American Mineralogist, Volume 67, pages 14J7, 1982 Mineralogy of mafic and Fe.Ti oxide-rich differentiatesof the Marcy anorthositemassif, Adirondacks, New york LBwrs D. Asuwnl Lunar and Plnnetary Institute 3303 NASA Road l, Houston, Texas 77058 Abstract Rocks enriched in mafic silicates, Fe-Ti oxides and apatite form a minor but ubiquitous facies of nearly all Proterozoic massif-typeanorthosite complexes.In the Marcy massif of the Adirondack highlands,New York, the mafic rocks have two modesof occurrence: l) as conformable segregationsinterpreted as cumulate layers in the border zones, and 2) as dikes throughout the massif, interpreted as having crystallized from residual liquids extracted at varying stagesduring differentiation. Primary mineral compositions in these rocks are commonly preserved,despitethe effectsof subsolidusrecrystallizationin the high pressure granulite facies. In the mafic rock suite, primary compositions of mafic silicates reveal an iron enrichment trend which is broadly similar to that of basic layered intrusions, but suggestive of somewhat higher crystallization temperatures. Textural relationships suggest the following crystallization sequence: plagioclase, pigeonite + augite, hemo-ilmenite * magnetite,apatite. Fe-rich olivine replacedpigeonitein the lateststage residual liquids. The mineralogy and field relationships of these mafic rocks are consistent with their origin as diferentiates from the same melts which produced the anorthosites. This conclusion agrees with recent geochemical data that suggest an independentorigi-nfor the spatially associatedmangerite-charnockitesuite. Introduction For the past several decades,the controversy over the origin of massif-type anorthosites has centered around the question of the consanguinity of anorthositic rocks and spatially associatedsuites of orthopyroxene-bearinggranitic rocks (charnockite-mangerite series). Recent trace element geochemical studies focusing on, but not limited to, rare earth elements (REE) (Philpotts et al., 1966; Greenet al., 1969,1972; Seifertet a|.,1977;Seifert, 1978; Simmons and Hanson, 1978; Ashwal and Seifert, 1980)demonstratethat the acidic rocks do not represent differentiates from the melts which producedthe anorthosites.This was recognizedas early as 1939by A. F. Buddingtonon the basis of field relationships (summarized by Buddington, 1969). In addition to huge volumes of pure anorthosite, the typical massif anorthosite suite contains minor facieswith larger proportions of mafic silicates,FeTi oxides and apatite. Extreme concentrations of these minerals give rise to minor ultramafic rocks, as well as the ilmenite-magnetite ore deposits 0003-004)v82t0r02-0014$02.00 whose associationwith anorthositemassifsis well known (Rose, 1969).Itis thesemafic rocks, and not the mangerite-charnockites,which complementthe anorthosites,as demonstratedby REE geochemical relationships(Ashwal and Seifert, 1980).The purpose of this paper is to describe the field relationships and mineralogical characteristics of mafic rocks associatedwith the Marcy anorthosite massif in the Adirondack highlands of northern New York State, and to emphasize the importance of these rocks in understandingthe fractionation histories of this and other massif-typeanorthositecomplexes. Field relations of mafic faciesof anorthosite In the Marcy massif,the most felsic anorthosites are found in the central regions, and more mafic varieties occur near the margins. Becauseof the domical form of the massif, the mafic border facies overlies the anorthositic core zone (Buddington, 1939,1960,1969).In someplacesthere is a systematic increase in mafic silicates and oxide minerals from coarse, core zone anorthosite (Marcy facies) structurally upwards to finer-grained, border zone 14 t5 ASHWAL : OXIDE.RICH DIFFERENTIATES, MARCY ANORTHO SITE /u"30'N /u"15'N 4"OO'N 71"30'W @ : 7/t4 - ltons"rir"-rhornockire series Porogneiss,morble, quortzite ond othet melosedimsntqry ro<ks (in(ludesminor gobbrc & ohphibolite) O 5 l0 15 Miles O 5 lO 15 leucogobbro ond Ptedominontly 1'51 J. :.'i. .t leuGonorite (<ontocts doshed wngte tnlelleol I ,/ onoithosits Mofi< or ultromoli< <umulote loyer ,/ moti, an )( fe-fi oxide deposir 2O Kilometers " Fig. I Geologic map of the Marcy anorthosite massif, Adirondacks, New York, showing samplelocations. Base map taken from lsachsenand Fisher (1970). gabbroicanorthositer(Whitefacefacies) (Buddington, 1939; Davis, 1971).Elsewhere,the border zonescontain local mafic to ultramafic layers (color index > 40%) which are conformable to foliation in host gabbroicanorthosites.Mafic rocks also occur as dikes throughoutthe massif,as discussedbelow. The distributionand structuralrelationships,where 'Rocks are classifiedon the basis of color index (volume 7o mafic minerals), and the mineralogicalmodifiers gabbroic, noritic, or troctolitic are useddependingon whether the predominant mafic phase is high-Ca pyroxene, low-Ca pyroxene, or olivine, respectively(Buddington, 1939;Streckeisen,1976).The modifier oxide-rich is added when modal ilmenite f maenetite exceeds lOVo. known, of these mafic layers and dikes are shown on a geologicmap of the Marcy massifin Figure 1.2 In the border zones,local ultramaficlayers commonly have sharp lower contacts and are gradational upwards into more feldspathicrocks. These are most easily interpretedas resultingfrom processes involving gravitational settling and accumulation of mafic silicatesand Fe-Ti oxide minerals. The layers range in thickness from 1 cm to 1 m and are often 2Details of sample locations may be obtained by ordering Document AM-82-182 from