TEACHER NOTE: if you are using the INVESTIGATIONS series, see MATHEMATICAL THINKING AT GRADE 5 – Investigation 1 and 2. I. Grade Level/Unit Number: Grade 5, Unit 1, Activity Set 1 II. Unit Title: Numbers, Operations and Algebra III. Unit Length: 2 weeks IV. Indicators Addressed: 5-2.7 Generate strategies to find the greatest common factor and the least common multiple of two whole numbers. C3 5-2.9 Apply divisibility rules for 3, 6, and 9. C3 V. Materials Needed: See Lessons Final Project: Students will create game questions for Prime/composite, GCF/LCM. Each question and answer should be written on a separate index card. Combine the cards and create student groups to play the game. Key Learning: Divisibility, prime and composite numbers, least common multiples and greatest common factors are all critical components of everything else that will be covered this year. 1 New Essential Mathematics Vocabulary: Composite number Prime number Students in third grade identified numbers as odd or even and in 4th grade they found factors of a given number up to 50. These are prerequisites for students at the fifth grade level who are expected to identify prime and composite numbers. Students need experiences that will help to enhance their development of number sense and in examining the properties of numbers. Students have the notion that all odd numbers are prime. The notion that all odd numbers are not prime needs to be emphasized. The misconception can be addressed and the concept introduced through the suggested lesson. Suggest that this kind of special number is one that can be useful for doing mental arithmetic and for working with fractions. The following activities are from: Prime and Composite Numbers – 5th Grade – CEEMS document 2 3 • • • Determine whether a given two-digit whole number is prime or composite with the aid of a corresponding pictorial array. Identify a one-digit number that is prime. Determine how many factors a prime number can have. Lessons that Promote Understanding Include: Materials Needed: • Hundreds chart • Chart markers Distribute a copy of the hundreds chart. Worksheet 1 Ask students to put a square around the 1. Next, circle the number 2 and cross out the multiples of 2. Then circle the 3 and proceed to cross out the multiples of 3. The 4 is already crossed out, so move on to the 5. Circle the 5 and cross out all multiples of 5. Continue using this method until all the numbers are 4 either circled or crossed out. Closely monitor students. Ask the students to determine what the circled numbers have in common and how the circled numbers are different from the crossed out numbers. When it is determined that all the circled numbers have itself and one as factors, the terms “prime” and “composite” can be introduced. Ask students to explain the characteristics of prime numbers and composite numbers through their journal writing; for example, ask them to define prime and composite numbers and provide examples to further illustrate their understanding of this concept. They should also explain in elementary terms why the number “2” is the only even prime and why 1 is neither prime nor composite. They should explain by writing why all odd numbers are not prime and illustrate this concept by drawing a Venn diagram. Using 2 circles that do not intersect, label one circle for prime numbers and the other for composite numbers. They can use the numbers 1-100 for this activity. Instruct them to put any number they found as neither prime nor composite outside the Venn. For additional practice of identifying prime and composite numbers, use the interactive sites listed: http://www.aaamath.com/fra63a-primecomp.html http://illuminations.nctm.org/mathlets/factor/index.html (Note: Remember to check the sites prior to student use as they do change periodically.) Top 1. Divisibility Rules: students in grade 5 are required to know divisibility rules for 3, 6, and 9, but 2, 5, and 10 should also be reviewed. POWERPOINT - divisibility rules ppt Worksheet 2 * (divisibility notes) *SEE ATTACHMENT worksheet 3 and Key (worksheet with missing numbers and key) Top 2. Prime and composite numbers are hard concepts for students to grasp. One is a special number- neither prime nor composite. This discussion will help to direct the explanation of all prime and composite numbers. Composite numbers- numbers with more than 2 factors Prime numbers- numbers with ONLY 2 factors. (No more, no less) Reminder: ONE only has one factor. Ways to Check for Divisibility 5 Factors are the numbers that can be multiplied together to get the desired product. EX: factor x factor = product EX: 54: 1,2,3,6,9,18,27,54 composite EX: 41: 1,41 prime http://www.toonuniversity.com/flash.asp?err=499&engine=14: and here is a cool site for games with prime factoring. http://www.purplemath.com/modules/factnumb.htm : and one more site that walks you through this type of factoring. Well done! Top 3. GREATEST COMMON FACTOR (GCF) Tell students this skill will benefit them as they begin to work with reducing fractions! GCF: the largest factor that is common to both numbers. LEAST COMMON MULTIPLE (LCM): the smallest common multiple between two numbers. Prime Factoring Flip Chart / OR / PowerPoint If you have Promethean on your computer, simply drag this icon into “My Flipcharts” and then it will open. If not, you can use the PowerPoint. PowerPoint Least Common Multiple Activity* worksheet 4 (hundreds chart w/ bingo chips) - purchase of items can be made at http://www.alliedbingo.com/home/ab2/smartlist_65/tubs_of_chips.html * ASSESSMENT – worksheet 5 A , B (prime factorization, GCF, LCM test and key) Worksheet 2 back Divisibility Notes Rule for 2= must be an even number Rule for 3= the sum of the digits is divisible by 3 example: 138 1+3+8=12 12 is divisible by 3 Rule for 4= the last 2 digits form a number that is divisible by 4. Example: 2,324 24 is divisible by 4 6 Rule for 5= Rule for 6= number is divisible by 3 and 2 Example: 2,622 The number is even so it is divisible by 2 2+6+2+2=12 and 12 is divisible by 3 It is divisible by 2 and 3, so it is divisible by 6 also Rule for 9= the sum of the digits is divisible by 9 Example: 567 5+6+7=18 18 is divisible by 9 Rule for 10= number ends in 0 7 Worksheet 3 back Name: ___________________________ DIVISIBILITY RULES: ** Make each number divisible by both 3 AND 9. 1. 6___ 2. 46___ 3. 53___,27___ 4. 3,___21 5. 7,___ ___ 5 6. 9___, 4___3 **Make each number divisible by 6. 7. 7 ___ 8. 53___ 9. 8___,4___2 *** Make this number divisible by 3,6, and 9. 10. 7___4,___2___ Worksheet 3 KEY Name: _______KEY__ DIVISIBILITY RULES: ** Make each number divisible by both 3 AND 9. 1. 6___ (3) NOTE, order within ( ) does NOT matter. 2. 46___ (8) 3. 53___,27___ (1,0) (3,7) (1,9) (4,6) (5,5) 4. 3,___21 (3) 5. 7,___ ___ 5 (0,6) (1,5) (2,4) (3,3) (7,8) (9,6) 6. 9___, 4___3 (2,0) (1,1) (2,9) (3,8) (4,7) (5,6) **Make each number divisible by 6. 7. 7 ___ (2) (8) 8. 53___ (4) 9. 8___,4___2 NOTE: LOTS OF POSSIBILITIES… NUMBER COMBINATIONS *** Make this number divisible by 3, 6, and 9.SUMS OF EITHER: SHOULD HAVE 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, OR 16 10. 7___4,___2___ ***Last digit must be EVEN. The SUM of the 3 missing digits must equal EITHER 5 or 24. 8 Worksheet 5 back Explain what GCF is, and how it will help you with fractions. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 1. Explain what LCM is, and how it will help you with fractions. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 2. Classify these numbers as Prime or Composite. (there is a tricky one!!!) 1. 5 _____________ 2. 30_____________ 3. 14_____________ 4. 9_____________ 5. 57_____________ 3. Compare these fractions. (><=) ¼ ____ ½ 2/3___ 3/5 4/10___2/5 4. Use PRIME FACTORIZATION to find GCF and LCM. 1. 12: 30 2. 56: 60 3. 90: 35 9 1. Explain what GCF is, and how it will help you with fractions. _______GCF is used to help reduce fractions to simplest form. 2. Explain what LCM is, and how it will help you with fractions. _______LCM is used to find common denominators to enable us to add and subtract fractions. 3. Classify these numbers as Prime or Composite. (there is a tricky one!!!) a. 5 ____prime_________ b. 30________composite_____ c. 14_____composite________ d. 9______composite_______ e. 57____composite_________ 4. Use PRIME FACTORIZATION to find GCF and LCM. a. 12: 30 GCF: 6 LCM: 60 b. 56: 60 GCF: 4 LCM: 840 c. 90: 35 GCF: 5 LCM: 630 Worksheet 5B key 10 rksheet 4 back 11 Back Worksheet 1 12 I. Grade Level/Unit Number: Grade 5/Unit 1, Activity Set 2 II. Unit Title: Numbers, Operations and Algebra III. Unit Length: 1 week IV. Indicators Addressed: 5-3.4 Identify applications of commutative, associative, and distributive properties with whole numbers. B1 V. Materials Needed - see each section Final Project TEACHER NOTE: When teaching order operations, be certain your students know that multiplication and division are to be read in order from left to right. Then, addition and subtraction are read from left to right. Order of Operations: PEMDAS Do all multiplication and division from left to right, not multiplication then division!!!! Do all addition and subtraction from left to right, not addition then subtraction!!!! Please (parentheses) Excuse (exponents) My (multiplication) Dear (division) Aunt (addition) Sally (subtraction) 13 This is a neat mnemonic device for students to use to memorize the order of operations. EX: 2x3+4-2÷2= 6 + 4- 1=9 Parentheses Exponents Multiply or Divide Add or Subtract Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally • Do the operations within each level from left-to-right. • Write the answer directly below the operation sign. • Do not 're-use' any numbers. • POWERPOINT Order of Operations By: Lisa Foti EDT 210 Wednesday 9–10:50 If you have Promethean software, simply drag and drop (or copy and paste) these two icons into “My Flipcharts” and they will open. math_order_operations.flp NumberTheory_OrderofOperations.flp **** SEE ATTACHMENT 1A worksheet 1 & B worksheet 2**** (worksheet and key) Snake Duration: 30-45 minutes An AskERIC Lesson Plan 14 Description: Snake is a fun and highly interactive math game for practicing basic math skills which can be used by substitute teachers, to fill unplanned time, and as a treat at the end of the day. Goals: Increase proficiency in basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts. Objectives: Students will use mental math to compute answers to arithmetic problems. Students will add columns of numbers to arrive at a total score. Materials: pair of 6-sided dice (for older grades use 10-, 12-, or 20-sided dice) calculator paper pencil Procedure: Each student writes the word "SNAKE" in large letters at the top of a piece of paper, making a column under each letter. All students stand by their desks, and the teacher rolls the dice and announces the two numbers. Depending on the grade level or the ability of the students, the teacher can have students add, subtract, multiply, or divide the two numbers. The students will do so quietly in their heads and then enter their answers in the first column "S." (The teacher should record each answer on a piece of paper as well.) The students continue to record their answers in the "S" column until they choose to sit down and play it safe or until the round ends. When a student has chosen to sit down, he/she can no longer collect points and must wait until the next round to stand up and rejoin the game. A round (or column) ends when one of the following occurs: 1. All the students have chosen to sit down. 2. The teacher has rolled a 1 on one of the dice. In this case, all the students who are still standing will lose all their points for that column only. Their total for that column will go to 0. 