CPU & Memory


I think there is a world market for maybe five computers!

To err is human but in order to mess-up big time you need a computer!

CPU & Memory

Dr Alan Hind

School of Computing

You can never have too much memory!

GIGO – Garbage

In Garbage Out

There is no reason that anyone in the right state of mind will want a computer in their home.


What is a Computer?

• It wasn’t until the early 1940s that electrical devices were first referred to as computers .

• Over the years, a rough definition of a computer has evolved to this:

– It must take some sort of input .

– It must produce some sort of output .

– It must process information/data .

– It must have some sort of memory/storage .

– It must control what it does.


The Stored Program Computer

• This is the universal model for conventional computing developed independently by John

Von Neumann and Alan Turing.

• It separates the data I/O (data in memory), from the hardware and the program (also in memory).



CPU Output




A Typical Desktop Computer

The variations over the last few years are in control devices

(mouse/trackball/gamepad) and memory storage (USB sticks/CD/DVD/Blu-ray).


These ALL contain Computers



• At the heart of any computer you will find a component called a processor .

• More formally, it is described as a

Central Processing Unit , or CPU .

• Today’s processors are constructed as a single electronic circuit - called an Integrated Circuit ( IC ) - on one single chip of silicon.

• Hence the names computer chip or microprocessor .

• What we often call a computer these days is more accurately a microprocessor-based computer system or microcomputer .


The Simplest Computer

• What are the smallest number of components we need to build a simple computer?

– Processor

• to process information and to control the whole system.

– Memory

• for storing data and instructions.

– Input device(s)

• to enter data into the system: a keyboard say.

– Output device(s)

• usually a monitor so we can see what our computer is up to.

• Together input and output devices are known as I/O .


Even Simpler

• In fact, a computer can happily work without the

I/O devices (not very usefully though) but does need three other vital components.

– Power

• From a power supply which converts mains AC at 240 Volts to 5 Volts DC or less.

– Clock signal

• To coordinate everything – over the years we moved from kHz through MHz to GHz (clock speed= 1 /



– Bus (plural busses )

• A set of parallel communication connections.


A Simple Computer

• What does it do?

• Fetch an instruction from memory and execute it.

• … then do it again, and again, and again … ad infinitum …

• This is the Fetch-execute cycle .

• When it’s first switched on/powered-up the processor fetches the instruction from the first location in the memory, unless designed and configured to do otherwise.

• N.b. This is location zero not location one.


Fetch-Execute Cycle

• How can the cycle be speeded-up?

– Note that there are at least two limiting factors influencing its performance.

• CPU execution rate of instructions.

• Read/write access to the system memory.

• The so-called Von Neumann bottleneck .


Going Faster!

• Increase the Clock Speed .

– Decrease the time period (T) for each cycle (F= 1 /



– 1 MHz in 1980  1 GHz in 2000  7.03 GHz in 2013

• This has been achieved through:

– An increase in VLSI * density using ever smaller electronic devices.

– Advanced multi-chip modular packaging.

– Faster memory systems.

(*VLSI – Very Large-Scale Integrated circuit)


Going Even Faster!

• Increase the instruction size/complexity

– I.e. increase the amount of work done per cycle

• More data at a time.

• More complex instructions.

• More specialised instructions.

• This hasn’t been entirely successful as added complexity limited the clock speed hence the move to

RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer architecture).

• The above is then termed CISC (Complex Instruction

Set Computer architecture).


Going Even More faster!

• Parallelism !

– Have more than one fetch-execute cycle running at a time.

– Turns out to be tricky as most problems are inherently sequential*.

– This has led eventually to multicore processors though.

(*Look up Amdahl’s Law)


Going Even More Faster Still!

IF 0

• Pipelining & Superscalar

ID 0

IF 1

DF 0

ID 1

IF 2

IE 0

DF 1

ID 2

IF 3

SR 0

IE 1

DF 2

ID 3

SR 1

IE 2

DF 3

SR 2

IE 3

– Pipelining

• involves using special circuitry to allow the fetchexecute cycle to be streamlined into something like an assembly-line.

• E.g. Instruction Fetch (IF), Instruction Decode (ID), Data

Fetch (DF), Instruction Execution (IE), Store Result (SR).

– The Superscalar approach

• uses separate specialised functional units for different instructions.

• E.g. Mathematics, graphics, communications.

SR 3



• These techniques have been used concurrently along with advances in VLSI technology to speed-up processor operation.

– Smaller transistors  Increased clock speed

– Increasing instruction complexity (CISC)  More power.

– Decreasing instruction complexity (RISC)  Faster clock speed.

– Parallelism  Distributed and Multicore processors.

– Pipelining/Superscalar  Greater integration  More power.

• Along with this the advances have given us another opportunity.

– Smaller transistors  Reduced power consumption.

– Greater integration  More power on one chip.

– Hence, mobile, hand-held, battery powered computing devices.



• Parallelism is hard to do within programs or within an operating system – Trust me, I’m a doctor and did my PhD in this area!