the Business Office, Mineralogical Societyof America, 2000Florida Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20009.Pleaseremit $1.00in advancefor the microfiche. l6 ASHWAL : OXIDE.RICH DIFFERENTIATES, MARCY ANORTH)SITE rhythmically repeated several times on the scale of individual outcrops. The attitudes of the layers are in most placesconsistentwith the domical shapeof the massifs(Fig. 1), althoughtheir lateral extent is difficult to estimatedue to the paucity of exposures. There are also mafic rocks which occur as sharpwalleddikesof variedcomposition,crosscuttingthe anorthositic foliation at high angles. These dikes may have crystallized from residual liquids extracted at various stages of differentiation of the anorthosite suite (Ashwal, 1978a,b). In the Marcy massif, mafic dikes are not spatially restricted to the border facies, but may be found even in the central regions(Fie. 1). The dikes are generallyless than 7 m thick, although Buddington (1939, p. 50-51) described a mafic gabbro dike some 60 m wide in the Carthage anorthosite massif in the western Adirondacks. Mineral constitution and petrography Primary minerals of the Marcy anorthosite complex includeplagioclase,high-Capyroxene,low-Ca pyroxene, olivine, ferrian ilmenite, titaniferous magnetite, and apatite. Metamorphic minerals include garnet, hornblende, biotite and quartz, in addition to recrystallized equivalentsof the primary phases,suggestingequilibration in the high pressure granulitefacies (deWaard, 1965). Conformable occurrencesof mafic rocks Modes of conformable mafic facies rocks from the Marcy massif are given in Table 1. There is generally a progressivedecreasein mafic and oxide minerals with increasing stratigraphic height above the basalcontact of a cumulate layer; the scale over which this variation in modal mineralogy takes place ranges from centimeters to meters. Cumulus phasesinclude augite,inverted pigeonite,ilmenite, magnetite,and, less commonly, Fe-rich olivine and apatite. The primary mineralogies and textures of theserocks, however,havebeenaffectedto varying degreesby subsolidusrecrystallization,which has resulted in the production of metamorphic garnet and hornblende,and in the reconstitutionofcoarsely exsolvedpyroxenesinto smaller discretegrains with different compositions. Zones of garnet 1-5 mm thick commonly occur betweenthe basal contacts of mafic layers and underlying leucogabbros or leuconorites. Although metamorphic garnet, hornblende, and pyroxenes constitrrte nearly 20Vo of some samples,other rocks appearto have completely retained their primary mineralogiesand textures (Table 1, sample SA-3D). In general, it is possible to see through the overprinting effects of subsolidusrecrystallization,as discussedbelow. The color indices of the lower, most mafic parts of the layers vary between approximately 60Voand 100%(Table l). The layers generally lie on and are Table l. Point counted modes of conformable mafic rich rocks from the Marcv massif sA-3D Plagioclase Inverted pigeonite Orthopyroxene Clinopyroxene Ollvine L.2r 63.7 SA-5 25.6 13.9** - SL-IIY 66. S q q ) 1 IIrenite Magnetite Apatite Garnet Hornblende I 3.2 t _n 2.4 ,:t I.1 0.6 0.9 0.I q 11 2 ? v.z index - 0.5 tr _ -tr Sulfides Biotite ScatrpLite Other secondaries**r Color SA-3A 0.I includes nj.nor 75.6* tr 3.4 13.4 t8.9 4.2 9.0 4.5 0.3 0.2 2.2 I.O O.2 42.6* 7.L 4.8 19.0 I I SA-I5B 73.5* 3.2 2.L II.4 nt 0.5 Mtr-568 MM-56A SL-2IA Sr,-21 20.9 L.7 74,O* 19,3* 51.5* t.u 2A.9 J-b II.2 0.9 48.6 1.9 t5.5 ]5.3 I.O - 4 .2 O.7 u.b 4.1 0.5 4.3 L6.2 10.5 L4.7 o.2 0.4 l. r 1,, f"' L5.2 27.L* cr 9.5 8.4 3.3 1 8 .O 0.5 0.5 100.0 100.0 94.8 36.3 oxiderich pyrox- leuconorite host iltiperthite; 2.4 4.1 7.! 52.3 SA-15A 0.3 100.0 Ieuconorite host enr!e layer * SIJ-IIA rr includes trace r00.0 Ioo.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 r00.0 100.0 91.2 24.4 57.4 25.5 79.1 26.0 80.7 oxiderich pyroxenrte Iayer Ieuconorite host oxiderich gabbro Iayer oxiderich mfic gabbro Iayer leucogabbro host oxiderich @f ic gabbro layer arcut of pleonaste, *** leucoga-bbro host includes sericite aal haatite alteration 0.5 loo.0 48.0 oxiderich aabbro host 100.0 72.9 oxiderich mf lc troqtolite Layer l7 ASHWAL : OXIDE-RICH DIFFERENTIATES, MARCY ANORTHOSITE gradational structurally upwards into host rocks of leucogabbroic or leuconoritic composition (color index26Voto 36Vo),althoughin somecasesthe host rock has a color index as high as 46% (Table l, sampleSL-21). In all layers, high-Ca pyroxene (augite) dominates over low-Ca pyroxene (inverted pigeonite and/or orthopyroxene). The large high-Ca/low-Ca pyroxene ratio in the highly recrystallized rocks (e.9., MM-56B) may be due to the increase in discrete augite grains from the recrystallization of coarsely exsolved primary pyroxenes. The paucity of low-Ca pyroxene in other specimens(e.9., SL21, SL-21A,5683d)is relatedto the onsetof Fe-rich olivine crystallization,which replacedlow-Ca pyroxene during the later stages of solidification. Olivine-bearinglayers such as representedby specimen 5683d do, however, contain minor inverted pigeonite. The low-Ca pyroxene-deficientor olivine-bearinglayers, or both, contain abundant apatite, which also must be a late-stagecumulusphase. In addition to their mineralogy, the location of these layers at the extreme margins of the massifs (Fig. 1), and hence at the highest stratigraphiclevels, suggeststhat they may represent some of the very last accumulations from late stage mafic liquids which had been segregatedto the upper regions of the massifs. All of the conformable mafic layers contain major amounts(>10%) of