3. The teacher has rolled "snake eyes." In this case, all the students who are standing will lose all their points in each completed column and in the current column. Their score will now be 0. After a round ends, all the students may stand up again and begin collecting points for the next column. After all five rounds have been played, students will add up all of the columns to determine their total score. Students with the highest overall score win. Students can double check their calculations with a calculator. The teacher's answer sheet can also be used to verify students' scores. Be certain to render it appropriate for the grade level of the students and offer a reward when feasible. 15 One difficulty of the game is trying to keep students from calling out the answers. If students are silent, then all children can practice their mental math facts. Also, when students have their scores, they tend to rush up front to show the teacher. So make a rule that students must remain in their seats and raise their hands when ready to share scores. Display a child's total score on the board and ask if anyone has a higher score; repeat this until the top two or three scores are identified. Assessment: Observe students' participation throughout the game. Collect students' sheets and compare their answers with the teacher's answer sheet. Properties of Whole Numbers: Commutative Property: Works only for addition and multiplication. Numbers can be placed in any order and still have the same sum or product. Ex: 4+5=9 or 5+4=9 6x3=18 or 3x6=18 Title - The Commutative Property By - Jennifer Dalke Lesson 3: The Commutative Property, Using Arrays Materials Cans flashcards grid paper small stickers small bags of buttons Anticipatory Set Referring to an array of cans (4 x 6) stacked on the table at the front of the room, ask students if they have ever seen something similar to this. Where? Explain that this is called an ‘array’: an arrangement of items in a number of equal-sized rows. Ask students where else they have seen arrays of items. Challenge them to identify arrays that are in the classroom. (Be certain there are a number of possibilities before beginning the lesson.) Finally, point out a blank bulletin board and tell them they will be making their own bulletin board with the work they do today. Guided Practice 1. Call students’ attention to the array of cans at the front of the room, again. Ask, How many rows across there are of the cans? How many cans in each row? I will write "4 rows of 6 cans" on the board. How many cans in all? Write " = 24" next to the existing sentence. Is there another way to write this? Write "4 x 6 = 24." 2. With students in pairs, distribute bags of small buttons to each group explaining that we are going to practice making arrays with the buttons. 3. Use a set of flashcards (making sure that the "0" facts are taken out) to 16 pick multiplication problems at random. Write the problem in large print on the board, and ask them how an array could be made to show this problem. Use buttons on an overhead to show them. 4. Continue to pick cards at random, asking pairs of students to make arrays with their buttons. Call on volunteers to demonstrate what they have done at their desks, using the buttons on the overhead. 5. Ask if any pair of students has done the problems in a different way. In a perfect situation, the students will discover the Commutative Property on their own. If not, turn the page on the overhead so that it is sideways. Ask if this is the same problem. Why or why not? Discuss how this problem is written and why it is the same. 6. Repeat this activity, with each group showing that the two arrays yield the same answer. Again, students come up to the overhead to show their work. 7. Next, collect the buttons and separate the pairs of students. 8. Finally, use an overhead to show how arrays can be drawn on a grid. Practice doing this together, pointing out that a 2 x 3 array yields covers the same space as a 3 x 2 array. Label each array appropriately. Individual Practice 1. Distribute grid paper. 2. Mix up the flashcards, hold them face down and ask students to choose one. Then give them the corresponding card as well; for example, if a student picks 8 x 4, give him/her 4 x 8. 3. Tell them to outline, color, and cut out each array on the grid paper. 3. As they work, distribute one piece of construction paper to each studentso they can glue each array onto the construction paper. (Show them an example.) 4. Check to see if any students have labeled their arrays, and point this out to the other students. If no one has done so, explain its importance. 5. Finally, distribute small stickers to be placed in each box of their arrays. Closure: When all of students are finished, point to the bulletin board and explain that this is where we will be hanging up our arrays under the title, "Array for Multiplication!" (Kind of like ‘hooray!’). Students will come up one by one. Each student should show his/her array to the class, and explain what multiplication sentences that each one illustrates. Hang it up on the board. 17 Assessment: • Observe the students for active participation. • Check for completion of the array projects with 100% accuracy. If a child is not doing his/hers correctly, pair him/her with someone who finishes early so they can help the student understand the concept. This is the “Very Large Array” The Very Large Array, one of the world's premier astronomical radio observatories, consists of 27 radio antennas in a Y-shaped configuration on the Plains of San Agustin fifty miles west of Socorro, New Mexico. Each antenna is 25 meters (82 feet) in diameter. The data from the antennas is combined electronically to give the resolution of an antenna 36km (22 miles) across, with the sensitivity of a dish 130 meters (422 feet) in diameter. For more information, see our overview of the VLA. The array is currently in the A configuration. Just an interesting note for your kids! Associative Property: Also works for addition and subtraction only.*** Includes parentheses. Ex: (9+2)+1=12 or 9+(2+1)= 12 2x(9x3)=54 or (2x9)x3= 54 Distributive Property: Used with multiplication and addition or subtraction. Ex: 5(9+2) 2(11-3) (5x9) + (5x2) (2x11)- (2x3) 45+10=55 22-6=16 Identity Property: a+0=a (for addition) a*1 = a (for multiplication) POWERPOINT by D. Fisher Worksheet on properties worksheet 3 Answer key worksheet 4 18 back Parentheses Exponents Multiply or Divide Add or Subtract Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally 1). 7 + (1 × 5) × 6 = 2). 7 - (3 + 3) = 3). 0 + 0 + (3 + 4) = 4). (4 - 2) × 1 + 2 = 5). 4 + 1 × 4 × 1 - (2 × 1) = 6). 7 × 7 - 3 - (7 - 5) = 7). 2 × 0 + 7 + 4 + 2 × 5 = 8). 3 × 2 - (5 × 1) = Worksheet 1 19 back Parentheses Exponents Multiply or Divide Add or Subtract Please 1). 7 + (1 × 5) × 6 = 7+ 30 37 Excuse My Dear 7+ 5 Aunt Sally x6 2). 7 - (3 + 3) = 76 1 3). 0 + 0 + (3 + 4) = 0+ 0+ 7 7 4). (4 - 2) × 1 + 2 = 2 x1 +2 2+2 4 20 5). 4 + 1 × 4 × 1 - (2 × 1) = 4 + 1x 4 x 1 - 2 = (continued above) 4+ 4 -2 8 -2 6 6). 7 × 7 - 3 - (7 - 5) = 7 x 7 -3 2 49 -3 2 46 -2 44 7). 2 × 0 + 7 + 4 + 2 × 5 = 0 +7 +4 +2x 5 0 +7 +4 +10 7 +4 +10 11+ 10 21 8). 3 × 2 - (5 × 1) = 3x25 6 5 1 Worksheet 2 21 PROPERTIES Name:__________________ Match the words in the first column to the best available answer in the second column. back _____ 5x(3+6)=(5x3)+(5x6) 1)Associative Property of Multiplication(AX) _____ 0/4=0 2)Associative Property of Addition(A+) _____ 4x3=3x4 3)Commutative Property of Addition(C+) _____ (3x5)x2=3x(5x2) 4)Identity Property of 0(ID-0) _____ (6+8)+(4+6)=(4+6)+(6+8) 5)Multiplication and Division Property of 0(x-0) _____ (3+5)+5=3+(5+5) 6)Commutative Property of Addition(CA) _____ 14/1=14 7)Multiplication and Division Property of 0(X-0) _____ 2x8=8x2 8)Associative Property of Multiplication(AX) _____ 0+6=6 9)Distributive Property(Distrib) _____ (6x25)x4=6x(25x4) 10)Multiplication and Division Property of 0(X-0) _____ 8x0=8 11)Distributive Property(Distrib) _____ (8x3)-(6x3)=3x(8-6) 12)Associative Property of Multiplication(AX) 22 _____ 18x1=18 13)Associative Property of Multiplication(AX) _____ 16-16=0 14)Identity Property of 1(ID-1) _____ 18+12=12+18 15)Identity Property of 0(ID-0) _____ (5x10)x10=5x(10x10) 16)Commutative Property of Multiplication(CX) _____ 3x(2+5)=(3x2)+(3x5) 17)Distributive Property(Distrib) _____ (4+12)+18=4+(12+18) 18)Identity Property of 1(ID-1) _____ 21x0=0 19)Associative Property of Addition(A+) _____ (18x10)x10=18x(10x10) 20)Commutative Property of Multiplication(CX) Worksheet 3 23 Answer Key: (Worksheet 3) back 9 11 17 - 5x(3+6)=(5x3)+(5x6) 5 - 0/4=0 16 20 - 4x3=3x4 1 8 12 13 - (3x5)x2=3x(5x2) 6 - (6+8)+(4+6)=(4+6)+(6+8) 2 19 - (3+5)+5=3+(5+5) 14 18 - 14/1=14 16 20 - 2x8=8x2 4 15 - 0+6=6 1 8 12 13 - (6x25)x4=6x(25x4) 7 10 - 8x0=8 9 11 17 - (8x3)-(6x3)=3x(8-6) 14 18 - 18x1=18 4 24 15 - 16-16=0 3 - 18+12=12+18 1 8 12 13 - (5x10)x10=5x(10x10) 9 11 17 - 3x(2+5)=(3x2)+(3x5) 2 19 - (4+12)+18=4+(12+18) 7 10 - 21x0=0 1 8 12 13 - (18x10)x10=18x(10x10) 25 Worksheet Ask Dr. Math: FAQ Glossary of Properties Dr. Math FAQ || Classic Problems || Formulas || Search Dr. Math || Dr. Math Home Operation - Identity - Associative - Commutative - Distributive - Closure Inverse - Equality An operation works to change numbers. (The word operate comes from Latin operari, "to work.") There are six operations in arithmetic that "work on" numbers: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, raising to powers, and taking roots. A binary operation requires two numbers. Addition is a binary operation, because "5 +" doesn't mean anything by itself. Multiplication is another binary operation. From the Web: Binary Operation, Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics Notes on Binary Operations, Peter Williams Back to Top Identity An identity is a special kind of number. When you use an operation to combine an identity with another number, that number stays the same. Zero is called the additive identity, because adding zero to a number will not change it: the number stays the same. 0 + a = a = a + 0. Since any number multiplied by one remains constant, the multiplicative identity is 1. 