Traductores Jurados
Organización Internacional de Traducción
Apartado 144. / Avda. Camp de Morvedre 78 – 2
Puerto de Sagunto, 46520. Valencia. SPAIN
Tel./Fax: (+34) 96 267- 1220
E-mail: Website:
We provide worldwide professional and guaranteed translation and interpretation services to our
clients, translators and agencies. We have an extended and growing network of experienced and
specialist official and professional translators and interpreters, including university professors who train
translators and interpreters at the translation departments of various universities in different countries.
We have worldwide clients, representatives, translators and collaborating agencies.
We work with all language combinations.
Our client base consists of governmental and non-governmental organizations, small and large
companies and many individuals. We receive translation/interpretation projects in different language
combinations from our clients, member translators and member agencies around the world.
We provide a complete range of professional and guaranteed translation and interpretation services.
Standard Translations
Written translations: worldwide service in all language combinations
Interpretations (consecutive, simultaneous and escort interpretations): worldwide service
in all language combinations
Specialized Translations
Translations of specialized texts which contain specific terminology such as:
Legal translations
Software localization
Financial translations
Technical translations
Official and Sworn Translations
Certified translations authorized by the Spanish Foreign Ministry for administrative or legal
Court Interpretations
Worldwide service for court interpretation, required to be conducted by an official or sworn
court interpreter who is certified by the authorities of a specific country or state.
Website Translations
Web page translations from text files or directly from HTML, PPT or PDF format.
Advantages of working with us
The International Translation Organization has the necessary network and infrastructure to solve your
translation and interpretation problems regardless of their complexity and complication. Each translation or
interpretation project has its own specific and unique features:
Language combination, field of work and specialization: our worldwide network is made up of
translators and interpreters who cover all language combinations, fields of work and
Firm deadline: the translations are assigned after taking all measures to ensure that the
translators can meet the deadline.
Legal and sworn: we work with legal, certified and sworn translators and court interpreters
available in all language combinations and anywhere in the world.
Honorarium: we exclusively work with professional translators and interpreters who charge
professional honorarium at professional rates. As our members, they provide our clients with a
discount. Our worldwide network allows us to offer the lowest rates and honorarium for
professional translation and interpretation projects.
Terms and conditions and mode of payment and invoicing: we agree to those terms and
conditions and mode of payment and invoicing that are acceptable to the client and the member
translators / interpreters.
General and additional revision: some translation projects require general or additional
Revision projects: we receive a large volume of revision projects. These projects have initially
been translated by non-professionals and / or non-experts who all in good faith have done their
best effort. However, translation, like any other professional activity, requires high standards of
expertise, knowledge and experience.
Travel, transportation and hotel costs: these are some of the most expensive items in an
interpretation project. We drastically reduce or completely eliminate these costs. For instance,
you are based in L. A., California, and you need an interpreter in Rome. By assigning an
interpreter who resides in Rome, we save you the heavy cost of using interpreters based in L. A.
and paying for their travel, transportation, and hotel expenses, in addition to their professional
How we work
Our objectives are providing a professional, quality and guaranteed translation and interpretation
service at the lowest cost and establishing a long-term relationship with the clients, member translators
and member agencies.
Our experience shows that the least time consuming and the most efficient and practical method to
achieve this objective is the following:
1. Translation and interpretation projects are received from our clients, member agencies, and member
translators at our headquarters.
2. Each project is assigned to a member translator or interpreter using the following criteria:
2.1. The translator specializes in the required field of work.
2.2. The translator has complete local and cultural knowledge.
2.3. The target language is the translator’s mother tongue.
2.4. The translator is available and can meet the firm deadline.
Languages and Countries
The membership of the International Translation Organization is made up of translators and member
agencies in every country of the world, providing us with the capacity of offering all language
combinations to our clients worldwide.