ilmeniteand magnetite.In some cases,the oxide mineral content is sufficiently high that the rock can be consideredore grade. Conformable oxide mineral-rich layers within gabbro or leucogabbro are particularly abundant in the Sanford Lake area where they are mined for their ilmenite concentrations(Gross, 1968),but similar layers of much lesser extent have been reported from elsewherein the Marcy massif (Buddington, 1953, Table 1, sample no. 20). Ilmenite usually predominates over magnetite in the conformable layers, although there are examples where the reverseis true (Table 1, sampleSL-2IA). Mafic dikes Modes of mafic dikes from the Marcy massif are given in Table 2. The dikes show wide ranges in color index (approximately 40-90%), and mineral constitutions.It is important to determinewhich, if any, ofthese dike rocks representliquids. They are finer grainedthan the mafic cumulate rocks; however, primary textures in the dike rocks are generally not well preserved. Many contain abundant garnet (Table 2). The profound effect ofgarnet production on modal mineralogy (particularly color index) may be seenby comparingthe modes of samplesSR-9 and MM-6 (Table 2), which despite their large Table 2. Point counted modes of mafic rich dikes from the Marcy massif MM-I A 8.0 Plagioclase pigeonite Invertedl orthopyioxene cLinopyroxene olivlnett Ilnenite Magnetite Apatite 33.8r 22.5 1.9 63.4 LZ.Z 10.9 I 3.0 z.o 5.4 ql Garnet Hornblende Sulfiales Other secondariesr*i t:t color nock 92.O index * includes alteration 66.2 pyroxenLte tl4)e flinor 50.0* 24.7 L7.5 17.0 23.3 11.r 14-4 1 0 .r 3.1 4.7 I t7-2 I 2.3 9.7 6.8 5.8 4.3 42.r 13.r 9.2 6 .O 8.4 23.9 4-L lo. 2 o.4 6. / 42.3 6-4 14.3 4 3- 2 antiperthiter oxitlerich nafic norite ** includes r00. 0 54.4 oxiderich gabbro iddlingsite 1 0 0 .0 5 4 .r gabbro alteration; _n ?l 0.5 J.v (7 L9.7 4.4 "-n ET 1.5 1.9 J.O loo.0 o 26.4 45.6* no 10.8 t7.7 1.6 100.o MM-44A sA-14A MM-13A 100.0 100.0 100,0 56.8 7L.3 50.0 oxiderich gabbro oxiderich mafic gabbro oxiderich gabbro *** includes selicite 100.0 98.r oxiclerich wehrlite andl hffitite l8 ASHWAL : OXIDE-RIC H DIFFERENTIATES, MARCY ANORTHOSITE mineralogicaldifferences,have similar bulk compositions. Thin layers of garnet are also found at the contacts between some of the dikes and the surrounding anorthositic rocks in a manner similar to that of the garnet zones at the basal contacts of the ultramafic cumulates. Because of these garnet zones,it is impossibleto determinewhether these dikes once had chilled margins. Oxide-rich, olivine gabbro or mafic gabbro dikes which lack low-Ca pyroxene (samples SR-9 and MM-6, Table2) may have crystallized from the final liquid differentiates of the anorthosite suite, since their REE patterns (Ashwal and Seifert, 1980)are characteized by high total abundancesand negative Eu anomalies,and relativelight REE depletion. These patterns are complementary to anorthosites and leucogabbros,which exhibit low REE abundances,positive Eu anomalies,and relative light REE enrichment(Seifertet a|.,1977;Simmonsand Hanson, 1978).Mineral compositionsof thesedikes are consistentwith their origin as latest-stagedifferentiates,as discussedbelow. Although the mafic dikes probably in large part represent liquid compositions, the possibility of mineral accumulation or loss in these liquids during or after their emplacementas dikes must be considered. Additionally, there are rare examplesof ultramafic dikes includinghypersthenite(sampleMM-8) and oxide-rich wehrlite (sample MM-44A) which may represent remobilized cumulates (deWaard, 1970). These complications must be taken into account before accurate liquid lines of descentcan be determined. textureis that the anorthositesrepresentaccumulations of pligioclase concentratedeither gravitationally or by flowage(Emslie, 1975;Martignole,1974; Morse, 1969;Olmstead,1969). Primary textures suggestthat the pyroxenescrystallized after plagioclase,and in turn were followed by the Fe-Ti oxide minerals. It is not possibleon textural grounds to determine whether augite or pigeonite crystallized first, but it is likely that they precipitated simultaneouslyduring most of the crystallization history. In the anorthosites,leucogabbros, and leuconorites,coarsely exsolvedprimary pyroxenesor their metamorphicequivalentspartially surround earlier and larger plagioclasecrystals in a subophitic relationship. More mafic rocks also have subophitictextures;however, the presenceof large,discretepyroxenecrystalsof probablecumulate origin suggestco-crystallization of plagioclase and pyroxene. In contrast to the tabular shape of plagioclase,cumulus mafic silicatesare equant in shape, and the ultramafic cumulates (oxide-rich pyroxenites) have an equigranular texture. In a similar manner, ilmenite and magnetite partially or completely surround the pyroxenes, suggesting that the oxides crystallized later, and this texture is particularly well developed in the oxiderich pyroxenite cumulate layers. The oxide minerals may constitute up to 40Voof these rocks (Table 1), and since the layers grade structurally upwards into less oxide-rich rocks, the textures may be interpreted to represent cumulus Fe-Ti oxides which have been extended interstitially by postcumulus growth. Oxide rich pyroxenite layers with similar textures have been reported from other anorthosite massifs (Subramaniam,1956, Fig. 3) Petrographicdetermination of crystallization and are also present in zoned ultramafic complexes (Taylor and Noble, 1969,Fig. 10). Despite the effects of subsolidus recrystallizaApatite occurs as a cumulus phase only in the tion, primary igneous textures