1 * a = a = a * 1. 26 From the Math Forum: Additive Identity and Other Properties Basic Real Number Properties Identifying Algebraic Properties Number Properties Properties Laws of Arithmetic Definition of a field. From the Web: Field Axioms and Identity Element, Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics Identities, Peter Williams Back to Top Associative Property An operation is associative if you can group numbers in any way without changing the answer. It doesn't matter how you combine them, the answer will always be the same. Addition and multiplication are both associative. Here are some addition examples: 1 + (2 + 3) = (1 + 2) + 3 1 + (5) = (3) + 3 6 = 6. (-1 + 66) + 14 = -1 + (66 + 14) (65) + 14 = -1 + (80) 79 = 79. More generally, a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c. Here is a multiplication example: 2 * (4 * 3) = (2 * 4) * 3 2 * (12) = (8) * 3 24 = 24. In general terms, that's a * (b * c) = (a * b) * c. From the Math Forum: Associative Property Associative, Distributive Properties Basic Real Number Properties Properties of Algebra 27 Meanings of Properties Number Properties Properties Algebraic Systems Is a "new" operation commutative or associative? Identifying Algebraic Properties Laws of Arithmetic Definition of a field. From the Web: The Associative Property, "Ask Lois Terms" Associative, Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics Associative Operations, Peter Williams Back to Top Commutative Property An operation is commutative if you can change the order of the numbers involved without changing the result. Addition and multiplication are both commutative. Subtraction is not commutative: 2 - 1 is not equal to 1 - 2. Here are some examples of the commutative properties of addition and multiplication: 88 + 65 = 65 + 88 153 = 153. 12 * 13 = 13 * 12 156 = 156. More generally, a + b = b + a, and a * b = b * a. From the Math Forum: The Commutative Property Around Us Basic Real Number Properties Properties of Algebra Additive Identity and Other Properties Meanings of Properties Properties and Postulates Algebraic Systems Is a "new" operation commutative or associative? Properties of Real Numbers Identifying Algebraic Properties 28 Number Properties Properties Laws of Arithmetic Definition of a field. From the Web: The Commutative Property, "Ask Lois Terms" Commutative, Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics Commutative Operations, Peter Williams Back to Top Distributive Property When you distribute something, you give pieces of it to many different people. One example of distributing objects is handing out papers in class. In math, people usually talk about the distributive property of one operation over another. The most common distributive property is the distribution of multiplication over addition. It says that when a number is multiplied by the sum of two other numbers, the first number can be handed out or distributed to both of those two numbers and multiplied by each of them separately. Here's the distributive property in symbols: a * (b + c) = a * b + a * c. Here's an example: 5 * (2 + 8) = 5 * 2 + 5 * 8 5 * (10) = 10 + 40 50 = 50. Not all operations are distributive. For instance, you cannot distribute division over addition. Let's try an example: 14 / (5 + 2) = 14 / (7) = 2, but 14/5 + 14/2 = 2.8 + 7 = 9.8. Clearly, 2 is not equal to 9.8. From the Math Forum: Distributive Property What is the Distributive Property? 29 Distributive Property Associative, Distributive Properties Properties of Algebra Meanings of Properties Laws of Arithmetic Definition of a field. From the Web: The Distributive Property, "Ask Lois Terms" Distributive, Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics Distributive Operations, Peter Williams Back to Top Inverse The inverse of something is that thing turned inside out or upside down. The inverse of an operation undoes the operation: division undoes multiplication. A number's additive inverse is another number that you can add to the original number to get the additive identity. For example, the additive inverse of 67 is -67, because 67 + -67 = 0, the additive identity. Similarly, if the product of two numbers is the multiplicative identity, the numbers are multiplicative inverses. Since 6 * 1/6 = 1 (the multiplicative identity), the multiplicative inverse of 6 is 1/6. Zero does not have a multiplicative inverse, since no matter what you multiply it by, the answer is always 0, not 1. From the Math Forum: Basic Real Number Properties Laws of Arithmetic Definition of a field. From the Web: Multiplicative Inverse and Field Axioms, Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics Inverse, Peter Williams Back to Top 30 I. Grade Level/Unit Number: Grade 5/Unit 1, Activity Set 3 II. Unit Title: Numbers, Operations and Algebra III. Unit Length: 3 weeks IV. Indicators Addressed: 5-3.1 Represent numeric, algebraic, and geometric patterns in words, symbols, algebraic expressions, and algebraic equations. B2 5-3.2 Analyze patterns and functions with words, tables, and graphs. B4 5-3.3 Match tables, graphs, expressions, equations, and verbal descriptions of the same problem situation. C2 5-3.5 Analyze situations that show change over time. B4 V. Materials Needed: see each lesson Final Project: Worksheet 7 Key Learning: How are patterns and graphs related? Note to Teacher: Emphasize that patterns are everywhere in life and come in form of words, numbers, etc. Discuss the various types of graphs and their purposes. Recognizing, creating and extending patterns are fundamental problem solving techniques. Therefore, any work done with patterns and functions should be accomplished through a problem solving mode. The emphasis in fifth grade is on analyzing and using patterns to solve problems, not recognizing basic repeating or growing patterns. Fifth grade students are expected to analyze, describe, extend, and use numeric patterns (arithmetic sequences and function rules) and geometric patterns (triangular numbers, perfect squares) to solve problems. Such problem solving opportunities should specifically include the relationship among distance, speed, and time. A triangular number is a natural number such that the shape of an equilateral triangle can be formed by that number of points. Every triangular number can be written as the sum 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n for some natural number n. The sequence of triangular numbers (sequence A000217 in OEIS) for n = 1, 2, 3... is: 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55, ... 31 1 In fifth grade students should build on previous experiences; 3 charting and graphing change over time lays an important foundation for later work on linear (straight 6 line on a graph) and nonlinear (not a straight line on a graph) relationships. 10 Fourth grade students primarily focus on using charts and graphs, whereas at fifth grade they are required to actually create the 15 charts and graphs to show changes th over time. It is at the 5 grade level that the concept of finding missing elements in numerical or non-numerical forms is introduced. This is also the first time that students are required to use function rules to make generalizations. In mathematics education today, there is a growing awareness that children need experiences with problem-solving activities and the use of calculators should be introduced and applied at every level. All children are highly motivated by the use of the calculator. Use these questions to help prompt them in their search: 1. Do any numbers repeat? 2. Can you predict the next row of numbers? 3. What is the rule or “function” for the 2nd row of numbers? The 3rd row? 4. What sequences do you find? 5. If the pattern continued, what would the numbers be in the 12th row? Geometric Patterns ppt Geometric Patterns By Monica Yuskaitis 32 Building Function Generators! Your students will be creating function generators to create their own patterns! In order to do this, have students bring in a sturdy shoe box. Each student will need 2 strips of card stock. Follow the diagram below to complete their function generator. Let students have fun with this and decorate their own! Front Back Cut a slit on the top front and bottom black of the student’s shoebox. Then, with the two pieces of cardstock, create a tunnel going from each opening. Secure each side with tape. Students will be able to use index cards cut in half to use in their function generators. Once students have completed their function generators, group students into pairs. The first student will write a number on one side of the index card and send it through the function generator to his/her partner. The partner will then get the index card and write a number to add to this pattern, and send it back to his partner through his function generator. This should take place a couple of more times. The partners should pick up on what type of pattern they are trying to make without saying a word. For instance, if the first number was 2, and then 5, one may think we’re going to add 3, while another thinks the rule is x2 +1. It will go back to the original player to decide which way he will go. Students could create 3 or 4 patterns on their own before going onto individual work. Number Sequences. TLI: To recognise and extend number sequences formed by counting from any number in steps of constant size, extending beyond zero when counting back. Numbers Sequences ppt Worksheet 1a & b 33 Pairs of Patterns: Alike and Different Give students two patterns that are related in some way. To indicate that they understand the patterns, they should first extend each one by at least five more numbers. Next, they should write an explanation of how the two patterns are alike and how the two patterns are different. Here are some possible pairs to use: 2,4,6,8,10,….. and 3,5,7,9,11,…. 