

Point by Point Format

Question: Choose any two characters from Siddhartha, Sir Gawain & the Green

Knight, The Laugher, The Grass Eaters or The Blue Jar. Analyze the similarities and/or differences between the two characters on the following two points: 1) their struggles/desires and 2) their realization(s).

1st Step: Choose two characters to compare and/or contrast

2nd Step: Look for evidence on both characters for both points:

A) Their Struggles/desires B) Their realizations

3rd Step: Fill out worksheet to shape the topic sentences, evidence and analysis on both points.

4th Step: Combine your two topic sentences to make a full thesis.

Note: A full thesis will clarify the similarity and/or difference on BOTH points.


Thesis Statement : Includes a "full thesis" stating the similarity and/or difference on both points for both characters.

1st Topic Sentence on 1st Point - Their Struggles/Desires

(Use the topic sentence from your worksheet that outlines the similarity and/or difference on the desires experienced by your two characters.

Evidence/Meaning: (Include specific evidence on both characters that illustrate their main struggle and each character's point of view about their struggle).

Analysis/Interpretation: (Include your opinion on whether you see their struggles as similar or different.

Support your topic sentence above by arguing or proving the similarity and/or difference stated in topic sentence.

(continue with as many evidence/analysis statements to fully support your 1st topic sentence on this point.

2st Topic Sentence on 2nd Point - Their Realizations

(Use the topic sentence from your worksheet that outlines the similarity and/or difference on each character's realizations.

Evidence/Meaning: (Include specific evidence on both characters that illustrate their final realizations and each character's point of view about their realizations).

Analysis/Interpretation: (Include your opinion on whether you see their realizations as similar or different.

Support your topic sentence above by arguing or proving the similarity and/or difference stated in topic sentence.

(continue with as many evidence/analysis statements to fully support your 2nd topic sentence on this point.

Conclusion: Do not outline conclusion in advance. Allow the process of writing your essay to inform your final reflection on what you learned writing this paper. Think of an inquiring question related to your argument; then answer it!

Step Three: Worksheet for Unit 2 Practice Essay

Point #1: Their Main Struggles/Desires

Character #1: Siddhartha


(quotes or summary statements) p. 71 “there was nothing more for him but to...destroy the form which he hated”

Siddhartha’s struggles with a balance between his sensual and spiritual identity.


(meaning or interpretation statements)

Siddhartha resorts to self-hate – he becomes his worst enemy losing all sense of hope because he can’t reconcile his spiritual with sensual self.

Character #2: Govinda


(quotes or summary statements) p. 114 - “have you a doctrine, belief or knowledge which you uphold which helps you live and do right?” p. 120 - “Govinda looked steadily in his face with anxiety, with longing...”


(meaning or interpretation statements)

Govinda yearns for a goal, a singular truth; he is always seeking and seeking creates his struggle & envy of Siddhartha.

State Topic Sentence on similarity/difference between struggle for both characters.

Siddhartha & Govinda experience different struggles; Siddhartha’s struggle is between his physical and spiritual identity while Govinda’s struggle is a never-ending search for an absolute truth or goal.

Point #2: Their Realization About Contentment

Character #1: Siddhartha


(quotes or summary statements) p. 111 “His wound was healing, his pain was dispersing; his Self had merged into unity.”


(meaning or interpretation statements)

Siddhartha recognized a balance between the pain of his past and an acceptance of his sensual merged with his spiritual self.

Character #2: Govinda


(quotes or summary statements) p. 122 - “Govinda was reminded of everything that he had ever loved in his life..of everything that had ever been of value and holy in his life.


(meaning or interpretation statements)

Govinda sees Siddhartha’s connection to his

Self/Atman and in doing so, finds his love and and true value for life watching his friend’s life, and not from his own experience.

State Topic Sentence on similarity/difference between realization for both characters.

Siddhartha and Govinda both share similar realizations in that both discover an acceptance and recognition that provides both of them with contentment.

Step Four: Combine topic sentences to make full thesis

While Siddhartha & Govinda experience different struggles, they reach similar realizations about contentment .