are preserved in very late-stagelow-Ca pyroxene-deficientor olivmany cases,permitting the distinction of cumulus ine-bearingcumulates, or both. In these rocks it and post-cumulusphasesand allowing the determi- occurs as intergrowths with the Fe-Ti oxides, alnation of crystallization sequences.Plagioclasein though aggregatesof very coarse apatite crystals the Marcy massif and in other anorthosite complex- (up to 1 mm across) are also found. Olivine occurs es was the first phase to crystallize. Evidence for as largecumulusgrainsup to 5 mm acrosswhich, in this conclusionincludes large, euhedralor subhe- some cases,poikilitically enclosepyroxenes,apadral plagioclasecrystals with smaller, anhedral py- tite and plagioclase; it also occurs as smaller, roxenes in interstitial areas. A common feature of roundedgrains within cumulus augite crystals (samanorthositic rocks in the central parts of massifs is ple 5683d).Sparse grains of inverted pigeonite are the alignment of tabular plagioclase crystals with invariably present in this layer, which represents their longest dimensions subparallel,forming a pla- the only known coexistenceof three primary mafic nar fabric in the rock. The implication of this silicatesin the Marcy massif. ASHW AL : OXI DE-RICH DIF F ERENTIATES. MARC Y AN ORTHOSITE l9 Mineral compositions reflect higher initial crystallization temperatures than those of the Skaergaardintrusion (Fig. 3). Pyroxenesand olivines The coexisting mafic silicates from cumulate layAll primary minerals in the anorthosite-mafic ers define a trend of increasingfe* with increasing gabbro suite with the exception of olivine and stratigraphicheight. For example, sample SA-3D, apatitecontain complex subsolidusexsolutionfea- an oxide-rich pyroxenite layer, contains the most tures. Primary pyroxene compositions, however, magnesianaugite-invertedpigeonitepair yet found can be reasonably ascertainedby bulk analysis in the Marcy massif (fe* of low-Ca pyroxene : usingbroad-beamelectron microprobetechniques. 0.36). Samples SA-3A and SA-5 are more feldThis has been done for pyroxenes of the Adiron- spathic leuconoriteswhich are conformablewith, dack Marcy massif using a combinationof energy and occur within a few meters stratigraphically dispersive(ED) and wavelength dispersive (WD) microprobetechniques.3 In the Marcy massif, many low-Ca pyroxenes contain broad exsolution lamellae of augite inclined to the (001)directionsof the presentorthopyroxene hosts,and later fine augitelamellaeparallelto (100) of their hosts (Fig. 2a). These textures suggest initial crystallizationof pigeonite,followed by exsolution and inversion to orthopyroxenein response to slow cooling. Coexistingaugitescommonly contain several generationsof pigeonite lamellae, as describedin detail by Jaffe et al. (1975). Primarycompositionsof coexistingaugite-inverted pigeonite and augite-olivine pairs from mafic cumulatelayers and dikes are plotted in Figure 3a. RepresentativeED and WD microprobe analyses for one sampleare given in Table 3.aThe compositions show a wide rangein fe* [molar Fe/(Fe+Mg)], and define a fractionation trend which is broadly similar to that of basic layered intrusions. In the Marcy massif, however, the coexistingpyroxenes are consistent with a narrower solvus, and may 3Primarycompositions of coarsely exsolved pyroxenes were determined using an ED microprobe technique, whereby the electronbeamwas broadened,in somecasesup to 100microns, in order to incorporate entire grains. This method is successful for major elements;ED analysesof host and lamella phasesare generally within 5 relative Vo of WD analyses, and calculated ratios of mineral moleculesshow excellent agreement(Table 3). However, the poor system resolution and low peak/background ratios make quantitative ED determination of minor element oxides essentiallyimpossible,as illustrated by comparisonof valuesfor MnO by WD and ED techniques(Table 3). Becauseof this, primary pyroxene compositions were determined by reintegratingfine-beamWD analysesof host and lamella phasesin the proportions given by the ED analysesin terms of Wo, En and Fs (Table3). aA complete table of pyroxene and olivine microprobe analysesmay be obtainedby ordering Document AM-82-183from the BusinessOffice, Mineralogical Society of America, 2000Florida Avenue,N.W., Washington,D.C. 20009.Pleaseremit $1.00in advancefor the microfiche. illustrating progressive Fig.2.Photomicrographs recrystallization of primary pyroxenes (crossed nicols). (A): Primary inverted pigeonite surrounded by primary augite. Coarse augite lamellae (white) are inclined to the (001)direction of host orthopyroxene (at extinction). A later set of fine (100) augite lamellae (nearly vertical) is also present. Length of photograph: I mm. (B): Partially recrystallized inverted pigeonite illustrating the migration and coalesccenceof coarse augite lamellae at grain boundaries. Length of photograph: 1.5 mm. (C): Granular mosaic of augite and orthopyroxene illustrating final result of recrystallizatron. Length of photograph: 2mm. ASHWAL : OXIDE-RIC H DIFFERENTIATES, MARC Y ANORTHASITE Table 3. Representative.microprobeanalysesof pyroxene and olivine from sample 5683d Meta. + opx. I Meta. opx.5 Meta. cpx.' Meta. cpx.9 si02 5I.03 50.6 50.92 51 .8 Ti02 0 .t r Nzog 1.38 ct2o3 Fe0* Mn0 0.05 3 0 .5 9 0.45 Total structural 51 .18 Olivinef 3 2 .5 3 na o -27 5.UO I .8r 2.AO 0. 00 0.00 0.04 0.00 na 26.27 L7.29 0.1 o.39 o.2a o.44 na na r3.79 LS-Z 0.6 tz.fu 1 6 .0 11.0t 1 1. 3 L5.26 1I.98 14.96 0.55 0.6 19.84 1 9 .4 5.51 L6.L2 0.01 0.00 na na o.20 100 .69 ro0 .44 M9o Na2O 29.6 'I.UU Pri$ary cpx.f 0.17 0.34 2-6 Primary pig** 1 0 0 .8 9 1 0 0 .0 o-77 99.94 Formula based on 6 oxygens (pyroxene) 1 0 0. 