2,4,6,8,10,…. and 2,4,8,16,32,….. 3,4,3,4,3,4,….and 7, 9, 7, 9, 7, 9,… 5,10,15,20,20,…and 2,7,12,17,22,… 10,20,30,40,50,…and 50,100,150,200,250,… The challenge in these patterns is not only to find and extend the pattern; but, to have students write how they determined what the pattern was. After solving several pairs of related number patterns, students can make up their own pairs of patterns and challenge other students to discover how they are alike and different. Once students have created their own patterns, have them walk around the room to music and when the music stops, turn the person closest to them. The students should compare their patterns and try to find similarities. Activities from Elementary and Middle School Mathematic - Teaching Developmentally, 4th Edition. By John A. Van De Walle. Number Theory Worksheet 2 Patio Tiling Materials Needed: • 30 white tiles (for each student or pair of students) • 30 brown tiles (for each student or pair of students) Each student or pair of students will need 30 white tiles and 30 brown tiles. Present the following task: Dusty Lee is designing square patios. Each patio has a square garden area in the center. Dusty uses brown tiles to represent the soil of the garden. Around each garden, he designs a border of white tiles. Ask students to build three patios using brown and white tiles to show the garden and the border. Record the number of white and brown tiles for each patio in a table. Continue the table for the next two squares. Ask 34 students to describe the patterns they see and identify by naming the rule for the number of tiles on the patio and the number on the border. Ask them to test their rule with another example of a patio. The students should use the chart to name the number of brown tiles in the seventh patio. (There are 49 brown tiles in the seventh patio.) Extensions: Find the number of brown (white) ties in the fifteenth patio: in the thirtieth patio; in the hundredth patio. (Patio 15 has 225 brown tiles and 64 white tiles; patio 30 has 900 brown tiles and 124 white tiles; patio 100 and 10,000 brown tiles and 404 white tiles.) Patio Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Number of Brown Tiles 1 4 9 16 25 36 Number of White Tiles 8 12 16 20 24 28 Adapted from Navigating through Algebra in Grades 3-5. Total Number of Brown and White Tiles 9 16 25 36 49 64 35 Zach’s Walk-a-Thon After completing the following lesson, students will see the correlation between the longer the time the greater the distance. It is important that they see that one (say distance) is dependant on the other (time/speed). Example: Zach recently participated in the school walk-a-thon. He walked on average 4 miles per hour. Using the data in the table shown below, have the students create a line graph. Make sure they label the y and x axis and provide a title for the graph (this should be related to their work on naming coordinate pairs). Ask them to estimate how far Zach will walk in 8 hours. Time (hour) 1 2 3 4 Distance 4 8 12 16 (miles) If time were x and distance were y, what would be the function rule? How could we write an expression to represent this? What could be the general rule for this pattern? Is the change in this pattern predictable or non-predictable? Explain. From the graph, were there any changes in speed? For additional activities on distance, speed, and time visit the following website: http://www.shodor.org/interactivate/lessons/ft1.html A Calculator Based Ranger (CBR) is a great interactive tool that allows students to become actively engaged in exploring the relationship among time, distance, and speed. (This was adapted for CEEMM materials) Line graph activity Worksheet 4 Heart-Pumping Math! Give each student a copy of the handout below. Instruct students on how to measure their heartbeats. (Find their heartbeat on their neck or wrist after each exercise, and count how many beats in 10 seconds. They will then use the number of beat per 10 seconds and multiply it by 6 to find HPM…Heartbeats per minute). When all exercises are completed and data recorded, students will create a line graph to display results and make generalizations based on their graph. Heart Pumping Math Worksheet 3 36 Title - Big Mac & Slammin' Sammy, The Home Run Race, 99!! This is a great on-going graph lesson. It can be simple or complex. This graph compares, and charts the daily home run race of Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa (could be used with any players, but it's been exciting lately with these two). Use 4 columns for both players a total of eight. First column, the date they hit it, second, a cut out baseball that has the number they hit that day, third, the distance it went, and the fourth column what field it went to. It is fun for the students to come in and write the date, and glue up the baseball, write in the distance and what field. Daily information is available at cnnsi.com. Ask students to create the question they want answered at the end of the race. For example: 1. Who will hit the most? 2. What field do they hit most often? 3. Who will hit the farthest? 4. What is the total distance each one hit, and together? Is it higher than Mt. Everest? Bar graph Worksheet 5 Review for Final Assessment To review the skills covered in this activity set, use this game. Turn the lights down so students will get the real effect of who wants to be a millionaire! Who Wants to be a Millionaire? Final Assessment Test Worksheet 6 Other resources for this unit to use at your discretion: Dinner Time Promethean Flipchart (If you have Promethean software, simply drag and drop this icon into My Flipcharts and it should work fine.) time_dinner.flp Patterns Promethean Flipchart (If you have Promethean software, simply drag and drop this icon into My Flipcharts and it should work fine.) Patterns.flp 37 Number sequences Complete the number sequences by filling in the spaces below. State whether the sequences are ascending or descending order. Ascending or descending? 1. 2, 9, 16, ___, ___, ___, ___, ___________ 2. 20, 31, 42, ___, ___, ___, ___, ___________ 3. 133, 130, 127, ___, ___, ___, ___, ___________ 4. 11, 17, 23, ___, ___, ___, ___, ___________ 5. 9, 0, -9, ___, ___, ___, ___, ___________ 6. 26, 16, 6, ___, ___, ___, ___, ___________ 7. -5, 0, 5, ___, ___, ___, ___, ___________ 8. 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, ___, ___, ___, ___, ___________ Now have a go at these more tricky sequences! 9. 2, 4, 8, 16, ___, ___, ___, ___________ 10. 6, 18, 54, 162, ___, ___, ___, ___________ Think very carefully now. Can you write down the short hand rule for each of the above sequences? The first one has been done for you. NN = new number; LN = last number 2. ______________ 1. NN = LN + 7 3. _______________ 4. ______________ 5. _______________ 6. ______________ 7. _______________ 8. ______________ 9. _______________ 10. ______________ Worksheet1a 38 (Answer Key 1a) Number sequences Complete the number sequences by filling in the spaces below. State whether the sequences are ascending or descending order. Ascending or descending? 1. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, 37, 44, Ascending 2. 20, 31, 42, 53, 64, 75, 86, Ascending 3. 133, 130, 127, 124, 121, 118, 115, descending 4. 11, 17, 23, 29, 35, 41, 47, Ascending 5. 9, 0, -9, -18, -27, -35, -42, descending 6. 26, 16, 6, -4, -14, -24, -34, descending 7. -5, 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, Ascending 8. 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, Ascending Now have a go at these more tricky sequences! 9. 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, Ascending 10. 6, 18, 54, 162, 486, 1458, 4374, Ascending Think very carefully now. Can you write down the short hand rule for each of the above sequences? The first one has been done for you. 1. NN = LN + 7 2. NN = LN + 11 3. NN = LN -3 4. NN = LN + 6 5. NN = LN -9 6. NN = LN - 10 7. NN = LN + 5 8. NN = LN + 0.5 9. NN = LN x 2 10. NN = LN x 3 39 Number sequences Complete the number sequences by filling in the spaces below. State whether they are ascending or descending order. Ascending or descending? 1. 13, 25, 37, ___, ___, ___, ___, ___________ 2. 20, 31, 42, ___, ___, ___, ___, ___________ 3. 26, 23, 20, ___, ___, ___, ___, ___________ 4. 11, 17, 23, ___, ___, ___, ___, ___________ 5. -16, -9, -2, ___, ___, ___, ___, ___________ 6. 133, 130, 127, ___, ___, ___, ___, ___________ 7. -25, -20, -15, ___, ___, ___, ___, ___________ 8. 9, 0, -9, ___, ___, ___, ___, ___________ 9. 91, 102, 113, ___, ___, ___, ___, ___________ 10. 97, 64, 31, ___, ___, ___, ___, ___________ Think very carefully now. Can you write down the short hand rule for each of the above sequences? The first one has been done for you. 1. NN = LN + 12 2. ______________ 3. _______________ 4. ______________ 5. _______________ 6. ______________ 7. _______________ 8. ______________ 9. _______________ 10. ______________ Worksheet 1b 40 (Answer Key 1b)Number Sequences Complete the number sequences by filling in the spaces below. State whether they are ascending or descending order. Ascending or descending? 1. 13, 25, 37, 49, 61, 73, 85, Ascending 2. 20, 31, 42, 53, 64, 75, 86, Ascending 3. 26, 23, 20, 17, 14, 11, 8, Descending 4. 11, 17, 23, 29, 35, 41, 47, Ascending 5. -16, -9, -2, 5, 12, 19, 26, Ascending 6. 133, 130, 127, 124, 121, 118, 115, Descending 7. -25, -20, -15, -10, -5, 0, 5, Ascending 8. 9, 0, -9, -18, -27, -36, -45, Descending 9. 91, 102, 113, 124, 135, 146, 157, Ascending 10. 97, 64, 31, -2, -35, -68, -101, Descending Think very carefully now. Can you write down the short hand rule for each of the above sequences? The first one has been done for you. NN= new Number; LN = last number 1. NN = LN + 12 2. NN = LN + 11 3. NN = LN - 3 4. NN = LN + 6 5. NN = LN + 7 6. NN = LN - 3 7. _______________ 8. ______________ 9. _______________ 10. ______________ Worksheet 1b 41 Worksheet 2 back Date ___________________ Name _____________________________ Fill in the missing multiple. 1. 3. 5. 7. 9. 11. 13. 15. 17. 19. 21. 23. 25. 27. 29. Number Theory (Answer ID # 0708428) 24, 30, 36, 42, ______ 12, 14, 16, ______, 20 45, 54, 63, 72, ______ ______, 28, 32, 36, 40 14, 21, 28, ______, 42 ______, 20, 25, 30, 35 56, 64, 72, ______, 88 38, ______, 76, 95, 114 70, 84, 98, 112, ______ 49, 56, ______, 70, 77 6, 9, 12, ______, 18 ______, 56, 64, 72, 80 ______, 88, 99, 110, 121 90, 105, 120, 135, ______ 6, ______, 10, 12, 14 2. 