assayed for erythroid-inducing activity. 0, activity assayed with recipient cells pulsed with DMSO and made permeable (DIF-l activity); #{149}, activity assayed with recipient cells irradiated with UV light and made permeable (DIF-Il activity); A, activity assayed with recipient cells without any pretreatment and made permeable; & activity assayed with recipient cells that were not subjected to pretreatment or to permeabilization. Erythroid-inducing activity is shown as the percentage of benzidine-positive (81 cells in the total number of cells examined (left side). UV light (DIF-l induction) for DIF-Il. When we examined the extracts prepared from MEL cells in which the two factors had been coinduced with MMC and DMSO, as described above, quite different patterns of chromatographic behavior and erythroid-inducing activity emerged. As shown in Fig. 1D, whereas DIF-Il activity (50 mM NaCI eluate) was still present, DIF-l activity (250 mM eluate) disappeared in the coinduced cells. Instead, an apparently conditions NaCI eluate. new (DIF-l factor, and Furthermore, detected DIF-Il), under appeared we found that the erythroid-inducing activity of each fraction. After initial failures in experiments in which the mixture was incubated at ‘-30-37#{176}C, we found that incubation of the mixture at a lower temperature (“.‘3-5#{176}C)for a longer time (‘-3-4 h) resulted in the appearance of an apparently new erythroid-inducing factor that was very both in the the factor assay 150 mi newly emerged in the 1 50 mii NaCI eluate was detected with recipient cells that had not been treated with UV or DMSO, although it was still necessary to carry out the permeabilization of the recipient cells to macromolecules to detect the factor (Fig. 1 E). These results suggest that, in the coinduced MEL cells, the two factors somehow similar to that found in the coinduced Fig. 2C, the factor was eluted at 150 cells. As shown in mt’i NaCI and was detected by DIF-Il or DIF-l assay. As observed in the coinduced cells (Fig. 1), DIF-l activity, which was normally eluted at 250 mM NaCI, was greatly reduced after incubation, whereas almost all of the DIF-Il activity was still recovered in the 50 mti NaCI eluate (Fig. 2C). Incu- bation of DIF-l or DIF-Il with control fractions corresponding to DIF-Il or DIF-I, respectively, had no effect on the elution pattern of these factors (Fig. 2, A and B). No specific cofactors were required for the appearance of the new factor, as long as the pH of the reaction mixture was kept between 6.5 and 7.5 (data not shown). Fig. 3 shows MEL cells (after benzidine staining) into which the 1 50 mM NaCI eluate was introduced (A) and the Northern hybridization pattern offl-globin transcripts from the cells (B). To elucidate the biochemical nature of the reaction which led to the presence of this new factor, we exammed a number of compounds that might have affected its generation. We found that Na3VO4 and ZnCI2, strong inhibitors rosine of protein phosphatases, phosphatases including protein ty- the reaction. As (8, 9), inhibited shown in Fig. 4, the presence of Na3VO4 or ZnCl2 at relatively low concentrations (0.05 mti for Na3VO4 and 0.05 mM for ZnCI2) almost completely inhibited genera- tion of the new factor. Since DIF-l and DIF-Il still remained active after incubation with these compounds (Fig. 4, C and D), it appeared that these compounds did not inactivate the with these two factors. 3 T. Watanabe, N. Morita, erythroid-inducing activity The results and M. Oishi, suggested manuscript associated that protein in preparation. 50mM 150mM B 250mM Cell Growth 1 4 & Differentiation 4 20 -...0 10 0’’ U) 5 Fraction 10 15 No. Generation of a new erythroid-inducing factor in vitro. The preparation of partially purified DIF-I and DIF-Il is described under “Materials and Methods.” For control fractions corresponding to DIF-I and DIF-Il, cell-free extracts, prepared from cells which had been treated with neither MMC nor DMSO, were fractionated in the same manner as for DIF-l and DIF-Il, and fractions corresponding to DIF-l and DIF-Il were pooled. The mixtures (total, 1 7 ml) were incubated at 4”C for 4 h. A, DIF-l (10.8 mg); B, DIF-Il (0.43 mg); c, DIF-l (10,8 mg) and DIF-Il (0.43 mg). For A and B, the incubation mixture contained the fractions corresponding to DIF-Il (A) or DIF-l (8) prepared from control cells, with the amount of proteins equivalent to DIF-Il (0.43 mg) or DIF-l (10.8 mg). After incubation, the basal buffer (190 ml) was added to each sample, and the samples were fractionated through a DEAE column (9 x 16 mm) by stepwise elution with basal buffer containing 50 mba, 150 mxi, and 250 mi NaCI (each 6 ml), respectively. A portion (20 MI) of each fraction was then assayed for erythroid-inducing activity, using different recipient cells. 