0 100.65 na or 4 oxygens (olivine) si 1.960 L.952 1.935 r.946 1.953 r.940 0.988 Alrv o.o4o o.o4g 0.065 0.054 o.o4? 0.060 0.o00 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 0. 988 o.o22 0.003 0.002 0.983 0. oI5 0. 958 o.023 0.000 2.006 o.o72 o . o 72 0.010 0.000 0,438 0.007 o -624 0.808 o. 057 2.015 0.134 . o,4r4 0.002 0.633 o.77A 0.035 0.005 0.001 0.841 0.013 0.871 0.226 0.065 0.008 o.000 0. 548 0.o09 o.677 0.65s 0.057 2.019 I .334 0.0I1 o. 678 0. 000 -,vl Ti Fe* Mn t{s Ca Na Wo En(Fo) Fs (Fa) L.2 48.8 50.0 0.950 0.021 0. 9I9 o.026 r.988 L.4 48.5 50.0 43.2 33.4 2 3- 4 I.961 42.6 34.7 22.7 * total ** cornposition na not aalyzed forr of Fe as FeOt by conrbining wDA analyses in proportions of host and lmella T wavelength (wDA), dispersive analysis 5 energy dispersive cooparison with tlD analysls above, this ultrarnafic cumulate layer, and contain progressivelymore Fe-rich pyroxene compositions with increasing distance above the basal contact (Fig. 3a). On a larger scale, sample5683d,a mafic cumulate layer from near the outer margin of the massif(Fig. 1), containsFe-rich olivine in addition to augite and inverted pigeonite. The compositions of thesephasesare consistentwith the idea previously discussedthat this samplemay representan accumulationof mafic crystals from very late-stage liquid. The mineral assemblagein this rock representsthe last appearanceof low-Ca pyroxene (inverted pigeonite), which had apparently reacted with the liquid to form Fe-rich olivine. Coexisting augites and olivines from mafic dikes SR-9 and MM-6 are among the most Fe-rich mafic silicatesof anorthositesuite rocks. Their compositions are consistent with the hypothesis that these dikes crystallizedfrom the latest-stageresidualliquids of the anorthosite suite. 2.OO7 11.7 45.0 43.3 34.8 36.O 29.2 2.O23 (33.7) (66.3) pigeonite calculated prinary inverted given EDA analysest by broad beil to 1O0t for notmalized analysis With increasingdegreesof metamorphicrecrystallization,the pyroxenetexturesand compositions change in a regular fashion. Augites become progressively more calcic as they are transformed, by means of exsolution of low-Ca pyroxene and accompanyingrecrystallization,from coarse,primary crystals into finer grained aggregateswith mosaic texture (Fig. 2). For the low-Ca pyroxenes, the coarse augite lamellae, originally exsolved parallel to the (001)directions of host pigeonites(Fig. 2a), have gradually migrated to the borders of the grains, where they have coalescedinto polygonal (Fie. 2b). The final result ofthis process aggregates is a fine-grained,granular mosaic of hypersthene andaugite(Fig. 2c) whosecompositionscorrespond to thoseof the host and lamellarphases,respectively, of the original primary grains. Tie-linesjoining these metamorphic augites and orthopyroxenes have a shallower slope than those joining the primary augite-pigeonite pairs (Fig. 3b), con- ASHWAL : OXIDE-RICH DIFFERENTIATES. MARCY AN ORTHOSITE 2l A oLrvlNEs Fs Fig. 3 (A) Primary pyroxene compositionsas determinedusing broad beamenergydispersivetechniques,and olivine compositions as determinedusing wavelengthdispersiveanalyses.Solid tie lines: mafic cumulatelayers. Dashedtie lines: mafic dikes. Skaergaard trend after Wager and Brown (1968).(B) Compositionsofprimary igneouSpyroxene and pyroxene-olivine pairs (short dashedlines) and reconstitutedmetamorphic pairs (solid lines) plotted with respectto the augite-pigeonitesolvus (dashedcontours) and the augite orthopyroxenesolvus (solid contours) of Ross and Huebner (1975). sistent with the higher K, : (Fe/Mg)ro*-c. o",o*"."/ (Fe/Mg)6g6-capyroxene values of metamorphicallyreequilibratedpyroxenes(Kretz, 1963).When applied to the pyroxenesolvusof Rossand Huebner(1975), the igneous pyroxene pairs yield temperatures in excessof 1100"C, whereasthe metamorphicpairs yield temperaturesbetween 600' C and 900" C (Fig. 3b). Both igneousand metamorphictemperatures must, however, be consideredas minimum values becauseof the uncertain effectsof increasedpressure on the pyroxene solvus. Similar relationships for pyroxenes from the Marcy massif have been reportedby Bohlen and Essene(1978). Plagioclase Plagioclasein anorthositic rocks from most massif-type complexesgenerally rangesin composition from Ana6 to An65 (mole Vo) (Anderson, 1969). Becauseof the extremely large grain size and the rather irregular distribution of exsolved antiperthitic lamellae,the primary compositionsof anorthositic plagioclasesare difficult to determine, particularly by microprobe analysis.For the Marcy massif, however, Isachsenand Moxham (1969)have analyzed bulk megacrystcompositionsfrom two extensive vertical sections using spectrographicmeth- 22 ASHWAL : OXIDE-RICH DIFFERENTIATES, MARCY ANORTHOSITE ods. Their measuredcompositionalrangeamong45 specimensanalyzedwas Ana2.6to An55.2and Or1.7 to Or1s.6,with averagevalues of Anae.7and Or5.2. (These values, given in mole 70 were converted from the weight percentagesreported by Isachsen and Moxham,1969.)The high K contentof anorthositic plagioclaseis in accordancewith relatively high temperaturesof crystallization(Sen, 1959),but precipitation of high-K plagioclasefrom melts richer in K than typical unfractionatedbasaltsmust also be consideredas a possibility (Morse, 1981;Ranson, 1981). In addition to antiperthiticlamellae,anorthositic plagioclasescommonly contain minute rodlets and particles of Fe-Ti oxide minerals, also thought to have originatedby meansof exsolution(Anderson, 1966).Minor element analysesof plagioclaseconcentratescontainingthese oxide inclusions(Isachsenand Moxham, 1969)reveal substantialamounts of Fe and Ti (wt.