4. 6. 8. 10. 12. 14. 16. 18. 20. 22. 24. 26. 28. 30. 22, 33, 44, ______, 66 39, 52, 65, ______, 91 112, 128, 144, 160, ______ 40, ______, 60, 70, 80 105, 120, 135, ______, 165 ______, 108, 126, 144, 162 72, ______, 96, 108, 120 68, 85, 102, 119, ______ ______, 12, 15, 18, 21 ______, 30, 40, 50, 60 ______, 18, 24, 30, 36 51, ______, 85, 102, 119 16, ______, 24, 28, 32 26, 39, 52, 65, ______ 60, 72, 84, 96, ______ Back 42 Heart-pumping Math! Directions: You are going to measure your heart rate with each exercise. Do each exercise for 30 seconds each. You will collect your HPM (Heart rate per minute) after each exercise. Once you have completed all exercises, place your data on a line graph. Line graphs show change over time, so it would be the most appropriate graph to use. Worksheet 3 Exercise: # of Heartbeats per minute Resting Walking in place Jumping jacks Jogging in place Running in place Walking in place Resting Create your line graph in the space below. back 43 Worksheet 4 Date ___________________ Name _____________________________ Line Graphs (Answer ID # 0729729) Make a line graph using the data in the table. 1. Plant's Height Plant's Height End of Week Height (cm) #1 3 #2 8 #3 10 #4 12 #5 14 a. At the end of which week(s) was the plant no more than 12 centimeters tall? b. Between which two weeks was there the greatest increase in height? c. How much did the plant grow from the end of week #3 to the end of week #4? 44 2. Attendance Attendance Game Attendance Game #1 300 Game #2 500 Game #3 150 Game #4 475 a. Which games(s) did not have an attendance of at least 500 people? b. How many more people came to game #4 than to game #3? c. Which games(s) had an attendance of more than 300 people? back Worksheet 5 45 Name _____________________________ Date ___________________ Bar Graphs (Answer ID # 0535332) Complete. 1. Points Scored a. Which player(s) scored more than 6 points? b. Who scored the most points? c. What are the total points for all five teams? 2. Number of pushups done in physical a. How many more pushups did Connor education class do than Michael? b. How many pushups did Taylor do? c. How many fewer pushups did Kaitlyn do than Rebecca? 3. Picking Apples from Trees a. How many fewer apples were picked from #5 than from #2? 46 b. How many more apples were picked from #3 than from #5? c. There were twenty more apples picked from tree #3 than from tree ____. back 47 Worksheet 6 Patterns and Functions Test Name________________________ Date:______________________ 1. Stylists at a hair salon charge $26 for each haircut. If they gave 63 haircuts, how much money did they collect, not including tips? A $89 B $504 C $1,538 D $1,638 2. Which point is located at (6, 0)? F Point P G Point Q H Point R J Point S 3. The numbers 1, 4, 9, and 16 are called square numbers. You can use the figures below to determine the next three square numbers. 1 4 A B C D 32, 24, 30, 25, 9 64, 35, 40, 36, 128 48 50 49 48 4. The numbers 1, 3, 6, and 10 are called triangular numbers. You Use the figures below to determine the next three triangular numbers. 1 A B C D 3 6 13, 17, 22 15, 21, 28 17, 25, 34 20, 40, 80 5. Look at the pattern below: 101 = 10 102 = 100 103 = 1,000 What will 106 = ? A 10,000 B 100,000 C 1,000,000 D 10,000,000 6. Find the pattern and choose the next three numbers: 1 2 3 4 5 6 , , , , , , __, __, __ 2 4 6 8 10 12 7 8 9 A , , 13 14 15 8 10 12 B , , 14 16 18 7 8 9 C , , 14 16 18 7 8 9 D , , 13 15 17 49 7. Find the pattern and choose the next three numbers: 2 2 2 4 , 5, 9 , 10, 14 , 15, __, __, __ 3 3 3 A 18 B 19 C D 2 2 , 19, 20 3 3 2 2 , 20, 24 3 3 2 2 16 , 17 , 18 3 3 2 2 2 19 , 20 , 24 3 3 3 8. What number is missing in this table? In Out A B C D 1 3 2.4 5.4 5 7 ? 9.4 5.5 7.2 7.4 8.4 9. Which of the following would be the correct rule to find the output? A B C D In 1. 2. 3. 4.1 Out 2. 5 7. 8.2 take half of the input add 2 to the input double the input multiply the input by 3 50 10. Look at this table to determine the rule: 1 2 3 4 5 A B C D ( ( ( ( 3 5 7 9 11 x 2) + 1 = x ) − 1 = + 1) x 2 = − 2) x 3 = back 51 Stained Glass Window Worksheet 7 Here is a Cargill Project. It incorporates many standards as well as calculations. If you wish to complicate this a bit, you could change money to include decimals. To do this, you will need pattern blocks for kids to create their original design. You may leave it at that, or you may have the trace/draw what they have created onto paper and color as they wish. Geometry Project Name: __________________________________ You have been asked to design a stain glassed window for a new library. The design that is the most attractive, unique, follows the guideline given, and meets the budget will be selected to be placed above the entry to the building. Please be creative and help us use this window to attract patrons. Guidelines 1. Design must have a pattern 2. Design must have symmetry. Rotational symmetry would be awesome. 3. Design should be multi-colored and multi-shaped. 4. Price of the window cannot be more than $10,000 5. Design of the window must be submitted with a total number of each piece needed and a total cost for each piece and then a final cost of the window. Prices for stain glass pieces. Hexagon- $ 250.00 Large Rhombus- $50.00 Parallelogram- $100.00 Triangle- $25.00 Square- $50.00 Small Rhombus- $25.00 While you are designing your window, be sure to keep up with the cost. If you go over budget we will not be able to use your design! Helpful Hints: 1. Lay out small parts of the design and then trace the pattern blocks. Then continue with another section. 2. Keep tally marks as you work, so you won’t have to go back and count. 3. Work from the center out. 52 Name of Piece Tally of pieces used Total amount of pieces used Cost of each piece Total Cost Hexagon Parallelogram Large Rhombus Triangle Square Small Rhombus Final Project Cost __________________________________________________ Back 53 I. Grade Level/Unit Number: Grade 5: Unit 1 Activity Set 4 II. Unit Title: Numbers and Operations III. Unit Length: 3 weeks IV. Indicators Addressed: 5-2.2 5-2.3 5-2.4 5-3.3 V. Apply an algorithm to divide whole numbers fluently. Understand the relationship among the divisor, dividend, and quotient. Compare whole numbers, decimals, and fractions by using the symbols <, >, and =. Match tables, graphs, expressions, equations, and or verbal descriptions of the same problem situation. C3 B2 C2 Materials Needed: see each lesson Final Project: Division Project Preparing to Teach: Activity 1 back Students need to be able to show how to compare numbers with objects as well as using numbers. Any unit of measure is useful here such as counters, money, mass (using a scale), length (using a ruler) or liquid measurement (using a variety of graduated cylinders) making this a practical skill. PowerPoint Worksheet Worksheet 1 Answer Key Worksheet 2 Comparing Numbers TEACHER’S NOTES: For 5-2.2, 5-2.3, 5-2.4 Division is the process of determining how many times one number is contained in another number. When numbers are divided, the result is the quotient and a A division sign (÷) A division sign (√) A horizontal line with the dividend above the line and the divisor below the line. (—) 54 remainder. The remainder is what remains after division. The number divided by another number is called the dividend; the number divided into the dividend is called the divisor. Division is indicated by any of the following: Thus, the relationship between the dividend, divisor, and quotient is as shown: Unlike multiplication, the division process is neither associative nor commutative. The commutative law for multiplication permitted reversing the order of the factors without changing the product. In division the dividend and divisor cannot be reversed. Use the equation form: For example, the quotient of 1 8 6 is not the same as the quotient of 6 1 8 . 1 8 divided by 6 equals 3 : 6 divided by 1 8 equals 0 . 3 3 . The associative law for multiplication permitted multiplication of factors in any order. In division, this is not allowed. Or a slanting line a/b meaning a divided by b a÷b ≠ b÷a 55 When dividing two numbers, the divisor and dividend are lined up horizontally with the divisor to the left of the dividend. Division starts from the left of the dividend and the quotient is written on a line above the dividend. Starting from the left of the dividend, the divisor is divided into the first digit or set of digits it divides into. In this case, 5 is divided into 34; the result is 6, which is placed above the 4. This result (6) is then multiplied by the divisor, and the product is subtracted from the set of digits in the dividend first selected. 6 x 5 equals 30; 30 subtracted from 34 equals 4. The next digit to the right in the dividend is then brought down, and the divisor is divided into this number. In this case, the 7 is brought down, and 5 is divided into 47; the result is 9, which is placed above the 7. Again, this result is multiplied by the divisor, and the product is subtracted from the last number used for division. 9 x 5 equals 45; 45 subtracted from 47 equals 2. This process is repeated until all of the digits in the dividend have been brought down. In this case, there are no more digits in the dividend. The result of the last subtraction is the remainder. The number placed above the dividend is the quotient. In this case, 347 divided by 5 yields a quotient of 69 with a remainder of 2. Example 1: Divide 347 by 5 Solution: Example 2: Divide 738 by 83 Solution: Example 3: Divide 6409 by 28 Solution: 56 *****Division can be verified by multiplying the quotient by the divisor and adding the remainder. The result should be the dividend. Using Example 3, multiply 228 by 28 to check the quotient. **** Division of whole numbers can easily be taught using hands-on methods. ***** BE SURE TO STRESS THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DIVISION AND MULTIPLICATION BY HAVING STUDENTS CHECK THEIR PROBLEMS BY USING MULTPLICATION. The Doorbell Rang Activity 2 back Materials/resources "The Doorbell Rang" by Pat Hutchins • The Doorbell Rang sheet • PowerPoint presentation • At least 12 cookies (can be real chocolate chip cookies or paper ones) • Bell • Technology resources You will need a video projector in order to show the PowerPoint presentation on division. Pre-activities Students need to know their multiplication facts. Read "The Doorbell Rang" once for students so they are familiar with the story before starting the activity. Activities 1. Begin by selecting 13 volunteers to "act" as you are reading the story. Tell each of the students the name of the character that he or she • 57 will be. One student will be the doorbell ringer. (Instruct the doorbell ringer to ring the bell each time you read "as the doorbell rings.") Instruct the actors/actresses to come up front when they hear their name in the book. 2. Read "The Doorbell Rang" by Pat Hutchins. Have two students start up at the front. These two students will have to divide the 12 cookies up between themselves. Each time the doorbell rings, more students come up. Each time students need to divide the cookies among themselves. As students divide these cookies up, you can demonstrate on the board how to model what they are doing. (Ex. Model 12 divided by 2). 