In sight, out of mind: When object

Research Report
When Object Representations Fail
Daniel J. Simons
Cornell University
Abstract—Models of human visual memory often presuppose an
extraordinary ability to recognize and identify objects, based on
evidence for nearly flawless recognition of hundreds or even thousands
of pictures after a single presentation (Nickerson, 1965; Shepard, 1967;
Standing, Conezio, & Haber, 1970) and for storage of tens of thousands
of object representations over the course of a lifetime (Biederman,
1987). However, recent evidence suggests that observers often fail to
notice dramatic changes to scenes, especially changes occurring during
eye movements (e.g., Grimes, 1996). The experiments presented here
show that immediate memory for object identity is surprisingly poor,
especially when verbal labeling is prevented. However, memory for the
spatial configuration of objects remains excellent even with verbal
interference, suggesting a fundamental difference between
representations of spatial configuration and object properties.
Humans demonstrate an extraordinary ability to discriminate
previously viewed objects and scenes from hundreds of distractors
(Nickerson, 1965; Shepard, 1967; Standing, Conezio, & Haber, 1970;
but see Nickerson & Adams, 1979). Models of these recognition abilities
typically rely on internal visual representations that are matched to
current perceptions (e.g., Biederman, 1987; Tarr & Kriegman, 1992).
Such representations are thought to be essential because without them,
the world would appear totally new with each fixation. The notion of
visual representations conforms to our phenomenal belief that we can
form a rich, detailed image of a scene without effortful processing.
Although object representations are essential for object identification
(e.g., determining if something is a chair), a number of recent findings
suggest the fallibility of explicit memory for specific objects across
successive views. People often fail to notice dramatic changes (e.g.,
objects switching places or changing color) occurring across two
presentations of a single scene (Currie, McConkie, Carlson-Radvansky,
& Irwin, 1995; Grimes, 1996; Pashler, in press), especially when the
changes occur during an eye movement. How can we reconcile our
extraordinary ability to identify objects and recognize scenes (e.g.,
Intraub, 1981) with our inability to notice dramatic changes to scenes?
Recently, several researchers have argued that we do not have a
precise, metric representation that is preserved across views of a scene
(O'Regan, 1992; Pollatsek & Rayner, 1992). That is, little if any visual
information survives from one view of a scene to the next. We do not
need to store visual images because object properties remain stable in
most natural events. If our perceptual system could assume such stability
over time, the world itself would serve as a memory store that could be
accessed when necessary (O'Regan, 1992). Therefore, we may fail to
notice changes to objects because we lack internal visual
representations.1 However, if we cannot compare a current view of a
scene with a visual representation of the past, how can we discriminate
novel and familiar objects successfully? How can we ever notice
property changes or changes in the layout of objects?
Although visual representations of object properties may not survive
from one view to the next, we may be able to form longer lasting,
abstract representations through effortful encoding. Such effortful
encoding is constrained by attention, thus precluding complete
processing of all object properties simultaneously. As a result,
recognition of details of a scene will sometimes fail; observers may miss
changes to object properties that were not encoded effortfully (e.g.,
Pashler, 1988). This report examines changes in object identity and
location to assess the effectiveness of visual memory. If visual
representations capture information about the properties and
arrangements of objects, then subjects should be sensitive to such
A total of 62 undergraduates at Cornell University participated (22 in
the first experiment, 10 in each of the others) and were tested
individually. Some subjects received course credit for participating, and
all were informed of their rights as experimental participants.
Materials and Procedure
Each experiment consisted of 120 randomly ordered trials in which
subjects viewed arrays of five objects on a 16-in. computer monitor. In
each array, objects were randomly assigned to five of nine possible
locations in a 15-cm x 13-cm rectangular box. On each trial, an array
appeared for 2 s, followed by a 4.3-s interstimulus interval (ISI) and then
by another array (see Fig. 1).2 This second array remained visible until
subjects responded
Address correspondence to Daniel J. Simons, Department of Psychology,
Uris Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853; e-mail:
1. For the remainder of this report, I use "visual representations" to refer to
representations that preserve the metric properties of the environment without
substantial abstraction. Such representations are akin to photographic images.