% FeO : 0.27-1.48,avg. : 0.51' wt.VoTiO2 : 0.04-0.85,zy5. : 0.28), consistent either with high crystallization temperatures (Smith, 1975),or with high contentsof Fe and Ti in the parental magma. In the mafic rocks, the determination of primary plagioclasecomposition is further complicatedby the presenceof abundant garnet, which formed by means of a subsolidus reaction involving a net consumptionof anorthite component (Mclelland and Whitney, 1977).In many casesthis resultedin strongly zoned plagioclase,enriched in albite and orthoclase components towards the garnet. For 1 Ab An 0r 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 7 6 , 8 7 2 . 9 7 0 , 4 6 3 , 7 7 0 , 2 6 4 , 0 6 l , 5 6 1. 5 6 t . 9 7 2 . 1 20.7 25,0 27,8 34,6 27.4 34,2 36.6 36,7 36,3 25,2 'l 'l 2,5 2,1 |.8 2,7 ,7 2.4 I,8 L8 .9 I,8 Fig. 4 Photomicrograph illustrating variability of plagioclase (white) composition (mole Vo) inrelation to lamellar or coronitic garnet (dark, high reliefl. Sample MM-6. Length of photograph is approximately 6 mm. example, microprobe analyses of plagioclase in oxide-richmafic gabbro dike MM-6 yield compositions adjacent to lamellar or corona garnet which are 11to 15mole Volowerin An and approximately I mole %higher in Or comparedto compositionsfar removed from garnet (Fig. a). Representativemicroprobe analysesof plagioclasein mafic rocks are givenin Table4. The analysesin the centralregions of grains have the best chance of representing the primary igneouscompositions,and are in general somewhat more sodic than anorthositic plagioclases,as would be expectedfor later differentiates. However, the effects of the garnet-producingreactions on plagioclasecompositions in these rocks makes determination of plagioclase fractionation trends by direct measurementrather difficult. Fe-Ti oxides Fe-Ti oxide minerals are a ubiquitous constituent of anorthositesuite rocks, and are presentin major proportions in the mafic rocks and associatedore deposits. Like the pyroxenes, the oxides exhibit complex subsolidusexsolutionfeatures.However, in addition to exsolutionin the strict sense(hematite lamellaein ilmenite, pleonastelamellaein magnetite), textural and compositional relations among the Fe-Ti oxides may be further complicated to varying degreesby subsolidusoxidation-reduction reactions.This has produced,for example,ilmenite oxy-exsolutionlamellaein magnetite.Both ED and WD microprobe techniques were used in analyzing the compositionsof these Fe-Ti oxide minerals. For the ED analyses,a defocussedbeamofup to 20 microns in diameter was used in an attempt to incorporate hematite lamellae in ilmenite and pleonaste lamellae in magnetite. No attempt was made to integrateoxy-exsolution lamellae, but in some casesthesecould not be avoided.Textural relations and ED compositionsof Fe-Ti oxides are summarized in Table 5. Average ED compositions are plotted on a TiO2-FeO-Fe2O3diagram in Figure 5. Primary igneous compositions of Fe-Ti oxides are rarely preservedin plutonic rocks becauseof the extensivedegreeto which coexistingtitanomagnetite and ferrian ilmenite react upon cooling according to the equation Hem"" + IJsp"" : M&9., * Ilm".. (1) This results in oxidation of the ulvospinel component in titanomagnetiteand correspondingreduction of the hematite component in ferrian ilmenite, formingilmeniteand magnetite,respectively,either 23 AS HWAL : OXIDE.RICH DIFFERENTIATES. MARCY ANORTHO SITE Table 4. Representativewavelength dispersivemicroprobe analysesof plagioclases ru ran 59,.?0 rim 62.20 si02 56.05 6 0 .1 7 55-72 56.89 5A.77 60.77 5A.92 TlO2 o. 00 o. 00 0 .04 0. 0I o.o0 0.00 0.00 0.o4 0.00 0.02 Nzog 27.79 27.77 26.8A 26.27 24.63 26.29 24-24 25.01 24.2r Fe0* 0.39 o-24 0. l1 U.IO 0.06 0.14 o.r2 0.13 o.0I 0.15 !4gO 0. 06 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.00 0.00 o.00 0.00 0.00 . 0.oo b- 5v 9 .6 0 8.33 7. 7 6 5.88 7.55 5.29 6.38 5.O9 25.59 ca0 6r.88 sR-9 core Na20 6.00 7.60 5. 69 6 .t 5 t.Lt d-zo 7.01 4.37 7.64 8.61 *zo 0.57 0.59 0.55 o.62 0.38 0.29 0.33 0.47 0.34 0.42 99.63 l-00.78 99.49 1o0.41 99.99 100.46 99.08 100.70 Tota1 Structural si A1 Formula 2.530 L.479 4. 009 based 2.665 1.336 4. OOl - Ti. Fer 0.015 M9 0.004 99.O4 LOO.22 on 8 oxygens 2.52L 1.481 4 l,O2 z-tI) r.434 4. O09 2.6LA r.380 3.998 2.705 z.oz) 2.736 2.6A2 2.742 L.293 3.998 I.38I 4. O05 L.2t6 4.OO2 L.324 4.006 1.258 4.000 0.001 0.009 0.004 o.001 - 0.001 - 0.006 0.006 0.002 0.005 0. 005 0.005 Ca o.424 U.JIJ U.4bf, o-404 0.370 0.280 0.360 0.250 0.307 0.24L NA 0. s25 0.653 0.499 0. 540 o.619 0.715 0.606 0.718 0.665 0.736 K o.o33 1.001 0.033 I.008 0.032 1.001 0.036 0.986 0.021 r.012 0.0r7 r.0r7 o.0r9 0.990 0.027 r.001 0.019 0.991 0.o24 l-.008 Ab 53.5 65.4 50.1 5 5 .r 6r.3 70.6 61. 