3. You may want to read the book the second time and have different students "act" this time so that everyone has the opportunity. 4. Discuss with students what they have just done--model some problems on the board. 5. Have students complete "The Doorbell Rang" sheet. Students will use this sheet to model division as they are showing how many cookies each of the children got in the story each time that the doorbell rang. 6. Closure review how to divide by presenting the PowerPoint presentation--this is interactive. Assessment Students will be able to model division problems on the "The Doorbell Rang" sheets. Worksheet 3 ********My favorite way of teaching division of whole numbers is to buy dried beans from the grocery store (or use bingo chips from activity set 1) and put them into plastic ware. I give each group of four students a container and make a list of problems on the board. ***Make sure that they have enough beans for the dividend. Though this seems simplistic, often students reach this point and don’t understand what division MEANS. Example: 20/3 Students would count out 20 beans and divide them into groups of 3- the beans that are left over are the remainders. Answer- 6 groups of 3 and 2 left over = 6R2 This activity will help them see a concrete example of what division is. Base-ten blocks can also be used to show division. **** At-home project for students**** 58 Assignment- Find items at home that will help you with division. Explain how you used these items to complete the homework problems. Homework sheet One-Digit divisor Comparing Numbers Worksheet 4 assessment Greater Than > Less Than < Homework key Worksheet 7 Worksheet 5 One-Digit divisor Mental Math key Worksheet 8 PowerPoint Morning Activity puzzle Worksheet Worksheet 6 11 Ma and Pa Kettle video Comparing numbers using the ONES place Comparing numbers using the TENS place Comparing numbers using the HUNDREDS place Division with 2-Digit Divisors ***Using the same method as one-digit division, explain that guess and check is ok to use when working with larger numbers. Tell students that making an educated guess is best to eliminate unreasonable guesses Practice Worksheet 9 Answer key 10 Tables and graphs Activity 3 back CIRCLE/PIE GRAPHS When you have finished this, try the Circle/Pie Graph Quiz. (online quiz) and Hardcopy Worksheet 12(2 pages) Circle or pie graphs are particularly good illustrations when considering how many parts are in a whole. In this table both the number of hours in a whole day devoted to certain activities is listed as well as the percent of time for each. The pie chart is then divided much as a baker's pie would be in slices that represent the proportional amounts of time spent on each activity. To the right of the pie chart is a legend that tells which color stands for which category and the percents are near the slice that stands for that amount of time. Percent of Hours of a Day Spent on Activities ACTIVITY HOURS PERCENT OF DAY 59 Sleep 6 25 School 6 25 Job 4 17 Entertainment 4 17 Meals 2 8 Homework 2 8 Back Worksheet 1 Name _______________________ Date ___________________ SuperKids Math Worksheet Horizontal Equalities Equations with numbers between 1 and 1000 84 495 503 357 550 83 735 781 863 910 499 611 298 76 44 550 911 300 456 962 980 527 157 94 860 999 135 145 767 895 60 122 3 410 134 447 14 986 433 773 605 476 219 Back Worksheet 2 Name _______________ Date ___________________ SuperKids Math Worksheet Horizontal Equalities Equations with numbers between 1 and 1000 550 84 < 495 503 > 357 735 < 781 863 < 910 44 < 550 911 > 300 980 > 527 157 > 94 298 > 76 456 < 962 > 83 499 < 611 860 < 999 135 < 145 767 122 > 3 410 > 134 447 > 14 > 433 773 > 605 476 > 219 986 < 895 Back The Doorbell Rang WORKSHEET 3 61 By Pat Hutchins Number of Cookies for Each Division Problem People at the Table Victoria and Sam Victoria, Sam, Tom, Hannah Victoria, Sam, Tom, Hannah, Peter and Little Brother WORKSHEET 4 Back Date ___________________ ® SuperKids Math Worksheet Division with Integer Answers using divisors between 1 and 10 62 63 Back WORKSHEET 5 Date ___________________ SuperKids® Math Worksheet - Answers Division with Integer Answers using divisors between 1 and 10 64 back WORKSHEET 6 Back WORKSHEET 7 Name _______________________ Date ___________________ SuperKids Math Worksheet Division with Integer Answers using divisors between 1 and 10 4 )5356 1 ) 441 4 )2260 6 )8496 5 )2130 65 5 )7125 6 )5832 1 )5752 9 )9117 9 )3627 10 )5790 6 )7782 2 )4106 3 )3450 1 )3657 2 )1676 7 )4858 4 )3760 4 )8268 4 )7252 1 )5939 10 )3180 4 )1948 Back Worksheet 8 10 )9190 5 )4310 Date ___________________ SuperKids® Math Worksheet - Answers Division with Integer Answers using divisors between 1 and 10 1339 4) 5356 441 1) 441 565 4)2260 1416 6)8496 426 5)2130 66 1425 5) 7125 972 6)5832 5752 1) 5752 1013 9) 9117 403 9)3627 579 10)5790 1297 6) 7782 2053 2) 4106 1150 3)3450 3657 1) 3657 838 2)1676 694 7)4858 940 4)3760 2067 4) 8268 1813 4)7252 5939 1) 5939 318 10)3180 487 4)1948 Back Name _______________________ 919 10)9190 862 5)4310 Date ___________________ SuperKids Math Worksheet Division with Integer Answers using divisors between 2 and 50 47 ) 611 33 ) 99 40 ) 440 24 ) 24 48 ) 576 30 ) 750 41 ) 369 40 ) 680 37 ) 555 9 ) 171 67 19 ) 323 27 ) 999 30 ) 660 35 ) 175 34 ) 510 15 ) 915 13 ) 949 13 ) 481 19 ) 627 6 ) 576 8 ) 760 10 ) 730 38 ) 950 21 ) 693 31 ) 806 WORKSHEET 9 Key #864 Date ___________________ SuperKids® Math Worksheet - Answers Division with Integer Answers using divisors between 2 and 50 13 47) 611 3 33) 99 11 40)440 1 24) 24 12 48) 576 68 25 30) 750 9 41) 369 17 40) 680 15 37) 555 19 9) 171 17 19) 323 37 27) 999 22 30) 660 5 35) 175 15 34) 510 61 15) 915 73 13) 949 37 13) 481 33 19) 627 96 6) 576 95 8) 760 73 10) 730 25 38) 950 33 21) 693 26 31) 806 69 WORKSHEET 10 WORKSHEET 11 back Back Circle/Pie Graph Quiz Check the circle in front of the correct answers to the questions. 70 1. A part of a circle/pie graph that explains the colors that represent each part or slice of the graph is a legend grid axis 2. These two activities took up half of the time of the day. Entertainment and school Meals and school Sleep and school 3. These two activities took up the least amount of time. Sleep and school Meals and homework Sleep and job 4. Which of these took up one fourth of the day? Worksheet 12a Entertainment Sleep Homework 5. What percent of the day does homework take up? 2 8 25 6. Which of these takes up the same amount of time as meals and entertainment together? Job School Homework WORKSHEET 12 71 Challenge / Thinking Final Project • To check for understanding of the relationship between divisor, quotient, and dividend: Given a divisor and quotient, have students determine the dividend. Ex: divisor = 8 , quotient = 112 , dividend = ________ • To check for understanding of the inverse relationship between multiplication and division: Given a multiplication problem, have students create a corresponding division problem, vise versa Ex: 18 X 7 = 126 , create a corresponding division problem. • To check for strategies to use in division, have students show alternate methods of solving a given problem. (make sure examples are conducive to this)Ex: 1818 ÷ 13000 ÷ 20 = , 450 ÷ 15 , 6 Worksheet 13 Back 72 I. Grade Level/Unit Number: Grade 5, Unit 1, Activity Set 5 http://www.bsisonline.com/Standards/mathematics_support_guide.htm II. Unit Title: Comparing Whole Numbers, Adding and Subtracting Decimals and Fractions III. Unit Length: 6 weeks IV. Indicators Addressed: 5-2.1 5-2.4 5-2.5 5-2.8 5-3.3 5-3.5 V. Analyze the magnitude of a digit on the basis of its place value, using whole numbers and decimal numbers through thousandths. Compare whole numbers, decimals and fractions by using the symbols <, >, and =. Apply an algorithm to add and subtract decimals through thousandths Generate strategies to add and subtract fractions with like and unlike denominators. Match tables, graphs, expressions, equations, and or verbal descriptions of the same problem situation. Analyze situations that show change over time. C3 B2 B4 C3 B3 B4 C2 B4 Materials Needed: see each lesson Final Project: Using Tangrams, have students identify the fraction, decimal and percentage value of each of the pieces. (Given that the entire square is a whole) or Using pattern blocks, the teacher should assign a “value” to a given piece ( ex: hexagram = 1 ) and have students find the fraction, decimal, and percentage value of each of the other shapes. Tangram Pattern worksheet 13 Pattern Block worksheet 14 Activity 1 back *** Before beginning this set, please ensure that all students have an understanding of what whole numbers, fractions, and decimals are, and how they are written. 73 Writing decimals powerpoint DECIMAL -- READING AND WRITING What is a fraction? powerpoint Math Flash Fractions I By Monica Yuskaitis FIVE AND SEVEN TENTHS 5.7 Before being able to compare fractions, whole numbers, and decimals, students must be able to see the relationship between all three and be able to convert. Activity 2 back Fractions to Decimals To convert fractions to decimals students must learn that the numerator is always divided by the denominator, even when the numerator is smaller than the denominator. This will be a great way to introduce dividing decimals also. This can be taught easiest by using base ten blocks or hundreds chart to fill in the fraction and see the decimal value: Example: 2/10 = 20/100= 1/5 Worksheet 1 Answer key worksheet 1b 74 Fractions to Decimals NUMERATOR DENOMINATOR 75 Every fraction can be expressed as decimal (a number with a decimal point). One way to convert a fraction to a decimal is to divide the numerator by the denominator. For example, 1/2 is equal to 1 divided by 2, which is equal to 0.5. Activity 3 back Decimals to Fractions To convert decimals to fractions students must be familiar with place value, especially tenths and hundredths. 