2. The positions of the arrays on the screen were randomized to prevent
subjects from fixating a single screen location throughout each trial.
VOL. 7, NO. 5, SEPTEMBER 1996
Copyright  1996 American Psychological Society
Visual Representations
and was either identical to the first array (60 trials) or different in one of
the following ways (20 trials each): (a) In the identity change (I)
condition, one randomly chosen object was replaced by an object not in
the initial array; (b) in the switch (S) condition, two randomly selected
objects switched positions; and (c) in the configuration change (C)
condition, one randomly selected object moved to a previously empty
location, changing the spatial configuration of the array. Participants
were asked to indicate whether the two arrays were the "same" or
"different" by pressing one of two keys on a keyboard. Except where
noted, this general procedure was followed for all of the experiments.
Results of the experiments are presented in Figure 2 and are described
individually in the following section.
In Experiment 1, object arrays were generated from a set of 67
photographs of common objects (e.g., cap, keys,
Fig. 1. Schematic Illustration of potential changes in the experimental
arrays (objects represented by letters).
Fig. 2. Mean percentage correct (with standard error bar) for each condition in Experiments 1 through 5. Asterisks indicate a significant difference
(p < .05) from chance performance of 50% correct. ISI = interstimulus interval.
VOL. 7, NO. 5, SEPTEMBER 1996
Daniel J. Simons
stapler). Accuracy in the configuration change condition was nearly
perfect, and significantly greater than in the identity change and the
switch conditions (C vs. S: t[21] = 7.68, p < .0001; C vs. I: t[21] = 6.29,
p < .0001; S vs I: t[21] = 0.556, n.s.; p values were Bonferroni adjusted).
Subjects noticed substantially fewer changes in the identity change and
switch conditions than in the configuration condition (see Fig. 2).
Responses to configuration changes were also nearly 1s faster than
responses to the other changes, a trend that was consistent across all five
All subjects in the first experiment reported verbally encoding objects
in the first array, a strategy that could improve accuracy in the identity
condition because one of the labeled objects would be absent on each
trial. Additionally, if observers labeled the objects in a particular order,
the configuration change and switch conditions could benefit because the
labels would not coincide with the new arrangement in the second array.
However, verbal labeling cannot completely account for accurate responding because performance in the configuration change condition was
substantially more accurate than in the switch condition. Although twice
as many objects changed location in the switch condition as in the configuration change condition, configuration changes were far more
noticeable than switches. This disparity suggests a separate encoding
process for configuration that does not depend on verbal labeling. Perhaps objects are represented as physical bodies without retention of properties or category information; switching the positions of two objects
changes their locations, but does not change the overall configuration.
If verbal labeling improves accuracy only in the identity condition,
reducing labeling should affect only identity accuracy. Experiment 2
asked whether all three conditions would be equally influenced by
eliminating explicit encoding of labels. Experiment 2 was identical to
Experiment I except that photographed objects were replaced by novel
black geometric shapes that were designed to be difficult to label.4 The
pattern of results in Experiment 1 was replicated (C vs. S: t[9] = 8.20, p
< .0001; C vs. I: t[9] = 5.77, p = .0008; S vs. I: t[9] = 1.65, n.s.), but with
relatively reduced accuracy in the identity change and switch conditions
(see Fig. 2). However, because each object was repeated on
approximately nine trials, subjects still reported assigning labels to the
novel shapes. Experiment 3 reduced this repetition by generating arrays
from a set of 275 shapes; no shape was repeated on more than three
trials. Accuracy in the configuration change condition was again superior
(C vs. S: t[9] = 8.301, p < .0001; C vs. I: t[9] = 10.82, p < .0001; S vs. I:
t[9] = 2.20, p = .166). However, accuracy in the identity change
3. A second experiment using the same materials demonstrated that varying the
delay between arrays (from 1 to 7 s) had no effect on the outcome (the main effect
and interactions involving delay all had Fs < 1). For each condition, the mean
percentages correct were nearly identical in these experiments (C: 96.7, I: 73.3,
and S: 60.8 in the experiment with a 4.3-s delay; C: 96.7, I: 72.5, and S: 65.8
across delays of 1 s to 7 s in the second experiment). Therefore,accuracy results
from the two experiments were combined.