5 72.t 6 7. L 73.6 An 43.2 31.3 46.7 4L.2 Jb.b zt.t 36.6 25.2 31.0 24.O 3.3 3.2 3.7 z.l r.v 4.1 Or * Total 3'.3 Fe as Feor r* See Fig. 1.9 4 as discrete grains (external granule "exsolution") or as thin lamellae in the host grains (Buddington and Lindsley, 1964). The overall result is an increasein the ilmenite and magnetitecomponentsof the rhombohedraland spinel seriesphases,respectively, causing a counterclockwise rotation of their tielines on the TiO2-FeO-Fe2O3diagram. While hematitelamellae in ilmenite and pleonaste lamellae in -magnetite were incorporated in the defocussedbeam ED microprobe analyses, oxyexsolution lamellae in magnetite and magnetite reduction-exsolutionlamellae in ilmenite were avoided, and as a result, many of the compositionsof coexisting Fe-Ti oxides shown in Figure 5 representthosewhich resultedafter subsolidusreconstitution. Attempts to re-integrate the oxidation or reduction lamellae to obtain primary compositions would not be possible because of the unknown extent of previous external granule "exsolution" (Buddington and Lindsley, 1964). Despite the effects of subsolidus recrystallization, there is a perceptible compositional trend among the Fe-Ti oxide minerals. In the anorthositesand other early cumulates,ilmenites tend to be richer in hematite component, and coexisting spinels richer in magnetitecomponent, comparedto the oxides in later cumulates and mafic gabbro dikes. Similar relationships in other anorthosite massifs (Hargraves,1962;Anderson, 1966;Duchesne,1972) have been interpreted as an indication of progressive reduction of the melts during differentiation. However. becauseof the effects of counter-clockwise rotation of Fe-Ti oxide tie lines in responseto reaction(1) duringcooling,as previouslydiscussed, is dominatedby rocks whosebulk oxide assemblage ilmenite [ilm/(ilm + mag) = 0.9] will tend to retain near-primary ilmenite compositions, but magnetite compositions will be widely different (much more Ti-poor) than primary values. Conversely, magnetite-rich rocks [ilm/(ilm + mag) < 0.75] will contain ASHWAL : OXIDE.RICH DIFFERENTIATES, MARCY ANORTHO SITE threefold increase in V2O3 among magnetites, to a maximum of 3.0 wt.Voin sample SA-5 (Table 6). Discussion . Mog Fig. 5 Average ED microprobe compositions of Fe-Ti oxide minerals from the Marcy massif plotted in terms of TiOrFeOFe2O3.Dots represent bulk compositions of oxide assemblages givenfrom modes.Enlargedarearepresentsshadedareain inset. magnetiteswith compositions closer to primary valuesthan coexistingilmenites. This relationship is supportedby the distinct correlationbetweenFeTi oxide compositionsand the modal proportionsof ilmeniteand magnetite(Table5, Fig. 5). The geothermometer-oxygen barometer of Buddington and Lindsley (1964) thus cannot be used to obtain estimatesof primary temperature andfOz. WD microprobe analyses of coexisting Fe-Ti oxidesfrom a layered cumulatesequencewhich is gradationalupwards from a basal oxide-rich pyroxenite to leuconorite are given in Table 6. There is a slight but progressive increase in hematite component in ilmenite and a decreasein ulvospinelcomponent in magnetite stratigraphically upward in this sequence,but these may not reflect primary variations, as discussedabove. However, minor elements may be used as reliable indicators of primary fractionationtrends (Himmelbergand Ford, 1977). Both magnetitesand ilmenites from this sequence show a progressivedecreasein Al2O3, MnO, and MgO, and a progressiveincreasein Cr2O3and V2O3 with stratigraphic height. Noteworthy is the nearly The mafic cumulates and dikes of the Marcy massif are interpreted as late-stage differentiates from a magma that had undergone extensive fractionation of plagioclase, followed sequentially by crystallization and accumulation of pyroxenes, FeTi oxides, apatite, and Fe-rich olivine. Crosby (1968)and Buddington (1969)have proposed flow differentiation models by which plagioclasecrystals migrated to the central regions of ascendingmagmas,to form a core zone of relatively pure, coarsegrained anorthosite. The liquid in the outer regions became progressively enriched in mafic constitutents, and subsequentlycrystallizedas a somewhat finer-grainedsheath of more mafic material. Local incorporation of earlier-formedplagioclaseaccumulations by this mafic-enrichedliquid could account for the block structures common in most anorthosite massifs (Isachsen, 1969).Although flow differentiation appearsto be a satisfactory mechanismto account for the formation of the pure anorthosites and their restriction to the central regions of the massifs.the nature of the conformable mafic-ultramafic layers describedhere suggeststhat they were formed by gravitational accumulation. It is suggested here that differentiation by gravitational means became the dominant mechanism subsequentto emplacementof the partially solidified melts. In the case of the Marcy massif, final emplacement is inferred to have taken place at a stage in the crystallization history at least as early as the time when the pyroxenes first precipitated, allowing the formation of the early, Mg-rich ultramafic cumulates in a relatively static environment. The occurrence of the mafic facies in the border zones of the massif, and hence structurally above the earlierformed anorthosites of the core zone. could be interpreted as evidence that plagioclase sank, at least in the early stagesof crystallization. The relatively minor volume of mafic rocks compared to the associatedanorthositesis consistent with a rather feldspathic parental magma composition, possiblyin the gabbroicanorthosite(77.5-90% normative plagioclase) range. The exact composition of the parental magma is difficult to determine becausean accurate field estimation of the volume of mafic rich rock is not possible. Although highly aluminous magmas such as gabbroic anorthosite ASHWAL : OXIDE.NCH DIFFERENTIATES, MARCY AN ORTHOSITE 25 Table 5. Microtextures and compositions (EDA) of coexisting Fe-Ti oxides S a m pel No. RockType M o d a lC o m p o s i t i o n s I l m / ( I l m + M a)g M ic r o t e x t u r e s I I flrrMag tional Cornposi Range Average Comp. H*ro.q - r5.6 H"tr No. of Analyses CUMULATES: 5654'A Anorthosite SL-l'lY O x i d er i c h pyroxenite S L - 'llA Leuconorite SA-3D SA-3A SA-5 !f'1-568 SA-l5A 5683d 7 6 t.a 0 .9 0 I'lm: Mag: ?3.1 0.82 coarse hem. lamellae, depleted near mag. Mag: honogeneous H"tIr.l - r7.0 3.3 UtPo. o H"tr 4.5 u t P o . o- UtPo.2 8 4.5 0 .9 0 coarse hemlamellae, depleted near mag. Mag: homogeneous H e m g . -g Hem , ^. tz.a 6 u ' P o . o- 0 . 