Dr. Cheryl Edelson English 499 Senior CapstoneSenior Seminar 10:00 and 2:30-4: Fall 20153 (808) 739-8533 cedelson@chaminade.edu Office: Henry 206F Hours: TBAT 9:30-10:00; W 10:30-12:30; TH 9:30and by appointment Senior Capstone Course Formatted: Font: 14 pt Formatted: Centered Stonehenge Free Festival circa 1900 Course Description: This three unit Senior Seminar allows students the opportunity to reflect upon writing projects undertaken throughout the English major course of study. As such, the seminar is also designed as a primary means of outcome assessment for students in the English program. Each student must demonstrate summative competence through the completion of a Senior Portfolio: a series of papers that have been previously submitted to English CUH English courses. While more specific assignment descriptions will be distributed, the overall goal of the Capstone course and epPortfolio is to allow the student to evaluate, revise, and edit her or his own work. The portfolio project will include a representative sample of writing genres, which may include fiction, poetry, critical, and literary essays. Students will also be required to write an extended research essay for inclusion in the portfolio. Prerequisite: Senior Standing as an English Major Formatted: Font: 14 pt Edelson 2 Course Required Texts: Formatted: Font: 14 pt, Bold 1. Critical Theory Today: A User Friendly Guide (3rd2nd edition) by Lois Tyson 2. Portfolio Keeping: A Guide for Students by Nedra Reynolds and Rich Rice 3. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald https://ebooks.adelaide.edu.au/f/fitzgerald/f_scott/gatsby/index.html Additional readings and resources will be available on ecollege. Learning Outcomes English Program Learning Outcomes (from the 2015-16 CUH catalog) Formatted: Adjust space between Latin and Asian text, Adjust space between Asian text and numbers Formatted: Font: 14 pt Formatted: Font: 14 pt Students who complete this program will demonstrate 1. a proficiency in writing through an analytical literary research paper. 2. a proficiency in creative writing through an original production of poetry, fiction, or non-fiction. 3. the ability to define various literary critical approaches and apply them to given texts. 4. the ability to define, identify, and articulate major movements/periods in British and American literature. 5. the ability to critically analyze significant authors, texts, and issues in British and American literature. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5" English 499 Course Learning Outcomes and Assessment The program assessment for the English Discipline Outcomes are linked to student coursework (student course learning outcomes) and will be implemented and compiled in the Senior Seminar capstone course (EN 499). Each student will submit a portfolio that contains the following: 1. An introduction letter (PLO 1) 2. An analytical literary research paper with revisions (PLO 3, 4,5) Formatted: Font: 14 pt Edelson 3 3. An original work of poetry, fiction, or non-fiction (PLO 2) 4. A paper that applies a critical approach to a text (PLO 1, PLO 3) 5. An essay that demonstrates student knowledge of one or several periods in British literature. The student must cite specific authors and texts. (PLO 1, PLO 3 AND PLO 4 and PLO 5) 6. An essay that demonstrates student knowledge of one or several periods in American literature. The student must cite specific authors and texts. (PLO 1, 3, 4, 5) 7. Each student will write an extended research paper or creative work that demonstrates a proficiency in research and writing. Formatted: Indent: Left: 0" 8. Each student will organize and deliver an oral presentation to the class and English faculty to demonstrate proficiency in oral communication (One of CUH Key Levers) ADA Accommodations: Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt In compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, and the ADA Amendments Act (2008), Chaminade University of Honolulu offers accommodations for individuals with disabilities. If you would like to determine if you qualify for ADA accommodations, please contact the Counseling Center at (808) 735-4845. Once your documentation is submitted, the assessments will be reviewed and the student will be notified. Title IX Compliance: Example: Chaminade University of Honolulu recognizes the inherent dignity of all individuals and promotes respect for all people. Sexual misconduct, physical and/or psychological abuse will NOT be tolerated at CUH. If you have been the victim of sexual misconduct, physical and/or psychological abuse, we encourage you to report this matter promptly. As a faculty member, I am interested in promoting a safe and healthy environment, and should I learn of any sexual misconduct, physical and/or psychological abuse, I must report the matter to the Title IX Coordinator. Should you want to speak to a confidential source you may contact the following: • Chaminade Counseling Center| 808 735-4845. Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 14 pt Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 14 pt Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 12 pt Edelson 4 Students should access the discipline rubric created for EN 499 Senior Seminar Portfolio Requirements and Grading Criteria. (Please see Appendix A Appendix Aon ecollege) Course Expectations: Formatted: Font: 14 pt Students are expected to: complete all reading and writing assignments on the assigned dates, participate in revision workshops and to offer thoughtful contributions during discussions with instructor. The course requirements include regular attendance and participation, a variety of informal writings, discussion board posts, independent research and revision, and submission and presentation of a Senior Capstone portfolio. Please do not attempt to submit work that is not your own. Cheating/plagiarism will result in a grade "F" for the entire course; instances of cheating will be reported to the University’s Dean of Humanities. Please review the Academic Honesty and Plagiarism policies in Chaminade University’s 2015-16 3-14 General Catalogue. I am available for consultation by email, during office hours, , or by appointment. If you have any questions about an assignment or essay, please contact me before the assignment is due. Formatted: Font: Bold Submission Guidelines: Formatted: Font: 14 pt Essays are due at midnight HST 2:30 p.m. on the day assigned; assignmentsthey are expected to meet both minimum and maximum length requirements outlined in individual assignment descriptions. Essay rough drafts must be available by our weekly class meeting time in order for students to participate in peer review. All essays must follow MLA format-- typed using 12-point font and double-spaced with one-inch margins on all sides. Please do not include a cover page. Each essay should have a creative and appropriate title. Late papers will receive a 10% grade reduction for each day until it is submitted. If you are having difficulty with an assignment, please contact me for additional assistance before the due date. You must complete and submit a complete and revised portfolio to pass this course. Assignment Distribution: Attendance and Participation (Homework, In-Class Writings, Discussion Board Posts, Research Aappointments, Peer Response) 1010% Formatted: Font: 14 pt Edelson 5 Reflective writings posted on eportfolio/blog 10% Revised Seminar Length Essay (15-20 pages) 20% (PLO 1, 3, 4, 5) Senior Portfolio 50% –students will create an eportfolio on Wix or wordpress Final Portfolio Presentation 10% (CLO 6) Senior Portfolio --introductory letter (10%) --literary research paper (10%) --original creative work (10%) --critical analysis essay (10%) --British literature essay (10%) --American literature essay (10%) Grading Scale: A= 90-100% B= 80-89% C= 70-79% D= 60-69% F= 0-59% Resources (working list): Sample Eportfolio sites Examples of eportfolios: http://wp.auburn.edu/writing/eportfolio-project/eportfolioexamples/ https://sites.google.com/site/eportfolioapps/overview Sample eportfolio cover letters http://bcs.bedfordstmartins.com/everyday_writer/addresources/1.html Formatted: Font: 14 pt Edelson 6 http://users.humboldt.edu/tduckart/CoverLetterGuidelinesHandoutV030109.pdf http://moodle.sfai.edu/pluginfile.php/28043/mod_resource/content/0/Writing%20Portfoli o%20Cover%20Letters.pdf http://users.humboldt.edu/tduckart/SampleCoverLetter1.htm 22 Short Films About Grammar –for peer review sessions https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7871319DAC5DB493 Appendix A. Portfolio Rubric for Senior Seminar (EN 499) Reading and Assignment Schedule: (Subject to Revision) *Week 1: Aug. 247 Syllabus Review; Begin reading The Great Gatsby; “Defining” an English major— wordle or poll *Week 2: August 31Sept. 3 Discuss The Great Gatsby Great Gatsby—students will write 1-minute essay about an issue in the novel Students will share the response with partner First steps in creating a blog/eportfolio (password protected) Critical Theory Today, Chapter 1 Formatted: Font: Times New Roman, 14 pt Edelson 7 *Week 3: Sept. 710 American Literature Essay Draft Due Drafting the essay—peer response/feedback to draft Response to initial blogs/posts Sample “blogroll” Critical Theory Today, Chapter 2 Critical Theory Today—small groups to develop a storyboard for each critical approach *Week 4: Sept. 147 Proposal for Extended Revision Paper Due Developing an argument—paper prospectus for the extended research paper Portfolio Keeping –Read part one Critical Theory Today, Chapter 3 *Week 5: Sept.2124 British Literature Essay Draft Due Drafting the essay—peer response/feedback to draft Critical Theory Today, Chapter 43 *Week 6: SeptOct. 28 Where are we now (in the capstone seminar)? survey—what’s working, what to change?1 Critical Theory Today, Chapter 54 Online *Week 7: Oct. 58 Original work of poetry, fiction or creative non-fiction draft due Drafting the essay—peer response/feedback to draft Portfolio Keeping –Read part two Critical Theory Today, Chapter 65 Applying a critical approach to text—invented dialogues using quotations from the literary critics *Week 8: Oct. 1215 Original work of poetry, fiction or creative non-fiction draft due Critical Theory Today, Chapters 7 and 8 6 Edelson 8 In-class explication (“Quaker meeting” style?) *Week 9: Oct. 1922 Critical analysis essay draft due Drafting the essay—peer response/feedback to draft Critical Theory Today, Chapter 97 Week 10: Oct. 269 Individual Appointments Critical Theory Today, Chapter 108 Week 11: Nov. 25 Online Literary Research Paper Draft Due Drafting the essay—peer response/feedback to draft Critical Theory Today, Chapters 11 and 12 9 Week 12: Nov. 912 Extended Revision Essay Draft Due Drafting the essay—peer response/feedback to draft Critical Theory Today, Chapter 130 Week 13: Nov. 1619 Cover Letter Draft Due; Drafting the essay—peer response/feedback to draft Critical Theory Today, Chapter 11 Week 14: Nov. 236 What’s next? Where will your English degree take you in the future? How an English major prepares students for everything!! Critical Theory Today, Chapter 12 Week 15: Nov. 30Dec. 4 Critical Theory Today, Chapter 13 Complete Portfolio Final Draft Due Final Portfolio Presentations: TBA Edelson 9