• But, whole programs can run on separate processors (cores) quite nicely as long as they don’t need to talk to each other – much.

• The problems relate to Amdahl’s law

– again.












Names single-core dual-core tri-core quad-core penta-core hexa-core hepta-core octa-core nona-core deca-core


Octa-core Task Manager


Moore’s Law

• An observation was made in 1965 by Gordon Moore , co-founder of Intel.

– ”The number of transistors per square inch on ICs has doubled every year since the integrated circuit was invented.”

• Moore predicted that this trend would continue for the foreseeable future.

• In subsequent years, the pace slowed down a bit, but chip density/chip complexity has doubled approximately every two years, and this is the current definition of Moore's Law.

• Most experts expect Moore's Law to hold for at least another two decades.


Moore’s Law in action


Gordon Moore on Moore’s Law


Tech Joke Time


Memory Hierarchy

• Memory devices are distinguished by:

– Access time

– Capacity

– Volatility

– Locality

– Cost

• Fast memory is expensive even in small amounts

• Large Capacity memory is relatively slow.


Speed Vs. Volatility

• A memory that is fast enough not to keep the

CPU waiting during the fetch-execute cycle:

– has to be on the same chip (i.e. very close) …

– but the memory circuitry takes up lots of silicon realestate …

– so, it is therefore relatively expensive …

– and not very big! (kb at best)

• Modern processors have registers and cache memory on-chip with the processor.

• However, this memory is also volatile – the contents are lost at shutdown.


Immediate Vs. Secondary

• So, we have two categories of memory device:

– Immediate Access Storage (fast, expensive, volatile)

• Registers and cache based on SRAM .

• Main memory based on DRAM .

– Secondary Access Storage (slower, cheaper, non-volatile)

• Internal and External Hard disk based on magnetic disks.

• USB memory sticks based on EAROM (flash memory).

• Magneto-optical disks based on CD, DVD and blu-ray.

• SRAM – Static Random Access Memory – uses flip-flop circuits with 6 transistors – fast to read/write – large silicon area

• DRAM – Dynamic Random Access Memory – uses a capacitor and one transistor – slow to read/write – needs refresh - smaller silicon area


Effect on Computer Operation

• Booting up a computer takes time partly as the program code and data is moved (loaded) from slower secondary (disk) to faster immediate access storage

(main memory).

• Programs being executed and data currently being processed is stored in immediate access storage.

– If it’s not in a register (<1ns) then it’s in the cache (<5 ns), if it’s not in the cache it’s in main memory (<50 ns) , if it’s not there then it’s out on the hard disk (<1 ms) etc.

• Everything else is in secondary storage.


Virtual Memory

• Modern operating systems (OS) are too big to completely fit in the computer’s main memory (even if you have 4GB installed).

• So the computer pretends it has more than it does by creating a Virtual

Memory space on the hard disk.

– If you want to use an OS function not loaded in main memory then the computer has to get it from the virtual memory on the hard disk.

• Modern applications have also become steadily larger and more sophisticated.

– The more applications you run, the more memory (real and virtual) you use, the more likely the computer will spend a great deal of time swapping things between main memory and the hard disk.

– A major culprit is opening lots of different web pages in separate pages

(or tabs) plus all that browser history you haven’t deleted for a while.

– The perfect storm is when you load lots of applications on a computer whose hard disk is almost full – things start well and then … slowly … grind … to … a … … …


Cache Memory

• Cache memory is all about making the whole system go faster!

• Access is faster than main store memory (DRAM) as it is local and uses SRAM. It is limited in size partly due to cost.

• Most processors have part of the cache memory on-chip: this is called on-die cache. Off-die cache is located in other SRAM chips

• Cache is also often organised as two levels for speed considerations.

Level-1 cache is smaller in capacity but faster than Level-2.

• Cache memory is used to pre-fetch program instructions and data prior to being needed by the processor. Sophisticated algorithms are needed to "guess" what instructions or data are needed next.

• It works independently to all the other memory systems and sits between the processor and main store memory.


Memory cost Vs. seismic activity


Tech Joke Time


Inside a Simple CPU

• If we look inside the simplest CPU we start to get an insight into it’s fetch cycle using Register Transfer

Language (RTL).

– [MAR]  [PC]

– [PC]  [PC] + 1

– [MBR]  [MS([MAR])]

– [IR]  [MBR]

– CU  [IR(op-code)]

• Key

– [ ] indicates "the contents of".

– The arrow (  ) indicates the direction.

– ( ) indicates “given by the”.

– Copies are non-destructive to the source

– The first line reads as:

• Copy the contents of the Program Counter into the Memory Address Register.


The Execute Cycle

• This depends on the instruction - obviously.

• Let’s use the simplest single address instruction format.

– E.g. ADD X ; add the contents of memory

; location X to the accumulator.

– Here’s the format. op-code operand

– where the op-code is a binary number indicating the operation to be carried out (e.g. ADD) and the operand is another binary number with the data or the address of the data.


