Karnataka Industrial Policy 2014-19 (Final Draft) Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 2 Contents 1. Introduction ................................................................................................... 4 2. Vision ........................................................................................................... 10 3. Mission ......................................................................................................... 10 4. Strategies ..................................................................................................... 10 5. Policy Measures............................................................................................. 11 5.1. Comprehrensive Infrastructure Development ........................................................................................ 11 5.2. Human Resource Development........................................................................................................... 16 5.3. Investors Facilitation……………………………………………………………………………………………………..…20 5.4. MSME Development......................................................................................................................... 22 5.5. Sustainable Industrial Growth Technology Transfer and Upgradation Support ............................................ 25 5.6. Regional Balanced Growth ................................................................................................................ 27 5.7. Special focus on promotion of manufacturing industries.......................................................................... 28 5.8. Special thrust for encouraging SC/ST, Women, Minority, PH and Ex-Servicemen entrepreneurs ..................... 34 5.9. Support for promotion of Khadi, Artisan and Coir sector .......................................................................... 34 5.10. Special Thrust for encouraging Industrial Development in Hyderabad- Karnataka Area..................................35 5.11. Attractive Standard & Specail package of incentives and concessions........................................................ 35 5.12. Smooth exit, revival and relocation policy............................................................................................. 35 6. Milestones / Review / Monitoring ..................................................................... 36 7. Budgetary provision ....................................................................................... 38 8. Expected benefits to the State ........................................................................ 42 9. Implementation mechanism .......................................................................... 43 10. Annexure 1 – Classification of Taluks................................................................ 44 11. Annexure 2 ...................................................................................................49 11.1. Attractive Standard & Specail package of incentives and concessions....................................................... .49 12. Annexure 3 .................................................................................................. .58 12.1. List of Service Enterprises eligible for package of Incentives and Concession ............................................... 58 13. Annexure 4 ................................................................................................... 59 13.1. List of Industrial Activities / Enterprises not eligible for Incentives and Concessions ...................................... 59 14. Annexure 5 ................................................................................................... 61 14.1. Definitions and Terms &Conditions ..................................................................................................... 61 15. Annexure 6 ...................................................................................................66 15.1. Important contacts .......................................................................................................................... 66 Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 3 Introduction India – Economic outlook The Planning Commission has set an average GDP growth target of 8% for the 12th Plan. The sector-wise average GDP growth targets for Agriculture, Industry and Services are 4%, 7.6% and 9% respectively. To register significant economic growth, revival of investment in industry and key infrastructure sectors is very important.The growth in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at factor cost at constant (2004-05 prices) is estimated (provisional estimate) at 5.0% in 2012-13 with agriculture, industry and services registering growth rates of 1.9%, 2.1% and 7.1% respectively. Also, it is crucial to accelerate the output of core sectors and speed up implementation of crucial big ticket projects, while laying emphasis on research and development and adequate availability of skilled manpower to improve India's competitiveness in the manufacturing sector. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Scenario India witnessed cumulative FDI inflows of INR 19,266 billion (USD 3,09,012 million) from April 2000 to October 2013 as per Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) data. FDI inflows received during financial year 2013-14 (from April, 2013 to October, 2013) were INR 1,177.74 billion (USD 18, 934 million). During 2012-13, India attracted FDI worth INR 1394.64 billion (USD 22.42 billion) with hotels, tourism, pharmaceuticals, services, chemicals and construction receiving higher investment. The major contributors to the Indian FDI are made by US, Japan, UK, UAE and Germany. From 2007 to 2012, India received a total of 4981 FDI projects with a total investment of INR 20278.88 billion (USD $326 billion) and generated 1.4 million jobs making India the fourth largest recipient of FDI in the world and second largest in the developing countries. The government opened gates to foreign investors in 13 sectors including petrol and natural gas, insurance, tea plantation, courier, credit information firms, defence production industries etc. It liberalized FDI regime allowing 100% FDI in Telecom sector, Power and 51% FDI in multi brand retail sector and 100% in retail single brand. This liberalized FDI policy which is termed as second wave in economic reforms could lead to continuous upsurge in FDI and bring in much needed foreign investments to the country. Imports and Exports The opening up of the Indian economy has greatly increased the role of trade. In the Eleventh Plan, the total share of merchandise exports and imports as a proportion of GDP rose from 36.4 per cent to 45.6 per cent. Important Legislations and programmes of Government of India o National Competitiveness Programme was announced in 2005 with an objective to support the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in their endeavor to become competitive and adjust to the competitive pressure caused by liberalization and moderation of tariff rates. Some of the schemes introduced as a part of the programme include: Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 4 o Marketing Support/Assistance to MSMEs(Bar Code) o Support for Entrepreneurial and Managerial Development of SMEs through Incubators o Enabling Manufacturing Sector to be competitive through Quality Management Standard & Quality Tech. Tools (QMS/QTT) • o Building Awareness on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) for MSME o Lean Manufacturing Competitiveness Scheme for MSMEs o Design Clinic Scheme for design expertise to MSMEs Manufacturing sector (DESIGN) o Marketing Assistance & Technology Up-gradation Scheme in MSMEs. o Technology and Quality Upgradation Support to MSMEs MSMED Act 2006, was introduced to provide for facilitating promotion, development and enhancing competitiveness of micro, small and medium enterprises. • Automotive Mission Plan 2006-16 was introduced with a vision to increase the output of the sector to INR 9019.75 billion (USD 145 billion) and create additional employment for 25 million persons by 2016. • In 2011, the Government of India announced a National Manufacturing Policy with the objective of enhancing the share of manufacturing in GDP to 25% within a decade and creating 100 million jobs. • The Ministry of Food Processing Industries launched a Centrally Sponsored Scheme - National Mission on Food Processing (NMFP) during 12th Plan. The NMFP contemplates establishment of National Mission as well as corresponding Missions in the state and District level to promote food processing sector across India. • India’s National Action Plan on Climate Change, launched in 2008, establishes eight National Missions. Among these are the National Solar Mission with the aim of generating 20 gigawatts of solar power by 2022; the National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency; and the National Water Mission, which aims to increase water use efficiency by 20 percent, among other goals. • Companies Bill, 2011: It aims to enhance transparency in company operations, improve corporate governance and strengthen regulation for corporates and auditing firms. It also makes it mandatory for profit- making companies to spend two percent of their profit for community welfare as per CSR. • Land acquisition Act 2013 has been approved and will replace the Land acquisition Act of 1894. • Science, Technology and Innovation Policy (STI), 2013 emphasises on innovation and setting up research facility with an aspiration to place India among the top five scientific powers in the world by 2020. The Policy targets increase in gross expenditure in R&D to 2 per cent of Gross Domestic Product from the current 1 per cent in this decade by supporting increased private sector participation. Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 5 Karnataka Today, Karnataka is home to 6.11 crore people (2011 Census) 20 and accounts for 5.05% (5.14% 17.1 15 12.2 in 2012) of India's population. The State's population 10 has 9.7 8.4 10.8 9.2 9.7 5.1 grown by 15.7% during the last 5 9.2 8.3 3.5 4.4 2.4 decade, while its population 2.4 2.1 -1.5 0 density has risen from 276 2005-06 persons per sq. km in 2001 to 319 2006-07 2007-08 -5 2008-09 Karnataka 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 India in 2011, indicating an increase of about 15.6% during the Figure 1: Karnataka's Growth Rate of GSDP/GPD in Industry Sector corresponding period. (Source: Economic Survey of Karnataka, Planning Commission) Karnataka’s industrial growth between FY 2005-06 and FY 2011-12 was 7.39% as against India’s 7.93%. Karnataka GSDP has grown at 5.9% to reach INR 3, 03,444 crore in 2012-13 (constant price) against India’s 5%. Bangalore has been at the fore front of attracting both domestic and foreign investments. The state has been able to attract considerable amount of FDI across various sectors. Between April 2000 and October 2013, Karnataka received FDI to the tune of INR 54,508 crores. From 2009-10 to 2013-14, the State High Level Clearance Committee (SHLCC) cleared 484 projects worth INR 671460.21 crores with employment potential for 22, 72,064 persons. In the same period, State Level Single Window Clearance Committee cleared 2041 projects worth INR 31794.25 crores with employment potential for 466640 persons. Karnataka’s export of INR 2, 58,368.53 crore during the period 2012-13 constitutes 12.69% of all India exports. Karnataka’s share in national exports for electronics and software constitute about 38% and for product exports constitute 6.3%. Share of electronics and software in state exports stands at 60% for the period 2012-13. In the 11th Five Year plan, the economy could not grow at the pace as planned due to global slowdown witnessed since the beginning of 2008, uncertain and challenging macroeconomic situation globally and nationally, and the widespread drought situation in the State. However, the Government of Karnataka is determined and poised to accelerate the process of its economic growth so as to achieve its vision of an inclusively developed State. It undertook several initiatives to maintain the growth of the state economy and came out with numerous policies to support sector and industrial growth. Some of the policies released by the state include: Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 6 SN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Policy Department Karnataka Tourism policy Department , 2009- 14 Government of Karnataka policyeng.pdf Renewable energy policy- Department http://www.gokenergy.gov.in/govt_on.htm 2009-14 Government of Karnataka l Solar policy, 2011- 16 Department http://www.gokenergy.gov.in/documents/S Tourism, of of Energy, Energy, http://karnatakatourism.org/policy/tourism olar%20Policy%20English.pdf Karnataka State policy Department of Industries and http://karnatakaindustry.gov.in/documents for Commerce, /StatePolicyforSpecialEconomicZones2009 special economic Government of zones 2009 Karnataka withAmendments.pdf Karnataka and aerospace Department of Industries and http://www.karnatakaindustry.gov.in/Old- policy 2012 Commerce, document/AerospacePolicy%20_CII_%201 policy 2010 Government of Karnataka _6.pdf Department of IT /BT and http://kumappsonline.com/newsletter/imag Science es/jan2013/downloads/semiconductor%20 & Technology, Government of Karnataka brochure.pdf Department of IT /BT and http://www.bangaloreitbt.in/docs/2012/09/ Communication Science Informanton&CommunicationsTechnology technology policy 2011 Government of Karnataka Policy.pdf Millennium biotech policy Department of IT /BT and http://www.bangaloreitbt.in/docs/2012/09/ Science Biotech_Policy_II.pdf Information 7. of Government of Karnataka Semiconductor 6. Source/Link and 8. & & Technology, Technology, Government of Karnataka Karnataka 9. 10. animation, Department of IT /BT and http://www.bangaloreitbt.in/docs/2012/09/ visual effects, gaming Science KAVG%20Policy.pdf and comics policy 2012 Government of Karnataka I4 ( IT, ITES, Innovation, Department of Information http://www.bangaloreite.biz/IT_2013/pdf/K Incentives ) policy Technology, arnataka-i4-Policy.pdf & Technology, Biotechnology and Science & Technology, Government of Karnataka Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 7 SN 11. Policy Department Integrated Agri- business Department development policy 2011 Government of Karnataka ntegrated-AgriBusiness2-RN-8pm.pdf Karnataka Health and Family Welfare http://www.advantagekarnataka.com/ima Department, Government of ges/sector- Karnataka profiles/Biotechnology&Pharmaceutical.pd Pharmaceutical 12. policy 2012 Source/Link of Agriculture, http://www.karnataka.gov.in/Documents/I f 13. New textiles policy 2013- Department of Handlooms http://www.karnatakaindustry.gov.in/docu 18 and Textiles, Government of ments/SUVARNA%20VASTRA%20NEETHI Karnataka -2008-13.pdf Impact of 2009-14 Industrial Policy · As against the targeted Investment of INR 3.00 lakhs Crores and employment generation for 10.00 lakh people, around 1200 large enterprise proposals were approved during the policy period , with an investment of INR6,95,000 crores and employment generation for 25,86,000 people. Out of which few have already implemented and many of them are under various stages of implementation. Besides, 101366 MSMEs have been established with an investment of INR8400 crores and employment generation for 6,40,000 people. · Land bank concept has been established and through which Government has initiated action for acquisition of 1,15,000 acres and out of which 31,000 acres of land is finally notified for development. · Action has been has initiated for supply of tertiary treated water to augment the water scarcity and to adopt water conservation measures. · Action has been initiated for establishment of Sector specific parks namely, Pharma, Aerospace, Spice, Jewelry, IT/BT, ITIR, Hardware Park, Food, Textile, Apparel, etc. · For effective maintenance of the industrial area, a separate industrial township is constituted for Electronic City in Bangalore District, as a pilot project. · Industries facilitation act 2002 is amended to facilitate Single Window Mechanism to work more effectively with more powers, particularly at District levels. · Online application filing system is introduced to facilitate the new investors to file their applications for project clearance, across the World · KaigarikaAdalats at Divisional and District level have been conducted to sort out the various issues of Industries. · Global Investors Meet 2010 & 2012 have been conducted successfully to showcase the investment opportunities existing in the state to domestic and international investors and mobilize investments . Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 8 · In order to provide required trained man power to the industries various Skill Development Training Programmes were conducted · More than 4000 MSMEs are extended with various incentives and concessions to an extent of more than INR 250 Crores. · State Govt. has established 13 Skill Development Training Centres in association with Private Institutions under PPP Module. · 6 services are considered under SAKALA Act for timely disposal. Now, the state intends to consolidate the strategies and achievements made so far by intensifying governance reforms, ensuring effective targeting of subsidies and better monitoring, and instituting a process of informed decision making through independent evaluation. One such key initiative is the formulation of a new Industrial Policy 2014-19 that will encourage investors and entrepreneurs to develop market, bring in technology and provide employment opportunities and spread industrialization and development to the most backward areas of the state. In this policy, the government has envisioned undertaking a holistic approach towards promotion of industrial development in the State through development of human & natural resources, creation of new employment opportunities, increasing share of industry in the State GDP, development of MSME sector and promotion of skill development and entrepreneurship. Apart from the providing special incentives to the industry, Government of Karnataka is also committed to providing right infrastructure and business environment. Ensuring availability of quality Land, Water, Power and Labour is the top priority of the state. Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 9 2. Vision To make Karnataka the most preferred investment destination through inclusive, sustainable and balanced growth. 3. Mission • To establish Brand Karnataka in the global market • To take Karnataka among the top 3 investment destinations in the country • To enhance the contribution of manufacturing sector to the State GDP to 20% by end of policy period. • To attract minimum investment of INR 5 Lakh crores • To create additional employment for 15 lakhs persons by 2019 4. Strategies 4.1. Comprehensive Infrastructure Development programmes 4.2. Thrust for Human Resource Development 4.3. Better Investors Facilitation mechanism 4.4. Priority for MSME’s Development 4.5. Importance for export promotion 4.6. Quality improvement 4.7. Sustainable Industrial Growth, Technology Transfer and Upgradation Support 4.8. Thrust for Regional Balanced growth 4.9. Special focus on promotion of manufacturing sectors 4.10. Special thrust for encouraging SC/ST, PH, Ex-Servicemen, and Women entrepreneurs 4.11. Support for promotion of Khadi& Village industry, Artisan and Coir Sector 4.12. Attractive package of incentives and concessions Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 10 5. Policy Measures Infrastructure Development with special focus on promotion of 5.1. private industrial estates 5.1.1. Development of Integrated infrastructure for industrial development a. To promote new state industrial corridors and industrial areas in and around National Investment and Manufacturing Zones (NIMZ)and proposed Industrial Corridors Government of India’s (GoI’s) National Manufacturing Policy (NMP) 2011 proposes development of NMIZs across the country, where in NIMZs would be large areas of developed land, with the requisite eco-system for promoting world class manufacturing activity. They would be different from SEZs in terms of size, level of infrastructure planning, and governance structures related to regulatory procedures and exit policies. To enable the NIMZ to function as a self-governing and autonomous body, it will be developed as an integrated industrial townships with state-of-the art infrastructure and land use plan on the basis of zoning, clean and energy efficient technology, necessary social infrastructure and skill development facilities, etc. NIMZs would be managed by Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) which would ensure master planning of the Zone; pre-clearances for setting up the industrial units to be located within the zone and undertake such other functions as specified in the various sections of the NMP. The State Government of Karnataka has proposed to establish National Investment and Manufacturing Zones (NIMZ) in the state at Tumkur, Bidar, Gulbarga andKolar. b. Establishment of Knowledge City Corridor Development of a knowledge city corridor between Bangalore and Mysore to promote knowledge based and knowledge intensive industries will be proposed. c. State Government has proposed to establish two industrial corridors in the state with the support of Government of India, viz. Chennai – Bangalore – Chitradurga Industrial corridor and Bangalore – Mumbai Economic corridor. The corridors will have separate industrial nodes for industrial investments. State will also explore option for setting up of State industrial corridors along: i. Bangalore – Hassan – Mangalore – Udupi – Karwar ii. Bangalore – Mandya – Mysore – Chamarajnagar Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 11 iii. Bellary - Hubli - Goa iv. Chitradurga – Koppal – Raichur – Gulbarga – Bidar Efforts will be made to encourage development and alignment of new industrial areas/ estates along the NMIZs and industrial corridors and manufacturing units. d. To create full-fledged sector specific industrial zones where investors can set up industries on plug and play basis A new policy for industrial area/ estate development will be explored where the State would look at creating Special Investment Zones for focus sectors. Efforts will be made to establish these investment zones in all districts and will be managed by a single SPV. All regulatory and statutory approvals for the development of the investment zone and for establishment of industry in these investment zones would be taken by the SPV. It is proposed to set up one such sector specific industrial zone in each revenue division, during the policy period. 5.1.2. a) Promotion of Private Industrial Estates/Parks To create quality and sustainable industrial infrastructure across the State through private participation to build a vibrant Karnataka The State Government has taken several initiatives to create quality infrastructure for industries across the State. Specialised agencies like Karnataka Industrial Areas Development Board (KIADB) and Karnataka State Small Industries Development Corporation (KSSIDC) have been playing key roles in creating industrial infrastructure. Due to growth in industrialization, the demand for industrial infrastructure has been increasing steadily in the recent years. KIADB & KSSIDC are putting substantial efforts to meet the demand from new and existing investors by way of developing new industrial areas and estates. In spite of this, the gap between demand and supply still exists, creating setback for investors in establishing their projects in the State. State Government has identified industrial infrastructure development as a priority and it is envisaged to encourage private players in developing industrial infrastructure in the State to augment the activities being carried out currently by KIADB and KSSIDC towards easing availability of land required for industries. . b) Land for Private Industrial Layouts / Parks Land would be made available to the proponents for development of Private Industrial Layouts / Parks by one of the following procedures: Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 12 Permission to purchase lands from land owners for development of private industrial Estates / Parks subject compliance with land use pattern in the approved Master Plan. To utilize proponent’s own land for development of private industrial Estates/ Parks subject compliance with land use pattern in the approved Master Plan. Allotment of bulk land in areas acquired by KIADB / Government bodies to the Private investors / developers for Industrial Layouts / Parks. Suitable sub-leasing arrangements along with flexible terms & conditions would be specified. Acquisition of private lands by the State Government on demand for development of Private Industrial Layouts / Parks, where atleast 80% consent has been obtained by the proponent, through Single Window Mechanism/ Empowered Committee. Such lands would be transferred / leased to the Developer/ Co-developer on easy terms. The private Industrial Estates will be setup with the minimum of 50 to 75 acres of land in the most potential talukas to expediate the development of Small and Micro Sector c) Guidelines for land acquisition Guidelines for land acquisition to be adopted as per “The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013”. Minimum Rehabilitation and Resettlement (R&R) entitlements and benefits to be evolved in conjunction with KIADB Act and “The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013”. d) Creation of comprehensive infrastructure In order to create world-class infrastructural facilities, the Developer or Co-developer shall be insisted to develop, construct and install all basic support infrastructure like road, bridge, power generation, transmission and distribution, water supply, UGD system in the industrial estates / parks. Private players need to create support services like gas distribution network, communication and data network transmission, waste water treatment and solid waste management, warehouse etc., in the industrial estates / parks. Private Player will also be the operating agency for operating, managing and maintaining all the infrastructure facilities, amenities and support services on ‘pay and use’ basis. e) Focus on orderly development of infrastructure Developer of a private industrial area shall focus on development of industrial estates / parks in an orderly manner as per prevailing national / international best practices. Setting up of sector specific or Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 13 cluster specific industrial estates/ parks at potential locations will be encouraged. Also segregation of plots will be mandatory to reflect separate earmarked area for highly polluting industries. Note : Incentives and Concessions offered for formation of private industrial areas / estates are as per Annexure -2 & 5 respectively. 5.1.3. Up gradation and maintenance of existing industrial infrastructure a. Introduction of Industrial townships. State government shall take immediate steps to notify large industrial areas viz. Peenya, Mysore, Bommasandra, Belgaum, Hubli, etc as Industrial townships under the Township Act. A minimum of 5 townships is proposed to be establish with Necessary budgetary support after notification b. Upgradation of existing industrial areas : A holistic scheme for enhancement of existing industrial areas wherever such industrial area is not covered under the Township Act will be introduced. The scheme will propose to create a healthy system of continuous grading, upgradation and marketing assistance with appropriate cost recovery mechanism will be introduced. New industrial areas/ estates will also be graded as per the provisions of proposed scheme. The standard benchmarks for the grading of industrial areas and estates will be developed separately and all industrial areas/ estates will be subject to third party audits for grading. It is proposed to upgrade minimum 30 Industrial Areas per annum with a budgetary provision of INR 100 Crores per annum, for upgradation of pre-defined minimum critical infrastructure in existing industrial areas/ estates based on category grades for upgrading to a higher category grade. Government of India schemes for upgradation of existing industrial infrastructure such as Modified Industrial Infrastructure UpgradationScheme(MIIUS), etc. will be explored and benefits will be leveraged wherever applicable. c. Maintenance of industrial areas on PPP mode KIADB may expand its scope of services to include effluent treatment plants, provision of power, water and quality access roads for a select number of large industrial areas, on its own or in PPP mode. d. To develop world class support infrastructure for industries KIADB will create an action plan to develop multi-floor industrial buildings in for industrialisation in and around Bangalore, Mysore, Belgaum, Hubli-Dharwad, Bellary, Mangalore, and Udupi where land is scarce and the cost of acquisition / development is very high. Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 14 e. WATER: To encourage supply of Secondary / Tertiary treated water to existing / proposed notified industrial areas · Programme already proposed are as under : o 60 MLD of water proposed for Devanahalli&Doddaballapura Industrial Areas. o 50 MLD of water proposed for Kolar, Narasapura, Vemgal, Hoskote, Malur and Mastenahalli Industrial Areas. · Programmes to be proposed during policy period are as under : o f. Mysore, Mangalore, Dharwad, Tumkur, Belgaum, Gulbarga, etc. POWER: State Government has initiated various measures to augment the power shortage and expected to attend self sufficient by 2017. Besides in order to encourage energy conservation measures and also to generate and consume power through non-conventional energy sources, various incentives and concessions are offered and listed in Annexure-2 Further, in order to make available the required land to private entrepreneurs for setting up power generating units the procedure for purchase of Agricultural land or conversion for non-agricultural purpose will be made easier. 5.1.4. Regulatory Reforms a. Acquisition of land, creation of land bank for industrial development It is proposed to create more land banks in the state for the development of manufacturing sector and develop these lands on PPP module Guidelines for land acquisition to be adopted as per “The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013”. Minimum Rehabilitation and Resettlement (R&R) entitlements and benefits to be evolved in conjunction with KIADB Act and “The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013”. Efforts will be made to promote usage of waste, barren, karab, dry and single crop land for acquisition of land for industrial purposes. This could be achieved by way of identifying minimum 500-1000 acres of such land in each talukas under the Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) of the talukas Inventory of surplus and unused land available with PSUs, State Government, and suitable private land will be made to create a ready to use GIS mapped Land Bank for industrial development. This will enable the State to offer ready to use land to investors. Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 15 Suitable mechanism shall be adopted for effective utilisation of the land.by imposing penalties and forfeitures for inaction by Promoters and delays in implementing the projects after land allotment for more than 2 years. FAR, will be increased from the present average levels of 1.0 to 3.0, specifically for plots in industrial parks and average ground coverage will be increased from 45-50% to 70%. This will be applicable both to existing and proposed projects. This measure would release significant amount of land in existing industries and reduce the need to procure or provide more land for industry. Necessary amendments will be proposed for Karnataka Land Reforms Act, to reduce the time taken in according approval for purchase of land under Section 109 and also for converting agriculture land for industrial purposes. Karnataka Industrial Area Development Board (KIADB) and Karnataka State Town Planning Board maintain different standard requirements for Floor Area Ratio (FAR) for industries. Floor Area Ratio for industry projects will be standardised between the two departments to provide better facilitation for investors. Lands allotted for industrial purposes will not be allowed to be used for any other purpose other than industrial purposes. Facilitate purchase of land upto 25 to 30 acres without extensive regulatory procedures and permit deemed conversion for such land within stiputated time. Necessary Amendments to the Karnataka Land Reforms Act will be proposed. 5.2. Human Resource Development 5.2.1. Skill Development a) Focus on provision of skill development and upgradation It is proposed to constitute a skill development and upgradationcommittee with members from industry, academia and government. The sole responsibility of the committee will be to assist the government in its efforts to align the curriculum of Industrial Training Institutes’ (ITIs), Polytechnics, Government Tool Room & Training Centre (GT&TC), District Industrial Skill Training Centres(ATI’s), and other allied institutes with the requirements of Industries so as to create job ready employable workforce. Quality management programmes, soft skills training and entrepreneurship skills to be made an integral part of skill development curriculum. Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 16 b) Focus on trainers training programme A trainer’s training programme will be designed in collaboration with industries and with assistance of National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) and other Skill Development Training Institutes .These learning programmes will be funded by the state with assistance from Government of India schemes to help trainers in skill development institutes to update themselves on latest technology and industry standards. c) Revival and upgradation of Training Centres State will also focus on revival of redundant and obsolete training institutes and strengthening of existing apprenticeship programme. Artisan Training Institutes’ (ATI) in Karnataka, will be given due support for upgradation through private participation by converting them into Skill Development Training Centres, thereby training can be imparted in highly skilled and advance courses A minimum budgetary support of INR50 lakhs for upgradation of infrastructure facilities for each centre and 25 lakhs per annum as training cost per centre. It is proposed to revive atleast 3 ATI’s per annum. d) Utilisation of Private Infrastructural facilities for imparting training programmes Provision will be made to allow private industries to collaborate with GT&TC and other allied institutes to conduct training programmes for students andtrainers using their facility and infrastructure, periodically, on new technologies in the market. Subsequently, industries conducting such programmes may also be allowed to issue certificate equivalent to that issued by skill development centres with prior approval of Department of Technical Education and Department of Commerce and Industries and under pre-defined guidelines. Such industries may be subsidised for the cost of training, certification and usage of private infrastructure subject to provision of employment for 85% of trained students. e) On job training programme Training for 10000 unemployed youths with a suitable provision of stipend per candidate as Government contribution with equal matching contribution from employer will be provided. f) Promotion of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) : Extensive use of Information & Communication Technology (ICT) will be promoted for learning in skill development centres through upgradation of existing ICT infrastructure where available and provision of new infrastructure in institutes where there is requirement. Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 17 g) Labour Market Information System (LMIS) One of the priorities of the department in this policy term period will be to create a dedicated Labour Market Information System (LMIS) to enable realistic assessment of economic trends and labour market needs. This information system will be set up at both state and district levels to help in planning for skill demand, supply and remuneration and other requirements. h) Provision of manpower requirement (with skill category and number) by industries at the time of filing of application for single window approval and or for incentives under state policies will be made mandatory. Council for Vocational Education and Research/ or any other nodal agency will be appointed as nodal agency for regional mapping of demand & supply of available and projected skilled labour. The nodal agency will be responsible for aligning supply of skilled candidates from training institutes to skill requirements of area specific industry and services clusters. Skill development centres will act as support bodies of the nodal agency for conducting the regional mapping. i) Focus on institutional support and infrastructure development An infrastructure gap assessment of skill development centres in the State will be conducted and a task force will be created for development of new physical infrastructure for skill development and upgradation , and existing institutes will be upgraded and expanded according to skill requirement of specific sectors/ industries. It will be mandatory for existing and new Industrial Areas in the state with more than 100 acres of land to have a dedicated facility for skill development and training centres. GT&TC will be set up in every district and the current GT&TC infrastructure and training programmes to be strengthened through central government assistance and State government funding. State will explore new avenues of partnership with private agencies for establishing skill development and vocational training centres under PPP especially in rural and remote areas. State shall explore options for utilization of existing education infrastructures in ITIs/ Colleges/ Schools for corporate sponsored skill upgradation trainings will be encouraged and optimum use of existing physical infrastructure will be ensured in multiple shifts. j) Focus on equal access to skill development for all social groups. Reservation in skill development centres will be provided for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Persons with Disabilities, Ex-Servicemen and women to encourage participation. Dedicated vocational training institutes will be created through public private participation, atleast one in each revenue division, for women while adopting proactive measures that overcome barriers Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 18 and facilitate participation of women for skill development and creation of employment ready women workforce. Facilities such as hostel for women, scholarships, transport, training materials and loans, will be made available for the students of the institute. 5.2.2. a) Entrepreneurship Development Focus on fostering entrepreneurship through education Centre for Entrepreneurship Development of Karnataka (CEDOK) to develop zone-wise sector-wise modules for Entrepreneurship Development Programmes inclusive of industry visit and interaction to enable entrepreneurs to focus on regional opportunities Centre for Entrepreneurship Development of Karnataka (CEDOK) to introduce Entrepreneurship Development Programmes for entrepreneurs and conduct them on a regular basis across districts. Programmes for existing entrepreneurs could be in the area of Technology Up gradation, Product Diversification, Quality Marks, National and International Strategies against W.T.O., International Market and Export procedures. b) Linkage with GOI Schemes Benefits and incentives under the Trade Related Entrepreneurship Assistance and Development Scheme for Women (TREAD), Technology based and Skill based Entrepreneurship Development Programmes sponsored by Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India and Skill-cumEntrepreneurship Development Programme (ESDP) sponsored by Ministry of MSME, Government of India will be dovetailed with state initiatives in entrepreneurship development by CEDOK. The participants of these schemes will be provided with hands-on training in indigenous technologies developed by R&D institutions that are available for commercial exploitation. c) Focus on setting up Entrepreneurship Incubation Centres It is proposed to set up an Entrepreneurship Incubation Centre for manufacturing based industries and for Research & Development with common facilities such as centralized reception, front office, photocopying and printingfacilities, inters office and external communication facilities in all four regions of the state. These four incubation centres will be developed by CEDOK/ TECSOK independently, or in PPP and admission to occupy such facility will be based on merit and predefined guidelines as outlined by the Department of Commerce & Industries from time to time. d) Focus on fostering entrepreneurship through information Efforts will be made through guidance cells in each district to create entrepreneurship awareness programme for the students of ITIs, Polytechnic, Engineering, Pharmaceuticals, Ayurvedic, Science, Arts, Commerce Colleges, Management institutes in respective districts Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 19 Entrepreneur Information handbooks containing guidelines on all the procedures and formalities of setting up and operating a business in Karnataka will be prepared and distributed through guidance cells e) Other areas of support for entrepreneurship development State will set up a dedicated Entrepreneurship Development Fund of INR 50 Crores every year to improve access to finance for first time entrepreneurs who show potential and have proven their merit. State will create district level “Entrepreneurship Ambassadors” from amongst industry captains to promote entrepreneurship amongst youth though regular interaction and education. f) Encouraging Entrepreneurship Ambassadors and Awards State and district level entrepreneurship awards and rewards will be created to encourage entrepreneurship. Winners will be given an opportunity to get on the job training from government recognised entrepreneurship ambassadors and will be eligible to grant from the state. 5.3. Investor Facilitation 5.3.1. To provide online and transparent facilitation mechanism for all investments proposals A one stop online information centre will be established for Industrial Areas/ estates to enable i. Application system for land in industrial areas/ estates ii. Profile and detailed information system for all industrial estates/ areas iii. Grievance Redressal Mechanism iv. A common website indicating district-wise details of industrial areas with particulars of industries and products manufactured, exports, and infrastructure details such as land, power, water, common support infrastructure availability, etc. will be introduced at Directorate of Industries &Commerce/ KIADB/ KSSIDC. This will allow new investors to plan their investments and support existing industry through marking opportunities. 5.3.2. To provide online and transparent facilitation mechanism for all investments proposals As appointed by the Karnataka Industries Facilitation Act 2002, Karnataka UdyogMitra (KUM) will continue to act as the nodal agency at the State level to undertake investment promotional activities and to render necessary guidance and assistance to entrepreneurs to setup industrial undertaking in the State. KUM will act as the central facilitation cell for all investors in the state and will be the first point for receiving of all investment applications/ proposals. Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 20 The state has made continuous endeavours to decrease cost and increase accessibility and transparency of the investment application system in the state. It has recently introduced an online facilitation portal for investors and departments to apply, approve, track and monitor the proposals in an effective manner. This online application system will be extended to include submission of an online Combined Application Form for investment proposals. This extended system will facilitate the investors in submitting, tracking and getting the approvals online without visiting multiple departments. Government will make efforts to introduce an online system for tracking MSME investments at the district level through DICs and district level facilitation cells. It will also set up an online dedicated Grievance Redressal Mechanism for investors. 5.3.3. To strengthen single window mechanism to facilitate the investors to avail all clearances through one nodal agency Projects approved and authorised for implementation by the State High level Clearance Committee (SHLCC), and or State Level Single Window Clearance Committee (SLSWCC) and or District Level Single Window Clearance Committee (DLSWCC) appointed by the Karnataka Industries Facilitation Act 2002, will be valid and binding on all line departments. Opinion is to be sought from relevant line departments for projects where application is filed with KUM (Information and fees provided by investor is complete in all formats) and placed before approval committee for approval. The timeframe for receiving such opinions from line departments has been defined as 90 days by the State and can be revised by the state from time to time. Investors having clear possession of land will be given all clearances/ approvals after filing of application with KUM provided line departments do not submit any objection when their opinion is sought. Investors not having clear possession of land will only be given in-principal approval and final approval will be given after clear possession of land. All the regulatory approvals (except land) required under the SHLCC and SLSWCC for s will be provided within 90 days of the receipt of the application in Karnataka UdyogMitra 5.3.4. To streamline and simplify procedures for industrial investments A comprehensive study for regulatory simplification will be undertaken by government to reduce time & cost of compliance to government procedures for industrial investments. All regulatory and statutory approvals required for project clearances will be covered in the study and necessary actions will be taken against recommendations of the study for regulatory simplification across all departments. Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 21 State shall explore the possibility of removing the Trade license system or simplifying the trade license for manufacturing industries. All application processes and procedures for new investments in the state will be made available in one place in the KUM website and respective departmental processes and procedures will be made available on their respective websites. 5.3.5. To provide better investor facilitation through improvement in information accessibility, and awareness Government will establish dedicated trade offices in countries that attract maximum foreign direct investment and have strategic advantage to Karnataka. These offices will help build strategic relationship through active dialogue with governments and industry of the local country, enhance social & cultural ties through promotion of exchange programmes, and attract investment through active engagement with local industry. These offices will also facilitate bilateral trade through education, research, trade promotion, networking and other information support. Government will make available provision of dedicated liaison officer to facilitate easy clearance for critical and strategically advantageous projects. Investors’ meets and road shows will be organized regularly at State / National/International level to attract large scale investment to the State. Industrial Adalats will be organized regularly at District / State level with a view to understand the problem of industries and to settle pending cases. Investor Information Handbook and Industrial Statistical Handbook will be prepared on an annual basis to help investors with necessary information on various industrial areas, incentives, procedures, doing business guidelines and industry statistics Going forward more approvals for investors facilitation will be brought under SAKALA 5.4. MSME Development 5.4.1. To provide thrust on development of MSME sector through attractive package of incentives, concessions and benefits In order to extent technical support to M S ME Sector it is proposed to establish the Technology Development Centre at NIMZ Tumkurwitbudgetory support of Rs150-200 crores funded by Ministry of MSME, GOI for which State Govt. will made available 15 acres of land free of cost. · MSME sector investing in the state will be eligible for an attractive package of incentives, concessions and benefits as per Annexure – 2. Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 22 · Government to earmark minimum 20 – 30%extent of allotable land in KIADB industrial areas for MSMEs wherein further reservation of 20%, 30% and 50% of allotable land would be made available for micro, small and medium enterprises respectively. · Department of Industries will conduct an annual vendor development event at the State levelto bring together MSMEs and large manufacturers/Public Sectors. Similar events at the District level also will be conducted.An online system will be created for tracking of collaboration/vendor opportunities for MSMEs. · Government may examine the possibility of exempting all MSME projects falling under the green category and not included in the list of polluting industries from obtaining CFE/ CFO from Karnataka State Pollution Control Board (KSPCB). · State will evolve a mechanism to reduce uncoordinated and irregular inspections conducted by various line departments to ease burden on MSMEs. · Government will plan for awarding MSMEs for achieving excellence through growth in production and profit, quality and environment improvement measure. · Selected recipients from each district would get priority for sponsored participation in national and international trade fairs. 5.4.2. To promote “Made in Karnataka” brand through market development initiatives Goods and products manufactured locally in the state will be given preference over those manufactured outside the state in case of all purchases made by government departments and government undertakings except where there is limited option available locally and or the department has specific or urgent requirements. Preferential pricing of 15% will be allowed for the goods manufactured by MSMEs in the state in case of purchases by the government departments and government undertakings. 5.4.3. a) To promote sector specific MSME cluster development and business incubation centres Development of Rural Industrial Areas for MSME Development of separate rural small industrial areas for Micro, Small and Medium Industry with enabling infrastructure, viz. road connectivity, drainage system, street lighting, and water supply will be initiated by KIADB. State government will provide land, power and water at subsidized prices. Rural small industrial areas will have minimum 100/ 150 plots per district per year measuring 2000 sq. ft to 10000 sq. ft. and plots shall be allotted only to non-polluting industries. Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 23 Land will be allotted to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in the ratio of 25%, 35% and 40% respectively. A budgetary provision of INR60 Crores per annum will be made available to subsidise the plot cost. b) Cluster Development Benefits under Micro and Small Enterprises Cluster Development programme of Government of India will be facilitated for MSME cluster development. The objective of the scheme is to support the sustainability and growth of MSEs by addressing common issues such as improvement of technology, skills and quality, market access, access to capital, etc. It also seeks to build capacity for MSEs, create/ upgrade infrastructural facilities in the industrial areas/clusters of MSEs, and to set up common facility centres. The Karnataka Council for Technological Upgradation (KCTU) will continue to be the monitoring / nodal agency on behalf of the State Government for the Micro and Small Enterprises Cluster Development Programme that has been launched by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. Realising the need for MSME clusters, GoK will be launching a scheme for development and up gradation of existing clusters.Under the phase 1 ofscheme a sum of INR 20 crore per annum, will be earmarked for upgradation of existing clusters and development of new clusters.Under this scheme the state will also develop a comprehensive MSME development plan for the state. Under this scheme the state will also provide viability gap funding for setting up of business incubation centres in the KIADB industrial areas under PPP mode. Under the phase 2 of the scheme the state will create district level master incubator to provide district level implementation support to MSMEs and Entrepreneurs. 5.4.4. Institutional strengthening for implementation of existing & new schemes A nodal agency shall be appointed for creating awareness, implementing and monitoring of existing and new state and central government schemes and programmes for MSME development. 5.4.5. To promote state exports through a separate export policy State Government is contemplating to come out with dedicated State Export promotion policy and IPR Policy to promote exports from Karnataka. 5.4.6. Quality Improvement Quality improvement interventions by state MSMEs such as upgradation of existing and installing of new technologies for quality control, cleaner environment friendly production, quality testing, and fees paid for quality certifications would be eligible for one time subsidy through reimbursement of Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 24 actual costs. This benefit would be available for MSMEs who have already taken benefits under central government schemes and would like to go for renewal. Details of incentives are as in Annexure – 2. 5.5. Sustainable Industrial Growth Technology Transfer and Upgradation Support 5.5.1. Adopt a sustainable green industrial growth strategy to safeguard and protect the natural resources of the state Efforts will be made to adopt a green industrial development program that looks at more sustainable patterns of production and consumption i.e. patterns that are resource and energy efficient, lowcarbon and low waste, non-polluting and safe, and which produce products that are responsibly managed throughout their lifecycle while providing sustainable livelihoods and continuous job creation. In the long run this measure will help reduce burden on public finances, improve environmental safety, reduce vulnerability of natural resources, expand coverage of water and energy services and make it more efficient, reduce health impacts associated with environmental degradation; reduce costs and increase productivity from technologies that will also ease environmental pressure, etc. Department of Industries in close co-ordination with Karnataka State Pollution Control Board (KSPCB) will try to build awareness, educate and engage the industry in reducing environmental footprint. Awareness programmes for green manufacturing and sustainable production will be initiated in all districts through the DIC with active participation of green champions from the local industry on a regular basis. All green champions from the industries participating in government green awareness programmes will be allowed credit under CSR programmes, the guidelines for which will be decided in association with KSPCB. Department of industries will initiate a study to develop a strategic framework for the state to identify and prioritize specific interventions required to make industrial growth sustainable. Department will also conduct a benchmarking study to map the water consumption pattern, energy consumption pattern, solid waste management practices, discharge practices, etc. of major KIADB industrial areas in the statewith international standards and best practices. Also specific targets will be set for various aspects in each sector which will act as the guidelines for all new and existing units. Any new industry will have to comply with these standards to avail incentives under the industrial policy and existing units will be encouraged to adhere to the new guidelines with special benefits under CSR programmes. Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 25 Under the green industrial growth agenda of the state, adoption of following standards will be made mandatory for all new industries and one time reimbursement of cost facility will be offered to new and existing MSME units adopting these standards(Details are as in Annexure – 2): i. Rain water harvesting ii. Environmental and Water audit iii. Wastewater treatment and reuse Units practicing zero water discharge will be eligible for onetime subsidy on relevant equipment/ technology upgradation(Details as in Annexure – 2). Industries Department will work along with KSPCB to review and rationalize existing list of green, red and orange categories of industries to reduce avoidable renewable burdens without compromising on environmental protection needs. Department of Industries along with KIADB will also initiate a program for greening of minimum 50 existing industrial areas per annum across the State.Under the scheme a funding INR 15 crores will be provided every year regarding study and implementations of various initiatives.Emphasis would be placed on developing green industrial parks/estates with a vision for next 20 years. Adequate land will be compulsorily earmarked in all new industrial areas/ estates for setting up Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) and other common environment protection measures. Recycling of electronic waste and setting up of e-waste recycling units will be encouraged and incentivised. Green and non-polluting industries will be given preference over polluting and environmentally unsafe industries while allocation of land in KIADB industrial areas and for allocation of government land. Also, scholars and entrepreneurs conducting research & development or creating start-ups in the field of sustainable industrial development and green industries will be given due importance and priority. 5.5.2. Technology Transfer/Upgradation support To promote world class technology linkages through provision of incentives support for technology transfer and upgradation to industries located in Karnataka The state government will encourage “Technology Upgradation Scheme” for promotion of technology upgradation in manufacturing sector in the state. The scheme will cater to the needs of both MSMEs. The scheme will be aimed at providing benefits to the local industry over and above the benefits available under central government scheme. The scheme is intended towards capital expenditure for activities like process up gradation, reducing carbon foot print, reducing the water consumption, reducing power consumption, adoption of new Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 26 technology to improve quality compliance & standards, patent registration, etc. Special emphasis will be given to adoption of sustainable technologies and processes(Incentives details are as in Annexure – 2). 5.5.3. Adoption and commercialization of technology The Department of Industries and Commerce will introduce a scheme to run technology transfer programs in collaboration with domestic & international research institutes/ agencies and technology transfer agencies. Patent pooling and registration will be undertaken under this scheme. Also, under the scheme the state will create a shelf of projects along with detailed project reports for projects for technology adoption. Under this program specific emphasis will be given to promote export oriented units. Department of Industries and commerce will run quarterly workshops and seminars through VTPC &KCTUfor SMEs & entrepreneurs to increaseawareness for adoption of new technologies(Incentives details are as in Annexure – 2). 5.5.4. To promote research & development institutes where no such R&D centre/ facility exists Recognised R&D centres coming up in zone 1, 2 & 3 and supporting manufacturing industry will be eligible for a 50% capital subsidy limited to INR 500 Lakhs. Minimum two R & D centres per annum will be promoted. 5.6. Regional Balanced Growth 5.6.1. To provide equal opportunity for Industrial and urban development in every district/region of Karnataka and to create job opportunities for youth and women across all regions of the society Depending on the backwardness of the talukas, the State is classified into five zones(details are as in Annexure -1). Department of Industries in collaboration with Infrastructure and other social sector departments will develop a comprehensive “Regional Economic Development Framework”. The state will also launch a comprehensive Regional Industrial Competitiveness Improvement Programme (RICIP). As a part of the regional development initiative, the state has already identified multiple large scale infrastructure projects like NIMZs & Industrial Corridor development. These initiatives have been aimed towards creation of multiple “Cities as Engines of Growth” with a cluster of economically vibrant Towns around each City. Another critical aspect of the program will be aligning the industrial development approach with sector competitiveness of the region through a cluster development approach. As a result six priority Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 27 cities will be identified to be developed on a hub-and-spoke model of inclusive and equally distributed industrial and economic growth centres cutting across districts and regions in the State. 5.6.2. Promotion and facilitation of industrial investments across districts/ regions State plans to develop two major Industrial Corridors, Chennai–Bangalore–Chitradurga Industrial Corridor and Bangalore–Mumbai Economic Corridor, and four NIMZs across the state. This will help in stimulating manufacturing investments across the state. Proposals for SEZs/ Industrial Areas/ Estates in industrially backward districts would be encouraged and given top priority Special incentive for private industrial areas to be setup in backward districts Government of India has also agreed to provide NIMZ benefits to the manufacturing units coming up in Information Technology Investment Region in the state. 5.6.3. Anchor Industries To promote setting up of anchor industries in districts/ taluks/ industrial areas where no such industry exist so that downstream opportunities for MSMEs can be encouraged and Anchor unit subsidy on Fixed Assets shall be offered for the firts two manufacturing enterprises per taluk with a minimum investment of INR 100 crores at minimum employment of 100 persons. The subsidy will applicable only in Talukas where no Industrial Enterprises of the above investment exists at present. The rate and amount of subsidy is shown in the package incentives and concessions chapter in Annexure-2. This subsidy will be applicable only in taluks where no industrial enterprise of the proposed size exists at present. 5.7. Special focus on promotion of manufacturing industries Policy measures based on sector specific policies and recommendations of Manufacturing Task Force (MTF) committee: 5.7.1. Defence and Aerospace Sector Karnataka has introduced an Aerospace policy, namely the Karnataka Aerospace Policy 2013-23. This is a first of its kind state level policy on aerospace and defence in India (All aerospace sector investments and industry would be eligible for incentives and benefits under the Aerospace policy). Key highlights of the Karnataka Aerospace policy 2013: i. Anchor Unit Subsidy INR 500 lakhs for first 10 Aerospace OEM with minimum investment of INR 50 crore ii. Exemption from stamp duty & concessional registration charges Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 28 iii. 100% exemption from electricity duty / tax for aerospace units iv. Interest free loan on VAT v. Reimbursement of 75% CST for a period of 5 years vi. 100% entry tax exemption for aerospace units vii. Special Package of incentives for mega, ultra mega, and super mega projects viii. Karnataka also has a dedicated industrial park for aerospace companies – Bangalore Aerospace Park, which is currently being set up alongside the Bangalore International Airport. Efforts will be made to operationalize Bangalore Aerospace Park within 2014 so that industrial units can start to move in. 5.7.2. Automotive Sector The state would like to transform Karnataka into an energetic automobile hub of the country by leveraging advantages and opportunities available for sustained development of the emerging automobile sector: i. State will explore setting up of Major Auto Parks at Dharwad, Kolar and Bidadi in Ramanagara district. ii. Also Government will explore setting up of Auto Parks of smaller size at potential locations like Belgaum, Shimoga, Mysore and Gulbarga. iii. State proposes to incentivize and institutionalize the R&D environment in the State by fostering and supporting linkages between industry and academia for free competitive research. iv. Proposed to commission the ‘Karnataka Automobile Research & Innovation Centre’ in Karnataka, this would also act as an incubation centre. The centre is proposed to be established on a PPP model with the State funding up to 50% of the cost. v. All Auto Parks to set aside 20% of land for MSMEs. Measure planned for improving Auto sector competitiveness i. Government to set up a venture fund with an initial capital of at least INR 50 crore. (and on similar lines of IT and Biotech) specifically focused on boosting MSMEs requiring growth capital and start-up capital – the fund should start ii. Setting up training cells in select clusters focused on specific engineering needs Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 29 iii. Tie up with NSDC (National Skills Development Corporation) to identify private sector initiatives that can be quickly funded jointly by NSDC and the State in order to train and provide employment ready personnel to the industry. iv. To set up a focus group for addressing the problems of the auto component sector v. To explore options for reducing road tax and registration tax to reduce burden on State Environment through vehicular pollution. 