Principles of Macroeconomics ECO 2013-B51A(50416) Tuesdays, 10:50am-2:10pm Prof. Nick Bergan Florida International University Academic Center One 264 May 11—June 19, 2015 Instructor Contact Information Name: Nick Bergan Email Address: or (email me at this address for the quickest response. Will respond within 8 hours, if not, submit it again) Office Hours: 3:30-4pm outside of the classroom or by appointment Text MACROECONOMICS By: HUBBARD and OBRIEN EDITION: 4TH 13 PUBLISHER: PEARSON Course Description Introduction to economic analysis of the overall economy: national income accounting, unemployment, inflation, monetary and fiscal policies, budget deficits and debt, long-run growth. Prerequisites High school algebra and geometry. Course Goals Principles of Macroeconomics is one-half of the introductory sequence in economics. It is designed to introduce the student to: • the basic facts about the macroeconomy; • the methods of analysis used by economists; • the fundamental theories of how the values of the main macroeconomic variables are determined; • the basic controversies about the trade-offs involved in policy intervention Cheating, plagiarism, and other forms of academic misconduct Students should become aware of FIU’s definitions of and policies toward academic misconduct. The University’s policies may be found on the FIU web-site at: Academic Misconduct and Code of Academic Integrity. If you have your cell phone out and visible, you will receive a 0 on any assessment. There is no exception to this rule! Chapters Breakdown Chapter 1: Economics: Foundations and Models Chapter 2: Trade-offs, Comparative Advantage, and the Market System Chapter 3: Where Prices Come From: The Interaction of Demand and Supply Chapter 4: Economic Efficiency, Government Price Setting, and Taxes Chapter 5: The Economics of Health Care Chapter 6: Firms, the Stock Market, and Corporate Governance Chapter 7: Comparative Advantage and the Gains from International Trade Chapter 8: GDP: Measuring Total Production and Income Chapter 9: Unemployment and Inflation Chapter 10: Economic Growth, the Financial System, and Business Cycles Chapter 11: Long-Run Economic Growth: Sources and Policies Chapter 12: Aggregate Expenditure and Output in the Short Run Chapter 13: Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply Analysis Chapter 14: Money, Banks, and the Federal Reserve System Chapter 15: Monetary Policy Chapter 16: Fiscal Policy Chapter 17: Inflation, Unemployment, and Federal Reserve Policy Chapter 18: Macroeconomics in an Open Economy Chapter 19: The International Financial System Grading Breakdown Quiz 4 at 200 points 800 points Final Exam 200 points TOTALS 1000 points Grading Scale (A) 930-1000 pts (C) 730-769 pts (A-) 900-929 pts (C-) 700-729 pts (B+) 870-899 pts (D+) 670-699 pts (B) 830-869 pts (D) 630-669 pts (B-) 800-829 pts (D-) 600-629 pts (C+) 770-799 pts (F) 0 – 599 pts Late Assignments No late work is accepted for any reason in the course. All exams and assignments must be completed on time and correctly as no make-ups or re-dos are allowed. You need to plan according to the schedule and prepare in advance to ensure you meet the requirements. No students will be given a different policy in terms of the late policy as no make-up exam or assignment will be accepted for any reason. No LATE work will be accepted for any reason. Since I have given you the information for all the assignments and tests, it is your responsibility to complete them and turn them in on the respective due date. Make sure you are fully aware of the course calendar because that will show you exact due dates for all respective assignments, tests, and quizzes. If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me concerning any of these due dates but leave ample time so that you are able to complete them. If you do not turn in the assignment on the respective due date by the instructor then it will result in a 0 for the assignment. I am very strict on this policy and there will be no exceptions to this rule. All assignment must be turned in at the discretion of the calendar because that is your contract with me stating that you understand when everything in the course is due. Make sure you check the online calendar each day to keep up with all assignment posting because you are required to complete all assignments, tests, quizzes on the respective time. Make sure you leave enough time to finish all assignments, test, quizzes before the time period because I will not give extension to people that start to close to the closing of any assignment, test, and quiz time frame. No excuses will be made for any assignments. If you miss a test or quiz, you will receive a "0", which can severely affect your grade and your performance in the class. When you are taking any assessment, any technological issue that does not allow you to complete the assessment will result in a penalty of 20%. No exceptions to this rule, so make sure to take your assessment on a secure internet connection. Technical difficulties do not excuse late or incomplete work. Make sure you have a backup computer (library?) should your system fail. ASSUME TECHINCAL DIFFICULTIES WILL OCCUR DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO COMPLETE ASSIGNMENTS! When you take your quiz, you have to complete it within the time period of when you started it. So, if you have 60 minutes to take a quiz and you start it at 1pm, you will have to end it on the same day by 2pm. You can leave and start it during that time period, but the clock will keep moving. Also, you only get TWO attempts on the quiz, so when you start it, you have to end it at that point. Quizzes/Final Exam: All quizzes and final exam will be multiple-choice questions. Each quiz will be 25 multiplechoice questions, of which, you will have 60 minutes to complete it. All quizzes must be completed by deadline listed below or you will receive a 0. I will give you two attempts and you will get the highest score out of your two attempts. No technological related excuses are accepted in the course for any reason, it is your responsibility to make sure that you complete all your work on time to get full points. The final exam will consist of 50 multiplechoice questions, of which you will have 60 minutes to complete it. It is your responsibility to complete your final exam by the due date listed below. Please note that there are different dates/times for work when it is due, so make note of it. Course Schedule 5/12: Overview, Chps 1-4 5/19: Chps 8-13 5/26: QUIZ #1 due by 2pm(Chps 1-4) 6/2: QUIZ #2 due by 2pm (chps 5-10) 6/9:Chps 14-18/ QUIZ #3 due by 2pm(chp11-13)/ QUIZ #4 due by 2pm(chps 14-18) 6/16: Final Exam Due by 2pm/ Extra Credit due DUE DATES FOR ALL WORK: 5/26: Quiz #1 by 11pm 6/2: Quiz #2 by 2pm 6/9: Quiz #3 by 11pm 6/9: Quiz #4 by 2pm 6/16: Extra Credit Quiz due by 11pm 6/16: Final Exam by 2pm