0.45= forty-five hundredths or 45/100 0.4= four tenths or 4/10 ****Students can use the GCF to reduce to fractions to their simplest form. Powerpoint Worksheet 2 Answer Key Worksheet 2b Changing Decimal Though some of these use mixed numbers, you may Numbers to Fractions either skip them or use them as challenge questions for advanced students. 6/5/2007 Michele Webb 1 Activity 4 back Simplifying Fractions to Lowest Terms, Equivalent Fractions A fraction is in simplest form (lowest terms) if the Greatest Common Factor – GCF – of the numerator and denominator is 1. For example, ½ is in lowest terms, but 2/4 is not. Equivalent Fractions: Equivalent fractions are different fractions that are equal to the same number and can be simplified and written as the same fraction (for example, 3/6 = 2/4 = 1/2 and 3/9 = 2/9 = 1/3). To reduce a fraction to lowest terms (also called its simplest form), divide both the numerator and denominator by the GCD. For example, 2/3 is in lowest form, but 4/6 is not in lowest form (the GCD of 4 and 6 is 2) and 4/6 can be expressed as 2/3. 76 You can do this because the value of a fraction is not changed if both the numerator and denominator are multiplied or divided by the same number. Comparing Whole Numbers Comparing whole numbers is the easiest comparison. Students simply choose the number that is the largest. Powerpoint Comparing Numbers Greater Than > Less Than < Comparing numbers using the ONES place Comparing numbers using the TENS place Comparing numbers using the HUNDREDS place Comparing fractions to fractions Though we do not teach multiplication of fractions as such in 5th grade, this is one simple way for students to compare fractions. Discuss cross multiplication and how it can be used to compare fractions. Fractions with like denominators can be compared easily by looking at the numerator. Fractions with like numerators can be compared by looking at the denominator. ***** The smallest denominator is actually the largest fraction*** use base ten blocks or drawings to show why the fraction with the larger denominator is actually smaller. When comparing, give students worksheet and crayon to color in their fractions to see which is the largest. Powerpoint Worksheet 5 Answer Key Worksheet 5b Fractions XIV Multiplication of Fractions by Monica Yuskaitis *****Explain that cross multiplication can be used with all types of fractions. If mixed numbers are present, compare whole numbers first. 77 Activity 5 back Comparing fractions to decimals Student can convert to make both numbers fractions or make both numbers decimals. If they convert to fractions, they can cross multiply to compare. Worksheet 6 Answer Key Worksheet 6b http://www.visualfractions.com/ http://www.homeschoolmath.net/math_resources_3.php Internet interactive site Fraction/Decimal Worksheet: Change these fractions to decimal numbers Back Worksheet 1 78 79 Fraction/Decimal Worksheet Key Change the following fractions to decimal numbers. Decimal/Fraction Worksheet Worksheet 1b Back Change the following decimals to fractions. 1a. 3.45 = 1b. 0.77 = 1c. 5.26 = 2a. 9.94 = 2b. 0.52 = 2c. 2.24 = 80 3a. 0.72 = 3b. 4.55 = 3c. 0.62 = 4a. 0.88 = 4b. 6.98 = 4c. 1.1 = 5a. 0.5 = 5b. 4.91 = 5c. 9.5 = 6a. 0.49 = 6b. 5.21 = 6c. 8.9 = 7a. 9.33 = 7b. 0.76 = 7c. 0.65 = 8a. 0.7 = 8b. 0.46 = 8c. 4.54 = 9a. 1.6 = 9b. 5.3 = 9c. 4.21 = 10a. 5.57 = 10b. 0.74 = 10c. 4.59 = Worksheet 2 Back Answer Key for Decimal/Fraction Answer fractions are only simplified if denominator is less than or equal to 1000. 81 Worksheet 2b Back 82 Worksheet 5Back FRACTION COMPARISON Compare using <,>,= Color in the fractions with a crayon to compare. 5/7 ____ 3/7 3/10 ____ 3/9 4/21 ____ 4/17 3/16 ____ 5/16 9/13 ____ 9/12 83 FRACTION COMPARISON Compare using <,>,= Color in the fractions with a crayon to compare. 5/7 __>__ 3/7 3/10 __<__ 3/9 4/21 __<__ 4/17 3/16 __<__ 5/16 9/13 __<__ 9/12 Worksheet 5b Back 84 Worksheet 6 BackName_______________________ Date___________________ Frank The Fraction: ..The Decimal Showdown.. Directions: Determine if item on the left is Greater Than ( >), Less Than (<), or Equal To (=) the item on the right. Place the appropriate symbol to make the statement true. 1. 2. 18 99 _______ 0.33 _______ 0.02 100 3. 100 46 40 4. 68 _______ 100 83 _______ 100 5. 100 6. 100 60 _______ 0.52 0.67 _______ 0.14 100 7. 8. 75 0.71 _______ 0.92 _______ 0.17 100 9. 10. 11 _______ 0.25 0.44 _______ 0.34 100 11. 12. 0.63 _______ 0.1 0.16 _______ 0.56 85 13. 14. 73 22 _______ 0.15 _______ 100 15. 30 16. 100 100 35 4 0.06 _______ _______ 100 17. 48 100 100 18. 0.53 _______ 96 0.51 _______ 100 19. 21 7 100 20. 51 0.82 _______ _______ 0.74 100 100 86 Worksheet 6b Back Date___________________ Name_______________________ Frank The Fraction: ..The Decimal Showdown.. Directions: Determine if item on the left is Greater Than ( >), Less Than (<), or Equal To (=) the item on the right. Place the appropriate symbol to make the statement true. 1. 2. 18 99 _____>__ 0.02 __<_____ 0.33 100 100 3. 46 40 4. 68 100 83 ____<___ ___>____ 100 5. 100 6. 100 60 ____>___ 0.52 0.67 ___>____ 0.14 100 7. 8. 75 0.71 ___<____ 0.92 ___>____ 0.17 100 9. 10. 11 ___<____ 0.25 0.44 ___>___ 0.34 100 11. 12. 0.63 ___>____ 0.1 0.16 ___<____ 0.56 87 13. 14. 73 22 ____>___ 0.15 100 15. 16. 35 0.06 ___<____ 4 ____>___ 100 48 100 100 18. 0.53 ____>___ 96 0.51 ___<____ 100 19. 100 100 30 17. 21 ___>____ 7 100 20. 51 0.82 ____>___ ____<___ 0.74 100 100 88 Activity Set 6, Lesson 2: Adding and Subtracting Decimals back Introduce/ Review place value of whole numbers to millions, emphasizing that the decimal system is based on powers of 10. Activity: Number Jumble Materials Needed: Index cards with single digits written on them Teacher should place 7 single digits on 7 different index cards. Cards should be given to 7 students. Teacher should ask that they arrange themselves to create: 1. the largest possible 7 digit number 2. the smallest 7 digit number 3. a number between ___ and ____ Repeat with different digits/different students. Focusing on the “ones” place, discuss the need to breakdown into pieces or parts. (Point out that these also have to be powers (divisions) of 10) Activity 7: Using grids have students represent values for, tenths, hundredths, thousandths. Back CEEMM examples This gives excellent visuals for helping students understand place value. Link: Grids Worksheet 7a, 7b. 7c (Use these for students to represent given decimal values) Link: tenths grid http://www.teachervision.fen.com/tv/printables/scottforesman/Math_4_T TT_12.pdf Link: hundredths grid http://www.teachervision.fen.com/tv/printables/scottforesman/Math_3_T TT_11.pdf Link: thousandths grid http://www.math-drills.com/decimal/blmthousandthsgrid.pdf 89 Additional Resources/Practice: Computer Activity (online game): http://www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise/numbers/fractiondecimalpercentage/deci mals/introductiontodecimals/activity.shtml This website offers “factsheets” “worksheets” and “activities/games”. View and select appropriate levels for your students. http://www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise/numbers/fractiondecimalpercentage/decim als/introductiontodecimals/factsheet.shtml Activity 8 back From CEEMM: Place Value Chart See Example Worksheet 8 Application lesson: Whole Class Objective: Students demonstrate the concept of symmetry around the ones place in the decimal place-value scheme. (Materials needed: labeled place value chart) • On the place value chart, write the number 33,333.333 -displaying each numeral in the proper place on the chart. • Display the place-value chart. Point out that the ones place is in the center of the chart. • Ask: “What is the value of the 3 at the left of the ones place? (3 tens) “What is the value of the 3 at the right of the ones place?” (3 tenths) • Repeat with the 3’s in the hundreds and the hundredth’s places, the 3’s in the thousands and the thousandths places. • Discuss that the ones place is the point of symmetry, or balance, and that the tens place to its immediate left and the tenths place is to its immediate right, the hundreds place is two places to the left and the hundredths place two places to the right, and so on. • Point out that each place-value position has a place value that is ten times greater than the position to its immediate right and a value that is one-tenth as much as that of the position to its immediate left, regardless of where it is in relation to the ones place. 90 • To check for understanding, pose a new number and allow students to reflect in the math journal on the place values and their relationships to each other. Also, allow students to play the following game in order to reinforce place value. Comparison Game: Glencoe (Directions are given for how to prepare for and play the game) Activity 9 back From CEEMM Estimating to whole numbers before adding and subtracting decimals allows students to achieve a reasonable sum or difference before the actual computation. This lessens the difficulties with misaligned decimal points. Begin by giving a simple problem such as the following: “Mary ran the race in 5.324 minutes. Taylor completed the race in 6.348 minutes. How much faster was Mary than Taylor?” First ask the students to estimate. Then challenge them to find the exact answer. Materials: Base-Ten Blocks If remediation of 4th grade work in necessary, begin with decimals in the hundredths. Let students work in pairs to estimate and solve a given problem. Have base ten blocks available if needed by some students. If some students desire to use base ten blocks, review that the 100’ flat is one, the ten strip is .1 and the units block is .01. Let students share their answers with the class. If any of the students used base ten blocks, let those students demonstrate their work on the overhead. Next, move to decimals in the thousandths. Allow students to work in pairs to solve given problems and share their strategies with the class. Please remember that 5th grade students should add and subtract decimals symbolically through thousandths. Activity: Materials needed: decimal squares Using decimal squares have students shade in the given decimal values. 