5.7.3. Pharmaceuticals Sector In January 2013, Health and Family Welfare department of Government of Karnataka released Karnataka Pharmaceutical Policy 2012, with an objective “To make Karnataka a vibrant pharmaceutical manufacturing hub by leveraging the strengths of knowledge based institutions and skilled human resource of the State, to provide innovative, quality and affordable health care solutions to the masses.” All pharmaceutical sector investments and industry will be eligible for incentives under the policy. Key highlights of the policy are: i. Setting up of specialised infrastructure for Pharmaceutical sector like Pharma Parks and Special Economic Zones ii. Efforts will be made to encourage setting up of R&D institutions related to pharma sector to leverage the strengths already available in the State. iii. The Government will support selected & reputed pharmaceutical educational institutions in setting up Finishing School for Pharmaceutical Learning across Karnataka. iv. Special incentives and concessions to attract mega projects v. State Government will set up a Venture Capital Fund with a corpus of INR50 crores with contribution of 26% from Government vi. Industries will be supported to go for non-conventional energy sources like solar, wind, biofuel, utilisation of solvent waste for boiler, etc., for their requirements. Adoption of rain water harvesting, water recycling and other conservation measures will also be supported by incentives vii. Common Effluent Treatment Plants (CETPs) to be established in PPP model in Pharma Parks. SEZs and other clusters of pharmaceutical industries will also be supported by way of one time grant to augment investments on such CETPs Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 30 viii. Pharmaceutical companies, which take steps for reducing waste generation at source or recycling of wastes will be supported by providing subsidy upto 50% of the cost subject to a maximum of INR50 lakhs ix. Purchase of refrigerated vans by industry for captive use will be considered as part of capital investment of the unit x. Appointment of more Quality Enforcement Officers and Drug Testing Laboratories with adequate state of the art testing equipment 5.7.4. Steel Sector Iron and steel manufacturing has attracted huge investments over the last decade with estimated employment generation of more than 8, 00,000 direct and indirect. The sector has also been critical in providing backward linkages to a large number of manufacturing industries. Lately the steel sector in the State has been facing considerable challenges due to bottlenecks in land acquisition, hurdles in iron ore mining and transportation costs, which have led to declining investments in the Steel sector. Efforts will be made to remove hurdles in mining of iron ore specifically for captive consumption to produce Steel is going to be a priority for the State. Specific clusters for steel along the iron ore producing areas such as Bellary-Hospet, Tumkur, Chitradurga, Chikmagalur and along industrial corridors with necessary high speed connectivity will be created. It will be made mandatory for the steel and cement industries to develop specific skilling centres to upgrade existing skill sets and boost productivity per employee. This should be done in conjunction with NSDC sector skill councils. Mineral assets will be proposed to be allocated first to existing value addition industry. And, in order to make the industry accountable for development of mineral assets, it will be allocated only after completion of 100% of ordering and completion of 50% of the project activity. As India is still importing value added steel like Cold rolled steel, Galvanised steel, electric steel, Tin Plates, etc. Existing industry or new industry intends to invest for production of value added steel products and which becomes substitute for imports, such investments will be considered for special package of incentives and concessions(details as in Annexure -2). Setup the Research Centre to undertake research on better mining practices and promote use of latest technology in mining. 5.7.5. Cement Sector The spurt in infrastructure projects such as the dedicated freight corridors, upgradation and creation of new airports and ports have increased the demand for cement. The growth of the housing sector and road construction projects has also provided significant opportunities. The demand for cement is Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 31 likely to be sensitive to the growth in these sectors and will also impact policy initiatives. To help the cement industry grow further, the state will take initiatives to resolve issues relating to Logistics (Railways, Roads, Inland Waterways, Port connectivity); Raw Materials; Fuel (Coal, Pet coke, Alternative fuels); Fly Ash and Land Acquisition. Efforts will be made to remove hurdles in mining specifically for captive consumption to produce Cement (Value Addition). Specific clusters for Cement manufacturing will be created around Gulbarga, Bagalkot, Chitradurga, and Belgaum district. 5.7.6. Agro, Food Processing and Sugar Sector Karnataka has rich biodiversity and ten agro-climatic zones suited for majority of the agricultural & horticultural crops and a long coastline that encourages fisheries. The state contributes around 7% of the agricultural production and 15% of the horticultural production in the country. Karnataka has abundant availability of raw material to consistently tap into the growing demand for processed foods both from domestic and export standpoint. However, the State faces severe constraint in terms of limited processing facilities and inadequate quality control and testing methods as per international standards. Given the high potential for employment generation in the sector and the anticipated output, it is imperative to provide an enabling environment for the sector. With a vision “To position Karnataka in a sustained growth path in the field of agricultural and allied sectors through global technologies and innovative tools, by creating enabling frameworks and state of art infrastructure facilities, thereby generating higher returns to farming communities”, GoK launched Integrated Agri Business Policy in 2011.Going forward agriculture department also plans to introduce Agri& Food processing policy to promote the sector in the state. The State will focus on mapping the skill gaps and identifying priority areas for human resource development for increasing the productivity of workers/units in the sector. The State will also seek to inspire innovation and technology development to boost this sector. Requests for technology & quality upgradation subsidy by agro and food processing industries will be given priority over others. Regulatory and statutory approvals for setting up of food parks in the state will be expedited and prioritised. Mega food parks will be set up in Gulbarga, Tumkur, Chikmanglur, Hassan, Mysore and Mandya as recommended by the MTF. Implementation of the projects and schemes under National Mission for Food Processing (NMFP) will be expedited. Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 32 Special package of incentives namely concessional power tariff, enhanced VAT loan / grant will be offered for mega industries engaged in producing value added import substitute products (Details as in Annexure – 2) 5.7.7. Machine Tools Sector The Machine tools sector forms the backbone of manufacturing operations in various industries and is supported by a large base of MSME set ups. The machine tools sector supports key industries such as automotive, aerospace and defense, textile, heavy engineering and steel, etc. Karnataka produces a majority of India‘s machine tools with the Bangalore area alone producing about 60% of the machine tools of India in terms of value which is estimated at INR 2,160 crore. Government of Karnataka has already approved the establishment of machine tools park which will be significant boost to the sector in the state. It is proposed to set up a machine tools focused technology incubation centre in the state. Courses to support creation of skilled employable workforce for the machine tools industry will be introduced in state skill development centres. Upgrading of existing tool rooms and creation of new tool rooms in PPP mode will also be explored. Central government schemes such as ASIDE, MSE-CDP, MIIUS, etc. will be leveraged for the growth and support of the sector. Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 33 5.8. Special thrust for encouraging SC/ST, Women, Minority, PH and ExServicemen entrepreneurs 5.8.1. To safeguard and uplift entrepreneurs from other social sections through reservation and facilitation in key government programmes and initiatives State to introduce Entrepreneurship Development Programmes exclusively for prospective first generation women entrepreneurs where interest free start up loan with flexible payback schemes and continuous guidance will be provided upon successful completion of State Entrepreneurship Development courses. State will provide reservation for such entrepreneurs including priority for allotment of land in KIADB/KSSIDC Industrial area and proposed NIMZs for setting up of industrial units. Special package of incentives over and above what is offered has standard package will be provided to SC/ ST/ Women/Minority/PH and Ex-Servicemen entrepreneurs as given in Annexure -2. State will provide additional export and market development assistance upto INR 2 Lakhs to entrepreneurs availing incentives under Government of India programme for Trade Related Entrepreneurship Assistance and Development Scheme for Women (TREAD) and marketing assistance. State will provide space reservation in government funded incubation centres and skill development centres for first time SC/ ST/ PH, Ex-Servicemen/ Women MSME entrepreneurs. 5.9. Support for promotion of Khadi, Artisan and Coir sector The government will make all efforts to encourage growth and development of the Khadi, Artisan and Coir sector through institutional support. State will focus on optimal utilisation of benefits out of centrally sponsored schemes such as Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme, Rural Industry Service Centre, Export Incentive Scheme, Interest Subsidy Scheme, etc. for the Khadi, Artisan and Coir sector. It is proposed to create a separate cell for Khadi, Artisan and Coir sector to coordinate for benefit realization under Central and State Schemes To promote the coir industry the state will • Provide continuous power by implementing NirantharaJyothiYojana • Power subsidy at INR2/- per unit Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 34 • A scheme for providing funding for difference of wages between Minimum Wages and the wages earned per day will be introduced on similar lines to Khadi worker • Additional 3% interest subsidy on term and working capital loan for coir industry over and above what is already prescribed in the policy and applicable to the rest of the units. 5.10. Special Thrust for encouraging Industrial Development in Hyderabad- Karnataka Area : Leverage on the Article 371 status for Hyderabad Karnataka Area to create a strong industrial base there. The State Government will petition the Central Government to offer tax incentives like Excise Duty Exemption, Income Tax Exemption to boost manufacturing. All Talukas of Hyderabad Karnataka Area are exclusively covered under Zone I of the policy to provide the required boost to industry. Mega, Ultra mega & Super Mega projects coming up in Hyderabad Karnataka region will provided with special incentives of land and concessional rates upto 20% of the land price based on the merits and advantages of such projects for the state. 5.11. Attractive Standard and Special package of incentives and concessions The details of standard package of incentives and concessions offered for establishment of Industry under MSME, Large, Mega, Ultra Mega, Super Mega category of enterprises along with special package incentives and concessions for Mega, Ultra Mega and Super Mega category are indicated in the Annexure – 2. 5.12. Smooth exit, revival and relocation policy The sick unit revival policy for small, medium and large scale units which was issued during 2002 is still in force with few modifications. In view of changes in the unit’s classifications, financing procedures, changes in policies, it needs to be replaced with comprehensive policy. Efforts will be made to adopt exit mechanism for non-viable businesses which has lead to locking of funds and capital assets, while giving full protection to the interest of employees. Further, in view of rapid growth of cities like Bangalore, Mysore, Dharwad, Belgaum, etc. are facing shortage of infrastructural facilities along with traffic congestion. Therefore there is an urgent need for introduction of relocation policy for labour intensive industries. In view of facts explained above, it is proposed to bring in a comprehensive policy for smooth exit, revival and relocation of industries. Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 35 6. Milestones / Review / Monitoring In order to achieve the targets spelt out in the policy within the stipulated time frame, following milestones are set for ensuring periodical progress: Estimation of Land, Water & Power requirement for above Targets under Industrial Policy 2014-19 Sector No. of units Micro 15oooo Investment Employment INR in Crores 25000 600000 Land Water in requirement in Million liter Acres per day 5000 Power in MW 100 15 Remarks Around 40,000 units will be requiring either sheds or small plots from govtand the rest will be will be either in rented premises and own Small 15000 50000 250000 2500 300 10 Around 5000 units will be requiring either sheds or plots from govtand the rest will manage themselves with rented building or their own lands. Medium 3000 50000 175000 3000 300 15 Around1500 units will be requiring land from govt,and the rest will manage on their own land or leased property. Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 36 Large 1500 75000 150000 5000 150 30 Land will be acquired as suc/ or under section 109 Mega 300 100000 125000 3000 400 20 Land will be acquired as suc/ or under section 109 Ultra Mega 150 100000 125000 7500 750 50 Land will be acquired as suc/ or under section 109 Super Mega 75 100000 75000 14000 1000 100 Land will be acquired as suc/ or under section 109 TOTAL 170025 500000 1500000 40000 3000 240 A high level Inter Departmental Review Committee will be constituted to regularly monitor implementation of all provisions of the policy. This committee will also ensure issue of necessary Govt. orders by various departments in relation to the policy without loss of any time for mid-course corrections, if required for smooth implementation of the Policy. The committee will also bring out annual reports indicating the progress in implementation of the Policy. Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 37 7. Budgetary provision The requirement of funds for implementation of various components of the policy during the policy period yearwiseshall be as follows: 2014-15 SN Schemes No. of 2015-16 Amount units No. of 2016-17 Amount units No. of 2017-18 Amount units No. of 2018-19 Amount units No. of Total Amount units No. of Amount units Provision for Infrastructure Development 1 Sector specific industrial zones 4 50.00 ---- 50.00 ---- 50.00 ---- 50.00 ---- 50.00 4 250 2 Knowledge City Corridor between Mysore 1 10.00 ---- 10.00 ---- 10.00 ---- 10.00 ---- 10.00 1 50 and Mangalore 3 Industrial Townships 1 0.25 1 0.25 1 0.25 1 0.25 1 0.25 5 1.25 4 Upgradation of Industrial Areas / Estates 30 100.00 30 100.00 30 100.00 30 100.00 30 100.00 150 500 5 Supply of Tertiary treated water ---- 100.00 ---- 100.00 ---- 100.00 ---- 100.00 ---- 100.00 0 500 6 Private Industrial Estates / Areas 10 50.00 10 50.00 10 50.00 10 50.00 10 50.00 50 250 7 Greening of Industrial Area / Estates 15.00 0 75 8 Subsidised plots to MSMEs 60.00 15000 300 Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 15.00 3000 60.00 15.00 3000 60.00 15.00 3000 60.00 15.00 3000 60.00 3000 38 9 Development of New / Existing Clusters 10 R&D centers 20.00 2 11 5.00 20.00 2 5.00 20.00 2 20.00 20.00 0 100 5.00 2 5.00 2 5.00 10 25 Provision for Human Resource Development a) Trainers Training programme b) Revival of ATIs c) On job training 100 0.25 100 0.25 100 0.25 100 0.25 100 0.25 500 1.25 3 0.25 3 0.25 3 0.25 3 0.25 3 0.25 15 1.25 10000 25.00 10000 25.00 10000 25.00 10000 25.00 10000 25.00 50000 125 d) Adoption of Information and 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0 1 Communication technology e) Auditing of Training Institutes 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0 1.25 f) Labour market information system 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0 2.5 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 0 100 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0 5 g) Institutional Support and Infrastructure Development h) Skill Development for Social groups i) Entrepreneurship Development j) Enterpreneurship Development fund Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 3000 1.00 3000 1.00 3000 1.00 3000 1.00 3000 1.00 15000 5 --- 50.00 --- 50.00 --- 50.00 --- 50.00 --- 50.00 0 250 39 k) Enterpreneurship Incubation Centres 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0 5 l) Enterpreneurship awards 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0 1 Standard Package of incentives and concession to MSMEs , Large , Mega , Ultra Mega and Super Mega Enterprises 12 Investment Promotion Subsidy for MSME 1000 100.00 1100 110.00 900 90.00 950 95.00 850 85 4800 480 13 Refund of Land Conversion Fine 100 1.00 115 1.15 90 0.90 95 0.95 90 0.90 490 4.9 14 Refund of Certification Chares to MSME 30 0.30 35 0.35 35 0.35 30 0.30 25 0.25 155 1.55 15 ETP subsidy for MSME,Large, Mega, 50 50.00 50 50.00 50 50.00 50 50.00 50 50.00 250 250 30 100 35 150 40 150 50 200 55 200 210 800 Ultra Mega & Super Mega 16 Interest Free Loan on VAT for Large, Mega, Ultra Mega & Super Mega 17 VAT Grant for MSME’s 50 30 65 40 70 40 80 45 85 50 350 205 18 Anchor unit subsidy 10 10 8 12 10 15 10 15 10 15 48 67 19 Interest Subsidy for Micro and Small 100 1.00 125 1.25 125 1.25 150 1.50 150 1.50 650 6.5 1000 2.00 1000 2.00 1000 2.00 1000 2.00 1000 2.00 5000 10 Enterprises 20 Power Tariff Subsidy to Micro Industries Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 40 21 Technology Upgradation , Quality 50 0.30 60 0.40 50 0.50 50 0.50 65 0.65 275 2.35 10 0.10 15 0.15 20 0.25 20 0.25 25 0.30 90 1.05 10 0.08 15 0.10 17 0.15 18 0.16 20 0.20 80 0.69 5 0.50 7 0.70 10 1.00 12 1.20 15 1.50 49 4.9 50 10.00 100 25.00 150 50.00 200 75.00 250 100.00 750 260 18646 815.18 18876 903 18713 911.3 18861 18836 1017.2 93932 4643.44 Certification and Patent Registration for Micro and Small Enterprises 22 Water harvesting/ Conversation Measures for Small and Medium 23 Energy Conservation for Small and Medium Enterprises 24 Addl. Incentives to the enterprises following Reservation policy of the State 25 Special Package of Incentives to Large, Mega ,Ultra Mega etc., Total 996.7 6 Note: The above provisions are made only wherever the funds are not available from the GOI Schemes. Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 41 8. Expected benefits to the State In addition to employment creation for 15 lakh people, the State will also have the following benefits: • Per Capita income will go up and leads to additional tax generation • Leads to scope for development of Educational Institutions, Transportation, Hotels,Tourism, etc. • Expected to generate additional direct sales tax revenue approximately INR500 crores every year and by the end of the policy period the additional sales tax revenue to the State exchequer would be around INR2500 crores. 9. Implementation mechanism In order to implement the policy more effectively and meaningfully there is a need to reorganize the department by way of strengthening the gross root level offices particularly at Taluk and District levels. To this effect, the department will initiate action to submit the proposals to Government for approval with proper justifications. Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 42 10. Annexure 1 – Classification of Taluks Classification of Taluks in Karnataka into Zones for the purpose of administering Incentives & Concessions Sl. No. Districts Total No.ofTaluks Hyderabad Karnataka region (Zone 1) Special Zone Most Backward Zone More Backward Zone Backward Zone Industrially Developed Zone (Zone – 2) (Zone – 3) (Zone – 4) (Zone – 5) --- --- --- Other than notified Industrial Areas in AnekalTq. Notified Industrial Areas in AnekalTq. --- --- --- --- B’lore (North) --- --- --- --- B’lore(South) --- --- --- --- B’lore(East) --- --- --- Other than notified Industrial Areas in DevanahalliTq. Notified Industrial Areas in --- --- --- Other than notified Industrial Areas in DoddaballapuraTq. Notified Industrial Areas in --- --- --- Other than notified Industrial Areas in HoskoteTq. Notified Industrial Areas in --- --- --- --- Nelamangala --- Kanakapura --- Other than notified Industrial Areas in RamanagaraTq. Notified Industrial Areas in --- Magadi --- Other than notified Industrial Areas in ChannapatnaTq. Notified Industrial Areas in --- Hosadurga Hiriyur Chitradurga --- South Karnataka Region 1 B’lore (U) 4 2 3 4 B’lore (R) Ramanagara Chitradurga 4 4 6 Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft DevanahalliTq. DoddaballapuraTq. HoskoteTq. RamanagaraTq. ChannapatnaTq. 43 5 6 7 8 9 Davanagere Chikkaballapura Kolar Shimoga Tumkur 6 6 5 7 10 10 Chamaraja-nagar 4 11 Chicka - magalore 7 Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft --- --- Molakalmur --- --- --- --- Hololkere --- --- --- --- Challakere --- --- --- Channagiri Honnali Davangere --- --- Harapanahalli Jagalur Harihar --- --- Bagepalli Gudibande Chikka- ballapura --- --- --- Gowribidanur Siddlaghatta --- --- --- --- Chintamani --- --- --- Mulbagal Kolar --- --- --- --- Bangarpet --- --- --- --- Srinivasapura --- --- --- --- Malur --- --- --- Soraba Shimoga --- --- --- Bhadravathi --- --- --- --- Sagar --- --- --- --- Shikaripura --- --- --- --- Hosanagara --- --- --- --- Thirthahalli --- --- Kunigal Turuvekere Tumkur --- --- Madhugiri Koratagere Tiptur --- --- Gubbi, Chikkanaya-kanahalli --- --- --- Sira --- --- --- --- Pavagada --- --- --- --- Chamaraja-nagar Gundlupet Yelandur --- Kollegal --- Kadur Chikka - magalore ----- --- 44 12 13 D Kannada Hassan Kodagu 14 5 8 3 Mandya 15 16 7 Mysore 7 Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft --- --- --- Tarikere --- --- --- Shringeri --- --- --- Mudigere --- --- --- Koppa --- --- --- N R Pura --- --- --- --- --- --- Bantwal --- --- --- Puttur --- --- --- Sulya --- --- --- Belthangadi --- --- Arakalgud Hassan --- --- --- Arasikere --- --- --- C R Patna --- --- --- H N Pura --- --- --- Belur --- --- --- Alur --- --- --- Sakleshpura --- --- --- Madikeri --- --- --- Somwarpet --- --- --- Virajpet --- --- Malavalli Mandya --- --- Nagamangala Maddur --- --- K R Pet Srirangapatna --- --- --- Pandavapura --- H D Kote Hunsur Mysore (excl. Mangalore (excl. Corpn.limits) Mangalore Corporation limits) (only Mysore (only Corporation 45 Corpn. limits) Udupi 3 17 Periapatna limits ) --- --- T N Pura --- --- --- Nanjangud K R Nagara --- --- --- --- Udupi --- --- --- --- Kundapura --- --- --- --- Karkala --- Bellary --- --- --- --- Hospet --- --- --- --- Siraguppa --- --- --- --- H B Halli --- --- --- --- Hadagalli --- --- --- --- Sandur --- --- --- --- Kudligi --- --- --- --- Bidar --- --- --- --- Bhalki --- --- --- --- Humnabad --- --- --- --- B Kalyana --- --- --- --- Aurad --- --- --- --- Gulbarga --- --- --- --- Sedam --- --- --- --- Chitapur --- --- --- --- Afzalpur --- --- --- --- Aland --- --- --- --- Chincholi --- --- --- --- North Karnataka Region 18 Bellary 7 Bidar 5 19 Gulbarga 20 7 Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 46 21 22 23 24 Yadgir Koppal Raichur Bagalkote 3 4 5 6 Belgaum 10 25 Bijapur 26 5 Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft Jewargi --- --- --- --- Yadgir --- --- --- --- Shahapur --- --- --- --- Shourapur --- --- --- --- Koppal --- --- --- --- Gangavathi --- --- --- --- Kushtagi --- --- --- --- Yelburga --- --- --- --- Raichur --- --- --- --- Sindanorr --- --- --- --- Manvi --- --- --- --- Lingasugur --- --- --- --- Devadurga --- --- --- --- --- Bilagi Hunagund Bagalkote --- --- --- Badami Mudhol --- --- --- --- Jamkhandi --- --- --- Athani Belgaum --- --- --- Gokak Khanapur --- --- --- Soundatti Hukkeri --- --- --- --- Ramdurga --- --- --- --- Bailhongal --- --- --- --- Chikkodi --- --- --- --- Raibag --- --- --- --- Bijapur --- --- Muddebihal --- --- --- --- B Bagewadi --- --- --- 47 Dharwad 5 27 Gadag 5 28 Haveri 7 29 U Kannada 11 30 TOTAL 176 --- Indi --- --- --- --- Sindgi --- --- --- --- --- Kalghatagi Dharawad --- --- --- --- Hubli --- --- --- --- Kundagol --- --- --- --- Navalgund --- --- --- Mundargi Gadag --- --- --- --- Nargund --- --- --- --- Ron --- --- --- --- Shirahatti --- --- --- Savanur Haveri --- --- --- Shiggaon Ranebennur --- --- --- Hirekerur Byadagi --- --- --- --- Hanagal --- --- --- Supa Karwar --- --- --- Bhatkal Haliyal --- --- --- --- Sirsi --- --- --- --- Mundagod --- --- --- --- Yellapura --- --- --- --- Honnavar --- --- --- --- Ankola --- --- --- --- Siddapura --- --- --- --- Kumta --- 31 18 35 88 4 Note:Notified Industrial Areas means final notification issued by the Govt. for acquisitions of land as on effective date of this policy. Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 48 11. Annexure 2 11.1. Attractive Standard & Special Package of Incentives and Concessions 11.1.1. Investment Promotion Subsidy a) Micro Manufacturing Enterprises Zone – 1(Special Zone): 30% Value of Fixed Assets (VFA) (max. INR17.5 lakh) Zone – 2: 25% Value of Fixed Assets (VFA) (max.INR 15 lakh) Zone – 3: 20% Value of Fixed Assets (VFA) (max.INR12.5 lakh) Zone – 4: 15% Value of Fixed Assets (VFA) (max.INR 10 lakh) Zone – 5: Nil b) Small Manufacturing Enterprises Zone – 1(Special Zone) a) For investment in Fixed Assets upto 150.00 lakh 25% VFA (max. INR 37.50 lakh) b) For investment in Fixed Assets between 151.00-250.00 lakh 25% VFA (max. INR 62.50 lakh c) For investment in Fixed Assets between 251.00 -500.00 lakh 25% VFA (max. INR 85.00 lakh) d) For investment in Fixed Assets above 500.00 lakh 25% VFA (max. INR 100.00 lakh) Zone – 2: a) For investment in Fixed Assets upto 150.00 lakh 20% VFA (max. INR 30.00 lakh) b) For investment in Fixed Assets between 151.00-250.00 lakh 20% VFA (max. INR 50.00 lakh) c) For investment in Fixed Assets between 251.00 -500.00 lakh 25% VFA (max. INR 65.00 lakh) d) For investment in Fixed Assets above 500.00 lakh 25% VFA (max. INR 80.00 lakh) Zone – 3: a) For investment in Fixed Assets upto 150.00 lakh 15% VFA (max. INR 22.50 lakh) b) For investment in Fixed Assets between 151.00-250.00 lakhs 15% VFA (max. INR 37.50 lakhs) c) For investment in Fixed Assets between 251.00 -500.00 lakh 25% VFA (max. INR 50.00 lakh) d) For investment in Fixed Assets above 500.00 lakh 25% VFA (max. INR 65.00 lakh) Zone – 4: a) For investment in Fixed Assets upto 150.00 lakhs 10% VFA (max. INR 15.00 lakhs) b) For investment in Fixed Assets between 151.00-250.00 lakhs 10% VFA (max. INR 25.00 lakhs) c) For investment in Fixed Assets between 251.00 -500.00 lakh 25% VFA (max. INR 40.00 lakh) d) For investment in Fixed Assets above 500.00 lakh 25% VFA (max. INR 50.00 lakh) Zone – 5: Nil Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 49 c) Medium Manufacturing Enterprises (those who employs minimum 25 workers) Zone – 1(Special Zone): INR 1.25 Crore Zone – 2: INR 1.00 Crore Zone – 3: INR 75 lakhs Zone – 4: Nil Zone – 5: Nil d) Additional subsidy to Women, Minority , Physical challenged and Ex-Servicemen Entrepreneurs as under: Additional subsidy of 5% subject to maximum of INR 2.00 lakhs, 5.00 lakhs and INR 7.5 lakhs for Micro, Small and Medium manufacturing enterprises respectively. Note: (i) Subsidy sanctioned amount will be released in 2 to 4 instalments depending upon the funds allotted by the Govt. (ii) This incentive is available to enterprises availing term loan for acquisition of Fixed Assets, where the term loan amount shall not be less than 50% of approved assets by the Financial Institutions. (iii) The Enterprise shall apply for sanction of subsidy within one year of the commercial production (iv) The unit shall avail the sanctioned subsidy within the period of five years. 11.1.2. Investment Promotion Subsidy for SC / ST entrepreneurs. a) Micro Manufacturing Enterprises Zone – 1(Special Zone): 40% Value of Fixed Assets (VFA) (max. INR 25 lakhs) Zone – 2: 30% Value of Fixed Assets (VFA) (max.INR 20 lakhs) Zone – 3: 25% Value of Fixed Assets (VFA) (max. INR17.5 lakhs) Zone – 4: 20% Value of Fixed Assets (VFA) (max.INR 15 lakhs) Zone – 5: 10% Value of Fixed Assets (VFA) (max.INR 10 lakhs) b) Small Manufacturing Enterprises Zone – 1(Special Zone): a) For investment in Fixed Assets upto 150.00 lakh 30% VFA (max. INR 45.00 lakh) b) For investment in Fixed Assets between 151.00-250.00 lakh 30% VFA (max. INR 70.00.00 lakh c) For investment in Fixed Assets between 251.00 -500.00 lakh 30% VFA (max. INR 95.00 lakh) d) For investment in Fixed Assets above 500.00 lakh 30% VFA (max. INR 110.00 lakh) Zone – 2: a) For investment in Fixed Assets upto 150.00 lakh 25% VFA (max. INR 37.50 lakh) b) For investment in Fixed Assets between 151.00-250.00 lakh 25% VFA (max. INR 60.00 lakh) c) For investment in Fixed Assets between 251.00 -500.00 lakh 25% VFA (max. INR 75.00 lakh) d) For investment in Fixed Assets above 500.00 lakh 25% VFA (max. INR 90.00 lakh) Zone – 3: a) For investment in Fixed Assets upto 150.00 lakh 20% VFA (max. INR 30.00 lakh) b) For investment in Fixed Assets between 151.00-250.00 lakhs Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 50 20% VFA (max. INR 45.00 lakhs) c) For investment in Fixed Assets between 251.00 -500.00 lakh 20% VFA (max. INR 60.00 lakh) d) For investment in Fixed Assets above 500.00 lakh 20% VFA (max. INR 75.00 lakh) Zone – 4: a) For investment in Fixed Assets upto 150.00 lakhs 15% VFA (max. INR 22.50 lakhs) b) For investment in Fixed Assets between 151.00-250.00 lakhs 15% VFA (max. INR 35.00 lakhs) c) For investment in Fixed Assets between 251.00 -500.00 lakh 15% VFA (max. INR 50.00 lakh) d) For investment in Fixed Assets above 500.00 lakh 15% VFA (max. INR 60.00 lakh) Zone – 5: 10% Value of Fixed Assets (VFA) (max.INR 15 lakhs) Medium Manufacturing Enterprises (those who employs minimum 25 workers) Zone – 1(Special Zone): INR 1.5 Crore Zone – 2: INR 1.25 Crore Zone – 3: INR 1.00 Crore Zone – 4 :INR 75.00 Lakhs Zone – 5 :INR 50.00 Lakhs Notes: (v) Subsidy sanctioned amount will be released in 2 to 4 instalments depending upon the funds allotted by the Govt. (vi) This incentive is available to enterprises availing term loan only, where the term loan amount shall not be less than 50% of approved fixed assets only. (vii) The Enterprise shall apply for sanction of subsidy within one year of the commercial production (viii) The unit shall avail the sanctioned subsidy within the period of five years. 11.1.3. Exemption from Stamp Duty MSME, Large, Mega, Ultra Mega, Super Mega Enterprises Stamp duty to be paid in respect of (i) loan agreements, credit deeds, mortgage and hypothecation deeds executed for availing loans from State Govt. including VAT loan from Department and / or State Financial Corporation, Industrial Investment Development Corporation, National Level Financial Institutions, Commercial Banks, RRBs, Co-operative Banks, KVIB / KVIC, Karnataka State SC/ST Development Corporation, Karnataka State Minority Development Corporation and other institutions which may be notified by the Government from time to time for the initial period of five years only and (ii) for lease deeds, lease-cum-sale and absolute sale deeds executed by industrial Enterprises in respect of industrial plots, sheds, industrial tenements, by KIADB, KSSIDC, KEONICS, KSIIDC, Industrial Co-operatives and approved private industrial estates (iii) for lease deeds, Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 51 lease cum sale and absolute sale deed executed by developer in respect of lands purchased for development of private industrial estates / park shall be exempted as below: Zone – 1(Special Zone): 100% Zone – 2: 100% Zone – 3: 100% Zone – 4: 75% for general category and 100% for SC/ST entrepreneurs Zone – 5: Nil for general category and 75% for SC/ST entrepreneurs in the notified industrial areas only. 11.1.4. Concessional Registration Charges MSME, Large, Mega, Ultra Mega, Super Mega Enterprises For all loan documents and sale deeds as specified in 2 above, the registration charges shall be at a concessional rate of Re.1 per INR 1000. Note: (i) The exemption of stamp duty and concessional registration charges are also applicable to lands purchased under Section 109 of the KLR Act nd also for direct purchase of industrially converted lands for the projects approved by SHLCC / SLSWCC / DLSWCC. This incentive will also be applicable for the land transferred by KIADB to land owners as compensation for the acquired land. (ii) The exemption of stamp duty and concessional registration charges are also available for registration of final sale deed in respect of lands, sheds, plots, industrial tenements after the expiry of lease period at the rate as specified in the Industrial Policy which was in vogue at the time of execution of leasecum-sale deed. 11.1.5. Refund of Land Conversion Fine MSME, Large, Mega, Ultra Mega, Super Mega Enterprises The payment of land conversion fee for converting the land from agriculture use to industrial use including for development of industrial areas by private investors will be refunded as detailed below: Zone – 1(Special Zone): 100% Zone – 2: 100% Zone – 3: 100% Zone – 4: 75% for general category and 100% for SC/ST entrepreneurs Zone – 5: Nil Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 52 11.1.6. Exemption from Entry Tax MSME, Large, Mega, Ultra Mega, Super Mega Enterprises In Zone – 1(Special Zone), 2, 3 & 4 for all category and Zone 5 for SC / ST only in notified industrial areas and also all 100% EOUs and EOUs with 25% export obligation in the entire area of Zone – 5. 100% exemption from payment of ET on ‘Plant & Machinery and Capital Goods’ for an initial period of 3 years from the date of commencement of project implementation. For this purpose, the term Plant & Machinery and Capital Goods’ also includes Plant & Machinery, equipment etc. including machineries for captive generation of Electricity. On raw materials, inputs, component parts & consumables (excluding petroleum products) [wherever applicable] for a period of 5 years from the date of commencement of commercial production. In respect of Mega, Ultra Mega and Super Mega Enterprises, Additional One, Two and Three years will be allowed respectively for operational period. Besides, Mega, Ultra Mega and Super Mega Enterprises projects implemented in phases, with the approval of the Government, each phase will be treated as new units for exemption of entry tax. 11.1.7. Anchor unit Subsidy Anchor unit subsidy of 2% - Zone -1(Special Zone); 1.5%- Zone-2&3, and 1% in Zone-4 of fixed investment shall be offered for the first two manufacturing Enterprises with minimum investment of INR100 crore and minimum employment of 100 persons in each of the taluks with a cap of Rs.3 Crore in Zone -1(Special Zone), Rs. 2 Crore in Zone – 2 & Zone – 3 and Rs.1 Crore in Zone 4. Anchor Unit subsidy will be applicable only in Taluks where no industrial enterprises of the above size exist at present. 11.1.8. Subsidy for setting up ETPs MSME, Large, Mega, Ultra Mega, Super Mega Enterprises and Private Industrial Area Layouts: One time capital subsidy upto 50% of the cost of Effluent Treatment Plants (ETPs) in respect of Zone – 1(Special Zone), 2, 3 & 4, subject to a ceiling of INR100 lakhs per in respect of MSME, Large and INR2.00, INR3.00 &INR4.00 Crores in respect of Mega, Ultra Mega and Super Mega manufacturing enterprise respectively. 