THE CAREER B COPSYSTEM OCCUPATIONAL LEVEL PREFERENCE SYSTEM How the COPSystem Works The COPSystem measures an individual’s abilities, interests and values and relates the scores to 14 occupational groupings or “clusters.” These clusters organize occupations based on similar activities into groups reflecting comparable courses of training, most typical job changes and greatest similarity of interests, abilities and values. The assessment inventories used in the COPSystem fall under three major categories: Interests, Abilities and Values. Each test is administered separately and the results can then be interpreted for each or integrated for a comprehensive approach. A fourth component to the COPSystem provides occupational information keyed to the results of the tests. This stimulates individual career investigation and research, and assists with high-school curriculum planning and college or university majors. EdITS The Complete COPSystem Career Measurement (all essential materials needed for administering and interpreting the COPS Interest Inventory, the CAPS Ability Battery and the COPES Values Survey: COPS, CAPS and COPES test booklets, Comprehensive Career Guide and Examiner’s Manuals). with COPS (Jr–Sr High School) 978-0-7784-1288-5 $186.50 pkg/25 978-0-7784-1289-2 $693.95 pkg/100 978-0-7784-1290-8 $2721.95 pkg/500 with COPS (College/University) 978-0-7784-1285-4 $186.50 pkg/25 978-0-7784-1286-1 $663.95 pkg/100 978-0-7784-1287-8 $2721.95 pkg/500 with COPS-P (Professional Level Only) 978-0-7784-1653-1 $186.50 pkg/25 978-0-7784-1654-8 $663.95 pkg/100 978-0-7784-1655-5 $2721.95 pkg/500 TO O R D E R C A L L 1 - 8 0 0 - 5 6 5 - 9 5 2 3 OR FAX 1-800-221-9985 1 COPSYSTEM Scoring and Interpretation of Results Interests Each of the measures in the COPSystem can be easily self-scored by the examinee with a high degree of accuracy. The results can then be interpreted in any or all of the following methods: 1. Each test may be self-administered, scored and interpreted separately, using the corresponding Self-Interpretation Profile and Guide. 2. Results from all three Self-Interpretation Profiles and Guides can be summarized in the Summary Guide. 3. Using the Self-Scoring Form for each test, the results can be plotted directly in the Comprehensive Career Guide. All the information necessary for scoring and interpreting the tests is included in this single booklet. Separate profiles are provided for each test, in addition to a summary profile which integrates interpretation for the three tests, or for any two of the three tests. COPS COMPONENTS COPS: Interest Inventory RANGE: GRADE 7 THROUGH ADULT COPS is particularly useful: • in classroom group guidance units as a starting point for exploring the world of work • as an introduction to the use of the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT), the Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH), and the NOC • to assist students in planning their high-school and college/university major programs • to help widen occupational horizons for potential dropouts by specifying job opportunities available to them within their own areas of interest • for individual counselling with college/university students and adults COPS has been updated with new job activity items reflecting the increased use of computers along with similar other current trends in occupations. The COPS provides occupational preference scores related to choice of job, curriculum and occupational clusters for professionally, as well as vocationally oriented individuals. Each occupational cluster is keyed to curriculum choice and major sources of detailed job information. Low cost, on-site scoring providing immediate feedback of results and the use of one For both vocationally oriented and instrument for vocationally oriented college/university oriented individuand college oriented individuals are als, COPS is an effective measure of major features of this instrument. occupation-related Completion of COPS and scoring interests. requires 35 to 50 minutes. Selfscoring is quick and accurate SOCIAL PHYSICAL and interpretation is easy INSTRUCTIONAL MEDICAL LIFE with the Self-InterpretaCIVIL tion Profile and Guide. The DESIGN ELECTRICAL Guide includes sample PERFORMING MECHANICAL occupations, some skills and abilities needed, WRITTEN AGRIBUSINESS ORAL NATURE suggested activities to gain experience, related courses and college/univerMANAGEMENT FINANCE sity majors. 