Countries of our members and clients:
Afghanistan -- Albania -- Algeria -- Andorra -- Angola -- Antigua and Barbuda -- Argentina -- Armenia
-- Australia -- Austria-- Azerbaijan -- Bahamas -- Bahrain -- Bangladesh -- Barbados -- Belarus -Belgium -- Belize -- Benin -- Bhutan -- Bolivia -- Bosnia and Herzegovina -- Botswana -- Brazil -Brunei Darussalam -- Bulgaria -- Burkina Faso -- Burundi -- Cambodia -- Cameroon -- Canada -- Cape
Verde -- Central African Republic -- Chad -- Chile -- China -- Colombia -- Comoros -- Congo -- Costa
Rica -- Côte d'Ivoire -- Croatia -- Cuba -- Cyprus -- Czech Republic-- Democratic People's Republic of
Korea -- Democratic Republic of the Congo -- Denmark -- Djibouti -- Dominica -- Dominican
Republic -- Ecuador -- Egypt -- El Salvador -- Equatorial Guinea -- Eritrea -- Estonia -- Ethiopia -Fiji -- Finland – France -- Gabon -- Gambia -- Georgia -- Germany -- Ghana -- Greece-- Grenada -Guatemala -- Guinea -- Guinea-Bissau -- Guyana -- Haiti -- Honduras -- Hungary -- Iceland -- India -Indonesia -- Iran (Islamic Republic of) -- Iraq-- Ireland -- Israel-- Italy-- Jamaica -- Japan-- Jordan -Kazakhstan-- Kenya -- Kiribati - Kuwait -- Kyrgyzstan -- Lao People's Democratic Republic -- Latvia - Lebanon -- Lesotho -- Liberia -- Libyan Arab Jamahiriya -- Liechtenstein-- Lithuania -Luxembourg-- Madagascar -- Malawi -- Malaysia-- Maldives-- Mali -- Malta -- Marshall Islands -Mauritania -- Mauritius -- Mexico -- Micronesia (Federated States of)-- Monaco -- Mongolia -Morocco -- Mozambique -- Myanmar -- Namibia -- Nauru -- Nepal -- Netherlands -- New Zealand -Nicaragua -- Niger -- Nigeria -- Norway -- Oman -- Pakistan -- Palau -- Panama -- Papua New Guinea
-- Paraguay -- Peru -- Philippines -- Poland -- Portugal -- Qatar -- Republic of Korea -- Republic of
Moldova -- Romania -- Russian Federation -- Rwanda -- Saint Kitts and Nevis -- Saint Lucia -- Saint
Vincent and the Grenadines -- Samoa -- San Marino -- Sao Tome and Principe -- Saudi Arabia -Senegal -- Seychelles -- Sierra Leone -- Singapore -- Slovakia -- Slovenia -- Solomon Islands -Somalia
-South Africa -- Spain -- Sri Lanka -- Sudan -- Suriname -- Swaziland -- Sweden -- Syrian Arab
Republic -- Tajikistan -- Thailand -- The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia -- Togo -- Tonga -Trinidad and Tobago -- Tunisia -- Turkey -- Turkmenistan -- Tuvalu -- Uganda -- Ukraine-- United
Arab Emirates -- United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland-- United Republic of
Tanzania -- United States of America -- Uruguay -- Uzbekistan -- Vanuatu -- Venezuela -- Viet Nam - Yemen -- Yugoslavia -- Zambia -- Zimbabwe
Our clients not only expect but need guaranteed, professional and quality translation and interpretation
services at the lowest cost.
We have the knowledge and network to find the lowest honorarium for a translation or interpretation
project and guarantee a professional and quality service.
There are different ways of determining the translation and interpretation honorariums in each country.
When it comes to written translations, the honorariums could be per word, line, pages, and characters …
usually in the target text and sometimes in the source text. These honorariums are available upon
request. However, the client needs the bottom line and the total cost to be able to make a counter-offer
based on the funds allocated to the project.
Our experience shows that the least time consuming and the most efficient and practical method is the
Translation and interpretation projects are received from our clients, member translators, and member
agencies at our headquarters.
Using our database on member translators and agencies, we select those who work with that particular
language combination and specialize in that specific field and line of translation services and are available
and ask for a free of charge preliminary closed quotation.
If the preliminary quotation is not acceptable, the client makes a counter-offer. If the translator or agency
accepts the counter-offer, the translation process begins. Otherwise, we inform the client that the counteroffer is below the professional translation market price and it is impossible to obtain a professional and
guaranteed translation.
List of clients by area of activity:
Safiran Airlines
General Motors
Pilkington group
Cárnicas Floristán
Asland Lafarge
Plásticos Mondragón
Navarti Cerámica
Asociación Española de Productos para la Infancia
Bufete García Garrido
Jusleridik S.L.
Public Organizations
Real Estate
Eduardo Amor
Mas Medios
Feria de Valencia
Cabeza Líquida
Gonzalo Haro
Laboratories Ortis
Fundación Bancaja
Ayuntamiento de Sagunto
Ari Business
Federación Hotelera
IFT Poultry
De Fonteyn Sunbelt Spas
Ruys Vloeren
Escuela Hispalense
Should you need any further information, please contact us on
Tel. +34 96 267 1220
Our office hours are Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.