0, using recipient cells pulsed with DMSO and made permeable (DIF-l assay); #{149}, using recipient cells irradiated with UV light and made permeable (DIF-Il assay). Erythroid-inducing activity is shown as the percentage of benzidine-positive (B’) cells in the total number of cells examined (left scale). Fig. 2. dephosphorylation (by a phosphatase) was somehow involved in the generation of the factor in the 1 50 mti NaCI eluate. Several other lines of experimental evidence supported this view. First, we found that phosphatases could substitute for DIF-Il (but not for DIF-l) in the generation of the new factor. As shown in Fig. 5, incubation of DIF- I with bovine heart protein ducing factor intestinal alkaline phosphatase or bovine phosphatase generated the erythroid-ineluted in 150 mi NaCI with an almost concomitant disappearance of DIF-l. Bacterial alkaline phosphatase also substituted for DIF-Il (data not shown). Incubation with heat-inactivated phosphatases or with these phosphatases alone did not lead to the generation of the factor (data not shown). It appears that the factor present in the DIF-Il preparation acted on DIF-l in a manner similar to that of protein phosphatases, converting DIF-l into a form that was eluted at 1 50 mi NaCI. There was a concomitant change in erythroid-inducing activity, from that of DIF-l to one which alone could trigger erythroid differentiation (without any pretreatment of recipient cells). Furthermore, the presence of phosphotyrosine during the incubation of DIF-l and DIF- II almost completely inhibited the appearance of this activity, whereas the presence of either phosphoserine or phosphothreonine had negligible effects (Fig. 6), suggesting that the dephosphorylation of phosphotyrosine moieties was involved in this process. Discussion In this paper, we have presented experimental evidence to suggest that the erythroid differentiation-inducing factors, DIF-I and DIF-Il reported previously, interacted and produced a new factor which, by itself, was capable of inducing the erythroid differentiation of MEL cells when introduced into the cells. The new factor was produced in the cells when the two other factors were coinduced and was also produced in vitro after a mixture of DIF-l and DIF-Il was incubated. Interestingly, when the new factor was generated, DIF-l activity was lost or greatly reduced, suggesting that the new factor was generated at the expense of DIF-l. It is, therefore, quite likely that the factor was derived from a modification product of DIF-I. The in vitro experiments with partially purified DIFI and DIF-ll further suggest that the reaction leading to the generation of the new factor involved the protein dephosphorylation of DIF-I. This idea is most strongly supported by the finding that protein phosphatases can substitute for DIF-Il. We also present evidence, although it is indirect, that the dephosphorylation may have occurred at a tyrosine residue(s) of DIF-l. Protein dephosphorylation at phosphotyrosine residues of specific proteins has been implicated in the commitment of cell differentiation primarily via experiments using inhibitors of tyrosine protein kinases. We 867 868 Interation of Mouse Erythroid-inducing A Factors 20 , 1.-i J” ,,..t . ;,-,, ‘:‘-Z. . e. ‘ . : ‘ 150 mM 250 mM 50 mM 150 L mM 250 1\ mM I 10 -. . ‘ . ‘ ‘I’,, ‘. .: ,. ‘1” r..i”-) , mM j, -.‘ ,, S” .4s ./ 50 z”rvw ‘... B A 2 1 -.. ‘. JYT., ‘.--‘ , - P. . L2 C B 50 , mM 150 I 12 mM 250 D 50 mM I mM 150 mM Fraction fig. 4. Effects of Na3VO4 and ZnCI2 mM I 5 t-globinE 250 I . 10 15 No. on the generation of erythroid- inducing activity in vitro. DIF-l and DIF-Il after DEAE fractionation were concentrated approximately 2-fold with a Minicon apparatus, (B-iS; Amicon). DIF-t was dialyzed against the basal buffer before concentration. The samples were mixed in the following combinations (total. 