Student Handbook for MATH 263 C and D 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 −0.2 −0.4 −0.6 −0.8 −1 −1 1 0.5 −0.5 0 0 0.5 −0.5 1 −1 ”I’m back! I’m back in the saddle again!” - Aerosmith Department of Mathematics Ohio University August 2011 Contents: 1. Material You Should Know – p. 2 2. Syllabus for 263C – p. 5 3. Suggested Problems for MATH 263C – p. 5 4. Syllabus for 263D – p. 6 5. Suggested Problems for MATH 263D – p. 6 Course Web Site: O.U. Matlab Web Site: Calculus 263 Coordinator: Todd Young,, 593-1277 Math Department Office: Morton 321,, 593-1254 1 Material You Should Know Before MATH 263 C or D Math is cumulative. To help you succeed in C and D these pages summarize the material from A and B. Your Math 263C and 263D instructor will take for granted that you know and can use the following material. You should review it before starting the course and before each test. If you are new at Ohio U. or did not take MATH 263 A and B here you should obtain a copy of the Student Handbook for MATH 263 A & B from the course web site and read it carefully. If you already have a copy of the handbook for MATH 263 A and B then you should review it now. Pre-Calculus Material As a general rule you should understand and be able to use all the material in reference pages 1 - 4 in the inside front and back covers of the textbook. You should memorize most of the formulas on those pages. Page 3 of the Student Handbook for MATH 263 A & B contains more detailed information. Conic Sections: Standard form of conic sections. Know how to graph them: (x − h)2 (y − k)2 (x − h)2 (y − k)2 + = 1, Hyperbola: − = 1, Ellipse: 2 2 a b a2 b2 Parabola: 4p(y − k) = (x − h)2 Limits: Meaning of Limits Limits Laws One-sided Limits Infinite Limits sin x =1 Basic Trig. Limit: lim x→0 x Continuity: Continuity means: limx→a f (x) = f (a). Polynomials, Rational, Algebraic, Exponential, Logarithmic, Trigonometric Functions all are continuous where defined. Definition of derivative: Wherever it exists: f (x) ≡ lim h→0 Differentiation rules: Linear Combinations: f (x + h) − f (x) . h d af (x) + bg(x) = af (x) + bg (x). dx h(x) = f (g(x)), =⇒ h (x) = f (g(x))g (x) Compositions (Chain rule): d f (x)g(x) = f (x)g(x) + f (x)g (x). Products: dx f (x)g(x) − f (x)g (x) d f (x) = . Quotients: dx g(x) g(x)2 Derivatives to memorize: Reference Page 5 formulas: 1-9, 11, 13-15, 17, 19, 21, 25-27 d ... = ... . Implicit Differentiation: Means: Differentiate the whole equation: dx Assume y is a function of x, so when you differentiate y you get dy/dx. Graphs: Vertical Line Test Know the graphs of functions in the reference pages. Graphing by hand: - Find zeros f (x) = 0. - Find vertical asymptotes at places where f (x) is undefined. - Check for horizontal and slant asymptotes. Divide quotients p(x)/q(x) if degree(p) ≥ degree(q). - Find f (x) and check for critical points. Either f (x) = 0 or f (x) does not exist. - Find f (x) and check for possible inflection points. Either f (x) = 0 or f (x) does not exist. - List critical and inflection points. - Graph. - Clearly label all features. Linear approximations: For x ≈ x0 : f (x) ≈ L(x) = f (x0 ) + f (x0 )(x − x0 ). Max-Min: - Global vs. Local extrema - Find critical points: f (x) = 0 or f (x) does not exist. - On a closed interval [a, b], must also check f (a) and f (b). - First Derivative Test: Check sign of f (x) on each side of the critical point. - Second Derivative Test: Check sign of f (x) at the critical point. Intermediate Value Theorem If f (x) is continuous on [a, b] and d is any real number between f (a) and f (b), then there exists a point c, a < c < b, such that f (c) = d. Max/Min Theorem If f is continuous on the interval [a, b], then f has a maximum value and a minimum value on [a, b]. Mean Value Theorem If f (x) is continuous on [a, b] and differentiable on (a, b), then there exists a point c, a < c < b, such that f (c) = (f (b) − f (a))/(b − a). Definitions related to Integration: F (x) is an Antiderivative of f (x) means: F (x) = f (x) Riemann Sum - Rn , Ln and Mn are examples. Definite Integral - The limit as n → ∞ of any Riemann sum. b 1 f (x) dx Average of a Function: favg = b−a a Integration Theorems: b If f (x) is continuous on [a, b] then a f (x) dx exists, however, it might not be expressible in terms of elementary (usual) functions. Fundamental Theorem of Calculus: If f is continuous, and F is an antiderivative of f , then x b d f (s)ds = f (x). Part 2: f (x) dx = F (b) − F (a). Part 1: dx a a Riemann sums