11.1.9. Reimbursement of partial net VAT as Interest Free Loan / Grant MSME, Large, Mega, Ultra Mega & Super Mega Enterprises: All MSME, Large, Mega, Ultra Mega & Super Mega Enterprises established in Zone – 1(Special Zone), 2, 3 & 4 shall be refunded with partial net VAT as either Interest free loan or grant according to choice / option of the industry : Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 53 Investment range on Min. Direct Emp. (Nos.) Quantum of interest free loan Quantum of grant 50% of assessed net VAT for initial 4 25% of the net VAT paid will be yrs. subject to the max. of 100% of refunded as grant for a period of total value of fixed assets. 4 years subject to maximum of fixed assets (INR cr.) MSME ---- 50% of the total fixed assets Repayment of the loan shall be in 3 annual installments value. after moratorium of 4 yrs for each installments of the loan. Large Enterprises: Minimum 50 employment 50% of assessed net VAT for initial 5 20% of the net VAT paid will be (i.e investment on for project up to INR50.00 yrs. subject to the max. of 100% of refunded as grant for a period of fixed assets up to crores and additional 25 total value of fixed assets. 5 years subject to maximum of INR250 Crores) employment for every INR 50 cr. investment. Mega Enterprises : (i.e investment on fixed assets above INR250 Crores up to INR500 Crores) Repayment of the loan shall be in 3 annual installments after 5 yrs. 50% of the total fixed assets value. Minimum 150 employment 50% of assessed gross VAT for initial 20% of the net VAT paid will be for 6 yrs. subject to the max. of 75% of refunded as grant for a period of total value of fixed assets. 5 years subject to maximum of investment INR300 crores up to and additional 25 employment 50% of the total fixed assets for every INR 50 cr. value. Repayment of the loan shall be in 3 investment. annual installments after 6 yrs. Ultra Mega Enterprises : (i.e investment on fixed assets above INR500 Crores up to INR100 Crores) Super Mega Enterprises : (i.e investment on Minimum 250 employment 25% of assessed gross VAT for initial 15% of the net VAT paid will be up to 7 yrs. subject to the max. of 50% of refunded as grant for a period of total value of fixed assets. 6 years subject to maximum of investment of INR600 Crs and additional 25 employment for every INR100 Crs 50% of the total fixed assets additional investment value. Repayment of the loan shall be in 4 annual instalments after 7 yrs. Minimum 400 employment 25% of assessed gross VAT for initial 15% of the net VAT paid will be up to Rs 1100 Crs and 10 yrs. subject to the max. of 50% of refunded as grant for a period of additional 25 employment total value of fixed assets. 8 years subject to maximum of Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 54 Investment range on Min. Direct Emp. (Nos.) Quantum of interest free loan Quantum of grant fixed assets (INR cr.) fixed assets above for every INR 100 Crs INR1000 Crores) additional investment 50% of the total fixed assets Repayment of the loan shall be in value. 4 annual installments after 10 yrs. 11.1.10. Interest Subsidy Micro and Small manufacturing enterprises: Interest subsidy @ 5% & 3% on term loans to Micro and Small respectively. The interest subsidy is payable only on the interest actually paid to financial institutions and not defaulted in payment of principle or interest installments. The amount of interest subsidy will be effective rate of interest (after deducting interest subsidy) receivable by any institutions / under any Govt. of India scheme or 5% per annum whichever is less). The period of interest subsidy is 6 years, 5 years and 4 and 3 years in Zone -1(Special Zone), Zone 2, Zone 3 & Zone 4, respectively. 11.1.11. Exemption from Tax on Electricity Tariff Micro, Small & Medium Mfg. Enterprises 100% exemption of tax on electricity tariff for the initial period of Six years, five years, four years and three years in Zone -1(Special Zone), Zone-2, Zone-3 and Zone – 4, respectively. 11.1.12. Power Tariff concessions Micro enterprises in Zone -1(Special Zone) and 2 with power connection up to 10 HP will be extended with refund facility of power tariff to an extent of INR1.00 per unit, for a period of 3 years. 11.1.13. Technology Upgradation, Quality Certification and Patent Registration Micro, Small & Medium Mfg. Enterprises (i) Interest Subsidy on TU Loan: Zone -1(Special Zone), 2 &3 : 5 % on loans availed from KSFC, KSIIDC & are not covered under (ii) Scheduled commercial banks, which CLCSS of GOI. ISO series certification: Zone -1(Special Zone), 2, 3 & 4: 75% of cost (max.INR75,000). (iii) BIS Certification: 50% of fees payable to BIS (max. INR20,000) and 25% of cost (max.INR50,000) for purchase of testing equipment’s as approved by BIS. Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 55 (iv) Patentregistration: 75% of cost of fees payable to Patent Office (max. INR1.25 lakhs) and 50% of cost (max.INR75,000) towards attorney fees, patent (v) search etc. Technology Adoption: 25% of cost (max.INR50,000) for adopting technology from (vi) 11.1.14. recognized national laboratories. Technology Business Incubation Centre: 25% of the project cost (Max:INR50 lakhs). Water harvesting / Conservation Measures Small & Medium Mfg. enterprises in all Zones. 11.1.15. (i) Rain water harvesting : 50% of cost (max. INR 1 lakh) (ii) Waste water recycling : 50% of cost (max. INR 5 lakh) (iii) Zero discharge process: 50% of cost (max. INR 5 lakh). Energy Conservation Micro, Small & Medium mfg. enterprises in all zones. Practicing Energy Conservation measures resulting in reduction of Energy Consumption of atleast 10% of earlier consumption: 10% of capital cost (max INR5 lakh). Use of non-conventional energy sources: 10% of capital cost (max. INR5 lakh). Subsidy of Rs.0.50 per unit of Captive Power Generated and consumed through Solar & Wind Energy sources only. 11.1.16. Support to Sugar Sector New Sugar units / Existing Sugar factories taking up expansion set up with cogeneration plants will be provided interest free loan to the extent of purchase tax to be paid on the sugarcane during first 5 years of the operations. In respect of expansion the interest free loan will be provided to extent of the purchase tax paid on the sugarcane crushed over and above the pre-expansion crushing capacity. 11.1.17. Additional Package of Incentives & Concessions to focused manufacturing sectors A. Aerospace sector : As per Aerospace Policy B. Automotive / Steel / Cement / Agro based / Tool room sector to Mega, Ultra Mega and Super Mega projects. (i) Electricity duty exemption is available to Large, Mega, Ultra Mega and Super Mega projects for a period of (06) six years, (07) seven years, (08) Eight years & (09) Nine years, respectively. Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 56 (ii) CST paid will be refunded to an extent of 60% for a period of 7, 8, 9 and 10 years in respect of Large, Mega, Ultra Mega and Super Mega Industries respectively. (iii) Entry tax exemption during operational period (excluding petroleum products) will be extended with additional one year over and above the standard package of incentives and concessions. (iv) In respect of Mega Industries Interest free loan to the extent of 40% of the Gross Vat generated by the unit for 08 (eight) years to be repaid in (08) eight equal annual instalments starting from 09th year. (This is in lieu of provisions in 2009-14 policy.) 11.1.18 Special Package of Incentives & Concessions Special package of Incentives over and above the standard package will be offered for Mega, Ultra Mega and Super Mega projects based on the recommendations of SHLCC depending upon merits and advantages of such projects for the State. 11.1.19. Package of Incentives and Concessions for Private Industrial Areas / Estates To encourage private sector participation in development of industrial estates/ parks following incentives and concessions shall be offered: (i) Equity participation The State Government will share upto 20% of infrastructure cost to a maximum of INR10 crore per project as its equity in capital investment. (ii) Deferred Payment Bulk land acquired by Government / KIADB will be leased out to the proponent on the basis deferred payment, to ease the initial burden of the proponent (iii) Incentives for adopting best practices Costs incurred for energy efficient initiative and other best practices adopted in the industrial estates / parks shall be reimbursed as follows: Energy efficient initiative : 25% of the cost subject to a ceiling of INR5 crore per project. Solar power projects : 25 % of the cost subject to a ceiling of INR5 crore per project. Waste to energy concept : 25 % of the cost subject to a ceiling of INR10 crore per project. Recycling of Water &re-use of treated : 25 % of the cost subject to a ceiling of INR10 crore per project. : 25 % of the cost subject to a ceiling of INR10 crore per project in water Desalination plants coastal areas Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 57 12. Annexure 3 12.1. List of Service Enterprises eligible for package of Incentives and Concession 1. Logistics facilities supporting to industries only 1.1. Container Freight Station Operators, 1.2. Warehouses, 1.3. Cold Storages and cold chain for logistic support to Food Processing Industry 1.4. Material handling equipment (except transport vehicles and good carriers) ) 2. Material Testing Centre 3. R & D Centres 4. Technical testing and analysis servicing 5. Maintenance and repair of equipment 6. Packaging services 7. Refuse disposal services 8. Tailoring 9. Flour mills 10. Printing 11. General engineering, fabrication, motor winding, automobile servicing and repairs, electro plating, industrial paintings, etc., engaged in job work 12. Weigh bridges and health care facility set up within the KIADB / KSSIDC industrial areas 13. State Level Co-ordination Committee is empowered to add / delete service activities listed in this Annexure. Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 58 13. Annexure 4 13.1. List of Industrial Activities / Enterprises not eligible for Incentives and Concessions 1 2 Breweries & Distilleries of all types excluding winery Enterprises utilizing molasses / rectified spirit / denatured spirit as main raw material for manufacture of potable alcohol 3 Khandasari and Jaggary making enterprises 4 Photo Studios & Color Processing Enterprises 5 Photo Copying & Xerox Machines 6 Fertilizer Mixing 7 Re-packing of Drugs / Medicines / Chemicals, without any processing or value addition 8 All types of Saw Mills 9 Beedies / Cigarettes / Cigars / Gutka & Tobacco based products 10 Azoic / Reactive Dyes 11 Fire Crackers 12 Industries manufacturing and or utilizing Ozone depleting substances 13 Power Laundries 14 Brick making Enterprises Excluding Cement Hallow Blocks, wire cut & fly ash bricks and Refractory bricks 15 Poultry excluding hatcheries 16 Popcorn, Ice Cream, Kulfi& Ice candy making Enterprises 17 Coffee Roasting and Grinding 18 Clock and Watch Repair shops 19 Cassette recording [Audio & video] 20 Cyanide 21 Mining 22 Lime kiln / burnt lime Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 59 23 Hotels and motels 24 X-ray clinics and clinical / pathological laboratories and scanning, M.R.I. tests 25 26 All industries of mobile nature like rigs, concrete mixing plants, hot mix plants including site oriented industries. Manufacture of Chrysolite Asbestos (White crystal) Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 60 14. Annexure 5 Definitions and Terms &Conditions 14.1. 1. Definitions a) As per the MSMED Act, 2006,ManufacturingEnterprises have been defined based on of investment in plant and machinery and classified into: b) - Micro Enterprises - Investment uptoINR25 lakhs - Small Enterprises - Investment above INR25 lakh and uptoINR500 lakhs. - Medium Enterprises - Investment above INR500 lakhs and uptoINR1,000 lakhs. As per the MSMED Act, 2006, Service Enterprises have been defined based on investment equipment and classified into: c) - Micro Enterprises - Investment uptoINR10 lakh - Small Enterprises - Investment above INR10 lakh and uptoINR200 lakhs. - Medium Enterprises - Investment above INR200 lakhs and uptoINR500 lakhs. Large Scale Industry: An Industrial Unit which is not classified as Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise and with investments uptoINR 250 cr. shall be classified as large scale industry. d) Mega Project: Projects with an investment on fixed assets above INR250 crores and up to INR500 crores e) Ultra Mega Project: Projects with an investment on fixed assets above INR500 crores and up to INR1000 crores. f) Super Mega Project: Projects with an investment on fixed assets above INR1000 crores g) 100% Export Oriented Enterprises [Export Oriented Enterprises] A 100% Export Oriented Enterprises is one which undertakes to export its entire production of goods subject to relaxation as permitted by Govt. of India from time to time. Such Enterprises may be set up either under the Export Oriented Enterprises or under EPIP [Export Promotion Industrial Park] Scheme or under the EHTP [Electronic Hardware Technology Park] Scheme or Software Technology Park Scheme or Special Economic Zone. Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 61 h) Fixed Asset: Fixed assets shall mean the total investment made on land, building and plant and machinery and such other productive assets like tools, jigs, and fixtures, dies, utilities like boilers, compressors, diesel generating sets, cranes, material handling equipments and such other equipments directly related to production purposes. 2. Sanction of Incentives & Concessions as per this Government Order is Subject to the following terms and Conditions: a) All new industrial investments shall create maximum possible additional employment opportunities and provide a minimum 80% of employment to the local people on an overall basis [100% employment to local people in case of Group C & D categories will be insisted] and this will be monitored during disbursement of incentives and concessions. The above requirements regarding employment to local people will be monitored by the DIC for a period of 5 years. Failure of the industries to provide employment to local people as stipulated above will be reported to the concerned DLSWCC/ SLSWCC/ SHLCC, which will recommend for recovery of incentives and concessions sanctioned to the unit, for which purpose a suitable under-taking will have to be furnished by the unit concerned before sanctioning incentives and concessions. b) These incentives and concessions shall not be available for the Enterprises listed in Annexure 4 irrespective of the location. c) The incentives and concessions as per this Government Order shall be applicable only to all new and additional investments made on or after 01.04.2014. d) The incentives and concessions under this policy will be available to all new investments both for establishment of new Enterprises or for expansion, diversification and modernization of existing industries. To be eligible for considering as expansion / diversification / modernization, enterprises shall make an additional investment of at least 50% of the original investment of the existing unit (Original investment mean, the investment prior to first sale Invoice raised for the initial investment). However, while calculating the investment promotion subsidy for expansion / diversification / modernization enterprises, the subsidy sanctioned for the original investment need not be taken for calculating the eligible subsidy. e) The quantum of investment subsidy shall be computed on the value of fixed assets as approved by the financial institutions or commercial banks. f) The definition of Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises and Large Scale Industry as indicated above shall automatically stand revised as and when Government of India makes any changes in such definition and benefits under this package shall be available to the Micro, Small, MediumEnterprises and Large Scale Industry as per the new definition from the respective dates. Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 62 g) The validity of incentives and concessions as per this order shall be for a period of five years from st st 1 April 2014 [i.e., upto31 March 2019]. h) Wherever industrial Enterprises avail subsidy / interest subsidy under any of other policies of the of Govt. of Karnataka / Govt. of India, they will continue to avail the benefit in that policy only and they are not eligible benefit under this policy. i) Incentives and concessions under this policy shall be available only for manufacturing Enterprises. However, specified categories of industry related service enterprises as listed in Annexure – 3 shall also be eligible for incentives and concessions as per this order. j) st The incentives and concessions under this policy will come into force from 1 April 2014. With the announcement of this policy, all other Industrial Policies announced earlier stands withdrawn. However, industrial Enterprises which have already been sanctioned incentives and concessions under the earlier package/ Government Order shall continue to enjoy those benefits as per the sanction order already issued. k) Industrial Enterprises which are in the process of being established at the time of announcement of this Industrial Policy 2014-19, shall have an option of availing incentives and concessions under the 200914 policy provided; loan is sanctioned by the financial institution prior to 01.04.2014 and subject to fulfillment of all the following conditions. 