4. These shapes have been used in a recent series of negative priming studies
conducted by Anne Treisman, who graciously allowed me to use them.
VOL. 7, NO. 5, SEPTEMBER 1996
condition was not significantly greater than chance (see Fig.2). As
expected, verbal labeling seemed to have a strong effect on performance
in the identity change condition, with accuracy declining as labeling bebecame more difficult; accuracy was greater in Experiment 1
(photographs) than in Experiment 2 (novel shapes with repetition), and
accuracy was greater in Experiment 2 than in Experiment 3 (novel
shapes with less repetition). However, only the difference between
Experiments 1 and 3 was significant, t(30) = 4.56, p < .0005.
Experiment 4 controlled for the possibility that relatively poor
performance in the identity change and switch conditions of the first
three experiments was due to the relatively long delay between the two
arrays by precisely replicating the procedure of Experiment 3 but
reducing the ISI from 4.3 s to 250 ms. This ISI is comparable to those
used in other change detection tasks (e.g., Pashler, 1988). Again, the
pattern of results was nearly identical (C vs. S: t[9] = 8.486, p < .0001; C
vs. I: t[9] = 17.471, p < .0001; S vs. I: t[9] = 3.025, p = .0432). Accuracy
in all three conditions was reduced relative to Experiment 3 (see Fig. 2),
but none of the differences between the two experiments were
significant. Decreasing the ISI did not improve accuracy.
All three experiments with novel shapes suggest a fundamental
difference between coding of spatial configuration and coding of object
identity (Mishkin, Ungerleider, & Macko, 1983; Pollatsek, Rayner, &
Henderson, 1990). Memory for layout remained excellent despite
reduced verbal labeling. However, memory for object identity dropped to
chance without verbal encoding. A fifth experiment examined whether a
similar memory reduction could be obtained using the photographic
stimuli of Experiment 1 by interfering with verbal encoding. Subjects
viewed these arrays while engaging in an interference task designed to
eliminate verbal encoding. They shadowed a recorded story, repeating
each word aloud immediately after hearing it (see Cherry, 1953;
Treisman, 1964). The pattern of results was similar to the pattern in
Experiments 2, 3, and 4 (C vs. S: t[9] = 8.072, p < .0001; C vs. I: t[9] =
9.192, p < .0001; S vs. I: t[9] = 0.699, n.s.). Accuracy in the
configuration change condition was unaffected by this difficult
interference task, but performance in the identity change condition was
only slightly more accurate than chance and was significantly reduced
relative to Experiment 1, which used the same stimuli without
shadowing, t(30) = 2.915, p = .020.
Despite our phenomenal experience of a world filled with objects and
their properties, we seem to retain little more than layout information in
the absence of further, effortful processes such as labeling.5 Memory for
the spatial configuration of objects remained nearly perfect across all of
the experimental manipulations, with no significant differences across
experiments. Within each experiment, accuracy was significantly
greater in
5. These experiments used an explicit memory task to examine object representaations. An implicit memory task (e.g., testing for priming across displays) might
reveal more accurate memory for object identity without effortful encoding.
Visual Representations
the configuration change condition than in either of the other two
conditions. Immediate memory for layout appears to be directly visual
and impervious to verbal interference (see Gibson, 1979). In contrast,
without effortful verbal encoding, we appear to retain little information
about object properties. The important link between verbal labeling and
performance in the identity change condition suggests that no visual
information about object properties is preserved across views of a scene.