and numerical integration: Let (x0 , x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) be evenly spaced, a = x0 , b = xn , ∆x = xi − xi−1 = (b − a)/n Let (y0 , y1 , y2 , . . . , yn ) be values of f (x), i.e. yi = f (xi ) n−1 yi = ∆x(y0 + y1 + . . . + yn−1 ) left sum - Ln = ∆x i=0 n right sum - Rn = ∆x yi = ∆x(y1 + y2 + . . . + yn ) i=1 trapezoid rule - Tn = ∆x/2 (y0 + 2y1 + 2y2 + . . . + 2yn−1 + yn ) Simpson’s rule - Sn = ∆x/3 (y0 + 4y1 + 2y2 + 4y3 + . . . + 2yn−2 + 4yn−1 + yn ) midpoint sum/rule - Mn = ∆x (f (x̄1 ) + f (x̄2 ) + . . . + f (x̄n )) where x̄i = (xi−1 + xi )/2, i.e. the mid-points of the intervals: [xi−1 , xi ]. L’Hopital’s rule: (x) (x) limx→a fg(x) = limx→a fg (x) if the first limit is 00 or ∞ ∞ and the 2nd limit exists. 0 ∞ 0 Change ∞ · 0 and ∞ − ∞ to 0 or ∞ . Use ln for 0 , ∞0 , 1∞ Integrals to memorize: un+1 + C, n = −1. un du = n+1 1 du = ln |u| + C u eu du = eu + C cos u du = sin u + C sin u du = − cos u + C 1 √ du = sin−1 u + C 1 − u2 1 du = tan−1 u + C 2 1+u sec2 u du = tan u + C sec u tan u du = sec u + C sinh u du = cosh u + C cosh u du = sinh u + C f (x) + g(x) dx = f (x) dx + g(x) dx Three major integration techniques: Substitution: Recognize f (g(x)) g (x) dx, set u = g(x), and get: f (u) du. By parts: u dv = uv − v du, first identify dv that can be integrated. Partial fractions: First reduce by dividing A2 A1 An ··· + −→ + ... + Real roots: n 2 (ax + b) ax + b (ax + b) (ax + b)n Ax + B ··· −→ 2 Complex roots: ax2 + bx + c ax + bx + c Differential Equation of exp. growth/decay: Arc Length: Parametric: x = f (t), y = g(t), α ≤ t ≤ β: L = β Polar: if r = r(θ), L = α r 2 + (dr/dθ)2 dθ β α dy = ay and y(0) = y0 , ⇒ y(t) = y0 eat . dt f (t)2 + g (t)2 dt 2 4.6 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 Syllabus for 263C – – – – – – – – – Newton’s Method Sequences Series The Integral and Comparison Tests Other Convergence Tests Power Series Representations as Power Series Taylor and Maclaurin Series Applications of Taylor Polynomials Brief Review of Conic Sections: See review section of this handbook. 3 10.1 – 3-D Coordinate Systems 10.2 – Vectors 10.3 – The Dot Product 10.4 – The Cross Product 10.5 – Equations of Lines and Planes 10.6 – Cylinders and Quadric Surfaces 10.7 – Vectors Functions and Space Curves 10.8 – Arc Length and Curvature** 10.9 – Motion in Space ** – Skip Normal and Binormal Vectors. Homework Problems for MATH 263C Section 4.6 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 Conics 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 Problems 1, 3, 5, 6, 9, 21, 22: ML1 Newton’s Method 3-27 odd 3-27 odd 3-27 odd, 30-32 2, 3-17 odd, 18, 19-29 odd, 35, 37 3-19 odd, 25, ML2 Summation of Series 1-17 odd, 23-29 odd, 35 1-17 odd, 27-35 odd, 43-46, 47-53 odd, 59, 61, 63 9-19 odd, 21-22, ML3 Taylor Series ML4 Plane Curves 1-10, 11-15 odd, 21-33 odd, ML5 Space Curves 1-3, 5-19 odd, 22, 23 1-3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17-33 odd, 37 1-9 odd, 13, 15, 23-27, 29, 31 1-15 odd, 16, 17-39 odd 1-31 odd 1-15 odd, 17-22, 23, 33-51 odd, 57-61 odd 1-5, 11-19 odd 1-11 odd, 15-25 odd 4 Syllabus for 263D 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 11.8 – – – – – – – – Functions of Several Variables Limits and Continuity Partial Derivatives Tangent Planes and Approximation The Chain Rule Directional Derivatives and Gradient Maximum and Minimum Values Lagrange Multipliers 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 – – – – – – Double Integrals On General Regions Double Integrals in Polar Coord. Applications of Double Integrals Triple Integrals Triple Ints. in Cylindrical Coords. Triple Ints. in Spherical Coords. 13.1 – Vector Fields 13.2 – Line Integrals 12.1 – Double Integrals Over Rectangles 5 Homework Problems for MATH 263D Section 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 11.8 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 13.1 13.2 Problems 1-21 odd, 25-35 odd, 41-46, 51; ML1 Functions 3-13 odd, 23, 25, 27, 29, 30; ML2 Contour Plots 3, 4, 7-23 odd, 37-40, 43-51 odd; ML3 Partial Deriv. 1, 3, 5, 11-14, 17, 25, 27, 31 1-7 odd, 17, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29 1-17, 22, 26. 31-34, 37, 38, 44; ML4 Gradients 1-13 odd, 23-27 odd, 31-43 odd 1-15 odd, 16, 17, 38, 39; ML5 Lagrange Multipliers 1, 3, 4, 7-31 odd 1-13 odd, 17-25 odd, 31-41 odd 1-6, 7-27 odd; ML6 Double Integrals 1-13 3-39 odd, 43, 45; ML7 Approximate Integrals 1-13, 15-27 odd 1-10, 11-27 odd, 35, 36, 40 1, 3, 11-18, 21-26 1-19 odd, 16, 27, 28, 33, 35, 37