1) Sanction of Term Loan should be before 01.04.2014 and first release of term loan shall be 30.6.2014. 2) 50% of the investment on fixed assets should have completed before 30.9.2014. 3) Such Enterprises shall commence commercial production on or before 31.12.2014 The above option should be exercised prior to 31.12.2014 and should be registered with Commissioner for Industrial Development and Director of Industries and Commerce, Bangalore or in Office of the concerned District Industries Centres with necessary documentary evidence. Options once exercised cannot be withdrawn and shall be binding. Enterprises which do not exercise such option prior to 31.12.2014shall automatically be governed by the provisions of this order. However the total investment shall be taken into consideration irrespective of period of investment i.e., before or after 0 1-04-2014 under one eligible policy only. However theStamp Duty Exemption and Entry Tax Exemptions granted during 2009-14 policy at the time of implementation of the project will continue and for other incentives, the industrial policy as applicable in terms of above procedures, holds good. All eligible Enterprises under 2014-19 policy shall submit application for sanction of incentives before the concerned District Industries Centres within a period from one year from the date of commencement of commercial production. Enterprises who fail to comply this deadline will not be eligible for investment subsidy. Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 63 l) Incentives and concessions for investments in the IT / BT / Tourism / Wine Sector / Neera processing sector / Infrastructure Development sector / Textiles / Renewable Energy / Aero Space / Pharma etc. will however continue to be governed by the respective policies of the Government. m) Unit shall avail incentives and concessions under one Industrial Policy only unless otherwise specified. However industries which were in the process of implementation at the time of announcement of this policy and availed benefits like Stamp duty exemption on land allotment and Entry tax exemption for implementation period in the earlier policy, are eligible to avail the other benefits under the current policy subject to fulfilling the condition as explained at (J) above. n) The Stamp duty exemptions, Entry tax exemptions and Exemption on tax on electricity tariff as per this policy are applicable to eligible enterprises only after the issual of notifications from the Revenue, Finance and Energy Departments, respectively. o) Separate guidelines for administration of these incentives and concessions will be issued for the guidance of the concerned agencies and officers with the approval of the State Level Coordination Committee under the Chairmanship of the Principal Secretary to Government, C&I Department. Interpretation of Government Orders (including of previous policies) and the decision thereon of this State Level Coordination Committee shall be final. Terms & Conditions for Private Industrial Areas / Estates 1. Private Industrial areas / estates shall be developed : a. By Private individuals, Companies, Co-operative Societies and Associations b. 2. By Public Private Partnership Proposals for development of private industrial areas / estates will be treated as industrial infrastructure and approval in accordance with Karnataka Industries Facilitation Act will be accorded by SLSWCC or SHLCC depending on size of investment. 3. The Policy is not applicable in Zone – 5. 4. The minimum area / extent of land shall be 200 acres. 5. The development of industrial area / estate shall be in consistence with the zoning regulations of local LPA or as per KTCP Act and others in practice. a. The master plan / layout plan of private industrial area / estates shall be approved by a committee constituted under the Chairmanship of Deputy Commissioner comprising of JD, DIC, Environmental Officer, KSPCB, Assistant Director, Factories and Boilers, Rep. of KIADB and KSSIDC, with District Town Planning Officer as Member Secretary. b. The building plans in individual plots shall be approved by concerned local authorities. Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 64 6. Size of the plots in a private industrial area shall be invariably 1/4 acre, 1/2 acre, 1 acre, 1.5 acres & 2 acres and above. 7. Preference of up to 20% shall be given to MSME sector in the allotment of land / sheds in private industrial area / estate with first right of refusal. 8. The developers shall adopt a scientific method for fixation of price to make available the infrastructure at reasonable rates. 9. The developers of private industrial areas shall comply with siting guidelines of MOEF. 10. Private Industrial Areas / Estates developed on PPP basis shall reserve 22.5% of plots / sheds for SC / ST entrepreneurs with first right of refusal. 11. The proponent of private industrial layouts need to: a. Prepare HRD plan to train the land losers / local persons and organise training programmes for such people and also provide employment to those persons. b. Provide atleast 80% of job to local people on overall basis. c. Prepare a vendor development plan and facilitate setting up service / manufacturing vendor enterprises. d. Prepare a plan for adequate social infrastructure and public amenities for the project affected persons. 12. Proponent is liable to pay back all the fiscal benefits availed under this Policy to the Government in case the project is not implemented as per Schedule. 13. The Government land allotted for private industrial areas / estates will be resumed upon non implementation. Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 65 15. Annexure 6 Important contacts 15.1. Contact Address Contact Address Commissioner for Textile Development Principal Secretary Commerce and Room No.1 to Industries 06, 1" floor, Government and Department, Director of Handlooms & Textiles VikasaSoudha, No. 14/3A, 3'" floor, RashtrothanaParishat Dr. AmbedkarVeedhi, Bangalore 560001. Building, Phone: 22252443 N.P. Road, Bangalore. Fax: 22259870 Ph: 080 22271628 Fax: 080 22226082 E-mail: prs-ci@karnataka.gov.in E-mail: texcomgok@yahoo.co.in Website: . website: www.karnatakaindustry.gov.in www.textiles.kar.nic.in Principal Secretary to Government Commissioner Department of IT & BT and Science and Technology, Government of Karnataka, VI floor, 5th Stage, M. S. Building, Dr. B.R. AmbedkarVeedhi, Bangalore 560001. Ph: 080-2228 Fax: 080 Bangalore Development Authority T. Chowdaiah Road, Kumarapark west, Bangalore 560020. Ph: 080 2336 0843 Fax: 080 2334 5799 0562, 22288340, E-mail: 22032434 22262450 E-mail: com@bdabangalore.org website: www.bdabangalore.org itsec@bangaloreitbtin Website:www.bangaloreitbitin Secretary, Water VikasaSoudha, Dr. Resources B.R. Department, Ambedkar Road, 080 2225 Bangalore Metropolitan Region Development Bangalore 560 001. Ph: Commissioner 5524, 2225 5306 Authority (BMRDA) Fax: 080 2254 2753 #1, Ali Askar Road, Bangalore 560 052. E-mail: E-mail: mc_bmrda@kar.nic.in secyirr@secretriat2.kar.nic.in http://waterresources.kar.nic.in The Secretary to Website: www.bmrda.kar.nic.in Government Managing Director (Environment to Ecology) Karnataka State Industrial Investment Department of Forest Environment & Ecology & Room NO.708, Gate 2, Multi Storie Building, Development Corporation Limited, Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 66 Contact Address Contact Address Dr. AmbedkarVeedhi, Bangalore 560 001. 4th Ph: 080 22254377,22092445 Fax: 080 floor, East Entrance, KhanijaBhavan, Bangalore 22254377 560001. E-mail: secyenv-fee@karnataka.gov.in Ph: 080 22255911 Fax: 080 22255740 Website: www.parisara.kar.nic.in E-mail: ksiidc@bgl.vsn.net.in Website: www.ksiidc.com Commissioner for Industrial Development and Director of Industries and Commerce 2"" floor, Khanijabhavan, Race Course Road, Bangalore 560001. Ph: 080 2223 8679 Fax: 080 22389909 E-mail: The Chief Executive Officer and Executive Member Karnataka Industrial Areas Development Board, II floor, RashtrothanaParishatBhavan, 14/3A Nrupathunga Road, Bangalore 560001. Ph: 080 2221 1066 Fax: 080 2221 7702 commissioner@karnatakaindustry.gov.in E-mail: kiadb@bgl.vsnl.net.in Website: www.karnatakaindustry.gov.in Website: www.kiadb.in Managing Director Director, Department of Mines and Geology, Karnataka No. 49, KhanijaBhavan, Race Course Road, Development Bangalore 560 001. Corporation Limited Ph: 080 22269632,22269633 Fax: 080 State Small Industries Industrial Estate, Rajajinagar, 22269632 Bangalore 560010. E-mail: director@blr.vsnl.com Ph: 080 23303037,2221 7702 (Board) Website. www.mines.kar.nic.in E-mail: kssidcho@vsnl.com Website: www.kssidc.kar.nic.in Chairman Karnataka State Pollution Control Commissioner for Labour "KarmikaBhavan", Board Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore 560029. Ph: 080 26531252 No.49, ParisaraBhavan,Church Street, Bangalore 560 001. Fax: 080 26531254 Ph: 080 25588151,25589111,112,113 E-mail: ico@kar.nic.in Fax: 080 2558 6321 Website: http://labour.kar.nic.in E-mail: kspcb@kar.nic.in website: www.kspcb.kar.nic.in Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 67 Contact Address Contact Address The Managing Director Visvesvaraya Trade Promotion Centre Managing Director III Floor, VTPC Building, Kasturba Road, Hubli Electricity Supply Company Bangalore 560 001. Phone: 22864281/22860853 Fax: 91-80- Navanagar, P.B. Road, Hubli 580 029. Ph: 0836-2324811 Fax: 0836-2324813 22864281 E-mail: ceehubli@rediffmail.com Grams: VITRO website: www.hescom.co.in E-mail: vtpckarnataka@gmail.com Website: www.vitcblr.org Managing Director Managing Director Karnataka UdyogMitra Gulbarga Electricity Supply Company Limited 3'" floor, South Block, KhanijaBhavan, Race Course GESCOM) Corporate Office, Railway Station Main road, Road, Bangalore 560 001. Gulbarga 585 102 Ph: 080 2228 2392 / 5659 / 6632 Ph: 08472-256581 Fax: 08472-456842 Fax: 080 22266063 E-mail: mdgesco@gmail.com E-mail: md@kumbangalore.com website: www.gesco.in Website: www.kumbangalore.com Managing Director Managing Director Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Ltd. Cauvery Bhavan, K.G. Road, Bangalore 560 009. Supply Company Limited(MESCOM) Corporate Office, Paradiym Plaza, 5"floor, Ph: Fax: 080 2211 0134 0824-2444300 Fax: 0824- 2444360 E-mail: md@kptcl.com E-mail: md@mesco.in website: www.kptcl.com website: www.mesco.in Managing Director Electricity Electricity AB Shetty Circle, Mangalore 57500. Ph: 080 2221 4342, 2224 3926 Bangalore Mangalore Managing Director Supply Company (BESCOM) Corporate Office, K.R. Circle, Bangalore 560 001. Ph: 080 22354929 Fax: 080 22354925 E-mail: mdbescom@bescom.org Chamundeshwari Electricity Supply Corporation (CESCOM) No. 927, LJ Avenue, Saraswathipuram, Mysore 570 009. Ph: 0821-2417101 Fax: 0821-2417107 E-mail: mdcescmys@rediffmail.com website: www.bescom.org Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 68 Contact details of Joint Directors of District Industries Centres, Department of Industries and Commerce, Government of Karnataka District Contact Details The Joint Director, District Industries Centre, Room No.135, Administrative Building, Bagalakote Navanagar, Bagalakote 587 101. Off Ph : 08354- 235294/235245, Fax: 235294 E-mail: jd-bagalkote@karnatakaindustry.gov.in The Joint Director, District Industries Centre, Rajajinagar Industrial Estate, West of Chord Road, Bangalore (R) Bangalore 560 044. Off Ph: 080 - 23145216/23142151/23142152, Fax :23145216 E-mail: jd-bang-r@karnatakaindustry.gov.in The Joint Director, District Industries Centre, 1st floor, Rajajinagar Industrial Estate, West of Chord Road, Bangalore (U) Bangalore 560 044. Off Ph : 080 - 23501481, Fax: 080 – 23501478 E-mail: jd-bang-u@karnatakaindustry.gov.in The Joint Director, District Industries Centre Belgaum Udyambagh Belgaum - 590 008. Off Ph : 2440430/2440852 Fax: 2441209 E-mail: jd-belgaum@karnatakaindustry.gov.in The Joint Director, District Industries Centre Hospet Road, Bellary-583 103. Bellary Off Ph : 08392 242370/242643/242369, Fax: 242370 E-mail: jd-bellary@karnatakaindustry.gov.in The Joint Director, District Industries Centre Beside BUDA office, Naubad, Bidar - 585 401 Bidar 08482/232769/233129 (temporary) jd-bidar@karnatakaindustry.gov.in The Joint Director, District Industries Centre Industrial Estate, Station Back Road, Bijapur ShikharaKhana, Bijapur - 586 101. Off Ph: 08352-250976/257125 Fax: 250607 E-mail: jd-bijapur@karnatakaindustry.gov.in Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 69 District Contact Details The Joint Director, District Industries Centre Room No.323, 3rd Floor, District Office Complex, Chamarajanagar B.Rachaiah Double Road, Chamarajanagar 571 313 Off Ph: 08226-224916/224915, Fax: 224916 E-mail: jd-cmagalur@karnatakaindustry.gov.in The Joint Director, District Industries Centre Chickmagalur Near ZillaPanchayat, Kadur Road, Chickmagalur 577 102 Off Ph : 08262-220921/220726 Fax: 220476 E-mail: jd-cnagar@karnatakaindustry.gov.in The Joint Director, District Industries Centre, Chickballapur B BRoad, ATI Building, Chickballapur 562101 Off Ph : 08156-273303/270571, Fax :273302 E-mail: jd-cbalapur@karnatakaindustry.gov.in The Joint Director, District Industries Centre Jogimatt Road, Chitradurga - 577 501. Chitradurga Ph Off: 08194-235994/235817/235783, Fax :235994 E-mail: jd-cdurga@karnatakaindustry.gov.in The Joint Director, District Industries Centre Mangalore Yayyadi, Mangalore 575 008. Off Ph: 0824-2212494/2214021, Fax: 2212494 E-mail: jd-mangalore@karnatakaindustry.gov.in The Joint Director, District Industries Centre Davangere Opp. Church, 10th Main, P.J.Extension, Davangere - 5770 002. Off Ph : 08192-232052/232053/232051 Fax: 232053 E-mail: jd-dvangere@karnatakaindustry.gov.in The Joint Director, District Industries Centre Dharwad Rayapura, Dharwad - 580 009. Off Ph : 0836-2322986/2322627 Fax: 2322627 e-mail: jd-dharwad@karnatakaindustry.gov.in The Joint Director, District Industries Centre District Administrative Building, 2nd Floor, Gadag Room No. 221, Hubli Road, Gadag - 582103 Off Ph: 08372-230771/23139 Fax: 230429 E-mail: jd-gadag@karnatakaindustry.gov.in Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 70 District Contact Details The Joint Director, District Industries Centre Gulbarga M.S.K.Mili Road, Jewarigi Road Cross Gulbarga - 585 102. Off Ph : 08472-223988 Fax: 232404 E-mail: jd-gulbarga@karnatakaindustry.gov.in The Joint Director, District Industries Centre Hassan Industrial Estate, B.M. Road, Hassan - 573 201. Off Ph:08172-240606/240289, Fax:240289 E-mail: jd-hassan@karnatakaindustry.gov.in The Joint Director, District Industries Centre Haveri Room No.24, B Block, District Administrative Building, Devagiri, Haveri - 581 110. Off Ph : 08375-249028/249029 Fax: 249028 E-mail: jd-haveri@karnatakaindustry.gov.in The Joint Director, District Industries Centre Madikeri Kohinur Road, Industrial Estate, Madikeri - 571 121. Off Ph: 08272-228746/228748/228431 Fax: 228746 E-mail: jd-kodagu@karnatakaindustry.gov.in The Joint Director, District Industries Centre Kolar DC Office Compound, Kolar- 563101. Off Ph: 08152-222402/222403 Fax: 224920 E-mail: jd-kolar@karnatakaindustry.gov.in The Joint Director, District Industries Centre Koppal Opposite Mayur Hotel, Hospet Road, Koppal 583231. Off Ph: 08539-231101 Fax: 231548 E-mail: jd-koppal@karnatakaindustry.gov.in The Joint Director, District Industries Centre Mandya Near KSFC, Subhasnagar, Mandya - 571 401. Off Ph: 08232-224098/221358 Fax: 226964 E-mail: jd-mandya@karnatakaindustry.gov.in The Joint Director, District Industries Centre Mysore CTI Building Sayyaji Rao Road, Mysore - 570 001. Off Ph: 0821-2446885/2449810 Fax: 2446885 E-mail: jd-mysore@karnatakaindustry.gov.in The Joint Director, District Industries Centre Raichur Hyderabad Road, Raichur - 584 101. Off Ph: 08532-235646 Fax: 235811 Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 71 District Contact Details E-mail: jd-raichur@karnatakaindustry.gov.in The Joint Director, District Industries Centre Ramnagar Industrial Estate, Ramnagar - 571 511. Ph: 080-7273008, Fax :7273007 E-mail: jd-ramanagara@karnatakaindustry.gov.in The Joint Director, District Industries Centre Shimoga Nehru Road Shimoga - 577 201. Off Ph: 08182-278302/222802 Fax: 277522 E-mail: jd-shimoga@karnatakaindustry.gov.in The Joint Director, District Industries Centre Tumkur Industrial Estate, B.H.Road, Tumkur – 572102 Off Ph :0816-2280741/2281485 Fax: 2281562 E-mail: jd-tumkur@karnatakaindustry.gov.in The Joint Director, District Industries Centre Udupi VST Road, Jayalakshmi Building, Kalsanka, Udupi 576 101. Off Ph: 0820-2534338/2522605/2531915 Fax:2534338, E-mail: jd-udupi@kamatakaindustry.gov.in The Joint Director, District Industries Centre Karwar ShirawadaKarwar - 581 306. Off Ph : 08382-282302/282367 Fax :282302 E-mail:jd-karwar@karnatakaindustry.gov.in The Joint Director, District Industries Centre Yadagir Yadagir District, YadagirOff Ph: 08472-223988 E-mail:jd-yadagiri@karnatakaindustry.gov.in Industrial Policy 2014-19 –Final Draft 72