Print Form Clear Form Check For Updates 11 Times-Roman Agreement Under Section 27(4) of the Real Estate Services Act (Offer to Lease General) Dated: _____________________________ Re: ___________________________________________________________ (“Property”) Between: ___________________________________________________________ (“Landlord”) and: ___________________________________________________________ (“Tenant”) and: New Star Realty Ltd ___________________________________________________________ (“Brokerage”) With respect to the Offer to Lease dated _______________________ (“Contract”) in respect of the Dong Joo Park Property, the Landlord and Tenant agree that ___________________________ (“Licensee”) is not required to deliver monies received from the Tenant or Landlord pursuant to the Contract to the Brokerage pursuant to Section 27(1) of the Real Estate Services Act nor is the Brokerage required to deposit those monies in its brokerage trust account pursuant to Section 27(2) of the Real Estate Services Act. Signed: _________________________________ Landlord _________________________________ Tenant _________________________________ Licensee on behalf of the Brokerage BC2022 SEPT/08 copyright BCREA WEBForms TM Nov/2008