2 UNIVERSITY OF TO R O N T O P R E S S G U I D A N C E C E N T R E *Self-Scoring Booklet expendable 978-0-7784-1292-2 $19.50 pkg/25 978-0-7784-1291-5 $69.95 pkg/100 Self-Interpretation Profile & Guide high school 978-0-7784-1295-3 $18.95 pkg/25 978-0-7784-1294-6 $66.50 pkg/100 college 978-0-7784-1297-7 $18.95 pkg/25 978-0-7784-1296-0 $66.50 pkg/100 Examiner’s Manual 978-0-7784-1299-1 $4.50 Technical Manual 978-0-7784-1298-4 $28.95 Specimen Set includes one copy of all forms and Technical Manual 978-0-7784-1300-4 $42.50 Visuals 28 masters with accompanying narrative script for the administrator’s use 978-0-7784-1293-9 $33.95 CD 978-0-7784-1875-7 $33.95 Summary Guides for summarizing results of all three measures: CAPS, COPS and COPES high school 978-0-7784-1302-8 $8.50 pkg/25 978-0-7784-1301-1 $30.95 pkg/100 college 978-0-7784-1304-2 $8.50 pkg/25 978-0-7784-1303-5 $30.95 pkg/100 Comprehensive Career Guides for interpreting all three measures: CAPS, COPS and COPES high school 978-0-7784-1306-6 $51.95 pkg/25 978-0-7784-1305-9 $173.95 pkg/100 college 978-0-7784-1308-0 $51.95 pkg/25 978-0-7784-1307-3 $173.95 pkg/100 *must be purchased with SelfInterpretation Profile & Guides or Comprehensive Career Guides COPSYSTEM COPS-P: Professional Level Interest Inventory Interests COPS-P COMPONENTS RANGE: COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY STUDENTS, ADULT PROFESSIONALS AND SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS The COPS-P Interest Inventory provides occupational preference scores related to choice of job, curriculum and occupational clusters for professionally oriented individuals. New questions have been added to reflect technology shifts. The COPS-P takes approximately 30 minutes for response and 15 to 20 minutes for examinee scoring. The COPS-P is particularly appropriate for the following applications: • in classroom group guidance units as a starting point for exploring the professional world of work • as a source for examinees in exploring sources of information about specific occupations • to assist examinees in planning their courses of study and college major programs • to help widen occupational horizons for the person seeking a career change • for individual counselling with college students Self-Interpretation Profile & Guide 978-0-7784-1645-6 $18.95 pkg/25 978-0-7784-1646-3 $66.50 pkg/100 Examiner’s Manual 978-0-7784-1649-4 $4.50 Technical Manual 978-0-7784-1650-0 $12.95 Specimen Set 978-0-7784-1651-7 $13.95 Visuals 21 masters 978-0-7784-1652-4 $33.95 CD 978-07784-1876-4 $33.95 Comprehensive Career Guides 978-0-7784-1406-3 $51.95 pkg/25 978-0-7784-1407-0 $173.95 pkg/100 *must be purchased with Self Interpretation Profile & Guides or Comprehensive Career Guides P LE NAL SIO ES OF PR ED ILL SK R UME NS MICS CO ONO EC SKIL RANGE: GRADE 4 THROUGH 12 COPS II, written at a fourth grade reading level, is especially useful for young students and those at higher grade levels for whom reading or language present difficulties, or where motivational considerations are of special concern. Interest ratings are based on knowledge of school subjects and activities familiar to elementary and intermediate grade students, as well as high school students. Interests COPS II COMPONENTS Self-Scoring Form combined Self-Scoring Booklet and Self-Interpretation Guide 978-0-7784-1310-3 $38.50 pkg/25 978-0-7784-1309-7 $143.50 pkg/100 Examiner’s Manual 978-0-7784-1313-4 $5.95 Specimen Set includes manual 978-0-7784-1312-7 $7.95 Summary Guide for summarizing all three measures: CAPS, COPS II and COPES 978-0-7784-1314-1 $8.50 pkg/25 PROF ESS IO NA L SKIL LE D PROF ESS ION AL SKIL LE D NAL SIO ES F O PR ED ILL SK *Self-Scoring Booklets expendable 978-0-7784-1647-0 $19.50 pkg/25 978-0-7784-1648-7 $69.95 pkg/100 COPS II: Intermediate Inventory Visuals 20 masters 978-0-7784-1311-0 $33.95 CD 978-0-7784-1877-1 $33.95 D SS ROFE IO NA L TO O R D E R C A L L 1 - 8 0 0 - 5 6 5 - 9 5 2 3 OR FAX 1-800-221-9985 3 COPSYSTEM COPS-R: Interest Inventory Form R COPS-PIC: Picture Inventory of Careers CAPS: Career Ability Placement Survey RANGE: GRADE 6 THROUGH ADULT RANGE: ELEMENTARY THROUGH HIGH SCHOOL – NON-VERBAL RANGE: GRADE 7 THROUGH ADULT A simplified version of COPS, complete in one booklet, COPS-R is written at a grade six reading level with results compared to a single norm sample. Interests COPS-R COMPONENTS Self-Scoring Form combined Self-Scoring Booklet and Self-Interpretation Guide 978-0-7784-1343-1 $37.95 pkg/25 978-0-7784-1342-4 $135.50 pkg/100 Examiner’s Manual 978-0-7784-1345-5 $4.50 Technical Manual 978-0-7784-1347-9 $12.95 Specimen Set includes manual 978-0-7784-1346-2 $13.95 Visuals 28 masters 978-0-7784-1344-8 $33.95 CD 978-0-7784-1878-8 $33.95 Summary Guides for summarizing all three measures: CAPS, COPS-R and COPES 978-0-7784-1351-6 $8.50 pkg/25 978-0-7784-1350-9 $30.95 pkg/100 Comprehensive Career