3 uspO..l b O x i d er i c h pyroxenite 0 .6 5 Ilm: homogeneous Mag: 3 sets of pleonaste lamellae, discrete p l eonaste H " t z .9 - 4 . 0 Hem- . J u t P r a . S- r 4 . g u'P4 r .5 L e u c o n o trei 0.65 Ilm: Mag: Hem^ , z.t - +.t u t P o . 6- q . o Hem^ ^ I t m : fine hem. lamellae, depleted near mag. M a g: homogeneous H"t8.3- r2.4 "'Po.o - 3.0 H"tr coarse hem. lamellae, depleted near mag. M a g : few tiny pleonaste I amelI ae H"t]g.2 - r8.2 H"r.l5. 5 utPt .l . Leuconorite oxide rich mafic aabbro O x i d er i c h gabbro 1.0 'r5. 3 'r3.6 0xide rich ll.7 mafic troctol ite 0.90 0 .9 4 0.90 0.72 coarse hem. lanellae homogeneous Ilm: Iln: nomo9ene0us few pleonaste lamel lae, few i lm ox'id, lamellae I lm: u t P o . 3- 0.5 r6.2 r.5 0.9 Uspo.8 Hen, ^ . tv.o Ilm: homogeneous Mag: 2 ee t sl l o ' l asm a fe ,t i n y p l e o n a s t e a b u n d a n ti l m oxid. IamelIae Hem,, u t P r o .-o2 r . 5 u t P 5r . 7 Ilm: homogeneous Mag: fine pleonaste I amelI ae Htts.B- 9.r u " P o . 2- ' l . 5 H"t7. - 5-z 6 u s p l. 9 n e m l 7 . 9- 2 0 . 9 I l m : c o a r s eh e ml a m e l l a e , d e p l e t e dn e a r m a g . M a g : f i n e p l e o n a s t el a m e l l a e u t P o . o- 0 . 8 Heml r t.r 4 utp0. .l 9 9 6 6 I 3 l4 D IK E S : Ml"l-l4A 0xide rich mafic norite 13.5 0.8t 5 UtPo. B 9 lz I't'l-6 0xide rich mafic Aabbro 0.72 I lm: homogeneous Mag: few pleonaste I a m e l I a e ,f e w i l m oxid. Iamel'lae H"tr.o- 2.6 " ' P 2 1 . 4- 2 2 . 3 H"rl.8 u t p 2 2o. 2 3 SR-g 0xiderich gabbro 0.s4 Ilm: homogeneous Mag: feli p]eonaste l a m ella e H"to.8- 2.4 utPz6.g - 27.7 H"tl.8 4 u r p 2 7I . 3 have been suggestedas much as forty years ago (Buddington,1939),their existencehas been questioned and their possiblemodesof origin have been debated.The recent discovery of sills and dikes of gabbroic anorthosite composition provides the first direct evidence for the existence of these magmas (Crosby,1969;Husch et a|.,1975; Isachsenet al., 1975;Simmons,et a|.,1980;Wiebe,1979),although their origin remains somewhatof a problem. Emslie (1978)has proposed that the aluminous magmas which gave rise to massif-typeanorthositeswere produced by high-pressurefractionation of olivine and orthopyroxene from mantle-derived olivine tholeiite magmaswhich accumulatednear the base of the continental crust. The aluminous melts were then emplacedinto higher levels in the crust, where they precipitatedonly plagioclaseat the liquidus. This model accounts for the relatively high fe* of the anorthositicrocks (Emslie, 1973;Simmonsand Hanson, 1978),and is consistentwith recent SmNd isotopestudiesof the Adirondack Marcy massif which indicate an ultramafic source area for the 26 AS HWAL : OXIDE-RIC H DIFFERENTIATES. MARC Y ANORTHO SITE Table 6. Representative WD microprobe analyses of Fe-Ti oxides I I m e ntie s lilagneti tes SA-3A SA-5 5A-3D SA-3A sA-5 si0. 0.03 0.07 0.05 o.o2 0.01 0.01 T i0 ^ 3.34 0.67 0.05 52.61 50.92 47.86 A l^ 0 ^ l.5t 0.67 0.54 0.06 0.04 0.03 cr^0^ 0.37 t.t6 3.84 0.01 0.03 0.15 8.34 Fe^0. 58t5 61.83 6l.12 2.22 3.03 Fe0 33.65 3 0 .B B 3t.31 42.77 4?.23 i4n0 0.07 0.46 0.27 0.26 0 .1 8 0.02 0.07 0.01 ltlS0 0.01 2.30 I .85 0.94 v^0.* t.r8 2.10 3.00 0 . 13 0.22 0.59 Total 98.48 97.47 99.93 I00.58 98.60 99.29 4l.ll S t r u c t u r a l f o r m u l ab a s e do n 3 c a t i o n s ( m a q n e t i t e )o r 2 c a t i o n s ( i l m e n i t e ) Si 0.001 0.003 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.000 Ti 0.097 0.020 0.001 0.977 0.968 0.91? AI 0 069 0.031 0.024 0.002 0.001 0.001 Cr 0 . 0 ]t 't.689 0.036 0 . 11 6 0.000 0.001 0.003 1.325 0.041 0.058 0.159 Fe- r.085 1.014 1.761 ,l.003 0.882 0.892 0.871 Mn 0 002 0.00] 0.000 0 . 0 10 0.006 0.006 !19 0 010 0.004 0.001 0.085 0.070 0.036 0.036 0.066 0.092 0.003 0.004 0 . 0 12 3.000 3 000 3.000 l 4 a s( I l n ) 8 9 . 7 0 usp (Hem)10.30 97.BB 99 84 2.12 0 t6 Fe"' 2.000 2.000 2.000 (e7.71) (e6.87) (et.63) (2.2s) (3.r3) (8.37) * V 2 0 3a b u n d a n c ewse r e c o r r e c t e d f o r T i K B o v e r l a p b y s u b t r a c t i n ga n e m p i r i c a l l y d e t e r m i n e dl % o f T i K o c o u n t s f r o m v K o c o u n t s p r i o r t o f u r t h e r natrix corrections. melts parental to the anorthosites and related mafic differentiates (Ashwal et al., 1980). Acknowledgments This studywasdonein partialfulfillmentof the requirements for the degreeof Doctorof Philosophyat PrincetonUniversity. LinFinancial supportcamefromNesaGrantNGL-31-001-283, coln S. Hollister,principalinvestigator,and from the DepartPrincetonUnivermentofGeologicalandGeophysical Sciences, sity. Some of the data were collected while the author held a National ResearchCouncil Resident ResearchAssociateshipat r.rasA,/Johnson SpaceCenter. A portion of the researchreported in this paper was done while the author was a ResidentResearch Scientistat the Lunar and Planetary Institute, which is operated by the Universities SpaceResearchAssociation under Contract No. N,c.sw-3389with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The manuscript was critically reviewed by R. B. Hargraves,E. Dowty, G. Ryder, J. L. Warner, R. F. Emslie, and S. R. Bohlen.Assistancein the field was providedby F. B. Nimick, R. Warren, and M. A. Arthur. Maps were provided by Y. W. Isachsenand P. R. Whitney of the New York State Museumand ScienceService.C. G. Kulick, R. W. Brown and D. W. Phelpsl provided assistance with the electron microprobes.This is L.P.I. ContributionNo. 447. 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