Execute the ADD

• The overall effect of the execution of the instruction ADD X in RTL is:

– [A]  [A] + [MS(X)]

• The execute sequence for ADD X is:

– [MAR]  [IR(address)]

– [MBR]  [MS([MAR])]

– ALU  [MBR] + [A]

– [A]  ALU


The Full ADD X

• Each line of RTL happens in each clock cycle (or tick).

• So, this instruction takes 9 clock cycles on our simple processor.

• At the beginning of each cycle the Control Unit (CU) has to output the right binary signals to each part of the CPU.

• N.b. all fetch cycles will be identical and execute cycles will vary in length with complexity.

• Fetch

– [MAR]  [PC]

– [PC]  [PC] + 1

– [MBR]  [MS([MAR])]

– [IR]  [MBR]

– CU  [IR(op-code)]

• Execute

– [MAR]  [IR(address)]

– [MBR]  [MS([MAR])]

– ALU  [MBR] + [A]

– [A]  ALU


A Simple Instruction Set

Op-code Assembly


RTL Operation Comment

000 LDA X [A]  [MS(X)] Load A with contents of location X

001 STA X

010 ADD X

011 SUB X

100 INC X

101 DEC X

110 JMP X

111 BRA X

[MS(X)]  [A] Store contents of A in location X

[A]  [A] + [MS(X)] Add the contents of location X to A

[A]  [A] - [MS(X)] Subtract contents of location X from A

[MS(X)]  [MS(X)] + 1 Increment value in location X

[MS(X)]  [MS(X)] - 1 Decrement value in location X

[PC]  X Jump to instruction given by the value in location X

IF Z = 1 THEN [PC]  X Conditional branch if Z is true*

(* Z is the Zero flag which is set to true if the result of the last instruction was zero)


Computer Code

• A simple assembly language program.

– LDA 20

– ADD 21

– STA 22

• Which does the following.

– Load the accumulator with contents of location 20.

– Add contents of location 21 to the accumulator.

– Store the result in location 22.

• The binary executable machine code in main store at locations 0, 1 & 2 will be:

– 000 10100


– 010 10101


– 001 10110











• N.b. the numbers we want to add must be pre-loaded in to locations 20 and 21.

• N.b. the 3-bit op-code and the 5-bit operand giving an

8-bit instruction.


Low-level Programming

• We started by inputting instructions and data into computers in binary using switches ! (I kid you not!)

• We then wrote programs to read hexadecimal shorthand – a Hex loader – one instruction at a time.

• We then wrote programs to read holes in paper tape or cards to input programs of instructions and data.

• However, we could then move on to low-level programming written in Assembly Language .

– We typed the instructions into a card/tape punch machine which produced the right holes to give the machine code.


A University Computer Centre in 1980


Writing Low-level Programs

• Once computers became interactive with a monitor and keyboard, we could use a text editor program to write an Assembly Language text file.

• An Assembler program would check this for syntax errors and then, if there weren’t any, would produce a new text file with all the absolute memory locations calculated.

• A Linker program would then be used to create a binary executable file, linking with any other necessary or requested files at the same time.


High-Level Programming

• High-level programming allows us to write more sophisticated programs that are processor-independent .

• Assembly language is specific to the processor.

• We don’t need to worry about how many wossnames it has, how big or where they are!

• Our simple program to add two numbers together gets much simpler and interactive!


C Program to add two numbers


High-Level Language Tools

• A Compiler is a program which takes a text-based high-level language program file and converts it into a binary executable file.

• It does this in three “passes”.

– Lexical analyser – takes out the irrelevant stuff.

– Syntax analyser – makes sure the language makes sense (no speeling errods!)

– Semantic analyser – makes sure that the program means something valid.

– Finally, it produces binary executable code but can also produce Assembly Language text.


More High-level language Tools

• An Interpreter …

• A Cross-compiler …

• An Emulator …

• An IDE …


More High-level language Tools

• An Interpreter produces executable code line-by-line rather than allin-one-go like a compiler.

– This is much slower but useful for interactive development, debugging as-you-go-along and learning programming.

• A Cross-compiler allows a PC to produce binary executable code for another device or platform.

– E.g. A mobile phone, tablet computer, games console etc.

• An Emulator is a program which allows you to run an application compiled for another device.

– E.g. Running an iPhone app on a Mac, running a PS2 game on a PC.

• An IDE ( Integrated Development Environment ) combines an intelligent editor, compiler and runtime debugging environment.

– E.g. Microsoft’s Visual Studio


Thank you and …



• Dr Alan Hind

– School of Computing

– Teesside University

– Borough Road, Middlesbrough, TS1 3BA.

• Email: a.hind@tees.ac.uk

• Telephone: (01642) 342641



• Arduino: http://arduino.cc/en/

• Raspberry Pi: http://www.raspberrypi.org/

• What goes on inside the CPU: http://www.pcauthority.com.au/Feature/290164, what-goes-on-inside-the-cpu.aspx

• Computer Tutorial: http://www.eastaughs.fsnet.co.uk/index.htm

• Teach-ICT: http://www.teach-ict.com/

• Computer Organization and

Architecture: http://alanclements.org/index.html