However, all of the experiments presented here (as well as those
reviewed in the introduction) used static images. Although the resulting
findings point to a general failure to notice changes to scenes, the results
may be an artifact of processing static events.
Therefore, an additional experiment was conducted to determine
whether object substitutions (similar in character and timing to those of
the identity change condition described earlier) would be noticed during
a dynamic event. In this experiment, 10 observers watched a color video
of a brief conversation. Figure 3 shows a sequence of four frames taken
from the video. Frame 1 shows the first person pouring a 2-L bottle of
cola. Subjects saw her pick up the bottle, pour the cola, and set the bottle
down in its original location (Frame 2). The bottle was in view for a total
of 6.5 s. The camera then panned to reveal the approach of another
person (Frame 3). During the pan, the table was out of view for
approximately 4 s. The final frame shows the scene when the
approaching person reached the table (Frame 4). Notice that the bottle of
cola (the central object at the beginning of the scene) was replaced by a
cardboard box while the camera was directed toward the arriving person.
This view of the scene was on the screen for the remainder of the film
(approximately 30 s), and then the monitor was turned off.
None of the subjects reported noticing either the presence of a new
object or the absence of the original cola bottle, suggesting that storing
information about object identity is not automatic in processing natural
scenes and events. When subjects were asked if they noticed anything
unusual in the film, one noted that "the older lady poured only about a
drop of diet soda into her cup," and another stated, "One person was
drinking Diet Pepsi, while the other had Diet Coke." Subjects clearly
perceived an action involving the bottle, but failed to see that it had been
replaced. Visual memory for object identity and properties can be poor
even in a relatively natural event in which the object in question is
central to the event.
How can we reconcile this inability to notice dramatic
Fig. 3. Four frames from a video showing a change in object identity.
VOL. 7, NO. 5, SEPTEMBER 1996
Daniel J. Simons
changes to scenes with our incredible ability to recognize more than
1,000 pictures (e.g., Shepard, 1967)? The results presented here suggest
that our robust recognition memory does not result from the formation of
an accurate image of each picture; our representations of object
properties in each picture would be transitory at best without explicit
encoding. Perhaps subjects in such picture recognition tasks have been
able to encode enough object properties to discriminate all of the pictures
sufficiently. The pictures in these tasks have been chosen to be as
distinctive as possible, so a minimal amount of encoding might allow
discrimination based on object properties. Interestingly, observers often
fail to recognize a single familiar target (e.g., a penny) when the
distractors are similar to the target (e.g., altered pennies; see Nickerson
& Adams, 1979). Another possible explanation for this discrepancy
relies on the notion of configuration or layout. If our representations of
layout are as rapid and precise as the current studies suggest, subjects
may be able to quickly encode the layout of objects in the pictures. They
could then use these representations of layout to discriminate between
targets and distractors. These explanations could be empirically
distinguished by testing recognition with distractors that vary in either
layout or object properties.
In summary, the inability to notice changes to objects suggests that we
do not maintain visual representations of object properties across views.
Instead, our perceptual system assumes that object properties remain
stable, allowing the world itself to serve as our memory (O'Regan,
1992). In contrast, our accurate and facile recognition of changes to the
configuration of objects suggests that layout information is visually
represented and does not depend on effortful abstraction (Gibson, 1979;
Neisser, 1994). Such representations may help to account for our
extraordinary ability to recognize distinctive pictures. Although little if
any visual information about object properties appears to survive from
one view of a scene to the next, representations of layout appear to be
visual and independent of verbal or other effortful encoding.
Acknowledgements—Thanks to Hal Pashler and an anonymous
reviewer for their helpful suggestions and comments. Many
thanks to Dan Levin for programming help and Anne Treisman
for providing her set of novel shapes. Thanks also to Justin
Barrett, James Cutting, Grant Gutheil, Linda Hermer, Frank Keil,
Dan Levin, Katherine Richards, Carter Smith, Elizabeth Spelke,
and Peter Vishton for their comments and suggestions.
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