3 ml) and incubated for 3 h at 4’C with or without Na3VO4 (50 gM) or ZnCI2 (50 A, DIF-l (4 mg protein); B, DIF-I (4 mg protein) plus DIF-Il (0.08 mg protein); C, DIF-I (2 ml, 4 mg protein) plus DIF-II (1 ml, 0.08 mg protein) and Na3VO4 (final concentration, 50 zM); 0, DIF-l (4 mg protein) plus DIF-Il (0.08 mg protein) and ZnCl2 (final concentration, SO zM). After incubation, each sample was dialyzed against the basal buffer, applied to a DEAE column (3 x 40 mm), and eluted stepwise with basal buffer containing 50 mM, 150 mM, and 250 mxi NaCI (each 3 ml), respectively. A portion (20 MI) of each fraction was assayed for DIF-l, DIF-lI, and the new factor, as described in “Materials and Methods.” 0, activity assayed with recipient cells pulsed with DMSO and made permeable (DIF-I activity); #{149}, activity assayed with recipient cells irradiated with UV light and made permeable (DIE-Il activity); A, activity assayed with recipient cells without any pretreatment but made permeable. Erythroid-inducing activity is shown as the percentage of benzidine-positive (if’) cells in the total number of cells examined (left scale). NM). Fig. .3 trans(ripts Appearance of benzidine-positive by introduction of the 150 cells and induction msi eluate. MEL of -globin )DS19) cells were cultured, and, when the cell density reached 2 x 106/ml, they were permeabilized to macromolecules and divided into two. One half was exposed to basal I)uffer (control), and the other half was exposed to the concentrated 150 m NaCI eluate (Fig. 2C) (protein concentration was 20 mg/mI). Both samples were then incubated at 37’C in MEM containing 12% FCS. ,-\, the cells were stained with benzidine on the fifth day of the incubation, and photographs were taken under a microscope; B, cytoplasmic RNAs were isolated from portions (2 ml) of each sample on the third day of the incubation and subjected to Northern blotting using a #{176}P-labeled !-globin probe (pMdGA( as described in Materials and Methods.” 1, permeabilized and exposed to basal buffer; 2, permeabilized and exposed ti) the 150 ms NaCI eluate. For details, see “Materials and Methods.” serine/threonine kinase experiments and others have reported that a series of inhibitions of protein tyrosine kinases are very effective inducers of the in vitro differentiation of several cell lines, including MEL cells (10-14). For example, herbimycin A has been found to induce the erythroid differentiation of MEL cells, as well as the embryonal differentiation of mouse embryonal carcinoma (F9) cells (11). Erythroid-inducing activity has also been observed with other tyrosine kinase inhibitors, e.g., synthetic analogues of phosphotyrosine, such as ST638 or methyl-2,5-dihydroxycinnamate, particularly when these inhibitors were combined with DNA replication inhibitors such as MMC (10, 14). No such erythroid-inducing activity has been detected with ample, had Na3VO4 differentiation ing the typical inhibitors results has been of MEL treatment erythroid-inducing with agents such all of the phosphotyrosine-containing were reduced or had disappeared of with that differentiation in specific with (15). the experimental dephosphorylation the entiation cellular reaction(s) of MEL These for the erythroid 1 5). Furthermore, cells proteins probably responsible cells. or as HMBA, are all results presented here, of a phosphotyrosine for ex- follow- DMSO proteins at a very early results other these; to inhibit (14, MEL 14). Several with found cells of (13, consistent other almost either stage consistent suggesting residue(s) is closely associated triggering the differ- Cell Growth A 20 50 mM 150 mM 250 & Differentiation 869 B 50 mM mM 150 mM 250 mM 10 V D 20 50 mM 150 mM 250 mM 50 mM 150 I mM I 250 mM I 10 0 5 10 15 5 Fraction 10 15 10 5 No. 15 5 Fraction Effects of phosphatases on the generation of erythroid-inducing factor in vitro. DIF-l and DIF-Il were prepared as described in “Materials and Methods.” DIF-l was dialyzed against the basal buffer for 16 h and concentrated approximately 2-fold with a Minicon apparatus (B-15; Amicon). DIF-Il was also concentrated with a Minicon to approximately 5fold its original concentration. Alkaline phosphatase and protein phosphatase were dialyzed against basal buffer containing 50 mwi NaCI for 16 h before use. The samples were mixed in the following combinations (total, 2.2 ml) and incubated for 3 h at 4”C. A, DIF-l (5 mg protein); B, 10 15 No. Fig. 5. DIF-l (5 mg protein) plus DIF-lI (0.1 mg protein); C, DIF-l (5 mg protein) plus alkaline phosphatase (from bovine intestinal mucosa, 440 units); 0, DIF-l (5 mg protein) plus protein phosphatase (from bovine heart muscle, 44 lag). After incubation, basal buffer (15 ml) was added to each sample. The samples were applied to DEAE column (3 x 30 mm) and eluted stepwise with the basal buffer, containing 50 m,i, 150 msi, and 250 mxi NaCI (each 3 ml), respectively. A portion (20 gI) of each fraction was assayed for DIF-I, DIF-Il, and the new factor, as described in “Materials and Methods.” 