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Tunggal, Amien Wijaya, (2000), Activity Based Costing untuk Manufacturing dan Pemasaran, Edisi Revisi, Jakarta : Harvarindo 2.000 http://dosen.narotama.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/THE-BREAK-EVENANALYSIS-IN-ACCOUNT.pdf http://mbegedut.blogspot.com/2012/04/abc-activity-based-costing-menurutpara.html http://mbegedut.blogspot.com/2012/04/biaya-produksi-menurut-para-ahli.html 76 http://digilib.mercubuana.ac.id/ PT. AICA INDONESIA COST REPORT COST REPORT (RAW MATERIAL COST) Beginning Balance From Other Account Purchase Sub Total To Other Account (Sample) Drawback Ending Balance Total Raw Material Cost Used (LABOR COST) Direct Labor Salaries Allowance Overtime Bonus & THR Employee Welfare Employee Retirement Benefits Total Direct Labor Indirect Labor Salaries Allowance Overtime Bonus & THR Employee Welfare Employee Retirement Benefits Total Indirect Labor Total Labor Cost (FACTORY EXPENSES) Packing / Sticker Office Expenses Transportation Electricity Telephone & Faximile Insurance Repair & Maintenance Expenses Rent Expenses Depreciation Expenses Expenses BC 24 Handling Fee Total Factory Expenses Total Manufacturing Cost 2009 ( US$ ) 3.154.941,19 313,39 15.710.236,62 18.865.491,20 801,68 2.424.843,38 16.439.846,14 Beginning Balance (WIP/PF) Purchasing WIP From Other Account Sub Total To Other Account Sample Ending Balance (WIP/PF) Total Cost of Goods Manufactured 250.814,33 6.028,18 20.154.518,19 10.856,05 272.421,58 19.871.240,56 77 http://digilib.mercubuana.ac.id/ 320.000,93 25.137,57 72.839,85 68.485,38 83.819,16 96.021,32 666.304,21 245.771,05 25.710,33 50.425,54 59.282,61 33.208,60 54.436,33 468.834,46 1.135.138,67 159.828,87 310.176,07 62.452,60 226.839,85 7.491,76 62.281,79 108.246,07 66.495,01 995.482,53 227.821,02 95.575,30 2.322.690,87 19.897.675,68 PT. AICA INDONESIA PROFIT & LOSS STATEMENT 2009 ( US$ ) SALES Local Sales Export Sales HPL BACKER Aibon Total Local Sales Export to Japan Export to Other Cerarl Aibon Total Export Sales Total Gross Sales Sales Discount NET SALES COST OF SALES Beginning Balance (Finished Goods) Cost of Goods Manufactured Purchase From Other Account Sub Total To Other Account From Other Account Ending Balance (Finished Goods) COST OF SALES GROSS PROFIT (LOSS) ON SALES OPERATING EXPENSES Selling Expenses Commisioning Fee Freight Promotion & Advertizement Sample Handling Fee Entertainment Total Selling Expenses General Expenses Personnel Expenses Office Expenses Travelling Expenses Insurance Expenses Rent Expenses Telephone & Faximile Consultant Fee Repair & Maintenance Expenses Depreciation Expenses Employee Retirement Benefits Tax Expenses Bank Charges Security Total General & Administrative Expenses Total Operating Expenses NET PROFIT (LOSS) FROM OPERATIONS OTHER INCOME & EXPENSES Other Income Interest Income Gain on Sales of Fixed Assets Miscellaneous Total Other Income Other Expenses Interest Expenses (Bank Loan) Miscellaneous Total Other Expenses Total Other Income & Expenses NET INCOME (LOSS) WITHOUT EXCHANGE RATE Exchange Gain or Loss (A/R - Trade) Sales Exchange Gain or Loss (A/P - Trade) Purchase Exchange Gain or Loss (Expenses) Exchange Gain or Loss (Cash & Bank) Exchange Gain or Loss (PPN) Total Exchange Rate NET INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE TAX 707.672,74 472.514,62 3.168.407,27 4.348.594,63 2.542.501,97 1.779.673,06 14.216.906,84 233.560,00 18.772.641,87 23.121.236,50 (40.683,83) 23.080.552,67 552.105,01 19.871.240,56 150.169,12 20.573.514,69 4.580,94 427,50 386.866,08 20.181.640,17 2.898.912,50 53.402,48 347.834,07 3.694,41 16.920,06 99.104,66 5.285,35 526.241,03 443.736,11 60.053,73 25.889,59 2.327,11 34.119,96 25.955,73 134.920,82 5.265,51 56.486,66 63.150,09 30.606,84 27.175,97 65.616,58 975.304,70 1.501.545,73 1.397.366,77 5.717,99 59.663,66 227.068,26 292.449,91 31.286,04 30.520,01 61.806,05 230.643,86 1.628.010,63 159.889,75 85.632,81 (71.292,82) 39.218,91 206.153,97 419.602,62 2.047.613,25 http://digilib.mercubuana.ac.id/ 78 PT. AICA INDONESIA BALANCE SHEETS 2009 ( US$ ) ASSETS Current Assets Cash On Hand and In Banks Time Deposit Account Receivable - Trade Employee Loans Inventory Finished Goods Work In Process Raw Materials Goods In Transit Advances Payment Prepaid Taxes Prepaid Expenses Office Supplies - Catalogue Total Current Assets Fixed Assets Land Factory Building Accumulated Depreciations Net Book Value Infrastructure & Facilities Accumulated Depreciations Net Book Value Machineries & Equipment Accumulated Depreciations Net Book Value Furniture & Fixtures Accumulated Depreciations Net Book Value Delivery Equipment Accumulated Depreciations Net Book Value Office Equipment Accumulated Depreciations Net Book Value Electricities Installation Accumulated Depreciations Net Book Value Total Fixed Assets Accumulated Depreciations Net Book Value Other Assets Long-term Advances Payment Claim for Tax Refund Non Current Asset - Prepaid Taxes Deferred Tax Expenses Deferred Charges - Others Total Other Assets TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDER'S EQUITY Current Liabilities Revolving Bank Loan Account Payable - Local Trade Account Payable - Import Trade Account Payable - Non Trade Tax Payable Accrued Expenses Accrued Import Cost Total Current Liabilities Longterm Liabilities Money of custody Accrued Benefit for Retirement Total Longterm Liabilities Total Liabilities Shareholder' Equity and Retained Earning Shareholder' Equity Retained Earning Previous Years Deviden Current Year Profit ( Loss ) Cummulative Current Year Profit ( Loss ) Before Taxes -/- Income Taxes ( PPh.25 ) Cummulative Current Year Profit ( Loss ) After Taxes Total Retained Earning Total Shareholder's Equity and Retained Earning Total Liabilities and Shareholder's Equity http://digilib.mercubuana.ac.id/ 79 1.181.018,28 313.479,12 2.005.085,83 28.552,33 386.866,08 272.421,58 2.424.843,38 797.724,36 160.062,09 1.586.181,01 25.376,81 31.441,25 9.213.052,12 83.329,13 2.318.460,37 (1.652.855,52) 665.604,85 1.081.032,69 (600.626,49) 480.406,20 12.648.269,47 (10.493.469,00) 2.154.800,47 173.266,00 (147.678,04) 25.587,96 359.477,42 (288.762,05) 70.715,37 396.833,33 (319.279,45) 77.553,88 31.438,00 (27.049,98) 4.388,02 17.092.106,41 (13.529.720,53) 3.562.385,88 5.105,23 1.739.073,39 1.502.691,00 215.395,13 8.184,17 3.470.448,92 16.245.886,92 2.300.000,00 380.304,26 2.391.208,19 74.244,08 (15.124,86) 88.609,57 52.227,19 5.271.468,43 93.686,67 793.426,83 887.113,50 6.158.581,93 3.950.000,00 4.743.023,45 (80.000,00) 20.167,01 2.047.613,25 5.646,76 1.474.281,54 6.137.304,99 10.087.304,99 16.245.886,92