Guides for interpreting all three measures: CAPS, COPS-R and COPES 978-0-7784-1349-3 $51.95 pkg/25 978-0-7784-1348-6 $173.95 pkg/100 4 UNIVERSITY OF The COPS-PIC provides job activity interest scores using pictures only, yielding measurement of the 14 COPSystem clusters for non-readers. The COPS-PIC can be used for those with motivational or language difficulties to measure interests for the following applications: • in classroom group guidance units as a starting point for exploring the world of work • as a source for examinees in exploring outside sources of information about specific occupations • to assist students in planning their high school and college/university major programs • to assist students in planning their high school training • to help widen occupational horizons for potential dropouts by specifying occupational opportunities available to them within their particular areas of interest • for individual counselling with college students or adults Interests COPS-PIC COMPONENTS Combined Test Booklet and Answer Sheet includes Interpretation Profile and Guide 978-0-7784-1334-9 $43.95 pkg/25 978-0-7784-1333-2 $156.95 pkg/100 Handscoring Keys 978-0-7784-1336-3 $33.95 Examiner’s Manual 978-0-7784-1335-6 $4.50 Specimen Set 978-0-7784-1337-0 $9.95 TO R O N T O P R E S S G U I D A N C E C E N T R E CAPS is designed to measure abilities keyed to entry requirements for the majority of jobs in each of the fourteen occupational clusters. The test requires only 50 minutes to complete and easy, self-scoring by examinees allows for immediate feedback, examinee involvement and costeffectiveness. CAPS consists of eight five-minute tests: • Mechanical Reasoning • Spatial Relations • Verbal Reasoning • Language Usage • Word Knowledge • Perceptual Speed and Accuracy • Manual Speed and Dexterity • Mathematical Ability After completing the easy SelfScoring Form, the examinees follow the instructions in the Self-Interpretation Profile and Guide to discover the occupational clusters best suited to their abilities. In addition, the summary activity section of the booklet includes a four-year Educational Program Planning Guide and a Local Job Interview Sheet. CAPS is ideal for classroom career exploration, school course selection, curriculum evaluation, employee development, and for use with other components of the COPSystem for an integrated, comprehensive approach. COPSYSTEM Abilities CAPS COMPONENTS *Self-Scoring Booklet test booklet containing all eight tests 978-0-7784-1258-8 $111.95 pkg/25 978-0-7784-1257-1 $416.95 pkg/100 Self-Interpretation Profile & Guide includes summary score sheet 978-0-7784-1269-4 $18.95 pkg/25 978-0-7784-1268-7 $66.50 pkg/100 Examiner’s Manual 978-0-7784-1270-0 $4.50 Technical Manual 978-0-7784-1271-7 $12.95 Administration Tape a cassette tape of recorded instructions with timed segments 978-0-7784-1274-8 $15.95 Visuals 38 masters organized into three sections: orientation, administration, and interpretation 978-0-7784-1267-0 $33.95 CD 978-0-7784-1880-1 $33.95 Specimen Set includes manual 978-0-7784-1273-1 $17.95 *must be purchased with SelfInterpretation Profile and Guides or Comprehensive Career Guides COPES: Career Orientation Placement & Evaluation Survey RANGE: GRADE 7 THROUGH ADULT COPES now has revised item content and expanded interpretation which provides comprehensive measurement of work values for use in career planning. COPES now weighs both ends of the continuum and may be more easily interpreted for vocational counselling purposes. Eight fundamental values are used as the basis for COPES: • Investigative vs. Accepting • Orderliness vs. Flexibility • Practical vs. Carefree • Recognition vs. Privacy • Independence vs. Conformity • Aesthetic vs. Realistic • Leadership vs. Supportive • Social vs. Reserved The results of the test are interpreted using the Self-Interpretation Profile and Guide and the scores are related to specific occupational clusters. Provides vital information for use in career exploration courses, industrial or educational counselling and in encouraging self-awareness. Values COPES COMPONENTS *Self-Scoring Form 978-0-7784-1277-9 $19.50 pkg/25 978-0-7784-1276-2 $69.95 pkg/100 Self-Interpretation Profile and Guide 978-0-7784-1279-3 $7.50 pkg/25 978-0-7784-1278-6 $18.50 pkg/100 Examiner’s Manual 978-0-7784-1280-9 $4.50 Specimen Set includes manual 978-0-7784-1282-3 $9.95 Visuals 10 masters to aid in the use of the COPES survey 978-0-7784-1284-7 $33.95 CD 978-0-7784-1879-5 $33.95 *must be purchased with SelfInterpretation Profile & Guides or Comprehensive Career Guides MATCH RANGE: HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES, COLLEGE/ UNIVERSITY STUDENTS AND ADULTS MATCH uses COPS, CAPS and COPES inventories to provide a comprehensive narrative report for self or counsellor assisted job market exploration. The MATCH is designed for use in guiding examinees in selfevaluation and exploration of careers with the goal of finding a good match with the individual and the job market. The self-scoring form takes approximately 30 minutes for responding to COPS Interest Inventory and COPES Values Survey. One hour testing time for CAPS Ability Battery. MATCH Self-Scoring Form includes COPSystem Booklets, COPS interests, CAPS abilities, COPES values, and Narrative Report 978-0-7784-1663-0 $17.95 pkg/25 978-0-7784-1664-7 $155.75 pkg/100 TO O R D E R C A L L 1 - 8 0 0 - 5 6 5 - 9 5 2 3 OR FAX 1-800-221-9985 5 COPSYSTEM Career Cluster Booklets Kit Comprehensive Career Guidebook COPSystem Counselor Packets This kit has job descriptions of every job listed in the COPSystem SelfInterpretation Profile and Guide, plus additional related sample jobs for each cluster. The booklets contain the percentage of persons employed in the cluster, an in-depth description of each subcluster, recent and projected proportions of persons employed and suggested courses of study for selected occupations. The Clusters Booklets Kit has comprehensive information on over 1,500 job titles with an additional list of 2,000 job titles that should help immensely when using the COPSystem results for finding occupational information. The COPSystem Comprehensive Career Guidebook provides an indepth interpretation of the COPSystem inventory scores. This revised edition includes updated employment projections, job titles keyed to the 1998–99 OOH and completely revised norms for the COPSystem assessments. Every page has been changed to reflect new trends and make this book even more useful. This workbook may be used in a career course lasting a few weeks, emphasizing study habits and educational planning with recommended use of either the machine or selfscoring COPS Interest Inventory, the CAPS Ability Battery, the COPES Work Values. Using the COPSystem in college/ university courses for counsellorsin-training is made easy with the use of the COPSystem Counselor Packets. The Counselor Packets contain the following: Career Cluster Booklets Kit 978-0-7784-1247-2 $172.95 Occupational Cluster Charts The large, laminated Occupational Cluster Charts provide a graphic presentation of the occupational cluster concept. Each poster represents one of the 14 clusters and is designed for display during COPSystem sessions. On one side of the chart, occupational titles are organized in logical subgroupings. On the reverse, contemporary cartoon illustrations are presented to stimulate interest in occupations within the cluster. Each chart measures 15 x 22 inches and is colour-coded. For a convenient takehome reference, pocket-size cluster charts are also available in a booklet format. Each booklet contains all 14 COPSystem clusters. NOTE: When using the COPSystem Inventories with the Guidebook, SelfInterpretation Profile and Guides need not be purchased. Guidebook 978-0-7784-1660-9 $250.95 pkg/25 Leader’s Guide with purchase of 25 Guidebooks 978-0-7784-1661-6 $11.50 Guidebook and Leader’s Guide 978-0-7784-1662-3 $62.95 Occupational Cluster Charts Poster Size 978-0-7784-1248-9 $68.95 set/14 Occupational Cluster Charts Pocket Size 978-0-7784-1249-6 $10.50 pkg/25 • COPS-P Self-Scoring Booklet • CAPS Summary Score Sheet, college norms • COPES Self-Scoring Booklet • COPSystem Comprehensive Career Guide, Form P, college norms • COPS Self-Scoring Booklet • COPSystem Comprehensive Career Guide, college norms • Examiners Manual, 1 each for COPS-P, CAPS, COPES and COPS • How to Use the COPSystem for Group Guidance in a Career Guidance/Career Education Program The packet may be purchased for classroom groups by the instructor. COPSystem Counselor Packet 978-0-7784-1253-3 $21.95 How to Use the COPSystem for Group Guidance 978-0-7784-1254-0 $4.95 Career Briefs Kit A kit of over 400 updated occupational description cards which answer the questions most asked by examinees about specific careers. It is divided into cluster sets by tab cards, each of which outlines the characteristics of the cluster. On each card there is a brief description of the occupation followed by a detailed list of job functions and responsibilities, training and qualifications required, school courses required, salary, projected demand and sources of further information. Keyed to DOT, CCDO, NOC and other sources. Career Briefs Kit 978-0-7784-1665-4 6 UNIVERSITY OF TO R O N T O P R E S S G U I D A N C E C E N T R E $125.50