0, activity assayed with recipient cells pulsed with DM50 and made permeable (DIF-l activity) #{149}, activity assayed with recipient cells irradiated with UV light and made permeable (DIF-ll activity); A, activity assayed with recipient cells without any pretreatment but made permeable. Erythroid-inducing activity is shown as the percentage of benzidine-positive (ff’i cells in the total number of cells examined (left scale). Materials and Methods Materials. L-a-Lysophosphatidylchohne (lysolecithin) was purchased from Sigma (St. Louis, MO), and MMC was obtained from Kyowa Hakko (Tokyo, Japan). HMBA was a generous gift from Dr. 1. Yamane. All of the other chemicals used were reagent grade. Eagle’s MEM was obtained from Nissui Seiyaku (Tokyo, Japan). Ham’s nutrient mixture F-12 and Dulbecco’s modified (Eagle’s medium) were purchased from Sigma, and FCS was obtained from Flow Laboratories (McLean, VA) and United Biotechnologies (Tokyo, Japan). Sodium orthovanadate (Na3VO4) was purchased from Aldrich Chemi- of phosphoamino acids on the generation of erythroidin vitro. The DIF-l and DIF-Il fractions were prepared as described in Materials and Methods.” DIF.l was dialyzed against the basal buffer for 16 h and concentrated approximately 2-fold in a Minicon (B-iS; Amicon). DIF-I (5.6 mg protein) and DIF-Il (0.1 mg protein) were mixed, and the mixtures (4 ml) were incubated for 3 h at 4”C in the presence of one of the following phosphoamino acids. A, control; B, phosphoserine (5 mM); C, phosphothreonine (5 mM); 0, phosphotyrosine (5 mM). After incubation, basal buffer (15 ml) was added to each sample, and the samples were applied to a DEAE column (3 x 30 mm) and eluted stepwise with the basal buffer containing 50 mi, 150 mxi, and 250 msi NaCI (each 3 ml), respectively. A portion (20 gI) of each fraction was assayed for DIF-I, DIF-Il, and the new factor, as described in “Materials and Methods.” 0, activity assayed with recipient cells pulsed with DMSO and made permeable (DIF-I activity); #{149}, activity assayed with recipient cells irradiated with UV light and made permeable (DIF-Il activity); A, activity assayed with recipient cells without any pretreatment but made permeable. Erythroid-inducing activity is shown as the percentage of benzidine-positive (Bi cells in the total number of cells examined (left Fig. 6. inducing Effects factor scale). cal Co. (Milwaukee, WI). Bovine intestinal mucosal alkaline phosphatase was purchased from Sigma, and bovine heart muscle phosphatase was a generous gift from Dr. H. Murofushi. Cells and Cell Culture. were generously Rifkind, and MEL (Friend) cells (745A, provided P. A. Marks. by The Drs. MEL M. cell Terada, line, 11A2, DS1 9) R. A. used for the preparation of erythroid-inducing factors, was established in this laboratory (4). All cells, except for MEL 11A2, were cultured in MEM supplemented with 12% FCS; the MEL 11A2 cells were cultured in F-12-Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (1:1, v/v) supplemented with 2% FCS. All cultures were incubated at 37#{176}C in a humidified atmosphere containing 5% CO2 in air. 870 Interaction of Mouse Partial Erythroid-inducing Purification Factors of DIF-l purification of DIF-l and scribed previously, with and DIF-Il. DIF-Il slight The partial was performed modifications as de(4). MEL 1 1A2 cells were cultured in 10-liter spinner flasks (total, -10-20 liters). When the cell density reached 2.5 X 106 cells/mI, the culture was diluted with fresh medium to 106 cells/mI For the preparation of DIF-I, MMC was then added, to a final concentration of 1 zg/mI, and the culture was continued for 24 h. For DIF-Il, DMSO was added to a final concentration of 1 .8% (v/v, 280 mM), and the culture was incubated for 6 h. The following procedures were used for the preparation of both DIF-l and DIF-Il, unless otherwise specified. The cells were collected by