91 Ex: .34 + .4 = _______ or .72 - .34 = _____ This gives an excellent “visual”. Note: for subtraction, students can ‘strike through’ the squares to see what is left. Addition & Subtraction of Decimals by PowerPoint with Notes/examples Click here Doug McFarland Horizon Academy Roeland Park, Kansas www.horizon-academy.com 1) 7 + 15.876 + 0.56 7.000 15.876 0.560 23.436 PowerPoint addition/Subtraction Practice Click Here Concentration game: http://www.quia.com/cc/291087.html Websites: http://www.aaamath.com/B/dec312x3.htm http://www.math.com/school/subject1/lessons/S1U1L4EX.html Teacher resource: Addition/Subtraction example sheet Worksheet 11 Student worksheets: addition/subtraction http://www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise/numbers/fractiondecimalpercentage/decim als/usingdecimals/worksheet.shtml http://www.math-drills.com/decimal.shtml 92 Activity 10 back Following is an NCTM activity which has students take a written problem, organize data into a chart, interpret the data, then incorporate a working knowledge of decimals in order to compute baseball statistics. Teachers may want to assign this to groups, or work on this as a whole group activity. http://illuminations.nctm.org/LessonDetail.aspx?id=L257 ***Website that has multiple activities/games that address this Activity Set: http://classroom.jc-schools.net/basic/math-decim.html ASSESSMENT: For a final assessment of this activity set: Given a set of numbers, students will: 1. Place them in order, 2. Round each to the nearest whole, tenth, and hundredth. 3. Represent a given decimal number(s) on a grid. 4. Translate to word form. 5. Add and subtract selected numbers in the set, estimating first. Worksheet 7a Back 93 94 Worksheet 7b Back 95 Worksheet 7c Back 96 EXAMPLE: Place values and place holders 'Decimal' simply means based on ten. Our numbers are organized in a system based on multiples or sub-multiples of ten. The position of a digit in a number shows its 'place value': This system continues after the decimal point. Places to the right of the decimal point are called decimal places, with tenths, hundredths and thousandths in the first three decimal places. (When speaking numbers, be careful to make the difference between 'tens' and 'tenths', for example, clear.) Notice that a zero 'place holder' was needed in 8.03, to keep the 3 in its correct position. Place holders are also needed in each of the numbers below. You can find Skillswise at http://www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise This factsheet is BBC Copyri Worksheet 8 Back 97 Worksheet 9 Back 98 N2/L1.5 Addition and subtraction of decimals When numbers include decimal fractions, it is important to remember that the decimal point marks the end of the whole numbers. So the rule is line up the decimal points underneath one another and put a decimal point in place ready for the answer. You then start from the right. Example 1 62 + 1.05 + 0.9 Adding extra zeros is useful, and will help you to avoid mistakes. Remember also to round up or down the decimal number to the nearest whole number to get an estimate for the final answer. Then check your answer. In this case the estimate is 62 + 1 + 1 = 64. The actual answer is 63.95. So you can see that the estimated answer is about the right size. Worksheet 10 Back 99 Example 2 46.7 - 4.15 The answer is 42.55 and the estimate is 43 (47 - 4), so the estimate is the right size. Worksheet 11 Back Activity 11: Adding and Subtracting Fractions back Essential Question: How do students add and subtract fractions with like and unlike denominators. It is expected by the time students reach 5th grade they will be fluent in adding and subtracting whole numbers. Therefore, the emphasis in 5th grade with regard to addition and subtraction is on fractions (including decimals). There is a major difference in the way 5th grade students should deal with fractions compared to the way they should deal with decimals. In 4th grade students had experience writing equivalent fractions. 5th grade is the first time they use that knowledge to add and subtract fractions. When adding and subtracting fractions, students should use only concrete and pictorial models. 5th grade students are NOT expected to add and subtract fractions symbolically (numbers only). In addition, students should have had experiences with mixed, proper and improper fractions. For more information on 5th grade expectations with regard to mixed, proper, and improper fractions, see “Fractional Relationships”. Regarding decimals, on the other hand, they should be able to estimate, add, and subtract decimals symbolically (numbers only) through thousandths. That builds on the adding and subtracting through hundredths that they experienced in 4th grade. 5th graders should use a variety of addition and subtraction strategies to create and solve problems. They should be given opportunities to estimate solutions. Suggested reading: Gator Pie 100 Lessons that Promote Understanding Include: Materials Needed: • pattern blocks • graph paper • overhead pattern blocks • overhead projector • colored pencils NOTE: All mathematical problem solving should be given in context. For the context to be meaningful rather than contrived, make up problems based on situations from your classroom. Because the following introductory lesson suggestions are for a varied audience and because the problem should be based on your classroom experiences, context is not included. However, please provide context for any problems given to students. Because this is the first experience students have had adding and subtracting fractions, they should start with fractions that have common denominators. Lesson 1: Using pattern blocks to add and subtract fractions is a visual way to promote understanding of the concept. Let the hexagon = 1 whole, the 1 1 1 trapezoid = , the rhombus = , and the triangle = . 2 3 6 • • • • Allow students some free time to explore with pattern blocks if you have not already done so. 1 1 1 Ask students to demonstrate 1 whole, , , and using the pattern 2 3 6 blocks. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Then ask students to add + , + , + , etc. 2 2 3 3 6 6 As students build their models, they should copy them onto graph paper using colored pencils to keep track of the fractional parts. Also, require that students label the fractional parts of the model and the final sum. All answers should be in simple form. 101 • Students should share their solutions and explain their reasoning. Provide overhead pattern blocks as they demonstrate to the class. Work involving subtraction of fractions should be introduced in the same manner using pattern blocks and beginning with common denominators. PowerPoint Presentations: Adding –like denominators Subtracting- like denominators Lesson 2: After students are comfortable adding and subtracting fractions with common denominators, move to adding and subtracting with unlike denominators. NOTE: Again, it is important that all problems be given in context relative to your classroom. Let the hexagon = 1 whole, the 1 1 1 trapezoid = , the rhombus = , and the triangle = . 2 3 6 • Using pattern blocks, let students work in pairs to solve problems 4 1 such as + (4 triangles and one rhombus equals one). Problems of 6 3 this type do not require “trading” of pattern blocks and are good introductions to unlike denominators. • As students build their models, they should copy them onto graph paper using colored pencils to keep track of the fractional parts. Also, require that students label the fractional parts of the model and the final sum. All answers should be in simple form (students worked with equivalent fractions in 4th grade.). • Ask students to share their solutions and explain their reasoning. Provide overhead pattern blocks as they demonstrate. Work involving subtraction of fractions with unlike denominators should be introduced in the same manner using pattern blocks. After students are comfortable adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators, advanced students may move to adding and subtracting mixed fractions. Again, use manipulatives and pictorial models and give problems in the context of your own classroom. 102 PowerPoint Presentations: (after clicking on the link, go to edit slide to open the show) LCM and LCD Adding-unlike denominators Good Web sites to help with remediation are: http://math.rice.edu/~lanius/fractions/frac4.html http://www.aaamath.com/fra410a-addfractld.html http://www.matti.usu.edu/nlvm/nav/frames_asid_106_g_2_t_1.html http://www.aaamath.com/fra57b-subfractld.html NOTE: CHECK all Web sites before students begin to work. Sites do change. The above lessons are located in the CEEMM document. Assessment: Adding & Subtracting Fractions Worksheet 12 back 103 Assessment Adding & Subtraction Fractions 1. Samantha has a pepperoni pizza to share. Alison ate 1/3, Abby ate ¼ and Samantha ate 1/6. How much pizza was eaten? How much was left for Amy? 2. Daniel brought meat pizzas to share. He ate 2/6, Alan ate 2/3 and Ian ate ¼ and Hal ate 5/12. How much pizza was eaten? 3. Keith & Mark each had a bag of cookies. Each bag had the same number of cookies. Keith ate ¾ of his cookies. Mark ate 7/8 of his cookies. Who ate more cookies? 4. Marion swims 1/2 of the length of a swimming pool in the same time that Marcus completes 5/8 of the length. Who swims farther? 5. Frank & Kyle got the same number of cookies at snack time. Frank ate 3/8 of his cookies and Kyle ate ¾ of his. Who ate fewer cookies? 6. Pat & Cam played the same number of basketball games. Pat won ¼ of his games. Cam won 3/8 of his. Who won more games? 7. If you spend 45 minutes each night on your math homework, what fractional part of one hour is that? 104 8. Hailey exercises for one hour everyday. Today she had to stop after 20 minutes. What fractional part of her exercise did she finish? 9. Mrs. Smith has 20 students. Four students are sick. Six students are working on the news staff. What fraction of the class is left with Mrs. Smith? _____10. Which problem represents the picture below? + ____ 11. A 1 1 + 4 2 B 2 1 + 8 4 C 1 1 + 8 4 D 2 1 + 4 4 (III.E.1) Which problem represents the picture below? − A 1 1 − 4 8 105 B 1 1 − 2 4 C 1 1 − 2 8 D 1 1 − 2 6 (III.E.1) ____ 12. Which problem represents the picture below? − A 3 2 − 5 5 B 1 2 − 2 10 C 5 10 − 3 2 D 3 2 − 5 10 Worksheet 12 Back 106 TANGRAM PATTERN Back worksheet 13 107 Worksheet 14 Back 108