DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES The mission of the Department of Foreign Languages is to provide cultural studies and training in foreign language arts and literature. Through courses and extra-curricular activities, the Department of Foreign Languages promotes fluency in French and Spanish to make students sensitive to other cultures; to develop their skills in communication, critical thinking, cultural understanding, and reading, and to help them to succeed professionally in the global community. The Department of Foreign Languages offers courses leading towards two undergraduate degrees: the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Degree in French, and the Bachelor of Arts Degree in Spanish. In selecting a French or Spanish major or minor, students must register in the Department of Foreign Languages and seek advisement from departmental advisors. For the baccalaureate or undergraduate degree, students must satisfactorily complete a minimum of 121 semester hours for the B.A. Degree in French or Spanish. Students majoring in French or Spanish are required to declare a minor. Grades of "C" or better are required in all courses dedicated to either the major or the minor program. No course offered through the Department can be used to satisfy both a core curriculum requirement and a major requirement for graduation. To be eligible for graduation as French or Spanish majors, students must follow a program of specific course requirements. Course requirements for the major and minor programs are summarized as follows: 1. For the major in French, 121 semester hours are required, including the following three-credit courses: FR 131, FR 132, FR 231, FR 232, FR 331, FR 335, FR 347, FR 432, FR 438, and FR 439. 2. For the major in Spanish, 121 semester hours are required. Students must take a total of twelve three-credit courses. Students must take sequentially: SPAN 131, SPAN 132, SPAN 231, and SPAN 232. After taking SPAN 331, SPAN 332, they will have to take six more courses from the following list: SPAN 333, SPAN 334, SPAN 335, SPAN 336, SPAN 438, SPAN 441, SPAN 444, and SPAN 445. 3. For the minor in French, 21 semester credit hours are required, including the following three-credit courses: FR 231, FR 232, FR 331, FR 335, FR 347, FR 432, FR 438, and FR 439. 4. For the minor in Spanish, 21 semester hours are required. Students must take a total of seven three-credit courses. Students must take sequentially SPAN 231 and SPAN 232. After taking SPAN 331 and SPAN 332, they will have to take three more courses from the following list: SPAN 333, SPAN 334, SPAN 335, SPAN 336, SPAN 438, SPAN 441, SPAN 444, and SPAN 445. The offices of the Department of Foreign Languages and of the faculty of the Department are located on the third floor of Martin Luther King Center with the Department Office located in Room 301. Questions may be directed to the Department Office at (713)-313-1324. LISTING OF FACULTY IN THE DEPARTMENT Boles, Miryan Visiting Instructor B.A., Central University, Quito Ecuador M.A., Universidad de Salamanca 713-313-7615 MLK 315 Gonzales, Antonio Visiting Assistant Professor B.A., University of Maryland M.A., University of Tennessee J.D., Miles College School of Law 713-313-1335 MLK 315 Caussinus, Marylise Assistant Professor B.A., M.A., La Sorbonne, Paris Ph.D., University of Louisiana at Lafayette 713-313-7650 MLK 306 Samano, Alfredo Visiting Instructor B.A., M.A., University of Texas Pan American 713-313-7287 MLK 323 Erwin, Tommy Visiting Instructor B.A., M.A., Texas Southern University M.A., School for International Training A.B.D., Union Institute and University 713-313-7612 MLK 308 Sun, Haiqing Associate Professor B.A., M.A., Peking University, Beijing Ph.D., University of Southern California 713-313-7022 MLK 307 Garcia, Maria Carmen Assistant Professor B.A., M.A., University of Texas at Brownsville Ph.D., University of Houston 713-313-7064 MLK 300 FRENCH COURSES FR 131 Elementary French I (3) Fundamentals of French pronunciation and grammar with drills in spoken and written French. Three hours of lecture per week. Listed as FREN 1311 in the Texas Common Course Numbering System. FR 132 Elementary French II (3) Continuation of FR 131. Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisite: FR 131. Listed as FREN 1312 in the Texas Common Course Numbering System. FR 231 Intermediate French I (3) Review of French pronunciation and grammar using a reader and more advanced classroom and laboratory materials. Two hours of lecture and one hour of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: FR 132. Listed as FREN 2311 in the Texas Common Course Numbering System. FR 232 Intermediate French II (3) Continuation of FR 231. Two hours of lecture and one hour of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: FR 231. Listed as FREN 2312 in the Texas Common Course Numbering System. FR 331 Review of French Grammar and Composition (3) Review of French grammar with emphasis on the more difficult structures and idioms. Concurrent practice in conversation and diction provided. Conducted in both English and French. Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisites: FR 231 and FR 232. FR 335 Scientific French (3) Individualized readings in the physical, natural, and social sciences to familiarize students with the specialized vocabulary of their field in translating from French to English. Graduate students may substitute the passing of this course with a grade of "B" or better for the graduate foreign language reading examination. Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisites: FR 231 and FR 232 or consent of the instructor. FR 347 Contemporary France I (3) Study of French institutions and movements since the beginning of the twentieth century, including transportation, politics, education, geography, industrialization, social classes, world wars, and fine arts. Conducted in both English and French. Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisites: FR 231 and FR 232 or consent of the instructor. FR 432 Business French (3) Designed to present specialized vocabulary, methods, and techniques pertaining to how to conduct French business, to enable students to prepare business documents and letters. Conducted in both English and French. Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisites: FR 231 and FR 232 or consent of the instructor. FR 438 Directed Study (3) Study of a single topic, particular work, or author under the direction of a faculty member. Prior approval for enrollment needed from the Faculty Chair. May be retaken for credit. Prerequisites: Senior standing as a French major and consent of both the Faculty Chair and instructor. FR 439 French Influence in Africa (3) Study of the importance of the French presence in French-speaking African countries utilizing critical and analytical approaches that will allow students to acquire an understanding of the language and culture of contemporary French Africa. Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisites: Senior standing as a French major and consent of both the Faculty Chair and instructor. SPANISH COURSES SPAN 131 Elementary Spanish I (3) Fundamentals of Spanish pronunciation and grammar along with intensive listening/speaking and reading/writing skills development. Three hours of lecture per week. Listed as SPAN 1311 in the Texas Common Course Numbering System. SPAN 132 Elementary Spanish II (3) Continuation of SPAN 131. Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisite: SPAN 131. Listed as SPAN 1312 in the Texas Common Course Numbering System. SPAN 231 Intermediate Spanish I (3) Application of grammar; elementary composition; media-aided listening and reading proficiency; focused development of aural-oral skills. Two hours of lecture and one hour of laboratory per week. Prerequisites: SPAN 131 and SPAN 132 or the equivalent. Listed as SPAN 2311 in the Texas Common Course Numbering System. SPAN 232 Intermediate Spanish II (3) Analysis of grammar; translation; media-aided listening and reading proficiency; focused development of aural-oral skills. Two hours of lecture and one hour of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: SPAN 231. Listed as SPAN 2312 in the Texas Common Course Numbering System. SPAN 331 Review of Grammar and Composition (3) Provision of intensive training in manipulating Spanish in speaking and writing. Conducted in Spanish. Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisites: SPAN 231 and SPAN 232. SPAN 332 Conversation and Diction (3) Communication practice designed to develop a superior level of oral proficiency. Conducted in Spanish. Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisites: SPAN 231 and SPAN 232. SPAN 333 Introduction to Spanish Literature I (3) Survey of the great works of Spanish literature from the Middle Ages through the Golden Age. Conducted in Spanish. Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisites: SPAN 331 and SPAN 332. SPAN 334 Introduction to Spanish Literature II (3) Survey of the great works of Spanish literature from the Neoclassical period to the present. Conducted in Spanish. Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisites: SPAN 331 and SPAN 332. SPAN 335 Introduction to Latin American Literature I (3) Survey of the great works of Latin American writers from colonial times to the beginning of the Mexican Revolution. Conducted in Spanish. Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisites: SPAN 331 and SPAN 332. SPAN 336 Introduction to Latin American Literature II (3) Survey of the great works of Latin American writers of the 20th century. Conducted in Spanish. Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisites: SPAN 331 and SPAN 332. SPAN 438 Masterpieces of World Theatre (3) Study of selected dramas in modern theatre, focusing on the masterpieces of the twentieth century. Conducted in Spanish. Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisites: SPAN 331 and SPAN 332. SPAN 441 Hispanic Culture and Civilization (3) Survey of the culture and the civilization of the Hispanic world from prehistoric times to the modern era. Conducted in Spanish. Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisites: SPAN 331 and SPAN 332. SPAN 444 Masterpieces of Hispanic Literature (3) Study of great works from the Spanish-speaking nations and communities within the United States. Conducted in Spanish. Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisites: SPAN 331 and SPAN 332. SPAN 445 Directed Study (3) Study of a single topic, particular work, or author under the direction of a faculty member. Prior approval for enrollment needed from the Faculty Chair. May be retaken for credit. Prerequisite: Senior standing as a Spanish major or minor and consent of both the Faculty Chair and instructor. CURRICULUM SUMMARY FOR BACHELOR OF ARTS DEGREE IN FRENCH TOTAL CREDITS REQUIRED: 122 CORE CURRICULUM (STANDARD)* 44 credits ENG 131 (3)** ENG 132 (3) SC 135 or 136 (3) MATH 133 (3) BIOL 143 or CHEM 111, 131 (4) PHYS 101 or GEOL 141 (4) THC 130 or ART 131 or ART 132 or MUSI 131 or MUSI 239 (3) HIST 231 (3) HIST 232 (3) POLS 231 (3) POLS 232 (3) PSY 131 or SOC 157 (3) CS 116 (3) ENG 230 (3) MAJOR (FRENCH) 30 credits FR 131 (3) FR 132 (3) FR 231 (3) FR 232 (3) FR 331 (3) FR 335 (3) FR 347 (3) FR 432 (3) FR 438 (3) FR 439 (3) OTHER REQUIREMENTS 27 credits ENG 231 (3) HED 233 (2) HIST 131 (3) HIST 132 (3) MATH 134 (3) SPAN 131 (3) SPAN 132 (3) Literature Electives (6) FS 102 (1) MINOR REQUIREMENTS 21 credits Contact department of choice after being admitted as a major and after receiving advisement from either the Faculty Advisor or the Faculty Chair. * Students should be advised by a major advisor prior to registering for any credit, particularly for any core curriculum credit as listed. ** (N) represents the number of course credits. College of Liberal Arts and Behavioral Science Texas Southern University First Year Bachelor of Art Degree in French Four Year Degree Plan - Total Credits: 122 First Semester French 131 English 131 History 131 Biology 143 or Chemistry 111 and 131 Math 133 FS 102 Freshman Seminar Third Year Second Year Third Semester French 231 English 231 History 231 THC 130, Art 131 or Art 132 or Music 131 Or Music 239 Political Science 231 French 331 French 335 English 230 Spanish 131 Minor course Lit Electives Fifth Semester 3 3 3 4 3 1 17 hrs 3 3 3 3 3 15 hrs 3 3 3 3 3 3 18 hrs Seventh Semester French 432 Lit Electives Minor courses Fourth Year 3 3 6 Second Semester French 132 English 132 History 132 Math 134 Physics 101 or Geology 141 Health 233 Fourth Semester French 232 History 232 Psychology 131 or Sociology 157 SC 135 or 136 Political Science 232 3 3 3 3 3 15 hrs Sixth Semester French 347 CS 116 Spanish 132 Minor courses 3 3 3 6 15 hrs Eighth Semester French 438 French 439 Minor courses 12 hrs Name:_____________________________________ T#: 3 3 3 3 4 2 18 hrs 3 3 6 12 hrs Phone: Address: Advisor: Date: Approved: Chair, Department of Foreign Languages: Date:_______________ Dean, College of Liberal Arts & Behavioral Sciences: Date:_______________ Rev: 03-10-08 CURRICULUM SUMMARY FOR BACHELOR OF ARTS DEGREE IN SPANISH TOTAL CREDITS REQUIRED: 122 CORE CURRICULUM (STANDARD)* 44 credits ENG 131 (3)** ENG 132 (3) SC 135 or 136 (3) MATH 133 (3) BIOL 143 or CHEM 111, 131 (4) PHYS 101 or GEOL 141 (4) THC 130 or ART 131 or ART 132 or MUSI 131 or MUSI 239 (3) HIST 231 (3) HIST 232 (3) POLS 231 (3) POLS 232 (3) PSY 131 or SOC 157 (3) CS 116 (3) ENG 230 (3) MAJOR (SPANISH) 36 credits SPAN 131 (3)*** SPAN 132 (3)*** SPAN 231 (3) SPAN 232 (3) SPAN 331 (3) SPAN 332 (3) SPAN 333 or 334 (3) SPAN 335 or 336 (3) SPAN 441 (3) SPAN 438 or 444 (3) SPAN 445 (3) Elective (3) OTHER REQUIREMENTS 21 credits ENG 231 (3) HED 233 (2) HIST 131 (3) HIST 132 (3) MATH 134 (3) FR 131 (3) FR 132 (3) FS 102 (1) MINOR REQUIREMENTS 21 credits Contact department of choice after being admitted as a major and after receiving advisement from either the Faculty Advisor or the Faculty Chair. * Students should be advised by a major advisor prior to registering for any credit, particularly for any core curriculum credit as listed. ** (N) represents the number of course credits. *** These courses may be replaced by an approved substitute at the time of advisement either by the major advisor or by the Faculty Chair. Rev: 03-10-08 College of Liberal Arts and Behavioral Sciences Texas Southern University First Year Bachelor of Arts Degree in Spanish Four Year Degree Plan - Total Credits: 122 First Semester Spanish 131 English 131 History 131 Biology 143 or Chemistry 111 and 131 Speech 135 or 136 FS 102 Freshman Seminar Second Year Third Semester Spanish 231 English 230 History 231 Math 133 Psychology 131 or Sociology 157 Seventh Semester Spanish 333 or 334 Spanish 335 or 336 Spanish Elective Minor Course Year Fourth Third Year Fifth Semester Spanish 331 French 131 Political Science 231 Health 233 Minor courses 3 3 3 4 3 1 17 hrs 3 3 3 3 3 15 hrs 3 3 3 2 6 17 hrs Second Semester Spanish 132 English 132 History 132 Physics 101 or Geology 141 Theatre 130 or Art 131 or 132 or Music 131 or 239 Fourth Semester Spanish 232 English 231 History 232 Math 134 Computer Science Sixth Semester Spanish 332 French 132 Political Science 232 Minor courses 3 3 3 4 3 16 hrs 3 3 3 3 3 15 hrs 3 3 3 9 18 hrs Eighth Semester 3 3 3 3 12 hrs Name:_____________________________________ T#: Spanish 441 Spanish 438 or 444 Spanish 445 Minor Course 3 3 3 3 12 hrs Phone: Address: Advisor: Date: Approved: Chair, Department of Foreign Languages: Date:_______________ Dean, College of Liberal Arts & Behavioral Sciences: Date:_______________ Rev: 03-10-08