centrifugation, washed twice with PBS (137 mM NaCl-2.4 1.1 mM KH2PO4) and once mi KCI-9.6 mti Na2HPO4with TKM buffer (10 mri Tris- Cl, pH 7.5-10 mM KCI-1.5 mi’st magnesium acetate-0.1 mM dithiothreitol-0.1 mi phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride), and resuspended in TKM buffer at 5 x 108 cells/mI. After being left to stand for 1 5 mm at 0#{176}C, the cells were disrupted with either a Dounce or a Teflon homogenizer (Potter-Elvehjem type, luchi Level 90). The sample was then mixed with 0.25 volume S buffer (100 mti Tris-CI, pH 7.5-1.25 M sucrose-25 mi magnesium acetate and centrifuged first at 1,200 x g for 5 mm, and then at 120,000 x g for 90 mm. The supernatant (cytosol) fraction (-500 mg protein) was diluted 3-fold with basal buffer (20 mri Tris-CI, pH 7.5-10% thiothreitol) and applied x 100 For DIF-l, mm). (v/v) glycerol-0.25 mrsi di- to a DEAE-cellulose the column was column (20 with 150 washed ml each of the basal buffer, the basal buffer 50 mM NaCI, and the basal buffer containing NaCI. DIF-l was then eluted buffer containing 250 mst was first washed with 1 50 factor was eluted with 1 50 mM NaCI. Fractions which 250 mi eluate and DIF-Il with 150 ml containing 150 mi of the basal NaCI. For DIF-Il, the column ml of the basal buffer, and the ml of the buffer containing 50 exhibited activity (DIF-l in the in the 50 mi eluate) were pooled and dialyzed against the basal buffer for 6 h. The samples were concentrated with a Minicon apparatus (B1 5; Amicon) when necessary. Protein concentrations were determined with a protein assay kit (Bio-Rad). All manipulations were carried out at 0-4#{176}C,unless otherwise specified. Assay for Erythroid-inducing Adivity. Assays for the erythroid-inducing activity of DIF-l and DIF-Il were performed in essence by a procedure described previously (4, 16). MEL (DS19) cells were cultured in MEM (supplemented with 12% FCS) in plastic Petri dishes (60 x 12 mm) at 37#{176}C. The cells grown to confluence were collected by centrifugation (500 x g for 5 mm), washed once with PBS, and resuspended in PBS at 5 x 106 cells/ ml. For the DIF-I assay, 2 volumes of fresh MEM medium (with 1 2% FCS) containing DMSO (420 mM) were added to the cell suspension (cell density, 2 x 106 cells/mI), and the cells were incubated for 6 h. The cells (total, 5 X 106) were then collected by centrifugation (500 x g for 10 mm) and washed twice with cold PBS. To the sedimented cells, 1 ml of cold (0#{176}C) i-a-lysophosphatidylcholine solution (4.2 zg/ml in MEM) were thoroughly mixed using was added, a Pasteur and pipet. the cells The cell suspension was incubated for 3.5 mm at 0#{176}C, and then 10 l were quickly transferred with an automatic pipet to each well of a microplate (96 wells; Falcon) containing 180 I of prewarmed (37#{176}C) MEM with 12% FCS and 20 zI of samples adjust the for assay. length poration of proteins the were cells assaying Sometimes, of the it was necessary incubation for the (for details, incubated to optimal incor- see Ref. 1 6). After mixing, at 37#{176}C in a CO2 incubator. For DIF-ll, cells grown to confluence were collected by centrifugation (500 x g for 5 mm), washed once with PBS, and resuspended in PBS at 5 X 106 cells/mI. Two ml of the sample were then transferred to a plastic Petri dish (60-mm diameter) and irradiated (20 J/m2) under a germicidal UV lamp (GL15, 15 W; Toshiba). After centrifugation, the cells were resuspended, at 8 x 1 55 cells/mI, in MEM containing 12% FCS and incubated for 15 h at 37#{176}Cin a CO2 incubator. The cells (total, 5 X 106) were then processed for permeabilization as described above for DIF-I. Erythroid differentiation was assayed on the fifth day of incubation, by counting hemoglobin-accumulated cells (benzidine-positive cells) stained with benzidine, as described by Orkin et a!. (17). Northern Hybridization. MEL cells (2 ml culture) were harvested, and cytoplasmic RNA was prepared as de- scribed by Favaloro et a!. (18). The RNA (20 zg) was then electrophoresed and blotted according to the procedure ofGoldberg (1 9). Cloned mouse fi-globin DNA (pMGA), used here as probes, was generously supplied by Dr. T. Yamashita and nick-translated by the procedure of Rigby et a!. (20) using [32P]dCTP (specific activity, 3000 Ci/ mmol; ICN). Acknowledgments We wish to thank S. Nomura and T. Kobayashi S. 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